Index Page: Tevatron << T118 Program T120 >> Main Menu

Specific HELP for this index page slot --> T119

PA0052 is the general purpose parameter program.  It is
connected to about 150 different pages.

Level 2 Topics:
Overview Cryogenics stuff
New Features MNTN RANGE/Frame Grabbers
*---->Collider Memo Pad<----* pbar clock events/ P60/DTOA/6
*-diagnostics & RF for shots-* Bunch Spreaders (MR)
SBD - Sampled Bunch Display Switchyard stuff
mults and bumps Tevatron Bunch Spreader
Display Options Pseudo-fixed target inj.
Plot Package Interfaces Transfers between machines
CATV channels
8 GeV Kickers MR RF OFF control
Mountain Ranges Bunch Length Monitors
Notes Expressions
Bob's list of dropped encl's Notify Channel modes
Schottkies, Roman pots, etc. Bugs
Collimators and lambertsons Suggestions

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