Nelson, Bayh Introduce Legislation to Reduce Iraq Debt, Increase Fiscal Responsibility Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson Thursday joined Indiana Senator Evan Bayh in introducing an amendment to encourage fiscal responsibility and accountability to the American people in the distribution of Iraq reconstruction funding. The Nelson-Bayh amendment authorizes America to negotiate with the world on behalf of Iraq. Iraq owes money in reparations to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; it also has debts to France and Russia primarily for military purchases. France and Russia are owed $8 billion each and Saudi Arabia is owed $25 billion. This amendment would ask those nations to forgive their Saddam-era debt owed to them. If France, Russia and others can forgive Iraq’s debt, the international community would count this as a positive step toward independence. It is estimated that Iraq’s proven oil reserves are worth $2.8 trillion and its potential oil reserves worth $5.5 trillion. Freeing the Iraqi’s of their prewar debt would help them use their oil resources immediately to provide for their people and their reconstruction. If those negotiations are successful, this amendment would provide $15.2 billion in reconstruction funding to the Iraqi people in the form of a grant. If the negotiations are unsuccessful then the $15.2 billion will be appropriated as a long-term loan to the Iraqi Governing Council and all prewar debts will be subordinated to the U.S. post-war debt of $15.2 billion. This would allow the Iraqi people to get the same jump start on rebuilding their country while delaying their payments to America and the world until the Iraqi nation has established an economy and can meet its responsibilities to the world community.

Nelson: October 7th Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing On Challenges Facing Military Personnel To Be Held In Bellevue

Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson announced that the Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee will conduct a field hearing at Offutt Air Force Base next Tuesday, October 7, to examine challenges facing active and reserve military personnel.

Nelson, the Ranking Member of the Personnel Subcommittee, stated that the hearing is part of a series focusing on military families. The Nebraska hearing will specifically focus on the effects on education programs and Impact Aid. Like many areas with military bases, Bellevue Public Schools receive a portion of their funding through Impact Aid. This funding compensates for the loss of revenue these areas experience because they have large amounts of non-taxable federal property. The hearing will be held at the Welcome Center at Offutt Air Force Base beginning at 1pm. Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, chair of the Personnel Subcommittee, is expected to attend and preside over the hearing.

Nelson Co-sponsors Legislation to Create National Number To Access Essential Services, Volunteer Opportunities Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson this week became of co-sponsor of S. 1630, the Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2003, which would allow more Americans access to the 2-1-1 telephone service for information and referral on human services and volunteer opportunities.

The Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2003 would support states through dedicated funding and build on the ongoing efforts to make it easier to connect people with important community services and volunteer opportunities through the nationwide implementation of 2-1-1.

Rural Hospitals To See Reimbursement Rates Increase Under Senate Passed Provision Nebraska’s rural hospitals will see their Medicare reimbursement rates raised to the same levels as their larger urban counterparts - resulting in approximately $3.9 million in additional Medicare funds - under a provision passed last night by the United States Senate, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson said Wednesday. The provision passed by the Senate raises the in-patient base rate for hospitals in rural and small urban areas by 1.6% to equal the rate of that for large urban areas from October 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004. The cost of the provision is $300 million, for the 6-month period beginning October 1, 2003 and ending March 31, 2004, according to preliminary scores from the Congressional Budget Office. Nebraska rural hospitals would receive about $3.9 million in additional Medicare funds over this time period.

This Weekend: Senator Nelson will speak at the Annual United Steelworkers Association Stewards and Retirees Banquet on Saturday in Lincoln. Next Week: The Senate is out of session. Senator Nelson will participate in a Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee field hearing in Bellevue on Tuesday.

Quote of the Week “I can understand that the Administration doesn’t want to add to the debt of the Iraqi people; what I can’t understand is a willingness to add to the debt of the American people.” - Senator Nelson, on the Iraq supplemental request. Hot Off the Press Senator Nelson in the news

Inquiry Shouldn’t Be Partisan

Drought Aid May Well Be Dried Up Doctor Talks On Liability Problems

Deficits Darken Budget Picture

Farms Face Global Warming Threat

Medicare Vote Aid Hospital Coffers AP: Seven NE Hospitals Unite for Survival

Senate Committee Hearing To Be Held At Offutt Lawmakers Weigh Plans For Loans To Iraq

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