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#1703: SAM V7_5_0 Release test results

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Topic: Development
Classification: Request for Testing
Importance: Medium
Status: Resolved
Assigned to: SamCore, sherwood
Created by: sherwood
Created at: 2006-02-23
Name: Steve Sherwood
#2: 2006-02-23 09:23 AM (sherwood)
status: "accepted" -> "resolved"
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testCacheFile
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
test Success
test FileAlreadyCached
test DataFileNotFound
test DiskLocationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound - caching group
test WorkGroupNotFound - owner group
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testCacheFile
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testCacheFileWithDeclareLocation
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
test caching a file with an existing disk location
test caching a file without an existing disk location
test FileAlreadyCached
test DataFileNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound - caching group
test WorkGroupNotFound - owner group
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testCacheFileWithDeclareLocation
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testCreateDiskLocation
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
first add a disk
test Success
test DiskLocationDuplicate
test StationNotFound
test NodeNotFound
test DiskNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testCreateDiskLocation
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetBenefitWeightList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test Success -- empty list
... configure some benefit weights...
test Success -- non-empty list
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetBenefitWeightList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetCachedFileList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
test Empty List
test StationNotFound
cache some files
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetCachedFileList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetCachedFileUsageList
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
test Empty List
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
... run the project...
test Empty List again
... cache some files for the project...
test ProjectNotFound
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetCachedFileUsageList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetDataFilePhysicalAttributes
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test DataFileNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetDataFilePhysicalAttributes
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetDiskList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make some station disks
...add a disk to node
...add a disk to node test.node.two
test StationNotFound
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetDiskList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupAdmins
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configure group admins ...
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupAdmins
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupCachePolicy
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... set cachePolicy to 'default'
test Success
... set cachePolicy to 'fifo'
test Success
... set cachePolicy to 'lfu'
test Success
... set cachePolicy to 'lru'
test Success
... set cachePolicy to 'nuf'
test Success
... set cachePolicy to 'nur'
test Success
... set cachePolicy to 'random'
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupCachePolicy
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupConsumerLimit
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configure ConsumerLimit = 0
test Success
... configure ConsumerLimit = 10
test Success
... configure ConsumerLimit = 100
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupConsumerLimit
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupFairShare
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configuring fair share = 0
test Success
... configuring fair share = 0.5
test Success
... configuring fair share = 1
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupFairShare
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupMaxDisk
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configure maxDisk = 0.00B
test Success
... configure maxDisk = 10.00GB
test Success
... configure maxDisk = 1.00KB
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupMaxDisk
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupMaxLock
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configure maxLock = 0.00B
test Success
... configure maxLock = 10.00KB
test Success
... configure maxLock = 1.00GB
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupMaxLock
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupProjectLimit
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configure ProjectLimit = 0
test Success
... configure ProjectLimit = 10
test Success
... configure ProjectLimit = 100
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroupProjectLimit
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroups
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
... add some groups to each station ...
...add group 'elf' to station 'Minas Tirith'
...add group 'human' to station 'Minas Tirith'
...add group 'hobbit' to station 'fangorn forest'
...add group 'wizard' to station 'fangorn forest'
...add group 'elf' to station 'khazad-dum'
...add group 'wizard' to station 'khazad-dum'
...add group 'elf' to station 'mount doom'
...add group 'hobbit' to station 'mount doom'
...add group 'human' to station 'mount doom'
test StationNotFound
test Success for station 'fangorn forest'
test Success for station 'mount doom'
test Success for station 'Minas Tirith'
test Success for station 'khazad-dum'
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetGroups
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetLockedFileList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
...make a station disk
...add a location
...add group configuration
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
... cache some files...
... lock the files...
test StationNotFound
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetLockedFileList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetProjectList
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test Empty List
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
...start some projects...
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetProjectList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetStationAdminList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test Success, station 'fangorn forest'
test Success, station 'khazad-dum'
test Success, station 'Minas Tirith'
test Success, station 'mount doom'
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetStationAdminList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetStationGroupAdminList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
... add group to station...
... configure group admins...
test success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetStationGroupAdminList
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetStationId
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationNotFound
test Success - station Minas Tirith
test Success - station fangorn forest
test Success - station khazad-dum
test Success - station mount doom
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testGetStationId
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testLockFile
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
...make a station disk
...add a location
...add group configurations
...add groups to station
...configure group project limits
...configure group max disks
...configure group max locks
... cache some files...
test CachedFileNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound - locking group
test WorkGroupNotFound - owner group
test StationGroupNotFound - locking group
test StationGroupNotFound - owner group
test TooManyGroupLocks...
test Success - cfid = 163, group = dwarf
test Success - cfid = 163, group = elf
test Success - cfid = 164, group = dwarf
test Success - cfid = 164, group = elf
test Success - cfid = 165, group = dwarf
test Success - cfid = 165, group = elf
test CachedFileLocked
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testLockFile
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testPing
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testPing
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testProjectAcquiredFile
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
cache some files on behalf of the project
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
... cache some files for this project...
... lock the first of the files, to make sure we can still deliver it if locked
test CachedFileNotFound
test ProjectNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
test ProjectNotStarted
... start the project
test ProjectNotRunning
... run the project...
test Success, cfid = 166
test FileAlreadyAcquired
test Success, cfid = 167
test FileAlreadyAcquired
test Success, cfid = 168
test FileAlreadyAcquired
... end the project...
test ProjectAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testProjectAcquiredFile
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testProjectAcquiredFile_tightClientLoop
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
configure the group on the station...
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
... start the project
... run the project...
Cache and deliver files in a tight client loop ...
... cache and deliver 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I'
... test via FileAlreadyAcquired
... cache and deliver 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II'
... test via FileAlreadyAcquired
... cache and deliver 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III'
... test via FileAlreadyAcquired
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testProjectAcquiredFile_tightClientLoop
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testProjectReleasedFile
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
cache some files on behalf of the project
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
... cache some files for this project...
test ProjectNotStarted
... start the project
test ProjectNotRunning
... run the project...
test FileNotAcquired
... deliver the files to the project...
test ProjectNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
test CachedFileNotFound
test Success - 172
test FileAlreadyReleased
test Success - 173
test FileAlreadyReleased
test Success - 174
test FileAlreadyReleased
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testProjectReleasedFile
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testUncacheFile
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a station disk
add a location
cache a file
test WorkGroupNotFound - uncaching group
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
...start project for this group
... run the project too...
...give the cached file to the project
test CachedFileInUse
... project releases file locks file
test CachedFileLocked
... group unlocks file
test Success
test CachedFileNotFound
test CachedFileNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testUncacheFile
Starting test __main__.StationUnitTest.testUnlockFile
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
...make a station disk
...add a location
...add group configuration
...add group to station
...configure group project limit
...configure group max disk
...configure group max lock
... cache some files...
... lock the files...
test CachedFileNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound - unlocking group
test WorkGroupNotFound - owner group
test StationGroupNotFound - unlocking group
test StationGroupNotFound - owner group
... test Success...
test FileNotLocked
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationUnitTest.testUnlockFile
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_addReplica
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test DataFileNotFound
test DataStorageLocationNotFound
test success...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_addReplica
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getFileDescendants
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Declare some raw files...
Raw fileId list = [105, 106, 107, 108, 109]
Declare 2 children per raw file in first generation...
Generation 1 fileId list = [110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119]
Declare 3 children per parent for some of the generation1 parents in second
Generation 2 fileId list = [120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143]
Merge 2 children per generation2 parent in 3rd generation...
Generation 3 fileId list = [144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153,
154, 155]
Merge all generation3 children into one file in 4th generation...
Generation 4 fileId = 156
Now make sure that each file has the correct descendants...
Good genes (8 descendants) for fileId 105 (normalized 0)
Good genes (13 descendants) for fileId 106 (normalized 1)
Good genes (13 descendants) for fileId 107 (normalized 2)
Good genes (13 descendants) for fileId 108 (normalized 3)
Good genes (8 descendants) for fileId 109 (normalized 4)
Good genes (0 descendants) for fileId 110 (normalized 5)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 111 (normalized 6)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 112 (normalized 7)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 113 (normalized 8)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 114 (normalized 9)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 115 (normalized 10)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 116 (normalized 11)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 117 (normalized 12)
Good genes (6 descendants) for fileId 118 (normalized 13)
Good genes (0 descendants) for fileId 119 (normalized 14)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 120 (normalized 15)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 121 (normalized 16)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 122 (normalized 17)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 123 (normalized 18)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 124 (normalized 19)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 125 (normalized 20)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 126 (normalized 21)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 127 (normalized 22)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 128 (normalized 23)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 129 (normalized 24)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 130 (normalized 25)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 131 (normalized 26)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 132 (normalized 27)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 133 (normalized 28)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 134 (normalized 29)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 135 (normalized 30)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 136 (normalized 31)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 137 (normalized 32)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 138 (normalized 33)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 139 (normalized 34)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 140 (normalized 35)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 141 (normalized 36)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 142 (normalized 37)
Good genes (2 descendants) for fileId 143 (normalized 38)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 144 (normalized 39)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 145 (normalized 40)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 146 (normalized 41)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 147 (normalized 42)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 148 (normalized 43)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 149 (normalized 44)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 150 (normalized 45)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 151 (normalized 46)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 152 (normalized 47)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 153 (normalized 48)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 154 (normalized 49)
Good genes (1 descendants) for fileId 155 (normalized 50)
Good genes (0 descendants) for fileId 156 (normalized 51)
Yippee, lineage is working.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getFileDescendants
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getKnownFileTypes
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getKnownFileTypes
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getPhysicalFileMetadata
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add some locations for some files...
test DataFileNotFound
test success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getPhysicalFileMetadata
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getRawAncestors
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Declare some raw files...
Raw fileId list = [157, 158, 159, 160, 161]
Declare 2 children per raw file in first generation...
Generation 1 fileId list = [162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171]
Declare 3 children per parent for some of the generation1 parents in second
Generation 2 fileId list = [172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181,
182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195]
Merge 2 children per generation2 parent in 3rd generation...
Generation 3 fileId list = [196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205,
206, 207]
Merge all generation3 and generation2 children into one file in 4th
Generation 4 fileId = 208
Now make sure that each descendant has the correct list of rawAncestors, by
DataFilesRaw and by FileLineages:
Yippee, ancestry is working.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getRawAncestors
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getReplicaLocationList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test DataFileNotFound
add a replica...
check success, one replica in list...
add another replica...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_getReplicaLocationList
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_removeReplica
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test DataFileNotFound
test DataStorageLocationNotFound
add a location...
now remove it...
check that it is gone...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_removeReplica
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateCrc
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateCrc
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateFileParameters
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
... get some metadata
... test ParamCategoryNotFound...
... test ParamTypeNotFound...
... test InvalidParamValue...
... test success...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateFileParameters
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateFileSize
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
testing success, size = 1.00GB...
testing success, size = 10.00KB...
test DataFileNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateFileSize
Starting test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateResponsibleWorkGroup
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
testing success group dwarf...
testing success group elf...
test DataFileNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataFileUnitTest.test_updateResponsibleWorkGroup
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.ThreadedRunProjectTest.testHang
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Thread-1 Initialize configuration
Thread-1 create station station1
Thread-1 add node node1
Thread-1 configure group dwarf on station station1
Thread-1 create project snapshot with defName def1 for user lauri in group dwarf
Thread-2 Initialize configuration
Thread-2 create station station2
Thread-2 add node node2
Thread-2 configure group elf on station station2
Thread-2 create project snapshot with defName def2 for user elrond in group elf
Thread-3 Initialize configuration
Thread-3 create station station3
Thread-3 add node node3
Thread-3 configure group wizard on station station3
Thread-3 create project snapshot with defName def3 for user lauri in group
Thread-4 Initialize configuration
Thread-4 create station station4
Thread-4 add node node4
Thread-4 configure group hobbit on station station4
Thread-4 create project snapshot with defName def4 for user frodo in group
Thread-5 Initialize configuration
Thread-5 create station station5
Thread-5 add node node5
Thread-5 configure group dwarf on station station5
Thread-5 create project snapshot with defName def5 for user lauri in group dwarf
Thread-6 Initialize configuration
Thread-6 create station station6
Thread-6 add node node6
Thread-6 configure group elf on station station6
Thread-6 create project snapshot with defName def6 for user elrond in group elf
Thread-7 Initialize configuration
Thread-7 create station station7
Thread-7 add node node7
Thread-7 configure group wizard on station station7
Thread-7 create project snapshot with defName def7 for user lauri in group
Thread-8 Initialize configuration
Thread-8 create station station8
Thread-8 add node node8
Thread-8 configure group hobbit on station station8
Thread-8 create project snapshot with defName def8 for user lauri in group
Thread-9 Initialize configuration
Thread-9 create station station9
Thread-9 add node node9
Thread-9 configure group dwarf on station station9
Thread-9 create project snapshot with defName def9 for user lauri in group dwarf
Thread-10 Initialize configuration
Thread-10 create station station10
Thread-10 add node node10
Thread-10 configure group elf on station station10
Thread-10 create project snapshot with defName def10 for user elrond in group
Start the 10 threads....
Starting:  1
Starting:  2
Starting:  3
Starting:  4
Starting:  5
Starting:  6
Starting:  7
Starting:  8
Starting:  9
Starting:  10
Join the threads until all are gone.
Thread-1 Count 1: Running project project1_1 on station station1 in group dwarf
Thread-2 Count 1: Running project project2_1 on station station2 in group elf
Thread-3 Count 1: Running project project3_1 on station station3 in group wizard
Thread-4 Count 1: Running project project4_1 on station station4 in group hobbit
Thread-5 Count 1: Running project project5_1 on station station5 in group dwarf
Thread-6 Count 1: Running project project6_1 on station station6 in group elf
Thread-7 Count 1: Running project project7_1 on station station7 in group wizard
Thread-8 Count 1: Running project project8_1 on station station8 in group hobbit
Thread-9 Count 1: Running project project9_1 on station station9 in group dwarf
Thread-10 Count 1: Running project project10_1 on station station10 in group elf
Thread-1 Project project1_1 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_1 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_1 is being started.
Thread-6 Project project6_1 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_1 has acquired cachedFileId 2
Thread-6 Project project6_1 has acquired cachedFileId 6
Thread-3 Project project3_1 is being started.
Thread-1 Project project1_1 has acquired cachedFileId 1
Thread-2 Project project2_1 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_1 has acquired cachedFileId 3
Thread-4 Project project4_1 has released cachedFileId 2
Thread-10 Project project10_1 is being started.
Thread-9 Project project9_1 is being started.
Thread-7 Project project7_1 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_1 has acquired cachedFileId 9
Thread-5 Project project5_1 is being started.
Thread-1 Project project1_1 has released cachedFileId 1
Thread-10 Project project10_1 has acquired cachedFileId 13
Thread-6 Project project6_1 has released cachedFileId 6
Thread-9 Project project9_1 has acquired cachedFileId 16
Thread-5 Project project5_1 has acquired cachedFileId 19
Thread-1 Project project1_1 has acquired cachedFileId 5
Thread-8 Project project8_1 has released cachedFileId 3
Thread-7 Project project7_1 has acquired cachedFileId 21
Thread-4 Project project4_1 has released cachedFileId 9
Thread-6 Project project6_1 has acquired cachedFileId 11
Thread-2 Project project2_1 has acquired cachedFileId 15
Thread-8 Project project8_1 has acquired cachedFileId 7
Thread-3 Project project3_1 has acquired cachedFileId 4
Thread-4 Project project4_1 has acquired cachedFileId 14
Thread-9 Project project9_1 has released cachedFileId 16
Thread-10 Project project10_1 has released cachedFileId 13
Thread-1 Project project1_1 has released cachedFileId 5
Thread-5 Project project5_1 has released cachedFileId 19
Thread-7 Project project7_1 has released cachedFileId 21
Thread-9 Project project9_1 has acquired cachedFileId 20
Thread-8 Project project8_1 has released cachedFileId 7
Thread-1 Project project1_1 has acquired cachedFileId 10
Thread-5 Project project5_1 has acquired cachedFileId 26
Thread-2 Project project2_1 has released cachedFileId 15
Thread-10 Project project10_1 has acquired cachedFileId 18
Thread-3 Project project3_1 has released cachedFileId 4
Thread-7 Project project7_1 has acquired cachedFileId 24
Thread-8 Project project8_1 has acquired cachedFileId 12
Thread-2 Project project2_1 has acquired cachedFileId 22
Thread-9 Project project9_1 has released cachedFileId 20
Thread-6 Project project6_1 has released cachedFileId 11
Thread-1 Project project1_1 has released cachedFileId 10
Thread-4 Project project4_1 has released cachedFileId 14
Thread-5 Project project5_1 has released cachedFileId 26
Thread-10 Project project10_1 has released cachedFileId 18
Thread-6 Project project6_1 has acquired cachedFileId 17
Thread-4 Project project4_1 is done.
Thread-9 Project project9_1 has acquired cachedFileId 28
Thread-8 Project project8_1 has released cachedFileId 12
Thread-8 Project project8_1 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_1 has acquired cachedFileId 8
Thread-7 Project project7_1 has released cachedFileId 24
Thread-10 Project project10_1 has acquired cachedFileId 27
Thread-2 Project project2_1 has released cachedFileId 22
Thread-6 Project project6_1 has released cachedFileId 17
Thread-6 Project project6_1 is done.
Thread-5 Project project5_1 has acquired cachedFileId 30
Thread-3 Project project3_1 has released cachedFileId 8
Thread-1 Project project1_1 is done.
Thread-4 Count 2: Running project project4_2 on station station4 in group hobbit
Thread-10 Project project10_1 has released cachedFileId 27
Thread-10 Project project10_1 is done.
Thread-9 Project project9_1 has released cachedFileId 28
Thread-2 Project project2_1 has acquired cachedFileId 25
Thread-3 Project project3_1 has acquired cachedFileId 23
Thread-10 Count 2: Running project project10_2 on station station10 in group elf
Thread-7 Project project7_1 has acquired cachedFileId 29
Thread-8 Count 2: Running project project8_2 on station station8 in group hobbit
Thread-9 Project project9_1 is done.
Thread-6 Count 2: Running project project6_2 on station station6 in group elf
Thread-2 Project project2_1 has released cachedFileId 25
Thread-2 Project project2_1 is done.
Thread-1 Count 2: Running project project1_2 on station station1 in group dwarf
Thread-5 Project project5_1 has released cachedFileId 30
Thread-3 Project project3_1 has released cachedFileId 23
Thread-5 Project project5_1 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_1 has released cachedFileId 29
Thread-3 Project project3_1 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_1 is done.
Thread-9 Count 2: Running project project9_2 on station station9 in group dwarf
Thread-5 Count 2: Running project project5_2 on station station5 in group dwarf
Thread-4 Project project4_2 is being started.
Thread-10 Project project10_2 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_2 has acquired cachedFileId 31
Thread-3 Count 2: Running project project3_2 on station station3 in group wizard
Thread-6 Project project6_2 is being started.
Thread-10 Project project10_2 has acquired cachedFileId 33
Thread-7 Count 2: Running project project7_2 on station station7 in group wizard
Thread-2 Count 2: Running project project2_2 on station station2 in group elf
Thread-4 Project project4_2 has released cachedFileId 31
Thread-1 Project project1_2 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_2 is being started.
Thread-5 Project project5_2 is being started.
Thread-6 Project project6_2 has acquired cachedFileId 36
Thread-4 Project project4_2 has acquired cachedFileId 32
Thread-1 Project project1_2 has acquired cachedFileId 37
Thread-10 Project project10_2 has released cachedFileId 33
Thread-5 Project project5_2 has acquired cachedFileId 44
Thread-8 Project project8_2 has acquired cachedFileId 41
Thread-6 Project project6_2 has released cachedFileId 36
Thread-4 Project project4_2 has released cachedFileId 32
Thread-10 Project project10_2 has acquired cachedFileId 34
Thread-1 Project project1_2 has released cachedFileId 37
Thread-9 Project project9_2 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_2 has acquired cachedFileId 35
Thread-5 Project project5_2 has released cachedFileId 44
Thread-3 Project project3_2 is being started.
Thread-1 Project project1_2 has acquired cachedFileId 40
Thread-9 Project project9_2 has acquired cachedFileId 43
Thread-10 Project project10_2 has released cachedFileId 34
Thread-8 Project project8_2 has released cachedFileId 41
Thread-5 Project project5_2 has acquired cachedFileId 46
Thread-7 Project project7_2 is being started.
Thread-2 Project project2_2 is being started.
Thread-6 Project project6_2 has acquired cachedFileId 39
Thread-8 Project project8_2 has acquired cachedFileId 45
Thread-1 Project project1_2 has released cachedFileId 40
Thread-4 Project project4_2 has released cachedFileId 35
Thread-3 Project project3_2 has acquired cachedFileId 50
Thread-5 Project project5_2 has released cachedFileId 46
Thread-9 Project project9_2 has released cachedFileId 43
Thread-10 Project project10_2 has acquired cachedFileId 38
Thread-4 Project project4_2 is done.
Thread-2 Project project2_2 has acquired cachedFileId 54
Thread-6 Project project6_2 has released cachedFileId 39
Thread-1 Project project1_2 has acquired cachedFileId 47
Thread-5 Project project5_2 has acquired cachedFileId 49
Thread-7 Project project7_2 has acquired cachedFileId 53
Thread-4 Count 3: Running project project4_3 on station station4 in group hobbit
Thread-3 Project project3_2 has released cachedFileId 50
Thread-9 Project project9_2 has acquired cachedFileId 51
Thread-6 Project project6_2 has acquired cachedFileId 42
Thread-8 Project project8_2 has released cachedFileId 45
Thread-10 Project project10_2 has released cachedFileId 38
Thread-2 Project project2_2 has released cachedFileId 54
Thread-1 Project project1_2 has released cachedFileId 47
Thread-1 Project project1_2 is done.
Thread-10 Project project10_2 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_2 has acquired cachedFileId 52
Thread-7 Project project7_2 has released cachedFileId 53
Thread-5 Project project5_2 has released cachedFileId 49
Thread-8 Project project8_2 has acquired cachedFileId 48
Thread-6 Project project6_2 has released cachedFileId 42
Thread-6 Project project6_2 is done.
Thread-2 Project project2_2 has acquired cachedFileId 58
Thread-5 Project project5_2 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_2 has acquired cachedFileId 56
Thread-3 Project project3_2 has released cachedFileId 52
Thread-9 Project project9_2 has released cachedFileId 51
Thread-8 Project project8_2 has released cachedFileId 48
Thread-8 Project project8_2 is done.
Thread-4 Project project4_3 is being started.
Thread-10 Count 3: Running project project10_3 on station station10 in group elf
Thread-3 Project project3_2 has acquired cachedFileId 57
Thread-5 Count 3: Running project project5_3 on station station5 in group dwarf
Thread-9 Project project9_2 has acquired cachedFileId 55
Thread-2 Project project2_2 has released cachedFileId 58
Thread-4 Project project4_3 has acquired cachedFileId 61
Thread-7 Project project7_2 has released cachedFileId 56
Thread-2 Project project2_2 has acquired cachedFileId 60
Thread-8 Count 3: Running project project8_3 on station station8 in group hobbit
Thread-9 Project project9_2 has released cachedFileId 55
Thread-6 Count 3: Running project project6_3 on station station6 in group elf
Thread-3 Project project3_2 has released cachedFileId 57
Thread-9 Project project9_2 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_2 has acquired cachedFileId 59
Thread-2 Project project2_2 has released cachedFileId 60
Thread-3 Project project3_2 is done.
Thread-1 Count 3: Running project project1_3 on station station1 in group dwarf
Thread-4 Project project4_3 has released cachedFileId 61
Thread-2 Project project2_2 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_2 has released cachedFileId 59
Thread-7 Project project7_2 is done.
Thread-4 Project project4_3 has acquired cachedFileId 62
Thread-7 Count 3: Running project project7_3 on station station7 in group wizard
Thread-9 Count 3: Running project project9_3 on station station9 in group dwarf
Thread-3 Count 3: Running project project3_3 on station station3 in group wizard
Thread-2 Count 3: Running project project2_3 on station station2 in group elf
Thread-5 Project project5_3 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_3 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_3 has released cachedFileId 62
Thread-10 Project project10_3 is being started.
Thread-6 Project project6_3 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_3 has acquired cachedFileId 63
Thread-10 Project project10_3 has acquired cachedFileId 64
Thread-8 Project project8_3 has acquired cachedFileId 67
Thread-6 Project project6_3 has acquired cachedFileId 69
Thread-10 Project project10_3 has released cachedFileId 64
Thread-4 Project project4_3 has released cachedFileId 63
Thread-10 Project project10_3 has acquired cachedFileId 66
Thread-8 Project project8_3 has released cachedFileId 67
Thread-4 Project project4_3 is done.
Thread-5 Project project5_3 has acquired cachedFileId 65
Thread-8 Project project8_3 has acquired cachedFileId 70
Thread-9 Project project9_3 is being started.
Thread-1 Project project1_3 is being started.
Thread-6 Project project6_3 has released cachedFileId 69
Thread-5 Project project5_3 has released cachedFileId 65
Thread-3 Project project3_3 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_3 has released cachedFileId 70
Thread-6 Project project6_3 has acquired cachedFileId 73
Thread-5 Project project5_3 has acquired cachedFileId 68
Thread-7 Project project7_3 is being started.
Thread-1 Project project1_3 has acquired cachedFileId 78
Thread-4 Count 4: Running project project4_4 on station station4 in group hobbit
Thread-3 Project project3_3 has acquired cachedFileId 80
Thread-9 Project project9_3 has acquired cachedFileId 76
Thread-8 Project project8_3 has acquired cachedFileId 72
Thread-10 Project project10_3 has released cachedFileId 66
Thread-5 Project project5_3 has released cachedFileId 68
Thread-6 Project project6_3 has released cachedFileId 73
Thread-7 Project project7_3 has acquired cachedFileId 79
Thread-10 Project project10_3 has acquired cachedFileId 74
Thread-5 Project project5_3 has acquired cachedFileId 71
Thread-2 Project project2_3 is being started.
Thread-1 Project project1_3 has released cachedFileId 78
Thread-9 Project project9_3 has released cachedFileId 76
Thread-6 Project project6_3 has acquired cachedFileId 75
Thread-3 Project project3_3 has released cachedFileId 80
Thread-1 Project project1_3 has acquired cachedFileId 81
Thread-9 Project project9_3 has acquired cachedFileId 77
Thread-2 Project project2_3 has acquired cachedFileId 87
Thread-8 Project project8_3 has released cachedFileId 72
Thread-7 Project project7_3 has released cachedFileId 79
Thread-5 Project project5_3 has released cachedFileId 71
Thread-10 Project project10_3 has released cachedFileId 74
Thread-6 Project project6_3 has released cachedFileId 75
Thread-5 Project project5_3 is done.
Thread-8 Project project8_3 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_3 has acquired cachedFileId 82
Thread-7 Project project7_3 has acquired cachedFileId 85
Thread-9 Project project9_3 has released cachedFileId 77
Thread-1 Project project1_3 has released cachedFileId 81
Thread-4 Project project4_4 is being started.
Thread-6 Project project6_3 is done.
Thread-2 Project project2_3 has released cachedFileId 87
Thread-10 Project project10_3 is done.
Thread-9 Project project9_3 has acquired cachedFileId 83
Thread-3 Project project3_3 has released cachedFileId 82
Thread-2 Project project2_3 has acquired cachedFileId 89
Thread-4 Project project4_4 has acquired cachedFileId 91
Thread-7 Project project7_3 has released cachedFileId 85
Thread-5 Count 4: Running project project5_4 on station station5 in group dwarf
Thread-9 Project project9_3 has released cachedFileId 83
Thread-1 Project project1_3 has acquired cachedFileId 84
Thread-2 Project project2_3 has released cachedFileId 89
Thread-7 Project project7_3 has acquired cachedFileId 88
Thread-9 Project project9_3 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_3 has acquired cachedFileId 86
Thread-8 Count 4: Running project project8_4 on station station8 in group hobbit
Thread-2 Project project2_3 has acquired cachedFileId 90
Thread-4 Project project4_4 has released cachedFileId 91
Thread-10 Count 4: Running project project10_4 on station station10 in group elf
Thread-1 Project project1_3 has released cachedFileId 84
Thread-6 Count 4: Running project project6_4 on station station6 in group elf
Thread-7 Project project7_3 has released cachedFileId 88
Thread-3 Project project3_3 has released cachedFileId 86
Thread-4 Project project4_4 has acquired cachedFileId 92
Thread-7 Project project7_3 is done.
Thread-9 Count 4: Running project project9_4 on station station9 in group dwarf
Thread-1 Project project1_3 is done.
Thread-2 Project project2_3 has released cachedFileId 90
Thread-3 Project project3_3 is done.
Thread-2 Project project2_3 is done.
Thread-4 Project project4_4 has released cachedFileId 92
Thread-7 Count 4: Running project project7_4 on station station7 in group wizard
Thread-4 Project project4_4 has acquired cachedFileId 93
Thread-5 Project project5_4 is being started.
Thread-3 Count 4: Running project project3_4 on station station3 in group wizard
Thread-8 Project project8_4 is being started.
Thread-5 Project project5_4 has acquired cachedFileId 94
Thread-2 Count 4: Running project project2_4 on station station2 in group elf
Thread-6 Project project6_4 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_4 has released cachedFileId 93
Thread-4 Project project4_4 is done.
Thread-1 Count 4: Running project project1_4 on station station1 in group dwarf
Thread-8 Project project8_4 has acquired cachedFileId 96
Thread-6 Project project6_4 has acquired cachedFileId 98
Thread-10 Project project10_4 is being started.
Thread-5 Project project5_4 has released cachedFileId 94
Thread-9 Project project9_4 is being started.
Thread-10 Project project10_4 has acquired cachedFileId 103
Thread-7 Project project7_4 is being started.
Thread-4 Count 5: Running project project4_5 on station station4 in group hobbit
Thread-2 Project project2_4 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_4 has released cachedFileId 96
Thread-5 Project project5_4 has acquired cachedFileId 95
Thread-7 Project project7_4 has acquired cachedFileId 105
Thread-10 Project project10_4 has released cachedFileId 103
Thread-3 Project project3_4 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_4 has acquired cachedFileId 97
Thread-6 Project project6_4 has released cachedFileId 98
Thread-9 Project project9_4 has acquired cachedFileId 104
Thread-10 Project project10_4 has acquired cachedFileId 106
Thread-5 Project project5_4 has released cachedFileId 95
Thread-2 Project project2_4 has acquired cachedFileId 107
Thread-6 Project project6_4 has acquired cachedFileId 100
Thread-7 Project project7_4 has released cachedFileId 105
Thread-4 Project project4_5 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_4 has released cachedFileId 97
Thread-3 Project project3_4 has acquired cachedFileId 114
Thread-7 Project project7_4 has acquired cachedFileId 111
Thread-5 Project project5_4 has acquired cachedFileId 99
Thread-10 Project project10_4 has released cachedFileId 106
Thread-1 Project project1_4 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_4 has acquired cachedFileId 101
Thread-9 Project project9_4 has released cachedFileId 104
Thread-2 Project project2_4 has released cachedFileId 107
Thread-6 Project project6_4 has released cachedFileId 100
Thread-4 Project project4_5 has acquired cachedFileId 118
Thread-10 Project project10_4 has acquired cachedFileId 110
Thread-7 Project project7_4 has released cachedFileId 111
Thread-9 Project project9_4 has acquired cachedFileId 108
Thread-5 Project project5_4 has released cachedFileId 99
Thread-2 Project project2_4 has acquired cachedFileId 109
Thread-5 Project project5_4 is done.
Thread-8 Project project8_4 has released cachedFileId 101
Thread-3 Project project3_4 has released cachedFileId 114
Thread-6 Project project6_4 has acquired cachedFileId 102
Thread-8 Project project8_4 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_4 has acquired cachedFileId 113
Thread-10 Project project10_4 has released cachedFileId 110
Thread-1 Project project1_4 has acquired cachedFileId 120
Thread-10 Project project10_4 is done.
Thread-4 Project project4_5 has released cachedFileId 118
Thread-8 Count 5: Running project project8_5 on station station8 in group hobbit
Thread-2 Project project2_4 has released cachedFileId 109
Thread-3 Project project3_4 has acquired cachedFileId 116
Thread-9 Project project9_4 has released cachedFileId 108
Thread-2 Project project2_4 has acquired cachedFileId 115
Thread-7 Project project7_4 has released cachedFileId 113
Thread-7 Project project7_4 is done.
Thread-6 Project project6_4 has released cachedFileId 102
Thread-4 Project project4_5 has acquired cachedFileId 119
Thread-1 Project project1_4 has released cachedFileId 120
Thread-5 Count 5: Running project project5_5 on station station5 in group dwarf
Thread-6 Project project6_4 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_4 has released cachedFileId 116
Thread-2 Project project2_4 has released cachedFileId 115
Thread-1 Project project1_4 has acquired cachedFileId 122
Thread-9 Project project9_4 has acquired cachedFileId 112
Thread-2 Project project2_4 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_4 has acquired cachedFileId 117
Thread-4 Project project4_5 has released cachedFileId 119
Thread-7 Count 5: Running project project7_5 on station station7 in group wizard
Thread-10 Count 5: Running project project10_5 on station station10 in group elf
Thread-1 Project project1_4 has released cachedFileId 122
Thread-8 Project project8_5 is being started.
Thread-4 Project project4_5 has acquired cachedFileId 121
Thread-3 Project project3_4 has released cachedFileId 117
Thread-3 Project project3_4 is done.
Thread-2 Count 5: Running project project2_5 on station station2 in group elf
Thread-1 Project project1_4 has acquired cachedFileId 123
Thread-8 Project project8_5 has acquired cachedFileId 124
Thread-9 Project project9_4 has released cachedFileId 112
Thread-9 Project project9_4 is done.
Thread-3 Count 5: Running project project3_5 on station station3 in group wizard
Thread-6 Count 5: Running project project6_5 on station station6 in group elf
Thread-4 Project project4_5 has released cachedFileId 121
Thread-4 Project project4_5 is done.
Thread-1 Project project1_4 has released cachedFileId 123
Thread-1 Project project1_4 is done.
Thread-8 Project project8_5 has released cachedFileId 124
Thread-9 Count 5: Running project project9_5 on station station9 in group dwarf
Thread-10 Project project10_5 is being started.
Thread-7 Project project7_5 is being started.
Thread-5 Project project5_5 is being started.
Thread-1 Count 5: Running project project1_5 on station station1 in group dwarf
Thread-2 Project project2_5 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_5 has acquired cachedFileId 125
Thread-5 Project project5_5 has acquired cachedFileId 127
Thread-10 Project project10_5 has acquired cachedFileId 129
Thread-7 Project project7_5 has acquired cachedFileId 128
Thread-2 Project project2_5 has acquired cachedFileId 131
Thread-5 Project project5_5 has released cachedFileId 127
Thread-6 Project project6_5 is being started.
Thread-8 Project project8_5 has released cachedFileId 125
Thread-6 Project project6_5 has acquired cachedFileId 139
Thread-5 Project project5_5 has acquired cachedFileId 132
Thread-8 Project project8_5 has acquired cachedFileId 126
Thread-10 Project project10_5 has released cachedFileId 129
Thread-7 Project project7_5 has released cachedFileId 128
Thread-3 Project project3_5 is being started.
Thread-2 Project project2_5 has released cachedFileId 131
Thread-10 Project project10_5 has acquired cachedFileId 133
Thread-6 Project project6_5 has released cachedFileId 139
Thread-1 Project project1_5 is being started.
Thread-2 Project project2_5 has acquired cachedFileId 134
Thread-5 Project project5_5 has released cachedFileId 132
Thread-6 Project project6_5 has acquired cachedFileId 140
Thread-3 Project project3_5 has acquired cachedFileId 141
Thread-7 Project project7_5 has acquired cachedFileId 130
Thread-8 Project project8_5 has released cachedFileId 126
Thread-8 Project project8_5 is done.
Thread-9 Project project9_5 is being started.
Thread-5 Project project5_5 has acquired cachedFileId 137
Thread-10 Project project10_5 has released cachedFileId 133
Thread-2 Project project2_5 has released cachedFileId 134
Thread-9 Project project9_5 has acquired cachedFileId 146
Thread-6 Project project6_5 has released cachedFileId 140
Thread-1 Project project1_5 has acquired cachedFileId 144
Thread-7 Project project7_5 has released cachedFileId 130
Thread-3 Project project3_5 has released cachedFileId 141
Thread-10 Project project10_5 has acquired cachedFileId 135
Thread-2 Project project2_5 has acquired cachedFileId 138
Thread-6 Project project6_5 has acquired cachedFileId 143
Thread-9 Project project9_5 has released cachedFileId 146
Thread-3 Project project3_5 has acquired cachedFileId 142
Thread-5 Project project5_5 has released cachedFileId 137
Thread-7 Project project7_5 has acquired cachedFileId 136
Thread-1 Project project1_5 has released cachedFileId 144
Thread-10 Project project10_5 has released cachedFileId 135
Thread-5 Project project5_5 is done.
Thread-9 Project project9_5 has acquired cachedFileId 149
Thread-2 Project project2_5 has released cachedFileId 138
Thread-6 Project project6_5 has released cachedFileId 143
Thread-10 Project project10_5 is done.
Thread-6 Project project6_5 is done.
Thread-1 Project project1_5 has acquired cachedFileId 145
Thread-2 Project project2_5 is done.
Thread-7 Project project7_5 has released cachedFileId 136
Thread-7 Project project7_5 is done.
Thread-3 Project project3_5 has released cachedFileId 142
Thread-9 Project project9_5 has released cachedFileId 149
Thread-1 Project project1_5 has released cachedFileId 145
Thread-3 Project project3_5 has acquired cachedFileId 147
Thread-9 Project project9_5 has acquired cachedFileId 150
Thread-1 Project project1_5 has acquired cachedFileId 148
9 Threads left in list.
Thread-3 Project project3_5 has released cachedFileId 147
Thread-3 Project project3_5 is done.
Thread-9 Project project9_5 has released cachedFileId 150
Thread-1 Project project1_5 has released cachedFileId 148
Thread-9 Project project9_5 is done.
Thread-1 Project project1_5 is done.
8 Threads left in list.
7 Threads left in list.
6 Threads left in list.
5 Threads left in list.
4 Threads left in list.
3 Threads left in list.
2 Threads left in list.
1 Threads left in list.
0 Threads left in list.
Threads encountered 0 exceptions.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ThreadedRunProjectTest.testHang
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.ThreadedConnectionTest.testThreadedConnections
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 1 (address 0x8498ccc) with
self.testMethod = <method ConnectionTestingThread.test_ping of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x8498ccc>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 2 (address 0x849a4dc) with
self.testMethod = <method
ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849a4dc>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 3 (address 0x849a8c4) with
self.testMethod = <method
ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849a8c4>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 4 (address 0x849b83c) with
self.testMethod = <method
ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849b83c>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 5 (address 0x849b5d4) with
self.testMethod = <method ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbDerived_getOne of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849b5d4>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 6 (address 0x849b2d4) with
self.testMethod = <method
ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849b2d4>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 7 (address 0x849c634) with
self.testMethod = <method
ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849c634>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 8 (address 0x8494254) with
self.testMethod = <method
of ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x8494254>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 9 (address 0x849b724) with
self.testMethod = <method ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo
of ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849b724>
New ConnectionTestingThread created: id 10 (address 0x849bec4) with
self.testMethod = <method ConnectionTestingThread.test_dbDerived_get of
ConnectionTestingThread instance at 0x849bec4>
Start the 10 threads....
Starting:  1
Starting:  2
Starting:  3
Starting:  4
Starting:  5
Starting:  6
Starting:  7
Starting:  8
Starting:  9
Starting:  10
Join the threads until all are gone.
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 1)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 1)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 1)
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 1)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 1)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 1)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 1)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 1)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 1)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 1)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 2)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 1)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 2)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 1)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 2)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 1)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 2)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 1)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 2)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 1)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 2)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 2)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 3)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 2)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 3)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 2)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 3)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 2)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 3)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 3)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 4)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 4)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 5)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 2)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 3)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 3)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 4)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 2)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 3)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 3)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 4)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 4)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 5)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 3)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 4)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 4)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 5)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 3)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 4)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 4)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 5)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 5)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 6)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 6)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 7)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 5)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 6)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 5)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 6)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 6)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 7)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 6)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 7)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 7)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 8)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 5)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 6)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 7)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 8)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 8)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 9)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 3)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 4)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 9)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 10)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 6)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 7)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 7)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 8)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 4)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 5)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 1)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 2)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 10)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 11)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 8)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 9)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 7)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 8)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 4)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 5)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 11)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 12)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 9)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 10)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 8)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 9)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 2)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 3)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 12)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 13)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 8)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 9)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 1)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 2)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 9)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 10)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 13)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 14)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 10)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 11)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 5)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 6)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 14)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 15)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 15)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 16)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 9)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 10)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 16)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 17)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 6)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 7)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 5)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 6)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 11)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 12)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 10)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 11)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 17)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 18)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 18)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 19)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 3)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 4)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 7)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 8)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 10)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 11)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 11)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 12)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 12)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 13)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 19)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 20)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 6)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 7)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 12)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 13)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 11)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 12)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 4)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 5)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 13)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 14)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 8)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 9)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 20)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 21)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 13)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 14)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 14)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 15)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 12)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 13)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 9)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 10)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 15)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 16)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 14)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 15)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 15)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 16)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 5)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 6)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 7)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 8)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 2)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 3)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 21)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 22)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 10)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 11)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 13)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 14)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 16)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 17)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 22)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 23)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 8)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 9)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 23)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 24)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 16)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 17)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 6)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 7)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 17)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 18)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 14)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 15)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 17)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 18)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 18)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 19)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 11)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 12)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 24)
Thread-3 now calling test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes (count = 25)
Thread-3 call test_dbDataFile_getKnownFileTypes complete (count = 25)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 18)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 19)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 7)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 8)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 3)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 4)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 19)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 20)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 19)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 20)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 9)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 10)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 1)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 2)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 20)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 21)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 8)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 9)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 12)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 13)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 21)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 22)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 15)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 16)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 20)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 21)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 22)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 23)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 9)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 10)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 13)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 14)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 23)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 24)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 21)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 22)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 10)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 11)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 10)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 11)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 24)
Thread-7 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig (count = 25)
Thread-7 call test_dbAutodest_getAutodestPnfsConfig complete (count = 25)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 16)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 17)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 22)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 23)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 14)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 15)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 11)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 12)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 11)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 12)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 23)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 24)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 17)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 18)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 4)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 5)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 12)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 13)
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 24)
Thread-5 now calling test_dbDerived_getOne (count = 25)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 2)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 3)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-5 call test_dbDerived_getOne complete (count = 25)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 13)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 14)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 12)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 13)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 15)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 16)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 18)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 19)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 13)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 14)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 19)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 20)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 14)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 15)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 16)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 17)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 17)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 18)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 18)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 19)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 14)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 15)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 15)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 16)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 15)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 16)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 19)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 20)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 20)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 21)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 16)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 17)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 3)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 4)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 21)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 22)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 16)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 17)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 5)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 6)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 17)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 18)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 17)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 18)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 20)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 21)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 22)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 23)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 18)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 19)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 21)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 22)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 18)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 19)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 23)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 24)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 19)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 20)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 22)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 23)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 19)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 20)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 20)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 21)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 23)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 24)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 24)
Thread-2 now calling test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo (count = 25)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 20)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 21)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 21)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 22)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 4)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 5)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 21)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 22)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 22)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 23)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 6)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 7)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 24)
Thread-8 now calling test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries
(count = 25)
Thread-2 call test_dbProject_getBaseProjectInfo complete (count = 25)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 22)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 23)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 23)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 24)
Thread-8 call test_dbAutodest_getAllAutodestStorageLocationDBEntries complete
(count = 25)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 24)
Thread-6 now calling test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions (count = 25)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 23)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 24)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 7)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 8)
Thread-6 call test_dbDimensions_translateDimensions complete (count = 25)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 24)
Thread-10 now calling test_dbDerived_get (count = 25)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 5)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 6)
Thread-10 call test_dbDerived_get complete (count = 25)
9 Threads left in list.
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 8)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 9)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 9)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 10)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 6)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 7)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 10)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 11)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 11)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 12)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 7)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 8)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 12)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 13)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 8)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 9)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 13)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 14)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 9)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 10)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 10)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 11)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 11)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 12)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 14)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 15)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 15)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 16)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 12)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 13)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-4 now calling test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor (count =
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 16)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 17)
Thread-4 call test_dbDataFile_getMetadataRequirementDescriptor complete (count =
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 17)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 18)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 18)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 19)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 19)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 20)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 13)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 14)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 20)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 21)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 14)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 15)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 21)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 22)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 22)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 23)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 23)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 24)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 24)
Thread-1 now calling test_ping (count = 25)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 15)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 16)
Thread-1 call test_ping complete (count = 25)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 16)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 17)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 17)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 18)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 18)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 19)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 19)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 20)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 20)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 21)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 21)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 22)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 22)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 23)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 23)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 24)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 24)
Thread-9 now calling test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo (count = 25)
Thread-9 call test_dbAdmin_getDbServerInfo complete (count = 25)
8 Threads left in list.
7 Threads left in list.
6 Threads left in list.
5 Threads left in list.
4 Threads left in list.
3 Threads left in list.
2 Threads left in list.
1 Threads left in list.
0 Threads left in list.
Threads encountered 0 exceptions.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ThreadedConnectionTest.testThreadedConnections
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testPing
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testPing
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testAddGroup
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test success -- valid station admin
test success -- 'sam' as station admin
test success -- valid sam shifter
test success -- valid runningStation
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testAddGroup
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupAdmins
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupAdmins
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test success -- valid station admin
remove the group completely...
add the group, no admins
  configure the group admins...
test success -- 'sam' station admin
remove the group completely...
add the group, no admins
test success -- valid sam shifter
remove the group completely...
add the group, no admins
test success -- valid running station
remove the group completely...
add the group, no admins
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test PersonNotFound
test PersonNotInWorkGroup
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupAdmins
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupCachePolicy
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupCachePolicy
add the group to the station
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test Success -- valid station admin
test Success -- 'sam' station admin
test Success -- valid sam shifter
test Success -- valid running station
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
test CachePolicyNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupCachePolicy
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupConsumerLimit
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupConsumerLimit
add the group to the station
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test Success -- valid station admin
test Success -- 'sam' station admin
test Success -- valid sam shifter
test Success -- valid running station
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupConsumerLimit
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupMaxDisk
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupMaxDisk
add the group to the station
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test Success -- valid station admin
test Success -- 'sam' station admin
test Success -- valid sam shifter
test Success -- valid running station
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupMaxDisk
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupMaxLock
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupMaxLock
add the group to the station
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test Success -- valid station admin
test Success -- 'sam' station admin
test Success -- valid sam shifter
test Success -- valid running station
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupMaxLock
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupProjectLimit
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupProjectLimit
add the group to the station
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test Success -- valid station admin
test Success -- 'sam' station admin
test Success -- valid sam shifter
test Success -- valid running station
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupProjectLimit
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupFairShare
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureGroupFairShare
add the groups to the station
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test Success -- valid station admin
test Success -- 'sam' station admin
test Success -- valid sam shifter
test Success -- valid running station
test FairShareInvalid -- too low
test FairShareInvalid -- too high
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StationGroupNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureGroupFairShare
Starting test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureStationBenefitWeights
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test configureStationBenefitWeights
test authorization failures...
test StationAdminRole -- invalidPerson
test StationAdminRole -- non-station-admin person
test StationAdminRole -- mismatched station
test SamShifterRole -- invalid login
test SamShifterRole -- nonpriveleged account
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched station
test RunningStationRole -- mismatched identifier
test success -- valid station admin
test success -- 'sam' station admin
test success -- valid sam shifter
test success -- valid running station
test StationNotFound
cannot test BenefitWeightInvalid -- BenefitWeight structure will not create
invalid benefits!
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.StationAdminUnitTest.testConfigureStationBenefitWeights
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.RoleIdentifierUnitTest.testValidateRoleIdentifier
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add good group to station...
add good person to good group...
add good person to good groupAdmins on good station...
test generic RoleIdentifier
... test good results for
... test good results for
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test good results for
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='sam'),
... test good results for
             'group' : 'wizard',
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test good results for
             'group' : 'wizard',
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='sam'),
... test good results for
... test good results for validateRoleIdentifier(RoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleId
... test  bad results for
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'bogusStation',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'bogusStation',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'),
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'bogusStation',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='bilbo'),
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'),
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'Minas Tirith',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'),
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'Minas Tirith',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='bilbo'),
... test  bad results for
           'station' : 'bogusStation',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='sam'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'wizard',
           'station' : 'bogusStation',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'bogusGroup',
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'wizard',
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'elf',
           'station' : 'Minas Tirith',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'wizard',
           'station' : 'Minas Tirith',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'bogusGroup',
           'station' : 'mount doom',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='sam'),
... test  bad results for
             'group' : 'wizard',
           'station' : 'bogusStation',
    'userIdentifier' : UserIdentifier(userName='sam'),
... test  bad results for validateRoleIdentifier(RoleIdentifier(RunningStationRo
... test  bad results for validateRoleIdentifier(RoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleId
... test  bad results for validateRoleIdentifier(RoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleId
... test  bad results for validateRoleIdentifier(RoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleId
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.RoleIdentifierUnitTest.testValidateRoleIdentifier
Starting test
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test RunningStationRoleIdentifier
add good group to station...
add good person to good group...
add good person to good groupAdmins on good station...
... test good results for
validateRunningStationRoleIdentifier(RunningStationRoleIdentifier('mount doom'))
... test  bad results for validateRunningStationRoleIdentifier(RunningStationRol
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test
Starting test
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test SamShifterRoleIdentifier
add good group to station...
add good person to good group...
add good person to good groupAdmins on good station...
... test good results for validateSamShifterRoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleIdentif
... test  bad results for validateSamShifterRoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleIdentif
... test  bad results for validateSamShifterRoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleIdentif
... test  bad results for validateSamShifterRoleIdentifier(SamShifterRoleIdentif
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test
Starting test
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test SamStationAdminRoleIdentifier
add good group to station...
add good person to good group...
add good person to good groupAdmins on good station...
... test good results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'), station='mount doom'))
... test good results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='sam'), station='mount doom'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'), station='bogusStation'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'), station='bogusStation'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='bilbo'), station='bogusStation'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'), station='mount doom'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'), station='Minas Tirith'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='bilbo'), station='Minas Tirith'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationAdminR
oleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='sam'), station='bogusStation'))
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test
Starting test
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test SamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier
add good group to station...
add good person to good group...
add good person to good groupAdmins on good station...
... test good results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'), station='mount
doom', group='wizard'))
... test good results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='sam'), station='mount doom',
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
station='bogusStation', group='wizard'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'), station='mount
doom', group='bogusGroup'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='bogusUser'), station='mount
doom', group='wizard'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'), station='Minas
Tirith', group='elf'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='gandalf'), station='Minas
Tirith', group='wizard'))
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='sam'), station='mount doom',
... test  bad results for validateSamStationGroupAdminRoleIdentifier(SamStationG
roupAdminRoleIdentifier(UserIdentifier(userName='sam'), station='bogusStation',
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test
Starting test __main__.RoleIdentifierUnitTest.testValidateUserIdentifier
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test UserIdentifier
add good group to station...
add good person to good group...
add good person to good groupAdmins on good station...
... test good results for
... test  bad results for
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.RoleIdentifierUnitTest.testValidateUserIdentifier
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testDeleteProject
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a new project
test Success
test ProjectNotFound
now reserve it again...
start the project...
test ProjectNotDeletable -- started.
run the project...
test ProjectNotDeletable -- running
end the project...
test ProjectNotDeletable, has ended
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testDeleteProject
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testEndConsumerProcess
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
reserve a project
start the project
run the project
start a consumer
start some consumer processes
test ProcessNotFound
test ProcessStatusNotFound
test Success -- cpid = 1
test ProcessAlreadyEnded
test Success -- cpid = 2
test ProcessAlreadyEnded
test Success -- cpid = 3
test ProcessAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testEndConsumerProcess
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testEndProject
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a new project
test ProjectNotFound
test ProjectNotStarted
start the project
test ProjectNotRunning
run the project
test StatusInvalid
test Success
now restart the project and add some consumer processes
add a consumer...
start a consumer process...
test Success, Ended Incomplete
 ... make sure that consumerProcess was also ended...
now restart project one more time...
add a consumer...
start a consumer process...
test Success, Project Ended Complete.
... make sure that consumerProcess was also ended complete...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testEndProject
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testEstablishConsumer
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
reserve a project
test ProjectNotStarted
start the project
test ProjectNotRunning
run the project
test ApplicationFamilyNotFound
test PersonNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test PersonWorkGroupNotFound
test Success
test doing this again...
end the project
test ProjectAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testEstablishConsumer
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetBaseProjectInfo
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a new project
test Success, after reserving project
test Success, after starting project
test Success, after running project
test Success, after ending project
test ProjectNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetBaseProjectInfo
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetConsumerProcesses
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
test ProjectNotFound
reserve a project
test NoProcesses
start the project
run the project
test NoProcesses
start a consumer
test NoProcesses
start some consumer processes...
test Success...
end the project
test Success with ended project...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetConsumerProcesses
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectFileIdList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test ProjectNotFound
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectFileIdList
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectFiles
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
reserve a project
test ProjectNotFound
test Success
set fileContentStatus to bad for one of the files
make sure that bad files aren't part of project list...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectFiles
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectId
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
make a new project
test ProjectNotFound
reserve the project
test StationNotFound
test Success
test ProjectExistsForDifferentStation
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectId
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectInfo
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test ProjectNotFound
make a new project
test Success, after reserving project
test Success, after starting project
test Success, after running project
test Success, after ending project
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetProjectInfo
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetUndeliveredProjectFileIdList
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test ProjectNotFound
test Success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetUndeliveredProjectFileIdList
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetUndeliveredProjectFiles
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
reserve a project
test ProjectNotFound
get the list of project files...
test success before any consumers are established...
start the project
run the project
start a consumer
start a consumerProcess...
deliver a file...
make sure undelivered file count is ok...
deliver a file...
make sure undelivered file count is ok...
Looks like things are ok.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testGetUndeliveredProjectFiles
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testPing
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testPing
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testReserveProject
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test StationGroupNotFound
... configure group on station ...
test Success
test AnalysisProjectExists
test StationNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test PersonNotFound
test PersonWorkGroupNotFound
test DatasetNotFound
test DatasetDefinitionNotFound
Creating new definition 'testDefinition1' to use the first time with
   ... testing first snapshot with snapshotVersion=new
   ... testing snapshotVersion='last' after previous project...
   ... testing snapshotVersion='new' after previous project...
Creating new definition 'testDefinition2' to use the first time with
   ... testing first snapshot with snapshotVersion=last
   ... testing snapshotVersion='last' after previous project...
   ... testing snapshotVersion='new' after previous project...
Creating new definition 'testDefinition3' to use the first time with
   ... testing first snapshot with snapshotVersion=1
   ... testing snapshotVersion='last' after previous project...
   ... testing snapshotVersion='new' after previous project...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testReserveProject
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testRestartProject
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test ProjectNotFound
test Success
test ProjectAlreadyStarted
run the project
end the project, Incomplete
test Success with incomplete ended project
run the project
end the project, Complete
test ProjectAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testRestartProject
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testRunProject
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test ProjectNotFound
test ProjectNotFound
add group to station...
reserve the project
test ProjectNotStarted
start the project
test NodeNotFound
test Success
test ProjectAlreadyRunning
end the project
test ProjectAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testRunProject
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testSetFileConsumptionStatus
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
reserve a project
start the project
run the project
start a consumer
start a consumer process
test ProcessNotFound
test DataFileNotFound
test ProjectFileNotFound
test StatusNotFound
test Success, fileNameOrId = the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I
test Success, fileNameOrId = the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testSetFileConsumptionStatus
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testStartConsumerProcess
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
add group to station
reserve a project
start the project
run the project
test ConsumerNotFound
start a consumer
test NodeNotFound
test Success -- starting a few different consumers
end the project
test ProjectAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testStartConsumerProcess
Starting test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testStartProject
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test ProjectNotFound
test ProjectNotFound
add group to station and reserve the project...
reserve the project
test Success
test ProjectAlreadyStarted
run the project...
test ProjectAlreadyRunning
end the project...
test ProjectAlreadyEnded
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProjectUnitTest.testStartProject
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.testPing
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.testPing
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDataDisk
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test NodeNotFound
register the node...
test StatusInvalid
register the status...
test success
test DiskNodeDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDataDisk
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDataTier
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test success
test DataTierDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDataTier
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDataType
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
test Success
test DataTypeExists
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDataType
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDiskLocation
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test NodeNotFound
register the node...
test DiskNotFound
register the disk...
test success
test DiskLocationDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addDiskLocation
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addGroup
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test WorkGroupDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addGroup
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addLogicalDatastream
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test success
test LogicalDatastreamDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addLogicalDatastream
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addMcProductionCenter
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test success
test FacilityExists
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addMcProductionCenter
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addNode
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test NodeDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
test HardwareTypeNotFound
test OsTypeNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addNode
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addParamCategory
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test Success
test ParamCategoryExists
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addParamCategory
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addParamType
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test Success
test ParamTypeExists
test ParamCategoryNotFound
test DataTypeNotFound
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addParamType
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addPerson
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test PersonDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
test WorkGroupNotFound
test StatusNotFound
test Success with grid subject
test GridSubjectDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addPerson
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addPhysicalDatastream
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test LogicalDatastreamNotFound
add the logicalDatastream...
test success
test PhysicalDatastreamDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addPhysicalDatastream
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addPnfsTapeLocation
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test success
test DataStorageLocationDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addPnfsTapeLocation
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addRunType
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test success
test RunTypeDuplicate
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addRunType
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addStation
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test StationDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
test StatusNotFound, life-cycle
test StatusNotFound, monitor-level
test PersonNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addStation
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addStationLifeCycle
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test StatusDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addStationLifeCycle
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addStationMonitorLevel
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test StatusDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_addStationMonitorLevel
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_flushDbServerCache
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_flushDbServerCache
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_modifyNode
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test NodeNotFound
test renaming back
test NodeDuplicate
test OsTypeNotFound
test HardwareTypeNotFound
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_modifyNode
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_modifyPerson
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
test PersonDuplicate
test StatusNotFound
test WorkGroupNotFound
test PersonNotFound by grid subject
test GridSubjectDuplicate
get baseline for testing success...
test Success
 ... compare personInfo...
 ... compare workGroups...
 ... compare gridSubjects ...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_modifyPerson
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_modifyStation
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success
test StationDuplicate
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
test StationNotFound
test StatusNotFound, life-cycle
test StatusNotFound, monitor-level
test PersonNotFound
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_modifyStation
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_updateFileContentStatus
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test Success for status = good
test Success for status = bad
test DataFileNotFound
test StatusNotFound
test InvalidOracleLogin
test InsufficientPrivilege
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_updateFileContentStatus
Starting test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_verifyOracleLogin
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test InsufficientPrivilege
test InvalidOracleLogin
test success
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ProtectedUnitTest.test_verifyOracleLogin
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedDetector
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'derivedDetector'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.21',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'dspack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 8L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'dwarf',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
lore-of-making-rings-part-II', 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III']),
           'datastream' : 'physical daq_test',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.22',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 8L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 7L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I']),
           'datastream' : 'physical daq_test',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.23',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II', '
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.24',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 7L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'wizard',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.25',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'gzipped-tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'elf',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
lore-of-making-rings-part-II', 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III']),
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedDetector
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedSimulated
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'derivedSimulated'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.26',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'elf',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II', '
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.27',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 8L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 8L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'elf',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
lore-of-making-rings-part-II', 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III']),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.28',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'dwarf',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I']),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.29',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 8L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'wizard',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I']),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.30',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'wizard',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedSimulated
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedDetector
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'importedDetector'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.11',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140588000.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'elf',
           'datastream' : 'physical generic',
        'filePartition' : 2L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.12',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140588000.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
           'datastream' : 'physical daq_test',
        'filePartition' : 0L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.13',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(1140704346.19),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'elf',
           'datastream' : 'physical datalogger',
        'filePartition' : 1L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.14',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(1140704346.19),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
           'datastream' : 'physical daq_test',
        'filePartition' : 3L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.15',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
           'firstEvent' : 3L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(0.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'elf',
           'datastream' : 'physical generic',
        'filePartition' : 3L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedDetector
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedSimulated
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'importedSimulated'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.16',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'dspack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'hobbit',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.17',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'dspack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 3L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'wizard',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.18',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 3L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'elf',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.19',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 7L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'wizard',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.20',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'ethereal',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 7L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'human',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedSimulated
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_nonPhysicsGeneric
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'nonPhysicsGeneric'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.1',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'dspack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'dwarf',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.2',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'human',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.3',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'elf',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.4',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'elf',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.5',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'ethereal',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'human',
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_nonPhysicsGeneric
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_physicsGeneric
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'physicsGeneric'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.6',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'unknown',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
                'group' : 'hobbit',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.7',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'gzipped-tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
                'group' : 'hobbit',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.8',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
                'group' : 'dwarf',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.9',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'ethereal',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
                'group' : 'human',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.10',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
                'group' : 'dwarf',
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_physicsGeneric
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedDetector
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'derivedDetector'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.21',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II', '
           'datastream' : 'physical generic',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.22',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'ethereal',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
lore-of-making-rings-part-II', 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III']),
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.23',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
lore-of-making-rings-part-II', 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III']),
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.24',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'elf',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I']),
           'datastream' : 'physical generic',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.25',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 7L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'hobbit',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II', '
           'datastream' : 'physical datalogger',
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedDetector
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedSimulated
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'derivedSimulated'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.26',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 6L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II', '
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.27',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'hobbit',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
lore-of-making-rings-part-II', 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III']),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.28',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'hobbit',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.29',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 8L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'wizard',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-II', '
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = DerivedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.30',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'derivedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'master',
           'firstEvent' : 3L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'processId' : 10001L,
                'group' : 'human',
              'parents' : NameOrIdList(['the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I', 'the-
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_derivedSimulated
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedDetector
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'importedDetector'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.11',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140588000.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'wizard',
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
        'filePartition' : 3L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.12',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'human',
           'datastream' : 'physical generic',
        'filePartition' : 1L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.13',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 8L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140588000.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(0.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'hobbit',
           'datastream' : 'physical daq_test',
        'filePartition' : 3L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.14',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 9L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140760800.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(0.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'hobbit',
           'datastream' : 'physical daq_test',
        'filePartition' : 2L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedDetectorFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.15',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedDetector',
           'fileFormat' : 'gzipped-tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 5L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
            'startTime' : SamTime(1140588000.0),
              'endTime' : SamTime(0.0),
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
           'datastream' : 'notstreamed',
        'filePartition' : 1L,
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedDetector
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedSimulated
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'importedSimulated'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.16',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'dspack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 8L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 7L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'elf',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.17',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
           'firstEvent' : 2L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.18',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 5L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 1L,
            'lastEvent' : 6L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.19',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'gzipped-tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 8L,
             'dataTier' : 'grasshopper',
           'firstEvent' : 3L,
            'lastEvent' : 10L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Now trying to declare metadata = ImportedSimulatedFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.20',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'importedSimulated',
           'fileFormat' : 'gzipped-tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 7L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
           'firstEvent' : 4L,
            'lastEvent' : 9L,
    'applicationFamily' : ApplicationFamily(appFamily='j r r tolkien',
appName='the fellowship of the ring', appVersion='v00_00_00'),
                'group' : 'dwarf',
               'params' : Params({
    'global' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'globalIntType' : ParamValue(10,
     'local' : CaseInsensitiveDictionary({'localStringType' : ParamValue('string
goes here', DataType('string'))}),
    'runDescriptorList' : RunDescriptorList([RunDescriptor(runType='monte
carlo', runNumber=0), RunDescriptor(runId=10001),
RunDescriptor(runType='calibration', runNumber=20)]),
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_importedSimulated
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_nonPhysicsGeneric
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'nonPhysicsGeneric'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.1',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'wizard',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.2',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'gzipped-tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'human',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.3',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'ethereal',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'elf',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.4',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'hobbit',
Now trying to declare metadata = NonPhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.5',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'nonPhysicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
                'group' : 'wizard',
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_nonPhysicsGeneric
Starting test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_physicsGeneric
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
MetadataCompositeTest: testing fileType = 'physicsGeneric'
Generate test metadata...
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.6',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'fermion',
                'group' : 'hobbit',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.7',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'tar',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('abcde', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'unknown',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
                'group' : 'wizard',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.8',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'compressed evpack',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'good',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
                'group' : 'wizard',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.9',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'run-1-sta',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'guru',
                'group' : 'human',
Now trying to declare metadata = PhysicsGenericFile({
             'fileName' : 'FakeMetadataVerificationFileName.10',
               'fileId' : 0L,
             'fileType' : 'physicsGeneric',
           'fileFormat' : 'root',
             'fileSize' : SamSize('0.00B'),
                  'crc' : CRC('12345', 'unknown crc type'),
    'fileContentStatus' : 'bad',
           'eventCount' : 0L,
             'dataTier' : 'novice',
                'group' : 'wizard',
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.MetadataCompositeTest.test_physicsGeneric
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testDeclareEvents
Restore DB to empty state...
Restore DB to empty state...again
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testDeclareEvents
Starting test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testEndRun
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testEndRun
Starting test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testEstablishRun
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testEstablishRun
Starting test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testGetEvents
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testGetEvents
Starting test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testGetRunInformation
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test a good run...
test RunNotFound...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testGetRunInformation
Starting test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testPing
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DataLoggerUnitTest.testPing
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testAddDimension
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
... get the list of known dimensions for comparison...
... test InvalidOracleLogin...
... test InsufficientPrivilege...
... test an existing dimension...
... test success...
... test that this dimension is useable and returns the correct file list...
test PARAM-type dimensions:
... Add dimension 'global.globalIntType'
... test that the dimension is really there...
... test that it is usable...
... update a file to have the fake paramvalue data...
... test that translateConstraints finds this fake paramValue...
test CASE-INSENSITIVITY of PARAM-type dimensions:
... Add dimension 'LOCAL.LocalStringType'
... test that the dimension is really there...
... test that it is usable...
... update a file to have the fake paramvalue data...
... test that translateConstraints finds this fake paramValue...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testAddDimension
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testGetAvailableDimensionCategories
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Printing the data we got back just so we can see it.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testGetAvailableDimensionCategories
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testGetDimensionInfo
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
test DimensionError
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testGetDimensionInfo
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testPing
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testPing
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testRemoveDimension
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
... test InvalidOracleLogin...
... test InsufficientPrivilege...
... test not a real dimension...
... test has been used already and cannot be removed...
... insert a simple dimension to be removed...
... make sure it is there...
... now remove it (testing case-insensitivity at the same time)...
... insert a parameter-related dimension to be removed...
... make sure it is there...
... now remove it (testing case-insensitivity at the same time)...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testRemoveDimension
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testSample
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.testSample
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_BetweenBug
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Create a test case that reproduces the bug...
... make sure that original definition consists of 3 files...
Test lots of equivalent infix strings...
... test translateDimensions --dims="run_number != 10"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef1' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef1"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="run_number != 10"
... test translateDimensions --dims="file_name % and data_tier % and run_number
... create definition 'testBetweenDef2' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef2"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="file_name % and data_tier % and
run_number 10001"
... test translateDimensions --dims="file_name like '%lore%' and run_number
10000-10003 and data_tier like '%'"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef3' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef3"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="file_name like '%lore%' and run_number
10000-10003 and data_tier like '%'"
... test translateDimensions --dims="run_number 10000-10006"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef4' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef4"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="run_number 10000-10006"
... test translateDimensions --dims="run_number 10000 - 10007"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef5' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef5"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="run_number 10000 - 10007"
... test translateDimensions --dims="file_name like '%lore%' and run_number
... create definition 'testBetweenDef6' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef6"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="file_name like '%lore%' and run_number
... test translateDimensions --dims="run_number 1 - 1000000 and data_tier !=
... create definition 'testBetweenDef7' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef7"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="run_number 1 - 1000000 and data_tier !=
... test translateDimensions --dims="data_tier like '%' and run_number 10000 -
10005 and file_name != ''"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef8' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef8"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="data_tier like '%' and run_number 10000
- 10005 and file_name != ''"
... test translateDimensions --dims="file_name % and data_tier % and run_number
between 10000 and 10002"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef9' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef9"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="file_name % and data_tier % and
run_number between 10000 and 10002"
... test translateDimensions --dims="run_number between 10000 and 10007 and
file_name like '%lore%'"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef10' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef10"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="run_number between 10000 and 10007 and
file_name like '%lore%'"
... test translateDimensions --dims="run_number between 10000 and 10003"
... create definition 'testBetweenDef11' using these dims
... test translateDimensions --dims="__set__ testBetweenDef11"
Passed, as dims and as __set__: --dims="run_number between 10000 and 10003"
Oh goodie, the test has passed.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_BetweenBug
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_DashBug
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Add the relevent dimensions for testing...
Create a test case that reproduces the bug...
... make sure that original definition contains 3 files...
... make sure we have a first snapshot...
... make sure that the snapshot also has 3 files...
... use translateConstraints on snapshot_file_number dims...
Ok, now we can create a definition with the snapshot_file_number dims...
... translate constraints using the bugged definition, should yield 2 files
Goodie, try another permutation to make sure...
... translate constraints using the __set__ form of buggy definition, should
yield 2 files
Wonderful.  Another bug eradicated.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_DashBug
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_InBug
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Test the FILE_NAME IN list,of,files syntax...
Testing syntax:
   file_name in the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III, the-lore-of-making-rings-
part-II, the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I
Testing syntax:
   FILE_NAME in (the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III, the-lore-of-making-rings-
part-II, the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I)
Testing syntax:
   FILE_NAME IN 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III','the-lore-of-making-rings-
Testing syntax:
   FILE_NAME in ('the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III','the-lore-of-making-rings-
Testing syntax:
   file_name the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III, the-lore-of-making-rings-part-
II, the-lore-of-making-rings-part-I
Testing syntax:
   file_name 'the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III','the-lore-of-making-rings-part-
Yippee, another bug eradicated.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_InBug
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_InBug_infixStringFromDb
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Save a definition with dimensions = FILE_NAME IN ('A', 'B', 'C')
Make sure that the output matches...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_InBug_infixStringFromDb
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_LikeBug
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
get list of files for okString = file_name 'lore%' or content_status 'unknown'
... test broken form: file_name like lore%
... test broken form: file_name like 'lore%' or content_status 'unknown'
... test broken form: FILE_NAME LIKE 'lore%' OR CONTENT_STATUS 'unknown'
... test broken form: content_status 'unknown' or file_name like 'lore%'
... test broken form: CONTENT_STATUS 'unknown' OR FILE_NAME LIKE 'lore%'
... test broken form: file_name like 'lore%' or content_status unknown
... test broken form: FILE_NAME LIKE 'lore%' OR CONTENT_STATUS unknown
... test broken form: file_name like lore% or content_status unknown
... test broken form: FILE_NAME LIKE lore% OR CONTENT_STATUS unknown
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_LikeBug
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_MixedCaseBug
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
testing initial dimString = run_type like 'physics%' minus data_tier like 'raw%'
or start_time > to_date('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
... create definition 'test_lower_case_constraint_operator' using lowercase
... resulting returned infixString = ((RUN_TYPE like 'physics%' minus DATA_TIER
like 'raw%') or START_TIME > to_date('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
testing uppercase dimString = RUN_TYPE LIKE 'physics%' MINUS DATA_TIER LIKE
'raw%' OR START_TIME > TO_DATE('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
... create definition 'test_user_entered_cap_constraint_operator' using the
broken upcase dimString...
... resulting returned infixString = ((RUN_TYPE LIKE 'physics%' minus DATA_TIER
LIKE 'raw%') or START_TIME > TO_DATE('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
... compare (case-insensitive) the resulting infixStrings as returned by the
make sure we can create identical datasets with the returned string...
... dbInfixString = ((RUN_TYPE LIKE 'physics%' minus DATA_TIER LIKE 'raw%') or
START_TIME > TO_DATE('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
... create definition 'this_will_not_work_until_bug_is_fixed' using the above
... resulting returned infixString = ((RUN_TYPE LIKE 'physics%' minus DATA_TIER
LIKE 'raw%') or START_TIME > TO_DATE('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
... compare (case-insensitive) final dbInfixString...
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
now test that users values have not been changed...
... infixString = Run_Type Like 'PhYsIcS%' Minus Data_Tier Like 'RaW%' Or
Start_Time > To_Date('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
... create definition 'test_mixed_case_data_values' using the above mixed-case
infix string
... resulting returned infixString = ((RUN_TYPE Like 'PhYsIcS%' minus DATA_TIER
Like 'RaW%') or START_TIME > To_Date('2004-11-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd'))
... compare (case-insensitive) mixed-case dbInfixString...
... make sure that 'PhYsIcS%' did not change case in the conversion...
... make sure that 'RaW%' did not change case in the conversion...
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
__SET__ tests...
create definition 'test_lower_case_constraint_operator_with_set_operator' using
infixString = '__set__ test_lower_case_constraint_operator MINUS tape_label
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__
test_lower_case_constraint_operator minus TAPE_LABEL  12345)
... translate constraints yields 3 files.
create doubly recursive def and try again...
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__ =
test_lower_case_constraint_operator_with_set_operator or TAPE_LABEL = ABCDE)
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
create definition 'test_user_entered_cap_constraint_operator_with_set_operator'
using infixString = '__set__ test_user_entered_cap_constraint_operator MINUS
tape_label 12345'
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__
test_user_entered_cap_constraint_operator minus TAPE_LABEL  12345)
... translate constraints yields 3 files.
create doubly recursive def and try again...
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__ =
test_user_entered_cap_constraint_operator_with_set_operator or TAPE_LABEL =
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
create definition 'this_will_not_work_until_bug_is_fixed_with_set_operator'
using infixString = '__set__ this_will_not_work_until_bug_is_fixed MINUS
tape_label 12345'
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__
this_will_not_work_until_bug_is_fixed minus TAPE_LABEL  12345)
... translate constraints yields 3 files.
create doubly recursive def and try again...
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__ =
this_will_not_work_until_bug_is_fixed_with_set_operator or TAPE_LABEL = ABCDE)
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
create definition 'test_mixed_case_data_values_with_set_operator' using
infixString = '__set__ test_mixed_case_data_values MINUS tape_label 12345'
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__  test_mixed_case_data_values minus
TAPE_LABEL  12345)
... translate constraints yields 3 files.
create doubly recursive def and try again...
... resulting returned infixString = (__SET__ =
test_mixed_case_data_values_with_set_operator or TAPE_LABEL = ABCDE)
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
Voila.  Case-insensitive recursion even works.  Wow.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_MixedCaseBug
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_SpaceBug
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Testing spaces around parentheses...
TEST of explicit operator without spaces bug...
STRING dimension case:
... create reference definition 'operator_equals_space_bug_0' using infixString
= 'FILE_NAME = the-lore-of-making-rings-part-III'
... resulting reference infixString = FILE_NAME = the-lore-of-making-rings-part-
... translateConstraints yields 1 files.
... create test case 1 with infixString = 'FILE_NAME the-lore-of-making-rings-
... compare resulting list of files...
... create __set__ test case 1 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_space_bug_1'
... compare resulting list of files from __set__...
... create test case 2 with infixString = 'FILE_NAME=the-lore-of-making-rings-
... compare resulting list of files...
... create __set__ test case 2 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_space_bug_2'
... compare resulting list of files from __set__...
... create test case 3 with infixString = 'FILE_NAME= the-lore-of-making-rings-
... compare resulting list of files...
... create __set__ test case 3 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_space_bug_3'
... compare resulting list of files from __set__...
... create test case 4 with infixString = 'FILE_NAME =the-lore-of-making-rings-
... compare resulting list of files...
... create __set__ test case 4 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_space_bug_4'
... compare resulting list of files from __set__...
... create test case 5 with infixString = 'FILE_NAME = the-lore-of-making-rings-
... compare resulting list of files...
... create __set__ test case 5 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_space_bug_5'
... compare resulting list of files from __set__...
NUMERIC dimension case:
... create reference definition 'operator_other_space_bug_0' using infixString =
'FILE_NAME is not null'
... resulting reference infixString = FILE_NAME is not null
... translateConstraints yields 3 files.
... create test case 1 with infixString = 'FILE_ID> 10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 1 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_1'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 2 with infixString = 'FILE_ID>= 10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 2 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_2'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 3 with infixString = 'FILE_ID>10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 3 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_3'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 4 with infixString = 'FILE_ID>=10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 4 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_4'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 5 with infixString = 'FILE_ID!= 10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 5 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_5'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 6 with infixString = 'FILE_ID!=10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 6 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_6'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 7 with infixString = 'FILE_ID > 10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 7 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_7'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 8 with infixString = 'FILE_ID >= 10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 8 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_8'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 9 with infixString = 'FILE_ID >10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 9 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_9'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 10 with infixString = 'FILE_ID >=10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 10 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_10'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 11 with infixString = 'FILE_ID != 10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 11 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_11'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
... create test case 12 with infixString = 'FILE_ID !=10000'
... compare resulting list of files...
... create set test case 12 with infixString = '__SET__ operator_other_bug_12'
... compare resulting __set__ list of files...
YeeHah, this bugs has been successfully fixed, evidently.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_SpaceBug
Starting test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_XistingXamples
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
... testing --dim=RUN_NUMBER >= 191592 and CDF.DATASET = gcrs0b
... testing --dim=((((CDF.DATASET jbot0f or
        ((((FILE_NAME > jf023424.0059bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf023445.0047bot0) or
        (FILE_NAME > jf023445.0047bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf0234bd.0023bot0)) or
        (FILE_NAME > jf0234bd.0023bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf023533.0038bot0)) or
        (FILE_NAME > jf023533.0038bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf023625.0076bot0))) or
        (FILE_NAME > jf02366c.006fbot0 and FILE_NAME < jf023685.0022bot0)) or
        (FILE_NAME > jf023685.0022bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf023693.0018bot0)) or
        (FILE_NAME > jf023693.0018bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf023696.004ebot0)) and
        ((FILE_NAME > jf02380c.0057bot0 and FILE_NAME < jf0238f2.001cbot0) or
FILE_NAME > jf0238f2.001cbot0)
... testing --dim=CDF.DATASET atop03 minus FILE_NAME a3024f8b.000ctop0
... testing --dim=__SET__ destroyTheRing minus ((PROJECT_NAME
kerzel_20040216191452 and CONSUMED_STATUS consumed) and CONSUMER kerzel)
... testing --dim=FILE_NAME xc021e3f.0038bhd0,         xc021e6c.00f9bhd0,
xc021fc6.005dbhd0,  xc021fc6.026fbhd0,  xc021fc9.0081bhd0,  xc021ff5.003ebhd0,
xc021ff5.01b6bhd0,  xc02200d.0193bhd0,
        xc02200e.011cbhd0,  xc02200e.013dbhd0,  xc022024.00c5bhd0,
xc022048.007fbhd0,  xc022067.001bbhd0,  xc02206f.0010bhd0,
        xc022207.00f3bhd0,  xc022217.00b2bhd0,  xc022361.00afbhd0,
xc022363.0054bhd0,  xc02237d.00f4bhd0,  xc0223ba.002abhd0
... testing --dim=DATASET_DEF_NAME prodoncaf_hstream_1% minus
        (PROJECT_NAME production_cdf-sam_prodoncaf_hstream_1_% and
... testing --dim=FILE_NAME samStoreCdfFile_v0.tar.gz,cdfmc_5.3.1.tar.gz
... testing --dim=DATA_TIER raw and (((((RUN_NUMBER 175821 and EVENT_NUMBER
        20013185) or (RUN_NUMBER 178447 and EVENT_NUMBER 8604377)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 177260 and EVENT_NUMBER 44366449)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        179883 and EVENT_NUMBER 5654939)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174901 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 14096502)) (RUN_NUMBER 180912 and
... testing --dim=
        (file_name %20%isa% and data_tier generated) minus
        (family_analyzed generator and appl_name_analyzed pythia and
version_analyzed 5.718 and file_analyzed>=0)
... testing --dim=run_number 10001-10004 and run_type calibration
... testing --dim=
        ((DATA_TIER thumbnail and APPL_NAME
        p14tmbfixer) and VERSION p14.fixtmb2.01) and FILE_NAME
... testing --dim=(RUN_NUMBER 180912 and
... testing --dim=DATA_TIER raw and
        (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((RUN_NUMBER 166313 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 28187983,31242197,31300683) or (RUN_NUMBER 166484
        and EVENT_NUMBER 11717412)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166485 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 19744399,21699253)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166504 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 34573366)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166483 and EVENT_NUMBER
        8470220)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174311 and EVENT_NUMBER
        22515895,24203401)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174479 and EVENT_NUMBER
        10203812)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174382 and EVENT_NUMBER
        11089014,11179956)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174390 and EVENT_NUMBER
        22005428,22912332)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166114 and EVENT_NUMBER
        39939002,40244029)) or (RUN_NUMBER 164537 and EVENT_NUMBER
        42355495)) or (RUN_NUMBER 165670 and EVENT_NUMBER
        30922817,31637552)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174397 and EVENT_NUMBER
        28426220)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166113 and EVENT_NUMBER
        34629966,38006752)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166332 and EVENT_NUMBER
        44285367,46221601)) or (RUN_NUMBER 166335 and EVENT_NUMBER
        530624,1027502)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174377 and EVENT_NUMBER
        2796460)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167664 and EVENT_NUMBER 74531572)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 166337 and EVENT_NUMBER 343408,1984891)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 174497 and EVENT_NUMBER 31624531)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        174426 and EVENT_NUMBER 8165417,8774719,8827302)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 167805 and EVENT_NUMBER 93083120)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        174480 and EVENT_NUMBER 13270915)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174490 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 1080076)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167806 and EVENT_NUMBER
        93418325,95623900,97035964)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167883 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 13352898,15411281)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167882 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 6349162,7979243)) or (RUN_NUMBER 174481 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 15386992,17444106,19333283)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        174483 and EVENT_NUMBER 25325112,28508759))
... testing --dim=DATA_TIER raw and
        (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((RUN_NUMBER 178791 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 46508456,46625144,47020863,47333861) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 177764 and EVENT_NUMBER
        1398670,1513446,1862691,2133126,2184859)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        180417 and EVENT_NUMBER 2129399)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178374 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 20341362)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178465 and EVENT_NUMBER
        19246427)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178466 and EVENT_NUMBER
        23915399,24474095,26992094,27080198)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178133
        and EVENT_NUMBER 3520892)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178464 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 1080848)) or (RUN_NUMBER 179334 and EVENT_NUMBER
        38720836,39904577,41004909,43319821,43399725)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        178788 and EVENT_NUMBER 8794062)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178841 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 24879986)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178761 and EVENT_NUMBER
        25974704,26538664)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178762 and EVENT_NUMBER
        32703894,41195419)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178763 and EVENT_NUMBER
        53202265,53478987,54031260,54826756)) or (RUN_NUMBER 180879
        and EVENT_NUMBER 8288133,8855023,9102532)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        178369 and EVENT_NUMBER 1660989)) or (RUN_NUMBER 179141 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 3012380,3592848,3623331,10930829)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        179389 and EVENT_NUMBER 5906749,6044456,6151232)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 179144 and EVENT_NUMBER 43352711)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        178314 and EVENT_NUMBER 31646754)) or (RUN_NUMBER 179390 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 15357213,15364611)) or (RUN_NUMBER 180420 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 48863153,48892190,53008781)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        179115 and EVENT_NUMBER 49065965,52299932)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        179116 and EVENT_NUMBER 54478160,60739970,60813371)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 178852 and EVENT_NUMBER
        20543336,25046820,25415795,25475178)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178843
        and EVENT_NUMBER 19128385,19367041)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178842 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 5262338)) or (RUN_NUMBER 180419 and EVENT_NUMBER
        or (RUN_NUMBER 180416 and EVENT_NUMBER 563182)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        180418 and EVENT_NUMBER 23806734,24552195)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        179330 and EVENT_NUMBER
        8510957,8636243,8872232,8912061,10860039,10928098)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 178790 and EVENT_NUMBER
        36540166,36568998,36935205)) or (RUN_NUMBER 179333 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 31688117,35193732)) or (RUN_NUMBER 179142 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 21088776,25750821)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178423 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 39268662)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178391 and EVENT_NUMBER
        31163778)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178738 and EVENT_NUMBER
        56769886,57622768)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178736 and EVENT_NUMBER
        37107294)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178376 and EVENT_NUMBER
        41278447,41292689,41453525,41714488)) or (RUN_NUMBER 178733
        and EVENT_NUMBER 4816493,6250274,7460308)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        178388 and EVENT_NUMBER 2305915))
... testing --dim=((DATA_TIER thumbnail and APPL_NAME
        tmbskim) and VERSION csskim-p14.06.00-postnov2003) and
        ((((FILE_NAME CSskim-1MUloose-20040314%.raw_p14.06.00 or
        FILE_NAME CSskim-1MUloose-20040315%.raw_p14.06.00) or
        FILE_NAME CSskim-1MUloose-20040316%.raw_p14.06.00) or
        FILE_NAME CSskim-1MUloose-20040317%.raw_p14.06.00) or
        FILE_NAME CSskim-1MUloose-20040317%.raw_p14.06.00)
... testing --dim=(GLOBAL.REQUESTID =12446 minus
        DATA_TIER =thumbnail) and (FILE_NAME
        or FILE_NAME
... testing --dim=DATASET_DEF_ID 111531
... testing --dim=(CONTENT_STATUS good and
... testing --dim=(DATA_TIER raw and RUN_NUMBER
        192540) and PHYSICAL_DATASTREAM_NAME all
... testing --dim=(((DATA_TIER raw and
        and RUN_NUMBER 192563) and FILE_PARTITION 100-199)
... testing --dim=((GLOBAL.REQUESTID 12846 and
        DATA_TIER thumbnail) and AVAILABILITY_STATUS X) and
        CONTENT_STATUS good
... testing --dim=((((DATA_TIER thumbnail and
        FILE_NAME re%all%) and RUN_TYPE physics data taking) and
        VERSION p14.06.00) and CREATE_DATE >= 3/07/2004) and
        CREATE_DATE < 3/12/2004
... testing --dim=(RUN_NUMBER 189930 and DATA_TIER
        thumbnail) and FILE_NAME recoT%
... testing --dim=(((DATA_TIER thumbnail and APPL_NAME
        p14tmbfixer) and VERSION p14.fixtmb2.02) and FILE_NAME
        and (CONTENT_STATUS good minus ((CONSUMED_STATUS consumed and
        CONSUMER mverzocc) and PROJECT_NAME
... testing --dim=((DATA_TIER thumbnail and APPL_NAME
        dstreco) and VERSION p14.05.02) and (RUN_NUMBER
        155277,168656,168502 minus ((CONSUMED_STATUS consumed and
        CONSUMER mverzocc) and PROJECT_NAME
... testing --dim=DATA_TIER raw and
        ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((RUN_NUMBER 162015 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 52129080) or (RUN_NUMBER 163319 and EVENT_NUMBER
        5145803,5161948)) or (RUN_NUMBER 168136 and EVENT_NUMBER
        3017516)) or (RUN_NUMBER 163491 and EVENT_NUMBER
        3690610,3705910)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167324 and EVENT_NUMBER
        163887)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167325 and EVENT_NUMBER 5310344)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 168132 and EVENT_NUMBER
        13105716,14263811,15521889,16420990)) or (RUN_NUMBER 168133
        and EVENT_NUMBER 20429216,20705473)) or (RUN_NUMBER 162053 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 60613340)) or (RUN_NUMBER 168025 and EVENT_NUMBER
        14256103)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167287 and EVENT_NUMBER 31641552))
        or (RUN_NUMBER 168389 and EVENT_NUMBER 86362599)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 152155 and EVENT_NUMBER 32054037)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        166506 and EVENT_NUMBER 47858468)) or (RUN_NUMBER 164539 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 46669833)) or (RUN_NUMBER 168138 and EVENT_NUMBER
        10204049)) or (RUN_NUMBER 165599 and EVENT_NUMBER
        19462711,20948390)) or (RUN_NUMBER 162049 and EVENT_NUMBER
        57535107)) or (RUN_NUMBER 165777 and EVENT_NUMBER 56539772))
        or (RUN_NUMBER 165237 and EVENT_NUMBER 91207119)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 162586 and EVENT_NUMBER 1073400)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        164317 and EVENT_NUMBER 13616027)) or (RUN_NUMBER 164502 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 27227194,30094502)) or (RUN_NUMBER 165246 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 100756457)) or (RUN_NUMBER 163389 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 16070952)) or (RUN_NUMBER 167813 and EVENT_NUMBER
        110294271)) or (RUN_NUMBER 168137 and EVENT_NUMBER 5868649))
        or (RUN_NUMBER 168383 and EVENT_NUMBER 73576590,74662396)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 168153 and EVENT_NUMBER 24353404)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        165600 and EVENT_NUMBER 22935199)) or (RUN_NUMBER 168151 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 8274249,8316704,11087930,12052185)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 163641 and EVENT_NUMBER 804270,846248)) or
        (RUN_NUMBER 167194 and EVENT_NUMBER 10959277)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        153446 and EVENT_NUMBER 1794311,1838438)) or (RUN_NUMBER
        162012 and EVENT_NUMBER 51036161)) or (RUN_NUMBER 164453 and
        EVENT_NUMBER 6975176))
... testing --dim=DATA_TIER raw and ((RUN_NUMBER
        180040 and EVENT_NUMBER 9744856, 9749855, 9762897, 9770344,
        9810458, 9832806, 9833850, 9859627, 9877819, 9888517, 9896908,
        9910291, 9914462, 9923292, 9929846, 9954503, 10020479,
        10033612, 10051687, 10142986, 10151278, 10162320, 10163397,
        10168157, 10206430, 10301313, 10310034, 10310162, 10312843,
        10322807, 10369821, 10389771, 10414032, 10433788, 10438280,
        10454061, 10505899, 10525363, 10529591, 10550939, 10561729,
        6350978, 6393002, 6438128, 6478407, 6502951, 6542846, 6553326,
        6570665, 6597743, 6627510, 6629009, 6638848, 6643571, 6648440,
        6654801, 6669325, 6670131, 6684262, 6705260, 6714158, 6714605,
        6771018, 6774513, 6775689, 6780541, 6797473, 6801219, 6823365,
        6868396, 6877268, 6990766, 7039697, 7042658, 7044958, 7060876,
        7061342, 7071358, 7082588, 7095803, 7097011, 7143193, 7163542,
        7170481, 7211265, 7258608, 7343748, 7366567, 7367777, 7372373,
        7374511) or (RUN_NUMBER 180041 and EVENT_NUMBER 24542888,
        24576882, 24597250, 24597429))
... testing --dim=(((GLOBAL.REQUESTID 9664 and
        DATA_TIER thumbnail) and AVAILABILITY_STATUS X) and
        CONTENT_STATUS good) and FILE_NAME
... testing --dim=((((DATA_TIER thumbnail and
        APPL_NAME tmbskim) and VERSION csskim-p14.06.00-postnov2003)
        and RUN_NUMBER < 191200) and FILE_NAME
        CSskim-QCD-20040314-134241%.raw_p14.06.00) and CONTENT_STATUS
... testing --dim=(__SET__ destroyTheRing
        minus ((VERSION_ANALYZED p14.06.00 and FILE_ANALYZED >0) and
        DATA_TIER_ANALYZED reco%)) and DATA_TIER raw
... testing --dim=(((((GLOBAL.REQUESTID 11872 or
        GLOBAL.REQUESTID 11871) or GLOBAL.REQUESTID 11870) or
        DATA_TIER thumbnail) minus FILE_NAME TMBfix2%
... testing --dim=(TAPE_LABEL prm275 and (((DATA_TIER
        raw and RUN_NUMBER > 163999) and RUN_NUMBER < 165000) and
        FILE_NAME all_0000164%.raw)) and RUN_NUMBER 164007, 164016,
        164018, 164037, 164039, 164040, 164041, 164074, 164075,
        164077, 164080, 164081, 164082, 164083, 164084, 164085,
        164094, 164095, 164096, 164097, 164098, 164155, 164163,
        164166, 164167, 164169, 164170, 164171, 164172, 164210,
        164212, 164213, 164215, 164216, 164219, 164223, 164225,
        164230, 164239, 164241, 164243, 164317, 164318, 164320,
        164321, 164380, 164381, 164382, 164383, 164385, 164387,
        164389, 164390, 164393, 164395, 164401, 164405, 164406,
        164407, 164445, 164446, 164450, 164452, 164453, 164454,
        164500, 164502, 164503, 164504, 164506, 164508, 164512,
        164514, 164537, 164539, 164541, 164542, 164605, 164607,
        164612, 164623, 164636, 164637, 164963, 164967, 164999
Evidently the complicated strings are parseable.  Yippee.
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.DimensionsUnitTest.test_XistingXamples
All tests passed.  Congratulations.
Starting test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_raise1
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_raise1
Starting test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_raise2
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_raise2
Starting test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_return1
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_return1
Starting test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_return2
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_return2
Starting test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_undeclaredPythonException
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_undeclaredPythonException
Starting test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_undeclaredSamException
Restore DB to empty state...
Initialize DB to known state...
Force the dbServer to flush any cached information from previous tests...
Begin the test...
Unit test complete.
Test ran successfully.
Concluding test __main__.ExceptionUnitTest.test_undeclaredSamException
All tests passed.  Congratulations.

#1: 2006-02-23 09:12 AM (sherwood)
status: "pending" -> "accepted"
assignees: "[]" -> "['sherwood', 'SamCore']"
topic: "" -> "Development"
title: "" -> "SAM V7_5_0 Release test results"
classification: "User Problem" -> "Request for Testing"
description: "" -> "Results of the regression tests for the SAM v7_5_0 release. "
title: "" -> "SAM V7_5_0 Release test results"
classification: "User Problem" -> "Request for Testing"
description: "" -> "Results of the regression tests for the SAM v7_5_0 release. "


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