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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in Manufacturer and builder Volume 25, Issue 3, March 1893
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  • New Diamond-Cutting Works in New York, 49-50.
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  • Pig-Iron Production of the United States in 1892, 50.
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  • The Pennsylvania Railroad System and its Year's Work, 50.
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  • Trade-Union Tyranny, 50-51.
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  • A New Development of the Art of Glass Painting, 51.
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  • The Beckwith Automatic Elevator Gates and Doors, 51.
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  • Proposed Railway Tunnel under the Two Rivers at New York, 51.
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  • Burning Oil instead of Wood, 51-52.
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  • An Ingenious Water-Wheel, 52.
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  • Growth of Cotton Manufacturing in the South, 52-53.
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  • A New Enamel for Iron, 53-54.
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  • New Panel-Carving Machine, 54.
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  • The Parisian Inventors' Academy, 54.
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  • Irrigation in Arizona, 54.
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  • The Manufacture of Pool Balls, 54.
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  • Varnish for Grate Fronts, etc., 54-55.
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  • The Lidgerwood Suspension Cableway in Engineering Work, 55.
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  • The Convertibility of Speed and Power, 55-56.
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  • The Rex Molder, 56.
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  • High Speed on Railways, 56.
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  • Reparation of Zinc Castings, 56-57.
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  • Improved Power Press, 57.
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  • Engineers in the Navy, 57.
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  • Palladium Plating, 57-58.
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  • Girard College, 58-59.
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  • Reminiscences of an Active Life, 59-60.
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  • Berea Sandstone, 60.
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  • Vandium in Coal, 60.
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  • The "Theory of the Earth", 60-65.
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  • Continued Growth of the American Tin and Terne Plate Industry, 65-66.
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  • Harmonic, or Echo, Pedal, 66.
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  • Communism - Owenites, 66-67.
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  • The Value of Bathing, 67.
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  • The Garrison of the Human Body, 67.
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  • Summer Food, 67-68.
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  • Awards at the World's Columbian Exposition, 68.
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  • Business Items, 68-69.
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  • Design for Cottage, 69.
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  • The School-Room and the Health of Children, 69.
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  • Luminous Paints, 69-70.
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  • On the Danger of Safety Matches, 70.
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  • The Theil Combustion Governor, 70.
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  • Recent Inventions, 70-71.
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  • The Bicycle in its Relations to the Physician, 71.
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  • Engine-Room Chat, 71.
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  • Hinge, Vise and Hammer, 71.
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  • The Manufacturer's Record Magazine, 71.
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  • New Catalogues, 71.
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  • Notes and Queries, 71-72.
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  • Correspondents' Column, 72.
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