p3dConvert Version 1.0

Author: Shishir Pandya


p3dConvert is a frontend to the p3dio Library for converting PLOT3D grid, PLOT3D solution, OVERFLOW solution, and CART3D triangulation files between big and little endian formats.
It auto-detects the file type:
  File:   Ascii or Binary
  If Ascii, the file is assumed to be single-precision and
            the user must specify if it is an x or Q file
  If Binary, it figures out the rest:
        Endian: little or Big
        x or Q
        Precision: single or double
        Grid: Single or Multiple-grid
        Iblanks: With or Without
        Q file type: plot3d or Overflow
It also auto-detects which endian the machine is. It gives you the option of writing the file out in Ascii, little-endian, big-endian, or the machine's native endian.
The p3d_ioLibrary

Consists of 4 modules:

  This includes routines for
   -chkBigEndian: Checking the machine endian
   -file_endian:  Checking the file endian
   -read_int:     reading a single integer in either endian
   -swap_bytes:   swapping a number from one endian to another
   -cmp_rec_markers: Comparing record markers in an unformatted file

  This includes routines to answer the following questions
   -isAscii: Is file Ascii or binary?
   -isMG:    Is file a single grid file or multiple grid file?
   -is3D:    Is the file 2D or 3D?
   -BlnkPrecision: Does the file have iblanks?
                   Is the file Single or double-precision?
   -qisoverflow: Is the Q file an Overflow Q file or a plot3d Q file?
                 Is the file Single or double-precision?
   -isXQ: Is the file a grid file or Q file?

   -readX_ascii: Read an Ascii grid file
   -readX_unf:   Read an unformatted single-precision grid file
   -readX_ieee:  Read an unformatted double-precision grid file
   -readQ_ascii: Read an Ascii Q file ( There is no such thing as an Ascii Overflow Q file)
   -readQ_unf:   Read an unformatted Q file (single and double-precision)

   -writeX_ascii: Write an Ascii grid file
   -writeX_unf:   Write an unformatted grid file
   -writeQ_ascii: Write an Ascii Q file
   -writeQ_unf:   Write an unformatted grid file


    p3dConvert -i input_filename [-o output_filename] [-v] [-l|-b|-n|-a] [-f] [-x|-q]
      -v activate verbose mode to print input file attributes
      -l write little endian output file
      -b write big endian output file
      -n write an unformatted file in the machine's native endian [default]
      -f force conversion to opposite endian (for .tri files)
      -a write an ASCII file [default if infile is Ascii]
      -x force input filetype to be a grid file
      -q force input filetype to be a Q file
       Default behavior is to auto-detect if input filetype is x or q
       If -o output_filename is omitted, report input file attributes only

Last modified: Tue May 15 15:32:00 2007