[Ncep.list.pmb-dataflow] Re: GOES-13 acting for GOES-12

Russ Treadon Russ.Treadon at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 16 10:53:45 EST 2008


Thanks, Dennis for looking into what's happening with the satellite 

I added some print statements in the Q1FY09 global_gsi and checked the 
satellite ID for the GOES satwnd data which we assimilate.   Just as 
Dennis indicates, we are now assimilating satellite winds from SAID=257 
(GOES-13).    The global assimilates prepbufr report types 245 (ir) and 
246 (wv-imager) GOES derived satellite winds.

Routine read_prepbufr of the GSI code along with the GSI convinfo file 
could be modified to NOT assimilate the GOES-13 satellite winds.   I now 
modifying my copy of the Q1FY09 global_gsi code and convinfo file to 
test these changes.  

As far as assessing the quality of the GOES-13 satellite winds, I'm not 
sure what to do.  Ideally, there would be a period of GOES-12 and 
GOES-13 overlap during which we could assimilate both independently and 
quantify the analysis / forecast impact of the two different data 
feeds.   We can't do this now, at least not in real-time.  We could 
compare analysis increments which arise from the assimilation of GOES-12 
and -13 data for different cases.   This would allow us to get a rough 
feel for GOES-12 -vs- GOES-13 analysis increments.    Hopefully the wind 
obs from the two platforms generate comparable increments.   Due to 
differences in the location of the satellite (GOES-13 @ 105W, GOES-12 @ 
75W) this type of comparison is far from being ideal.

The above checks are only for the GDAS.  The NAM/NDAS and RUC also 
assimilate GOES satellite derived winds.  GOES-13 impact on these 
analysis / forecast systems may also need to be assessed.


Dennis Keyser wrote:
> All,
> It appears that NESDIS has fixed the problem whereby the value for 
> "satellite derived wind calculation method" (BUFR descriptor 0-02-023, 
> NCEP BUFR mnemonic "SWCM") was set to "missing" for the GOES-13 IR, 
> WV-imager and visible winds.  The "good" news is that these are now 
> being ingested, dumped in the "satwnd" files, and encoded into the 
> PREPBUFR files.  The "maybe?" bad news is that all of out production 
> networks are now assimilating the GOES-13 IR and wv-imager satwinds.  
> Hopefully these new platform data are of sufficient quality that they 
> will not degrade any analyses.
> Dennis
> On 12/15/2008 2:30 PM, Thomas Renkevens wrote:
>> I will pass this along to winds folks...
>> As to the satellite number vs "E" or "W," from my recollection after 
>> the switch from GOES-8 to GOES-12 in April 2001, at the request of 
>> EMC (don't recall who...) we switched products from the numbers to 
>> the "E" and "W" to avoid confusion in the numbers, but that, as we 
>> see here, can cause confusion the other way...
>> I need to run to a meeting to discuss GOES-12 now, but will follow up 
>> more late today or tomorrow.  But if EMC feels strongly about 
>> switching to a number scheme, this request may needed to be vetted 
>> through the SPSRB for action.
>> Tom
>> Dennis Keyser said the following on 12/15/2008 2:14 PM:
>>> All,
>>> I received the following e-mail from Justin:
>>>> Dennis,
>>>> I just got a call from Hongming Qi of NESDIS about the files that 
>>>> are still missing according to Big Brother, basically all of the 
>>>> satwnd data is flagging. I don't know too much about the satellite 
>>>> ingest processing but looking at the output of the 
>>>> satwnd_1535.o2684151 job in /com/output/prod/today on Dew I see 
>>>> many lines saying:
>>>> The value of satellite derived wind method is missing or not a 
>>>> valid value
>>>> The value of satellite derived wind method is missing or not a 
>>>> valid value
>>>> The value of satellite derived wind method is missing or not a 
>>>> valid value
>>>> The value of satellite derived wind method is missing or not a 
>>>> valid value
>>>> Is this because the data is from GOES-13?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Justin 
>>> What this indicates is that NESDIS has indeed swapped GOES-13 with 
>>> GOES-12 in the various "goesE" satwind files we pull from their 
>>> satepsdist1e.nesdis.noaa.gov server.  I had noted in my earlier 
>>> e-mails below that I had not seen any GOES-13 data in the satwind 
>>> dumps which I had assumed was because NESDIS had not performed this 
>>> swap (and that instead no "goesE" satwind files were being 
>>> produced).  Instead what is actually is happening is that NESDIS is 
>>> putting GOES-13 in the "goesE" satwinds files but our satellite wind 
>>> ingest is not processing them because NESDIS is erroneously setting 
>>> the BUFR code table value value for "satellite derived wind 
>>> calculation method" (BUFR descriptor 0-02-023, NCEP BUFR mnemonic 
>>> "SWCM") to "missing".  This value is supposed to be set as follows:
>>> 1 - IR
>>> 2 - VISIBLE
>>> For visible, wv-imager and ir from GOES-13 this value is missing and 
>>> is triggering the hundreds of lines of diagnostic print Justin is 
>>> seeing above.  Interestingly, for wv-sounder from GOES-13 it is 
>>> being set to the proper values of 3 and 5 and is being ingested.  We 
>>> do not dump wv-sounder winds from GOES, however.
>>> So here two wrongs have made a right.  The missing value for SWCM in 
>>> GOES ir, wv-imager and visible wind reports is preventing these data 
>>> from being ingested.  Otherwise they would be dumped and assimilated 
>>> (ir and wv-imager only) by the NAM/ and GBL/GSI as well as the RUC.  
>>> We will continue to see these diagnostic lines in the ingest output 
>>> for GOES-13 as long as SWCM is missing.
>>> This further points to the need for NESDIS to either not produce 
>>> "goesE" files when a swap is made (or "goesW" for that matter) or, 
>>> better yet, begin generating wind and sounding files with the 
>>> specific satellite number in them rather than "goesW" and "goesE".
>>> Dennis
>>> On 12/15/2008 1:35 PM, Dennis Keyser wrote:
>>>> Tom,
>>>> Please see my comments below.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dennis
>>>> On 12/15/2008 12:44 PM, Thomas Renkevens wrote:
>>>>> Dennis,
>>>>> First, a GOES-12 update - we will be running in a GOES-13 
>>>>> configuration until at least tomorrow.  More will be learned and 
>>>>> shared late afternoon as to the status and recovery of GOES-12.
>>>> Thanks for the update.
>>>>> We apologize for the confusion...  I do not recall any specific 
>>>>> agreement, but in one of my emails to you and others in September 
>>>>> preparing for a possible GOES-11 failure, I stated :/*"*As to BUFR 
>>>>> ID, I have repeatedly passed along the information about the SATID 
>>>>> to the products folks, so that any GOES-13 products that are made 
>>>>> have this appropriate ID, unlike some of the problems from the 
>>>>> GOES-12 vs GOES-10 issues last December."   /and perhaps we failed 
>>>>> to fully communicate our intentions.
>>>> I may have misunderstood the agreement, sorry about that.  I think 
>>>> our concern is based on past experience where the wrong satellite 
>>>> number was introduced into the satellite sounding files.  In our 
>>>> opinion, it would be better to not even produce the GOES-E sounding 
>>>> files (when there is a satellite swap) than to produce them with 
>>>> the possibility of an error in the satellite id.  This time it 
>>>> worked properly, but we have been burned in the past, as you know, 
>>>> and we are always a bit paranoid that it could happen again in the 
>>>> future.  In addition, while the GFS and NAM parse out satellite id 
>>>> in their (GSI) analyses, I have no idea what the RUC does. Luckily, 
>>>> it appears that the PREPBUFR processing is flagging the GOES-13 PW 
>>>> and cloud obs but I'm still not 100% sure that RUC isn't attempting 
>>>> to assimilate these.
>>>> In addition, neither the GSI (NAM, GFS) nor RUC analyses examine 
>>>> satellite id for the satwinds, so if the GOES-13 winds begin 
>>>> appearing in the GOES-E satwind files in place of GOES-12, we will 
>>>> assimilate these in all networks.  Earlier when I looked, it 
>>>> appeared that NESDIS  was not producing GOES-E satellite wind files 
>>>> since the switch, so we seem to be ok right now.
>>>>> As a result from the GOES-12 to GOES-10 satellite switch last 
>>>>> December 2007 (also due to thruster problems on GOES-12), where 
>>>>> NESDIS erroneously created products with wrong satellite IDs in 
>>>>> the BUFR files, our production procedures are as follows:
>>>>>     * *For products with the satellite number within the file name
>>>>>       (i.e G11 or G12), these products would be produced with file
>>>>>       names containing "G13" from GOES-13*
>>>>>           o *These are only the imager radiance files from the DDS
>>>>>             and the CSBT from SATEPSDIST1.
>>>>>             *
>>>> This would actually be the preferred file nomenclature for all GOES 
>>>> files we pull from you - soundings, winds, etc. By explicitly 
>>>> identifying the GOES satellite number in the file names, we can 
>>>> then pull only the files we want (e.g., right now we'd pull G11 and 
>>>> G12 and not G13, so if you stopped making G12 and started making 
>>>> G13 it would be transparent to our system).  Is there any 
>>>> possibility of transitioning all GOES files names from goesE and 
>>>> goesW to Gxx where xx is the specific satellite?   All of the POES 
>>>> satellite files we pull from DDS are identified with the satellite 
>>>> number in the file names and this works out very well in our 
>>>> processing.
>>>>>           o * *
>>>>>     * *For products (winds, sounder products) with the satellite
>>>>>       location with the file name (i.e. "E" for East or "W" for
>>>>>       West) these products would be produced with the /same/ file
>>>>>       names in the same file directory location, but the WMO SATID
>>>>>       number within the file /would be changed/ to reflect the
>>>>>       satellite ID number:*
>>>>>           o *GOES-11  255*
>>>>>           o *GOES-12  256*
>>>>>           o *GOES-13  257*
>>>>>           o *GOES-14  258*
>>>>>           o *GOES-15  259*
>>>> Again see my above comment about changing these files names to 
>>>> explicitly include the satellite number.
>>>> Thanks Tom.
>>>>>     * *With these conventions, users (NWS and others) can identify
>>>>>       the satellite number either through the file name or the WMO
>>>>>       Satellite ID in the BUFR file and make their own appropriate
>>>>>       choices to assimilate or not to assimilate the satellite
>>>>>       products.  We were under the impression that those who grab
>>>>>       these files, are able to decode the satellite ID and make
>>>>>       decisions as to ingest or not based on the satellite ID.*
>>>>> (FYI... With McIDAS, there is a different name convention as follows:)
>>>>> #  /  Sensor Source
>>>>> 76 	GOES-11 Imager
>>>>> 77 	GOES-11 Sounder
>>>>> 78 	GOES-12 Imager
>>>>> 79 	GOES-12 Sounder
>>>>> 180 	GOES-13 Imager
>>>>> 181 	GOES-13 Sounder
>>>>> 182 	GOES-14 Imager
>>>>> 183 	GOES-14 Sounder
>>>>> 184 	GOES-15 Imager
>>>>> 185 	GOES-15 Sounder
>>>>> If you find that we have NOT changed the SATID in the files, 
>>>>> please let us know, but we have been assured by programmers that 
>>>>> this has taken place.
>>>>> If you have further questions, please feel free to call or email.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Tom
>>>>> Dennis Keyser said the following on 12/15/2008 11:19 AM:
>>>>>> Justin and everyone,
>>>>>> I checked the dump status files.  We are currently only dumping 
>>>>>> satellite wind data from GOES-11 (sat. id 255), so NESDIS did not 
>>>>>> replace GOES-12 with GOES-13 in their GOES-E files 
>>>>>> (satwnd.bufrCD.goesE.D?????.T??:??:??Z, 
>>>>>> satwnd.bufrVZ02.goesE.D?????.T??:??:??Z, 
>>>>>> satwnd.bufrWV.goesE.D?????.T??:??:??Z).  Thus we are only 
>>>>>> assimilating winds from GOES-11 right now.  At this point, we 
>>>>>> would not want to introduce GOES-13 satwinds without some testing 
>>>>>> so this is the correct action taken by NESDIS.  NESDIS has agreed 
>>>>>> not to swap satellites in their goesE and goesW satwind files.  
>>>>>> Especially if this is just a short (hopefully!) GOES-12 outage.  
>>>>>> As for the radiances (and layer PW and cloud data for the RUC) - 
>>>>>> I had thought this same agreement (not to swap satellites in the 
>>>>>> goesE and goesW files) was also in place.  However, in the dumps 
>>>>>> I now see GOES-13 (sat. id 257) replacing GOES-12 (sat. id 256) 
>>>>>> in the GOES-E 1x1 sounding/PW file 
>>>>>> (satsnd.goesE.D??????????.T????Z.1B1) and in the GOES-E cloud 
>>>>>> file (goesE.RMD.D?????.T????.Z).  This validates what Russ is 
>>>>>> seeing in the assimilation.  As Russ noted, the GFS/GSI monitors 
>>>>>> GOES-13 radiances, but from what I see the current NAM/GSI also 
>>>>>> monitors GOES-13 radiances (see 
>>>>>> /nwprod/fix/nam_regional_satinfo.txt) - Russ had indicated that 
>>>>>> the NAM/GSI did not see GOES-13 radiances so maybe the satinfo 
>>>>>> file I'm looking at isn't the ops file(?).  *In any event, in 
>>>>>> these cases of satellite swapping, NESDIS should not have swapped 
>>>>>> GOES-12 with GOES-13 in their GOES-E sounding files (just as they 
>>>>>> correctly did not do so in their GOES-E satwind files).*
>>>>>> I checked the RUC and switches in the PREPBUFR processing are set 
>>>>>> to flag GOES-13 cloud and layer PW data with q.m. 15 (don't use), 
>>>>>> so as long as the RUC is honoring these quality marks it should 
>>>>>> not be using the GOES-13 cloud or layer PW data.
>>>>>> Dennis
>>>>>> On 12/15/2008 9:32 AM, Justin Cooke wrote:
>>>>>>> Dennis,
>>>>>>> I'm not sure if you're aware or not but there was a failure of 
>>>>>>> GOES-12 yesterday around 2235Z, starting around 0430Z today 
>>>>>>> NESDIS made GOES-13 act for GOES-12. At the 9:00 am operations 
>>>>>>> meeting Tom Renkevens mentioned that NESDIS should be encoding 
>>>>>>> all of the GOES-13 products that we are ingesting as GOES-13 
>>>>>>> products and not GOES-12. Last year GOES-12 had a similar 
>>>>>>> failure and GOES-10 acted for it but products were made as "look 
>>>>>>> alike", this made some of our ingesting inaccurate since there 
>>>>>>> are differences between GOES-12 and GOES-10. We were wondering 
>>>>>>> if the ingest processing is capable of successfully using data 
>>>>>>> from GOES-13? All of our dump processes are working without 
>>>>>>> error, but beyond that I'm not sure how to investigate this.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Justin
>>>>>> On 12/15/2008 8:05 AM, Russ Treadon wrote:
>>>>>>> Bill,
>>>>>>> The use of GOES radiances in the operations and parallel 
>>>>>>> GFS/GDAS and NAM/NDAS looks OK.  No action is needed.  GOES-12 
>>>>>>> data is no longer present.  GOES-13 data is being read and 
>>>>>>> processed as GOES-13 data.
>>>>>>> The GFS/GDAS use GOES derived satellite winds.  I see a decrease 
>>>>>>> in the total number of type 245 and 246 satwnd obs being 
>>>>>>> assimilated in both the GFS and GDAS.   This is consistent with 
>>>>>>> the loss of GOES-12.   Should GOES-13 based satellite derived 
>>>>>>> wind replace the GOES-12 product?  I don't know how NESDIS 
>>>>>>> generates the product.  It may take some time for them the 
>>>>>>> switch the data feed for this processing.  Or it may be that we 
>>>>>>> need to change something in our processing upstream of the 
>>>>>>> global analysis in order to pick up GOES-13 derived wind 
>>>>>>> products.  I don't know.
>>>>>>> I am less familiar with the use of GOES products in the 
>>>>>>> NAM/NDAS.  I checked Dennis' NAM/NDAS prepbufr report type 
>>>>>>> table.  The NAM/NDAS appears to use the same GOES products that 
>>>>>>> the global uses - namely, satellite derived winds.   Does the 
>>>>>>> parallel (to-be implemented) NAM/NDAS use other GOES derived 
>>>>>>> products?  I don't know.
>>>>>>> I don't know what action, if any, we need to take for the RUC. 
>>>>>>> Russ
>>>>>>> Bill Lapenta wrote:
>>>>>>>> Gentlemen--
>>>>>>>> Are there any actions (i.e., RFC's) that we should consider 
>>>>>>>> taking?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Bill
>>>>>>>> Russ Treadon wrote:
>>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>>> As described in the ESPCoperations email below, we are no longer
>>>>>>>>> receiving GOES-12 sounder radiances.  The GOES-13 data feed 
>>>>>>>>> was swapped
>>>>>>>>> into the GOES-EAST slot.
>>>>>>>>> I checked the GFS/GDAS and see that the global_gsi is no longer
>>>>>>>>> processing GOES-12 data.  The 20081215 00Z cycle had a noticeable
>>>>>>>>> decrease in the number of GOES-12 sounder radiances.   The 06Z 
>>>>>>>>> cycle
>>>>>>>>> contains no GOES-12 sounder radiances.   GOES-13 sounder 
>>>>>>>>> radiances are
>>>>>>>>> present in the 20081215 06Z cycle.   We are not assimilating 
>>>>>>>>> the GOES-13
>>>>>>>>> radiances.   The usage flag for this data is set to -1 (do not
>>>>>>>>> assimilate).   Thus, GOES-13 data is only being monitored (as 
>>>>>>>>> intended).
>>>>>>>>> The last NAM cycle with GOES-12 data is 18Z, 20081214.  
>>>>>>>>> Today's 00Z and
>>>>>>>>> 06Z NAM "fits" files indicate no GOES-12 data.   The tm12 and 
>>>>>>>>> tm09 steps
>>>>>>>>> of today's 06Z NDAS cycle contain GOES-12.  The tm06 and tm03 
>>>>>>>>> NDAS steps
>>>>>>>>> were without GOES-12 radiances.  Today's 12Z NDAS cycle 
>>>>>>>>> contains no
>>>>>>>>> GOES-12 data in any of the steps from tm12 to tm03.
>>>>>>>>> The operational NAM/NDAS does not include GOES-13 data  in the 
>>>>>>>>> satinfo
>>>>>>>>> file nor in the ex*gsireg analysis script.   The to-be 
>>>>>>>>> implemented
>>>>>>>>> NAM/NDAS system includes GOES-13 data - but only in monitor 
>>>>>>>>> mode as is
>>>>>>>>> done in the global. The NCO para NAM/NDAS gsistat files show 
>>>>>>>>> GOES-13 radiances in the
>>>>>>>>> 20081215 06Z NAM cycle and the tm06 and tm03 steps of the 
>>>>>>>>> 20081215 12Z
>>>>>>>>> NDAS cycle.  The GOES-13 data is being monitored, not 
>>>>>>>>> assimilated (as
>>>>>>>>> intended).
>>>>>>>>> I do not know if/how the RUC uses GOES-12 data.   I did not 
>>>>>>>>> check the
>>>>>>>>> status of GOES-12 derived products (satwnd, cloud products, 
>>>>>>>>> precipitable
>>>>>>>>> water, etc).  I only checked the usage of GOES-12 radiances.
>>>>>>>>> We experienced a GOES-12 data outage last December.  During 
>>>>>>>>> the initial
>>>>>>>>> stages of this outage, GOES-10 sounder radiances were 
>>>>>>>>> mislabeled as
>>>>>>>>> GOES-11.   As a result we briefly assimilated GOES-10 data as 
>>>>>>>>> though it
>>>>>>>>> were GOES-11 data.
>>>>>>>>> Russ
>>>>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>>>> Subject:     GOES-12/13 OUTAGE UPDATE #3
>>>>>>>>> Date:     Mon, 15 Dec 2008 04:01:43 -0500
>>>>>>>>> From:     ESPCoperations <ESPCoperations at noaa.gov>
>>>>>>>>> To:     _NESDIS OSDPD ESPC OUTAGE Notification 
>>>>>>>>> <ESPC.Notification at noaa.gov>
>>>>>>>>> *UPDATE: 12/15/2008, 0845 UTC, 03:45 AM, EST
>>>>>>>>> *ESPC is receiving GOES-13 imagery on the GINIs and IQM 
>>>>>>>>> (SATEPSDIST
>>>>>>>>> servers), but several users are not
>>>>>>>>> receiving any data or partial data. Also, GOES-13 data is 
>>>>>>>>> being ingested
>>>>>>>>> and distributed on GOES AFEP-2 (primary),
>>>>>>>>> but it is not getting to OPUS Diamond and OPUS DDS to be 
>>>>>>>>> processed.  A
>>>>>>>>> SOCC engineer, the Sys Admin for
>>>>>>>>> AFEPS and the Sys Admin for OPUS Diamond and OPUS DDS are 
>>>>>>>>> working to
>>>>>>>>> resolve the problem(s).
>>>>>>>>> *UPDATE:* GOES-13 will be switched to GOES-East beginning at 
>>>>>>>>> 0500 UTC
>>>>>>>>> (12:00 p.m. EST).
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> Details of the Outage: *At around 2200 UTC, GOES-12 suffered a 
>>>>>>>>> thruster
>>>>>>>>> anomaly causing the suspension of GOES-12 imaging and sounding
>>>>>>>>> schedules. At 2303 UTC, GOES-11 (GOES-West) was placed into 
>>>>>>>>> Full Disk
>>>>>>>>> mode to cover for the GOES-12 outage. At that time, the GOES 
>>>>>>>>> ingest and
>>>>>>>>> NOAAPORT Interface (GINI) was switched to alternate mode to allow
>>>>>>>>> delivery of GOES-11 data to East users.
>>>>>>>>> At around 0500 UTC, once ingest of GOES-13 data is verified by 
>>>>>>>>> ESPC, the
>>>>>>>>> GINI and all GOES-East products will be fed with GOES-13 
>>>>>>>>> imager and
>>>>>>>>> sounder data.
>>>>>>>>> ALL Services (LRIT, EMWIN, DCS, SARSAT) will remain on 
>>>>>>>>> GOES-12, and
>>>>>>>>> GOES-13 GVAR will be retransmitted through GOES-12. Users 
>>>>>>>>> currently
>>>>>>>>> receiving services including GVAR from GOES-12 should not need to
>>>>>>>>> repoint to GOES-13.
>>>>>>>>> It is anticipated that this configuration will remain in place 
>>>>>>>>> for at
>>>>>>>>> least 24 hours.
>>>>>>>>> *  *
>>>>>>>>> *Data Affected by the Outage:
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> All products from GOES-12
>>>>>>>>> *Date and Time of the Outage:
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> 2218 UTC , 5:18 pm  EST
>>>>>>>>> *Length of the Outage:
>>>>>>>>> *Unknown* *
>>>>>>>>> *Contact Point for Questions:
>>>>>>>>> ESPC Operations  OCL  (Opera*

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