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Doing Business

User liaison
Barney L. Doyle (
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800, MS-1056
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-1056
phone: (505) 844-7568
FAX: (505) 844-7775


Sandia's Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) program is recognized as one of the best in the world. It has the ability to examine a wide spectrum of materials, from semiconductors to metals and ceramics. Some of the accomplishments of the program include:

Capabilities and Resources

The IBA is available to perform the following quantitative/standardless analyses:

The IBA places the following equipment at the service of its industry partners:


This facility is available to support any based firm that has applications that can benefit from its unique capabilities. To make arrangements to use the Ion Beam Laboratory, contact the user liaison or visit the IBA Table of Elements site to quickly retrieve information on the sensitivity, depth of analysis and depth resolution of most of the modern ion beam analysis techniques in a single easy to use format; a periodic table.