Clib DEPRECATED Function Descriptions

Last updated:16-Feb-2009


ckcvd - decodes a number of decimal ASCII characters in either F or E format
ckcve - decodes a number of decimal ASCII characters in either F or E format
ckcvg - decodes a number of decimal ASCII characters in either F or E format
ckcvg8 - decodes a number of decimal ASCII characters in either F or E format
ckcvh - converts a number of hexadecimal characters to an integer value
ckcvi - converts a number of decimal characters to a two byte integer value
ckcvn - converts a number of characters to an integer value using radix IRADIX
ckcvo - converts a number of octal characters to an integer value
clib_swab - swaps the high byte for the low byte in a word array
cvdec - CVDEC is a synonym for CKCVG with error return parameter optional
cvdi4 - converts a number of decimal characters to a four byte integer value
cvdi8 - converts a number of decimal characters to an eight byte integer value
cve - converts a single precision floating point value into ASCII in E-format
cvg - converts a single precision floating point value into ASCII
cvg8 - converts a double precision floating point value into ASCII
cvh - converts a binary value into hexadecimal characters
cvhi4 - converts a number of hexadecimal characters to a 4 byte integer
cvhi8 - converts a number of hexadecimal characters to an 8 byte integer
cvi - converts a two byte integer into ASCII characters
cvi4d - converts a four byte integer value into ASCII characters
cvi4h - converts a four byte integer value into hex characters
cvi4n - converts a four byte integer value into ASCII characters
cvi4o - converts a four byte integer value into octal characters
cvi8d - converts an eight byte integer value into ASCII characters
cvi8h - converts an eight byte integer value into hex characters
cvi8n - converts an eight byte integer value into ASCII characters
cvi8o - converts an eight byte integer value into octal characters
cvn - converts a two byte integer value into ASCII characters
cvo - converts a two byte integer value into octal characters
dncase(_c) - scans string, converting all upper case characters to lower case
dpieee - converts between DEC single precision float format and IEEE double precision
dstatx - generates an abbreviated 4 character digital status display field
filli1 - fills array with a given byte value (obsolete)
filli2 - fills array with a given word value (obsolete)
filli4 - fills array with a given longword value (obsolete)
fpieee - converts floating point values between DEC format and IEEE format
icshft - returns result of 16-bit integer value circularly shifted n bits
movbin - moves a block of bytes from a user input buffer to a user output buffer
moveby - moves a block of bytes from a user input buffer to a user output buffer
movewd - moves a block of words from a user input buffer to a user output buffer
movex(_c) - copies a byte string into an XCHAR array
unmovex - moves low order byte of each word from user buffer to byte string
upcase(_c) - scans an ASCII character string, converting lower to upper case


dbareq - adds request for "addressing" information for specified device & prop.
dbget - retrieves unprocessed data, a PDB, or a SSDN returned by a DBPROC call
dbgeti - returns an index to the unprocessed data in the database work area
dbproc - transmits the database request list to the Central Database processor
dbrdi - adds request for the DI for a device name to request list being built
dbreq - adds a request for the desired property of a specified device
dbrmc - adds a request for the DI for an Event Message Code to request list
dbrpdb - adds a request for the Process Data Block for a device and property
dbsize - returns number of bytes in use in specified database work area array
dbwain - initializes database work area array provided by caller
di2nam - translates one or more device indices to one or more device names
dio_clear_redirection_slot - clears a slot from central DAQ redirection
dio_enable_error_logging - allows enabling/disabling of data acquisition error logging
dio_log_error - submits an error to the data acquisition error log
dio_set_redirection_slot - establishes a slot for central DAQ redirection
dp_get_ftd - returns 16 bit datapool FTD to be used as a "one-shot" FTD
dpcanq - empties DPM's setting queue for this task
dpdcrl - returns Common Request List data
dpftd - change frequency time descriptor for a common request list entry
dpget - gets data from the data pool
dpproc - processes new requests and deletions within the data pool
dprem - marks a data pool request entry for deletion
dpreq - enters a Data Pool request into the data pool
dpset - submits a setting request to the data pool
dpsrpy - flushes queued Data Pool settings to front ends with replies
nam2di - translates one or more device names to one or more device indices


fs_log_file_writes_c - enables or disables logging Filesharing file writes
fs_log_write_message - allows the caller to estabish a message for file write log messages
fsclos - closes fileshare file previously associated with a virtual unit number
fsdel - deletes a record from a file designated by a virtual unit number
fsinfo - reads file info opened on a virtual unit number
fsnode - returns the trunk/node used for the fileshareing service
fsopen - opens an existing file on the central disk for I/O operations
fsrdm - reads multiple records from a previously opened fileshare file
fsread - reads a record from a file opened on a virtual unit number
fsrew - rewinds a sequential file previously opened on a virtual unit number
fsstat - signals the FSHARE process to dump the lun table
fsunlk - unlocks a file open on a virtual unit number
fswadc - disconnects a work area previously allocated for use by File Sharing
fswain - calls the fs_init routine
fsweof - writes an EOF to the sequential file opened on a virtual unit number
fswrit - writes a record to a file opened on a virtual unit number
setReturnActualKey - When true, a call to fsread will return the actual key value of


namnod(_c) - returns the ACNET logical node id given the node name (XXX: OLD CLIB)
net_sts16 - converts a 32 bit VMS status code into 16 bit code used by ACNET
net_trn_node_desc - translates a trunk and node value into logical node's name
net_trn_nodename_desc - translates logical node name into a trunk and node value
nodnam(_c) - returns the ACNET node name given the ACNET logical node ID (XXX: OLD CLIB)
ntcan - Cancel an oustanding request (usually a multiple-reply request).
ntcnct - Connect the user process to the ACNET network or change the network
ntcreq - Check on the arrival of a request or unsolicited special message.
ntcrpy - Check on the arrival of a reply to a request and (if available)
ntdcnt - Disconnect the user process from the network and release all network
ntgtid - Get the logical task id associated with the network task name on
ntgtnm - Get the network task name associated with the logical task id on
ntrreq - Connect a network task to recieve unsolicited messages and request.
ntrrpy - Clears the reply done flag and (optionally) change the reply buffer
ntsend - Send an unsolicited special message (USM). Be careful using USM's
ntsreq - Sends a request message and setups the parameters specifing the
ntsrpy - Sends a reply to an earlier received request. If that request is
ntwreq - Await the arrival of a request or unsolicited special message.
ntwrpy - Wait until the reply to a request is received, and return
viabrt - aborts a non-slaved VAX application task
vistrt - starts a non-slaved VAX application task
vtabrt - aborts a slaved VAX application task
vtcncl - disconnects from a slaved VAX application task
vtstrt - starts a slaved VAX application task


lrdast - shows if any receive data packets queued to application
receiv_rsx - reads message sent by previous call to 'send_rsx' into buffer
send_rsx - sends message contained in a buffer to a task


cknob - like 'dknob' except change in knob position is scaled 32767 counts/turn
dknob - returns changes in the position of the console knob since last call


net_alt_node - returns alternate trunk/node given logical trunk/node value
net_info_access - access internal network info for user process
net_set_option - adjusts a per-process network option value
net_trn_node - translates logical trunk and node value into a Radix-50 string (XXX: OLD CLIB)
net_trn_nodename - translate logical node name into a logical trunk and node (XXX: OLD CLIB)
ntv_cancel_request - cancels an outstanding request
ntv_check_reply - checks to see if a reply has been received
ntv_check_request - checks receive buffer for arrival of a request or USM
ntv_connect - connects user process to ACNET network and sets network task name
ntv_disconnect - disconnect from the network, returning all network resources
ntv_get_taskid - returns logical task id of named task connected to network
ntv_get_taskname - returns network task name of task with logical task id
ntv_handle - changes the default handle by which ACNET recognizes this task
ntv_lcl_retry - checks a condition code from a send operation indicating failure
ntv_receive_reply - clear reply DONE bit and optionally adjust reply buffer
ntv_receive_request - unlock receive buffer of RUM connected process
ntv_rmt_retry - checks for condition code from a reply indicating a failure
ntv_send - send an unsolicited special message (USM)
ntv_send_reply - sends a reply to a request back to the source of the request
ntv_send_request - sends a request message
ntv_status - converts 16 bit ACNET global status to 32 bit condition code
ntv_sts16 - converts a 32 bit VMS status code into 16 bit code used by ACNET
ntv_sts32 - converts 16 bit ACNET global status to 32 bit condition code
ntv_wait_reply - waits for arrival of a reply to an outstanding request
ntv_wait_request - waits for the arrival of a request or USM in receive buffer


gsaddr - converts user-legible GAS addresses to numeric codes
gsboot - sends a request to a front end to reboot a smart module
gschk - checks for new GAS list data and returns the status of new GAS list
gsget - returns data from a GAS list to the users buffer
gsgetw - waits on new data and then moves that data from a GAS list to buffer
gslend - cancels a GAS list
gslist - sets up a list of STANCs for periodic or one-shot list reads
gsmod - retrieves names of GAS module types for a given front end computer
gsread - performs a one shot GAS read
gsset - sends a single setting (one STANC's worth) to a GAS speaking module
gstanc - builds a GAS STANC in the 8 byte word aligned array STANC
house_name - converts house code to house name text
hscode - translates two-character ASCII house names to codes and vice versa
hscodx - translates 2-character pseudo house name <==> internal number code


LX2SS - copies contents of LX display window to SS display window
LXARC - draws an arc of a circle on the LX color graphics display window
LXBMOV - moves or copies a rectangular area of pixels to another block
LXBRAT - sets the blink rate for the LX color graphics display window
LXCARC - draws an arc of a circle on the LX color graphics display window
LXCATT - sets the character attributes to be used by future calls to LXTEXT
LXCINT - returns true if there is an interrupt pending in a graphics window
LXCIR - draws a circle on the LX color graphics display window
LXCLIM - specifies limits for LX cursor movement by the LXCURS routine
LXCLIP - sets the clipping rectangle for graphics output
LXCMAP - modifies the colormap for a graphics window
LXCTYP - establishes type of LX color graphics cursor enabled by LXCURS
LXCURS - enables, updates, and disables trackball movement LX window cursor
LXCVEC - draws chained vectors on the LX color graphics window display
LXELIP - draws an ellipse on the LX color graphics display window
LXERAS - erases any selected display memory plane in the LX display window
LXFILL - draws filled polygons on the LX color graphics window display
LXFLSH - flushes LX color graphics command buffer by transmitting its contents
LXMODE - determines how the KOLOR argument will be interpreted by LX display
LXPARS - returns the current LX graphics parameters
LXPATT - determines pattern of vectors and arcs generated by LX routines
LXPFIL - draws filled polygons in the LX graphics display window
LXPIMG - submits image data to be put to a graphics window
LXPNT - plots one point on the color graphics window at the specified location
LXPNTS - plots a number of points on the LX color graphics display window
LXRCMD - sets the fill mode of circles and rectangles generated by LX routines
LXRECT - draws a rectangle with horizontal and vertical sides on LX window
LXRST - resets LX color graphics context, clears screen, and disables cursor
LXSLOT - sets the pseudo crate slot number of the graphics controller
LXTEXT - writes characters from a user buffer TEXT to LX display window
LXVEC - draws a vector on the LX color graphics display window
LXVWID - sets the width of vectors generated by future calls to LX routines
LXWSIZ - modifies the graphics window size
LX_QUERY_FONT - returns the width, and height of the loaded Lexidata font
SSCATT - sets storage scope controller character attributes (size and rotation)
SSCURS - enables, updates, disables trackball movement of storage scope cursor
SSERAS - erases the storage scope display
SSFLSH - flushes storage scope command buffer by transmitting to storage scope
SSLGR - sets the storage scope controller dot-to-dot spacing
SSLINE - draws a line on the storage scope
SSPNT - plots one point on the storage scope
SSRST - erases storage scope display while providing a title for the window
SSTEXT - writes characters from a user buffer to the storage scope
SSXAX - draws a horizontal line on the storage scope
SSXYGR - sets the dot-to-dot spacing for the storage scope
SSYAX - draws a vertical line on the storage scope
TV2LX - copies contents of one of the console TV windows to a graphics window
TV2SS - copies contents of one of the TV windows to graphics window SS
TVTOLX - copies contents of a TV window to one of the graphics windows
lx_display_value - converts a value into ASCII & displays it on current display
lx_display_value_atpix - converts value into ASCII and displays it
lx_get_title - returns the null-terminated window title and hard copy mode of an LX window


pausex - (obsolete) retained for compatibility
waitkb - waits for the next keyboard or terminate interrupt


acnet_copy_window_c - makes a hardcopy (or save file) of one of the console screens
copies_c - interface to the copies package
datime - returns the ASCII date and time of day to a user's buffer
hdcopy - makes a hardcopy (or save file) of one of the console screens


srcnct - connects to database for Save/Restore
srcnct_fake - fakes connection to database for Save/Restore
srdcnt - disconnects from database for Save/Restore
srderr - adds a request for save file device errors
srdir - adds a request for the desired file headers
srdisk - adds a request for quota/usage information.
srget - retrieves unprocessed data or file headers returned to a work area
srgeti - returns index to unprocessed data in the Save/Restore work area
srmod - adds request to modify device/property in specified Save/Restore file
srproc - transmits the Save/Restore request list to the Central Database processor
srreq - adds a request for the desired property of a specified device
srsetp - modifies the protection code of a save file or changes SDA file type
srsize - returns number of bytes in use in specified Save/Restore work area
srsnapreq - adds a request for desired property of a specified device
srston - adds request for most-recent file number for specified store number
srwain - initializes Save/Restore work area array provided by caller


LABINH - Alarm Abort Inhibit Monitor
LABSEL - Alarm Abort Monitor
LALARM - Alarm Status Monitor
LBYPAS - Alarm Bypass Monitor
LDVON - determines device on/off status
LDVPOS - determines device positive/negative status
LDVRDY - determines device ready/tripped status
LDVREM - determines device remote/local status
MAXTOL - Obtaining The Unprocessed Tolerance
MINNOM - Obtaining The Unprocessed Tolerance
common_transform_num_const_c - returns number of constants for given common transform index
ldvramp - determines device ramp/DC status
pdb_scaling_table_limits_c - returns the minimum and maximum values form a scaling interpolation table
pdb_valid_length_c - determines if a data length is valid for a primary transform
pdcupu - scales the value of a device from common units to primary units
pdcupu8 - scales the value of a device from common units to primary units
pdcuud - scales a value in common units to a value in unscaled data units
pdcuud8 - scales a value in common units to a value in unscaled data units
pdimax - returns maximum primary and common transform indices
pdpucu - scales the value of a device from primary to common units
pdudcu - scales the value of a device from raw data to common units
pdudpu - scales the value of a device from raw data to primary units
pdulen - returns unscaled data length (in bytes) from flags byte of the PDB


lsw - returns TRUE if the requested touch panel switch is in the on state
lswoff - returns TRUE if the requested touch panel switch has changed to off
lswon - returns TRUE if the requested touch panel switch has changed to on
swclr - clears touch panel to all blanks and deletes all switch definitions
swcolr - changes color of text for a switch on the touch panel
swdef - defines a switch on the touch panel
swget - returns the switch definition parameters for a touch panel switch
swmuex - updates of a set of mutually exclusive touch panel switches
swrect - draws a blank filled rectangle on the touch panel
swsfmt - sets screen format of touch panel
swtext - writes text to a touch panel switch
swtvm - performs I/O to the touch panel
swtvmx - performs XCHAR format I/O to the touch panel


CPRSTV - compresses TVMX format text into a compressed format
HILITE - inverts the foreground and background colors of a text string
IMSURE - writes the word CAUTION and returns TRUE if clicked on by the user
ITVATT - converts color and blink codes into a character attribute byte
TVBOX - draws a rectangle on the color TV with desired diagonal corners
TVHLIN - draws a horizontal line on the TV screen
TVVLIN - draws a vertical line on the TV screen
WDELET - deletes a window and restores the text the window obscured
WMAKE - creates a window on the main console tv
XPNDTV - expands TV text compressed by the CPRSTV routine into TVMX format
display_value - displays numerical value as ASCII in background window
ierrtv - displays a text message given a 16_bit status code in ACNET format
input_value - reads characters from screen converting to value of desired type
intype_put_rowcol - overwrites INTYPE's internal cursor location
rdcurs - returns the position of the TV cursor to the calling program
rdspe - reads characters from the alphanumeric screen in scientific notation
rdspi - reads characters from screen converting to a single precision integer
rdspi4 - reads characters from screen converting to a double precision integer
rdspr - reads characters from screen converting to a single precision float
rdspr8 - reads characters from screen converting to a double precision float
shftwn - shifts a window's coordinates to place them on the screen
tv_get_key - retrieves x-window KeySym code from the KEY FIFO
tv_get_title - gets the null-terminated window and icon titles of a TV window
tv_kb_echo - enables or disables keyboard echo for a TV window
tv_last_char - returns last char typed and old char it overwrote
tv_set_title - sets the window and icon titles of a TV window
tvblnk - writes specified blanks to color TV starting at desired row and column
tvbrat - sets the blink rate for the color TV
tvcase - enables or disables the ability to type lower case characters
tvceol - clears the color TV (by displaying blank characters)
tvceop - clears the color TV (by displaying blank characters)
tvclr - clears the color TV display screen to blanks
tvcolr - changes display attributes (color and blink) of characters on color TV
tvdisp - reads a compressed TV image from a filesharing record, and displays it
tvfill - writes the character a number of times to the color TV
tvflsh - flushes TV command buffer by transmitting its contents to display
tvfontsize_c - sets the font size used in the color TV window
tvkbat - sets attributes of characters typed on the color TV from the keyboard
tvm - performs I/O to the color TV
tvmap - Maps (displays) an SA's TV pop-up window
tvmx - performs I/O to the color TV
tvrfmt - reads the screen format of the color TV
tvrkba - returns the current keyboard attributes
tvrwdo - returns the arguments of the most recent call to TVWNDO
tvsave - reads a rectangular area from TV stores in filesharing record
tvscrl - executes a window scroll (up or down) on the color TV
tvscrs - sets position of the visible cursor on the color TV to desired row
tvsfmt - sets screen format of the color TV to desired rows and columns
tvunmap - Unmaps an SA's TV pop-up window
tvwndo - sets up a scroll window on color TV for later use by TVSCRL routine
wdisplay_value - converts a value of given data type into ASCII representation
winbox_c - returns TRUE if the color TV cursor was in a specifed box
wincol_c - converts TV column value into column value relative to a window
winfld_c - returns TRUE if the color TV cursor was in a specifed field
winrow_c - converts TV row value into row value relative to a window
wtvblnk_c - C callable (by value) windowed version of TVBLNK
wtvbox_c - draws a rectangle on the color TV in a window
wtvcolr_c - C callable (by value) windowed version of TVCOLR
wtvfill_c - C callable (by value) windowed version of TVFILL
wtvm_c - C callable (by value) windowed version of TVM
wtvmx_c - C callable (by value) windowed version of TVMX

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