Errata, Proposed Changes, and Maintenance Activities

ANSI/NISO Z39.86-2002, Specifications for the Digital Talking Book

Reports of errata and requests for modifications to the standard should be sent to, with "Z3986" in the subject line.

Proposed Changes
Maintenance Activities


Section 3.2.1

Paragraph 4 should read:
For upwards-compatibility, the element dc-metadata in an OEB package is required to have an attribute of xmlns:dc="" and xmlns:oebpackage="".
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002

Section 7.3

Element: <seq>
Attribute: dur. Entry should read:
dur (CDATA, IMPLIED) The duration of the seq. The value syntax is defined by the SMIL 2.0 Timing and Synchronization Module [SMIL]. See section 7.7, "Clock Values."
Text in current version of standard
August 27, 2002

Section 7.6

Example 7.2, sixth <par> (with id="pnote1"), should read:
<par id="pnote1" customTest="prodnote" class="prodnote">
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002

Section 8.3

Element: <navPoint>
Attribute: id. Entry should read:
id (ID, REQUIRED): Unique identifier.
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002
Element: <navTarget>
Attribute: id. Entry should read:
id (ID, REQUIRED): Unique identifier.
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002

Proposed Changes

Sections 3.3 and 5.1

Section 5.1 requires that specific file extensions be used in audio filenames. It is proposed that this requirement be removed and that players determine file type from the MIME media-type in the manifest instead. Section 5.1 would be modified accordingly, and a reference added, pointing to section 3.3, which would be modified to specify the MIME values for compliant audio files and require that players reference the MIME type.
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002

Sections 3.3 and 6

Section 6 requires that specific file extensions be used in image filenames. It is proposed that this requirement be removed and that players determine file type from the MIME media-type in the manifest instead. Section 6 would be modified accordingly, and a reference added, pointing to section 3.3, which would be modified to specify the MIME values for compliant image files and require that players reference the MIME type.
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002

Sections 7.1.2 and 7.7

The standard is ambiguous on whether it supports use of the "npt=" prefix within clipBegin and clipEnd values in SMIL files. It is proposed that this support be required and be stated explicitly. However, SMIL 2.0, which Z39.86 references, also allows use of SMPTE timings. It is proposed that support for SMPTE be explicitly excluded from Z39.86. Section 7.1.2 will be revised to make clearer that not all parts of the SMIL modules used in Z39.86 are automatically supported in Z39.86. Section 7.7 will be revised to reference the MediaClipping module where "npt=" is described, specify support for the "npt=" prefix, provide an example, and specify that support for SMPTE is not required.
Section 7.1.2 in current version of standard
Section 7.7 in current version of standard
March 14, 2003

Section 8.4.3

To eliminate ambiguity, it is proposed that this section be revised to read:
The mapRef attribute on each navTarget must reference the innermost navPoint that contains the starting point of the element referenced by the navTarget.
Text in current version of standard
December 30, 2002

Appendix 1 - DTBook DTD

In DTBook, the element <style> is part of the content model for <head>. Since the standard method for referencing a stylesheet in XML is via the processing instructions, the use of the <style> element for this purpose is deprecated. It is proposed that the <style> element be deleted from DTBook in the next revision.
December 30, 2002

Maintenance Activities

Modules to Extend DTBook

The Advisory Committee plans to explore extensions to the DTBook DTD. The first effort will be to develop a module that supports markup of poetry. Experimentation will determine whether the module will be retained or the new elements integrated into the base DTD.

Status: Begun, 12/02. Module planned to be completed by 2/03.

Support for Scalable Vector Graphics

The Advisory Committee proposes to research future support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in the standard.

Support for Multiple Textual Content Files

With very large documents, a single textual content file will be difficult to process and render. The "Include" function is theoretically workable, but with a very large document may create an unparseable file when all entities are resolved. Research into the best methods for creating and processing multiple textual content files is needed.

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Last updated March 13, 2003