Manual install of SAV 10.1




In most cases, you should be using SMS to install and/or upgrade your client systems with the latest version of Symantec AntiVirus software. In some special cases, it may be necessary to manually install the software. The following procedure outlines the details necessary to perform the manual install, but once again, you should use SMS as many of the complexities and install issues are handled by the SMS install package.


First, you will need the ‘cd’ image of the Symantec software. This is available to OU managers from the PSEEKITS ISO$ share. If you do not have access to pseekits/iso$, please consult your OU manager or contact the Windows Domain Admins for assistance.


Second, if you use firewall software, or are behind a firewall, ensure TCP port 2967 is open between your client computer and the two Central AV servers.


In most cases, the software will detect if you are running an older version of the SAV software, and simply perform an upgrade process. Upgrades have the advantage of keeping your settings. If you are converting from a previous install that was not managed by our central server, you will need to uninstall the older version of SAV on the client before proceeding. The following write-up is based upon not having any SAV software installed.



Next, run the setup.exe from the CD image.  You should see something like the following:



Simply select “Install Symantec AntiVirus” from the menu. You should now see something like the following:



Simply choose “Install Symantec AntiVirus Client”. You should now see something like the following:



This is an initial setup dialog box that will disappear. You will eventually see the main Installshield Wizard dialog box like the following:



Select ‘Next’ and you will get the license agreement box.



Select to accept the license agreement dialog, and press ‘Next’ to get the following:



Generally, select ‘Complete’. We have found it to be a better practice to include all of the Symantec Anti-Virus components which will eliminate the need to reinstall the software in the event the client upgrades software that potentially can take advantage of some of the extra anti-virus components. After selecting ‘Next’ your will see the following setup menu:



Systems should all be run in a ‘Managed’ mode to ensure the product is being updated and monitored by our central facility. After choosing, “Managed” press Next to get to the next dialog box:



At this point you need to inform your install as to which Parent Anti-Virus server to use. This will require you to be on the network. For the SMS install, this is all pre-configured, and can be installed even if the machine is off-site. You can simply enter the server name ‘cd-prt-av-a’, but the client will still need to perform a scan on the network that can be time consuming. We recommend selecting the ‘Browse’ selection, which will display the following dialog box:




In most cases you should see ‘CD-PRT-AV-A’, although you might also see other systems as well. If you do not see ‘CD-PRT-AV-A’ listed, press the ‘Find Computer’ button to get the following:




Simply enter in in the ‘search for;” field and select ‘Find’. If this does not return CD-PRT-AV-A in your selection choie, you should recheck your network connection and firewall settings.


Once you have CD-PRT-AV-A in your selection list, highlight that choice and press ‘OK’. You should now see the ‘Select Server’ dialog box with ‘CD-PRT-AV-A as the ‘server name:’. Select Next.



Press ‘next’.



Press ‘Install’ to begin the install process.



During the install, you will see a dialog box like the one above indicating the status. You will also see something like the following during the install:



This is normal as the client has not had the opportunity to check in and get the latest signature files. You can ‘close’ this dialog. When the install is complete, you should see the following:



Press ‘Finish’


Now you can start-up the Symnatec Client Security application from the ‘Programs’ Menu. You should see something like the following:



At this time, you can run the ‘LiveUpdate’ selection and get the latest signature files from Symantec. You will note, that your client does not have any Client Group defined. At this point, you will now want to update your install to place your client in the proper Symantec group. Selecting the group is done by installing the correct grc.dat file on your lient computer. The Grc.dat file contains all the settings and configuration settings for a particular group. You can get the latest grc.dat file by connecting to cd-prt-av-a’s share called ‘vphome’:



Drill down in this list to the ‘Goups’ folder and fine the name of the appropriate group you want your computer to be a member of.



In the selected folder, you will find a ‘grc.dat’ file. Select the correct one, but DO NOT EDIT the file. The format and spacing is unique, and you can not manually update these files. Once you have the correct grc.dat file, simply copy the file to:


C:\document and settings\all users\application data\symantec\symantec antivirus corporate edition\7.5


NOTE: For vista clients, you will need to copy the grc.dat file to C:/Users/All Users/Symantec/Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition/7.5

You also may need to change the folder permissions so that you can change files in this folder.




Normally, you will not see a grc.dat file in this location. The SAV software reads this file, and makes the necessary changes, and then deletes the grc.dat file. At this point, you can either wait for the SAV software to automatically read this file (this could take 15-30 minutes), or you could restart the Symantec service:



By stopping and restarting the ‘Symantec AntiVirus’ service, you will force the software to read the new grc.dat file. You can also reboot the computer which will also force the software to read the grc.dat file.


You should now have the Client Group listed when you start Symantec interface on the Client computer. In this case, the client is now part of the ‘TD’ Symantec group. Please note, the group name does not have any association with the Windows domain, but for ease, in most cases, we have created SAV groups based on the OU names in the FERMI domain.



After all of this is complete, you may need to install updates to the version you have installed. Typically, Symantec will provide separate files with a file-type of  ‘msp’. These are MSI based install files, and you simply can run these programs and answer the questions from the dialog boxes. These update files will require the SAV software to be idle (no background scans or even any open dialog boxes to be open from the user interface). In most cases you will be prompted to reboot after the updates are complete.