United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Table of Adapted Native Grass Species

See the following table for native species and cultivars/germplasms available for revegetation within the Intermountain West (IWM), the Great Basin (GB), and the Northern Great Plains (NGP) regions.

Adapted Native Grass Species
Species Region Cultivar Germplasm Pure Stand PLS Pounds per Acre1
Bluebunch wheatgrass GB, IMW, NGP Whitmar, Goldar, P-7, Anatone 7
Snake River wheatgrass GB Secar 7
Bottlebrush squirreltail GB Sand Hollow, Fish Creek, Toe Jam Creek 7
Thickspike wheatgrass GB, IMW, NGP Critana, Bannock, Schwendimar, Sodar 6
Indian ricegrass GB, IMW, NGP Nezpar, Paloma, Rimrock, Ribstone 6
Big bluegrass GB, IMW, NGP Sherman 2
Sandberg bluegrass GB, IMW, NGP High Plains 2
Basin wildrye GB, IMW, NGP Trailhead, Magnar 7
Western wheatgrass GB, NGP Rosana, Arriba, Rodan 6
Galleta grass GB Viva 4
Slender wheatgrass GB, IMW, NGP Revenue, Pryor, San Luis 7
Mountain bromegrass IMW Bromar, Garnet 10
Idaho fescue IMW Joseph, Nezperce, Winchester 4
Side-oats grama NGP Pierre 4.5
Little bluestem NGP Badlands 4
Blue grama NGP Bad River 2
Little bluestem NGP Badlands 4

1 PLS = Pure Live Seed. Grasses, forbs and shrubs will rarely be planted in a monoculture. Percentages of pure stand seeding rates will be used in species combinations developed to mimic a diverse native plant community.

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