Dataset Selection: C02


C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls. 1999. Estimated Available Water Content from the FAO Soil Map of the World, Global Soil Profile Databases, and Pedo-transfer Functions

Dataset Description
(file lists/download)
Dataset Element Descriptions
(file download)
Technical Report


Principal Investigators:

C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture


Spatial soil water-holding capacities were estimated for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) digital Soil Map of the World (SMW) by employing continuous pedo-transfer functions (PTF) within global pedon databases and linking these results to the SMW.  The procedure first estimated representative soil properties for the FAO soil units by statistical analyses and taxo-transfer depth algorithms (FAO, 1996].  The representative soil properties estimated for two-layers of depths (0-30 and 30-100 cm) included: particle-size distribution; dominant soil texture; organic carbon content; coarse fragments; bulk density, and porosity. After representative soil properties for the FAO soil units were estimated, these values were substituted into three different pedo-transfer functions (PTF) models by Rawls, et al [1982], Saxton, et al [1986], and Batjes [1996]. The Saxton PTF model was finally selected to calculate available water content because it only required particle-size distribution data and results closely agreed with the Rawls and Batjes PTF models that used both particle-size distribution and organic matter data. Soil water-holding capacities were then estimated by multiplying the available water content by the soil layer thickness and integrating over an effective crop root depth of one meter or less (i.e., encountered shallow impermeable layers).  All soil property images are provided for easy introduction into spatial water balance models.  These raster images have the same 5-minute spatial resolution of the original SMW to preserve the integrity of the original data.

Primary References:

C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls. 1999. Estimating Available Water Content by Linking the FAO Soil Map of the World with Global Soil Profile Databases and Pedo-transfer Functions. Proceedings of the AGU 1999 Spring Conference, Boston, MA.  May31-June 4, 1999.

Reynolds, Jackson, and Rawls Estimated Available Water Content


Dataset Description


Data­Set Citation:

C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls. 1999. Estimated Available Water Content from the FAO Soil Map of the World, Global Soil Profile Databases, Pedo-transfer Functions.  Data from the USDA Agricultural Research Service.  Published by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO.


Cartesian Orthonormal Geodetic (lat/long)

Spatial Representation:

Aggregate values for 1-degree grid cells (method varies)

Temporal Representation:

Static Modern Composite (circa 1990's)

Data Representation:

1-byte integers: quantitative values and background (no-data) type classes for 1-degree cells.

Layers and Attributes:

Eleven independent multiple attribute layers

Dataset Description



Bulk Density, Coarse Fragments, Depth, Organic Carbon, Porosity, Soil Fraction, Texture, Water Holding Capacity


Research dataset produced from the FAO Soil Map of the World, Global Soil Profile Databases, and Pedo-transfer Functions.

Geographic Reference:

Unprojected geographic grid. Cartesian Orthonormal Geodetic (lat/long)

Geographic Coverage: Global

Maximum Latitude: +90 Degrees (N)
Minimum Latitude: -90 Degrees (S)
Maximum Longitude: +180 Degrees (E)
Minimum Longitude: -180 Degrees (W)

Geographic Sampling:

Integrated values for 1 degree grid cells

Time Period:

circa 1990's

Temporal Sampling:

Modern Composite

Dataset Description


Source Data Citation:

C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls. 1999. Estimating Available Water Content by Linking the FAO Soil Map of the World with Global Soil Profile Databases and Pedo-transfer Functions. Proceedings of the AGU 1999 Spring Conference, Boston, MA.  May 1-June 4, 1999.


C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
BARC-West, Bldg 007, Rm 104
Beltsville, Maryland, 20708


U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
BARC-West, Bldg 007, Rm 104
Beltsville, Maryland, 20708
Tel:  301-504-7490
FAX:  301-504-8931

Date of Production:


Lineage & Contacts:

    1. Data Production:

    2. C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls
      Agricultural Research Service
      U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
      BARC-West, Bldg 007, Rm 104
      Beltsville, Maryland, 20708
    3. Data Integration:

    4. John J. Kineman and Joshua Klaus
      NOAA National Geophysical Data Center
      325 S. Broadway, E/GC1
      Boulder, CO 80303 USA
      fax: (303) 497-6513

Dataset Description


Dataset Description


Reynolds, Jackson, and Rawls Estimated Available Water Content


Organic Matter


Percentage of soil organic matter (carbon) at two depths: 1) 0 - 30 cm and 2) 30 - 100 cm depth.


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



 System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  om_sub1.doc
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  orgmater.csv
Color Palette  ars100.smp





Porosity of the soil measured as a percentage.


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  por_sub1.doc
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  porosity.csv
Color Palette  ars100.smp






Soil classifications from two sources.  The first is from FAO and divides soil into three classes:  coarse, medium and fine.  The second data classification is from the USDA and divides the soil into 13 categories:  sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, silt loam, silt, loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, clay and salt flats.


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  fao_txs1.doc
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  dtex_sub.csv
Color Palette  faotex.smp



  Water Holding Capacity



Amount of water that the soil can hold, measured in mm, at two depths of soil.


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  smaxfao1.doc
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  saxt_AWC.csv
Color Palette  whc.smp



Fraction of Silt



Percentage of Silt at two different layers (0-30 cm) (30-100 cm)


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  silt_sb1.doc
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  silt.csv
Color Palette 



  Fraction of Sand



Percentage of Sand in soil at two different layers (0-30 cm) (30-100 cm)


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  sand_sb1.doc
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  sand.csv
Color Palette 




  Fraction of Clay



Percentage of Clay in soil at (0-30 cm) (30-100 cm)


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  clay_sb1.doc
Raster Series
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  clay.csv
Color Palette 




Bulk Density



Overall Density of soil at two levels (0-30cm and 30-100cm)


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  bd_sub1.doc
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  bd.csv
Color Palette 




Coarse Fragments



Percent of Coarse Fragments per soil unit.


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  frag1.doc frag1.img
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table  coarsefrg.csv
Color Palette 




Landscape Classes



Landscape classifications where no quantitative soil data exists. (i.e. salt (113), inland water (114), rock debris (115), glaciers (116), shifting dunes (117) )  These landscape types are collectively coded as "no data" in the quantitative maps.


Vector polygon file in a Geodetic (latitude/longitude) reference system: 1 degree resolution
Raster data file: 1-degree Cartesian Geodetic (latitude/longitude) 4320x2160 grid



System Files:

File type Metadata Data
Raster grid  landclss.doc landclss.img
Raster Series 
Vector Point 
Vector Line
Vector Polygon 
Attribute Table 
Color Palette  landclss.smp



Reynolds, Jackson, and Rawls Estimated Available Water Content


Estimating Soil Water-Holding Capacities by Linking the FAO Soil Map of the World with Global Pedon Databases and Continuous Pedo-transfer Functions

Technical Report

Estimating Soil Water-Holding Capacities by Linking the FAO Soil Map of the World with Global Pedon Databases and Continuous Pedo-transfer Functions

C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls

Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
BARC-West, Bldg 007, Rm 104
Beltsville, Maryland, 20708
Tel:  301-504-7490
FAX:  301-504-8931

When using a spatial database provided on this CD-ROM, please refer to the following citation:

C.A. Reynolds, T. J. Jackson, and W.J. Rawls. 1999. Estimating Available Water Content by
Linking the FAO Soil Map of the World with Global Soil Profile Databases and Pedo-
transfer Functions. Proceedings of the AGU 1999 Spring Conference, Boston, MA.  May
31-June 4, 1999.

Distribution Liability:

This CD-ROM was prepared by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United
States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or misuse of the data, or for damage, transmission of viruses or computer contamination through the distribution of these data sets or for the usefulness of any information,
apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. Any views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

 File Formats:

The spatial soil database is provided in two file formats: IDRISI and ARCVIEW.
These files can be easily exported into other common GIS software packages.

Important geographical information is provided in the IDRISI documentation (*.doc) files:
file title  : varies
data type   : byte or real
file type   : binary
columns     : 4320
rows        : 2160
ref. system : latlong
ref. units  : deg
unit dist.  : 1
min. X      : -180
max. X      : 180
min. Y      : -90
max. Y      : 90
pos'n error : unknown
resolution  : 8.333334E-02
legend cats : varies

IDRISI or ARCVIEW software is not included with this CD-ROM, but IDRISI software is available from and ARCVIEW software from

IDRISI is developed, distributed, and supported by the Clark Labs at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. The Clark Labs (formerly The IDRISI Project) is a non-profit educational and research institution.

IDRISI is a user-friendly Geographic Information System (GIS), intended to be affordable to all levels of users, and runs on IBM-PC compatible platforms (DOS, Windows 3x, 95, and NT).  No expensive graphics cards or peripheral devices are required to make full use of the analytical power of the software. IDRISI provides a wide spectrum of raster functionality such as database query, spatial modeling, and image enhancement and classification. Version 3 of IDRISI for Windows is a 32-bit application that is currently under development and planned for release in 1999.

ARC/INFO and ARCVIEW software is developed, distributed, and supported by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Inc. at Redlands, CA. ARC/INFO or the Spatial Analyst extension for ARCVIEW is required to display the ARCVIEW_GRID images.


    Spatial soil water-holding capacities were estimated for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) digital Soil Map of the World (SMW) by employing continuous pedo-transfer functions (PTF) within global pedon databases and linking these results to the SMW.  The procedure first estimated representative soil properties for the FAO soil units by statistical analyses and taxo-transfer depth algorithms (FAO, 1996].  The representative soil properties estimated for two-layers of depths (0-30 and 30-100 cm) included: particle-size distribution; dominant soil texture; organic carbon content; coarse fragments; bulk density, and porosity. After representative soil properties for the FAO soil units were estimated, these values were substituted into three different pedo-transfer functions (PTF) models by Rawls, et al [1982], Saxton, et al [1986], and Batjes [1996]. The Saxton PTF model was finally selected to calculate available water content because it only required particle-size distribution data and results closely agreed with the Rawls and Batjes PTF models that used both particle-size distribution and organic matter data. Soil water-holding capacities were then estimated by multiplying the available water content by the soil layer thickness and integrating over an effective crop root depth of one meter or less (i.e., encountered shallow impermeable layers).  All soil property images are available on a CD-ROM for easy introduction into spatial water balance models.  These raster images have the same 5-minute spatial resolution of the original SMW to preserve the integrity of the original data.


    Spatial hydrologic models that calculate water balances, simulate climate, or estimate crop growth require available water-holding capacity information. However, many digital soil databases do not provide soil hydraulic information because soil hydraulic data are often missing from soil profile databases or it is not physically possible to obtain sufficient numbers of direct measurements across a watershed to adequately reflect the spatial heterogeneity of soils. Due to lack of soil hydraulic data, the simplest water balance models assume water-holding capacities are spatially invariant, while more complex models estimate the spatial variability of soils by linking soil survey maps with representative soil profiles.
    One indirect method to predict water retention properties from physical soil data is to utilize pedo-transfer functions (PTF). PTF models are typically regression equations derived from large soil profile data sets that show high levels of statistical confidence between two or more soil parameters. PTF models that predict available water content are classically derived from particle-size distribution, organic matter content, or bulk density data because these soil properties have a dominant role in determining water-holding characteristics of soils. The statistical nature of PTF models implies they should be derived from large profile data sets with a diverse selection of soils so that they are adaptable in other settings. PTF models are particularly useful when linking different national pedon databases together because soil texture data is routinely available from soil surveys and they are less expensive and time-consuming to obtain than determining hydraulic properties by direct methods [Rawls, et al, 1992, and Tietje and Tapkenhinrichs, 1993].  In addition, the accuracy of PTF models are typically suitable when working at scales of 1:50,000 or smaller [Wösten and van Genucthen, 1988].
    PTF models may be further divided into class and continuous PTF sub-divisions. A class PTF predicts the hydraulic characteristics by using soil texture classes while a continuous PTF predicts the hydraulic characteristics using the actual measured percentages of clay, sand and silt.  Generally speaking, a class PTF is easier to use, but its accuracy is limited because the approach provides one average hydraulic characteristic for each textural class.  In contrast, a continuous PTF requires the exact textural composition of a soil, but has the positive effect that the predicted hydraulic characteristics are likely to be more accurate than class PTF estimates. [Wösten, et al, 1995].
    The main objective of this study was to estimate the water holding capacities of the FAO soil units by linking the Soil Map of the World (SMW) with continuous PTF functions. Three different PTF equations developed by Rawls, et al, [1982], Saxton, et al, [1986], and Batjes [1996a] were compared with each other and the Saxton PTF model was finally selected to estimate available water-holding capacity from the SMW. The Rawls and Saxton PTF models, were derived from over 1300 soil profiles extracted from North American soils, and were chosen for this study because these models are versatile and require few parameters [Kern, 1995 and Tietje and Tapkenhinrichs,1993].  The Batjes model was compared to these models because it was derived from a large global soil profile data set with soil profiles extracted from several continents.  In addition, all three of the PTF models were selected because they can estimate field capacity and permanent wilting point values with different matric potential limits such as field capacities defined at –1/20, –1/10, and –1/3 bars.


    Soil units are the most basic unit of the Soil Map of World (SMW) legend which is based on the FAO soil classification system [FAO-UNESCO, 1974]. Soil units are distinguished from one another by diagnostic profile horizons having similar soil properties that evolved from comparable pedo-genetic processes and climates. One to eight soil units comprise a mapping unit, with the SMW containing nearly 5000 mapping units and a total of 106 soil units under 26 major headings.  The SMW demarcates the boundaries of the mapping units, but soil properties and depth are only indirectly related to soil units.
    The FAO [1996] and Batjes [1997] made great efforts to relate the FAO soil units to physical soil characteristics by statistically analyzing global pedon databases to estimate soil texture, bulk density, and organic matter content. The FAO [1996] and Batjes [1996a] also developed empirical taxo-transfer rules (TTR) to estimate available water content and depth, where the sub-strata was inferred by classification names [FAO, 1996] or no effort was made to differentiate the top- and sub-strata [Batjes, 1996a].
This study follows many of the same procedures as described by the FAO [1996] and Batjes [1997 and 1996a] for deriving representative profile and depth properties for the FAO soil units.  However, the methodology differs from previous approaches by estimating available water content from continuous PTF models for both the top (0-30 cm) and sub strata (30-100cm) of the soil units.  The advantage of this approach, in contrast to TTR models, is representative texture data is derived from statistical analysis [FAO, 1996] for two layers of depth and PTF models can more easily be utilized for developing spatial water-holding capacity images from other digital databases.  In addition, all digital images for this study have 5-minute spatial resolution to preserve the spatial integrity of the SMW, which differs from the ½-degree images developed by Batjes [1997]. Finally, the TTR step of reclassifying available water into generalized classes was eliminated [FAO, 1996, and Batjes, 1996a, and 1997], so that the final images can be easily introduced into spatial water-balance models or compared with the State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database of the United States [Reynolds and Jackson, 1999]. These retained numerical values do not imply improved accuracy, but were kept for spatial modeling purposes.

The general procedure used to develop the spatial soil property images and a global water-holding capacity image is illustrated in Figure 1 and summarized as follows:
    1. Estimate representative soil properties (0-30 cm and 30-100 cm depths) for each FAO soil unit by statistical analysis of two global pedon databases [FAO, 1996].
    2. Estimate available water content for the FAO soil units by substituting representative soil texture and organic matter data into pedo-transfer functions (PTF).
        a. Rawls, et al [1982] and Batjes, et al [1996] PTF models utilized both soil texture and organic matter.
        b. Saxton, et al [1986] model utilized only soil texture data.
    3. Estimate soil depth from taxo-transfer depth algorithms [FAO, 1996] and estimate water-holding capacities by multiplying available water content, rock fragment content, and depth.
    4. Link generalized soil properties for each FAO soil unit to the digital SMW with area composition rules [FAO, 1978] and weighted-area average formula.
Each of the above steps is described in detail by the following sub-sections.

 2.1 Digital Soil Databases

2.1a. FAO Soil Map of the World

    The FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World (SMW) at 1:5 M scale is undoubtedly the most comprehensive soil map with global coverage [Sombroek, 1989, and Nachtergaele, 1996]. Development of the SMW was initiated in 1961, with the first hardcopy map published in 1971 and the last map of the 10 volume series completed in 1981 [FAO-UNESCO, 1971-1981].
The SMW was compiled from over 600 national soil maps and over 11,000 ancillary maps, from which most of the source soil maps and profiles were provided by national soil organizations.  Many of these source maps varied widely in reliability, scales, and methodologies. As a method to record the final reliability of SMW for each continent, the source maps were ranked according to the level of soil survey in terms of systematic, reconnaissance, and general information surveys.  Based on these rankings, it appears only one fifth of the worlds soil had been surveyed [Zobler, 1986].
    The original SMW has nearly 5000 mapping units, and the component soils of the mapping units are described on the original map sheets. Defining boundaries of the mapping units entailed large amounts of interpretation because economic limitations prevent a one-to-one ratio of profile descriptions to component soil units. Gaps of missing data were interpolated from ancillary sources such as aerial photos, remote sensing images, climate, topography, geology, and vegetation maps.
    When a mapping unit is not homogenous, the component soil units are identified as one of the following types: dominant (covering most of the mapping unit), associated (at least 20 percent of the mapping unit area), or inclusion soils (less than 20 percent of the mapping unit area). The exact area and distribution of the soil units within in a mapping unit are not known, but soil unit area distribution can be estimated from area composition rules that consider the number of soil units per mapping unit [FAO, 1978]. Mapping units are classified into three slope classes defined as flat (0-8%), mild (8-30%), and steep (>30%).
Soil units are further divided into three textural classes of coarse, medium, and fine which are defined by their relative proportions of clay (less than 2 ?m), silt (2-50 ?m), and sand (50-2000 ?m) content. Miscellaneous soil units may also be classified as glacial, salt flats, dunes or shifting sands, rock debris or desert detritus, or no data.  The dominant soil unit may also be classified into one of twelve phases, where soil phases are not diagnostic for the separation of soil unit characteristics but have significant impacts on land management uses.  The twelve soil phases are stony, lithic, petric, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, petroferric, phreatic, fragipan, duripan, saline, sodic, and cerrado.  Major climate variants, such as permafrost and intermediate permafrost, were also denoted on the mapping units.
    In 1984, Environmental Systems Resources Institute [ESRI, 1984] digitized the original SMW in vector form which had a bipolar conic conformal projection for the western hemisphere and the Miller oblated stereographic projection for the eastern hemisphere. The Global Resources Information Database (GRID) project of the United Nations Environmental Programme [UNEP/GRID, 1984] later re-projected the maps for both hemispheres to a plate carree projection, and converted the SMW from a vector format to a raster grid. The digital SMW provided the number of soil units comprising each mapping unit and representative soil profiles for the FAO soil units were provided by the FAO-UNESCO [1971-1981]. When converting the SMW to digital form, UNEP/GRID [1984] noted that some FAO soil units were not differentiated into textural groups, and several mapping units were listed as one of the 26 general soil groups instead of being listed as one of the more detailed 106 soil units.  These classification oversights make it a great challenge to infer representative soil properties from such broad and generalized categories.

2.1b. Global Pedon Databases

    During the late 1980s and early 1990s, several researchers derived spatial soil properties by linking the UNEP/GRID digital SMW to published profile descriptions from the FAO-UNESCO [1971-1981]. The linking process involved grouping the profile descriptions, or pedons, into FAO soil units and determining representative properties of these units at different depths. Most of these early attempts to derive spatial soil properties were intended as inputs for climate models, which degraded the original 5-minute resolution of the SMW to 1-degree [Zobler, 1986, Webb, et al, 1991 and 1993, Wilson and Henderson-Sellers, 1985, Sellers, et al, 1995] and ½-degree grids [Batjes, 1996b, and Dunne and Willmott, 1996].
    The FAO-UNESCO [1974] classification system also forced researchers to devise a crude method for estimating additional soil texture groups from the three broad FAO textural classes and to derive representative soil properties of the FAO soil units from the original and limited FAO-UNESCO [1971-1981] pedon database. These limitations and errors were then spatially propagated when extrapolating representative profile descriptions to generalized soil mapping units.
    In recent years, global profile data sets have been improved with the FAO-Soil Database System (SDB) containing over 1700 soil profiles and the World Inventory of Soil Emission Potentials (WISE) database of International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) holding over 4000 profiles [FAO, 1996, and Batjes, et al, 1997]. The FAO-SDB is regarded as an improvement to the original FAO-UNESCO [1971-1981] data set, while the WISE profile database is regarded as the most complete global data set currently available.  The soil profiles of the WISE data set were contributed from national soil survey organizations, ISRIC’s-Soil Information System (ISIS), FAO’s-SDB, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) profile data set.

2.2 Estimate Representative Soil Properties from Global Pedon Databases

    This study followed the same procedures as described by FAO [1996] and Batjes [1996a and 1997] to infer representative physical soil properties for each soil unit by statistical analysis. These data sets were processed by removing outliers and by standardizing horizon depths into two layers (0-30 and 30-100 cm).  The profiles were then separated into FAO soil units and divided into profiles containing four soil textural classes (coarse, medium, fine, and undifferentiated), totaling over 400 functional soil unit categories (106 soil units multiplied by 4 textural classes). Statistical averages and medians for each FAO soil unit were then determined to develop representative soil properties. Statistical medians, instead of averages, were used for the WISE data set to reduce the effect of outliers. For those soil unit categories with less than five samples, expert opinion was consulted to estimate reasonable values.
    Statistical averages from the FAO-SDB data set were used for determining representative organic carbon, bulk density, and porosity, where organic carbon data was measured by the Walkley-Black method, and bulk density (?b) was measured according to the core-method [FAO, 1996]. Porosity (N) data was derived from bulk density by the following equation, N  = 1 – ?b /?s, where particle density (?s) was assumed as 2.65 gm/cm3.
    Data for estimating the particle-size distribution were obtained from the complete WISE database of over 4000 soil profiles which is currently being reviewed and modified by expert opinion [IIASA, et al, 1998]. However, the database file listed the statistical median sand/clay/silt content for each FAO soil unit according to its respective textural class of coarse, medium, fine, or undifferentiated. The percent sand/clay/silt combinations were modified by proportionally adjusting the sand/clay/silt fractions to 100, and replacing missing data (less than five samples) by estimates from the FAO-SDB data set. The WISE and FAO-SDB data sets often did not have undifferentiated data for the soil groups, and these categories were approximated by substituting textural data for soil units with the same textural occurrence [refer to Table 4 from Batjes, et al, 1997].
    A summary of the source files utilized to derive the final two-layered representative soil unit properties is listed in Table 1. The WISE median texture file [texture1.xls file from Table 1] is available on the CD-ROM and the other files listed in Table 1 are available from the FAO [1996] CD-ROM.

2.3 Estimate Available Water Content with Pedo-transfer Functions

    Plant-available water-holding capacity information is important data for studying the response of vegetation and hydrologic     systems, where plant-available water content is defined as the difference of soil moisture content between field capacity (?f) and permanent wilting point (?w).  Field capacity and permanent wilting point are concepts that define the upper and lower limits of soil-water available for plant consumption.  Neither field capacity of permanent wilting point is a sharply defined quantity because they are related to many factors such as soil profile characteristics, soil depth, crop type, plant growth stage, and climate.
Field capacity is defined as the soil moisture content after a soil has been thoroughly wetted to saturation and allowed to drain for 2-3 days [Soil Survey Division Staff, 1993]. This definition makes the field capacity concept more applicable to coarse-textured soils rather than to fine-textured soils, because the rate of drainage is faster for coarse-soils due to larger pores, whereas fine-textured soils may drain for weeks or months after wetting due to smaller pore sizes and stronger matric potentials. Due to these discrepancies, field capacity is frequently defined as the soil water content corresponding to measured soil matric potentials, with the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States accepting different values of –1/20, -1/10, and
 –1/3 bar, respectively.
Permanent wilting point is defined as the soil moisture content below which plants wilt during the day and cannot recover overnight. Early experiments with sunflowers found the permanent wilting point for a wide range of soils closely correlated with a soil pressure potential of –15 bars.  The –15 bars value is now commonly used to estimate permanent wilting point, but many drought-tolerant crops, such as wheat have the ability to survive and extract water at levels well below this value.
In view of the definition limitations associated with field capacity and permanent wilting point concepts, soil physicists tend to agree on the lower limit of -15 bars for permanent wilting point, but disagree on the soil matric potential for determining field capacity. For this study, USDA standards of -1/3 and -15 bars were assumed as the respective upper and lower limits for available water content [Soil Survey Division Staff, 1993].  However, all three PTF models used in this study can easily estimate available water content for field capacity limits defined at -1/10 or –1/20 bars.
Rawls, et al, [1982] developed multiple linear regression equations to estimate upper and lower available water limits by setting particle-size distribution and organic matter as the independent variables. Kern [1995] demonstrated that the Rawls equations, derived from more than 5300 horizons from 32 states, apply for a diverse range of soils, unlike other PTF equations derived from limited soil profile databases.  The Rawls’ PTF regression equations estimate the Brooks-Corey soil water retention parameters:
?f = 0.2576 - 0.0020Psand  +  0.0336 Pclay + 0.0299Pom  (1)
?w = 0.026 + 0.0050Pclay + 0.0158Pom     (2)

where, ?f is field capacity (percent volume) approximated by water retention at -1/3 bar, ?w is the permanent wilting point (percent volume) approximated by water retention at
-15 bars, and Psand, Pclay, and Pom are percentages of clay, sand, and organic matter, respectively. Available water content, ??, is the absolute difference between ?f and ?w.
Saxton, et al, [1986] later modified Rawls’ equations by eliminating the organic matter term because the absolute difference of ?f and ?w is relatively small for different concentrations of organic matter, as both ?f and ?w change at relatively the same rate [Kern, 1995].  The Saxton model is:
? = (?/A)1/B       (3)

where, ? = soil-water content, percent volume
A= 100.0 exp[-4.396 - 0.0715(Pclay) - 0.0004880(Psand)2 - 0.00004285(Psand)2Pclay]
 B= -3.140 - 0.00222(Pclay)2 - 0.00003484(Psand)2 (Pclay)
 ?= water potential between 1500 and 10 kPa, or ?f =33 kPa and ?w =1500 kPa
Psand and Pclay = percentages of sand and clay, respectively

Both the Saxton and Rawls models are valid for sand and clay percentages greater than 5 percent and clay content less than 60 percent.
Batjes, et al, [1996a] also developed step-wise multiple linear regression equations by using measured available water data from the WISE database having approximately 3000 soil profiles and over 15,000 horizons worldwide.  The Batjes equations are:
?f  = 0.3624Pclay + 0.11705Psand + 1.6054Pom     (4)
?w = 0.4600Pclay + 0.3045Psand + 2.0703Pom     (5)

where, Psand, Pclay, and Pom are percentages of clay, sand, and organic matter, respectively.  The Batjes model is valid for percentages of sand, clay and silt greater than 5 percent.

2.4 Estimate Depth and Calculate Water-holding Capacity for each FAO Soil Unit

Water-holding capacity is a function of the available water content, rock fragment content (>2 mm), and soil depth. Soils with abundant rock fragments reduce water-holding capacities and increases infiltration rates, and accordingly water-holding capacities are commonly adjusted by a rock fragment factor.  Unfortunately, the SMW does not contain any explicit information of coarse fragments and soil depth, but coarse fragments were estimated from the WISE data set [Batjes, 1997] and depth was inferred from the FAO [1996] depth algorithm based upon taxonomic classification, phase, and slope.
The percent of coarse fragments per soil unit were statistically determined from the WISE profile data set by Batjes [1997] who grouped each soil unit into four general coarse fragment classes (0-5%, 6-15%, 16-40%, and greater than 40%).  Values of 5, 15, 40, and 50 percent were thus assumed for each respective coarse fragment class. The FAO [1996] depth algorithm is based on taxo-transfer rules which utilize classification name, soil phase of the dominant unit, slope class, and relative soil unit area covered per mapping unit. For example, the algorithm reduces soil depth for soils located on steep slopes and for soils having Lithic, Petrocalcic, Petrogypsic, Petroferric or Duripan phases. This study modified the FAO [1996] depth algorithms slightly by assuming the maximum soil unit thickness was 250 cm or less in order to produce depth images of 8-bits instead of 16-bit images.  Water-holding capacities were also calculated for an effective root zone of one-meter or less (i.e., encountered shallow impermeable layer) because one meter is the effective rooting depth commonly assumed for most crops.
In summary, the source files listed in Table 2 were used to estimate soil water-holding capacities for each functional FAO soil unit category. The files last three files listed in Table 2 are available on this CD-ROM and the other files are available from the FAO [1996] CD-ROM.

2.4  Link Generalized Profile Descriptions to the SMW

The generalized soil properties for each soil unit were linked to the digital SMW by mapping unit codes.  This procedure first joined two tables together, where the source table is the representative soil properties for each soil unit (su_summ.txt from Table 2) and the destination table is the soil unit percent area covered within each mapping unit (world764.dat from Table 2). The average soil property per mapping unit was then estimated by a weighted-area average formula,
    Xmu = ?i=1 Ai * Xi      (6)
where i is the soil unit within the mapping unit, A is percent area covered by the soil unit per mapping unit (World764.dat file from Table 2), and Xmu is the average soil property value of the mapping unit.
Calculations for total available water content (TAWC) are related to depth and coarse fragments as:
TAWC = (1-fc)*[AWCts * d0-30  +d30-100AWCss]    (7)
where fc is percent of coarse fragments, AWCts and AWCss are the available water content for the topsoil and subsoil layers, respectively, and d is the depth from 0-30 and 30-100 cm.  Results from equation (7) for each soil unit were then linked to the binary SMW image [worldbin.img file from Table 2] to generate the water-holding capacity image. In addition, the final soil property tables, images, and metadata files from equation (6) are stored under the respective soil property directory on the CD-ROM.


The scatter diagrams shown in Figures 2-4 compare available water content for each FAO soil unit estimated by the Rawls, Saxton, and Batjes PTF models.  Figures 2 and 3 indicate the Batjes model agrees with the other two models, even though the Rawls and Saxton models were derived from only North American soils and Batjes model was derived from a worldwide distribution of soils. Surprisingly, the Rawls and Saxton models in Figure 3, have the greatest disagreement even though they were derived from similar profile databases.
Figures 3 and 4 indicate the Saxton model differs for sandy soils with low water-holding capacities when compared to the other models, but an advantage of the Saxton model is organic matter data is not required unlike the Rawls and Batjes models. The Saxton model was therefore chosen for calculating available water because it agreed with both models and did not require organic matter data, a parameter regarded as having high variability and uncertainty within most soil profile databases.
It should be noted that Histosols, Ferralsols, Andosols, and Vertisols have unique soil properties, which may prevent accurate estimates of available water from PTF models.  Histosols contain large amounts of organic matter and are typically excluded from the derivation of the PTF equations.  Accordingly, Histosols were barred from PTF calculations and assigned an alternative water-holding capacity value of 249 mm/m for the production of 8-bit images (i.e., values 250-254 assigned classes of sand dunes, glaciers, rock debris, and inland water, respectively).
Ferrasols tend to have water-holding capacities of 80-90 mm/m [FAO, 1996 and Batjes, 1996a] which is lower than indicated by their soil texture.  All three PTF equations indeed over-estimated their storage capacity by an average of 10-20 mm/m.  Andosols are developed in volcanic ash tuff and have water-holding capacities of approximately 190-200 mm/m [FAO, 1996 and Batjes, 1996a], which tends to be higher than indicated by their soil texture.  All three PTF equations in this study underestimated the storage capacity for Andosols by approximately 40 mm/m.  Vertisols are fine-textured cracking clay soils dominated by montmorillonitic and smectite clays, which swell when wet and crack when dry. High clay contents make it difficult to wet and dry vertisols entirely, which leads to water storage capacities higher than indicated by their soil texture.  However, all three PTF equations did not seem to under-estimate their water content and instead closely agreed with published values of 130-135 mm/m [FAO, 1996 and Batjes, 1996a].
The water-holding capacities for each mapping unit as calculated by the Saxton model were compared to the water-holding capacities calculated by the FAO [1996] taxo-transfer rule (TTR) model. The FAO-TTR model used qualitative descriptions of the FAO soil units to quantitatively estimate available water content and depth for each mapping unit [results listed in the smax1.asc file from FAO, 1996]. For this study, the water-holding capacities from the FAO-TTR model were estimated by assuming values of 20, 40, 80, 125, 175, and 200 mm/m for the six FAO categories.
Figure 5 is the scatter diagram that compares the WHC estimates from the Saxton PTF and FAO TTR models. The higher WHC values from the FAO TTR model are due to the TTR model defining field capacity value at –1/20 bar, instead of –1/3 bar as defined by the Saxton model, and no provision for a coarse fragment reduction factor. In addition, the FAO-TTR model assumed histosols, fluvisols, and gleysols were wetlands with no water-holding capacities, and these are the values plotted along the abscissa axis in Figure 5.
 The WHC capacity images generated by the FAO-TTR and Saxton models were also compared to readily available water-holding capacity data from the Crop Production System Zone (CPSZ) project [van Velthuizen, et al, 1995 and FAO, 1998a]. The CPSZ data set divides northeastern Africa into more than 1000 CPSZ zones and estimated the average readily available water-holding capacity for each CPSZ zone. The vector file defining CPSZ units was placed over the WHC images developed from the FAO-TTR and Saxton PTF models, and average WHC data were extracted for each CPSZ unit.
 Figures 6 and 7 are scatter diagrams that compare the average WHC estimates extracted by CPSZ unit from the FAO-TTR and Saxton models to the WHC estimates from the CPSZ database. These figures indicate that both the FAO-TTR and Saxton PTF models estimated larger water-holding capacities than the CPSZ database, because the field capacity and permanent wilting points for the CPSZ database were defined differently.  In addition, the scatter is less in Figure 6 than in Figure 7 which indicates the WHC estimates from Saxton PTF model more closely agree with the CPSZ database than with the FAO-TTR model.
 In summary, Figures 5 and 6 indicate that the WHC image developed from the Saxton PTF model agreed with both WHC databases developed by the FAO [1996] and van Velthuizen, et al, [1995], respectively.  In addition, the WHC image developed from the Saxton PTF model agreed with the State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) at a 1:1 M scale [Reynolds and Jackson, 1999].  These results demonstrate that continuous PTF models have the same ability as TTR models to estimate water-holding capacities for the SMW.


Developing the SMW and compiling the global profile databases was an enormous task involving many national and international organizations, and these databases change constantly as more soil information is collected and digital storage capabilities improve. Two current international cooperative projects are designed specifically to update the SMW and global pedon databases; the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme- Data Information System (IGBP-DIS) and the Soil and Terrain (SOTER).   The IGBP-DIS project aims to aid global modelers by expanding the existing profile attribute information and thereby improve the statistical median estimates of soil properties.  Additional taxo-transfer and pedo-transfer functions are also being developed and tested for inferring auxiliary soil properties such soil organic carbon, soil nitrogen, water-holding capacity, soil thermal properties, rooting depth, hydraulic conductance, and water regime [Scholes, et al., 1995].
ISRIC is currently implementing the SOTER project which intends to convert the different national taxonomy classifications to the revised FAO [1990] classification system and produce a digital SOTER product at a 1:5 M scale by the year 2002 [FAO, 1995, Natchergaele, 1996, and ISRIC, 1997]. Simultaneously, ISRIC is compiling national soil maps for developing a global SOTER product at 1:1 M scale, but this product will not be released until after the 1:5 M SOTER product is finished [ISRIC, 1997].
During the past two decades, many countries have compiled a new wealth of soil information, producing digital GIS maps with attribute tables at scales of 1:1 M and better. When modeling at the national or river basin level, most of these recent national databases are recommended over the SMW, because these finer resolution national databases are typically based on more recent information and utilized standard soil sampling and classification procedures.
Many digital soil databases with finer resolutions may not include soil hydraulic properties due to lack of data, difference in data collection procedures, or difference in soil hydraulic property definitions.  In these cases, employing PTF models as described can be useful for estimating soil water-holding capacities or other hydraulic properties. For example, the new release of the SOTER products for northeastern Africa at 1:1 M scale and Central and Southern America at 1:5 M scale include representative soil texture data [FAO, 1998a and 1998b], but do not include soil water-holding capacities or soil hydraulic properties data. However, introducing continuous PTF models into these digital products or other digital soil databases can easily assist hydrologic modelers in predicting missing soil hydraulic properties.


This study slightly modified the FAO [1996] method to calculate water holding-capacities for the FAO soil units by introducing continuous PTF models.  The spatial soil property modifications for the SMW included: using a larger global pedon database to statistically derive the representative particle-size distributions; modifying the FAO depth algorithm to calculate an assumed root depth of 1-meter or less; predicting available water content from the Saxton PTF model; and calculating the water-holding capacity by multiplying the available water content to the soil unit thickness for two-layers of depth.  The average soil property for each FAO mapping unit was then computed by a weighted-area average formula and spatially linked to the SMW.
Representative particle-size distribution data from the WISE pedon database were substituted into the three continuous PTF models developed by Rawls, et al, [1982], Saxton, et al, [1986], and Batjes [1996a] and their results compared with one another. All three PTF models closely agreed with each other, and they can easily estimate available water for field capacity limits defined at –1/3, -1/10, or –1/20 bars. The Saxton PTF model was finally selected for calculating available water-holding capacity between –1/3 and –15 bars, because it did not require organic matter content data and it agreed with the other two PTF models.
Available-water-holding capacity was then estimated for each FAO soil unit by multiplying available water content estimates from the Saxton PTF model, depth estimates from the FAO [1996] algorithm, and coarse fragment content estimates from Batjes [1997]. The final available water-holding capacity image was then compared to two other spatial WHC images by van Velthuizen, et al, [1995] and FAO [1996]. The results indicated that continuous PTF models are suitable for map scales of 1:5 M, but the method for determining representative soil unit properties from global pedon databases is the most critical input.
Compiling the SMW at a 1:5 M scale in the 1960s and 1970s was a prodigious international task due to the large volumes of data, different national soil classification systems, and inherent soil variability. Much of the SMW is considered inaccurate today because it was compiled from source maps of varied reliability; used an outdated classification system with three broad textural classes; and was based on limited soil profile information. These limitations were then propagated spatially when extrapolating soil property information from detailed profile descriptions to generalized soil mapping units.
Until more detailed global soil information becomes available, it is recommended that spatial models at the national or sub-national level should utilize national soil maps at 1:1 M scale or better, if available. These national digital soil databases, such as STATSGO, should be more accurate than the SMW because they are typically based on more recent and finer resolution data sets that were derived from updated soil sampling procedures and classification systems. However, the SMW linked to soil properties derived from global pedon databases is still recommended for spatial models at the global or continental scale model because of its comprehensive coverage.


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