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Appendix A - Acronyms and Abbreviations

American Academy of Environmental Engineers

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

Air pollution control device

Air pollution control equipment

Applicable or relevant and appropriate (standards, limitations, criteria, and) requirements [pronounced: A - rarr]

Arkansas Reproductive Health Monitoring System

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Automatic waste feed cutoff system [pronounced: OFF - co]

Automatic waste feed shutoff system

& -

Biological waste incinerator

C -

Calvert City Industrial Complex

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Continuous emissions monitor

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 [pronounced: SIR - cla]

Code of Federal Regulations

Caldwell Industrial Services, Inc.

CO -
Carbon monoxide

CO2 -
Carbon dioxide

Caldwell Systems, Inc.

2,4-D -
2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

DC -
Desorption chamber

Delaware County Resource Recovery Facility

Division of Health Assessment and Consultation [pronounced: DEE - hack]

Destruction and removal efficiency

DS -
Dry scrubber

Environmental Protection Agency

Electrostatic precipitator

F -

Forced expiratory volume

FF -
Fabric filter (baghouse)

Flame ionization detector

FR -
Federal Register

FS -
Feasibility study

Forced vital capacity

Good engineering practice

Geographic information system

Gas chromatograph (with) mass spectrometer (detector)

HCl -
Hydrogen chloride

High efficiency particulate air (filter) [pronounced: HEP - ah]

Health hazard evaluation

H&S -
Health and safety

HW -
Hazardous waste, also called haz waste

Ionizing wet scrubber

kV -


Land disposal restrictions

Lower explosion limit

Maximum achievable control technology [pronounced: mackt]

Maximum exposed individual

Mitchell Systems, Inc.

Municipal solid waste

Medical waste combustor

North Carolina Division of Occupational Safety and Health

ND -
Not Detected or nondetect

ng/dscm -
Nanogram(s) per dry standard cubic meter

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [pronounced: NI - osh]

National Institute of Standards and Technology [pronounced: nist]

NOx -
Nitrogen oxides [pronounced: knocks]

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

National Priorities List (EPA Superfund)

National Research Council

National Technical Information Services

O2 -

O&M -
Operation and maintenance (plan)

On-scene coordinator

Occupational Safety and Health Administration [pronounced: OH - sha]

Polychlorinated biphenyl

Primary combustion chamber

Polychlorinated dibenzodioxin (dioxin)

Polychlorinated dibenzofuran (furan)

Permissible exposure limit (OSHA standard)

Pg/m3 -
Picogram(s) per cubic meter

Product of incomplete combustion [pronounced: pick]

PM -
Particulate matter

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon

Principal organic hazardous constituents [pronounced: pocks]

Publicly owned treatment works

ppb -
Part(s) per billion

Personal protective equipment

ppm -
Part(s) per million

ppmv -
Part(s) per million by volume

ppt -
Part(s) per trillion

Quality assurance/quality control

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (amended 1984) [pronounced: RICK - raa]

Refuse derived fuel

Recommended exposure limit (NIOSH guideline)

Remedial investigation/feasibility study

Reasonable maximum exposure

Record of decision [pronounced: rod]

Remedial project manager

S&A -
Sampling and analysis

Secondary combustion chamber

SO2 -
Sulfur dioxide

Sulfur oxides [pronounced: socks]

Semivolatile organic compounds

2,4,5-T -
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid




TEFs -
Toxicity equivalency factors

Toxicity equivalency quotient

Total hydrocarbon

TICs -
Tentatively identified compounds [pronounced: ticks]

Threshold limit value (ACGIH guideline)

Toxic release inventory

Thermal relief vent (or valve)

Toxic Substances Control Act [pronounced: TOS - ka]

TT -
Thermal treatment

Time-weighted average

µg/m2 -
Micrograms per square meter

µg/m3 -
Micrograms per cubic meter

University of North Carolina

Volatile organic compound

VS -
Venturi scrubber

Wet electrostatic precipitator or wet ESP

WS -
Wet scrubber

Appendix B - Tables

Table 1 -Key Design and Operating Information to be Reviewed

  • Waste analyses - physical characteristics and concentration of organic and inorganic chemicals present in wastes
  • Projected fate of contaminants and ultimate fate/disposal of residuals and effluents
  • Estimated time for volatile organic breakthrough of the carbon adsorption system (if the facility has a carbon adsorption system)
  • Detailed description of the facility systems that affect emissions, i.e.,
    • Waste feed handling,
    • Combustion/desorber chamber(s),
    • Treated waste handling,
    • Flue gas treatment/air pollution control system,
    • Monitoring equipment (thermocouples, pressure drop indicators, flow-rate meters, continuous emission monitors [CEMs], etc.),
    • Stack or vent height, diameter, exit temperature and velocity, and
    • Removal and handling of process residuals (i.e., bottom ash, fly ash, condensate, scrubber water, spent carbon, spent filters, etc.).
  • Permits or approvals to operate and the operation and maintenance plan (O&M Plan)
  • Performance test plan(s) or trial burn plan(s)
  • Trial burns or performance tests reports and data
  • Risk assessment
  • Ambient air sampling and monitoring plans (if the facility has an ambient air sampling or monitoring system)
  • Ambient air monitoring and sampling reports (on- and off-site)
  • Modeling of stack emissions (if stack concentrations are at levels of health concern)
  • Local weather conditions, e.g., inversions, predominant wind directions
  • Land use around the site
  • Demographics of community
  • Description of how materials will be excavated at CERCLA sites
  • Description of how waste materials will be handled and contained from receipt (or excavation) to the point of processing, including any preprocessing to be done
  • Contingency and/or site safety plan including action levels for unplanned releases
  • Reports of incidents or noncompliance
  • Employee personal sampling data

Table 2 - Applicability of Desorbers and Major Incinerator Types
to Various Wastes

Waste Type Liquid Injection Rotary Kiln Fixed Hearth Fluidized Bed Desorber
Granular, screened   X X X X
Bulky, large, irregular (pallets, etc.)   X X    
Low melting point (tars, etc.) X X X X X*
Containers (pails, drums, etc.)   X X    
Organic compounds with fusible ash   X X X X
Organic vapors X X X X X
Organic liquids X X X X X*
Aqueous wastes X X X X X*
Halogenated aromatics requiring >2200°F X X X    
Aqueous/organic sludge   X   X X

                        * In limited quantities simultaneously with solids

Table 3 - Products of Incomplete Combustion (PICs)
from Hazardous Waste Incinerators (µg/min)*

Compound Frequency of
Occurrence (†)
Arithmetic Mean
Emission Rate (‡)
Geometric Mean
Emission Rate (§)
Volatile PICs
Benzene 6/6 38396.8 6756.5
Chloroform 6/6 31616.3 2549.5
Bromodichloromethane 6/9 4794.7 2295.5
Dibromochloromethane 6/9 1592.8 1059.6
Bromoform 5/9 8254.8 2419.3
Tetrachloroethylene 4/4 378.0 107.1
Chlorobenzene 4/5 674.0 494.8
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 4/5 520.3 84.3
Toluene 3/3 4198.7 1981.7
Methylene chloride 3/4 11707.7 1623.0
Bromochloromethane 3/9 7334.0 1733.5
Chloromethane 2/8 197481.0 161375.0
Carbon tetrachloride 1/1 126.3 120.4
Methyl ethyl ketone 1/7 172.0 169.0
Methylene bromide 1/8 12800.0 12554.0
Bromomethane 1/8 2300.0 2291.3
Chloroethylene 1/9 2405.0 2144.0
1,2-Dichloroethane 1/9 1946.0 1510.0
Semivolatile PICs
Naphthalene 3/4 2764.3 1461.2
Phenol 2/6 4326.5 1633.0
2-Nitrophenol 2/8 4971.5 3398.5
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1/8 5867.0 5867.0
2,4-Dimethylphenol 1/8 1600.0 1600.0
Pyrene 1/8 1100.0 1100.0
2,6-Toluene diisocyanate 1/8 200.0 200.0
Hexachlorobenzene 1/8 24.0 24.0
2-Chlorophenol 1/8 479.0 479.0
Pentachlorophenol 1/8 340.0 340.0
Fluoranthene 1/8 700.0 700.0

                                * µg/min = micrograms per minute EPA 1990, page 101
                                † Defined as number of occurrences as PIC divided by total number of possible occurrences as PIC; denominator excludes presence in waste feed.
                                ‡ Arithmetic mean emission rate for all sites; individual data (per site) consist of an arithmetic mean based on the number of measurements obtained above detection limits.
                                § Geometric mean emission rate for all sites; individual data (per site) consist of geometric mean based on the number of measurements obtained above detection limits.

Table 4 - Products of Incomplete Combustion
from Hazardous Waste Incinerators and Laboratory Reactors

Acetone (1,3) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (4,5) Nonanol (4)
Acetonitrile (5) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (4,5) 4-Octene (4)
Acetophenone (1) 1,1-Dichloroethane (5) Pentachlorophenol (5)
Benzaldehyde (1,4) 1,2-Dichloroethane (3,4,5) Phenol (5)
Benzene (1,3,4,5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (3,5) Polychlorinated biphenyls
Benzenedicarboxaldehyde (1) Dichlorodifluoromethane (5) (PCBs) (2)
Benzofuran (4) Dichloromethane (1,3,4,5) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
Benzoic acid (1) 2,4-Dichlorophenol (5) dioxins (PCDDs) (2,5,6)
Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (1,5) Diethyl phthalate (1) Polychlorinated dibenzo furans
1-Bromodecane (4) Dimethyl ether (3) (PCDFs) (2,5,6)
Bromofluorobenzene (4) 3,7-Dimethyloctanol (4) Pentanal (4)
Bromoform (3) Dioctyl adipate (1) Phenol (1,5)
Bromomethane (3,5) Ethenylethylbenzene (1) Phenyl acetylene (1)
Butyl benzyl phthalate (1) Ethylbenzaldehyde (1) Phenylbutenone (1)
Isooctane (3) Ethylbenzene (1,3) 1,1'-(1,4-Phenylene)
Carbon tetrachloride (1,2,3,4,5) Ethylbenzoic acid (1) Bis ethanone (1)
Chlorobenzene (1,3,4) Ethylphenol (1) Phenylpropenol (1)
1-Chlorobutane (4) (Ethylphenyl)ethanone (1) Propenyl methylbenzene (1)
2-Chlorocyclohexanol (1) Ethynylbenzene (1) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (4,5)
1-Chlorodecane (4) Formaldehyde (5) Tetrachloroethylene (1,2,3,4,5)
Chlorodibromomethane (3) Heptane (4) Tetradecane (4)
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether (3) Hexachlorobenzene (2,5) Tetramethyloxirane (1)
Chloroform (1,2,3,4,5) Hexachlorobutadiene (2) Toluene (1,3,4,5)
1-Chlorohexane (4) Hexanal (4) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (4,5)
Chloromethane (3,5) 1-Hexene (4) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (1,3,5)
1-Chlorononane (4) Methane (3) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (5)
1-Chloropentane (4) Methylcyclohexane (4) Trichloroethylene (1,2,4,5)
Cyclohexane (1) Methyl ethyl ketone (5) Trichlorofluoromethane (3)
Cyclohexanol (1) 2-Methyl hexane (4) Trichlorotrifluoroethane (4)
Cyclohexene (1) 3-Methyleneheptane (4) 2,3,6-Trimethyldecane (4)
1-Decene (4) 3-Methyl hexane (4) Trimethylhexane (1)
Dibutyl phthalate (1) 5,7-Methylundecane (4) 2,3,5-Trichlorophenol (5)
Dichloroacetylene (2) Naphthalene (1) Vinyl chloride (3,5)
Dichlorobromomethane (3) Nonane (4)


 (1) Trenholm 1986 (eight full-scale hazardous waste incinerators)
 (2) Dellinger 1988 (turbulent flame laboratory reactor)
 (3) Trenholm 1987 (full-scale rotary kiln incinerator)
 (4) Chang 1988 (turbulent flame laboratory reactor)
 (5) US EPA "PIC database" in US EPA 1989b (review of available data at varied units)
 (6) US EPA 1987c (two full-scale rotary kiln incinerators) Costner and Thornton 1990, page 25

Table 5 - ARAR Identification Process

1. Scoping of the Remedial Investigation/Site Characterization
  • List all chemicals present and location characteristics
  • Identify potential chemical- and location-specific ARARs and TBCs
  • Determine applicability and relevance and appropriateness of potential chemical and location specific ARARs
2. Screening and Development of Alternatives/Feasibility Study (FS)
  • Identify all potential action-specific ARARs and TBCs for alternatives that pass through initial screening
  • Determine applicability or relevance and appropriateness of potential action-specific ARARs
3. Detailed Analysis of Alternatives//Proposed Plans (FS)
  • List preferred alternatives and all associated ARARs and TBCs identified
  • Document and justify proposed ARAR waivers
4. Record of Decision
  • Document reason for selecting final remedial alternative and how ARARs and TBCs will be attained
  • Document and justify final ARAR waivers

ARAR = Applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements
TBC = To-be-considered

Table 6 - Conservative Estimates of Metals Partitioning to Flue Gas
as a Function of Solids Temperature and Chlorine Content*
Metal 1600°F 2000°F
Cl †= 0% Cl = 1% Cl = 0% Cl = 1%
Antimony 100% 100% 100% 100%
Arsenic 100% 100% 100% 100%
Barium 50% 30% 100% 100%
Beryllium 5% 5% 5% 5%
Cadmium 100% 100% 100% 100%
Chromium 5% 5% 5% 5%
Lead 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mercury 100% 100% 100% 100%
Silver 8% 100% 100% 100%
Thallium 100% 100% 100% 100%

Source of data: EPA 1989

* The remaining percentage of metal is contained in the bottom ash. Partitioning for liquids is estimated at 100% for all metals. The combustion gas temperature is expected to be 100°F - 1000°F higher than the solids temperature.
 †Cl = Chlorine.


Table 7 - Metal Volatility Temperatures

Chromium 1613 CrO2/CrO3 1611 CrO2/CrO3
Nickel 1210 Ni (OH)2 693 NiCl2
Beryllium 1054 Be (OH)2 1054 Be (OH)2
Silver 904 Ag 627 AgCl
Barium 84 Ba (OH)2 904 BaCl2
Thallium 721 Tl2O3 138 TIOH
Antimony 660 Sb2O3 660 Sb2O3
Lead 627 Pb -15 PbCl4
Selenium 318 SeO2 318 SeO2
Cadmium 214 Cd 214 Cd
Arsenic 32 As2O3 32 As2O3
Mercury 14 Hg 14 Hg

Source of data: Original data by Dr. Randy Seeker of EER Corporation,
under contract to EPA (used with permission).


Table 8 - Air Pollution Control Devices and their Conservatively Estimated
Efficiencies for Controlling Metals

Air Pollution Control Device POLLUTANT
Ba, Be Ag Cr As,Sb,Cd,
Pb, Tl
Wet scrubber (WS)* 50 50 50 40 30
Venturi scrubber, 20-30 in.
Water gauge pressure (WGP)
90 90 90 20 20
Venturi scrubber,
>60 in. WGP (VS-60)
98 98 98 40 40
Electrostatic precipitator,
1 stage (ESP-1)
95 95 95 80 0
Electrostatic precipitator,
2 stage (ESP-2)
97 97 97 85 0
Electrostatic precipitator,
4 stage (ESP-4)
99 99 99 90 0
Wet ESP (WESP) 97 97 96 95 60
Baghouse or fabric filter (FF) 95 95 95 90 50
Proprietary wet scrubber (PS)† 95 95 95 95 80
Spray dryer/FF (SD/FF) or
Spray dryer/Cyclone/FF
99 99 99 95 90
Dry scrubber/FF (DS/FF) 98 98 98 98 50
FF/WS 95 95 95 90 50
ESP-1/WS or ESP-1/PS 96 96 96 90 80
ESP-4/WS or ESP-4/PS 99 99 99 95 85
VS-20/WS 97 97 97 96 80
WS/Ionizing wet scrubber (IWS)‡ 95 95 95 95 85
WESP/VS-20/IWS 99 99 98 97 90
99 99 99 99 98
SD/Cyclone/ESP-1 99 99 98 95 85

* Wet scrubber includes Sieve Tray Tower, Packed Tower, and Bubble Cap Tower. EPA 1989
†It is assumed that flue gases have been pre-cooled in a quench before the PS. If gases are not cooled adequately,  mercury recoveries will diminish, as will cadmium and arsenic to a lesser extent. A number of proprietary wet  scrubbers have come on the market in recent years that are highly efficient on both particulates and corrosive gases.  Two such units are offered by Calvert Environmental Equipment Co. and by Hydro-Sonic Systems, Inc.
 ‡An IWS is nearly always used with an upstream quench and packed horizontal scrubber.
ATSDR Note: One commenter said a facility has reported 50-60% mercury removal by their ESP.

Table 9 - Design Considerations

Design Considerations Important in Minimizing or Preventing Public Exposure:
  • Controlling fugitive emissions by physical or mechanical means from waste unloading and processing areas.

  • Venting waste feed tanks to the combustion chamber(s) or through a carbon filter system.

  • Connecting an automatic waste feed cutoff system (AWFCO) to the key operating conditions.

  • Triggering the opening of an emergency relief vent only when extremely critical operating conditions are exceeded.

  • Designing the ash handling equipment to prevent blowing fugitive particulates.

  • Installing continuous emissions monitors (CEMs) that monitor the stack emissions. Desorbers which have condensers and/or carbon adsorption units need a CEM hydrocarbon monitor to monitor for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) breakthrough.

  • Building stacks in accordance with good engineering practice (GEP) to provide good dispersion of the plume.

Table 10 - Recommended Automatic Waste Feed Cut Off Conditions to be Continuously Monitored

Conditions to assure effective treatment of the waste:
  • Minimum PCC flue gas exit temperature for incinerators, and minimum bottom ash temperature for desorbers and incinerators treating contaminated soil

  • Minimum SCC flue gas exit temperature for incinerators

  • Maximum waste feed rate for each waste type to each chamber
Conditions for APCE as applicable to the facility to assure the effective flue gas treatment:
  • Minimum pressure differential across a venturi scrubber

  • Minimum pressure differential across a baghouse

  • Minimum liquid-to-gas ratio and pH to a wet scrubber

  • Minimum caustic feed to dry scrubber

  • Minimum kVA settings for electrostatic precipitators (wet/dry)

  • Minimum kV and minimum liquid flowrate to ionized wet scrubber (IWS)

  • Carbon injection rate

  • Maximum exit temperature from condensers

  • Maximum temperature to catalytic oxidizer
Conditions to ensure that stack and fugitive emissions are maintained below levels of health concern:
  • Maximum CO or THC emissions measured at the stack or other appropriate location

  • Maximum flue gas flow rate or velocity measured at the stack or appropriate location

  • Maximum pressure in the DC or PCC

  • Temperature to APCE below 400°F

  • Maximum of 25% of LEL in desorber gases using a combustible gas monitor (if air used as carrier gas)

  • Maximum gas exit temperature of PCC and DC if toxic metals in waste

Table 11 - Issues Ambient Air Sampling and Monitoring Plans Should Address

  • Data necessary to assess episodic and chronic exposures

  • Assurance of worker protection levels

  • On-site action levels and response actions

  • Fence-line action levels and response actions

  • Community action levels and response actions

  • Relationship of contaminants to be sampled or monitored to contaminants of concern

  • Relationship of sampling frequency to facility operations

Table 12 - Overview of ATSDR-Funded Health Studies

Location Source Type Health Concern Study Design & Data Collected Conclusions Reference
Caldwell Systems, Inc.(NC) Commercial hazardous waste (HW) incinerator. No APCE. Poorly operated. Worker & community exposure Retrospective cross-sectional symptom & disease prevalence. Questionnaire. Increased self reported irritant, respiratory, & neurologic symptoms. No difference in physician diagnosed respiratory diseases or hospital admissions. ATSDR 1993
Caldwell Systems, Inc.(NC) Commercial HW Incinerator (see above) Follow-up on community exposure Cross-sectional follow-up. Questionnaire, pulmonary, immune, & neuro-behavioral tests. No differences for immune biomarkers or pulmonary tests. Only symptomatic women showed differences on 3 neuro-behavioral tests. After controlling for smoking 2 respiratory symptoms were significant. ATSDR 1998
Calvert City Industrial Complex (KY) Commercial & on-site HW Incinerators plus 16 manufacturing & chemical plants in very industrialized area Exposure of 2 Communities. Concern about increased illness, cancer, & birth defects. Cross-sectional symptom & illness prevalence study. Questionnaire, respiratory, biologic, & VOC exposure tests. No differences in reproductive histories, biologic tests, or pulmonary function tests. VOC exposure below national reference levels. Target area reported 2 illnesses more often but no clear pattern of symptoms or illnesses observed. ATSDR 1995
Times Beach Superfund Site (MO) Transportable Dioxin Incinerator Community exposure during incineration. Prospective cohort. Questionnaire & blood dioxin levels - before, during & after incineration. No measurable exposure to dioxins. Dioxin levels in the blood decreased during the study. Roberts 1999
VERTAC/Hercules Site (AR) Transportable HW & Dioxin Incinerator Historical & during incineration exposure to dioxins. Prospective cohort. Blood dioxin levels before & after incineration. Historical exposure, but no measurable increase in blood dioxin levels due to incinerator. Breasted et al 1998 ATSDR 1997b
Three communities with Incinerators (NC) HW Industrial Furnace, Medical Waste Incinerator, & Solid Waste Incinerator Do incinerators induce adverse respiratory effects? Does having asthma make a difference? Longitudinal (3 year) prospective cohort study of prevalence & incidence of respiratory effects. Questionnaire, daily diaries, ambient air sampling, respiratory symptoms & lung function. No acute or chronic respiratory effects or lung function abnormalities. Shy 1995

Appendix C - Figures

fig-1.jpgFigure 1. Incineration Subsystems and Typical Process Components

fig-2.jpgFigure 2. Thermal Desorption Systems

Appendix D - Public Health Review Process

The public health review process is covered extensively in the ATSDR Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual and other agency policies and procedures. This appendix briefly summarizes the public health review process for readers who might not be familiar with ATSDR policies and procedures. This document does not replace other ATSDR guidance or imply that matters not specifically covered in it are not important.

ATSDR Public Health Review Process

ATSDR's mission is to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances associated with exposure to hazardous substances from waste sites, unplanned releases, and other sources of pollution present in the environment. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as Superfund, ATSDR is charged with evaluating potential public health hazards resulting from exposure to toxic substances found at National Priorities List (NPL) sites, federal hazardous waste sites, sites of unplanned releases, and sites where ATSDR has been petitioned by concerned individuals or organizations, such as Tribal Nations or other federal, state, and local government agencies.

ATSDR's public health review process, also called the health assessment process, encompasses many key elements of the Agency's mission. The purpose of a public health assessment is to determine whether people have been, are being, or will be exposed to hazardous substances and, if so, whether that exposure is harmful and what actions need to occur to stop or reduce exposures. In conducting public health assessments, ATSDR obtains and evaluates information on the releases of toxic substances into the environment, the media contaminated, the concentration of contaminants, the routes of exposure, and the public health implications of those exposures. This initial step of data collection involves numerous organizations such as EPA, US Geological Survey, state health and environmental agencies, county and local health offices, and communities. ATSDR evaluates available health outcome data, and community health concerns in determining the threat caused by the site. After assessing the information available, ATSDR draws conclusions about the health concern posed by the site and makes recommendations for follow-up actions that address those concerns. The Agency strives to address health issues associated with all exposed populations, including those who might be uniquely vulnerable such as children, tribal populations, or those in compromised health conditions.

The primary steps in the health assessment process include:

A public health assessment generally does not generate new information, but rather involves a review of already existing health and environmental data. However, based on the data needs, ATSDR sometimes recommends that an exposure investigation be conducted to fill the data needs. Exposure investigations might be environmental sampling, biological sampling, or dose-reconstruction activities. The results of an exposure investigation are incorporated into the public health assessment or health consultation document.

Community outreach is another important part of the public health review process, with three primary purposes:

1. To obtain information for the health assessment process;

2. To collect and respond to the specific concerns expressed by community members; and,

3. To inform the community about ATSDR's progress, findings, and relevant health-related measures.

ATSDR engages the public early and maintains communication throughout the public health assessment process. ATSDR community outreach activities include

The findings of the public health assessment process might be reported in a variety of different types of reports, including

The Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual

The guidance manual is available on the ATSDR web site at


Appendix E - Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements

ARARs Selection Process

The RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Training Module - Introduction to: Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements provides the following discussion of ARARs (EPA 1998a). Table 5 shows the ARAR identification process.

CERCLA §121(d) specifies that on-site Superfund remedial actions must attain federal standards, requirements, criteria, limitations, or more stringent state standards determined to be legally applicable or relevant and appropriate to the circumstances at a given site. Such ARARs are identified during the remedial investigation/feasibil-ity study (RI/FS) and at other stages in the remedy selection process. For removal actions, ARARs are identified whenever practicable depending upon site circumstances. To be applicable, a state or federal requirement must directly and fully address the hazardous substance, the action being taken, or other circumstance at a site. A requirement which is not applicable may be relevant and appropriate if it addresses problems or pertains to circumstances similar to those encountered at a Superfund site. While legally applicable requirements must be attained, compliance with relevant and appropriate requirements is based on the discretion of the Remedial Project Manager (RPM), On-Scene Coordinator (OSC), or state official responsible for planning the response action (p. 3)[emphasis in original]....
The scope and extent of ARARs that may apply to a Superfund response action will vary depending on where remedial activities take place. For on-site response activities, CERCLA does not require compliance with administrative requirements, of other laws. CERCLA requires compliance with only the substantive elements of other laws, such as chemical concentration limits, monitoring requirements, or design and operating standards for waste management units for on-site activities. Administrative requirements, such as permits, reports, and records, along with substantive requirements, apply only to hazardous substances sent off site for further management. The extent to which any type of ARAR will apply also depends upon where response activities take place. Applicable requirements are universally applicable, while relevant and appropriate requirements only affect on-site response activities (p. 3)....
During on-site response actions, ARARs may be waived under certain circumstances. In other cases, the response may incorporate environmental policies or proposals that are not applicable or relevant and appropriate, but do address site-specific concerns. Such to-be-considered (TBC) standards may be used in determining the cleanup levels necessary for protection of human health and the environment (p. 4)[emphasis in original]....
ARARs must be identified on a site-by-site basis. Features such as the chemicals present, the location, the physical features, and the actions being considered as remedies at a given site will determine which standards must be heeded (p. 4)....

ARARs are used in conjunction with risk-based goals to govern Superfund response activities and to establish cleanup goals. EPA used ARARs as the starting point for determining protectiveness. When ARARs are absent or are not sufficiently protective, EPA uses data collected from the baseline risk assessment to determine cleanup levels. ARARs thus lend structure to the Superfund response process, but do not supplant EPA's responsibility to reduce the risk posed by a Superfund site to an acceptable level (p. 4).

...[F]or on-site activities, CERCLA requires compliance with both directly applicable requirements (i.e., those that would apply to a given circumstance at any site or facility) and those that EPA deems to be relevant and appropriate (even though they do not apply directly), based on the unique conditions at a Superfund site (p. 4)....

Environmental laws and regulations fit (more or less) into three categories: 1) those that pertain to the management of certain chemicals; 2) those that restrict activities at a given location; and 3) those that control specific actions. There are therefore three primary types of ARARs. Chemical-specific ARARs are usually health- or risk-based restrictions on the amount or concentration of a chemical that may be found in or discharges to the environment. Examples include RCRA land disposal restrictions (LDR) treatment standards and SDWA [Safe Drinking Water Act] maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Location-specific ARARs prevent damage to unique or sensitive areas, such as flood plains, historic places, wetlands, and fragile ecosystems, and restrict other activities that are potentially harmful because of where they take place.... Action-specific ARARs are activity or technology based. These ARARs control remedial activities involving the design or use of certain equipment, or regulate discrete actions (p. 5 - 6)....

The types of legal requirements applying to Superfund responses will differ to some extent depending upon whether the activity in question takes place on site or off site (the term "on site" includes not only the contaminated area at the site, but also all areas in very close proximity to the contamination necessary for implementation or the response action). Superfund responses must comply with all substantive requirements that are "applicable" or "relevant and appropriate." Off site, compliance is required only with applicable requirements, but both substantive and administrative compliance are necessary (p. 6)....

Congress limited the scope of EPA's obligation to attain administrative ARARs through CERCLA §121(e), which states that no federal, state, or local permits are required for on-site Superfund response actions. This permit exemption allows the response action to proceed in an expeditious manner, free from potentially lengthy delays associated with the permit process.... Only the substantive elements of other laws affect on-site responses. Examples of substantive requirements include concentration limits for chemical emissions or discharges and specifications for the design and operation of remediation equipment (p. 7)....

Removal actions must attain ARARs to the extent practicable, considering site-specific circumstances, including the urgency of the situation, the scope of the removal action, and the impact of ARARs on the cost and duration of the removal action (§300.415(j)). The OSC would not, for example, have to stop to identify ARARs prior to removing potentially explosive munitions discovered in a residential area, or comply with an ARAR that would cause the removal action to exceed the statutory 12 month, $2 million limits. OSCs must document why certain ARARs are not practicable for emergency removal actions, but should strive to implement those ARARs that are most crucial to the protection of human health and the environment (p. 8)....

Since conditions vary widely from Superfund site to Superfund site, ARARs alone may not adequately protect human health and the environment. When ARARs are not fully protective, EPA may implement other federal or state policies, guidelines, or proposed rules capable of reducing the risks posed by a site. Such TBC standards, while not legally binding (since they have not been promulgated), may be used in conjunction with ARARs to achieve an acceptable level of risk.... Because TBCs are not potential ARARs, their identification is not mandatory (p. 8)....

When ARARs and TBCs do not specify a particular remedy, EPA has the discretion to choose the best remedial alternatives. EPA prefers to use active control measures, such as treatment, to eliminate the principal threats posed by a Superfund site. If active measures are not practicable or cost-effective, institutional controls, such as restrictions on site use or access, or engineering controls, such as waste containment, may be used to prevent exposure to hazardous substances (§300.430(a)(iii)) (p. 8)....

Congress also identified certain circumstances under which a law or regulation that would normally be an ARAR may be waived in favor of another protective remedy (CERCLA §121(d)(4) and 40 CFR §300.430(f)(1)(ii)(B)). The following six types of "ARARs waivers" may be invoked during a remedial action (p. 19)....

An ARAR may be temporarily waived to implement a short-term alternative, or interim measure, provided that the final remedy will, within a reasonable time, attain all ARARs without causing additional releases, complicating the response process, presenting an immediate threat to public health or the environment, or interfering with the final remedy (p. 20)....


An ARAR may be waived if compliance with the requirement will result in greater risk to human health and the environment than noncompliance. It might, for example, be riskier to meet an ARAR calling for dredging of a riverbed to remove PCB-contaminated sediments, and in so doing release PCBs into the river, than to leave the contaminated sediments in place (p. 20).


An ARAR may be waived if it is technically impracticable from an engineering standpoint, based on the feasibility, reliability, and cost of the engineering methods required. It is, for example, often technically impracticable to remove from a drinking water aquifer dense, nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) trapped in deep bedrock fractures (p. 20)....


An ARAR may be waived if an alternative design or method of operation can produce equivalent or superior results, in terms of the degree of protection afforded, the level of performance achieved, long-term protectiveness, and the time required to achieve beneficial results (p. 20)....


A state ARAR may be waived if evidence exists that the requirement has not been applied to other sites (NPL or non-NPL) or has been applied variably or inconsistently. This waiver is intended to prevent unjustified or unreasonable state restrictions from being imposed at CERCLA sites (p. 20).


An ARAR may be waived if compliance would be costly relative to the degree of protection or risk reduction likely to be attained and the expenditure would jeopardize remedial actions at other sites. The lead Agency should consider the fund-balancing waiver when the cost of attaining an ARAR is 20 percent or more of the annual remedial action budget or $100 million, whichever is greater (p. 21)....


When an alternative that does not attain an ARAR is chosen, the basis for waiving the requirement must be fully documented and explained in the ROD [Record of Decision].... The lead Agency may therefore include a contingent ARAR waiver(s) in the ROD, by specifying specific contaminant levels or circumstances that will trigger the waiver (p. 21).

This page last updated on April 15, 2002

Lateefah A. Wooten /

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