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fslio.h File Reference

Data structures for using the fslio API. Written by Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <nifti1_io.h>
#include <znzlib.h>
#include "dbh.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  FSLIO
 High level data structure for open datasets in the fslio API. More...


#define __FSLIO_H
#define FSL_TYPE_ANALYZE   0
#define FSL_TYPE_NIFTI   1
#define FSL_TYPE_MINC   4
#define FSL_TYPE_ANALYZE_GZ   100
#define FSL_TYPE_NIFTI_GZ   101
#define FSL_TYPE_NIFTI_PAIR_GZ   102
#define FSL_TYPE_MINC_GZ   104


typedef unsigned char THIS_UINT8
typedef char THIS_INT8
typedef unsigned short THIS_UINT16
typedef short THIS_INT16
typedef unsigned int THIS_UINT32
typedef int THIS_INT32
typedef unsigned long THIS_UINT64
typedef long THIS_INT64
typedef float THIS_FLOAT32
typedef double THIS_FLOAT64


FSLIOFslOpen (const char *filename, const char *opts)
 Opens a file for either reading or writing.

FSLIOFslXOpen (const char *filename, const char *opts, int filetype)
 Opens a file for either reading or writing.

int FslSeekVolume (FSLIO *fslio, size_t vols)
int FslClose (FSLIO *fslio)
 Write header and image data if this dataset was open for writing. Close the dataset header and data files.

void * FslReadAllVolumes (FSLIO *fslio, char *filename)
 Read the header and all data into the FSLIO structure.

void FslWriteAllVolumes (FSLIO *fslio, const void *buffer)
 Writes all data from buffer (using size info from fslio) to file.

size_t FslReadVolumes (FSLIO *fslio, void *buffer, size_t nvols)
 Read the first nvols Volumes from a 4D dataset.

size_t FslWriteVolumes (FSLIO *fslio, const void *buffer, size_t nvols)
 Write the first nvols volumes in buffer to disk.

void FslWriteHeader (FSLIO *fslio)
 Writes nifti/anz header and opens img file ready for writing.

int FslFileExists (const char *filename)
char * FslMakeBaseName (const char *fname)
int FslCheckForMultipleFileNames (const char *filename)
int FslGetEnvOutputType ()
void FslSetIgnoreMFQ (int flag)
int FslGetIgnoreMFQ ()
void FslSetOverrideOutputType (int type)
int FslGetOverrideOutputType ()
int FslGetFileType (const FSLIO *fslio)
void FslSetFileType (FSLIO *fslio, int filetype)
int FslIsSingleFileType (int filetype)
int FslIsCompressedFileType (int filetype)
int FslBaseFileType (int filetype)
char * FslFileTypeString (int filetype)
 Return a string describing the format of the dataset.

int FslGetWriteMode (const FSLIO *fslio)
void FslSetWriteMode (FSLIO *fslio, int mode)
void AvwSwapHeader (struct dsr *avw)
int FslReadRawHeader (void *buffer, const char *filename)
FSLIOFslInit ()
 allocate space for the FSLIO struct and set some sensible defaults

void FslInitHeader (FSLIO *fslio, short t, size_t x, size_t y, size_t z, size_t v, float vx, float vy, float vz, float tr, size_t dim, const char *units)
void FslSetInit (FSLIO *fslio)
void FslCloneHeader (FSLIO *dest, const FSLIO *src)
size_t FslGetVolSize (FSLIO *fslio)
void FslSetDim (FSLIO *fslio, short x, short y, short z, short v)
void FslGetDim (FSLIO *fslio, short *x, short *y, short *z, short *v)
void FslSetDimensionality (FSLIO *fslio, size_t dim)
void FslGetDimensionality (FSLIO *fslio, size_t *dim)
void FslSetVoxDim (FSLIO *fslio, float x, float y, float z, float tr)
void FslGetVoxDim (FSLIO *fslio, float *x, float *y, float *z, float *tr)
void FslGetCalMinMax (FSLIO *fslio, float *min, float *max)
void FslSetCalMinMax (FSLIO *fslio, float min, float max)
void FslGetAuxFile (FSLIO *fslio, char *aux_file)
void FslSetAuxFile (FSLIO *fslio, const char *aux_file)
void FslSetTimeUnits (FSLIO *fslio, const char *units)
void FslGetTimeUnits (FSLIO *fslio, char *units)
void FslSetDataType (FSLIO *fslio, short t)
size_t FslGetDataType (FSLIO *fslio, short *t)
int FslGetIntensityScaling (FSLIO *fslio, float *slope, float *intercept)
void FslSetIntent (FSLIO *fslio, short intent_code, float p1, float p2, float p3)
short FslGetIntent (FSLIO *fslio, short *intent_code, float *p1, float *p2, float *p3)
short FslGetStdXform (FSLIO *fslio, mat44 *stdmat)
void FslSetStdXform (FSLIO *fslio, short sform_code, mat44 stdmat)
void FslGetMMCoord (mat44 stdmat, float voxx, float voxy, float voxz, float *mmx, float *mmy, float *mmz)
void FslGetVoxCoord (mat44 stdmat, float mmx, float mmy, float mmz, float *voxx, float *voxy, float *voxz)
short FslGetRigidXform (FSLIO *fslio, mat44 *rigidmat)
void FslSetRigidXform (FSLIO *fslio, short qform_code, mat44 rigidmat)
int FslGetLeftRightOrder (FSLIO *fslio)
void FslSetAnalyzeSform (FSLIO *fslio, const short *orig, float dx, float dy, float dz)
void FslGetAnalyzeOrigin (FSLIO *fslio, short orig[5])
size_t FslReadSliceSeries (FSLIO *fslio, void *buffer, short slice, size_t nvols)
 Read one slice from each of the first nvols volumes in the dataset, ie get an xyt buffer.

size_t FslReadRowSeries (FSLIO *fslio, void *buffer, short row, short slice, size_t nvols)
 Read one row from one slice for first nvols volumes in dataset; ie get an xt buffer.

size_t FslReadTimeSeries (FSLIO *fslio, void *buffer, short xVox, short yVox, short zVox, size_t nvols)
 Read one voxel (xyz location) from first nvols volumes in dataset; ie get a t dim buffer.

mat33 mat44_to_mat33 (mat44 x)
double **** d4matrix (int th, int zh, int yh, int xh)
 allocate a 4D buffer, use 1 contiguous buffer for the data

double **** FslGetBufferAsScaledDouble (FSLIO *fslio)
 Return the fslio data buffer of a 1-4D dataset as a 4D array of scaled doubles.

int convertBufferToScaledDouble (double *outbuf, void *inbuf, long len, float slope, float inter, int nifti_datatype)
 allocate a 4D buffer, use 1 contiguous buffer for the data

Detailed Description

Data structures for using the fslio API. Written by Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB.

Function Documentation

int convertBufferToScaledDouble double *  outbuf,
void *  inbuf,
long  len,
float  slope,
float  inter,
int  nifti_datatype

allocate a 4D buffer, use 1 contiguous buffer for the data

Array is indexed as buf[][0..zh-1][0..yh-1][0..xh-1].
To access all elements as a vector, use buf[0][0][0][i] where i can range from 0 to th*zh*yh*xh - 1.

outbuf pointer to array of doubles of size len
inbuf void pointer to an array of len items of datatype nifti_datatype
len number of elements in outbuf and inbuf
slope slope term of scaling to be applied
inter intercept term of scaling to be applied: out = (in*slope)+inter
nifti_datatype NIFTI datatype code for the datatype of the elements in inbuf
error code: 0=OK -1=error

fill the buffer

double**** d4matrix int  th,
int  zh,
int  yh,
int  xh

allocate a 4D buffer, use 1 contiguous buffer for the data

Array is indexed as buf[][0..zh][0..yh][0..xh].
To access all elements as a vector, use buf[0][0][0][i] where i can range from 0 to th*zh*yh*xh - 1. Adaptation of Numerical Recipes in C nrutil.c allocation routines.

th slowest changing dimension
zh 2nd slowest changing dimension
yh 2nd fastest changing dimension
xh fastest changing dimension
Pointer to 4D double array

allocate pointers to vols

allocate pointers to slices

allocate pointers for ydim

allocate the data blob

point everything to the data blob

int FslClose FSLIO fslio  ) 

Write header and image data if this dataset was open for writing. Close the dataset header and data files.

fslio pointer to FSLIO data structure
-1 on error, 0 OK ???.

----- if writing the image, need to worry about the header bit ----- *

char* FslFileTypeString int  filetype  ) 

Return a string describing the format of the dataset.

filetype FSL data format code. Legal values are as defined by FSL_TYPE.
A string with the data format name, e.g. "ANALYZE-7.5"
See also:

double**** FslGetBufferAsScaledDouble FSLIO fslio  ) 

Return the fslio data buffer of a 1-4D dataset as a 4D array of scaled doubles.

Array is indexed as buf[0..tdim-1][0..zdim-1][0..ydim-1][0..xdim-1].
The array will be byteswapped to native-endian.
Array values are scaled as per fslio header slope and intercept fields.

fslio pointer to open dataset
Pointer to 4D double array, NULL on error

allocate new 4D buffer

cvt it

FSLIO* FslInit  ) 

allocate space for the FSLIO struct and set some sensible defaults

A pointer to an initialized FSLIO data structure

FSLIO* FslOpen const char *  filename,
const char *  opts

Opens a file for either reading or writing.

The format of the output dataset is determined automatically by passing filetype -1 to FslXOpen.

See also:

void* FslReadAllVolumes FSLIO fslio,
char *  filename

Read the header and all data into the FSLIO structure.

There is no need for FslOpen or FslClose calls when FslReadAllVolumes() is called.
This routine allocates the buffer to hold the entire dataset.
The data block returned will contain the data in whatever datatype it is stored as on disk (therefore it is a void *).
The data buffer will be byteswapped to native-endian.
The data buffer will not be scaled.
The best call to make before this is FslInit() or a calloc() for fslio. (??? why calloc if this allocates the buffer ???)

fslio pointer to an open dataset
filename Name of the dataset to read.
A pointer to the data block buffer (allocated by this function).
Return Null on error ??? is this true ???
  • Note this pointer is also in the FSLIO structure as fslio->niftiptr->data.
  • Note a void pointer is returned, as the datablock is of variable datatype.

otherwise it is a nifti file - so read it! *

size_t FslReadRowSeries FSLIO fslio,
void *  buffer,
short  row,
short  slice,
size_t  nvols

Read one row from one slice for first nvols volumes in dataset; ie get an xt buffer.

Dimension and datatype of buffer are as is specified in nifti_image structure fslio->niftiptr. Note: filepointer in file data array is restored to its initial position.

fslio pointer to open dataset
buffer buffer to hold one row from each volume.
row row number (0 based) to read [0 y-1]
slice slice number (0 based) to read
nvols number of volumes to read a row from
Number of volumes from which a row was successfully read. 0 on error.

size_t FslReadSliceSeries FSLIO fslio,
void *  buffer,
short  slice,
size_t  nvols

Read one slice from each of the first nvols volumes in the dataset, ie get an xyt buffer.

Dimension and datatype of buffer are as is specified in nifti_image structure fslio->niftiptr. Note: filepointer in file data array is restored to its initial position.

fslio pointer to open dataset
buffer buffer large enough to hold 1 slice from each volume
slice slice number (0 based) to read [0 z-1]
nvols number of volumes to read a slice from
Number of volumes from which a slice was successfully read. 0 on error.

size_t FslReadTimeSeries FSLIO fslio,
void *  buffer,
short  xVox,
short  yVox,
short  zVox,
size_t  nvols

Read one voxel (xyz location) from first nvols volumes in dataset; ie get a t dim buffer.

Dimension and datatype of buffer are as is specified in nifti_image structure fslio->niftiptr. Note: filepointer in file data array is restored to its initial position.

fslio pointer to open dataset
buffer buffer to hold one timeseries vector
xVox x voxel [0 x-1]
yVox y voxel [0 y-1]
zVox z voxel [0 z-1]
nvols number of volumes to read a voxel from
Number of volumes from which a voxel was successfully read. 0 on error.

size_t FslReadVolumes FSLIO fslio,
void *  buffer,
size_t  nvols

Read the first nvols Volumes from a 4D dataset.

fslio pointer to open dataset
buffer buffer to read data into, allocated by ???
nvols number of volumes to read
Number of volumes read.

void FslWriteAllVolumes FSLIO fslio,
const void *  buffer

Writes all data from buffer (using size info from fslio) to file.

Dimension and datatype of buffer are as is specified in nifti_image structure fslio->niftiptr. Note: If file format is Analyze (not nifti) and in Neurological order then SWAP DATA into Radiological order.

fslio pointer to open dataset
buffer pointer to data array. Size and datatype of this buffer

void FslWriteHeader FSLIO fslio  ) 

Writes nifti/anz header and opens img file ready for writing.

fslio pointer to open dataset

size_t FslWriteVolumes FSLIO fslio,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  nvols

Write the first nvols volumes in buffer to disk.

Dimension and datatype of buffer are as is specified in nifti_image structure fslio->niftiptr. Note: If file format is Analyze (not nifti) and in Neurological order then SWAP DATA into Radiological order.

fslio pointer to open dataset
buffer pointer to data array. Size and datatype of this buffer
nvols number of volumes to write
??? looks like return of retval is missing ??? 0 on error.

FSLIO* FslXOpen const char *  filename,
const char *  opts,
int  filetype

Opens a file for either reading or writing.

Files to be read are automatically read whether compressed or not. Also, reading uses the file extension and will fail if that file does not exist. For a more robust read, pass the basename in as then all types will be tried.

filename Name (or basename) of the file to open
opts Flags for fopen() of dataset, eg "r", "wb", etc.
filetype specifies the type of file to be written. Legal values are as defined by FSL_TYPE. If filetype is less than zero, then it is ignored and the type is determined by the filename extension or, failing that, the environment default.
pointer to FSLIO dataset datastructure
See also:


====================== Open file for writing ====================== *

======================== Open file for reading ====================== *

Generated on Mon Apr 11 17:19:49 2005 for nifti1_io by doxygen 1.3.6