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ISIS Program Summary (VMS Version)

August 11, 1994

ADDSPEC Add a spectrum to a cube
ALARM Cube Alarming
ASC2TBL Translate TABLE from ASCII format to ISIS binary format
AUTOSTACK Automatically stack sections of a cube into a new output c
AV Average and Statistics
AVEROI Calculate average spectrum within a Region of Interest or Box
AVLOG87 Process 1987 AVIRIS tape formatted files into merged cube
AVLOG87A Process 1987 AVIRIS tape formatted files into merged cube
AVLOG89 Process 1989 AVIRIS tape formatted files into merged cube
AVLOG90 Process 1990 AVIRIS tape formatted files into merged cube
B1TOB2 Translate Build 1 cube file to Build 2 format
BANDMOVE Move core band or backplane of cube into another cube
BANDNULL Sets null values in bands specified in BANDS parameter
BANDTAB Create a TABLE file of BAND_BIN information from a cube file
BIN2STR Convert INTEGER and/or REAL values to strings
BMAP Band Depth Mapping
BOXFILTER Three dimension boxcar filter on cube data
BPREPORT Report backplane values with QL3 display
BSCAT Make scatter plot of one band in a cube against another
CBSCATROI Scatter plot of selected area of one band against another
CHISTROI Interactive display of Histogram
COREXTND Copy standard ISIS 3D cube extending core with empty bands
CUBE2ASCII Prints a 3-dimensional ISIS cube as an ascii file
CUBECOORD Extracts the backplane information at 1 single x-y point
CUBEDIV Divide each spatial plane by a given spatial plane
CUBEIT Convert 4D cube to 3D cube, optional reversal of mirror scans
CUBEPROF Extracts a profile at one band along a path in x-y plane
CUBERAD: Read NIMS DN cube, compute radiances and write radiance cube.
CUBEREV Reverse order of pixels in line and/or sample in each band
CUBESPEC Calculate average spectrum from disk cube file
CUBESTACK Stacks two input cube files in the LINE dimension
CUBESTRETCH Stretch pixel values in a cube file
CUBEZAP Interactively replace pixels in a standard ISIS cube
DARKGEN Create NIMS Dark Current file from XDR of Heaven Dark observ
DELABEL Remove PDS/ISIS label from cube file
DIDDLE View Pixel Values
DNCGEN Create DNC multi-comb DN tube from single-mode NIMS NCB nativ
EANORM Equal area normalization of each spectrum
EDRCHK Read and check NIMS EDR file, write report
EDRDMP Dump selected data and/or housekeeping from NIMS EDR or UDR
EXTRACT Extract a portion of a PDS-labeled cube
FFTCUBE Generates the Fourier Transform of a cube in band direction
GER2CUBE Read GER data from tape, calibrate and write to cube(s)
GERCALGER Polarity reversal, baseline subtraction, gyro correction
GETTIME Convert NATIVE_TIME backplane to floating point
GPXPIC Display image band from cube on VAXstation/GPX monitor
GRATEREG Resample NIMS cube to register all grating positions
GYROFILT Apply NOIS filter to GER GYRO data
HDRKEYS Set keywords in table file for spectrum header information
HISTGEN Compute spatial-spatial histograms and write to cube
HISTPIC Display 2D hist. from cube file on VAXstation/GPX monitor
HISTPLT One-dimensional histogram of an ISIS 3-dimensional cube
HISTPRT Print histogram information from HISTGEN cube
HPLOT Plot histogram data generated by HISTGEN
HSTRET Calculate stretch table from histograms of each band
IDECOR Compute decorrelation stretch of three bands
IRT Interactive display of RT plot (2D histogram)
IRTROI Interactive display of RT plot (2D histogram) for an ROI
ISISDOC Create formatted documentation of programs and procedures
ISISPLT Plot GKS metafile to selected device
ISL2TBL Extract spectrum from an ISL file, write it to a TABLE file
ISLIST List spectral header fields from ISL file
LHLIST List label and/or history of a QUBE or TABLE file
LINCONT Linear continuum removal of each spectrum
LINEARIZE Linearize NIMS thermal detector values.
MAKEISL Create an empty ISL library file
MPICS2CUBE Insert multiple PICS images into an ISIS cube
MSPLIT Create single-mode NIMS NCB native cube from XDR nit-cube
MULTCON Multiply a cube by a constant
NIMSBOOMSTEN Stencil boom obscuration in a NIMS "tube"
NIMSGEN Generate a Galileo NIMS tube and/or cube from EDRs.
NIMSGEOM Project NIMS data to map projection
NIMSGEOPLANE Create NIMS geom. backplanes for all grating positions
NIMSREPORT Report backplane values with QL3 display of a NIMS cube.
NIMSTPLANE Create x,y (map) backplanes for NIMS data for all grating
NOODLE Display a Magellan image noodle
OFFLIMB: Create NIMS Dark Current file from tube file of observation
OVTWIN Fill ROI overlay with "twins" of current spectrum
PARSE Perform math and other operations on and between cubes
PICS2CUBE Insert PICS image into a Build 2 ISIS cube
PIXOU Calculates the normalized quotient of two spatial images
PLOT Describes steps for the generation of a plot from a metafile
PLOTBL Plot an ASCII table file
PROCTEST Test the SPECKLE program PROCESS options
QL3 Display a 3D image cube
QUBE2PICS Copy spatial-spatial QUBE plane to PICS image
RAD2IOF Convert NIMS radiance cube to I/F (radiance factor) cube
RAD2LDN Convert NIMS radiance cube to linearized DN-dark cube
RADFLOAT Float band-dependent-scaled NIMS radiance cube
RADGEN: Compute radiances from NIMS DNs in DNC file, write RAD file
RANGECORE Determine or set the valid core data range
RATIOCS Compute ratio of cube and spectrum from a table file
RATIOS4 Compute four band ratios and one product of band ratios
RTGEN Produce 2D histogram scatter plot image of each band
RTMERGE Merges (overlays) two cubes produced by RTGEN
SEARCH Search spectrum for amplitude features
SETDEVISIS Setup to use the "Development" ISIS system
SETLOCISIS Setup to use the new "local" ISIS system
SETNEWISIS Setup to use the "new" ISIS system
SETOLDISIS Setup to use the "old" ISIS system
SETPRODUCTNOTE Write text in cube label for the keyword PRODUCT_NOTE
SMOOTH Spectral smoothing for image cubes.
SPAM2ISL Convert a SPAM library to ISL format
SPECKLE Remove "speckle" from GER image data
SPECMATCH Perform spectral matching with ISL spectra
SPECNULL Null spectra at selected sample and line coordinates
SPICEGEN Create SPICE file from GLL SP kernel and raw AACS
STENCIL Stencil a cube with a core or back plane
SURFACE Create and display surface plots of data from ISIS
TAPE2CUBE Process data from tape and output to ISIS cube file
TBL2ASC Translate binary TABLE object to ASCII format
TBL2ISL Put Table file spectrum into an Instrument Spectral Library
TBL2TBL Insert column of a table file into another table file
TBLPLOT Generates multiple XY plots of binary table file data
TOLTEST Test the SPECKLE program TOL parameter
TRANSPOSE Transpose standard 3D cube to requested storage order
TRAVERSE Traverse a cube and plot vector
V2UU2V Convert cube data to requested hardware configuration
VLONORM Variable length offset normalization of each spectrum
XGEN Select NIMS EDR file data, write XDR and HDR