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3.30.50  Performance Evaluation Reporting System (Cont. 1) 
Review Adjustment and Information Listings  (03-01-2008)
Current Grade to Prior Grade Transfer History Listing

  1. The Current Grade to Prior Grade Transfer History Listing, PCA-05-43, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–13) reflects those records which have been transferred from the Current Grade Cum File to the Prior Grade Cum File when an employee's grade is changed on the Employee Master File. This report reflects data from Current, 1st Prior, and 2nd Prior quarters amassed on file for selected Cum Job Records which are being transferred.  (03-01-2008)
Period Data Posting Error Register

  1. The Period Data Posting Error Register, PCA–05–45, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–14) displays records which did not post to the Current Grade Cum File. Accompanying each item is a specific message explaining why the record did not post. Error conditions displayed are:

    • Working Employee Without SSN Matched Time Detail Job Record (DJR) and Cum Record: Master Record Bypassed

    • Working Employee With SSN Matched Cum Record But Without Time DJR

    • Hours Posting Would Result in Negative Amount in Current Quarter: Valid Fields Posted

    • Attempt to Post Period Data to Non-working Employee  (03-01-2008)
Individual Performance History Adjustment Report

  1. The Individual Performance History Adjustment Report, PCA–05–46, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–15) displays an audit trail of all actions taken to modify data on the Current Grade Cum File and Prior Grade Cum File.

  2. This report is in two sections: one for current grade adjustments and one for prior grade adjustments. This report displays message codes (MS CD) and also a message which identifies the disposition of the attempted adjustment:

    • MS CD 1 Cum File Record Added

    • MS CD 2 Cum File Record Deleted

    • MS CD 3 Cum File Record Adjusted

    • MS CD 4 Error—No Action Taken

  3. The report shows each adjustment that was input into the system, and whether or not it was accepted. When an adjustment is not accepted, an error code prints to identify the invalid condition. This code will appear in the column headed ERR CD on the Individual Performance History Adjustment Report.

    1. Error codes and the invalid conditions which they identify on the Current Grade Cum File are as follows:

      C An adjustment record with an adjustment code of 2, or B matches an existing Cum Job Record.
      G Invalid adjustment code combination (see or more than *two types of adjustment records (current, and 1st prior quarters) for the same SSN, OFP, Grade Code, Measured Code, and Record Code.
      *We do not adjust 2nd prior quarters anymore. However, the PCA program will accept adjustments (J, K, L, M) for 2nd prior quarters.
      M Attempt to delete a Cum Job Record and post period data to that same record.
      N An adjustment record with an adjustment code other than 2, or B does not match a Cum Job Record.
      R No hours present on input when attempting to create a cum record; or either Hours, Volume, Documents in Error, or Documents Reviewed are negative.
      S An SSN on the DJR does not find a matching SSN on the Employee Master File.
      Adjustment would result in negative amount.

    2. Prior Grade adjustments are printed on the Adjustment Register after the Current Grade adjustments. Error codes on the Prior Grade Cum File and the invalid conditions which they identify are as follows:

      C An adjustment record with an adjustment code of 2, or B matches an existing Prior Grade Cum Job Record.
      G Invalid adjustment code combination (see IRM or more than *two types of adjustment records (current, and 1st prior quarters) for the same SSN, OFP, Grade Code, Measured Code, and Record Code.
      *We do not adjust 2nd prior quarters anymore. However, the PCA program will accept adjustments (J, K, L, M) for 2nd prior quarters .
      J An adjustment record with an incorrect grade.
      N An adjustment record with an adjustment code other than 2, or B that does not match a Prior Grade Cum Job Record.
      R No hours present on input when attempting to create a cum record, or either Hours, Volume, Documents in Error, or Documents Reviewed are negative.
      S An SSN on the DJR does not find a matching SSN on the Employee Master File.
      Adjustment would result in a negative amount.  (03-01-2008)
Cum Files Updates Controls Listing

  1. The Cum Files Updates Control Listing, PCA–05–47, (see IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–16) is a control recap summary reflecting all Adjustment Record actions attempted or taken with respect to updating the Current Grade Cum File and the Prior Grade Cum File, or both.  (03-01-2008)
Process Control Record

  1. The Process Control Record, PCA–03–31, (see IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–17) is used as a general control record for the system. It contains a variety of dates and processing parameters to dictate the selection of data and reports in the current processing cycle.

  2. The input of a Process Control record is mandatory during the initial input of Employee Time Records and Quality Assurance Records and optional in all other phases of the system. After a valid Process Control Record is posted to a file (one-record file), it may be updated via the input of another Process Control Record. However, if any field on the record is invalid when input, the particular run in process will abort.

  3. The element fields on the Process Control Record are:

    Process Control Record Layout

    Record Element Name Column Values
    Period-Ending-Id 1 W(weekly), Q(quarterly)
    Period-Ending-Date 2–9 Enter (MMDDYYYY) only for W cycle
    Week-Julian-Date 10–12 Enter (DDD) only if item 2 is entered
    Qtr-Ending-Date 13–20 Enter (MMDDYYYY) only for Q cycle
    Julian-Ending-Date 21–23 Enter (DDD) only if item 4 is entered
    Report-Period-Start-Date 24–31 Beginning date (MMDDYYYY) of a period (quarter) – must correspond to item 9
    Report-Period-Ending-Date 32–39 Ending date (MMDDYYYY) of an evaluation period (quarter)– must correspond to item 9
    Report-Cum-Ind 49 1–Current quarter only
    2–Current and first prior quarters  3–Current, first, and second prior quarters for use in Cum File Leveled Performance Report
    IPR-Cum-Ind 51 1–Current quarter only
    2–Current and first prior quarters  3–Current, first, and second prior quarters
    4–First and second prior quarters  5–First prior quarter only
    Peer-Group-Print-Ind 53 For use in all ISEP and FRISEP operation (no longer used)
    Print-Space-Code 55 *
    Evaluation-Print-Ind 57 *
    Br-Print-Ind 59 Print Operations level of Cum File Leveled Performance Report  * Do not print Operations Level of Cum Leveled Performance Report
    Sect-Print-Ind 60 Print Section level of Cum File Leveled Performance Report  * Do not print Section level of Cum File Leveled Performance Report
    Org-Print-Ind 61 Print Organization level of Cum File Leveled Performance Report  * Do not print Organization level of Cum File Leveled Performance Report
    Guidelines-Print-Ind 63 Print forced distribution guideline on IPRs  * Do not print forced distribution guideline
    IPR-Print-Ind 65 Print working employee's IPR  * Print working and furloughed employee's IPR


    Input of an asterisk in columns 55 and 57 is a matter of policy and a blank can not be used instead of an asterisk.

  4. If the last day of a quarterly reporting period is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, prepare only one Form 3081 for the week with a Period Ending Indicator of W, and indicate the appropriate Saturday date.

  5. When inputting the Period Ending Indicator W for Weekly reports or the Quarter Ending Indicator Q, make sure the Julian Date corresponds.

  6. The IPR Cum Indicator must be entered on the Process Control record to indicate the number of quarters to be printed on the cum line of the performance reports.

  7. The Process Control Record is also used in producing the Cum File Leveled Performance Report.

    • The Operations Print Indicator is used to indicate whether the Operations Level of the Cum File Leveled Performance Report should be printed.

    • The Report Cum Indicator code is used to distinguish which cum figures are to be printed on the Cum File Leveled Performance Report.

    • The Section Print Indicator is used to indicate if the Section level of the report should be printed.

    • The Organization Print Indicator is used to indicate if the Organization level of the report should be printed.  (03-01-2008)
Performance Reports

  1. This section provides information about the Performance Reports generated in PCA.  (03-01-2008)
SSN Selection Record

  1. The SSN Selection Record, PCA–07–32, identifies a specific SSN which is used for selecting all Cumulative Job Records (CJR's) which pertain to that specific SSN from a designated cum file (current or prior grade files). Additionally, the SSN Selection Record may be used to identify individual CJR's which may need to be adjusted. The related performance data identified by the SSN Selection Record is printed on the SSN Selection Data Listing (see IRM

  2. Coding the SSN Selection Record

    1. The SSN Selection Record may be used only when the cum file is in SSN sequence.

    2. Enter the SSN for each SSN desired on the SSN Selection Data Listing.

    3. Enter C for Current Grade Cum File or P for Prior Grade Cum File in cc 80.  (03-01-2008)
Cum File SSN Selection Error Register Report

  1. The Cum File SSN Selection Error Register Report, PCA–07–41, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–18) identifies SSN Selection Records which are either invalid or which are mismatched on SSN. The following error messages are generated:

    1. Invalid SSN And File Type

    2. Invalid SSN Data

    3. Invalid File Type Data

    4. SSN Mismatch With Cum File  (03-01-2008)
SSN Selection Data Listing

  1. The SSN Selection Data Listing, PCA–07–42, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–19) is an edited report which displays Cumulative Job Records designated by the SSN Selection Record. The listing is divided into Current Grade Cum File and Prior Grade Cum File Sections.  (03-01-2008)
Cum File Leveled Performance Report

  1. The Cum File Leveled Performance Report, PCA–07–43, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–20) summarizes performance data for selected Operations, Departments, and/or Organizations. To select which organization levels to print, use the Operations Section Selection Record (IRM An option to print or not print any of the three report levels is available by using the Process Control Record. (See IRM

  2. A new column has been added to the report titled "Measured Code" . The report now displays the data by measured or unmeasured. The codes are "1" for Measured Data and "2" for Unmeasured Data.  (03-01-2008)
Operations Section Selection Record

  1. The Operations Section Selection Record, PCA–07–33, is input manually and is used to select which Operations and/or Sections will appear on the PERS listings.

  2. A maximum of 22 combinations are permitted per record, with a maximum of two records per run. Thus a total of 44 combinations may be entered at one time. Combinations must be entered in ascending sequence.

  3. The use of the Operations Section Selection Record is mandatory (i.e., no default exists).

  4. Coding the Operations Section Selection Record—The record title is BR—SEC SELECT.

    1. Enter ALL if all operations are desired. The presence of ALL as the first entry suppresses any additional entries on that record.

    2. Enter the first two characters of the organization followed by a blank when specific operations are desired.

    3. Use the first three characters of the organization when specific departments are desired. Specific departments and specific operations may be requested on the same record.

    4. Enter all individual operation and department entries in ascending sequence.

    5. Enter C on the first record if a second record is being entered.

    6. Leave blank on the second of the two records, or on the first if no other record is entered.  (03-01-2008)
Individual Detail Summary Report

  1. The Individual Detail Summary Report, PCA–04–41, (IRM Exhibit 3.30.50–21) is sorted in two parts.

    1. The first sort is in Detail Operations Sequence and lists any employees from another operations area who showed time detailed on their Form 3081 to that organization.

    2. The second part is sorted in Assigned Organization Sequence and shows individuals assigned to an organization who indicated on their Form 3081 that they were detailed outside their operations.

    3. The report is weekly and does not show cum data.

  2. The report may be used as a research tool when determining staff hour usage for any given operations area (e.g., should the total hours on the WP&C reflect less/more total period hours than accounted for, check for employees either detailed in or out).  (03-01-2008)
Employee Time Report

  1. The new PCA 04 report, PCA-04-42, is the Employee Time Report. This report displays both hours and cost for the individual employees as the data is reported on his/her Form 3081.

Exhibit 3.30.50-1  (03-01-2008)
Wage Board Grade and Step Table

The Wage Board Grade and Step Table has been converted to correspond with the grade and step found on the GS Schedule Grade and Step. An employee's data for grade and step from the Wage Board will now be the same digit field that is found on the GS Salary Conversion Card (Exhibit 30(19)0-11). The first two digits denote the grade and the third digit indicates the step (i.e. WG1 step 1 converts to 201 and continues according to the following table).

Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step   Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step
WG 1 1 20 1   WG11 1 30 1
  2 20 2     2 30 2
  3 20 3     3 30 3
  4 20 4     4 30 4
  5 20 5     5 30 5
WG 2 1 21 1   WG 12 1 31 1
  2 21 2     2 31 2
  3 21 3     3 31 3
  4 21 4     4 31 4
  5 21 5     5 31 5
WG 3 1 22 1   WG 13 1 32 1
  2 22 2     2 32 2
  3 22 3     3 32 3
  4 22 4     4 32 4
  5 22 5     5 32 5
WG 4 1 23 1   WG 14 1 33 1
  2 23 2     2 33 2
  3 23 3     3 33 3
  4 23 4     4 33 4
  5 23 5     5 33 5
WG 5 1 24 1   WG 15 1 34 1
  2 24 2     2 34 2
  3 24 3     3 34 3
  4 24 4     4 34 4
  5 24 5     5 34 5
WG 6 1 25 1   WL 1 1 35 1
  2 25 2     2 35 2
  3 25 3     3 35 3
  4 25 4     4 35 4
  5 25 5     5 35 5
WG 7 1 26 1   WL 2 1 36 1
  2 26 2     2 36 2
  3 26 3     3 36 3
  4 26 4     4 36 4
  5 26 5     5 36 5
WG 8 1 27 1   WL 3 1 37 1
  2 27 2     2 37 2
  3 27 3     3 37 3
  4 27 4     4 37 4
  5 27 5     5 37 5
WG 9 1 28 1   WL 4 1 38 1
  2 28 2     2 38 2
  3 28 3     3 38 3
  4 28 4     4 38 4
  5 28 5     5 38 5
WG 10 1 29 1   WL 5 1 39 1
  2 29 2     2 39 2
  3 29 3     3 39 3
  4 29 4     4 39 4
  5 29 5     5 39 5
Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step   Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step
WL 6 1 40 1   WS 1 1 50 1
  2 40 2     2 50 2
  3 40 3     3 50 3
  4 40 4     4 50 4
  5 40 5     5 50 5
WL 7 1 41 1   WS 2 1 51 1
  2 41 2     2 51 2
  3 41 3     3 51 3
  4 41 4     4 51 4
  5 41 5     5 51 5
WL 8 1 42 1   WS 3 1 52 1
  2 42 2     2 52 2
  3 42 3     3 52 3
  4 42 4     4 52 4
  5 42 5     5 52 5
WL 9 1 43 1   WS 4 1 53 1
  2 43 2     2 53 2
  3 43 3     3 53 3
  4 43 4     4 53 4
  5 43 5     5 53 5
WL 10 1 44 1   WS 5 1 54 1
  2 44 2     2 54 2
  3 44 3     3 54 3
  4 44 4     4 54 4
  5 44 5     5 54 5
WL 11 1 45 1   WS 6 1 55 1
  2 45 2     2 55 2
  3 45 3     3 55 3
  4 45 4     4 55 4
  5 45 5     5 55 5
WL 12 1 46 1   WS 7 1 56 1
  2 46 2     2 56 2
  3 46 3     3 56 3
  4 46 4     4 56 4
  5 46 5     5 56 5
WL 13 1 47 1   WS 8 1 57 1
  2 47 2     2 57 2
  3 47 3     3 57 3
  4 47 4     4 57 4
  5 47 5     5 57 5
WL 14 1 48 1   WS 9 1 58 1
  2 48 2     2 58 2
  3 48 3     3 58 3
  4 48 4     4 58 4
  5 48 5     5 58 5
WL 15 1 49 1   WS 10 1 59 1
  2 49 2     2 59 2
  3 49 3     3 59 3
  4 49 4     4 59 4
  5 49 5     5 59 5
Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step   Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step
WS 11 1 60 1   WD 2 1 70 1
  2 60 2     2 70 2
  3 60 3     3 70 3
  4 60 4     4 70 4
  5 60 5     5 70 5
WS 12 1 61 1   WD 3 1 71 1
  2 61 2     2 71 2
  3 61 3     3 71 3
  4 61 4     4 71 4
  5 61 5     5 71 5
WS 13 1 62 1   WD 4 1 72 1
  2 62 2     2 72 2
  3 62 3     3 72 3
  4 62 4     4 72 4
  5 62 5     5 72 5
WS 14 1 63 1   WD 5 1 73 1
  2 63 2     2 73 2
  3 63 3     3 73 3
  4 63 4     4 73 4
  5 63 5     5 73 5
WS 15 1 64 1   WD 6 1 74 1
  2 64 2     2 74 2
  3 64 3     3 74 3
  4 64 4     4 74 4
  5 64 5     5 74 5
WS 16 1 65 1   WD 7 1 75 1
  2 65 2     2 75 2
  3 65 3     3 75 3
  4 65 4     4 75 4
  5 65 5     5 75 5
WS 17 1 66 1   WD 8 1 76 1
  2 66 2     2 76 2
  3 66 3     3 76 3
  4 66 4     4 76 4
  5 66 5     5 76 5
WS 18 1 67 1   WD 9 1 77 1
  2 67 2     2 77 2
  3 67 3     3 77 3
  4 67 4     4 77 4
  5 67 5     5 77 5
WS 19 1 68 1   WD 10 1 78 1
  2 68 2     2 78 2
  3 68 3     3 78 3
  4 68 4     4 78 4
  5 68 5     5 78 5
WD 1 1 69 1   WD 11 1 79 1
  2 69 2     2 79 2
  3 69 3     3 79 3
  4 69 4     4 79 4
  5 69 5     5 79 5
Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step   Wage Grade Step GS Grade GS Step
WN 1 1 80 1   WN 6 1 30 1
  2 80 2     2 30 2
  3 80 3     3 30 3
  4 80 4     4 30 4
  5 80 5     5 30 5
WN 2 1 81 1   WN 7 1 31 1
  2 81 2     2 31 2
  3 81 3     3 31 3
  4 81 4     4 31 4
  5 81 5     5 31 5
WN 3 1 82 1   WN 8 1 32 1
  2 82 2     2 32 2
  3 82 3     3 32 3
  4 82 4     4 32 4
  5 82 5     5 32 5
WN 4 1 83 1   WN 9 1 33 1
  2 83 2     2 33 2
  3 83 3     3 33 3
  4 83 4     4 33 4
  5 83 5     5 33 5
WN 5 1 84 1   Special Employee   89 0
  2 84 2          
  3 84 3          
  4 84 4          
  5 84 5          


Special Employment Categories are 000.

Exhibit 3.30.50-2  (03-01-2008)
Employee Master Adjustments and Analysis Report

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This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.30.50-3  (03-01-2008)
Employee Master Adjustments and Salary Updates Control Listing

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Exhibit 3.30.50-4  (03-01-2008)
Employee Master List Report

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Exhibit 3.30.50-5  (03-01-2008)
Employee Status List Report

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This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.30.50-6  (03-01-2008)
Missing Parent Functions

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This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.30.50-7  (03-01-2008)
OFP Consistency File Update: Part 1

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Exhibit 3.30.50-8  (03-01-2008)
OFP Consistency File Update: Part 2

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Exhibit 3.30.50-9  (03-01-2008)
OFP Consistency List

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This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.30.50-10  (03-01-2008)
Final Error Register Report(s)

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Exhibit 3.30.50-11  (03-01-2008)
Period Data and Cum File Adjustments Control Listing

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Exhibit 3.30.50-12  (03-01-2008)
Quality Review Error Register Report

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Exhibit 3.30.50-13  (03-01-2008)
Current Grade To Prior Grade Transfer History Listing

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Exhibit 3.30.50-14  (03-01-2008)
Period Data Posting Mismatch/Error Register

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Exhibit 3.30.50-15  (03-01-2008)
Individual Performance History Adjustment Report

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Exhibit 3.30.50-16  (03-01-2008)
Cum Files Updates Controls Listing

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Exhibit 3.30.50-17  (03-01-2008)
Process Control Record

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Exhibit 3.30.50-18  (03-01-2008)
Cum File SSN Selection Error Register Report

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Exhibit 3.30.50-19  (03-01-2008)
Cum File SSN Selection Edited Data Listing (Prior Grade Data Only)

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Exhibit 3.30.50-20  (03-01-2008)
Cum File Leveled Performance Report

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This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

Exhibit 3.30.50-21  (03-01-2008)
Individual Detail Summary Report

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