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JavaTM Web Start Browser Configuration

Most browsers can be configured to automatically start JavaTM Web Start applications.  The following describes this configuration procedure for several browsers.

Some browsers (e.g., Mozilla) allow you to selectively enable automatic starting of the associated application on a per file type basis.  Other browsers only have a single setting to either enable or disable the automatic starting of the associated application for all downloaded file types.  The security risk of enabling only the automatic starting of JavaTM Web Start applications is minimal since the applications are still restricted to run within the secure JavaTM environment (sandbox).  The risk is greater when enabling the automatic starting of applications for all file types since the other applications may not be restricted to run within the secure JavaTM environment.  The procedures above are provided for your convenience but you are not required to change the configuration of your browser to use a JavaTM Web Start application.  You are responsible for selecting the browser configuration that meets your convenience/security risk needs.

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