                                          |                                         |
                                          |                BI-WEEKLY                |
                                          | PRELIMINARY TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS |                                March 12, 2009
                                          |         HTS Chapters 50-63 ONLY!        |
                                          |                                         |
                                          |               By Category               |

                                           Category 363:  COTTON TERRY / OTHER PILE TOWELS
                                                      Data in Nos.

(P)  These data are limited preliminary import data based on import figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It will be supplanted by official imports from the Census Bureau as those data become available.  The release of these data 
is to allow preliminary analysis of the impact of total imports into the United States and imports from China into the 
United States to facilitate the administration of the textile safeguard in China's WTO Accession Agreement.

                        ----------- Official Data -------- |  --------------- Preliminary Data (unofficial) --------------------------------------------| 
                                                    Monthly Data                          Two Weeks-ending Data  (2008 - 2009)     
                        --------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------   
 Country                  1/2008    2/2008   12/2008       |   1/2009    2/2009       12/13     12/27      1/10      1/24      2/07      2/21      3/07
                                                                 (P)       (P)          (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)
 World                  64619782  55958706  50520539       |  55691404  46316207    25273929  18675935  26868900  24450252  25834628  23047974  23054568

 Pakistan               18110717  15544620  19421071       |  15881348  13975726     9545416   7428983   8599667   6262161   7633345   7115869   7052564

 India                  13235375  15795717   8904624       |  15796325  11587813     4805510   3535066   6041649   7308456   7332269   5638683   7031937

 China                  12936261   8769222   8975625       |  11042521  10754387     4227820   2627538   4649500   4796536   6336600   5111175   4167859

 Bangladesh              4790241   3596257   4138445       |   4024030   3166760     1966865   1653569   2624057   1508420   1368383   1599590   1720516

 Brazil                  4876993   2271527   2891773       |   3111750   2007224     1267613   1472802   1878081   1705702    709518   1241672    720498

 Thailand                2228233   1802708   1159147       |   1242260    775152      661785    445026    750256    648452    391432    492721    422509

 Israel                  1612106   1226479   1261170       |   1096245    807557      691999    371874    594009    543372    293808    455076    605837

 Vietnam                  920259   1517090    399003       |   1038951    665069      248582     36813    390806    668937    384805    231420    386376

 Turkey                  2427802   2061062   1175814       |    896924    593083      708841    449460    425039    386565    463784    298893    115620

 Egypt                    327098    398496    437977       |    433691    410658      288779    156318    245264    154877    215734    243957    115031

 Mexico                   372552    398039    215464       |    396244    300196       32940     88103    171331    198116    160140    175762    132812

 Colombia                 584872    469306    511559       |    322262    319520      199751    263475    169356     85160    114294    136686    199152

 El Salvador              310464    350036    369434       |    214284    355919      176568     73606    167839    137883    101097    196656    132130

 Portugal                 277375    304739    152736       |    134052    189130       95079     41643    106477     14854     77069     85943    103889

 Indonesia                 21984     89220     59840       |     11955      4668       42324     17520         .     11955         .      4668         .

 _ASEAN                  3214660   3409018   1617990       |   2293454   1444917      952691    499509   1141062   1329632    776250    728824    808885

 _ANDEAN (ATPA)           584909    472814    517676       |    323234    321156      199796    269617    169952     85604    114326    136822    200675

 _CBI                     347076    375368    369434       |    214298    356039      176668     73606    167839    137885    101109    196776    132130

 _CAFTA                   347076    375368    369434       |    214298    356039      176668     73606    167839    137885    101109    196776    132130

 _SUB-SAHARA                 113      1247       595       |        79       456         612         .        79         .         .       426        30