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Top 50 Markets for International Arrivals to the United States by Country of Residency
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Top 50 Markets for International Visitor Arrivals to the United States 2006r and 2005


Region / Country of Residence Total 2006 Total 2005 Percent Change
2006 / 2005
  Total Arrivals (p) (1) 50,977,532 49,205,528 4%
  North America (2) 29,309,242 27,527,000 6%
1 Canada (3) 15,992,242 14,862,000 8%
  Canada Air (3) 5,523,000 5,120,000 8%
2 Mexico (p) (3) 13,317,000 12,665,000 5%
  Mexico Air (4) 1,713,158 1,668,432 3%
  Overseas (5) 21,668,290 21,678,528 0%
3 United Kingdom 4,176,211 4,344,957 -4%
4 Japan 3,672,584 3,883,906 -5%
5 Germany 1,385,520 1,415,530 -2%
6 France 789,815 878,648 -10%
7 South Korea 757,721 705,093 7%
8 Australia 603,275 581,773 4%
9 Italy 532,829 545,546 -2%
10 Brazil 525,271 485,373 8%
11 China (PRC & HK Combined) (6) 457,728 405,380 13%
  China, PRC (7) 320,450 270,272 19%
  Hong Kong (7) 137,278 135,108 2%
12 Netherlands 446,785 448,650 0%
13 Spain 424,224 385,640 10%
14 Ireland 414,423 383,400 8%
15 India 406,845 344,926 18%
16 Venezuela 369,037 340,315 8%
17 Colombia 348,388 325,398 7%
18 Taiwan 300,382 318,886 -6%
19 Sweden 285,994 290,530 -2%
20 Israel 283,889 284,310 0%
21 Switzerland 270,571 256,730 5%
22 Bahamas 243,300 237,140 3%
23 Dominican Republic 236,622 221,449 7%
24 Argentina 212,096 188,865 12%
25 Jamaica 204,912 175,351 17%
26 Belgium 188,311 191,596 -2%
27 Denmark 185,337 174,581 6%
28 Guatemala 173,793 170,076 2%
29 Philippines 153,887 153,821 0%
30 El Salvador 153,835 164,492 -6%
31 Ecuador 147,173 143,073 3%
32 Norway 145,359 139,043 5%
33 New Zealand 138,486 139,780 -1%
34 Poland 137,588 134,430 2%
35 Trinidad And Tobago 133,906 128,392 4%
36 Peru 133,398 151,823 -12%
37 Costa Rica 130,702 133,820 -2%
38 Singapore 122,995 115,939 6%
39 Austria 117,191 117,688 0%
40 Chile 110,143 101,550 8%
41 Russia 94,681 84,780 12%
42 Honduras 92,445 89,718 3%
43 Turkey 90,122 84,434 7%
44 South Africa 89,017 89,102 0%
45 Finland 87,904 89,125 -1%
46 Panama 81,358 78,855 3%
47 Portugal 71,406 68,111 5%
48 Thailand 69,236 66,833 4%
49 Netherlands Antilles (8) 62,412 59,126 6%

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, ITA, Office of Travel & Tourism Industries;
Statistics Canada (Canada); and Banco de Mexico/Secretaria de Turismo (Mexico).

(r) = revised estimates for Canada and Mexico.
(1) Total Arrivals data are the sum of Canada, Mexico and Overseas countries.
(2) North America data include only Canada and Mexico.
(3) Canada, Canada Air and Mexico arrival estimates are based on survey research, rounded to the nearest thousand, and subject to revision.
(4) Mexico Air traveler data are based on the Department of Homeland Security's I-94 form.
(5) Overseas data include arrivals from all countries except Canada and Mexico.
(6) Data are a combined total for People's Rebublic of China and Hong Kong.
(7) Data are only from People's Republic of China or Hong Kong.
(8) Aruba data are merged with the Netherlands Antilles for all years in this table.

Revised July 2007