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Benefits Transfer: Procedures, Problems, and Research Needs, 1992 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop, Snowbird, Utah

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1. Benefits Analysis
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation
1. Benefits Analysis - Valuation - Benefits Transfer
Environmental Media/Problems covered: a. Air
b. Water
e. Ecosystems
a. Air - Stationary Source
a. Air - Tropospheric
b. Water - Drinking
b. Water - Groundwater
b. Water - Surface
Bingham, Tayler H.
Kealy, Mary Jo
David, Elizabeth L.
LeBlanc, Michael
Graham-Tomassi, Theodore
Leeworthy, Robert
EPA Project Officer/ Manager:
Kealy, Mary Jo
Geographic Area:
Study Purpose:
Empirical Application, Methodology Development & Evaluation
Report Series:
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists' Workshop
Inventory Record #: EE-0078
List of all reports in the Series:
1) Estimating and Valuing Morbidity in a Policy Context: Proceedings of June 1989 AERE Workshop
2) Marine Pollution and Environmental Damage Assessment
3) Integrating The Environment and The Economy: Proceedings of June 1994 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop
4) Marine and Sport Fisheries Economic Valuation and Management
5) Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement: Theory and Practice, Workshop
6) AERE Workshop on Recreation Demand Modeling
You are here--> 7) Benefits Transfer: Procedures, Problems, and Research Needs, 1992 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop, Snowbird, Utah
8) The Management of Nonpoint-Source Pollution: The 1991 AERE Workshop Papers

Number of Pages:
Comment: Co-funded with other governmental organizaitions. Some of the pages are missing in file EE-0078-05. This appears to be a problem with the duplication of the original paper copy from which the file was scanned. For a more complete version (but still missing a few pages from Appendix A), contact sison.teresita@epa.gov
EPA #:
EPA 230-R-93-018
This document contains the proceedings for the 1992 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop on benefits transfer. At the workshop, three formal papers on benefit transfer issues and six benefits transfer study protocols were presented. This report contains the text of these papers as well as introductory remarks and discussant comments on them. The file numbers, authors, and the titles of their papers/presentations/comments are as follows: Download report now

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File DescriptionFile Size (KB)File Type
Issues Regarding...; Benefits Transfer: How...; What is Consumer's Surplus... ; Groundwater valuation... 472 Acrobat
Appendix A to Groundwater Valuation.... 322 Acrobat
Groundwater Valuation....; Natural Resources Damage.....; Recreational Fishing valuation: Application...; Long Term Health Risks.....; Recreational Fishing Valuation: Acid Rain.....499 Acrobat
Visibility Valuation....; Issues.......; Benefit Transfer.....334 Acrobat
Fundamental Issues....; Benefiting Benefits....; Appendix A: Economic Analisys...; Appendix B: Attendees..272 Acrobat

Date Linked: 04/21/1998

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