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NASA Meatball NASA Dryden YF-12 Movies banner
YF-12A in flight

YF-12C mid-air refueling

Movie Number   EM-0041-06
Movie Date   Circa 1970s
Formats   160x120 QuickTime Movie (.9 MB)
320x240 QuickTime Movie (2.0 MB)
480x360 QuickTime Movie (3.0 MB)
640x480 QuickTime Movie (6.0 MB)
XV-15 Still photos of this aircraft are available in several resolutions at

This 27 second movie clip shows the YF-12C during mid-air refueling.

The YF-12 "Blackbird" was an experimental fighter-interceptor version of the Lockheed A-12 aircraft. In Air Force flight tests on May 1, 1965, the YF-12 set a speed record of 2,070.101 miles per hour and an altitude record of 80,258 feet. First publicly displayed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, in 1964, the YF-12 was never adopted by the military as an operational aircraft. It was, however, a precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance plane.

Two YF-12 aircraft were flown in a joint Air Force-NASA research program at the NASA Flight Research Center (now the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center) between 1969 and 1979, although the second plane, piloted primarily by the Air Force, was lost to an inflight fire in 1971. The two YF-12 aircraft bore the serial numbers 60-6935 and 60-6936.

Keywords   SR-71A; YF-12C; "Blackbird"; A-12; Air Force; Edwards Air Force Base; Flight Research Center; Dryden Flight Research Center; Langley Research Center; Ames Research Center; Lewis Research Center; Lockheed; "Skunk Works"; titanium; Lyndon Johnson; Fitzhugh Fulton; Donald Mallick; Victor Horton; Ray Young; Ronald Layton; Billy A. Curtis; YF-12C; Air Force Museum
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