United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Soil Geochemistry Spatial Database - Database Codes

Current Geochemistry Project

Each point or location on the map represents one or more pedons. Data for pedons generally include multiple horizons listed sequentially in a tabular format. Each location has four types of data associated: site, trace element, major element, and characterization data. Fields without data are listed as -99999. Data below detection limits are listed as -11111.

Site Information

Web_alias Example of Data Explanation (significant digits)
Rec 1 Record number on display
ID 270 Database record number
SOIL_NAME Miami "Sampled as" Soil Name
ANTHRO Unknown Is the site contaminated? K=Known to be; U=unknown if contaminated
SOURCE Unknown Source of contamination? U=unknown if contaminated
PEDON_ID 90P1083 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Pedon Number
C_R_PEDON n/a Cross-reference pedon (SSL ID of assoc. pedon)
CORR_NAME Miami Correlated Soil name
SATELLITE n/a Indicates if site is a satellite of a main pedon
TAXON_CLAS Alfisol Soil classification according to Soil Taxonomy
LOCATION Geographic Known location (Geographic=Site identified by Lat/long; Centroid=unknown location within county)
LAT_DD 39.55 Latitude (decimal degrees)
LONG_DD -87.683333 Longitude (decimal degrees)
SITE_ID S90IL-045-001 Soil Survey Sample Number
COUNTY EDGAR County of sample
Date_Posted May 2005 Date the data was posted to website
#SHAPE# [point] database file type
#ID# 270 Database record number

Trace Element Data

Web_alias Example of Data Explanation (significant digits)
Rec 1 Record number on display
ID 270 Database record number
SOIL_NAME Miami "Sampled as" Soil Name
PEDON_ID 90P1083 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Pedon Number
SAMPLE_ID 90P6671 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Sample Number
HORIZON Ap Horizon
TOP_DEP_CM 0 Top Depth (cm)
BOT_DEP_CM 25 Bottom Depth (cm)
AG_PPM -99999 Silver (mg/kg) (2)
AS_PPM 19.22 Arsenic (mg/kg) (2)
BA_PPM -99999 Barium (mg/kg) (2)
BE_PPM -99999 Beryllium (mg/kg) (2)
CD_PPM 0.18 Cadmium (mg/kg) (2)
CO_PPM 8.13 Cobalt (mg/kg) (2)
CR_PPM 32.46 Chromium (mg/kg) (2)
CU_PPM 12.07 Copper (mg/kg) (2)
HG_PPB 63 Mercury (ug/kg) (0)
MN_PPM 528.32 Manganese (mg/kg) (2)
NI_PPM 21.95 Nickel (mg/kg) (2)
MO -99999 Molybdenum (mk/kg) (2)
P_PPM 366.87 Phosphorus (mg/kg) (2)
PB_PPM 12.52 Lead (mg/kg) (2)
SB_PPM -99999 Antimony (mg/kg) (2)
SE_PPM -99999 Selenium (mg/kg) (2)
SN_PPM -99999 Tin (mg/kb) (2)
SR_PPM -99999 Strontium (mg/kg) (2)
V_PPM 1.45 Vanadium (mg/kg) (2)
W 3.87 Tungsten (mg/kg) (2)
ZN_PPM 66.29 Zinc (mg/kg) (2)
LAT_DD 39.55 Latitude (decimal degrees)
LONG_DD -87.683333 Longitude (decimal degrees)
COUNTY Edgar County location
#SHAPE# [point] database file type
#ID# 1029 Database record number

Major Element Data

Web_alias Example of Data Explanation (significant digits)
Rec 1 Record number on display
ID 270 Database record number
SOIL_NAME Miami "Sampled as" Soil Name
PEDON_ID 90P1083 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Pedon Number
SAMPLE_ID 90P6671 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Sample Number
HORIZON Ap Horizon
TOP_DEP_CM 0 Top Depth (cm)
BOT_DEP_CM 25 Bottom Depth (cm)
AL_PPM 26211 Aluminum (mg/kg) (0)
CA_PPM 1819 Calcium (mg/kg) (0)
FE_PPM 20875 Iron (mg/kg) (0)
K_PPM 16619 Potassium (mg/kg) (0)
MG_PPM 2408 Magnesium (mg/kg) (0)
MN_PPM 413 Manganese (mg/kg) (0)
NA_PPM 4795 Sodium (mg/kg) (0)
P_PPM 423 Phosphorous (mg/kg) (0)
SI_PPM 334277 Silica (mg/kg) (0)
TI_PPM 2807 Titanium (mg/kg) (0)
ZR_PPM 146 Zirconium (mg/kg) (0)
LAT_DD 39.550000 Latitude (decimal degrees)
LONG_DD -87.683333 Longitude (decimal degrees)
COUNTY Edgar County location
#SHAPE# [point] database file type
#ID# 1029 Database record number

Characterization Data

Web_alias Example of Data Explanation (significant digits)
Rec 1 database record number
Rec 1 Record number on display
ID 270 Database record number
SOIL_NAME Miami "Sampled as" Soil Name
PEDON_ID 90P1083 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Pedon Number
SAMPLE_ID 90P6671 NRCS Soil Survey Laboratory Sample Number
HORIZON Ap Horizon
TOP_DEP_CM 0 Top Depth (cm)
BOT_DEP_CM 25 Bottom Depth (cm)
PH_H2O 7.2 1:1 water pH (1)
PH_CACL2 6.5 1:2 CaCl2 pH (1)
PH_KCL -99999 KCl pH (1)
ORG_C_PCT 1.26 Organic Carbon (%) (2)
TOTAL_C_PC -99999 Total Carbon (%) (2)
TOTAL_N_PC -99999 Total Nitrogen (%) (3)
CEC7 22.6 Cation Exchange Capacity-pH7 (cmol/kg) (1)
CEC8_2 25.6 Cation Exchange Capacity-pH8.2 (cmol/kg) (1)
EX_CA 18.4 Extractable Calcium (cmol/kg) (1)
EX_MG 2.8 Extractable Magnesium (cmol/kg) (1)
EX_NA 0.3 Extractable Sodium (cmol/kg) (1)
EX_K 1.7 Extractable Potassium (cmol/kg) (1)
BASES7_PCT 100 Base Saturation-pH7 (%) (0)
CACO3_PCT -99999 CaCO3 (%) (0)
ACIDITY 2.4 Acidity (cmol/kg) (1)
KCL_AL -99999 KCl-extractable Aluminum (cmol/kg) (1)
SAND_PCT 9.5 Sand (%) (1)
SILT_PCT 61.9 Silt (%) (1)
CLAY_PCT 28.6 – Clay (%) (1)
W_CLAY_PCT 99999 Water Dispersible Clay (%) (1)
FINCL_PCT 18.1 Fine Clay (%) (1)
CARCL_PCT -99999 CO3 Clay (%) (1)
BCT_GCM_3 -99999 Bulk Density_third bar (g/cm3) (2)
WRT_PCT -99999 Water retention-third bar (%) (1)
WR15_PCT 12.4 Water retention-1500 kPa (%) (1)
ECSP_MMOCM -99999 Elec. Conduct. of sat. paste extract (mmhos/cm) (2)
FECD_PCT 0.6 Dithimite citrate-extractable Iron (%) (1)
ALCD_PCT 0.1 Dithimite citrate-extractable Aluminum (%) (1)
MNCD_PCT -99999 Dithimite citrate-extractable Manganese (%) (1)
FEOX_PCT -99999 Acid ammonium oxalate-extractable iron (%) (2)
SIOX_PCT -99999 Acid ammonium oxalate-extractable Silica (%) (2)
MN_OX_PCT -99999 Acid ammonium oxalate-extractable Manganese (%)(0)
ALOX_PCT -99999 Acid ammonium oxalate-extractable Aluminum (%) (2)
POX_PCT -99999 Acid ammonium oxalate-extractable Phosphorus (%) (0)
LAT_DD 39.550000 Latitude (decimal degrees)
LONG_DD -87.683333 Longitude (decimal degrees)
COUNTY Edgar County location
#SHAPE# [point] database file type
#ID# 1029 Database record number

Holmgren Data Set

Web_alias Example of data Explanation
Rec 4 Record number on display
REC 1074 Database record number
SITE_ID SD085012X Soil Survey Sample Number
SOIL_NAME MILLBORO "Sampled as" Soil Name
TEXT LSIC Soil Texture
YEAR_SAMP 80 Year sample collected
NI_PPM 66.9 Nickel (mg/kg)
ZN_PPM 125 Zinc (mg/kg)
CU_PPM 41.9 Copper (mg/kg)
CD_PPM 0.57 Cadmium (mg/kg)
PB_PPM 19 Lead (mg/kg)
PH_H2O 7.8 1:1 water pH
CEC7 38.6 Cation Exchange Capacity-pH7 (cmol/kg)
ORG_C_PCT 2.74 Organic Carbon (%)
LRA/LRR 063G Land Resource Area/Land Resource Region
SUBGROUP VERTIC Soil Taxonomy Subgroup
GREAT_GR ARGIUSTOLLS Soil Taxonomy Great Group
LAT_DD 43.8891 Latitude (decimal degrees)
LONG_DD -99.85196 Longitude (decimal degrees)
CROP_CULT WH-LANCER Crop and Cultivar
ST_CO_FIPS SD085 State/County FIPS code
#SHAPE# [point] Database file type
#ID# 1071 Database record number