Sample Digital Data

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Sample AVHRR Level 1b Digital data:

Samples of AVHRR Level 1b digital data from the NOAA polar orbiter spacecraft are contained on this CD-ROM (some samples correspond to the images that are also included). These samples can be used to debug software that a user has written to read a particular type of Level 1b data. For detailed format information, refer to the section number indicated after the dataset type.

The filenames below are linked directly to the digital data. However, the user must provide the software (e.g. hex editor or image generator) and create an association with '1b' file types to display or process the binary data. This disc does not contain executable software. Please refer to the instructions for your HTML browser on creating file type associations.

Users please note: As of 1/4/2000, all the AVHRR Level 1b digital data sets were replaced with files that included the 122 byte TBM header record. These files can now be read using commercially available software.

The following datasets contain data for all channels with selection criteria to highlight prominent features:

Sample TOVS Level 1b Digital data:

Samples of TOVS Level 1b digital data from the NOAA polar orbiter spacecraft are contained on this CD-ROM. These samples can be used to debug software that a user has written to read a particular type of Level 1b data. These types of data do not lend themselves to visual display, so there is no TOVS imagery contained on this CD-ROM. The following full datasets include all channels. For detailed format information, refer to the section number indicated after the dataset type.

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