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CDDIS Bulletin - August 1996
Volume 11 No. 6

In this issue:

About the cover: The map on the cover of this issue of the CDDIS Bulletin shows the VLBI stations scheduled to participate in CONT96, an experiment planned for September through November 1996. The VLBA sites will participate during the last six days of the experiment. This experiment will be the longest span (eleven weeks) of high resolution EOP data yet obtained.

New GPS Products Available from the CDDIS

The International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) now produces high quality rapid GPS ephemerides. These daily solutions, derived by the IGS Analysis Coordinator from the seven individual analysis center solutions, are available within 24 hours. After and including GPS week 0860, these files are denoted IGRwwww7.typ, where wwww is the GPS week number, and typ is the file type (SP3 for orbit, SUM for summary, and ERP for Earth rotation parameters); prior to week 0860, the products were named IGP. All IGS rapid products can be retrieved from the CDDIS in subdirectories by GPS week of the main directory GPS3:[PRODUCTS].


This section is designed to give brief notices of special events, new data sets, or problems encountered in recent months. The CDDIS staff believes the user community should be informed of these problems in order to ensure that the best results possible are produced from data issued by the archive.

Update on CSTG SLR/LLR Subcommission Home Page

The new WWW home page (URL http://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/cstg/slr_cstg.html) for the CSTG SLR/LLR Subcommission was announced in the June 1996 issue of the CDDIS Bulletin. Since that time, a few updates have been made. A new section, called SLR/LLR Data Information, has been added which provides links to relevant data format documentation, SLR predicts, known data problems, normal point bin size recommendations, and results from a recent survey of SLR data use. Comments on this home page are welcome, as well as links to home pages of SLR/LLR stations and satellites.

Fixed GPS Network Update

Since the June 1996 issue of the CDDIS Bulletin, the CDDIS has archived data from the following new GPS tracking sites:

Table 1. New GPS Tracking Sites


Site Name

AZU1 Azusa, CA JPL Rogue SNR-8000 26-July-96
BAHR Manama, Bahrain DMA Ashtech Z-XII 23-Jun-96
CHUR Churchill, Manitoba, Canada NRCan Rogue SNR-8000 18-Jun-96
COCO Cocos Island, Australia AUSLIG Rogue SNR-8100 13-Jun-96
FLIN Flin Flan, Manitoba, Canada NRCan Rogue SNR-8000 08-Jun-96
KRAK Mammoth Lakes, CA (Krakatoa site)* JPL Rogue SNR-8000 25-July-96
TID2 Tidbinbilla, Australia JPL Rogue SNR-8000 26-July-96
WHIT Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada NRCan Rogue SNR-8000 07-Jun-96
XIAN Xian, Peoples Republic of China JPL Rogue SNR-8000 10-July-96

*Note: The KRAK site is part of Frank Webb's (JPL) Long Valley Caldera Continuous GPS Network investigation.

MOBLAS-5 Cesium Problems

The Data Services Group at ATSC reports that in July MOBLAS-5 at Yarragadee, Austraila (monument number 7090) started to experience problems with their Cesium clock, e.g., excessive drift rates, which has affected the timetags in data from the system. The data is totally recoverable by applying the epoch corrections given in the table below. In order to correct MOBLAS-5 timetags these epoch corrections must be subtracted from the normal point timetags using the equation:

corrected timetag = normal point timetag - epoch correction

Table 2. MOBLAS-5 Epoch Timetag Corrections

Date Epoch Corrections (microseconds)
18-Jul-96 -1.0
19-Jul-96 -1.2
20-Jul-96 -1.3
21-Jul-96 -1.5
22-Jul-96 -1.6
23-Jul-96 -1.8
24-Jul-96 -2.0
25-Jul-96 -2.1
26-Jul-96 -2.3
27-Jul-96 -2.3
28-Jul-96 -2.4
29-Jul-96 -2.4
30-Jul-96 -2.5
31-Jul-96 -2.5
01-Aug-96 -2.5
02-Aug-96 -2.5 (before 21:57 GMT)
02-Aug-96 +0.5 (after 21:57 GMT)

The problem was resolved on August 02, 1996 at 21:57 GMT, when the drift rate returned to nominal levels and the station clock was resychronized to the Cesium.

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Author: Carey E. Noll
Responsible NASA Official: Ed Grayzeck
Last Updated: May 27, 2005