Version 2.2

         Incompressible Navier-stokes flow solver

   Author: Stuart Rogers   NASA Ames Research Center

   Description: This code solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes
      equations in two-dimensional generalized coordinates for both
      steady-state and time varying flow.  The equations are formulated
      into a hyperbolic set of PDE using the method of artificial
      compressibility.  The convective terms are differenced using an
      upwind biased flux-difference splitting.  The equations are
      solved using an implicit line-relaxation scheme.  The code is written
      for single or multiple-zone calculations.  It can utilize either
      pointwise continious zonal interfaces, or random overlapped zonal
      interfaces if a PEGSUS interpolation database is supplied.  The
      flow solver contains pre-coded boundary conditions for slip and
      noslip walls, symmetry planes, inflow and outflow boundaries, and
      far-field boundaries.

  For more information on the algorithm, see the following technical papers,
      which can be accessed through the WWW URL:

Rogers, S. E. and Kwak, D., "An Upwind Differencing Scheme
for the Time Accurate Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations,"
AIAA Paper 88-2583, June 1988.
Published in AIAA J., 28(2), February, 1990, pp. 253--262.

Rogers, S. E. and Kwak, D., "An Upwind Differencing Scheme
for the Steady-state Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations",
NASA TM 101051, November 1988.  Published in Journal of Applied
Numerical Mathematics, 8(1), 1991, pp. 43--64.

Rogers, S. E., Kwak, D., and Kiris, C., "Numerical Solution
of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations for Steady-State and
Time-Dependent Problems, AIAA Paper 89-0463, January 1989.
Also in Proceedings of the Tenth Australiasian Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 1989.
Published in AIAA J., 29(4), April 1991, pp. 603--610.

Summary of recent changes to the code:
  - addition of curvature terms to Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model
  - addition of chimera ORPHAN point averaging
  - changes for version 2.1-27, which involve porting the code to several
    new hardware platforms, require the following changes to the geom.f
    if you are upgrading from a previous version:
	- change amax1 to max
	- change IRIS to sgi
	- change real to __REAL
	- change integer to __INTEGER
	- #include precis.h to any subroutine which does not include common.f

Summary of Input files:
   To run the code for a specific geometry, the following files are
   used to uniquely define the problem:

         standard input:
		      File read by code via standard input which contains
                      namelists of input variables which control the code.
                      See below for a complete description of these
                      variables.  Required file.
         bcmain.dat:  defines surfaces using computational indices and
                      specifies type of boundary conditions to be implemented
                      on this surface.  Required file.
         grid file:
                      Grid file (plot3d format) containing computational
                      grid.  Required file.  The first occurance of a file
		      named x.fmt, x.dat, xy.fmt, xy.dat, xyz.fmt, xyz.dat,
		      grid.fmt, grid.dat, g.fmt, g.dat, or g000.dat is
                      automatically read by flow code.  This can be any type
		      of whole, 2D plot3d type grid file, either formatted or
		      unformatted, single or multiple zone, with or without
		      iblank array.

         bcpzn.dat:   Boundary condition file used to define patched
                      (pointwise continous) zonal interfaces.  Optional file.
         bcozn.dat:   Boundary conditions file used to define overlap
                      chimera type zonal interfaces.  Optional file.
         bcintrp.dat: Boundary condition file used to define interpolation
                      stencil for updating (singular) boundaries by
                      interpolating values from surrounding points in the
                      same grid.  For example, the wake boundary of a
                      c-grid around an airfoil could be updated this way.
                      Optional file.

			Many geometries can be run without modifying
			any source code.  The subroutines which are most
			commonly modified are all located in the source
			file geom.f.  This includes user coded boundary
			conditions, user coded initial conditions, and
			output routines.

File Output: The following fortran units are used for output:
   standard output:  Writes input variable namelists and convergence history
   20:   Restart file output
   21:   Restart file input

   30:   Plot3d grid file output
   31:   Plot3d solution file output
   32:   Plot3d solution file containing Reynolds stress terms for
         turbulent calculations
   33:   Plot3d solution file containing functions from a turbulence model;
         varys with each turbulence model.
   34:   Plot3d solution file containing passive scalar field in the density
         position (fun 100).

   40:   filename = insaux.out, for auxiluary/debug output
   50:	 grid file for swept infinite wing option(3D)
   51:   solution file for swept infinite wing option(3D)

   99:   scratch file for I/O processing

   The plot3d solution file contains fields of density, 2 components of
   momentum, and the internal energy per unit volume.  The density field is set
   to unity, thus the momentum components are equal to the velocity components.
   The last field is computed using the formula:
	qp3d(4) = pressure/0.4 + 0.5*(u*u + v*v)
   This means that when you use function 110 (pressure) in plot3d, you get the
   pressure field as computed by ins2d. Beware, however, that several plot3d 
   functions which use definitions based on a compressible equation of state
   and/or isentropic relation do not work: Cp, Mach number, etc.

     Note on file input/output for double-precision version on workstation:
     no change is made to reading/writing of unformatted data, so this is
     done using 64-bit words, with the exception of the plot3d output routines.
     In the double precision version, these write out 32 bit words to be
     compatable with 32-bit versions of post processing programs.

Memory Usage: 
      The total memory used by the program (in words) is approximatly:

               75*imaxtot		dynamically allocated
	     + 3*imaxtot*(igmr+4)	dynamically allocated
	     + iunsdim*imaxtot:		dynamically allocated
	     + iswpvel*imaxtot:		dynamically allocated
	     + iperilrelax*imaxtot:	dynamically allocated
             + nturb*imaxtot:		dynamically allocated
             + 7*ioptot			dynamically allocated
             + 6*idctot			dynamically allocated
             + 11*inttot  		dynamically allocated
             + 300*jkmax:          	hardcoded
             + 34*nzne:            	hardcoded
             + 32*ibcmax:          	hardcoded
             + 180,000:               	overhead
    where imaxtot = total number of grid points
           ioptot = total number of chimera overlap (bcozn.dat) points
	   idctot = total number of defect correction (bcdczn.dat) points
           inttot = total number of interpolation (bcintrp.dat) points
             nzne = parameter >= number of zones (hardcoded)
            jkmax = parameter >= max(jmax(nz),kmax(nz)),nz=1,nzone (hardcoded)
           ibcmax = parameter >= no. of bc surfaces in bcmain.dat (hardcoded)

             igmr = ngmrres when impsch=5, 0 otherwise
	  iunsdim = 13 for unsteady calculations; 0 for steady-state calcs.
	  iswpvel = 1 when swpang > 0; 0 otherwise
      iperilrelax = 9 when using line-relaxation on a periodic grid;0 otherwise
	    nturb = 1 for Baldwin-Barth turbulence model
                  = 1 for Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model
                  = 3 for K-Omega turbulence model

Description of arrays:

   Array indices: j is the index in the xi-direction
                  k is the index in the eta-direction

      q(j,k,1)      pressure
      q(j,k,2)      u-component of velocity
      q(j,k,3)      v-component of velocity
      s(j,k,n)      storage of right-hand-side of the equations, n=1,3
      dq(j,k,n)     storage of delta-q terms
      x(j,k)        x-coordinate of grid point
      y(j,k)        y-coordinate of grid point
      qn(j,k,n)     solution at previous time step, n=1,3
      qnn(j,k,n)    solution at second previous time step, n=1,3
      ib(j,k)       iblank array for denoting boundaries and holes
      rtxy(j,k,m,n) metric terms at each point, m=1,2; n=1,3
                      rtxy = d(xi_m)/d(x_n) / jacobian, where
                         xi_m = xi, eta for m=1,2
                         x_n  = t, x, y for n=1,3
      dj(j,k)       Jacobian of the metric transformation for current grid
      djn(j,k)      Jacobian of the metric transformation for previous time
                    level grid
      djnn(j,k)     Jacobian of the metric transformation for second previous
                    time level grid
      vnut(j,k)     turbulent eddy viscosity
      turvar(j,k,2) turbulent variable used for 1 or 2 eq. turbulence models
      turvarn,turvarnn  values of turvar from previous two time steps, used
                        only in time-dependent integration mode.
      bjm, btc, bjp, bkm, bkp, bjmm, bjpp, bkmm, bkpp:  These arrays
                  hold the 3x3 blocks
                  for the implicit side of the equations at each point
                  in the entire flow field.  For a point (j,k), the
                  storage of the pentadiagonal system goes as follows:
                  bjmm(j,k,m,n) stores (j-2,k) terms
                  bjm (j,k,m,n) stores (j-1,k) terms
                  btc (j,k,m,n) stores (j,k)   terms
                  bjp (j,k,m,n) stores (j+1,k) terms
                  bjpp(j,k,m,n) stores (j+2,k) terms
                  bkm (j,k,m,n) stores (j,k-1) terms
                  bkmm(j,k,m,n) stores (j,k-2) terms
                  bkp (j,k,m,n) stores (j,k+1) terms
                  bkpp(j,k,m,n) stores (j,k+2) terms  for m=1,3; n=1,3
      scr1, scr2: Scratch memory space used for several things including
                  storage arrays used for lu decompostion of
                  periodic tridiagonal system.  

Variables in namelist DATAIN:
This namelist must occur once in input file.
   nbcimp   The frequency with which the line-relaxation sweep routines
             will implicitly update boundary conditions.
             Default = 1.
   ndtslow   Used to systematically reduce time-step size during run.
             Every ndtslow iterations, dtau and dt are reduced by a factor
             of 0.5.  This should be used ONLY when running steady-state
             cases which have trouble converging and show oscillatory
             behavior usually associated with a physical (not numerical)
             unsteadiness.  Use this with CAUTION, as small values
             of ndtslow will cause the time-step to become very small
             very quickly, making it appear that you have a steady-solution,
             when all you have is a time-varying solution to the INS
             equations "frozen" in time. Recommend values > 50.  Default = 0.
   ngmrmax   Maximum number of iterations used in gmres solver. Default = 10.
   ngmrres   Maximum number of iterations used in gmres solver before
             performing a restart.  Controls the amount of memory needed
             by the gmres solver.  Default = 10.
   niter     The frequency with which the convergence history
             will be written by iterout.  Default = 1.
   nlnsrch   Non-zero values of nlnsrch will cause the code to utilize a
	     line-searching algorithm to scale the change in the mean-flow
	     quantities.  Results in between 1 and nlnsrch extra evaluations
             of the right-hand-side at each (sub)iteration.  Default = 0.
   np3d      The frequency with which plot3d files will be written
             by p3dout.  If np3d=0, 2D grid and solution files are written to
             files fort.30 and fort.31 at the end of the calculation.
	     For np3d>0, the grid and solution files are written to 
             to files fortxxxx.30 and fortxxxx.31, respectively, every np3d
             iterations or time-steps; where xxxx=0001, 0002, etc, as
             determined by the current time-step.  Default = 0.
   nqfile    The frequency with which restart files will be
             written by diskio.
   nsub      The maximum number of sub-iterations allowed during
             time-accurate calculations.
   ntmax     The number of time steps to be run.

   iaxisym   Turns on axisymmetric option; the y-direction is assumed to
	     be the radial coordinate.
   idefect   Controls input and use of defect correction for overset grids.
             idefect>0 causes program to read in bcdczn.dat and implement
             defect correction algorithm based on the contents of this file.
             For steady-state calculations, defect correction terms are only
             added after nt>idefect, where nt = iteration number.  For
             the moving grid case (igrid > 0 and iss=0), a new defect
             correction file named bcdczn***.dat will be read in for each
             time step; see section below on Moving Grids.
	     Default = 0.
   igrid     Switch for an unsteady grid motion.
             If igrid=0, the grid is only read in at start of exectution,
             and the grid is stationary.  If igrid > 0 and iss = 0, a 
             time-varying sequence of grids name g***.dat will be read in,
             one before each time step.  See section below on moving grids.
   iimpio    Controls output of implicit scheme.  For line-relaxation,
             non-zero value causes the error to be evaluated after
             each sweep and printed.  Default = 0.
   iintrp    Controls input of interpolation boundary condition info.
             If 0, no single zone interpolation is used.  If non-zero,
             code will attempt to read in file named bcintrp.dat.
             boundary.  Default = 0.
   imatvec   Switch for gmres process which controls how matrix-vector products
	     will be evaluated.  imatvec=0 uses analytic approximate Jacobian
             LHS matrix.  imatvec=1 uses frechet numerical derivative.
	     Default = 0.
   impsch    Switch for implicit scheme:
                1: line relaxation
                2: point relaxation
                3: ilu factorization
		4: lusgs factorization
		5: gmres solver: generalized minimum residual
	     Default = 5.
   iover     Controls input of overlap boundary condition info.  If iover=0,
             there are no overlap (Chimera) boundaries.  If iover=1, the code
             will attempt to read in a file named bcozn.dat containing
             overlap interpolation info.  If iover>0 and iss=0, a new overlap
             boundary condition file named bcozn***.dat will be read in for
             each time step; see section below on moving grids.
             See section below for file format of bcozn.dat file.  Default=0.
   ipatch    Controls input of patch boundary condition info.  If 0,
             no patched boundaries.  If ipatch=1, code will
             attempt to read in file named bcpzn.dat containing
             patch boundary info.  If ipatch>0 and iss=0, a new patch
	     boundary condition file named bcpzn***.dat will be read in for
             each time step; see section below on Moving Grids.
	     See section below for file format bcpzn.dat files.  Default=0.
   iprec     Selects preconditioner gmres implicit solver.
                1: line relaxation
                2: point relaxation
                3: ilu factorization
                4: lusgs factorization
	     Default = 0.
   iplot     Controls the frequency of the calling of the plot routine,
             used for graphical interface to iris workstation.  Default=0
   iscalar   Switch to control calling of passive scalar solver at end
             of computation.  Call solver if  Default=0
   iss       Switch for steady-state (iss=1), or time-accurate (iss=0)
   istart    Switch which controls whether the code is started from
             initial conditions (istart=0), or whether from a restart
             file to be read in by diskio (istart=1 or 2).  If istart=2,
             time and nt are reset to 0 at the restart.  istart=3 denotes
             a run at a different angle of attack than the previous run,
             and the velocity components from the previous run are rotated
             to the new angle of attack as specified in the input.
   isubio    Switch which controls the output of convergence history
             during the subiterations.  If isubio=0, output is written
             only at end of subiterations.  Else it is written for
             every subiteration.
   iturb     Switch to choose the turbulence model used.
             Baldwin-Barth(2), Spalart-Allmaras(3),
             K-Omega(4), Durbin-Mansour(6)
   iupsch    Switch to choose the type of differencing, flux-difference
             splitting(1), or flux-vector splitting(2).  Default = 1.
   ivis      Switch which controls the type of viscous fluxes used.
                ivis = 1: constant viscosity and orthogonal grid
                       2: constant viscosity and non-orthogonal grid
                       3: variable viscosity and orthogonal grid
                       4: variable viscosity and non-orthogonal grid

   beta      The artificial compressibility parameter.  See notes at the end
             of this document on selecting beta and dtau.
   dtau      The time step in pseudo-time.  Default = 1.e12.  See notes at the
             end of this document on selecting beta and dtau.
   dt        The time step in real-time, used during time-
             accurate calculations.  For steady-state turbulent calculations,
             most turbulence models use this as their time step.
   eigeps    The epsilon used in forming the plus/minus eigenvalues.
             This varible will have the effect of smoothing out
             problems which might occur where the contravarient
             velocity changes sign.  Default = 0.1.
   epscon    Used as a convergence critera.  For time-dependent cases (iss=0)
             this is the maximum allowable value of the maximum divergence of
             velocity during the sub-iterations; when this is reached, the
 	     subiterations are terminated and the next time-step is begun.
	     For steady-state cases (iss=1) this determines the maximum
             divergence of velocity allowed for a converged steady-state
	     solution; when the maximum divergence of velocity is less than
	     epscon, the calculations are stopped.  Default = 1.e-4.
   flxlim    Controls the order of the explicit numerical fluxes, 0.0
             gives uniform third-order fluxes, 1.0 gives first-order.
             Values inbetween give a linear combination of the two.
             Using small values (0.01) can add a little dissipation to
             stabilize the equations, using larger values (0.1 - 1.0)
             for the first 50 or so iterations provides very good initial
             conditions, and extremely fast convergence.  The accuracy of
             the final solution, however, might be seriously degraded if
             any value greater than 0.0 is used at the end of the
             computation.  Default = 0.0
   gmrtol    Tolerance for residual ||A*dq - b|| when solving the
             system of equations using gmres.  Default = 1.e-6
   pin       Total pressure used at inflow boundaries.  Default = 1.5
   pout      Static pressure used at outflow boundaries.  Default = 1.0
	     Both pin and pout are the dimensionless values of pressure
             as used by the code: pressure is nondimensionalized by
             (p - p_ref)/(2*dynamic pressure);
             dynamic pressure = 1/2*rho*U_ref*U_ref.  p_ref is arbitrary,
             but by default is selected such that the inflow/far-field
             pressure is 1.0.
   preleft   Logical variable which selects left or right preconditioning
	     for the gmres algorithm.  Default = .true.
   reynum    The Reynolds number based on the units of length and velocity
	     input to the code:  If you run the code with the inflow/farfield
             velocity scaled to unity, give the Reynolds number based on your
             inflow/farfield velocity.  If you set the inflow velocity in the
             code in some dimensional units (i.e. m/sec), give the Reynolds
             number based on that unit (i.e. 1 m/sec.)   If you non-
             dimensionalize the coordinates of the grid such that the
             characteristic length is unity, give the Reynolds number based
             on that length.  If the grid coordinates are given in dimensional
             units (i.e. cm), give the Reynolds number based on that unit
             (i.e. Reynolds number per cm).
   swpang    Sets sweep angle for swept infinite wing option.  Non-zero
             values causes the code to solve the uncoupled z-momentum
             equation assuming zero gradients in the z-direction, where
             the z-axis is aligned with the leading-edge of an infinite wing.
             and the xy-plane (containing the input grid) is aligned
             perpendicular to the leading-edge.  The input Reynolds number
             should be that based upon the chord in this xy-plane, and the
             actual freestream velocity.  This way, the grid and the Reynolds
             number do not change with swpang for a given wing.
             The calculation produces a solution to the w-component of
             velocity which couples into the rest of the flow variables only
             through the eddy-viscosity.  Currently only coded for the
             Baldwin-Barth turbulence model.  Default = 0.
   underr    Variable which enables under-relaxation to be used in the
	     line-relaxation updates.  Set to a value 0 < underr < 1.0 for
	     under-relaxation.  Helps reduce instabilities.  Values greater
	     than 1.0 (over-relaxation) almost always cause the code to become
	     unstable.  Default=1.0

Variables in namelist ZONEIN:
  This namelist must occur once for every zone.
   kpr       Logical variable which determines if the grid is
             periodic in the k-direction for this zone.  The k=1
             and k=kmax line should be neighbors and not be coincident.

   njswp,nkswp     Number of sweeps used by the line- and point-relaxation
	     algorithms.  For line-relaxation, 1 j-sweep is either a
	     forward or a backward sweep through the entire domain
             solving the equations along a line of constant k; a k-sweep
	     solves lines of contant j.  Line-relaxation works best
	     when using constant lines which are normal to a no-slip
	     surface; thus for body normal grid lines in the eta-direction,
             use nkswp>0, njswp=0.
	     For point-relaxation, the number of sweeps used is equal
	     to max(njswp, nkswp); where a point-relaxation sweep is
	     a forward+backward sweep through the entire domain.

   ntjswp    Similar to njswp,nkswp except these control the relaxation
	     schemes when solving the turbulence model.

   iflxodr   Selects first-order (iflxodr=1), third-order (iflxodr=3),
             or fifth-order (iflxodr=5) stencil for flux-differencing
             splitting of convective terms.  Default = 3.

   itran     Controls handline of transition in turbulence model.
             Effect is dependent on which turbulence model is used.

   cdiss     Coeffient of dissipation used to multiply the dissipative terms
             in the flux-difference splitting scheme.  Default = 1.0

   xtr1,xtr2 Given to turbulence model for specifing transition for airfoils
             with c-grids.

Grid file
  The code accepts PLOT3D 2D whole files.  These can be single- or multi-zone,
  formatted or unformatted, with or without iblank arrays.  The flow solver
  will automatically determine which type of file you have.  The following
  are the appropriate read statments for the different types of files, for
  a Fortran unformatted file.  The Fortran formatted file type uses identical
  records except with a wildcard format specification.

    Single zone, no iblank array:

      read(unit) jmax,kmax
      read(unit) ((x(j,k),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),
     &           ((y(j,k),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax)

    Single zone, with iblank array:

      read(unit) jmax,kmax
      read(unit) ((x(j,k),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),
     &           ((y(j,k),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),
     &          ((ib(j,k),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax)

    Multiple zone, no iblank array:

      read(unit) nzone
      read(unit) (jmax(nz),kmax(nz),nz=1,nzone)
      do 10 nz=1,nzone
         read(unit) ((x(j,k),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),
     &              ((y(j,k),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz))
10    continue

    Multiple zone, with iblank array:

      read(unit) nzone
      read(unit) (jmax(nz),kmax(nz),nz=1,nzone)
      do 10 nz=1,nzone
         read(unit) ((x(j,k),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),
     &              ((y(j,k),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),
     &             ((ib(j,k),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz))
10    continue

bcmain.dat: boundary condition input file
  Each line of input in this file should include values for ibcval, izone,
  jbeg,jend, kbeg,kend.  The last 5 integers are a set of indices which
  describe a computational surface.  Negative values of jbeg, jend, kbeg, or
  kend are interpreted as: jbeg = jmax + 1 - abs(jbeg).  Thus jbeg=-1 is
  equivalent to jbeg=jmax; jbeg=-2 is equivalent to jbeg=jmax-1.
  The value of ibcval specifies which boundary condition will be
  applied to that surface.  Any surfaces on the computational boundaries
  not specified here will by default remain at their initial condition values.
  Only the wall boundary conditions can be implemented on interior points.
  Comments are allowed anywhere in the file using a "c" in the first column.
  Tab characters are allowed in the input records.

  NOTE: The no-slip wall and slip wall boundary conditions
        can be applied at any computational surface, interior or boundary.
        If a wall boundary condition is to be specified in an interior plane,
	it is important that the wall be at least 3 grid-planes thick.  Two
	of these planes would be needed to specify the wall faces, and a third
	plane sandwiched inbetween the walls which must be blanked out
	with a negative value for ibcval.  This is necessary to prevent the
	differencing stencil from performing a differencing "through" the wall.

     ibcval         Description
     ------         -----------
       0            No-slip wall, with wall normal vector
                       pointing in the positive computational direction
       1            No-slip wall, with wall normal vector
                       pointing in the negative computational direction
       4            Moving no-slip wall, with wall normal vector
                       pointing in the positive computational direction.
                       Pressure is updated by specifying zero pressure
                       gradient in the wall normal direction.
                       If igrid=0, no change in
                       wall velocity is specified (maintains initial
                       conditions).  If igrid>0, wall velocity is set
                       equal to grid velocity.
       5            Moving no-slip wall, with wall normal vector
                       pointing in the negative computational direction.
                       Pressure is updated by specifying zero pressure
                       gradient in the wall normal direction.
                       If igrid=0, no change in
                       wall velocity is specified (maintains initial
                       conditions).  If igrid>0, wall velocity is set
                       equal to grid velocity.
      10            Slip wall with the wall normal pointing in the positive
                       computational direction
      11            Slip wall with the wall normal pointing in the negative
                       computational direction
      20            Inflow boundary with constant velocity and 
                       extrapolation of pressure
      21            Inflow boundary with total pressure held constant and
                       everywhere equal to pin (namelist input variable);
                       and flow normal to the surface, extrapolate pressure
      22	    Inflow boundary with total pressure locally held constant
                       as specified in initial conditions; flow held normal
		       to surface, and extrapolate pressure.
      23	    Inflow boundary with total pressure locally held constant
                       as specified in initial conditions; flow held normal
		       to surface, and extrapolate normal velocity component.
      25	    C-grid outer boundary for airfoils which imposes
                       velocity field based on freestream velocity at
		       current angle of attack superimposed with a velocity
                       field from a point vortex centered at (0.25,0)
                       (quarter chord).  Pressure is computed using a
		       characteristic relation.
                       The strength of the vortex is based on the current
                       value of lift coefficient stored in the global
		       variable clift, which should be computed and
                       updated after every iteration.  This is usually
                       done in subroutine iterout.  The routines also
                       use the variable alpha to determine the incidence
                       of the free-stream.
      26	    Same as ibcval=25, except that pressure is extrapolated.
      30            Outflow boundary using characteristic relations for 
                       velocity and constant static pressure (pout).
      31            Outflow boundary using extrapolated velocity
                       and constant static pressure (pout).
      32            Outflow boundary using characteristic relations for 
                       velocity and constant (initial condition) pressure.
      33            Outflow boundary using extrapolated velocity
                       and constant (initial condition) static pressure.
      40            Symmetry boundary conditions: currently only
                       works for a j-surface if the xi-computational
                       direction is aligned with the x-axis.  Similar
                       for k surfaces.
      50            Far-field boundaries which will have inflow in one
                       area and outflow in another, such as in an o-grid.
                       For points with inflow, it uses ibcval = 20
                       For points with outflow, it uses ibcval = 31
      60            c-grid wake cut boundary: these points will be updated
                       by averaging values from surrounding points.
                       Normal surface vector points in positive computational
      61            c-grid wake cut boundary: these points will be updated
                       by averaging values from surrounding points.
                       Normal surface vector points in negative computational
     100            User coded boundary condition: code calls subroutine
                       bcuser before beginning of implicit solution.  In
                       this routine code can be written to specify values
                       in the dq array.  Useful for implicitly specifying
                       analytic or known conditions.

     < 0	     Any value less than zero indicates that this region
                       is to be blanked out, such that the code will never
                       use any values at those points.  This region does
                       not have to be a surface, it can be a volume.

bcpzn.dat: Patched grid interface input file

  The bcpzn.dat file is used by INS2D to update grid
  interface boundaries on patched grids.  The interface requires pointwise
  continuity at the boundaries between the grids, and an overlap of points
  such that the boundary points in one grid lie on top of interior points
  of another grid.

  Each interface consists of two input lines: one containing indices
  describing a computational line of points in the target zone, another
  describing a computational line of points in the base zone.  The values
  of the dependent variables from the base zone points are used to update
  the dependent variables in the target zone points.

  The target line is listed first, the base line is listed second.
  Each line lists the zone number, the beginning, ending, and increment
  for the j-index, and the beginning, ending, and increment for the

  nz		jbeg  jend  jinc		kbeg  kend  kinc

   1		1	11     1		20	20     1
   2		2	2      1		31      21    -1

  In this example, the k=20 line in zone 1 from j=1,11 will be updated
  with values from a j=2 line in zone 2.  Note that the zone 2 k-direction
  aligns with negative j-direction in zone 1.  Also note that for each
  set of indices, you must have either jbeg=jend, or kbeg=kend.

bcozn.dat: Overlaid grid interface input file

  The bcozn.dat file is used by INS2D to update grid interface boundaries
  on overlaid grids, also known as chimera grids.  The bcozn.dat file
  contains interpolation weights and grid indices.  Typically the
  interpolation information is generated by the PEGSUS software, or a
  similar program.  The interpolation output from PEGSUS needs to be
  converted to the bcozn.dat format.  This can be done using the utility
  program pegconv.f.  The interpolation is used to update points on either
  an outer or fringe boundaries.  These points are refered to as the TARGET
  points.  Each target point has a corresponding BASE grid cell, usually in a
  different grid and which surrounds the target point.  In two-dimensional
  grids, the four grid points which comprise the base grid cell are the
  base points.  Values at the base points are interpolated and injected
  into the target point.

  The bcozn.dat file is in ascii format (Fortran formatted).  The data is
  organized as a list of the base points found in each zone, and their
  corresponding target point indices.  The file is composed of the
  following records:

      do 10 nz=1,nzone
         read(*,*) ibpnts(nz)
         read(*,*) (jbase(nz,i),kbase(nz,i),
     &              dxb(nz,i),dyb(nz,i),
     &              nztar(nz,i),jtar(nz,i),ktar(nz,i),i=1,ibpnts(nz))
10    continue

   where ibpnts(nz) is the number of base points in zone nz; jbase and kbase
   are the indices of the lower left corner (in computational space) of the
   base grid cell in zone nz; dxb and dyb are the interpolation weights;
   jtar and ktar are the indices of the target point in zone nztar.

   The interpolation formula used to update points is best given through
   the following example.  Also, see subroutine bcozndq and subroutine
   bcoznds for other examples.  In this example, b denotes the zone
   containing the base point and t denotes the zone containing the target

         real qb(jmaxb,kmaxb,3), qt(jmaxt,kmaxt,3)

         j = jbase(i,nzb)
         k = kbase(i,nzb)
         a1 = qb(j,k,n)
         a2 =-qb(j,k,n) + qb(j+1,k,n)
         a3 =-qb(j,k,n) + qb(j,k+1,n)
         a4 = qb(j,k,n) - qb(j+1,k,n) - qb(j,k+1,n) + qb(j+1,k+1,n)

	 jt = jtar(nzb,i)
         kt = ktar(nzb,i)
         qt(jt,kt,n) = a1 +a2*dxb(i) +a3*dyb(i) +a4*dxb(i)*dyb(i)

bcdczn.dat: Defect correction on overset grids, interface input file

bcintrp.dat: Interpolation input file

Moving Grids

The code will handle moving grids during an unsteady calculation.  In
this case, the value of igrid is to be set greater than zero.  This
will cause the code to read in a new grid file at the beginning of
each time-step.  The grid files must be named gxxx.dat, where xxx is
000, 001, 002, 003, ... , nnn.  Set igrid equal to the number nnn,
which is the last number in this sequence of grid file names.  If
igrid < ntmax, then the code assumes that the motion is periodic in
time.  In this case, after using the grid file gnnn.dat, the next time
step uses the grid file g001.dat.  For a periodic motion, the grid
g000.dat should be an exact copy of gnnn.dat, where nnn=igrid.
Restarts should work OK at any point in this sequence.

Any no-slip surfaces which are moving in their grids should use
boundary conditions of ibcval=4 or 5.  The velocity boundary condition
for these walls is specified to match the velocity of the sequential
motion of the grid.  For example, the velocity on the moving wall will
be set to the distance a boundary point has moved from one time-step
to another divided by the physical time step dt.  The zones in a
sequence of grid files may move relative to one-another.  In this case
a different set of zonal boundary conditions must be applied for each
time step.  For overset zones, set iover>1 and provide files named
bcozn000.dat, bcozn001.dat, etc.  For patched zones, set ipatch>1 and
provide files named bcpzn000.dat, bcpzn001.dat, etc.  For defect
correction overlaid zones, set idefect>1, and provide files named
bcdczn000.dat, bcdczn001.dat, etc.  Typically one would have the same
number of bc files as grid files in the sequence (igrid=iover or

Additional Notes:  (Or, what to do to make the code run.)

Steady-state convergence:
   One of the most important aspects in make the code converge
   is to select appropriate values for beta and dtau.  If stability is
   not a problem, keep dtau very large.  Otherwise, reduce dtau to a value
   on the order of 1.0.  This assumes that the velocity and coordintes have
   been scaled by the characteristic velocity and lengths, and they are
   unity.  Thus, dtau=1.0 will convect along a characteristic length in
   one time-step.  If dtau is reduced a lot less than this, it will really
   slow down the convergence, as it will take many time-steps to propagate
   the disturbances away from the body or out of the flow domain.  So
   keep dtau near 1.0, and try to stablize by selecting beta:
   Typical values for beta are 1 to 100 depending on geometry, grid, and
   reynolds number (assuming you non-dimensionalize your grid with
   characteristic length).  Internal flows tend to do better in the lower
   range, but turbulent and fine-grid cases tend to require larger beta.
   Try running a couple of short runs with beta=1,10,100, to see what order
   of magnitude it likes for your case.

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WebWork: Stuart E. Rogers <>
NASA Responsible Official: Stuart Rogers