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CaAERS v1.5.1


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caAERS v1.5.1 is production point release that fixes priority bugs and issues in the previous version, primarily regarding Oracle 10g database compatibility and Internet Explorer v7 browser compatibility.  See caAERS1.5.1 Release Notes for further feature & fix documentation.

A fully functional demo system to use for testing purposes is available here. Username/password is: SYSTEM_ADMIN/system_admin

Please send all feedback from testing to:

Installation components

File Type File Name
caAERS installer - not needed for upgrade caAERSInstaller.jar
caAERS web archive caaers.war
caaers-adeers service assembly
ctms-caaers service assembly
Rules xml's Rules folder
certificate - not needed for upgrade caAERs-AdEERS

Fresh caAERS install:

Instructions for installing a new caAERS v1.5.1 System. 

  1. Please follow instructions provided at Stand-alone Application to Install caAERS.
  2. Download
  3. Unzip to any location and create environment variable SERVICEMIX_HOME pointing to this location.
  4. Download & save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin/deploy folder (*nix environment) OR save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy (windows environment).
  5. Download & save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin/deploy folder (*nix environment) OR save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy (windows environment).
  6. Right click on this link caAERS-AdEERS & select "save link as" then save it in user home folder (user which starts servicemix).
  7. Start Servicemix from command line $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin - _command_ servicemix.
  8. Start Tomcat from $CATALINA_HOM/bin - _command_ on unix/linux/mac or startup.bat on windows.
  9. Log in to caAERS using the username/password which was provided during caAERS installation.
  10. Download the rules xml files from caAERS1.5.x rules.
  11. Navigate to Rules tab in caAERS and then onto the Import Rules sub section.
  12. Using the browse button navigate to the folder where rules xmls were downloaded & select gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.rules.sponsor.cancer_therapy_evaluation_program.mandatory_sections_rules.xml file and click on import.
  13. Repeat step 12 for the other CTEP rules file, namely
  14. Configure caAERS Reporting Definitions
  15. Repeat step 12, this time for the 2 DCP rules files, namely

Upgrade from caAERS v1.1.3

Instructions for upgrading caAERS v1.1.2 or v1.1.3 to caAERS v1.5.1. 

  1. We recommenced making backup copies of all the important artifacts listed below BEFORE starting the upgrade procedure. 
    1. Make a backup of current caAERS database.
    2. Export & SAVE Report definitions.
    3. Export & SAVE Rules. DELETE the existing Rule's set.
  2. caAERS Service Assemblies Upgrade.
    1. Stop Servicemix
    2. Delete $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin/deploy/*.* (*nix environment) OR delete $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy/*.* (windows environment).
  3. Download & save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin/deploy folder (*nix environment) OR save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy (windows environment).
  4. Download & save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/bin/deploy folder (*nix environment) OR save it in $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy (windows environment).
    1. Start Servicemix
  5. Drop Rules related tables
    1. drop table rep_binval;
    2. drop table rep_fsentry;
    3. drop table rep_node;
    4. drop table rep_prop;
    5. drop table rep_refs;
    6. drop table rep_ver_binval;
    7. drop table rep_ver_fsentry;
    8. drop table rep_ver_node;
    9. drop table rep_ver_prop;
    10. drop table rep_ver_refs;
  6. caAERS Web Archive Upgrade.
    1. Stop Tomcat
    2. Delete $CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/caaers
    3. Delete $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/caaers
    4. Delete $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/caaers.war
    5. Download caAERS Web Archiveto $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
    6. Start Tomcat
  7. Import Saved or New Rules.
    Note: Due to the change in the hospitalization field, the rules were updated. If you have modified these rules and/or created custom rules, please export them and send them to so we can validate/update them so you can import them.     If this does not apply to you, please follow the below steps) 
    1. Download the rules xml files from caAERS1.5.x rules.
    2. Launch caAERS and Login as an Administrator.
    3. Navigate to Rules tab in caAERS and then onto the Import Rules sub-section.
    4. Using the browse button navigate to the folder where rules xmls were downloaded & select
      gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.rules.sponsor.cancer_therapy_evaluation_program.mandatory_sections_rules.xml file and click on import.
    5. Repeat the above step for the 3 rules files namely
  8. Configure report definitions.
    Note: The mandatory fields for CTEP's 5 day and 10 day reports have been modified. Please see Configure caAERS Reporting Definitions for detailed steps for setting up the reports. 
    1. Launch caAERS and Login as an Administrator.
    2. Navigate to Rules Tab in caAERS & then onto List Report Definitions sub-section.
    3. Open the report and modify the mandatory fields.
  9. Migration Script Execution for caAERS running on Postgres Database.
    1. PgAdmin PostgresSQL client or equivalent will be required to execute a few PL/SQL statements.
    2. Execute the PL/SQL statements in order provided in the migration_script_postgres.sql (Instructions provided inside the sql script)
  10. Migration Script Execution for caAERS running on Oracle Database.
    1. Oracle sqlplus client or equivalent will be required to execute a few PL/SQL statements.
    2. Execute the PL/SQL block provided in the migration_script_oracle.sql (Instructions provided inside the sql script)
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