PYTHIA muon software for PHENIX

LAST UPDATES (dec 2004)

This tutorial aims to help beginners to run through the PYTHIA event generation process for PHENIX:

PYTHIA documentation

PYTHIA muon code

how to install and run the code

PYTHIA muon cards

The PYTHIA muon production is controlled by a set of datacards put together in one control parameters (.par) file. Datacards are gathered in five different sets controlling five different steps in the data production:

Some control parameter files can be find here.

control cards for process description

control datacards for event generation

control datacards for geometrical selection

With these datacards, one defines the acceptance regions. In fact, during the generation process, Pythia will stop generating events when tnumevt signal events (defined in control datacards for signal description) are generated within these acceptance regions.

control datacards for signal description

With these datacards, one defines the signal events. In fact, during the generation process, Pythia will stop generating events when tnumevt signal events are generated within the acceptance regions (defined in control datacards for geometrical description).

As an example, if isig1=443 / iprod1=13 / nprod1=1,2 / p1mima=0,1000, an event will be defined as a signal event only if it contains at least 1 and at most 2 mu- with momentum values between 0 and 1000 GeV; all of them coming from a J/psi decay.


Resonance Mode: (pythia6205 only) isig1=isig2!=0 and iprod1=-iprod2

control datacards for output selection

With these datacards, one controls output files. When generating events, two files are created: pythia.dat which contains the particle information used by PISA as an input, and pythia.hist which contains one or two ntuples (depending on do1 and do2 switches) for analysis at generation level; ntuple h100 contains signal events within user defined acceptance while ntuple h1000 contains all generated signal events.


some control parameter files

The following files provide, for tutorial purpose, datacard sets for some useful processes. Some processes are pretty well defined in pythia; they are indicated by a green ball. Other processes need user investigation; they are indicated by a red ball.

= 100% confidence = 50% confidence = 10% confidence

Pythia 5.7

Pythia 6.205

Drell-Yan Drell-Yan
DDbar DDbar
phi phi
J/psi J/psi
psi' psi'
upsilon 1S upsilon 1S
upsilon 2S upsilon 2S


The pythia output rootuple

First of all, since PYTHIA is using HBOOK, one gets a HBOOK file as an output. In order to produce a ROOT file, type:

Then, depending of what selection you make in the datacards (see do1 and do2 ), you'll get one or two TTree.

CAUTION: The maximum memory size allowed by HBOOK is ~130 MB, meaning that you can't produce a HBOOK file bigger than that size. Depending of the cuts you use, h100 can be huge and then reach the 130MB limit. If you want to produce more then 10000 events, you should first check what the output size should be.

The pythia rootuple variables

h100 and h1000 TTree have the same variable contain. Here are the variables description:

A simple root macro to analyze pythia output

In "your pythia"/bin directory:

Page maintained by Frédéric