Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 4/17/2000
Summary: Availability of EDExpress Version 5.4.2 Service Release
Author: General Manager: SFA Student Channel

Posted on April 17, 2000

TO: All EDExpress Users
FROM: U.S. Department of Education
RE: Availability of EDExpress Version 5.4.2 Service Release,

Target Release Date - April 19, 2000

The Department wishes to alert all 1999-2000 EDExpress users that
Service release Version 5.4.2 will be available for download on April 19, 2000.
This service release will load several Pell and Direct Loan module
enhancements and fixes to the software.

Version 5.4.2 will be available for download from the SFAdownload Web
Site at
http://fsadownload.ed.gov/index.htm. The downloadable install file, called
EDExpressV542.exe, is self-extracting and will need to be run on ALL PC
workstations that access the 1999-2000 EDExpress database.

The following enhancements and fixes, listed by module, will be installed
by Version 5.4.2:


1) We added a new report called List - Processed Disbursements
Year-to-Date. This report prints the Year-to-Date total of all accepted
and corrected Pell Disbursement amounts per student, and is intended to
assist schools with Pell reconciliation tasks. Schools can print the
report in Last Name or Origination ID order.

2) When printing the Disbursement List in Name order, students with the
same full name (first name, last name, middle initial) will now be
grouped together by SSN rather than Disbursement Reference Number.

3) When performing a comparison during a Pell Year-to-Date (YTD)
import, the software will only print exceptions for student records with
matching attended campus IDs in the YTD file and the EDExpress database.

4) The Multiple Reporting Record (MRR) import logic has been modified
to accept multiple MRR record types in single PGMR00OP files.

5) The Last Name on the Demo tab will no longer be overwritten with the
Name ID when importing MRR records for existing students.


1) Gross Actual Disbursements and Gross Actual Fees will correctly
truncate when an Action Type "J" (Net Adjustment) is made to a student
loan record.

To run the service release install, first download the EDExpressv542.exe
file from the SFAdownload site to a directory on your hard drive or
network. Close all running applications, go to Start | Run, type in the
directory location of the downloaded file, type the file name itself
(I.E. Cthen click OK. This will extract
the necessary install files and automatically launch the install program.

If you have multiple PC workstations accessing a networked EDExpress
database, copy the install file from PC to PC, running the install on each as
you proceed, or run the installation program from the network drive it
is saved to. Be sure to reboot each PC once the Version 5.4.2
installation program is complete.

Version 5.4.2 will not perform any updates to your EDExpress database

If you need any assistance connecting to the SFAdownload site or
downloading Version 5.4.2, please contact Title IV WAN Customer Service
at 800/615-1189, or via email at T4WAN@NCS.COM.

If you need assistance with the installation or use of Version 5.4.2
once downloaded from the SFAdownload Web site, please contact
CPS Customer Service at 800/330-5947, or via email at CPS@NCS.COM.

If you have technical questions about our SFA systems and software, you
may want to subscribe to our email list serve, SFATECH. For more
information about SFATECH, including how to subscribe, look online at


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