C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/exf/exf_readparms.F,v 1.50 2008/02/22 20:25:54 dimitri Exp $
C $Name:  $

#include "EXF_OPTIONS.h"


c     ==================================================================
c     SUBROUTINE exf_readparms
c     ==================================================================
c     o This routine initialises the package that calculates external
c       forcing fields for a given timestep of the MITgcmUV. Parameters
c       for this package are set in "data.externalforcing". Some additional
c       precompiler switches have to be specified in "EXF_OPTIONS.h".
c     started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu  30-Jun-1999
c     changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu  11-Jan-2000
c              - Restructured the code in order to create a package
c                for the MITgcmUV.
c              Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu  12-Feb-2000
c              - Changed Routine names (package prefix: exf_)
c     changed: Patrick Heimbach, heimbach@mit.edu  04-May-2000
c              - changed the handling of precip and sflux with respect
c                to CPP options ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE and ALLOW_ATM_TEMP
c     changed: Ralf.Giering@FastOpt.de 25-Mai-20000
c              - moved relaxation and climatology to extra routines
c              Patrick Heimbach, heimbach@mit.edu  04-May-2000
c              - added obcs parameters
c     changed: Virginie Thierry, vthierry@ucsd.edu 04-June-2001
c              - added new obcs parameters (for each boundaries) 
c     included runoff D. Stammer, Nov. 25, 2001
c     included pressure forcing. heimbach@mit.edu 05-Nov-2002
c     added "repeatPeriod" for cycling of forcing datasets 19-Dec-2002
c     mods for pkg/seaice: menemenlis@jpl.nasa.gov 20-Dec-2002
c     ==================================================================
c     SUBROUTINE exf_readparms
c     ==================================================================

      implicit none

c     == global variables ==

#include "EEPARAMS.h"
#include "SIZE.h"
#include "PARAMS.h"
c#include "cal.h"
#include "EXF_PARAM.h"
#include "EXF_CONSTANTS.h"

c     == routine arguments ==

      integer myThid

c     == local variables ==

      integer i, idummy
      integer iUnit

      character*(max_len_mbuf) msgbuf

c     == end of interface ==

c     Surface flux data.
     &      windstressmax,       repeatPeriod,    exf_albedo,
     &   ocean_emissivity,     ice_emissivity, snow_emissivity,
     &          exf_iceCd,          exf_iceCe,     exf_iceCh,
     &   exf_scal_BulkCdn,     climtempfreeze,
     &          exf_iprec,         exf_yftype,   exf_monFreq,
     & useExfYearlyFields,  twoDigitYear,   useExfCheckRange,
     & useStabilityFct_overIce, readStressOnAgrid, readStressOnCgrid,
     &    useRelativeWind,
     & hu, ht, umin, atmrho, atmcp, cen2kel, gravity_mks,
     & cdrag_1, cdrag_2, cdrag_3, cstanton_1, cstanton_2, cdalton,
     & flamb, flami, zolmin, zref,
     & cvapor_fac, cvapor_exp, cvapor_fac_ice, cvapor_exp_ice,
     & humid_fac, gamma_blk, saltsat, psim_fac

     &          hfluxfile,          atempfile,       aqhfile,
     &          sfluxfile,         precipfile,    runofffile,
     &        ustressfile,        vstressfile,      evapfile,
     &     snowprecipfile,          uwindfile,     vwindfile,
     &         wspeedfile,         swfluxfile,    lwfluxfile,
     &      apressurefile,         swdownfile,    lwdownfile,
     &        climsstfile,        climsssfile,      
     &    hfluxstartdate1,    hfluxstartdate2,   hfluxperiod,
     &    atempstartdate1,    atempstartdate2,   atempperiod,
     &      aqhstartdate1,      aqhstartdate2,     aqhperiod,
     &    sfluxstartdate1,    sfluxstartdate2,   sfluxperiod,
     &     evapstartdate1,     evapstartdate2,    evapperiod,
     &   precipstartdate1,   precipstartdate2,  precipperiod,
     & snowprecipstartdate1, snowprecipstartdate2, snowprecipperiod,
     &   runoffstartdate1,   runoffstartdate2,  runoffperiod,
     &  ustressstartdate1,  ustressstartdate2, ustressperiod,
     &  vstressstartdate1,  vstressstartdate2, vstressperiod,
     &    uwindstartdate1,    uwindstartdate2,   uwindperiod,
     &    vwindstartdate1,    vwindstartdate2,   vwindperiod,
     &   wspeedstartdate1,   wspeedstartdate2,  wspeedperiod,
     &   swfluxstartdate1,   swfluxstartdate2,  swfluxperiod,
     &   lwfluxstartdate1,   lwfluxstartdate2,  lwfluxperiod,
     &   swdownstartdate1,   swdownstartdate2,  swdownperiod,
     &   lwdownstartdate1,   lwdownstartdate2,  lwdownperiod,
     &  climsststartdate1,  climsststartdate2,  climsstperiod,
     &  climsssstartdate1,  climsssstartdate2,  climsssperiod

     &   exf_inscal_hflux,  exf_inscal_sflux,      exf_inscal_evap,
     & exf_inscal_ustress,  exf_inscal_vstress,
     &   exf_inscal_uwind,  exf_inscal_vwind,    exf_inscal_wspeed,
     &   exf_inscal_atemp,  exf_offset_atemp,       exf_inscal_aqh,
     &     exf_inscal_sst,  exf_inscal_sss,
     &  exf_inscal_swflux,  exf_inscal_lwflux,   exf_inscal_precip,
     &  exf_inscal_runoff,  exf_inscal_apressure, exf_inscal_snowprecip,
     &  exf_inscal_swdown,  exf_inscal_lwdown,
     & exf_inscal_climsst, exf_inscal_climsss,
     &  exf_outscal_hflux,  exf_outscal_ustress, exf_outscal_vstress,
     & exf_outscal_swflux,  exf_outscal_sst,     exf_outscal_sss,
     &  exf_outscal_sflux,  exf_outscal_apressure,
     &  hfluxconst, atempconst, aqhconst, sfluxconst, evapconst, 
     &  precipconst, snowprecipconst, runoffconst, ustressconst,
     &  vstressconst, uwindconst, vwindconst, wspeedconst, swfluxconst,
     &  lwfluxconst, swdownconst, lwdownconst, apressureconst,
     &  climsstconst,   climsssconst,
     &     hflux_exfremo_intercept, hflux_exfremo_slope,
     &     atemp_exfremo_intercept, atemp_exfremo_slope,
     &     aqh_exfremo_intercept, aqh_exfremo_slope,
     &     sflux_exfremo_intercept, sflux_exfremo_slope,
     &     evap_exfremo_intercept, evap_exfremo_slope,
     &     precip_exfremo_intercept, precip_exfremo_slope,
     &     snowprecip_exfremo_intercept, snowprecip_exfremo_slope,
     &     runoff_exfremo_intercept, runoff_exfremo_slope,
     &     ustress_exfremo_intercept, ustress_exfremo_slope,
     &     vstress_exfremo_intercept, vstress_exfremo_slope,
     &     uwind_exfremo_intercept, uwind_exfremo_slope,
     &     vwind_exfremo_intercept, vwind_exfremo_slope,
     &     wspeed_exfremo_intercept, wspeed_exfremo_slope,
     &     swflux_exfremo_intercept, swflux_exfremo_slope,
     &     lwflux_exfremo_intercept, lwflux_exfremo_slope,
     &     swdown_exfremo_intercept, swdown_exfremo_slope,
     &     lwdown_exfremo_intercept, lwdown_exfremo_slope,
     &     apressure_exfremo_intercept, apressure_exfremo_slope,
     &     climsst_exfremo_intercept, climsst_exfremo_slope,
     &     climsss_exfremo_intercept, climsss_exfremo_slope

     & idummy
     & , ustress_lon0, ustress_lon_inc, ustress_lat0, ustress_lat_inc,
     & vstress_lon0, vstress_lon_inc, vstress_lat0, vstress_lat_inc,
     & ustress_nlon, ustress_nlat, vstress_nlon, vstress_nlat,
     & hflux_lon0, hflux_lon_inc, hflux_lat0, hflux_lat_inc,
     & sflux_lon0, sflux_lon_inc, sflux_lat0, sflux_lat_inc,
     & hflux_nlon, hflux_nlat, sflux_nlon, sflux_nlat,
     & swflux_lon0, swflux_lon_inc, swflux_lat0, swflux_lat_inc,
     & lwflux_lon0, lwflux_lon_inc, lwflux_lat0, lwflux_lat_inc,
     & swflux_nlon, swflux_nlat, lwflux_nlon, lwflux_nlat,
     & atemp_lon0, atemp_lon_inc, atemp_lat0, atemp_lat_inc,
     & atemp_nlon, atemp_nlat,
     & aqh_lon0, aqh_lon_inc, aqh_lat0, aqh_lat_inc, aqh_nlon, aqh_nlat,
     & precip_lon0, precip_lon_inc, precip_lat0, precip_lat_inc,
     & runoff_lon0, runoff_lon_inc, runoff_lat0, runoff_lat_inc,
     & precip_nlon, precip_nlat, runoff_nlon, runoff_nlat,
     & snowprecip_lon0, snowprecip_lon_inc, snowprecip_nlon,
     & snowprecip_lat0, snowprecip_lat_inc, snowprecip_nlat,
     & uwind_lon0, uwind_lon_inc, uwind_lat0, uwind_lat_inc,
     & vwind_lon0, vwind_lon_inc, vwind_lat0, vwind_lat_inc,
     & uwind_nlon, uwind_nlat, vwind_nlon, vwind_nlat,
     & wspeed_lon0, wspeed_lon_inc, wspeed_lat0, wspeed_lat_inc,
     & wspeed_nlon, wspeed_nlat,
     & swdown_lon0, swdown_lon_inc, swdown_lat0, swdown_lat_inc,
     & lwdown_lon0, lwdown_lon_inc, lwdown_lat0, lwdown_lat_inc,
     & swdown_nlon, swdown_nlat, lwdown_nlon, lwdown_nlat,
     & apressure_lon0,apressure_lon_inc,apressure_nlon,
     & apressure_lat0,apressure_lat_inc,apressure_nlat,
     & climsst_lon0, climsst_lon_inc, climsst_nlon, 
     & climsst_lat0, climsst_lat_inc, climsst_nlat,
     & climsss_lon0, climsss_lon_inc, climsss_nlon, 
     & climsss_lat0, climsss_lat_inc, climsss_nlat

     &    obcsNstartdate1,    obcsNstartdate2,   obcsNperiod,
     &    obcsSstartdate1,    obcsSstartdate2,   obcsSperiod,
     &    obcsEstartdate1,    obcsEstartdate2,   obcsEperiod,
     &    obcsWstartdate1,    obcsWstartdate2,   obcsWperiod,
     &    siobNstartdate1,    siobNstartdate2,   siobNperiod,
     &    siobSstartdate1,    siobSstartdate2,   siobSperiod,
     &    siobEstartdate1,    siobEstartdate2,   siobEperiod,
     &    siobWstartdate1,    siobWstartdate2,   siobWperiod


c     Set default values.

      year2sec           = 365.*86400.
      exf_monFreq        = monitorFreq
      useExfCheckRange   = .TRUE.
      readStressOnAgrid  = .FALSE.
      readStressOnCgrid  = .FALSE.
      useRelativeWind    = .FALSE.

C-  default value should be set to main model parameter:
c     cen2kel     =  celsius2K
c     gravity_mks = gravity
c     atmcp       =  atm_Cp
c     humid_fac   =  atm_Rq     <- default is zero !!!

      cen2kel        =      273.150  _d 0
      gravity_mks    =        9.81   _d 0
      atmrho         =        1.200  _d 0
      atmcp          =     1005.000  _d 0
      flamb          =  2500000.000  _d 0
      flami          =   334000.000  _d 0
      cvapor_fac     =   640380.000  _d 0
      cvapor_exp     =     5107.400  _d 0
      cvapor_fac_ice = 11637800.000  _d 0
      cvapor_exp_ice =     5897.800  _d 0
      humid_fac      =        0.606  _d 0
      gamma_blk      =        0.010  _d 0
      saltsat        =        0.980  _d 0
      cdrag_1        =        0.0027000 _d 0
      cdrag_2        =        0.0001420 _d 0
      cdrag_3        =        0.0000764 _d 0
      cstanton_1     =        0.0327 _d 0
      cstanton_2     =        0.0180 _d 0
      cdalton        =        0.0346 _d 0
      zolmin         =     -100.000  _d 0
      psim_fac       =        5.000  _d 0
      zref           =       10.000  _d 0
      hu             =       10.000  _d 0
      ht             =        2.000  _d 0
      umin           =        0.5    _d 0
      useStabilityFct_overIce = .FALSE.
      exf_iceCd        = 1.63 _d -3
      exf_iceCe        = 1.63 _d -3
      exf_iceCh        = 1.63 _d -3
      exf_albedo       = 0.1 _d 0
c--   this default is chosen to be backward compatible with
c--   an earlier setting of 5.5 = ocean_emissivity*stefanBoltzmann
      ocean_emissivity = 5.50 _d-8 / 5.670 _d-8
      ice_emissivity   = 0.95 _d 0
      snow_emissivity  = 0.95 _d 0

c     Calendar data.
      hfluxstartdate1    = 0
      hfluxstartdate2    = 0
      hfluxperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      hfluxconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      hflux_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      hflux_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      atempstartdate1    = 0
      atempstartdate2    = 0
      atempperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      atempconst         = celsius2K
      atemp_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      atemp_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      aqhstartdate1      = 0
      aqhstartdate2      = 0
      aqhperiod          = 0.0 _d 0
      aqhconst           = 0.0 _d 0
      aqh_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      aqh_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      sfluxstartdate1    = 0
      sfluxstartdate2    = 0
      sfluxperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      sfluxconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      sflux_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      sflux_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      evapstartdate1   = 0
      evapstartdate2   = 0
      evapperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      evapconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      evap_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      evap_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      precipstartdate1   = 0
      precipstartdate2   = 0
      precipperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      precipconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      precip_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      precip_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      snowprecipstartdate1   = 0
      snowprecipstartdate2   = 0
      snowprecipperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      snowprecipconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      snowprecip_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      snowprecip_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      runoffstartdate1   = 0
      runoffstartdate2   = 0
      runoffperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      runoffconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      runoff_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      runoff_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      ustressstartdate1  = 0
      ustressstartdate2  = 0
      ustressperiod      = 0.0 _d 0
      ustressconst       = 0.0 _d 0
      ustress_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      ustress_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      vstressstartdate1  = 0
      vstressstartdate2  = 0
      vstressperiod      = 0.0 _d 0
      vstressconst       = 0.0 _d 0
      vstress_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      vstress_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      uwindstartdate1    = 0
      uwindstartdate2    = 0
      uwindperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      uwindconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      uwind_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      uwind_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      vwindstartdate1    = 0
      vwindstartdate2    = 0
      vwindperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      vwindconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      vwind_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      vwind_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      wspeedstartdate1    = 0
      wspeedstartdate2    = 0
      wspeedperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      wspeedconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      wspeed_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      wspeed_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      swfluxstartdate1   = 0
      swfluxstartdate2   = 0
      swfluxperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      swfluxconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      swflux_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      swflux_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      lwfluxstartdate1   = 0
      lwfluxstartdate2   = 0
      lwfluxperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      lwfluxconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      lwflux_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      lwflux_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      swdownstartdate1   = 0
      swdownstartdate2   = 0
      swdownperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      swdownconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      swdown_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      swdown_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      lwdownstartdate1   = 0
      lwdownstartdate2   = 0
      lwdownperiod       = 0.0 _d 0
      lwdownconst        = 0.0 _d 0
      lwdown_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      lwdown_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      apressurestartdate1    = 0
      apressurestartdate2    = 0
      apressureperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      apressureconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      apressure_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      apressure_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      climsststartdate1  = 0
      climsststartdate2  = 0
      climsstperiod      = 0
      climsstconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      climsst_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      climsst_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      climsssstartdate1  = 0
      climsssstartdate2  = 0
      climsssperiod      = 0
      climsssconst         = 0.0 _d 0
      climsss_exfremo_intercept = 0.0 _d 0
      climsss_exfremo_slope = 0.0 _d 0

      obcsNstartdate1    = 0
      obcsNstartdate2    = 0
      obcsNperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      obcsSstartdate1    = 0
      obcsSstartdate2    = 0
      obcsSperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      obcsEstartdate1    = 0
      obcsEstartdate2    = 0
      obcsEperiod        = 0.0 _d 0
      obcsWstartdate1    = 0
      obcsWstartdate2    = 0
      obcsWperiod        = 0.0 _d 0

      siobNstartdate1    = UNSET_I
      siobNstartdate2    = UNSET_I
      siobNperiod        = UNSET_RL
      siobSstartdate1    = UNSET_I
      siobSstartdate2    = UNSET_I
      siobSperiod        = UNSET_RL
      siobEstartdate1    = UNSET_I
      siobEstartdate2    = UNSET_I
      siobEperiod        = UNSET_RL
      siobWstartdate1    = UNSET_I
      siobWstartdate2    = UNSET_I
      siobWperiod        = UNSET_RL

      repeatPeriod       = 0.0 _d 0
      windstressmax      = 2.0 _d 0

      exf_scal_BulkCdn   = 1.0  _d 0

c     Initialise freezing temperature of sea water
      climtempfreeze     = -1.9 _d 0

c     Data files.
      hfluxfile          = ' '
      atempfile          = ' '
      aqhfile            = ' '
      evapfile           = ' '
      precipfile         = ' '
      snowprecipfile     = ' '
      sfluxfile          = ' '
      runofffile         = ' '
      ustressfile        = ' '
      vstressfile        = ' '
      uwindfile          = ' '
      vwindfile          = ' '
      wspeedfile         = ' '
      swfluxfile         = ' '
      lwfluxfile         = ' '
      swdownfile         = ' '
      lwdownfile         = ' '
      apressurefile      = ' '
      climsstfile        = ' '
      climsssfile        = ' '

c     Start dates.
      hfluxstartdate     = 0.
      atempstartdate     = 0.
      aqhstartdate       = 0.
      evapstartdate      = 0.
      precipstartdate    = 0.
      snowprecipstartdate= 0.
      sfluxstartdate     = 0.
      runoffstartdate    = 0.
      ustressstartdate   = 0.
      vstressstartdate   = 0.
      uwindstartdate     = 0.
      vwindstartdate     = 0.
      wspeedstartdate    = 0.
      swfluxstartdate    = 0.
      lwfluxstartdate    = 0.
      swdownstartdate    = 0.
      lwdownstartdate    = 0.
      obcsNstartdate     = 0.
      obcsSstartdate     = 0.
      obcsEstartdate     = 0.
      obcsWstartdate     = 0.
      siobNstartdate     = 0.
      siobSstartdate     = 0.
      siobEstartdate     = 0.
      siobWstartdate     = 0.
      apressurestartdate = 0.
      climsststartdate   = 0.
      climsssstartdate   = 0.

c     Initialise file type and field precision
      exf_iprec            = 32
      exf_yftype           = 'RL'
      useExfYearlyFields   = .FALSE.
      twoDigitYear         = .FALSE.

c     Input scaling factors.
      exf_inscal_hflux     =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_sflux     =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_ustress   =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_vstress   =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_uwind     =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_vwind     =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_wspeed    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_swflux    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_lwflux    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_precip    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_snowprecip=  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_sst       =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_sss       =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_atemp     =  1. _d 0
      exf_offset_atemp     =  0. _d 0
      exf_inscal_aqh       =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_evap      =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_apressure =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_runoff    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_swdown    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_lwdown    =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_climsst   =  1. _d 0
      exf_inscal_climsss   =  1. _d 0

c     Output scaling factors.
      exf_outscal_hflux    =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_sflux    =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_ustress  =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_vstress  =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_swflux   =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_sst      =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_sss      =  1. _d 0
      exf_outscal_apressure=  1. _d 0

      ustress_lon0   = thetaMin
      uwind_lon0     = thetaMin 
      vstress_lon0   = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      hflux_lon0     = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      sflux_lon0     = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      swflux_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      runoff_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      atemp_lon0     = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      aqh_lon0       = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      evap_lon0      = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      precip_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      snowprecip_lon0= thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      vwind_lon0     = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      wspeed_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      lwflux_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      swdown_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      lwdown_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half 
      apressure_lon0 = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      vstress_lat0   = phimin
      vwind_lat0     = phimin
      wspeed_lat0    = phimin
      ustress_lat0   = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      hflux_lat0     = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      sflux_lat0     = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      runoff_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      swflux_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      atemp_lat0     = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      aqh_lat0       = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      evap_lat0      = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      precip_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      snowprecip_lat0= phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      uwind_lat0     = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      lwflux_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      swdown_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      lwdown_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      apressure_lat0 = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      ustress_nlon   = Nx
      ustress_nlat   = Ny
      vstress_nlon   = Nx
      vstress_nlat   = Ny
      hflux_nlon     = Nx
      hflux_nlat     = Ny
      sflux_nlon     = Nx
      sflux_nlat     = Ny
      swflux_nlon    = Nx
      swflux_nlat    = Ny
      runoff_nlon    = Nx
      runoff_nlat    = Ny
      atemp_nlon     = Nx
      atemp_nlat     = Ny
      aqh_nlon       = Nx
      aqh_nlat       = Ny
      evap_nlon      = Nx
      evap_nlat      = Ny
      precip_nlon    = Nx
      snowprecip_nlon= Nx
      precip_nlat    = Ny
      snowprecip_nlat= Ny
      uwind_nlon     = Nx
      uwind_nlat     = Ny
      vwind_nlon     = Nx
      vwind_nlat     = Ny
      wspeed_nlon    = Nx
      wspeed_nlat    = Ny
      lwflux_nlon    = Nx
      lwflux_nlat    = Ny
      swdown_nlon    = Nx
      swdown_nlat    = Ny
      lwdown_nlon    = Nx
      lwdown_nlat    = Ny
      apressure_nlon = Nx
      apressure_nlat = Ny
      Ustress_lon_inc   = delX(1)
      vstress_lon_inc   = delX(1)
      hflux_lon_inc     = delX(1)
      sflux_lon_inc     = delX(1)
      swflux_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      runoff_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      atemp_lon_inc     = delX(1)
      aqh_lon_inc       = delX(1)
      evap_lon_inc      = delX(1)
      precip_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      snowprecip_lon_inc= delX(1)
      uwind_lon_inc     = delX(1)
      vwind_lon_inc     = delX(1)
      wspeed_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      lwflux_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      swdown_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      lwdown_lon_inc    = delX(1)
      apressure_lon_inc = delX(1)
      climsst_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      climsss_lon0    = thetaMin + delX(1)*exf_half
      climsst_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      climsss_lat0    = phimin   + delY(1)*exf_half
      climsst_nlon    = Nx
      climsst_nlat    = Ny
      climsss_nlon    = Nx
      climsss_nlat    = Ny
      climsst_lon_inc = delX(1)
      climsss_lon_inc = delX(1)
      DO i=1,MAX_LAT_INC
         IF (i.LT.Ny) THEN
            vstress_lat_inc(i)   =  delY(i)
            vwind_lat_inc(i)     =  delY(i)
            wspeed_lat_inc(i)    =  delY(i)
            ustress_lat_inc(i)   = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            hflux_lat_inc(i)     = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            sflux_lat_inc(i)     = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            swflux_lat_inc(i)    = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            runoff_lat_inc(i)    = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            atemp_lat_inc(i)     = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            aqh_lat_inc(i)       = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            evap_lat_inc(i)      = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            precip_lat_inc(i)    = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            snowprecip_lat_inc(i)= (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            uwind_lat_inc(i)     = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            lwflux_lat_inc(i)    = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            swdown_lat_inc(i)    = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            lwdown_lat_inc(i)    = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            apressure_lat_inc(i) = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            climsst_lat_inc(i)   = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            climsss_lat_inc(i)   = (delY(i) + delY(i))*exf_half
            ustress_lat_inc(i)   = 0.
            vstress_lat_inc(i)   = 0.
            hflux_lat_inc(i)     = 0.
            sflux_lat_inc(i)     = 0.
            swflux_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            runoff_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            atemp_lat_inc(i)     = 0.
            aqh_lat_inc(i)       = 0.
            evap_lat_inc(i)      = 0.
            precip_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            snowprecip_lat_inc(i)= 0.
            uwind_lat_inc(i)     = 0.
            vwind_lat_inc(i)     = 0.
            wspeed_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            lwflux_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            swdown_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            lwdown_lat_inc(i)    = 0.
            apressure_lat_inc(i) = 0.
            climsst_lat_inc(i)   = 0.
            climsss_lat_inc(i)   = 0.

c     Next, read the forcing data file.
      WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'EXF_READPARMS: opening data.exf'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &     SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)

     I                          'data.exf', 'EXF_READPARMS',
     O                          iUnit,
     I                          myThid )

     &     'EXF_READPARMS: reading EXF_NML_01'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &     SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)
      READ(  iUnit, nml = EXF_NML_01 )
     &     'EXF_READPARMS: reading EXF_NML_02'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &     SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)
      READ(  iUnit, nml = EXF_NML_02 )
     &     'EXF_READPARMS: reading EXF_NML_03'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &     SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)
      READ(  iUnit, nml = EXF_NML_03 )
     &     'EXF_READPARMS: reading EXF_NML_04'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &     SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)
      READ(  iUnit, nml = EXF_NML_04 )
     &     'EXF_READPARMS: reading EXF_NML_OBCS'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &     SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)
      READ(  iUnit, nml = EXF_NML_OBCS )
      IF(siobNstartdate1.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobNstartdate1 = obcsNstartdate1
      IF(siobNstartdate2.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobNstartdate2 = obcsNstartdate2
      IF(siobNperiod    .EQ.UNSET_RL) siobNperiod     = obcsNperiod
      IF(siobSstartdate1.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobSstartdate1 = obcsSstartdate1
      IF(siobSstartdate2.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobSstartdate2 = obcsSstartdate2
      IF(siobSperiod    .EQ.UNSET_RL) siobSperiod     = obcsSperiod
      IF(siobEstartdate1.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobEstartdate1 = obcsEstartdate1
      IF(siobEstartdate2.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobEstartdate2 = obcsEstartdate2
      IF(siobEperiod    .EQ.UNSET_RL) siobEperiod     = obcsEperiod
      IF(siobWstartdate1.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobWstartdate1 = obcsWstartdate1
      IF(siobWstartdate2.EQ.UNSET_I ) siobWstartdate2 = obcsWstartdate2
      IF(siobWperiod    .EQ.UNSET_RL) siobWperiod     = obcsWperiod

     &     'EXF_READPARMS: finished reading data.exf'
      CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
     &                SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1)

      CLOSE( iUnit )

C--   Derive other parameters:
      hq = ht
#if ( ( defined (ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE) && defined (ALLOW_ATM_WIND) ) \
     || defined (USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION) )
      stressIsOnCgrid = .FALSE.
      stressIsOnCgrid = readStressOnCgrid

      CALL EXF_CHECK( myThid )

c     Complete the start date specifications for the forcing
c     fields to get a complete calendar date array.
C     => moved to EXF_INIT_FIXED

      _END_MASTER( mythid )
