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MIF Administration

This document describes how to start the various programs that make up a MIF installation. Generally, it is assumed that Windows machines will be used for development purposes and UNIX-like machines will be used for development and server installations. Therefore, the UNIX-like operating systems will have extra functionality installed on them such as scripts to run processes in the background. All paths in this wiki are relative to $MIF_HOME unless noted otherwise.

MIF Installation Directory Structure

Here are the important sub-directories and files which you will find in the installation directory ($MIF_HOME):

  • bin: Startup and shutdown scripts for MIF
  • config: Configuration files for MIF and other programs. These files will be in the classpath if the startup scripts from bin/ are used.
  • jars: All MIF jars including dependency jars.
  • log: Log files for MIF.
  • sources/mif-samples: All the sample source code for the samples documented in the wiki.
  • docs: READMES and API documentation for this release

Startup Scripts

These script have been tested on Windows XP, Linux EL4, and Mac OS X. However, it is very likely that they would also work on any other version of Windows or UNIX.



Starts MIF by calling the RunMif class. Calling with the -h option gives a help screen. Here are some usage examples:

  • Start MIF by specifying a classname for a class with a main method which creates, configures, and starts a MIF pipelineā€
>  bin\run-mif.bat -c
  • Start MIF using the Spring configuration file mifConfig.xml. This will search for the given config file on the MIF classpath. By convention all properties files are placed the directory config\.

> bin\run-mif.bat -s mifConfig.xml

  • Start the MIF sample helloWorld:
>  bin\run-mif.bat -c gov.pnnl.mif.samples.hello.HelloWorldDriver

Linux and Mac OS X

For the most part, Linux and Mac OS X installs are treated identically. They each have bash counterparts for all the batch scripts listed in the windows section. The bash scripts behave the same as the batch scripts, with the following exceptions:


This script starts JBoss as a server (bound to in the background. Standard out and standard error are redirected to log/jboss-console.log. Example usage:

> bin/ start ejb3-clustered
Starting jboss with: cd /local/MIF-0.7.4/third-party/jboss/bin; /local/MIF-0.7.4/third-party/jboss/bin/ -c ejb3-clustered -b
Console output being sent to: /local/MIF-0.7.4/log/jboss-console.log
NOTE: JBoss binding to:

This starts JBoss using the server configuration ejb3-clustered. If no server is specified, then the default (mq-standalone) is started. It's always a good idea to check the log file to make sure it started correctly. To cause JBoss to bind to a different address, edit this script and modify the variable $JBOSS_HOST.

To stop jboss, type:

> bin/ stop
Stopping jboss with: kill 7489

To check whether JBoss is currently running:

> bin/ status
JBoss is running (7440)


This is used to start MIF in the foreground or background. The usage for this command is:

bin/ [start <mif-args> | start-fg <mif-args> | stop <force> | status | help]

So, it is similar to mif-run.bat except that it has an additional first argument. The remaining arguments are passed to the class RunMif. For example, to start MIF in the background using the specified properties file, type:

> bin/ start -c

The script bin/ is a convenience script which matches the functionality of run-mif.bat by wrapping a command similar to:

mif-ctrl start-fg $@
mif_administration.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/19 09:12 by adamw