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Title CMS Event Builder Performance Studies Submitted 30-JAN-07 09:09 (UTC -06:00)
Classification Event Building and Fast Networks Modified
Session EB-FN Presentation Oral
Speaker Elliot Lipeles Paper ID EB-FN06
Paper PDF Download
Author(s) Elliot Lipeles, James Branson, Marco Pieri, Matteo Sani (UCSD, La Jolla, California), Vincent Boyer, Angela Brett, Eric Cano, Andrea Carboni, Marek Ciganek, Sergio Cittolin, Dominique Gigi, Frank Glege, Robert Gomez-Reino, Esteban Gutierrez Mlot, Johannes Gutleber, Claude Jacobs, Juan Lopez Perez, Frans Meijers, Emilio Meschi, Roland Moser, Alexander Oh, Luciano Orsini, Lucien Pollet, Attila Racz, Hannes Sakulin, Philipp Schieferdecker, Christoph Schwick, Dimitrios Tsirigkas (CERN, Geneva), Michele Gulmini (CERN, Geneva; INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova), Jin Cheol Benjamin Kim (CERN, Geneva; KNU-CHEP, Daegu), Joao Varela (CERN, Geneva; LIP, Lisboa), Samim Erhan (CERN, Geneva; UCLA, Los Angeles, California), Steven Murray, Ichiro Suzuki (Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois), Gaetano Maron, Andrea Petrucci (INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova), Gerry Bauer, Christoph Maria Paus, Konstanty Sumorok (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Abstract The CMS data acquisition system is designed to build and filter events from approximately 500 data sources with 1 MB total event size at an input rate of 100 kHz for an aggregate throughput of 100 GBytes/sec. This is achieved by building the events in two stages. The first stage uses Myrinet to preassemble 8 inputs into larger event fragments (super-fragments). The second stage builds the full events using Gigabit ethernet and the TCP/IP protocol. This design requires the PC systems connecting the Myrinet to ethernet to have a large throughput. These PC systems must read in 16 kB of event fragments, assemble them, and output them at 12.5 kHz, which corresponds to a throughput of 200 MBytes/sec. Performance studies show the PC systems are capable of twice this requirement. The DAQ system is currently being installed and will be commissioned in 2007. The network architecture, the current status, and the performance studies are presented.
Word Count: 155  Character Count: 934
Funding Agency

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SPMS Author:  Matthew Arena — Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
SPMS Version 7.2