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Output Function (out)

Description:  General display program command mode procedure for outputting data, latitude/longitude values, graphics or the displayed image in the following formats:

[Command Mode]
[Interactive Mode- Data]
[Interactive Mode - Navigation]
[Interactive Mode - Displayed Image]
[Interactive Mode - Graphics]

Command mode:

Usage:out, file, fbuf=fbuf, band=band, /DISPLAY, /DATA, /GRAPH, /NAV, ftype=ftype, dfmt=dfmt, win=win, region=region, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, footnote=footnote, append=append, /interlace, /COLOR, /BW, /LANDSCAPE, /PORTRAIT, /ENCAPSULATED, sd=sd, /GEO, /RAW, /CBAR, BK_CBAR=bk_cbar, /help

Note:  For outputting data or navigation information, it is necessary to run the command mode procedure load before using the out command.  The keyword band can be used to specify which loaded band to output.  For outputting the display or graphics information, the display command must also be run in addition to the load command. In this case, the keyword fbuf can be used to specify which window to output.


  1. Output current frame buffer display image to a png file.  Append a color bar with light background. Also add title, subtitle and footnote for png picture.
  2. out,'test.png', /display, ftype='png', /cbar, bk_cbar=1, title='My title', subtitle='My subtitle', footnote='My footnote', win='view'
  3. Output current frame buffer display image to a postscript file.  Append a color bar.
  4. out,'', /display, title='My title' /CBAR
  5. Output geophysical data values associated with loaded band #1 to a binary flat file with an automatically-generated output filename.
  6. out,/data, band=1, ftype='FLAT', /geo
  7. Output the lat/lon values associated with loaded band #2 to a binary flat file with an automatically-generated output filename.  For each pixel, output first the latitude value, followed by the longitude value.
  8. out,/nav, band=2, ftype='FLAT', /interlace
  9. Output graphics associated with current frame buffer display image to an HDF file to an SD called 'coast graphics'.
  10. out,'my.hdf',/graph, SD='Coast Graphics'
Arguments/Keywords for all output types:
fname Output filename(optional).  Will be automatically generated if omitted.
fbuf The seadisp window number to output.
data Specify that the output will be the data associated with the specified band or window.
nav Specify that the output will the the latitude/longitude values associated with the specified band or window.
display Specify that the output will be the displayed image in the specified window.
graph Specify that the output will be the the graphics associated with the specified window.
help Print usage of this command to screen.

Arguments/Keywords for output display image:
ftype 'PNG', 'PS', 'TIFF/GeoTIFF', or 'PNGT'. (Default is '.png'). Currently GeoTIFF output is only available for mapped images with equatorial cylindrical equidistant projection. Note, avoid use isotropic option when mapping (may cause x/y scale change).
win Window type to output: "MAIN","VIEW","ROAM","ZOOM". (Default is "MAIN")
cbar Output the color bar created with the previous cbar command to the output image.  If the cbar command was not used, then a default color bar will be supplied.
Title Title to place above output image. (For postscript default is <product name>:<file name>. For png default is blank.).
Keywords for png output only If omitted, the default will be as follows:
bk_cbar Choose color bar background at output. (bk_cbar = 0 as default for dark background, bk_cbar = 1 for light background)
Subtitle Subtitle is optional for png picture output. (default is blank)
Footnote Footnote is optional for png picture output. (default is blank)
Keywords for postscript output only All of these keywords have intelligent defaults.  It is not necessary to set any of them.  The default behavior is to select whichever orientation (landscape or portrait) will maximize the size of the image on the page.  The xsize, ysize, xoffset, and yoffset values are automatically determined to center the image on the page.
color Non_zero = color (default)
bw Non_zero = black & white
landscape Non-zero = force landscape orientation instead of default.
portrait Non-zero=force portrait orientation instead of default.
encapsulated Non-zero = encapsulated postscript
xsize Image size in x dimension (in inches)
ysize Image size in y dimension (in inches)
xoffset The offset is always relative to the paper held in portrait orientation.  The xoffset is the x-dimension of the lower lefthand image corner from the left-hand edge of the paper.
yoffset The offset is always relative to the paper held in portrait orientation.  The yoffset is the y-dimension of the lower lefthand image corner from the bottom edge of the paper.

Arguments/Keywords for output of data values:
band Band number of loaded data to output.  Using the band keyword eliminates the need to display data in order to output it.
ofile If omitted, the default will be as follows:
FLAT <product>_<xdim>x<ydim>_<numbytes_word><dtype>.flat
MAPPED <product>.hdf
HDF "seadas.hdf"
  • 'FLAT' (Default is "FLAT" unless the ofile extension is '.hdf')
  • 'MAPPED'
  • 'HDF'
dfmt  HDF Data output format (1: BYTE, 2: INT, 3: LONG, 4: FLOAT, 5: DOUBLE)
append  This keyword only applies to output HDF files which would be types HDF or MAPPED.
  • 0 = Remove output file if exists and create new HDF file (default)
  • Non_zero = Append SD to HDF file if it already exists.
win Window type to output: 
  • "MAIN (default)
  • "VIEW" (only allowed if fbuf is specified instead of band)
region Region of full-resolution data to extract: [start_pix, end pix, start line, end line].  (Note: The REGION keyword overrides WIN="VIEW")
geo geo = Non_zero specifies to output geophysical values. (Default)
raw raw = Non_zero specified to output raw values.
sd The SD name for the output HDF file.  Default is the product name as listed when loaded.  (For SeaDAS Mapped and HDF file types only). 

Arguments/Keywords for output of navigation values:
band Band number of loaded data to use as a source of latitude and longitude values.  Using the band keyword eliminates the need to display data in order to output the navigation values.
ofile If omitted, the default will be as follows:
FLAT <product>_nav_<xdim>x<ydim>_<numbytes_word><dtype>.flat
HDF "seadas.hdf"
ftype File type:
'HDF ' Two SD's (latitude and longitude) are written to the specified HDF file with the SD names specified in SD.  Each SD is a 2-D single-precision floating point array of the same dimensions as the source  band.
'FLAT' The 2-D single precision float point latitude and longitude arrays are written out.  The entire latitude array is written out first in row order, followed by the entire longitude array.  (Default is "FLAT" unless the ofile extension is '.hdf').
append This keyword only applies to output HDF files which would be types HDF or MAPPED.
  • 0 = Remove output file if exists and create new HDF file. (Default)
  • Non_zero = Append SD to HDF file if it already exists.
win Window type to output: 
  • "MAIN" (Default)
  • "VIEW" (only allowed if fbuf is specified instead of band)
region Region of full-resolution data to extract: [start_pix, end pix, start line, end line].  (Note: The REGION keyword overrides WIN="VIEW")
sd The SD name(s) for the output latitude and longitude arrays in the HDF file.  Default is ['Latitude','Longitude'].  (For HDF file types only). 
0 (Default) Output the entire latitude array followed by the entire longitude array.  Do not interlace latitude & longitude values by pixel.
Non_zero Interlace the latitude and longitude values for each pixel (accessed in row order).  For each pixel, output the latitude value followed by the longitude value.

Arguments/Keywords for output of window graphics:
ofile If omitted, the default will be as follows:
FLAT <product>_graph_<xdim>x<ydim>_<numbytes_word><dtype>.flat
Example: 412nm_graph_200x500_1b.flat
HDF "seadas.hdf"
ftype File type:
'HDF ' Two SD's (latitude and longitude) are written to the specified HDF file with the SD names specified in SD.  Each SD is a 2-D single-precision floating point array of the same dimensions as the source  band.
'FLAT' The 2-D single precision float point latitude and longitude arrays are written out.  The entire latitude array is written out first in row order, followed by the entire longitude array.  (Default is "FLAT" unless the ofile extension is '.hdf').
remove This keyword only applies to output HDF files.
  • 0 = Do not remove output file if exists, append new SD to existing file (Default)
  • non_zero = Remove output file if it exists.
win Window type to output: 
  • "MAIN" (default)
  • "VIEW"
  • "ROAM"
  • "ZOOM"
region Region of full-resolution data to extract:  [start_pix, end pix, start line, end line].  (Note: The REGION keyword overrides WIN="VIEW")
sd The SD name for the output HDF file.  Default is the "<product > graphics ".  Example: "chlor_a graphics".  (For HDF output only).

Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman
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Updated: Monday, 15-Dec-2008 16:03:12 EST
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