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001 create or replace procedure UPDATE_MONITORING_RUNS(p_collection_name varchar2,p_runnumber number, p_status varchar2) is
002 v_rowexists NUMBER;
003 v_statusexists NUMBER;
004 v_oldstatus NUMBER;
005 v_runnumber NUMBER;
006 begin
008 --check if the value of p_status exists in monitoring_run_status

009 select count(*) into v_statusexists
010 from monitoring_run_status mrs
011 where mrs.status_name = p_status;
013 if (v_statusexists = 0) THEN
014   raise_application_error(-20000, 'TAGS-009: This status does not exist');
015 end if;
017 select count(*) into v_rowexists
018 from monitoring_runs mr where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name and mr.run_number = p_runnumber;
020 --when the collection + runnumber does not exist in the table, then do an insert into monitoring_runs

021 if (v_rowexists = 0) THEN
022 insert into monitoring_runs
023   values (monrun_id.nextval, p_collection_name, p_runnumber, (select id from monitoring_run_status mrs where mrs.status_name=p_status));
024   commit;
026 --insert an "insert action" into monitoring_log

027 insert into monitoring_log ml
028   values (monlog_id.nextval, (select from monitoring_runs mr where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name and mr.run_number = p_runnumber), 'INSERT', NULL, (select mr.status_id from monitoring_runs mr where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name and mr.run_number = p_runnumber), sysdate);
029   commit;
031 --if collection + runnumber already exists in the table, then update monitoring_runs

032 elsif (v_rowexists = 1) THEN
034 select mr.status_id into v_oldstatus
035 from monitoring_runs mr
036 where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name
037 and mr.run_number = p_runnumber;
039 update monitoring_runs mr
040   set status_id = (select from monitoring_run_status mrs where mrs.status_name = p_status)
041   where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name and mr.run_number = p_runnumber;
042   commit;
044 --insert an "update action" into monitoring_log

045 insert into monitoring_log ml
046   values (monlog_id.nextval, (select from monitoring_runs mr where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name and mr.run_number = p_runnumber), 'UPDATE', v_oldstatus, (select mr.status_id from monitoring_runs mr where mr.collection_name = p_collection_name and mr.run_number = p_runnumber), sysdate);
047   commit;
049 --when v_collexists is not 0 or 1, an error must have occured --> change this to raising an exception!

050 else
051   raise_application_error(-20000, 'TAGS-009: Unique Key constraint violation');
052 end if;
054 end;
055 /

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Due to the LXR bug, the updates fail sometimes to remove references to deleted files. The Saturday's full rebuilds fix these problems
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