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ERDDAP > wms > Documentation

ERDDAP's Web Map Service (WMS) lets you request an image with data plotted on a map.
WMS is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO (19128) standard for "the creation
and display of registered and superimposed map-like views of information that come
simultaneously from multiple remote and heterogeneous sources."
See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.

Three Ways to Make Maps with WMS

  1. In theory, anyone can download, install, and use WMS client software.
    Some clients are: ArcGIS, Refractions PHP WMS Client, and uDig.
    To make these work, you would install the software on your computer.
    Then, you would enter the URL of the WMS service into the client.
    For example, in ArcGIS (not yet fully working because it doesn't handle time!), use
    "Arc Catalog : Add Service : Arc Catalog Servers Folder : GIS Servers : Add WMS Server".
    In ERDDAP, each dataset has its own WMS service, which is located at
        For example:
    (Some WMS client programs don't want the ? at the end of that URL.)
    See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.

    In practice, we haven't found any WMS clients that properly handle dimensions
    other than longitude and latitude (e.g., time), a feature which is specified by the WMS
    specification and which is utilized by most datasets in ERDDAP's WMS servers.
    You may find that using a dataset's Make A Graph form and selecting the .kml file type
    (an OGC standard) to load images into Google Earth provides a good (non-WMS) map client.
    See the list of datasets with Make A Graph at this ERDDAP installation.

  2. Web page authors can embed a WMS client in a web page.
    For example, ERDDAP uses OpenLayers, which is a very versatile WMS client, for the WMS page for each ERDDAP dataset (like this).
    See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.
    OpenLayers doesn't automatically deal with dimensions other than longitude and latitude (e.g., time),
    so you will have to write JavaScript (or other scripting code) to do that.
    (Adventurous JavaScript programmers can look at the Souce Code from a web page like this.)
  3. A person with a browser or a computer program can generate special GetMap URLs and view/use the resulting image file.
    Opaque example:,-75,180,75&crs=EPSG:4326&width=360&height=300&bgcolor=0x808080&layers=Land,erdBAssta5day:sst,Coastlines,Nations&styles=&format=image/png
    Transparent example:,-75,180,75&crs=EPSG:4326&width=360&height=300&bgcolor=0x808080&layers=erdBAssta5day:sst&styles=&format=image/png&transparent=TRUE
    See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.
    See the details below.

    In practice, it is probably easier and more versatile to use a dataset's Make A Graph form
    than to use WMS for this purpose.
    See the list of datasets with Make A Graph at this ERDDAP installation.


Forming GetMap URLs

A person with a browser or a computer program can generate a special URL to request a map.
The URL must be in the form
The query for a WMS GetMap request consists of several parameterName=value, separated by '&'.
For example,,-75,180,75&crs=EPSG:4326&width=360&height=300&bgcolor=0x808080&layers=Land,erdBAssta5day:sst,Coastlines,Nations&styles=&format=image/png
Parameter names are case insensitive.
Parameter values are case sensitive.
The various parameterName=value pairs can be in any order in the GetMap query.
The parameter options for the GetMap request are:

Request parameter Mandatory/
VERSION=version M Request version.
Currently, ERDDAP's WMS supports "1.1.0", "1.1.1", and "1.3.0".
REQUEST=GetMap M Request name.
LAYERS=layer_list M Comma-separated list of one or more map layers.
Layers are drawn in the order they occur in the list.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, the layer names from datasets are named datasetID:variableName .
In ERDDAP's WMS, there are three layers not based on ERDDAP datasets:
* "Land" may be drawn BEFORE (as an under layer) or AFTER (as a land mask) layers from grid datasets.
* "Coastlines" should usually be drawn AFTER layers from grid datasets.
* "Nations" draws political boundaries. This should usually be drawn AFTER layers from grid datasets.
STYLES=style_list M Comma-separated list of one rendering style per requested layer.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, the only style offered for each layer is the default style,
which is specified via "".
For example, if you request 3 layers, you can use "STYLES=,,".
Or, even easier, you can request the default style for all layers via "STYLES=".
1.1.0: SRS=namespace:identifier
1.1.1: SRS=namespace:identifier
1.3.0: CRS=namespace:identifier
M Coordinate reference system.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS 1.1.0, the only valid SRS is EPSG:4326.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS 1.1.1, the only valid SRS is EPSG:4326.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS 1.3.0, the only valid CRS's are CRS:84 and EPSG:4326,
All of those options support longitude from -180 to 180 and latitude -90 to 90.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, datasets with longitude values 0 to 360 are only
available from longitude 0 to 180 in WMS.
BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy M Bounding box corners (lower left, upper right) in CRS units.
WIDTH=output_width M Width in pixels of map picture.
HEIGHT=output_height M Height in pixels of map picture.
FORMAT=output_format M Output format of map.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, only image/png is valid.
TRANSPARENT=TRUE|FALSE O Background transparency of map (default=FALSE).
If TRUE, any part of the image using the BGColor will be made transparent.
BGCOLOR=color_value O Hexadecimal 0xRRGGBB color value for the background color (default=0xFFFFFF, white).
If Transparent=TRUE, we recommend BGCOLOR=0x808080, since white is in some color palettes.
EXCEPTIONS=exception_format O The format in which exceptions are to be reported by the WMS (the default is the xml option).
Currently, ERDDAP's WMS 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 supports "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml", "application/vnd.ogc.se_blank" (a blank image) and "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage" (the error in an image).
Currently, ERDDAP's WMS 1.3.0 supports "XML", "BLANK" (a blank image), and "INIMAGE" (the error in an image).
TIME=time O Time value of layer desired, specified in ISO8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ .
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, you can only specify one time value per request.
In ERDDAP's WMS, the value nearest to the value you specify (if between min and max) will be used.
In ERDDAP's WMS, the default value is the last value in the dataset's 1D time array.
In ERDDAP's WMS, "current" is not supported.
To get the last value (whether it is recent or not), just don't specify a value (use the default).
ELEVATION=elevation O Elevation of layer desired.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, you can only specify one elevation value per request.
In ERDDAP's WMS, this is used for the altitude dimension (if any). (in meters, positive=up)
In ERDDAP's WMS, the value nearest to the value you specify (if between min and max) will be used.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, the default value is the last value in the dataset's 1D altitude array.
dim_name=value O Value of other dimensions as appropriate.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, you can only specify one value per dimension per request.
In ERDDAP's WMS, this is used for the non-time, non-altitude dimensions.
The name of a dimension will be "dim_" plus the dataset's name for the dimension, for example "dim_model".
In ERDDAP's WMS, the value nearest to the value you specify (if between min and max) will be used.
Currently in ERDDAP's WMS, the default value is the last value in the dimension's 1D array.

(Revised from Table 8 of the WMS 1.3.0 specification)



ERDDAP is compatible with the current WMS 1.3.0 standard.

In OpenLayers OpenLayers Example (WMS 1.3.0)


ERDDAP is also compatible with the older WMS 1.1.1 standard, which may be needed when working with older client software.

In OpenLayers OpenLayers Example (WMS 1.1.1)


ERDDAP is also compatible with the older WMS 1.1.0 standard, which may be needed when working with older client software.

In OpenLayers OpenLayers Example (WMS 1.1.0)

ERDDAP Version 1.12
Questions, comments, suggestions? Contact bob dot simons at noaa dot gov.
ERDDAP is a brought to you by NOAA NMFS SFSC ERD.
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