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UGID:239786     UniGene Hs.444749     Homo sapiens (human)   RPL36AL
Ribosomal protein L36a-like (RPL36AL)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_001152282.1 PREDICTED: similar to ribosomal protein isoform 1 P. troglodytes 100.0 120
NP_079865.1 ribosomal protein L36a-like M. musculus 100.0 105
XP_001057485.1 PREDICTED: similar to large subunit ribosomal protein L36a R. norvegicus 100.0 105
XP_001365913.1 PREDICTED: similar to ribosomal protein L36a M. domestica 100.0 105
NP_000992.1 ribosomal protein L36a-like protein H. sapiens 100.0 105
XP_537433.1 PREDICTED: similar to large subunit ribosomal protein L36a C. lupus familiaris 100.0 105
XP_001492679.2 PREDICTED: similar to mCG7611 E. caballus 100.0 105
NP_999082.1 ribosomal protein L36a-like protein S. scrofa 100.0 105
XP_001249541.1 PREDICTED: hypothetical protein LOC613592 B. taurus 100.0 105
NP_775369.1 ribosomal protein L36A D. rerio 99.1 105
NP_001087322.1 MGC85428 protein X. laevis 97.2 105
NP_496375.1 Ribosomal Protein, Large subunit family member (rpl-41) C. elegans 83.8 104
NP_609179.2 Ribosomal protein L36A CG7424-PA D. melanogaster 80.8 103
NP_188981.1 60S ribosomal protein L36a/L44 (RPL36aA) A. thaliana 80.0 104
XP_001691337.1 ribosomal protein L36a, component of cytosolic 80S ribosome and 60S large subunit C. reinhardtii 79.8 98
NP_012010.1 Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, identical to Rpl42Ap and has similarity to rat L44; required for propagation of the killer toxin-encoding M1 double-stranded RNA satellite of the L-A double-stranded RNA virus; Rpl42bp S. cerevisiae 77.4 105
XP_964540.2 60S ribosomal protein L44 N. crassa 77.4 105

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
EST Profile: Approximate expression patterns inferred from EST sources.
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GEO profiles: Experimental gene expression data (Gene Expression Omnibus).
cDNA Sources: blood; mixed; brain; kidney; prostate; liver; embryonic tissue; pharynx; bone marrow; muscle; uncharacterized tissue; adipose tissue; adrenal gland; mouth; eye; testis; lymph node; heart; pancreas; lung; placenta; lymph; umbilical cord; mammary gland; bladder; uterus; ascites; skin; intestine; vascular; stomach; salivary gland; ovary; thyroid; pituitary gland; bone; connective tissue; ear; thymus; spleen; parathyroid
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 14
Map position: 14q21
UniSTS entry: Chr X D6S1904
UniSTS entry: Chr 14 RH71370
UniSTS entry: Chr 14 PMC140079P2
UniSTS entry: Chr 14 WI-19962
UniSTS entry: D3S4098
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (9)

M15661.1 Human ribosomal protein mRNA, complete cds P
NM_001001.3 Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L36a-like (RPL36AL), mRNA PA
BC070207.1 Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L36a-like, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:88188 IMAGE:4271403), complete cds P
CR542166.1 Homo sapiens full open reading frame cDNA clone RZPDo834B0624D for gene RPL36AL, ribosomal protein L36a-like; complete cds, incl. stopcodon P
BC107716.1 Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L36a-like, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:111574 IMAGE:6727975), complete cds PA
BC000741.2 Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L36a-like, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:2225 IMAGE:3507009), complete cds PA
BC003145.1 Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L36a-like, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:3918 IMAGE:2957923), complete cds PA
AK311959.1 Homo sapiens cDNA, FLJ92227, highly similar to Homo sapiens ribosomal protein L36a-like (RPL36AL), mRNA P
AB063609.1 Homo sapiens RPL36AL mRNA for ribosomal protein L36a-like, complete cds P

EST sequences (471)

AA961699.1 Clone IMAGE:1598313 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AI001094.1 Clone IMAGE:1613000 uncharacterized tissue 3' read P
AA910390.1 Clone IMAGE:1521113 lung 3' read P
AI038843.1 Clone IMAGE:1659587 embryonic tissue 3' read P
AI088810.1 Clone IMAGE:1686136 brain 3' read PA
AA923683.1 Clone IMAGE:1536643 kidney 3' read PA
AI149112.1 Clone IMAGE:1721060 uterus 3' read PA
AI083939.1 Clone IMAGE:1679022 skin 3' read PA
AI186091.1 Clone IMAGE:1740432 lung 3' read PA
CB106647.1 Clone L3SNU475-6-H11 liver 5' read P
CB106813.1 Clone L3SNU475-11-B10 liver 5' read P
CB107146.1 Clone L3SNU475-13-H02 liver 5' read P
CB107970.1 Clone L3SNU475-15-D04 liver 5' read P
CB117473.1 Clone L4SNU368-27-B02 liver 5' read P
CB113114.1 Clone L5HLK1-18-D12 liver 5' read P
CB113726.1 Clone L5HLK1-15-H01 liver 5' read P
CB120302.1 Clone L10ChoCK0-25-E12 liver 5' read PA
CB122599.1 Clone L10ChoCK0-13-C12 liver 5' read PA
CB123732.1 Clone L10ChoCK0-18-E10 liver 5' read P
AI277914.1 Clone IMAGE:1893245 placenta 3' read PA
AI278100.1 Clone IMAGE:1893404 placenta 3' read PA
AA928043.1 Clone IMAGE:1486918 pharynx 3' read PA
AI199158.1 Clone IMAGE:1859579 brain 3' read PA
AI199301.1 Clone IMAGE:1859018 brain 3' read PA
AI199303.1 Clone IMAGE:1859022 brain 3' read PA
AI224845.1 Clone IMAGE:1858749 mixed 3' read PA
AI312208.1 Clone IMAGE:2051305 brain 3' read
AI318119.1 Clone IMAGE:2054144 ovary 3' read P
AI340665.1 Clone IMAGE:2056057 bone marrow 3' read P
AI344806.1 Clone IMAGE:2053939 ovary 3' read P
AI347760.1 Clone IMAGE:1916336 kidney 3' read PA
AI356575.1 Clone IMAGE:2012122 brain 3' read PA
AI369878.1 Clone IMAGE:2017710 brain 3' read PA
AI433368.1 Clone IMAGE:2132821 lymph node 3' read A
AI434457.1 Clone IMAGE:2132636 lymph node 3' read PA
AI475222.1 Clone IMAGE:2153392 intestine 3' read P
AI476158.1 Clone IMAGE:2174171 lymph node 3' read PA
AI540297.1 Clone IMAGE:2210700 uterus 3' read PA
AI583459.1 Clone IMAGE:2246084 bone marrow 3' read P
AI611386.1 Clone IMAGE:2245840 bone marrow 3' read P
AI611485.1 Clone IMAGE:2245604 bone marrow 3' read P
AI611527.1 Clone IMAGE:2245676 bone marrow 3' read P
AI612077.1 Clone IMAGE:2245519 bone marrow 3' read P
AI591274.1 Clone IMAGE:2246682 bone marrow 3' read P
F26205.1 Clone s4000050H10 muscle P
F26539.1 Clone s4000056F12 muscle PA
F27688.1 Clone s4000011G08 muscle P
F28424.1 Clone s3000016A04 muscle P
F29763.1 Clone s4000083B07 muscle P
F37651.1 Clone NOTAVAIL05585 muscle P
AI708983.1 Clone IMAGE:2353949 vascular 3' read PA
AI801282.1 Clone IMAGE:2185227 stomach 3' read PA
AI802812.1 Clone IMAGE:2244861 bone marrow 3' read P
AI802813.1 Clone IMAGE:2244863 bone marrow 3' read P
AI803530.1 Clone IMAGE:2067335 embryonic tissue 3' read PA
AI815655.1 Clone IMAGE:2518077 brain 5' read P
CB269319.1 adipose tissue 5' read P
AI817372.1 Clone IMAGE:2413086 lymph node 3' read PA
AI863146.1 Clone IMAGE:2290894 brain 3' read PA
AI928748.1 Clone IMAGE:2466201 brain 3' read
CB987777.1 Clone IMAGE:30327237 mixed 5' read P
CB958978.1 Clone IMAGE:30351559 mixed 5' read P
CD102148.1 Clone IMAGE:30370525 mixed 5' read P
CD102417.1 Clone IMAGE:30370661 mixed 5' read P
CD107825.1 Clone IMAGE:30368941 pituitary gland 5' read PA
AI878958.1 Clone IMAGE:2518330 brain 5' read P
AI879955.1 Clone IMAGE:2518077 brain 3' read PA
CD173380.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CD242043.1 Clone IMAGE:30382033 vascular 5' read PA
CD246548.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
CD247297.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
CD357709.1 Clone IMAGE:30403366 vascular 5' read P
CD364483.1 Clone UI-H-FT2-bjl-a-17-0-UI lung 3' read PA
CD365326.1 Clone UI-H-FT2-bjj-g-06-0-UI lung 3' read PA
CD520350.1 Clone IMAGE:30410276 blood 5' read P
CD520830.1 Clone IMAGE:30409782 blood 5' read P
CD521507.1 Clone IMAGE:30412107 blood 5' read P
CD523291.1 Clone IMAGE:30410323 blood 5' read P
BX474237.1 Clone DKFZp686F16168 muscle 5' read PA
AW024386.1 Clone IMAGE:2528488 kidney 3' read PA
CD638727.1 Clone IMAGE:30416088 blood 5' read PA
CD640535.1 Clone IMAGE:30417761 blood 5' read P
CD640999.1 Clone IMAGE:30415664 blood 5' read PA
CD641809.1 Clone IMAGE:30418067 blood 5' read PA
BX478962.1 Clone DKFZp686E13208 muscle 5' read P
CD677778.1 Clone ho22b01 eye 5' read PA
CD679401.1 Clone hq10b02 eye 5' read PA
CD684480.1 pharynx P
CD689114.1 pharynx
CD688565.1 pharynx P
CD690766.1 pharynx PA
CD694606.1 pharynx P
CD704313.1 pharynx P
CD710629.1 pharynx PA
AW073619.1 Clone IMAGE:2570984 bone marrow 3' read P
AW074943.1 Clone IMAGE:2571753 bone marrow 3' read P
AW087292.1 Clone IMAGE:2582882 intestine 3' read PA
AW130508.1 Clone IMAGE:2621674 stomach 3' read PA
CF124009.1 prostate 5' read PA
AI114687.1 liver PA
AI904234.1 mammary gland P
AI906360.1 mammary gland P
AI906956.1 mammary gland P
CF528980.1 Clone UI-1-BC1p-aku-g-03-0-UI placenta 3' read PA
CF529221.1 Clone UI-1-BC1p-asq-f-05-0-UI placenta 3' read PA
D19893.1 Clone mm08h12 blood 3' read A
AW262292.1 Clone IMAGE:2755331 mouth 3' read P
AW059897.1 blood
AW374197.1 mammary gland P
AW577651.1 mammary gland P
AU077014.1 Clone pkaia053 uncharacterized tissue 5' read
CK823754.1 Clone IMAGE:5633805 pancreas 3' read P
AW884442.1 ovary
AW884452.1 ovary P
AW951784.1 uncharacterized tissue P
CN270076.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN270077.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
CN270078.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
CN270079.1 embryonic tissue 5' read
CN270080.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
CN270081.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN270082.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN270083.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
CN270084.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN270085.1 embryonic tissue 5' read PA
BE044954.1 Clone IMAGE:3021567 thyroid 3' read P
T23953.1 Clone 1HB3MK-13 brain 3' read P
AJ708308.1 Clone CMPD02913 heart P
AJ711219.1 Clone CMPD08703 heart P
BE206116.1 Clone IMAGE:2957923 kidney 3' read PA
BP872691.1 Clone HKR08485 kidney 5' read P
BP872895.1 Clone HKR09750 kidney 5' read P
BP873083.1 Clone HKR11015 kidney 5' read P
BP873129.1 Clone HKR11280 kidney 5' read P
BP873152.1 Clone HKR11367 kidney 5' read P
BP873220.1 Clone HKR11771 kidney 5' read P
BP873592.1 Clone HKR14333 kidney 5' read P
BP873597.1 Clone HKR14360 kidney 5' read P
CV025794.1 mixed 5' read P
BE269656.1 Clone IMAGE:3543016 lymph 5' read
BE311727.1 Clone IMAGE:3507009 kidney 5' read PM
BP244465.1 Clone HKR00692 kidney 5' read P
BP244508.1 Clone HKR00816 kidney 5' read P
BP244530.1 Clone HKR00859 kidney 5' read P
BP244871.1 Clone HKR01739 kidney 5' read P
BP244917.1 Clone HKR01878 kidney 5' read P
BP245105.1 Clone HKR02352 kidney 5' read P
BP245250.1 Clone HKR02827 kidney 5' read P
BP246133.1 Clone HKR05159 kidney 5' read P
BP246347.1 Clone HKR05826 kidney 5' read P
BP246459.1 Clone HKR06211 kidney 5' read P
BP246779.1 Clone HKR06944 kidney 5' read P
BP247341.1 Clone HKR08267 kidney 5' read P
BP247412.1 Clone HKR08444 kidney 5' read P
BP248181.1 Clone HKR10325 kidney 5' read P
BP248225.1 Clone HKR10466 kidney 5' read P
BP248562.1 Clone HKR11314 kidney 5' read P
BP249429.1 Clone HKR13514 kidney 5' read P
BP235111.1 Clone HCR04570 vascular 5' read P
BP296478.1 Clone MPC01071 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
BP298022.1 Clone MPC04663 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
BP306856.2 Clone MPG08796 uncharacterized tissue 5' read PA
BP372787.1 Clone UBA03810 umbilical cord 5' read P
BP271943.1 Clone KAT02236 stomach 5' read P
BP281958.1 Clone KMR02909 bone marrow 5' read PA
BE336876.1 Clone IMAGE:2957923 kidney 5' read PM
BP335339.1 Clone SMR01081 vascular 5' read P
BP337165.1 Clone SMR07643 vascular 5' read P
BE294238.1 Clone IMAGE:3528429 muscle 5' read PM
BE378677.1 Clone IMAGE:3609166 uterus 5' read PM
BE379688.1 Clone IMAGE:3510854 bladder 3' read
BE380124.1 Clone IMAGE:3510854 bladder 5' read
BE382522.1 Clone IMAGE:3628265 brain 5' read PM
BE395559.1 Clone IMAGE:3631202 uterus 5' read PM
BE395743.1 Clone IMAGE:3632607 uterus 5' read PM
BE539723.1 Clone IMAGE:3446204 placenta 5' read PM
BE562951.1 Clone IMAGE:3690239 uterus 5' read PM
BE564019.1 Clone IMAGE:3686631 bone marrow 5' read PM
BE797554.1 Clone IMAGE:3941804 lung 5' read PM
BE866200.1 Clone IMAGE:3961823 bladder 5' read PM
BE866704.1 Clone IMAGE:3961730 bladder 5' read PM
BE881084.1 Clone IMAGE:3894346 lung 5' read PM
DR002633.1 Clone TC119509 brain 5' read P
BE905959.1 Clone IMAGE:3897680 pancreas 5' read P
BE958153.1 Clone IMAGE:3930024 brain 5' read P
BE967349.1 Clone IMAGE:3933084 brain 5' read P
T27780.1 vascular 5' read P
D56069.1 Clone GEN-414B08 brain 5' read PA
AV735170.1 Clone cdAAJA10 adrenal gland 5' read P
AV735419.2 Clone CBLALB10 blood 5' read P
CR975047.1 Clone RZPDp9017B1721 uncharacterized tissue 5' read PA
AV739389.1 Clone CBCBWH03 blood 5' read PA
AV739630.1 Clone CBCBBA03 blood 5' read PA
AV742633.1 Clone CBLAQH02 blood 5' read P
AV744259.2 Clone CBMAJD07 blood 5' read P
AV744698.1 Clone CBLAZF03 blood 5' read P
AV745283.1 Clone NPABDH08 pituitary gland 5' read P
AV745990.1 Clone NPAAKF08 pituitary gland 5' read
AV746403.2 Clone NPABDD01 pituitary gland 5' read P
D52869.1 Clone GEN-090D06 brain 5' read P
BF082407.1 mammary gland P
D54115.1 Clone GEN-129B10 brain 5' read P
CR976667.1 Clone RZPDp9017P1911 uncharacterized tissue 5' read PA
CR979795.1 Clone RZPDp9016K1239 uncharacterized tissue 5' read PA
CR988949.1 Clone RZPDp9016J0843 uncharacterized tissue 5' read PA
CR996586.1 Clone RZPDp9017E2423 uncharacterized tissue 5' read PA
CR997676.1 Clone RZPDp9017C2442 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
BF205851.1 Clone IMAGE:4110877 muscle 5' read P
BF210300.1 Clone IMAGE:4097508 bone marrow 5' read P
BF211561.1 Clone IMAGE:4046509 bone marrow 5' read P
BF212031.1 Clone IMAGE:4047536 bone marrow 5' read P
BF239185.1 Clone IMAGE:4133517 bone marrow 5' read P
BF245538.1 Clone IMAGE:4081284 brain 5' read P
BF378943.1 uterus
DA011885.1 Clone ADRGL2003964 adrenal gland 5' read P
BF676400.1 Clone IMAGE:4248598 prostate 5' read P
BF678688.1 Clone IMAGE:4249409 prostate 5' read
BF679415.1 Clone IMAGE:4295216 prostate 5' read P
BF718736.1 Clone S90413.NIH-68-R.ab1 skin 3' read PA
AV726412.1 Clone HTCBFE09 brain 5' read P
BF791362.1 Clone IMAGE:4343930 adrenal gland 5' read PA
DB311833.1 Clone BRTHA2030207 brain 3' read PA
BF746419.1 mammary gland P
DB102362.1 Clone THYMU2001531 thymus 5' read P
BF761439.1 intestine
DW407945.1 liver P
DW411628.1 liver P
DW413151.1 liver P
DW419596.1 liver P
DW432925.1 liver P
DW436966.1 liver P
DW437119.1 liver P
DW444399.1 liver P
DW449669.1 liver
DW452874.1 liver
DW467110.1 liver P
BG105380.1 Clone IMAGE:4422458 adrenal gland 5' read PA
BF983670.1 Clone IMAGE:4398248 intestine 5' read PA
BF964919.1 Clone IMAGE:4356893 muscle 5' read P
BF969874.1 Clone IMAGE:4360334 adrenal gland 5' read PA
BF969895.1 Clone IMAGE:4360580 adrenal gland 5' read PA
BF972333.1 Clone IMAGE:4329297 uterus 5' read PA
BF948015.1 brain P
F15545.2 Clone NOTAVAIL00041 muscle
BF956344.1 brain P
BF962151.1 brain P
F17253.2 Clone NOTAVAIL01780 muscle
F17706.1 Clone NOTAVAIL02261 muscle P
BG150758.1 Clone IMAGE:4258941 pharynx P
DB561851.1 Clone H033039K07 brain 3' read PA
DB447621.1 Clone H013032F08 testis 5' read P
EB362659.1 Clone ki30f02 eye P
DB491359.1 Clone H033039K07 brain 5' read P
DB475471.1 Clone H023067D12 brain 5' read P
DB495405.1 Clone H033058E15 brain 5' read P
DB512660.1 Clone H013032F08 testis 3' read A
DB566462.1 Clone H033058E15 brain 3' read PA
DB544295.1 Clone H023067D12 brain 3' read PA
BG284857.1 Clone IMAGE:4538250 prostate 5' read PA
BG323356.1 Clone IMAGE:4559626 kidney 5' read PA
EC439786.1 prostate
EC451883.1 prostate
EC455036.1 prostate
EC456645.1 prostate
EC473233.1 prostate
EC474412.1 prostate
EC515556.1 prostate
EC527356.1 prostate
EC531551.1 prostate
EC547746.1 prostate
BG434858.1 Clone IMAGE:4604687 placenta 5' read P
EC565541.1 prostate
EC574610.1 prostate
EC580250.1 prostate
BF175630.1 bone marrow P
BG492567.1 Clone IMAGE:4655286 salivary gland 5' read P
BG497020.1 Clone IMAGE:4659896 salivary gland 5' read P
BG497998.1 Clone IMAGE:4665518 prostate 5' read
BG498520.1 Clone IMAGE:4666600 prostate 5' read P
BG504005.1 Clone IMAGE:4665003 testis 5' read P
AU100578.1 Clone pkaia0053 uncharacterized tissue 5' read
BG548311.1 Clone IMAGE:4703443 lung 5' read P
BG527286.1 Clone IMAGE:4685150 salivary gland 5' read P
BG527415.1 Clone IMAGE:4685907 salivary gland 5' read P
BG527846.1 Clone IMAGE:4685521 salivary gland 5' read P
BG531803.1 Clone IMAGE:4698283 testis 5' read P
BG540945.1 Clone IMAGE:4694615 lung 5' read P
BG541258.1 Clone IMAGE:4694869 lung 5' read P
BG541706.1 Clone IMAGE:4695717 lung 5' read P
BG574090.1 Clone IMAGE:4704805 mammary gland 5' read PA
BG613551.1 Clone IMAGE:4772423 testis 5' read P
BG622603.1 Clone IMAGE:4769075 placenta 5' read P
BG780034.1 Clone IMAGE:4808158 prostate 5' read PA
BG108907.1 eye 5' read P
EC093892.1 Clone HH0012_F08 prostate A
BG939972.1 Clone ax01g12 blood P
BG939973.1 Clone ax01g12 blood PA
BG940171.1 Clone ax04a05 blood PA
BG940172.1 Clone ax04a05 blood P
BG940560.1 Clone ax06d04 blood P
BG940561.1 Clone ax06d04 blood PA
BG940882.1 Clone ax08a08 blood P
BG940883.1 Clone ax08a08 blood PA
BG941265.1 Clone ax10g08 blood P
BG941306.1 Clone ax11c09 blood P
BG941624.1 Clone ax15c12 blood P
BG941684.1 Clone ax16a08 blood
BG941809.1 Clone ax17f02 blood P
BG942532.1 Clone ax26d04 blood A
BG942734.1 Clone ax28g04 blood PA
BG943028.1 Clone ax32f10 blood P
BG943629.1 Clone ax40b04 blood P
BG943941.1 Clone ax44a08 blood P
BG944283.1 Clone ax48g01 blood PA
BG944543.1 Clone ax51g03 blood P
BG944567.1 Clone ax52a05 blood P
BG944599.1 Clone ax52d09 blood P
BG944638.1 Clone ax53a03 blood P
BG944701.1 Clone ax53g02 blood P
BG945027.1 Clone ax57g06 blood P
BG719291.1 Clone IMAGE:4822553 testis 5' read P
N87535.1 Clone LL1583 heart 5' read
BI494273.1 Clone IMAGE:2538875 ear 3' read PA
BI494274.1 Clone IMAGE:2538875 ear 5' read PA
EL949438.1 eye 5' read P
BI714807.1 pancreas 3' read PA
BI715378.1 pancreas 5' read P
N95018.1 Clone IMAGE:306527 lung 3' read PA
BI820080.1 Clone IMAGE:5178281 mixed 5' read P
BM021017.1 Clone IMAGE:5427791 brain 5' read PA
BM048642.1 Clone IMAGE:5456525 prostate 5' read PA
BM460872.1 Clone IMAGE:5533216 uterus 5' read P
BM510830.1 Clone IMAGE:5633805 pancreas 3' read PA
BM511081.1 Clone IMAGE:5633805 pancreas 5' read PA
BM560769.1 Clone IMAGE:5432305 brain 5' read PA
BM662362.1 Clone UI-E-CI1-abf-b-01-0-UI eye 3' read PA
BI481274.1 eye 5' read P
BM691324.1 Clone UI-E-CI1-abf-b-01-0-UI eye 5' read P
BM700213.1 Clone UI-E-DW1-aha-f-17-0-UI eye 5' read PA
BM745223.1 Clone S5SNU484-16-D05 stomach 5' read P
BM749411.1 Clone S11SNU1-2-C01 ascites 5' read P
BM755368.1 Clone S11SNU1-10-C05 ascites 5' read P
BM790037.1 Clone S17N258215-5-H10 stomach 5' read A
BM795021.1 Clone S22SNU16n1-45-C12 ascites 5' read PA
BM797821.1 Clone S22SNU16n1-79-H09 ascites 5' read P
BM832757.1 Clone S5SNU484s1-8-C01 stomach 5' read PA
BM849863.1 Clone S13KMS5s1-28-E10 stomach 5' read P
BM910475.1 Clone IMAGE:5453970 brain 5' read PA
BM915733.1 Clone IMAGE:5481983 skin 5' read PA
BM973694.1 Clone UI-CF-EC1-aby-k-22-0-UI lung 3' read PA
BM992722.1 Clone IMAGE:5864924 connective tissue 3' read PA
BQ012382.1 Clone UI-1-BC1p-asn-g-08-0-UI placenta 3' read PA
BQ012876.1 Clone UI-1-BC1-asn-g-08-0-UI placenta 3' read PA
BY998780.1 Clone cp0465 eye 3' read A
BY998816.1 Clone cp0521 eye 3' read A
BQ301792.1 mammary gland P
BQ302997.1 mammary gland P
BQ302999.1 mammary gland P
BQ322310.1 intestine
BQ340264.1 brain P
BQ340367.1 brain P
BQ349159.1 thyroid P
BQ575468.1 Clone UI-H-EZ1-bbb-j-14-0-UI bone 3' read PA
BQ582251.1 Clone IMAGE:6030095 pancreas 3' read P
BQ630984.1 Clone IMAGE:6030095 pancreas 5' read P
BQ636933.1 Clone he03d07 eye 5' read P
BQ643734.1 Clone IMAGE:6270392 liver 5' read PA
BQ645158.1 Clone IMAGE:6270609 liver 5' read PA
BQ650971.1 Clone IMAGE:6297197 liver 5' read PA
BQ653792.1 Clone IMAGE:6285462 liver 5' read PA
BQ669848.1 Clone IMAGE:6257003 salivary gland 5' read PA
BQ711069.1 Clone IMAGE:6215219 spleen 5' read PA
BG112886.1 Clone IMAGE:4372484 bone 5' read PA
BU071041.1 Clone IMAGE:6036521 pancreas 3' read PA
BU153427.1 Clone IMAGE:6021193 pancreas 5' read PA
BU185480.1 Clone IMAGE:6085184 pancreas 5' read PA
AA070056.1 Clone IMAGE:530007 skin 5' read P
BU532865.1 Clone IMAGE:6558790 mixed 5' read P
BU533407.1 Clone IMAGE:6559748 mixed 5' read P
BU536191.1 Clone IMAGE:6564096 mixed 5' read PA
AA070828.1 Clone IMAGE:530007 skin 3' read P
BU536641.1 Clone IMAGE:6565143 mixed 5' read P
AA083874.1 Clone IMAGE:530229 skin 5' read P
AA091458.1 heart 5' read
AA092246.1 heart 5' read P
AA099735.1 Clone IMAGE:489739 uterus 3' read P
AA112888.1 Clone IMAGE:530229 skin 3' read P
AA146746.1 Clone IMAGE:588832 intestine 3' read PA
AA146747.1 Clone IMAGE:588834 intestine 5' read P
AA147830.1 Clone IMAGE:589984 umbilical cord 5' read P
T64019.1 Clone IMAGE:79836 lung 3' read P
AA158110.1 Clone IMAGE:591045 pancreas 5' read P
AA158111.1 Clone IMAGE:591045 pancreas 3' read PA
BU563976.1 Clone IMAGE:6601805 mixed 5' read P
BU564174.1 Clone IMAGE:6602095 mixed 5' read P
BU565693.1 Clone IMAGE:6604495 mixed 5' read P
BU565984.1 Clone IMAGE:6604985 mixed 5' read P
BU567073.1 Clone IMAGE:6606635 mixed 5' read P
BU587718.1 Clone IMAGE:6385734 mixed 5' read PA
BU596071.1 Clone IMAGE:6452458 mixed 5' read P
BU596406.1 Clone IMAGE:6452943 mixed 5' read P
BU596660.1 Clone IMAGE:6453292 mixed 5' read P
BU598009.1 Clone IMAGE:6456601 mixed 5' read P
BU598736.1 Clone IMAGE:6457654 mixed 5' read P
BU599200.1 Clone IMAGE:6458202 mixed 5' read P
BU599125.1 Clone IMAGE:6458118 mixed 5' read P
BU600238.1 Clone IMAGE:6463644 mixed 5' read P
BU600310.1 Clone IMAGE:6463728 mixed 5' read P
BU601072.1 Clone IMAGE:6494935 mixed 5' read P
BU601339.1 Clone IMAGE:6495233 mixed 5' read P
AA186678.1 Clone IMAGE:624883 umbilical cord 5' read P
AA191452.1 Clone IMAGE:624883 umbilical cord 3' read PA
AA192651.1 Clone IMAGE:629630 muscle 5' read P
AA192676.1 Clone IMAGE:629631 muscle 5' read P
AA192987.1 Clone IMAGE:629630 muscle 3' read PA
AA196003.1 Clone IMAGE:628377 muscle 3' read PA
AA196119.1 Clone IMAGE:628377 muscle 5' read P
AA211585.1 Clone IMAGE:562183 muscle 3' read PA
AA211640.1 Clone IMAGE:562183 muscle 5' read P
AA224280.1 Clone IMAGE:648604 testis 3' read PA
BU682487.1 Clone UI-CF-EC1-acf-m-14-0-UI lung 3' read PA
BU737939.1 Clone UI-E-DW1-aha-f-17-0-UI eye 3' read PA
BU783897.1 Clone IMAGE:6124006 pancreas 3' read PA
BU784167.1 Clone IMAGE:6124006 pancreas 5' read
BU854029.1 Clone IMAGE:6621130 testis 5' read PA
BU858950.1 Clone IMAGE:6649740 mixed 5' read P
BU860781.1 Clone IMAGE:6651984 mixed 5' read
BU902070.1 Clone IMAGE:6502718 uterus 5' read P
BU928349.1 Clone IMAGE:6654105 brain 5' read P
BU941039.1 Clone IMAGE:6712712 mixed 5' read P
BU941810.1 Clone IMAGE:6714177 mixed 5' read P
BU943288.1 Clone IMAGE:6716755 mixed 5' read P
BU943513.1 Clone IMAGE:6723435 mixed 5' read P
BU953831.1 Clone IMAGE:6725117 mixed 5' read P
BU955465.1 Clone IMAGE:6727597 mixed 5' read P
BU960045.1 Clone IMAGE:6738647 mixed 5' read P
BU960651.1 Clone IMAGE:6739441 mixed 5' read P
BU960705.1 Clone IMAGE:6739508 mixed 5' read P
CA336996.1 Clone IMAGE:5608576 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CA430321.1 Clone UI-H-FL1-bfy-m-19-0-UI bone 3' read PA
AA304119.1 vascular 5' read
AA308438.1 intestine 5' read P
AA316417.1 intestine 5' read P
AA317596.1 eye 5' read P
CA848847.1 Clone IMAGE:6607741 pancreas 3' read PA
CA849154.1 Clone IMAGE:6607741 pancreas 5' read PA
AA373881.1 lung 5' read P
AA385291.1 thyroid 5' read P
F22200.1 Clone 056-X5-02 muscle P
AA503189.1 Clone IMAGE:956596 prostate P
AA506417.1 Clone IMAGE:968096 intestine 3' read PA
AA508651.1 Clone IMAGE:957460 prostate A
AA526631.1 Clone IMAGE:980600 ovary PA
AA548552.1 Clone IMAGE:1016905 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AA564302.1 Clone IMAGE:985468 prostate 3' read PA
AA580408.1 Clone IMAGE:1083803 intestine 3' read PA
AA602428.1 Clone IMAGE:1114663 prostate P
AA610321.1 Clone IMAGE:1133612 thyroid P
AA614365.1 Clone IMAGE:1129326 mammary gland 3' read PA
AA639261.1 Clone IMAGE:1182688 bone P
AA664835.1 Clone IMAGE:1215979 muscle P
AA669012.1 Clone IMAGE:854058 lung 3' read PA
AA669013.1 Clone IMAGE:854060 lung 3' read P
AA669359.1 Clone IMAGE:884842 lung 3' read P
AA585159.1 thymus
AA724190.1 Clone 1342277 parathyroid 3' read PA
AA773178.1 Clone IMAGE:845751 lung 3' read P
AA782902.1 Clone IMAGE:857538 ovary 3' read PA
AA847739.1 Clone IMAGE:1386482 ovary P
AA872509.1 Clone IMAGE:1476123 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AA938523.1 Clone IMAGE:1573988 kidney 3' read PA

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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