Buckaroos in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945-1982

Building the Digital Collection

Specifications for the digital files in Buckaroos in Paradise

Moving-image file types

Moderate resolution files
Image size: 320x240 pixels
Frame rate: 30 fps
Data rate: ca. 1.2 megabits/second
Compression: MPEG-1
Format: mpg

Low resolution files
Image size: 160x120 pixels
Color depth: 24 bits/pixel
Data rate: ca. 100 kilobytes/second
Format: QuickTime (Apple Computer format)


Audio file types

Downloadable files
Attributes: 22.05 kHz sample rate, 16 bit word, mono
Format (file type): WAVE (Microsoft format)
MP3 (MPEG 2, Layer 3)

Streaming files
Encoding: For 14.4 modems
Format (file type): RA (RealAudio format from Progressive Networks)


Pictorial image file types

Tonal depth: 8 bits per pixel
Format: GIF
Compression: Native to GIF
Spatial resolution: Circa 200x200 pixels

Basic service image
Tonal depth: Grayscale: 8 bits per pixel; color: 24 bits per pixel
Format: JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format)
Compression: JPEG (generally about 10:1 compression for grayscale, 20:1 for color)
Spatial resolution: 640x480 pixels

Larger service image
Tonal depth: Grayscale: 8 bits per pixel; color: 24 bits per pixel
Format: JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format)
Compression: JPEG (generally about 10:1 compression for grayscale, 20:1 for color)
Spatial resolution: 1024x768 pixels

Archival image
Tonal depth: Grayscale: 8 bits per pixel; color: 24 bits per pixel
Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
Compression: Uncompressed
Spatial resolution: 4000x2700 pixels (except for field drawings of buildings, which are 3000x2000)
