Deer in the headlights: JSC team member finds fawn under her car, follows safety rules

It’s the time of year again when we start seeing more fawns at Johnson Space Center. Deer feed their babies early in the morning and will leave the fawns in a “safe area” during the day while they forage for more food.

The fawn pictured here was found by Mai Huynh, a Boeing worker, who was onsite this week at Building 222. She said it was a reminder that motorists should be careful and aware of the local wildlife.

Because the deer at JSC are acclimated to people, it is not unusual to see the fawns in the mall area or near buildings. If you should see a fawn alone near a building, it hasn’t been abandoned. The mother will return around dusk to feed the fawn again.

We, at JSC, are lucky to share our work environment with a variety of wildlife. While it’s enjoyable to watch them, it’s also important to remember that these are wild animals, not pets. Please keep your distance whenever you encounter one of these creatures. This is for our safety as well as theirs.

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Please do not disturb, touch, harass or move the fawn. If the fawn is lying in the sun and gets hot, it will move.

If you find a baby wild animal, the most important thing is to make sure it is truly an orphan. Often the parent is nearby and will not return until there are no people around. Do not feed, water or move the animal. By law, only licensed wildlife rehabilitators are permitted to care for wildlife.

If you suspect that the fawn is injured, or have any questions, please contact JSC Wildlife Team Leads Andy Ideler at x31408 or Stephanie Walker at x39140. If you find orphaned or injured wildlife offsite, call Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education at 713-643-WILD.

Heather Nicholson
Johnson Space Center, Houston


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Updated: 06/25/2008