Treatment Grp           Well Counts                         Residuals 
                                             FIT*  CV-mad                   
day5 controls   1220   2391   1774    947   1453.8   34.9  -18   50  20 -43
day5 controls   1499   1568   1410   1131   1453.8   34.9    3    8  -3 -25
day5 controls    969   2265   1743    728   1453.8   34.9  -41   44  18 -69
     day5 be1   1777   1890   1702   1885   1830.2    5.3   -3    3  -7   3
    day5 be10   3368   7221   1473   3097   3229.7   70.8    4   80 -79  -4
   day5 be100   3631   3655   2452   1634   2983.8   34.2   20   20 -20 -60
day7 controls   3616  17410   3989   3144   3018.0   84.5   18  175  28   4
day7 controls    669   1257   1497   4460   3018.0   84.5 -151  -88 -70  39
day7 controls   2897   4174   1366   1152   3018.0   84.5   -4   32 -79 -96
     day7 be1   1670   2186    629   1264   1452.9   46.9   14   41 -84 -14
    day7 be10    330    598    254    264    295.2   22.4   11   71 -15 -11
   day7 be100   3611   4436  14452  14892   8006.8  103.7  -80  -59  59  62
          PHA 102156  44221  59346  51090  55063.5   25.2   62  -22   7  -7
         CONA 115673 104146 252237 159421 135796.6   36.4  -16  -27  62  16

 *FIT = Fitted Value = exp[ median(log z)] for each treatment group
  Coefficient of Variation-MAD (CV-MAD) and residuals are in L% units 

                      II- STIMULATION INDICES (SI)  

             Day 5                 Day 7        Positve Controls
        D5be1 D5be10 D5be100 D7be1 D7be10 D7be100    PHA   CONA 
   SI  1.26   2.22    2.05  0.48   0.10    2.65  37.88  93.41
LogSI  0.23   0.80    0.72 -0.73  -2.32    0.98   3.63   4.54
 SLsi  1.00   3.48    3.13 -1.25  -3.98    1.67  15.83  19.76
  NOTE SLsi= LogSI/StERR is Standardized LogSI
  Large POSITIVE value ( GT  2.5 ) Indicate POSTIVE Response 
  Large NEGATIVE value ( LT -2.5 ) Indicate Cell Killing  

  III- SUMMARY STATISTICS PHITILDE (Coefficient of Variation)*  
Overall:         0.385 
Day 5 Control:   0.349  Day 5 Treated:   0.23   Day 5 Pooled:    0.319 
Day 7 Control:   0.845  Day 7 Treated:   0.855  Day 7 Pooled:    0.811 
* Phitilde is median absolute deviation(MAD) estimate of the standard
deviation on log scale (corresponds to Coefficient of Variation on original scale)

       Exhibit A4.   LAV Report for BeLPT Assay 271