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  1 (*^
  2 ::[     Information =
  4         "This is a Mathematica Notebook file.  It contains ASCII text, and can be
  5         transferred by email, ftp, or other text-file transfer utility.  It should
  6         be read or edited using a copy of Mathematica or MathReader.  If you 
  7         received this as email, use your mail application or copy/paste to save 
  8         everything from the line containing (*^ down to the line containing ^*)
  9         into a plain text file.  On some systems you may have to give the file a 
 10         name ending with ".ma" to allow Mathematica to recognize it as a Notebook.
 11         The line below identifies what version of Mathematica created this file,
 12         but it can be opened using any other version as well.";
 14         FrontEndVersion = "Macintosh Mathematica Notebook Front End Version 2.2";
 16         MacintoshStandardFontEncoding; 
 18         fontset = title, inactive, noPageBreakBelow, nohscroll, preserveAspect, groupLikeTitle, center, M7, bold, e8,  24, "Times"; 
 19         fontset = subtitle, inactive, noPageBreakBelow, nohscroll, preserveAspect, groupLikeTitle, center, M7, bold, e6,  18, "Times"; 
 20         fontset = subsubtitle, inactive, noPageBreakBelow, nohscroll, preserveAspect, groupLikeTitle, center, M7, italic, e6,  14, "Times"; 
 21         fontset = section, inactive, noPageBreakBelow, nohscroll, preserveAspect, groupLikeSection, grayBox, M22, bold, a20,  18, "Times"; 
 22         fontset = subsection, inactive, noPageBreakBelow, nohscroll, preserveAspect, groupLikeSection, blackBox, M19, bold, a15,  14, "Times"; 
 23         fontset = subsubsection, inactive, noPageBreakBelow, nohscroll, preserveAspect, groupLikeSection, whiteBox, M18, bold, a12,  12, "Times"; 
 24         fontset = text, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  10, "Times"; 
 25         fontset = smalltext, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  10, "Times"; 
 26         fontset = input, noPageBreakInGroup, nowordwrap, preserveAspect, groupLikeInput, M42, N23, bold, L0,  10, "Courier"; 
 27         fontset = output, output, inactive, noPageBreakInGroup, nowordwrap, preserveAspect, groupLikeOutput, M42, N23, L0,  10, "Courier"; 
 28         fontset = message, inactive, noPageBreakInGroup, nowordwrap, preserveAspect, groupLikeOutput, M42, N23, R32768, L0,  10, "Courier"; 
 29         fontset = print, inactive, noPageBreakInGroup, nowordwrap, preserveAspect, groupLikeOutput, M42, N23, R32768, B32768, L0,  10, "Courier"; 
 30         fontset = info, inactive, noPageBreakInGroup, nowordwrap, preserveAspect, groupLikeOutput, M42, N23, B32768, L0,  10, "Courier"; 
 31         fontset = postscript, PostScript, formatAsPostScript, output, inactive, noPageBreakInGroup, nowordwrap, preserveAspect, groupLikeGraphics, M7, l34, w225, h227,  12, "Courier"; 
 32         fontset = name, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7, italic,  10, "Geneva"; 
 33         fontset = header, inactive, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 34         fontset = leftheader, inactive, L2,  12, "Times"; 
 35         fontset = footer, inactive, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, center, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 36         fontset = leftfooter, inactive, L2,  12, "Times"; 
 37         fontset = help, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  10, "Times"; 
 38         fontset = clipboard, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 39         fontset = completions, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 40         fontset = special1, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 41         fontset = special2, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 42         fontset = special3, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 43         fontset = special4, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 44         fontset = special5, inactive, nohscroll, noKeepOnOnePage, preserveAspect, M7,  12, "Times"; 
 45         automaticGrouping; currentKernel; 
 46 ]
 47 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; preserveAspect]
 48 $Id: MakeMake.ma,v 1.1 2001/09/17 18:20:38 paklein Exp $
 49 :[font = subsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup]
 50 functions:
 51 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup]
 52 notes:
 53 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
 54 (1) $(PWD):
 55 On wallaby2, this macro gives the current directly running the makefile commands while on the DEC, this macro returns the top level working directory.
 56 ;[s]
 57 3:0,0;4,1;10,0;163,-1;
 58 2:2,12,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0;1,12,9,Courier,1,10,0,0,0;
 59 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
 60 (2) MACROS as targets
 61 GNU make does not like targets that are defined by MACROS passed in as "MACRO = $(MACRO)".
 62 ;[s]
 63 3:0,0;4,1;21,0;113,-1;
 64 2:2,12,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0;1,12,9,Courier,1,10,0,0,0;
 65 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
 66 (3) don't "touch":
 67 "touch" produces a funny time stamp (DEC, ALASKA, SIBERIA) that is many minutes different from the "current" time. Confused file dependencies.
 68 ;[s]
 69 3:0,0;3,1;18,0;162,-1;
 70 2:2,12,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0;1,12,9,Courier,1,10,0,0,0;
 71 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
 72 (4) subdirectories as targets
 73 A number of platforms did not show reliable behavior when processing subdirectories as targets. Use for loops instead.
 74 ;[s]
 75 5:0,0;4,1;29,0;130,1;133,0;149,-1;
 76 2:3,12,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0;2,12,9,Courier,1,10,0,0,0;
 77 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup]
 78 basics:
 79 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
 80 Root[string_String] := Module[
 82         {pos},
 84         pos = Flatten[StringPosition[string, "."]];
 85         If[Length[pos] == 0,
 86                 string,
 87                 StringDrop[string, Last[pos] - StringLength[string] - 1]
 88         ]
 89 ];
 90 :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
 91 General::spell1: 
 92    Possible spelling error: new symbol name "Root" is similar to existing symbol 
 93     "Roots".
 94 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup]
 95 Extension[string_String] := StringDrop[string, StringLength[Root[string]]]
 96 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup]
 97 insert make files into directory structure:
 98 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
 99  "homedir" gets the top level driver makefile, while all subdirectories get compile makefiles with recursive calls to nested directories. object files are assumed to be generated from every ".cpp" file.
100 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
101 MakeMake[sourcetop_String] := MakeMake[Directory[], sourcetop]; 
102 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
103 MakeMake[homedir_String, sourcetop_String] := Module[
105         {directories, src, fp}, 
107         src = Sort[MakeMakeDir[sourcetop]]
109         (*
110         fp = OpenWrite["object_list"];
111         WriteObjectList[fp, src];
112         Close[fp]
113         *)
114         ]; 
115 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
116 SourceExtensions = {".c", ".cpp", ".C", ".f", ".F"};
117 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
118 HeaderExtensions = {".h", ".inc"};
119 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
120 HasExtension[name_String, extensions_List] := 
121         Length[Position[extensions, Extension[name]]] > 0
122 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
123 MakeMakeDir[dir_String] := Module[
125         {olddir, hdr, src, subdirs, files, fp, subdirstr, spacenames}, 
127     olddir = Directory[];
128     SetDirectory[dir]; Print[dir];
129     files = FileNames[]; 
130     subdirs = Select[files, FileType[#1] == Directory & ];
132     src = Select[Complement[files, subdirs], HasExtension[#, SourceExtensions]&];
133     hdr = Select[Complement[files, subdirs], HasExtension[#, HeaderExtensions]&]; 
135     subdirs = Select[subdirs, (# != "CVS" &&
136                                # != "unused" && 
137                                # != "UNUSED")& ]; 
139     fp = OpenWrite["makefile"];
140     WriteString[fp, "# $Id: MakeMake.ma,v 1.1 2001/09/17 18:20:38 paklein Exp $\n"];
141     WriteString[fp, "# object directory makefile - compilation instructions\n"];
142     WriteString[fp, "\ninclude $(MACRO_DIR)/suffix\n"];
143         WriteString[fp, "include $(MACRO_DIR)/$(ARCH).macros\n"];
145     WriteObjectList[fp, src];
146     WriteSourceList[fp, src];
147     WriteHeaderList[fp, hdr];
149     (* warn about spaces in directory names *)
150     spacenames = Select[subdirs, (Length[Flatten[StringPosition[#," "]]] > 0)& ];
151     If[Length[spacenames] > 0,
152         Print[""];
153         Print["WARNING: directory names with spaces"];
154         Map[Print["\t", #]&,spacenames];
155         Print[""]
156         ];    
158     subdirstr = (StringReplace[#1, " " -> "\\ "] & ) /@ subdirs;
159     WriteSubDirList[fp, subdirstr];
161         WriteString[fp, "\n# instructions for subdirectories\n"];
162         WriteString[fp, "include $(MACRO_DIR)/subdir.targets\n"];
164     WriteString[fp, "\n# dependencies\n"];
165     WriteString[fp, "DEPEND = /dev/null\n"];
166     WriteString[fp, "include $(DEPEND)\n"];
167     Close[fp]; 
169     src = Flatten[{src, MakeMakeDir /@ subdirs}];
170     SetDirectory[olddir];
171     src
172     ]; 
173 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
174 TakeRoot[str_String] := StringTake[str, Last[StringPosition[str,"."]][[1]] - 1]
175 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
176 WriteObjectList[fp_OutputStream, src_List] := Module[
178         {dotofiles, i}, 
180         dotofiles = Map[StringJoin[TakeRoot[#], ".o"]&, src];
182         WriteString[fp, "\n# objects\n"];
183         If[Length[dotofiles] > 0,
185                 WriteString[fp, "OBJ = \\\n"];
186                 Do[
187                         WriteString[fp, 
188                                 StringJoin["\t", dotofiles[[i]], 
189                                         If[i < Length[dotofiles], " \\\n", "\n"]
190                                         ]
191                                 ], {i, Length[dotofiles]}];
192                 WriteString[fp, "OBJ_LINK = $(OBJ)\n"];
193                 WriteString[fp, "DEP = $(OBJ:.o=.d)\n"];
195                 (* empty lists *)
196                 WriteString[fp, "#OBJ = dummy\n"];
197                 WriteString[fp, "#OBJ_LINK =\n"];
198                 WriteString[fp, "#DEP = /dev/null\n"]
200                 ,(* no object files *)
201                 WriteString[fp, "#OBJ = \n"];
202                 WriteString[fp, "#OBJ_LINK = $(OBJ)\n"];
203                 WriteString[fp, "#DEP = $(OBJ:.o=.d)\n"];
204                 WriteString[fp, "OBJ = dummy\n"];
205                 WriteString[fp, "OBJ_LINK =\n"];
206                 WriteString[fp, "DEP = /dev/null\n"]
207                 ]
208         ];
209 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
210 WriteSourceList[fp_OutputStream, src_List] := Module[
212         {i}, 
214         WriteString[fp, "\n# sources\n"];
215         If[Length[src] > 0,
216                 WriteString[fp, "SRC = \\\n"];
217                 Do[
218                         WriteString[fp, 
219                                 StringJoin["\t", src[[i]], 
220                                         If[i < Length[src], " \\\n", "\n"]
221                                         ]
222                                 ], {i, Length[src]}]
224                 ,(* no source files *)
226                 WriteString[fp, "#SRC = \n"]
227                 ]
228         ];
229 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
230 WriteHeaderList[fp_OutputStream, hdr_List] := Module[
232         {i}, 
234         WriteString[fp, "\n# headers\n"];
235         If[Length[hdr] > 0,
236                 WriteString[fp, "HDR = \\\n"];
237                 Do[
238                         WriteString[fp, 
239                                 StringJoin["\t", hdr[[i]], 
240                                         If[i < Length[hdr], " \\\n", "\n"]
241                                         ]
242                                 ], {i, Length[hdr]}];
244                 WriteString[fp, "HDR_LINK = $(HDR:.h=.h_link)\n"]               
246                 ,(* no header files *)
248                 WriteString[fp, "#HDR = \n"];
249                 WriteString[fp, "#HDR_LINK = $(HDR:.h=.h_link)\n"]
250                 ]
251         ];
252 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
253 WriteSubDirList[fp_OutputStream, subdir_List] := Module[
255         {i}, 
257         WriteString[fp, "\n# subdirectories\n"];
258         If[Length[subdir] > 0,
259                 WriteString[fp, "SUB_DIR = \\\n"];
260                 Do[
261                         WriteString[fp, 
262                                 StringJoin["\t", subdir[[i]], 
263                                         If[i < Length[subdir], " \\\n", "\n"]
264                                         ]
265                                 ], {i, Length[subdir]}];
266                         WriteString[fp, "subdir_driver: subdir_loop\n"];
267                         WriteString[fp, "# SUB_DIR is empty\n"];
268                         WriteString[fp, "#subdir_driver: \n"]
270                 ,(* no subdir files *)
272                 WriteString[fp, "SUB_DIR = \n"];
273                 WriteString[fp, "#subdir_driver: subdir_loop\n"];
274                 WriteString[fp, "# SUB_DIR is empty\n"];
275                 WriteString[fp, "subdir_driver: \n"]
276                 ]
277         ];
278 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
279 WriteMacros[fp_OutputStream] := Module[
281         {},
283         WriteString[fp, "\nMACROS = \\\n"];
284         WriteString[fp, "\t\"MAKE = $(MAKE)\" \\\n"];
285         WriteString[fp, "\t\"MAKE_OPTS = $(MAKE_OPTS)\" \\\n"];
286         WriteString[fp, "\t\"INC_DIR = $(INC_DIR)\" \\\n"];
287         WriteString[fp, "\t\"OBJ_DIR = $(OBJ_DIR)\" \\\n"];
288         WriteString[fp, "\t\"LIB_DIR = $(LIB_DIR)\" \\\n"];
289         WriteString[fp, "\t\"TR = $(TR)\" \\\n"];
290         WriteString[fp, "\t\"COMP_CC = $(COMP_CC)\" \\\n"];
291         WriteString[fp, "\t\"COMP_C = $(COMP_C)\" \\\n"];
292         WriteString[fp, "\t\"COMP_F = $(COMP_F)\" \\\n"];
293         WriteString[fp, "\t\"CFLAGS_C = $(CFLAGS_C)\" \\\n"];
294         WriteString[fp, "\t\"CFLAGS_CC = $(CFLAGS_CC)\" \\\n"];
295         WriteString[fp, "\t\"CFLAGS_F = $(CFLAGS_F)\" \\\n"];
296         WriteString[fp, "\t\"LIBRARY = $(LIBRARY)\" \\\n"];
297         WriteString[fp, "\t\"AR = $(AR)\" \\\n"];
298         WriteString[fp, "\t\"ARFLAGS = $(ARFLAGS)\" \\\n"];
299         WriteString[fp, "\t\"RM = $(RM)\" \\\n"];
300         WriteString[fp, "\t\"RM_FILES = $(RM_FILES)\" \\\n"];
301         WriteString[fp, "\t\"LN = $(LN)\" \\\n"];
302         WriteString[fp, "\t\"MAKE_DEPEND = $(MAKE_DEPEND)\" \\\n"];
303         WriteString[fp, "\t\"DEPEND_PATH = $(DEPEND_PATH)\" \\\n"];
304         WriteString[fp, "\t\"DEPEND = $(DEPEND)\" \\\n"];
305         WriteString[fp, "\t\"ECHO = $(ECHO)\" \\\n"];
306         WriteString[fp, "\t\"CAT = $(CAT)\"\n"];
308         WriteString[fp, "\n# debugging\n"];
309         WriteString[fp, "echo_all:\n"];
310         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"MAKE = $(MAKE)\"\n"];
311         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"MAKE_OPTS = $(MAKE_OPTS)\"\n"];
312         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"INC_DIR = $(INC_DIR)\"\n"];
313         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"OBJ_DIR = $(OBJ_DIR)\"\n"];
314         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"LIB_DIR = $(LIB_DIR)\"\n"];
315         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"TR = $(TR)\"\n"];
316         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"COMP_C = $(COMP_C)\"\n"];
317         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"COMP_CC = $(COMP_CC)\"\n"];
318         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"COMP_F = $(COMP_F)\"\n"];
319         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"CFLAGS_C = $(CFLAGS_C)\"\n"];
320         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"CFLAGS_CC = $(CFLAGS_CC)\"\n"];
321         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"CFLAGS_F = $(CFLAGS_F)\"\n"];
322         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"LIBRARY = $(LIBRARY)\"\n"];
323         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"AR = $(AR)\"\n"];
324         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"ARFLAGS = $(ARFLAGS)\"\n"];
325         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"RM = $(RM)\"\n"];
326         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"RM_FILES = $(RM_FILES)\"\n"];
327         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"LN = $(LN)\"\n"];
328         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"MAKE_DEPEND = $(MAKE_DEPEND)\"\n"];
329         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"DEPEND_PATH = $(DEPEND_PATH)\"\n"];
330         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"DEPEND = $(DEPEND)\"\n"];
331         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"ECHO = $(ECHO)\"\n"];
332         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"CAT = $(CAT)\"\n"]
333         ];
334 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
335 WriteClean[fp_OutputStream, dirs_List] := Module[
337         {i},
339         WriteString[fp, "\nclean:\n"];
340         WriteString[fp, "\t-@ $(RM) $(RM_FILES)\n"];
341         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = clean\"\n"]
343         (*
344         If[Length[dirs] > 0,
345                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = clean\"\n"],
346                 WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = clean\"\n"]
347                 ]
348         *)
350         (*
351         WriteString[fp, "\nclean_all:\n"];
352         WriteString[fp, "\t-@ $(CLEAN_RM) $(CLEAN_FILES)\n"];
353         If[Length[dirs] > 0,
354                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = clean_all\" \\\n"];
355                 WriteString[fp, "\t\"CLEAN_RM = $(CLEAN_RM)\" \\\n"];
356                 WriteString[fp, "\t\"CLEAN_FILES = $(CLEAN_FILES)\"\n"]
357                 ]
358         *)
359         ]; 
360 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
361 WriteDepend[fp_OutputStream, src_List, dirs_List] := Module[
363         {i}, 
365         WriteString[fp, "\ndepend_init: all.depend\n"];
366         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = depend_init\"\n"];
368         (*
369         If[Length[dirs] > 0,
370                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = depend_init\"\n"],
371                 WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = depend_init\"\n"]
372                 ];
373         *)
375         (* local depend file *)
376         WriteString[fp, "\nall.depend: $(DEP)\n"];
377         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(CAT): $(DEP) > all.depend\"; $(CAT) $(DEP) > all.depend\n"]
378         ]; 
379 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
380 WriteHeaders[fp_OutputStream, hdr_List, dirs_List] := Module[
382         {i}, 
384         WriteString[fp, "\nheaders: $(HDR_LINK)\n"];
385         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = headers\"\n"]
387         (*
388     If[Length[dirs] > 0,
389                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = headers\"\n"],
390                 WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = headers\"\n"]
391                 ]
392         *)
393         ]; 
394 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
395 WriteObjects[fp_OutputStream, src_List, dirs_List] := Module[
397         {}, 
399     WriteString[fp, "\nobjects: all.depend\n"];
400     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) update_objects\n"];
401     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = objects\"\n"];
402     WriteString[fp, "\nupdate_objects: $(OBJ)\n"]
404     (*
405     WriteString[fp, "\nobjects:", If[Length[src] > 0," all.depend $(OBJ)\n","\n"]];
406     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = objects\"\n"]
407         *)
409     (*
410     If[Length[dirs] > 0,
411                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = objects\"\n"],
412                 WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = objects\"\n"]
413                 ]
414         *)
415         ]; 
416 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
417 This leads to an order N^2 time to update the library since each call requires a search:
418 :[font = input; inactive; preserveAspect]
419 WriteArchive[fp_OutputStream, src_List, dirs_List] := Module[
421         {}, 
423     WriteString[fp, "\nlibrary:\n"];
424     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJ_LINK)\n"];
425     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = library\"\n"]
427     (*
428     WriteString[fp, "library_local:\n"];
429     If[Length[src] > 0,
430         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJ)\n"],
431         WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJ)\n"]
432         ];
433     WriteString[fp, "library_subdir:\n"];
434     If[Length[dirs] > 0,
435                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = library\"\n"],
436                 WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = library\"\n"]
437                 ]
438         *)
439         ]; 
440 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
441 WriteArchive[fp_OutputStream, src_List, dirs_List] := Module[
443         {}, 
445     WriteString[fp, "\nlibrary:\n"];
446     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"\\\\\" >> $(LIBRARY)\n"];
447     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"\\t$(OBJ_LINK)\\c\" >> $(LIBRARY)\n"];
448     WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = library\"\n"]
450     (*
451     WriteString[fp, "library_local:\n"];
452     If[Length[src] > 0,
453         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJ)\n"],
454         WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJ)\n"]
455         ];
456     WriteString[fp, "library_subdir:\n"];
457     If[Length[dirs] > 0,
458                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = library\"\n"],
459                 WriteString[fp, "#\t@ $(MAKE) $(MACROS) subdir_driver \"COMMAND = library\"\n"]
460                 ]
461         *)
462         ]; 
463 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
464 WriteGroupDrivers[fp_OutputStream, hdr_List, subdir_List] := Module[
466         {},
468         WriteString[fp, "\n$(SUB_DIR): dummy\n"];
469         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \" cd $@\"; \\\n"];
470         WriteString[fp, "\tcd $@; $(MAKE) $(COMMAND) $(MACROS) \"CURR_DIR = $(CURR_DIR)/$@\"\n"]
472         WriteString[fp, "\ndummy:\n"]
473         ];
474 :[font = input; inactive; preserveAspect]
475 WriteGroupDrivers[fp_OutputStream, hdr_List, subdir_List] := Module[
477         {},
479         If[Length[subdir] > 0,
480                 WriteString[fp, "\n$(SUB_DIR): force\n"];
481                 WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \" cd $@\"; \\\n"];
482                 WriteString[fp, "\tcd $@; $(MAKE) $(COMMAND) $(MACROS) \"CURR_DIR = $(CURR_DIR)/$@\"\n"]
483                 ];
484         WriteString[fp, "\nforce:\n"]
485         ];
486 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup]
487 WriteSuffixRules[fp_OutputStream] := Module[
489         {}, 
491         WriteString[fp, "\n# suffix rules\n"];
493         WriteString[fp, "\n.c.o:\n"];
494         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(COMP_C): \"$<; \\\n"];
495         WriteString[fp, "\t$(COMP_C) $(CFLAGS_C) $<\n"];
496         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(LN) $(CURR_DIR)/$@ $(OBJ_DIR)/$@\n"];
497         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(ECHO) \"#touch\" > $(LIB_DIR)/lib.junk\n"];
499         WriteString[fp, "\n.cpp.o:\n"];
500         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(COMP_CC): \"$<; \\\n"];
501         WriteString[fp, "\t$(COMP_CC) $(CFLAGS_CC) $<\n"];
502         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(LN) $(CURR_DIR)/$@ $(OBJ_DIR)/$@\n"];
503         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(ECHO) \"#touch\" > $(LIB_DIR)/lib.junk\n"];       
505         WriteString[fp, "\n.C.o:\n"];
506         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(COMP_CC): \"$<; \\\n"];
507         WriteString[fp, "\t$(COMP_CC) $(CFLAGS_CC) $<\n"];
508         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(LN) $(CURR_DIR)/$@ $(OBJ_DIR)/$@\n"];
509         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(ECHO) \"#touch\" > $(LIB_DIR)/lib.junk\n"];
511         WriteString[fp, "\n.f.o:\n"];
512         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(COMP_F): \"$<; \\\n"];
513         WriteString[fp, "\t$(COMP_F) $(CFLAGS_F) $<\n"];
514         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(LN) $(CURR_DIR)/$@ $(OBJ_DIR)/$@\n"];
515         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(ECHO) \"#touch\" > $(LIB_DIR)/lib.junk\n"];
517         WriteString[fp, "\n.F.o:\n"];
518         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(COMP_F): \"$<; \\\n"];
519         WriteString[fp, "\t$(COMP_F) $(CFLAGS_F) $<\n"];
520         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(LN) $(CURR_DIR)/$@ $(OBJ_DIR)/$@\n"];
521         WriteString[fp, "\t@$(ECHO) \"#touch\" > $(LIB_DIR)/lib.junk\n"];
523         WriteString[fp, "\n.h.h_link:\n"];
524         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(LN): \"$<; \\\n"];
525         WriteString[fp, "\t$(LN) $(CURR_DIR)/$< $(INC_DIR)/$<\n"];
527         WriteString[fp, "\n.c.d:\n"];
528         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(MAKE_DEPEND): \"$<; \\\n"];
529     WriteString[fp, "\t$(ECHO) \"\" > $@; \\\n"];
530     WriteString[fp, "\t$(MAKE_DEPEND) $(DEPEND_PATH) -f$@ $<\n"];
532         WriteString[fp, "\n.cpp.d:\n"];
533         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(MAKE_DEPEND): \"$<; \\\n"];
534     WriteString[fp, "\t$(ECHO) \"# DO NOT DELETE\" > $@; \\\n"];
535     WriteString[fp, "\t$(MAKE_DEPEND) $(DEPEND_PATH) -f$@ $<\n"];
537         WriteString[fp, "\n.C.d:\n"];
538         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(MAKE_DEPEND): \"$<; \\\n"];
539     WriteString[fp, "\t$(ECHO) \"# DO NOT DELETE\" > $@; \\\n"];
540     WriteString[fp, "\t$(MAKE_DEPEND) $(DEPEND_PATH) -f$@ $<\n"];
542     WriteString[fp, "\n.f.d:\n"];
543         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(MAKE_DEPEND): \"$<; \\\n"];
544     WriteString[fp, "\t$(ECHO) \"# DO NOT DELETE\" > $@; \\\n"];
545     WriteString[fp, "\t$(MAKE_DEPEND) $(DEPEND_PATH) -f$@ $<\n"];
547     WriteString[fp, "\n.F.d:\n"];
548         WriteString[fp, "\t@ $(ECHO) \"    $(MAKE_DEPEND): \"$<; \\\n"];
549     WriteString[fp, "\t$(ECHO) \"# DO NOT DELETE\" > $@; \\\n"];
550     WriteString[fp, "\t$(MAKE_DEPEND) $(DEPEND_PATH) -f$@ $<\n"]
551         ];
552 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup]
553 remove make files:
554 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
555 UnMakeMake[] := UnMakeMake[Directory[]]
556 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
557 UnMakeMake[homedir_String] := Module[
559         {files, dirs, makefile, currdir, fullpath},
561         currdir = Directory[]; 
562         fullpath = File /. FileInformation[homedir];
563         SetDirectory[fullpath]; 
564         Print[fullpath]; 
565         files = FileNames[];
566         dirs = Select[files, (FileType[#1] == Directory && # != "CVS") & ]; 
567     (DeleteIfPresent[files, #1] & ) /@ {"Icon\n", "makefile", "makefile~", "makefile.bak"}; 
568     If[Length[Flatten[Position[dirs, "ii_files"]]] > 0,
569         Print[SetDirectory["ii_files"]]; 
570         DeleteFile["*.ii"];
571         SetDirectory[fullpath]; 
572         DeleteDirectory["ii_files"]
573         ];
575     UnMakeMake /@ dirs; 
576     SetDirectory[currdir]
577     ]; 
578 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup]
579 DeleteIfPresent[files_List, killfile_String] := 
580    If[Length[Flatten[Position[files, killfile]]] > 0, DeleteFile[killfile]]; 
581 :[font = subsection; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup]
582 projects:
583 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup]
584 module:
585 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
586 SetDirectory["uster:users (mac os 9):tahoe:home"]
587 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
588 "Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home"
589 ;[o]
590 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home
591 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
592 TableForm[dirs = FileNames[], TableSpacing -> {0,3}]
593 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
594 TableForm[{"aztec", "benchmark", "blue", "CBLAS", ".DS_Store", "f2c", "gonzo", "gui\
596     de.user", "html", "macros", "metis", "spooles", "spoolesMPI", "spoolesMT", "tah\
598     oe.HEAD", "toolbox"}, TableSpacing -> {0, 3}]
599 ;[o]
600 aztec
601 benchmark
602 blue
604 .DS_Store
605 f2c
606 gonzo
607 guide.user
608 html
609 macros
610 metis
611 spooles
612 spoolesMPI
613 spoolesMT
614 tahoe.HEAD
615 toolbox
616 :[font = input; preserveAspect]
617 dirs = Complement[dirs, {"macros"}]
618 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
619 one:
620 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
621 Map[(SetDirectory[#]; 
622         UnMakeMake["src"];
623         MakeMake["src"];
624         SetDirectory["::"])&, {"gonzo"}];
625 :[font = print; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
626 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home:gonzo:src
627 src
628 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
629 process all of the modules:
630 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup]
631 Map[(SetDirectory[#]; 
632         UnMakeMake["src"];
633         MakeMake["src"];
634         SetDirectory["::"])&, dirs];
635 :[font = subsubsection; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup]
636 blue:
637 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
638 SetDirectory["uster:users (mac os 9):tahoe:home"]
639 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
640 "Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home"
641 ;[o]
642 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home
643 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
644 TableForm[dirs = FileNames[], TableSpacing -> {0,3}]
645 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
646 TableForm[{"aztec", "benchmark", "blue", "CBLAS", ".DS_Store", "f2c", "guide.user"\
648     , "html", "macros", "spooles", "spoolesMPI", "tahoe", "tahoe.stable", "toolbox"}
650    , TableSpacing -> {0, 3}]
651 ;[o]
652 aztec
653 benchmark
654 blue
656 .DS_Store
657 f2c
658 guide.user
659 html
660 macros
661 spooles
662 spoolesMPI
663 tahoe
664 tahoe.stable
665 toolbox
666 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
667 dirs = Complement[dirs, {"macros"}]
668 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
669 {"aztec", "benchmark", "blue", "CBLAS", ".DS_Store", "f2c", "guide.user", "html"\
671    , "spooles", "spoolesMPI", "tahoe", "tahoe.stable", "toolbox"}
672 ;[o]
673 {aztec, benchmark, blue, CBLAS, .DS_Store, f2c, guide.user, html, spooles, 
675   spoolesMPI, tahoe, tahoe.stable, toolbox}
676 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
677 one:
678 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup]
679 Map[(SetDirectory[#]; 
680         UnMakeMake["src"];
681         MakeMake["src"];
682         SetDirectory["::"])&, {"blue"}];
683 :[font = print; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup]
684 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home:blue:src
685 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home:blue:src:dynamics
686 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home:blue:src:energy
687 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home:blue:src:lattice
688 Uster:USERS (Mac OS 9):tahoe:home:blue:src:main
689 src
690 dynamics
691 energy
692 lattice
693 main
694 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect]
695 process all of the modules:
696 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup]
697 Map[(SetDirectory[#]; 
698         UnMakeMake["src"];
699         MakeMake["src"];
700         SetDirectory["::"])&, dirs];
701 ^*)

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