Package gov.nih.mipav.model.file

Interface Summary
BZip2Constants Base class for both the compress and decompress classes.

Class Summary
CBZip2InputStream An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format (without the file header chars) to be read as any other stream.
CBZip2OutputStream An output stream that compresses into the BZip2 format (without the file header chars) into another stream.
DicomDictionary This class reads a text file that lists all the tags that the DICOM file reader will need to know about.
FileAfni Afni file format.
FileAnalyze The class reads and writes Analyze Version 7.5.x files.
FileAvi AVI file writer and reader.
FileBase FileBase is an abstract class that has many methods that support the reading/writing of files.
FileBioRad Reads BioRaD pic file format.
FileBRUKER Reads a BRUKER file by first reading in the d3proc header file, second the reco header file, third the acqp file int the same directory or up one or two two parent directories, and finally the 2dseq binary file.
FileCheshire The class reads Cheshire file images.
FileCheshireVOI Addresses and lengths are always contained in 4 bytes.
FileCOR FreeSurfer COR files are used to store 3 dimensional unsigned byte data.
FileDeleter Class to safely delete a file using a looped thread.
FileDicom This class reads and writes DICOM files.
FileDicomBase FileDICOMBase is an class that supports the reading/writing of DICOM files.
FileDicomItem This class stores a set of FileDicomTags.
FileDicomJPEG Class that reads a lossless compressed JPEG file.
FileDicomKey FileDicomKey goes along with FileDicomTag - it is the key into the hashtable that corresponds to a tag.
FileDicomSQ This is a class for reading in a DICOM sequence tag.
FileDicomTag This class holds all the important information about each DICOM tag.
FileDicomTagInfo Information about a DICOM tag, stored in the DicomDictionary table once for each DICOM tag.
FileDicomTagTable A table containing tags unique to a particular file info in an image.
FileDM3 Some of this code is derived from in ImageJ.
FileFits Some of this code is derived from in ImageJ.
FileGESigna4X Fixed format header Image data is not compressed Image data fixed offset 14336 bytes Data General host The image files are of fixed layout, described here as a series of 256 by 16 bit word blocks (512 bytes), blocks numbered from 0.
FileGESigna5X Reads both GE Neducak Systems MR 5X and LX.
FileHistoLUT HistoLUT reader/writer.
FileICS Reference: 1.
FileImageXML File class for reading/writing Image.XML file headers and their associated images.
FileInfoAfni This structures contains the information that describes how an Afni image is stored on disk.
FileInfoAnalyze This structures contains the information that describes how an analyze image is stored on disk.
FileInfoAvi This structures contains the information that describes how an Avi image is stored on disk.
FileInfoBase This structure contains the basic information that describes how the image is stored on disk.
FileInfoBioRad This structures contains the information that describes how a Biorad image is stored on disk.
FileInfoCheshire This structures contains the information that describes how an analyze image is stored on disk.
FileInfoCOR File info storage container.
FileInfoDicom This class contains DICOM header information.
FileInfoDM3 This structures contains the information that describes how a DM3 image is stored on disk.
FileInfoFits This structures contains the information that describes how a Fits image is stored on disk.
FileInfoGESigna4X This structures contains the information that describes how a GE Signa 5X image is stored on disk.
FileInfoGESigna5X This structures contains the information that describes how a GE Signa 5X image is stored on disk.
FileInfoICS This structures contains the information that describes how an ICS image is stored on disk.
FileInfoImageXML This structure contains the information that describes how an XML image is stored on disk.
FileInfoImageXML.Investigator Title: Investigator Description: Public class to hold several attributes for an investigator associated with the image (up to three per) Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 Company:
FileInfoInterfile This structures contains the information that describes how an Interfile image is stored on disk.
FileInfoJP2 This structures contains the information that describes how a JP2 compressed image of 3D medical image is stored on disk.
FileInfoLattice This structure contains the information that describes how a Lattice image is stored on disk.
FileInfoLIFF File info storage container.
FileInfoLSM This structures contains the information that describes how a LSM image is stored on disk.
FileInfoMagnetomVision This structures contains the information that describes how a Siemens MagnetomVision image is stored on disk.
FileInfoMedVision This structure contains the information that describes how an MedVision image is stored on disk, as well as header information.
FileInfoMicroCat This structures contains the information that describes how.
FileInfoMinc This class holds all the file information for a MINC file.
FileInfoMRC This structures contains the information that describes how a MRC image is stored on disk.
FileInfoNIFTI This structures contains the information that describes how a NIFTI image is stored on disk.
FileInfoOME Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 Company:
FileInfoOSM This structures contains the information that describes how an OSM image is stored on disk.
FileInfoPARREC Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
FileInfoProject This structure contains the information about a project including preferences and an image list (code based off of FileInfoXML).
FileInfoRaw This structure contains the information that describes how a RAW image is stored on disk.
FileInfoSPM This structures contains the information that describes how an SPM image is stored on disk.
FileInfoSTK This structures contains the information that describes how a STK image is stored on disk.
FileInfoSurfaceRefXML This structure contains the information that describes how an XML surface (see surface.xsd and is stored on disk.
FileInfoSurfaceXML This structure contains the information that describes how an XML surface (see surface.xsd and is stored on disk.
FileInfoTiff This structures contains the information that describes how a Tiff image is stored on disk.
FileInfoTMG This structures contains the information that describes how a TMG image is stored on disk.
FileInfoXML Abstract base clase contains the information that contains the shared information for XML images and XML surfaces.
FileIO This class controls the file input/output of most formats that MIPAV supports, including tiff, raw, analyze, DICOM, and Medvision.
FileJP2 Jpeg2K reader/ writer for 3D images.
FileLSM Reads Zeiss LSM 510 image files - an extension of the TIFF format.
FileMagnetomVision Class that reads Siemens Magnetom Vision files.
FileMap Special for Benes.
FileMedVision The class reads MedVision files that have been saved as MAC bin files.
FileMGH The class reads MGH files.
FileMinc The MINC file format is built on top of NetCDF.
FileMincAttElem This class represents a MINC atrribute element.
FileMincDimElem This class represents a MINC dimension element.
FileMincHDF HDF5 based reader/writer for MINC 2.0
FileMincVarElem This class represents a MINC variable element.
FileMRC Comments from David Mastronarde:
I am not familiar with the latest standards for MRC files, but typically the extra header information has been used to save information about each section in the file.
FilenameSorter DOCUMENT ME!
FileNIFTI The class reads and writes NIFTI files.
FilePackBit The class reads and writes packed bit files for tiff formatted images (including STK).
FilePARREC The class reads and writes Analyze Version 7.5.x files.
FileProject The class reads XML files with MIPAV's project schema.
FileRaw The class reads and writes raw files of all data types: boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, and double.
FileRawChunk The class reads and writes raw files of all data types: boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, and double.
FileSPM The class reads and writes SPM files.
FileSTK The MetaMorph Stack (STK) file format is derived from the TIFF format.
FileSurfaceRefXML Inherits from FileXML, reads SurfaceRef.XML files based on the "surfaceref.xsd" file.
FileSurfaceVTKXML This class facilitates reading and writing vtk xml
FileSurfaceXML Inherits from FileXML, reads Surface.XML files based on the "surface.xsd" file.
FileTiff Tagged Image File Format (TIFF 6.0) reader/ writer.
FileTypeInfo This class stores information about a file type, including the type description (i.e., 'NRRD') and allowed extensions (i.e., '.nrrd,.nhdr').
FileUtility Constants and static methods which relate to file input, output or processing.
FileVOI VOI reader/writer.
FileWriteOptions This structure contains information to direct file writing.
FileXCEDE A memory representation of the XCEDE file, and in charge of open and save of the xcede file.
FileXML Abstract base class for reading/writing .XML file headers.
LZOCodec This class implements LZO decompression.
RawImageInfo Class designed to hold pre-loaded information for opening RAW images.
TIFFLZWDecoder A class for performing LZW decoding.
TIFFLZWDecoder2 A class for performing LZW decoding.
WriteCellModel Write a simple cell model with a blue cell and red and green chromosomes using TIFF format and possibly LSM extensions

Exception Summary