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SeaDAS Load Function (load)

Description:  Command mode procedure for reading data and data attributes into memory and making it available for display.

Command mode:

Usage:  load, file

Examples (also see $SDSDEMO/load.demo, load2.demo, and load3.demo for further examples)

Keywords for most input file types:
file Input file name.
The ftype keyword is not required for most supported file types as they will be automatically recognized. However the keyword should be used for certain file types such as flat binary files.
'SeaWiFS' All SeaWiFS except L0.
'L0' SeaWiFS L0 files.
'MODIS_GDAAC' Goddard DAAC formatted MODIS Ocean Data files, L1A, L1B, L2, L2A, L2B, L2 SST, L3 & L4.
'MODIS' SeaWiFS-formatted MODIS Ocean Data files
'SOCTS' SeaDAS L2 OCTS file.
'MOS' MOS Level-1B and MOS Level-2 (generated with l2gen).
  • Pathfinder Best SST HDF format
  • MCSST HDF format
'MAPPED' SeaDAS Mapped HDF format files.
'FLAT' Binary flat files.
AVHRR Pathfinder v5 files
'HDF' General HDF 2D SD files.
'PNG' PNG files.
'TIFF/GeoTIFF' TIFF or GeoTIFF files (if have geo_tags for equatorial cylindrical equidistant projection).
'True' True Color : SeaWiFS L1A, SeaWiFS L2, TIFF, or any 3 loaded bands.
xsample The pixel subsample rate for the input file.
ysample The line subsample rate for the input file.
prod_name  The product name(s) desired to be loaded from the input file. Either prod_name or prod_ix can be used. The default is the first product in the file.
prod_ix The product numbers(s) desired to be loaded from the input file. Either prod_name or prod_ix can be used. The default is to load the first product in the file.  (1-relative)
pix_range The subset pixel range: [start pixel, end pixel]
lin_range The subset line range: [start line, end line]
loadpal If loadpal = non_zero, then read the color palette found in the input file and store it along with the loaded data for future display.
help Print the usage for this command.

Keywords for MODIS files only:
gfile  Optional geolocation file. If not specified, then the control points stored internally in the file will be used for navigation.

Keywords for MODIS L2/SMI SST files only:
sst_qual_ix  sst_qual_ix is a 5 element integer array whose indices specify which SST quality levels to load from a MODIS L2 or SMI SST product. All the specified quality levels will be combined into one loaded band. For example, sst_qual_ix=[1,1,0,0,0] would load all the pixels of quality level 0 and 1 into one band. See the OBPG MODIS SST processing documentation for quality level information.  Default: [1,0,0,0,0]

Keywords for SeaWiFS SMI, MODIS L4, AVHRR SST/JPL PO.DAAC (MCSST & Pathfinder Best SST), DAAC CZCS L3 PST and OCTS/NASDA L3-Binned Mapped formats only:
limit [Southernmost latitude, Westernmost Longitude, Northernmost latitude, Easternmost Longitude]

Keywords for SeaWiFS and MODIS L3-binned input only:

     Inputs can be specified any of the following methods:

  1. Using the prod_name and cat_no keywords together. This is the preferred method since not all products are available through the other methods.
  2. Using the product_cat keyword to specify pairs of products and statistical measures OR
  3. Using the prod_ix and cat_no keywords together.
product_cat An array of pairs specifying the Level-3 products combined with the statistical measure desired. Each product specified will be written to ofile as an SD object with SD name(s) attributes as specified in title. (Required).  Note that 'sample' and 'segment' will yield the same output no matter which product they are paired with.
First element of pair
  • 1 = nLw_412
  • 2 = nLw_443
  • 3 = nLw_490
  • 4 = nLw_510
  • 5 = nLw_555
  • 6 = La_670
  • 7 = CZCS_pigment
  • 8 = chlor_a
  • 9 = K_490
  • 10 = chlor_a_K490
  • 11 = eps_78
  • 12 = tau_865
  • Second element of pair
  • 1 = mean
  • 2 = variance
  • 3 = standard deviation
  • 4 = sample (the number of Level-2 input values that went into creating the Level-3 bin that was selected as mapping to this grid point)
  • 5 = segment (the number of Level-2 input files that went into creating the Level-3 bin that was selected as mapping to this grid point)
  • cat_no An array of indices (1-relative) of the category names to be retrieved: 1=mean, 2=variance, 3=standard deviation, 4=number of points contributing to each bin, 5=number of scenes contributing to each bin.  Default is 1 (mean).
    title The band name(s) to assign to the mapped output bands. If not specified, the default product names are used.
    missing An array of missing values to use for any unmapped areas for the products specified in product_cat. If not specified, the missing value to use for each product is searched for in the seadas_defaults file. If the product is not listed in the defaults file, then 0.0 is used. The missing values are specified in terms of floating-point geophysical values.
    map_pfile The name of an ASCII file containing the map projection keyword values.

    Note:  For a description of all other projection parameters, see keywords for the mapimg command.

    Keywords for true color input only: The following keywords are used in the case in which a true color image is to be created from a SeaWiFS L1A or SeaWiFS L2 input. The input file type will be automatically determined. TIFF files will be automatically recognized and require no keywords.
    rgb_prod_ix An array of 3 containing the SeaWiFS product numbers (1-relative) in the input file to assign to the RGB bands. Either rgb_prod_ix or rgb_prod_name can be specified.
    rgb_prod_name  A string array of 3 containing the SeaWiFS product names in the input file to assign to the RGB bands. Either rgb_prod_ix or rgb_prod_name can be used.
    The following keywords are used in the case in which a true color image is to be created from 3 previously loaded bands:
    rgb_bands An array listing 3 band numbers of previously loaded bands, to assign to red, green and blue respectively. (1-relative.)
    rgb_slopes An array listing the relative RGB slope values to be used in scaling.  Default is [1.0,1.0,1.0]
    rgb_intercepts An array listing the relative RBG intercept values to be used in scaling.  Default is [0.0,0.0,0.0].

    Keywords for binary flatfile input:
    pixel The number of columns or pixels stored in the binary flat file. This will be automatically determined if the input filename is of the form: "<anything>_<pixel>x<line>_<number of bytes/word><dtype>.flat".  Example: test_200x300_4f.flat.  Dtype can be 'b'=byte, 'i'=short integer,'l'=long integer,'f'=single-precision floating-point, 'd'=double-precision floating-point.
    line The number of rows or lines stored in the binary flat file. See pixel above.
    skipbytes  The number of header bytes to skip before interpreting data.  (Default is 0)
    • 1 : byte
    • 2 : short integer
    • 3 : long integer
    • 4 : single-precision floating-point
    • 5 : double-precision floating point
    byte_reverse Reverse byte ordering for Big Endian/Little Endian platform treatment. Default: no.
    latlon The latitude/longitude values of the upper-left hand corner and lower right-hand corner of the grid: [Upper left latitude, upper left longitude, lower right latitude, lower right longitude].  Default: none [-999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9].
    slope Slope to apply to convert to geophysical values if necessary.  Default is 1.0.
    intercept Intercept to apply to convert to geophysical values if necessary.  Default is 0.0.
    stype Scale type to convert to geophysical values if necessary.  0 = 'Linear', 1='Log'
    units Units to assign to data.

    Examples:  All of the following input files are located in the demo directory: $SDSDEMO.

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    Authorized by: gene carl feldman
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    Updated: Monday, 10-Nov-2008 10:46:19 EST
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