File Attachments for Collection Package: 03405

You have accessed a U.S. Federal Government owned computer system.
This system is for the use of authorized users only.  Unauthorized
access to or use of this system is a violation of U.S. Code, sections
1029 and 1030, and other applicable statutes.  Violations of these
statutes are punishable by civil and criminal penalties.  Anyone
using this system expressly consents to having all of their
activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel
and are advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of
unauthorized access, unauthorized use, and/or criminal activity,
such evidence may be provided to law enforcement officials.

Name Size Last Updated
30 Day Fed. Reg. Notice.doc 34304       13-Mar-09 01:12:52
60 Day Fed. Reg. Notice.doc 36864       13-Mar-09 01:12:52
Att_071307e.pdf 54522       13-Mar-09 01:12:53
Att_071307e.txt 5295       13-Mar-09 01:12:53
Att_091207a.pdf 55286       13-Mar-09 01:12:54
Att_091207a.txt 4709       13-Mar-09 01:12:55
Att_Certification Form.pdf 101325       13-Mar-09 01:12:55
Att_CFR 1320.9_Impact Early Lit_03405.pdf 101325       13-Mar-09 01:12:56
Att_Exhibit A.23 July 2007.doc 896512       13-Mar-09 01:12:59
Att_Exhibit B.23 July 2007.doc 889344       13-Mar-09 01:13:03
Att_Exhibit C.23 July 2007.doc 797184       13-Mar-09 01:13:06
Att_Exhibit D.23 July 2007.doc 793600       13-Mar-09 01:13:08
Att_NOA 1850-0848.pdf 3878       13-Mar-09 01:13:09
Att_OMB Part A REL Appalachia Task 2C.7-16-07.doc 665600       13-Mar-09 01:13:11
Att_OMB Part B REL Appalachia Task 2C.7-16-07.doc 212480       13-Mar-09 01:13:12
att_OMB83I.doc 99840       13-Mar-09 01:13:13
Att_Part I IC Worksheet.REL Appalachia 2C OMB.7-16-07.doc 180224       13-Mar-09 01:13:14
Att_Part II IC Worksheet.REL Appalachia 2C OMB.7-16-07.doc 117760       13-Mar-09 01:13:15
Cover Letter.doc 65024       13-Mar-09 01:13:15
Supporting Statement.doc 47104       13-Mar-09 01:13:16