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LESSON 1 - Background - All forms have some common features.


Color Lettering

These are non-printing fields or text which are important and should be kept permanently in the electronic version - especially the creation dates and printing information. ANYTHING APPEARING IN COLORED PRINT ON YOUR SCREEN WILL NOT PRINT OUT.

Green letting performs a function. This is used to identify buttons.

Red lettering is informational. Stop, look, and read this important information.

Fonts - You must have the following fonts loaded on your computer and your printer to utilize these forms:

Arial and Times Roman for the IBM

Helvetica and Times for the Macintosh

Headers and Footers

Footer - This is a non-printing field. The footer contains special printing instructions such as the color of paper, print back-to-back, print on a card, etc.

Suggestion: Use this field as a permanent record of when and where you submitted the original printout. (i.e., Submitted to A.O. 6/21/95.)

Header - This is a non-printing field. The header contains the following:

Submitted to APPROVING OFFICIAL AND DATE - This statement indicates that this electronic version meets the following NIH Electronic Forms Users' Group requirements:
Format meets standard layout requirements.

Field names are standardized.

Proofed by group members for spelling errors.

Tested by group members for bugs.

Tested for electronic transfer between the Apple and IBM platforms.

Submitted to the NIH Forms Officer or other office for official approval on the date indicated in the statement. (Check with your Administrative Office to be certain that use of this form is acceptable.)

Approved by NAME OF APPROVING OFFICIAL AND DATE. - This statement indicates this electronic version meets all of the above requirements and has received official approval from the sponsoring office which designed or distributed this form on the date indicated in the statement.

Release date - The release date refers to the date the electronic version was released for use. This date can be used to determine if you have the latest electronic version of the form. This date is not related to the official revision date of the form which appears on your printout.


Non-printing instructions may be located anywhere in the document, particularly where fields will automatically compute. Pay particular attention to the WARNING in the upper right hand corner.

Other Information

Technical Support for Software (for problem solving)


LESSON 2 - How to Find, Download, and Fill In the Forms


Select either the subject category or the comprehensive list of forms.

Search for a form by number or title

Fill In Fields
To change the print inside a field
  • Highlight the characters inside the field you wish to change and select FORMAT.
  • Highlight the command you wish to change (Underline, Bold, Superscript, Size, etc.). This will not change the entire field but only the characters you select.
To select consecutive page layouts of a document
  • In the upper left hand corner is a button which will read Page1of?. This indicates how many pages there are to the form. Place your cursor on this button and hold it down. Each page will appear in a window to the right. Highlight the page desired and that page layout will appear.

LESSON 3 - Electronic Mail

LESSON 4 - Creating and using a database with multiple copies of forms

Create Additional Records
Import Records
Sort Records

LESSON 5 - Personalizing Fields

Automatic Data Entry Field - This field was formatted to provide the capability to personalize the data which always appears in the field when you create a new record. To create your personalized list Highlight the following:
Automatic Data Selection Field (Pop-up Field) - This field was formatted to provide the capability to personalize a choice of data. To create your personalized list Highlight the following:

LESSON 6 - Printing on 5 x 8 Cards

The alignment of different printers may differ so forms printed on 5 x 8 cards may not align correctly on your printer. Before you enter your data make sure the form will print on correctly on your printer. Follow these instructions.

First you must get into the layout or designer program.

  • Highlight Mode and Layout.

Now you can move the form around on the page.

  • First align the form horizontally. Place your cursor on the header button and slide it up or down to get the top of the form to align on the card.
  • Now align the form vertically.
  • Highlight Edit and Select All.
  • Place your cursor on the form and drag it to the correct position.
  • Highlight Mode and Browse.

LESSON 7 - Creating a Bundle of Forms.

LESSON 8 - Creating a Report/Spread Sheet Screen (Coming)

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