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001 #!/bin/env python
002 # <dbname> <topleveltag>
004 import os,sys,commands,tempfile
005 from CoolConvUtilities.AtlCoolLib import pathResolver as pathResolver
007 class FileError:
008     "Class to store details of errors in one file"
009     def __init__(self,code,guid,count,lfn,pfn,folders):
010         self.code=int(code)
011         self.guid=str(guid)
012         self.count=int(count)
013         self.lfn=str(lfn)
014         self.pfn=str(pfn)
015         self.folders=folders
017 class checkFile:
018     "Wrapper for AtlCoolCopy command which does POOL file checking"
019     def __init__(self,dbname,taglist,runsince,rununtil,filename="",verbose=False,oracle=False,openfile=False,nocat=False,poolcats=[],magic=[],parfiles=[],passOpt=""):
020         self.dbname=dbname
021         self.taglist=taglist
022         self.runsince=runsince
023         self.rununtil=rununtil
024         self.filename=filename
025         self.verbose=verbose
027         self.openfile=openfile
028         self.nocat=nocat
029         self.poolcats=poolcats
030         self.magictags=magic
031         self.passOpt=passOpt
032         self.parfiles=parfiles
033         self.poollist=[]
034         self.guidlist=[]
035         # setup temporary output file
036         self.tfilename=tempfile.mktemp()
037         print "Analyse database %s runs from %i to %i" % (self.dbname,self.runsince,self.rununtil)
038         for tag in self.taglist: print "Top-level tag %s" % tag
039         if (self.openfile):
040             print "Files will be physically opened to check GUID consistency"
041         # setup list of DBs to check
042         self.dblist=[]
043         if (self.dbname.find('/')<0):
044             # no explict connection string
045             schemas=[]
046             if (
047                 # current list of databases needed
048                 # only include those which are using POOL files
049                 # this duplicates information in
050                 if self.dbname.find('OFLP')>=0:
051                     schemas=['COOLONL_INDET','COOLONL_TRT','COOLONL_LAR',
052                              'COOLONL_CALO','COOLONL_GLOBAL','COOLOFL_GLOBAL']
053                 elif self.dbname.find('CMCP')>=0:
054                     schemas=['COOLONL_INDET','COOLONL_TRT','COOLONL_LAR',
055                              'COOLONL_CALO','COOLONL_GLOBAL']
056                 elif self.dbname.find('COMP')>=0:
057                     schemas=['COOLONL_INDET','COOLONL_TRT','COOLONL_LAR',
058                              'COOLONL_CALO','COOLONL_GLOBAL','COOLOFL_GLOBAL']
059                 elif self.dbname.find('TMCP')>=0:
060                     schemas=['COOLONL_LAR','COOLONL_CALO']
061             else:
062                 # only a single connection is needed if using DBRelease
063                 schemas=['COOLONL_GLOBAL']
064             for s in schemas:
065                 self.dblist+=['%s/%s' % (s,self.dbname)]
066         else:
067             # explicit connection string - use it
068             self.dblist=[self.dbname]
070     def execute(self):
071         "Execute the checks, return non-zero code if some files are not OK"
072         # construct poolcat options
073         poolopts=""
074         print "List of POOL file catalogues to be checked:"
075         if (len(self.poolcats)==0 and not self.nocat):
076             # default POOL file catalogues
077             cats=[]
078             if self.dbname.find('OFLP')>=0:
079                 cats=['oflcond']
080             elif self.dbname.find('CMCP')>=0:
081                 cats=['cmccond']
082             elif self.dbname.find('COMP')>=0:
083                 cats=['comcond','oflcond']
084             elif self.dbname.find('TBDP')>=0:
085                 cats=['tbcond']
086             elif self.dbname.find('TMCP')>=0:
087                 cats=['tbcond','oflcond']
088             for cat in cats:
089                 fname=pathResolver('poolcond/PoolCat_%s.xml' % cat,
090                                       retFile=False)
091                 if (fname is not None):
092                     poolopts+=' -poolcat %s' % fname
093                     print fname
094                 else:
095                     print "Warning: Cannot find catalogue file for %s" % cat
096         else:
097             for i in self.poolcats:
098                 poolopts+=' -poolcat %s' % i
099                 print i
101         sumret=0
102         nerr=0
103         for dbname in self.dblist:
104             comm='AtlCoolCopy.exe %s X -nocopy -excludehead -checkrefs -listpfn -hitag -rs %i -ru %i -checkoutput %s%s' % (dbname,self.runsince,self.rununtil,self.tfilename,poolopts)
105             for tag in self.taglist: comm+=' -tag %s' % tag
106             if ( comm+=' -readoracle'
107             if (self.openfile):
108                 comm+=' -checkfiles'
109             else:
110                 comm+=' -checkrefs'
111             if (self.passOpt!=""): comm+=" %s" % self.passOpt
112             for mtag in self.magictags:
113                 comm+=" -magic %s" % mtag
114                 print "Adding magic tag %s" % mtag
115             for i in self.parfiles:
116                 comm+=" -parfile %s" % i
117             print "Opening database",dbname
118             (s,o)=commands.getstatusoutput(comm)
119             if (self.verbose): print o
120             if (s==111*256):
121                 print "Problems detected for files referenced by %s" % dbname
122             elif (s!=0):
123                 print "Problems with DB access, AtlCoolCopy error %i (try --debug to see more)" % (s/256)
124                 sumret+=s
125             # accumulate information from file
126             try:
127                 infile=open(self.tfilename,"r")
128                 for line in infile.readlines():
129                     tokens=line.split()
130                     if int(tokens[0])>0: nerr+=1
131                     guid=tokens[1]
132                     if (guid not in self.guidlist):
133                         self.poollist+=[FileError(int(tokens[0]),tokens[1],
134                                                   int(tokens[2]),tokens[3],
135                                                   tokens[4],tokens[5:])]
136                         self.guidlist+=[guid]
137                 infile.close()
138             except IOError:
139                 # catch file not existing gracefully
140                 pass
141         # end of loop over database instances
142         if (self.filename!=""):
143             opfile=open(self.filename,"w")
144         else:
145             opfile=None
146         print "Total of %i POOL files with problems" % nerr
147         if (len(self.poollist)>0):
148             print "ErrCode GUID Count LFN PFN Folders"
149             for ifile in self.poollist:
150                 print '%2i %36s %4i %s %s' % (ifile.code,ifile.guid,ifile.count,ifile.lfn,ifile.pfn) ,
151                 for j in ifile.folders:
152                     print j,' ',
153                 print
154                 if (opfile):
155                     opfile.write('%2i %36s %4i %s %s ' % (ifile.code,ifile.guid,ifile.count,ifile.lfn,ifile.pfn))
156                     for j in ifile.folders:
157                         opfile.write(j+' ')
158                     opfile.write('\n')
159         else:
160             print "All files resolved successfully"
161         if (opfile): opfile.close()
162         # remove temporary file if needed, don't assume it is there
163         try:
164             os.remove(self.tfilename)
165         except OSError:
166             pass
167         return sumret
169     def makeCD(self,filename,ignoremissing=False):
170         "Make conditions release with the set of files which were found"
171         # first check that all files were found, and if any are in castor
172         nbad=0
173         prestagelist=[]
174         for ifile in self.poollist:
175             if (ifile.code!=0 or ifile.pfn=='' or ifile.pfn=='noPFN'):
176                 nbad+=1
177             idx=ifile.pfn.find('/castor/')
178             if (idx>=0):
179                 prestagelist+=[' -M %s' % ifile.pfn[idx:]]
180         if (nbad>0):
181             print "WARNING: %i files are bad/missing" % nbad
182             if (ignoremissing):
183                 print "Continuing build with missing files"
184             else:
185                 print "Cannot build conditions release - ABORT"
186                 return 1
187         # issue castor pre-stage commands if needed
188         if len(prestagelist)>0:
189             print "Pre-staging %i files from castor" % len(prestagelist)
190             # issue command in groups of 10
191             for i in range(0,len(prestagelist),10):
192                 comm='LD_LIBRARY_PATH="";stager_get'
193                 for j in range(i,min(i+10,len(prestagelist))):
194                     comm+=prestagelist[j]
195                 print "Staging files %i %s: " % (i,comm)
196                 os.system(comm)
198         print "Building conditions release with %i files to output file %s" % (len(self.poollist),filename)
199         # create a temporary area to link to the files and zip them
200         packdir=tempfile.mktemp()
201         os.mkdir(packdir)
202         reldir=packdir+'/CDRelease'
203         os.mkdir(reldir)
204         pooldir=reldir+'/poolcond'
205         os.mkdir(pooldir)
206         xmldir=reldir+'/XMLConfig'
207         os.mkdir(xmldir)
208         # determine catalogue name and any dummies required
209         dummies=[]
210         if (self.dbname.find('OFLP')>=0):
211             cat='oflcond'
212         elif (self.dbname.find('COMP')>=0):
213             cat='comcond'
214             dummies+=['oflcond','comcond_castor']
215         elif (self.dbname.find('CMCP')>=0):
216             cat='cmccond'
217         else:
218             cat='nocond'
219             print "Unknown database instance %s - cannot derive catalogue name" % self.dbname
220         # generate any dummy catalogues that are required
221         for dummy in dummies:
222             print "Making dummy catalogue for %s" % dummy
223             dcat=PoolCat('%s/PoolCat_%s.xml' % (pooldir,dummy))
224             dcat.close()
225         catname='%s/PoolCat_%s.xml' % (pooldir,cat)
226         print "POOL file catalogue will be generated at %s" % catname
227         catalog=PoolCat(catname)
228         print "Using temporary directory %s" % packdir
229         # generate copies of current dblookup.xml and authentication.xml
230         os.system('cp $CORAL_AUTH_PATH/authentication.xml %s' % xmldir)
231         os.system('cp $CORAL_DBLOOKUP_PATH/dblookup.xml %s' % xmldir)
232         nbad=0
233         for ifile in self.poollist:
234             if (ignoremissing and (ifile.pfn=='noPFN' or ifile.code!=0)):
235                 continue
236             idx=ifile.pfn.rfind('/')
237             if (idx>0):
238                 leafname=ifile.pfn[idx+1:]
239             else:
240                 print "Cannot extract leafname from file %s" % ifile.pfn
241                 leafname='BADFILE'
242             idx=ifile.pfn.find('/castor/')
243             if (idx>=0):
244                 # file is from castor - have to rfcp to temp area
245                 print "Copying from castor: %s" % ifile.pfn[idx:]
246                 rc=os.system('rfcp %s %s/%s' % (ifile.pfn[idx:],pooldir,leafname))
247             else:
248               os.symlink(ifile.pfn,'%s/%s' % (pooldir,leafname))
249               rc=0
250             if (rc!=0):
251                 print "Problems linking/copying %s" % ifile.pfn
252                 nbad+=1
253             catalog.makeEntry(ifile.guid,ifile.lfn,leafname)
254         catalog.close()
255         if (nbad>0):
256             print "ERRORs detected in linking/copying %i files - ABORT" % nbad
257             return 2
259         # add the setup file
260         setupfile=open('%s/' % reldir,'w')
261         setupfile.write("""
262 import os, fileinput
264 class Setup(object):
265     def __init__(self, dbdir = None):
266         if dbdir is None:
267             self.dbdir = os.getcwd()
268         else:
269             self.dbdir = dbdir
270         print "Setting up CDRelease:"
271         self.custom()
272         self.env()
274     def custom(self):
275         fns = ['PoolCat_oflcond.xml', 'PoolCat_tbcond.xml',
276                'PoolCat_cmccond.xml', 'PoolCat_comcond.xml']
277         fps=[]
278         for fn in fns:
279             f=os.path.join(self.dbdir,'poolcond',fn)
280             if os.path.exists(f):
281                 fps+=[f]
282         print "  Editing pool catalogs ... "
283         print fps
284         for line in fileinput.input(fps, inplace=1):
285             print line.replace('--GENERATED--',
286                                os.path.join(self.dbdir, 'poolcond') + os.sep),
288     def env(self):
289         datapath = os.environ.get('DATAPATH')
290         if datapath:
291             datapath = datapath.split(os.pathsep)
292         else:
293             datapath = []
294         datapath = [d for d in datapath if 'DBRelease' not in d.split(os.sep)]
295         datapath.insert(0, self.dbdir)
296         coralpath=os.path.join(self.dbdir,'XMLConfig')
298         print "  Setting up environment ..."
299         self.dbenv = { 'DATAPATH'            : os.pathsep.join(datapath) ,
300                        'CDRELEASE'           : os.path.basename(self.dbdir),
301                        'CORAL_DBLOOKUP_PATH' : os.path.join(self.dbdir, 'XMLConfig'),
302                        'CORAL_AUTH_PATH'     : os.path.join(self.dbdir,'XMLConfig')}
303         os.environ.update(self.dbenv)
305     def __str__(self):
306         return '\\n'.join(['%s=%s' % i for i in self.dbenv.iteritems()])
308 if __name__ != 'setup':
309     print Setup()
311         """)
312         setupfile.close()
314         # create the tar file
315         print "Creating tar file"
316         rc=os.system('cd %s;tar cvf %s.tar CDRelease -h' % (packdir,filename))
317         if (rc==0):
318             rc=os.system('gzip %s.tar' % filename)
319             if (rc!=0):
320                 print "Non-zero return code %i from gzipping" % rc
321                 return 3
322         else:
323             print "Non-zero return code %i from tarfile creation" % rc
324             return 2
325         # remove the temporary file
326         os.system('rm -rf %s' % packdir)
327         print "All done"
328         return 0
330 class PoolCat:
331     "Class to output POOL file catalogue"
332     def __init__(self,catname):
333         "Open the catalogue file and write headers"
334         self.catfile=open(catname,'w')
335         self.catfile.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
336 <!-- Edited By POOL -->
340     def makeEntry(self,guid,lfn,pfnleaf):
341         "Make one entry in the file catalogue"
342         self.catfile.write("""
343   <File ID="%s">
344     <physical>
345       <pfn filetype="ROOT_All" name="--GENERATED--%s"/>
346     </physical>
347     <logical>
348       <lfn name="%s"/>
349     </logical>
350   </File>
351 """ % (guid,pfnleaf,lfn))
353     def close(self):
354         "Close the file, writing trailer"
355         self.catfile.write('</POOLFILECATALOG>\n')
356         self.catfile.close()
360 if __name__=='__main__':
361     # command line driver
362     import getopt
363     def usage():
364         print"usage: {<options>} dbname top-level-tag {top-level-tag}"
365         print "  dbname is instance e.g. OFLP200 or full COOL connect-string"
366         print "  top-level-tag(s) is global tag in the database instance"
367         print "Options are:"
368         print "--help :      Display this help"
369         print "--debug :     Dump full output from AtlCoolCopy command"
370         print "--rs=<run>    First run to consider"
371         print "--ru=<run>    Last run to consider (inclusive)"
372         print "--r=<run>     Consider single run"
373         print "--geo=<geometry tag>: Only include magic tags for given geometry"
374         print "--readoracle: Read data from Oracle rather than DBrelease"
375         print "--open: Actually open POOL files to check GUID"
376         print "--output=<file>: Output POOL catalogue data on <file>"
377         print "--poolall: List all POOL files referenced, not only those with errors"
378         print "--poolcat=<cat>: Use specific catalogue rather than defaults"
379         print "--nocat :     Do not attach any POOL file catalogues"
380         print "--makecd <file> : Make CDRelease POOL file tarball with given name"
381         print "--ignoremissing : Ignore missing files when making CDRelease"
382         print "--passopt=\"<options>\": Pass additional options to AtlCoolCopy"
383         print "--parfile <file> : Pass file as additional options to AtlCoolCopy"
384     try:
385         longopts=['r=','rs=','ru=','readoracle','open','nocat','output=',
386                   'poolcat=','debug','passopt=','parfile=','makecd=','geo=',
387                   'poolall','ignoremissing','help']
388         opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'',longopts)
389     except getopt.GetoptError,e:
390         print e
391         usage()
392         sys.exit(-1)
393     if (len(args)<2):
394         usage()
395         sys.exit(-1)
396     dbname=args[0]
397     tags=args[1:]
398     # set defaults
399     runsince=0
400     rununtil=(2 << 31)-1
401     filename=""
402     oracle=False
403     openfile=False
404     nocat=False
405     verbose=False
406     parfiles=[]
407     poolcats=[]
408     geo=[]
409     makecd=""
410     passopt=""
411     ignoremissing=False
412     # process options
413     for o,a in opts:
414         if (o=='--rs'):
415             runsince=int(a)
416         if (o=='--ru'):
417             rununtil=int(a)
418         if (o=='--r'):
419             runsince=int(a)
420             rununtil=runsince
421         if (o=='--open'):
422             openfile=True
423         if (o=='--nocat'):
424             nocat=True
425         if (o=='--output'):
426             filename=str(a)
427         if (o=='--readoracle'):
428             oracle=True
429         if (o=='--poolcat'):
430             poolcats+=[str(a)]
431         if (o=='--parfile'):
432             parfiles+=[str(a)]
433         if (o=='--debug'):
434             verbose=True
435         if (o=='--passopt'):
436             passopt+=str(a)+" "
437         if (o=='--poolall'):
438             passopt+='-poolall '
439         if (o=='--geo'):
440             geo+=[str(a)]
441         if (o=='--makecd'):
442             makecd=str(a)
443             passopt+='-poolall -listpfn '
444         if (o=='--ignoremissing'):
445             ignoremissing=True
446         if (o=='--help'):
447             usage()
448             sys.exit()
449     # consider all geometry magic tags if none given
450     if len(geo)==0: geo=['ATLAS-']
452     myCheck=checkFile(dbname,tags,runsince,rununtil,filename,
453                       verbose,oracle,openfile,nocat,poolcats,geo,parfiles,passopt)
454     rc=myCheck.execute()
455     if (makecd!=""): myCheck.makeCD(makecd,ignoremissing)

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Due to the LXR bug, the updates fail sometimes to remove references to deleted files. The Saturday's full rebuilds fix these problems
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