Version 2.1

          Incompressible Navier-stokes flow solver

  Author: Stuart E. Rogers      NASA Ames Research Center

  Description: This code solves the incompressible Naiver-Stokes
      equations in three-dimensional generalized coordinates for
      both steady-state and time varying flow.  The equations are
      formulated into a hyperbolic set of PDE using the method of
      artificial compressibility.  The convective terms are
      differenced using an upwind biased flux-difference splitting.
      The equations are solved using an implicit line-relaxation scheme,
      or with a gmres (generalized minimum residual) iterative solver.
      The code is written for single or multiple-zone calculations.  It
      can utilize either pointwise continious zonal interfaces, or random
      overlapped zonal interfaces if a PEGSUS interpolation database is
      supplied.  The flow solver contains pre-coded boundary conditions for
      slip and noslip walls, symmetry planes, inflow and outflow boundaries,
      and far-field boundaries.

  For more information on the algorithm, see the following technical papers,
      which can be accessed through the WWW URL:

Rogers, S. E. and Kwak, D., "An Upwind Differencing Scheme
for the Time Accurate Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations,"
AIAA Paper 88-2583, June 1988.
Published in AIAA J., 28(2), February, 1990, pp. 253--262.

Rogers, S. E. and Kwak, D., "An Upwind Differencing Scheme
for the Steady-state Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations",
NASA TM 101051, November 1988.  Published in Journal of Applied
Numerical Mathematics, 8(1), 1991, pp. 43--64.

Rogers, S. E., Kwak, D., and Kiris, C., "Numerical Solution
of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations for Steady-State and
Time-Dependent Problems, AIAA Paper 89-0463, January 1989.
Also in Proceedings of the Tenth Australiasian Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 1989.
Published in AIAA J., 29(4), April 1991, pp. 603--610.

Summary of recent changes to the code:

  - changed handling of orphan points, no longer need file ORPHAN;
    instead check for iblank=101 values in input grid file if iorphan=1
    (the default value) and the input grid has an iblank array.
  - added periodic o-grid averaging boundary conditions.
  - out-of-core run-time option with impsch=1 (line-relaxation):
    incore=0 causes code to buffer zones out
    of memory, resulting in possibly significantly less memory usage with
    about a 5% CPU increase.  incore=0 should produce exact same results and
    convergence as incore=1.  To upgrade to this version from previous
    versions, you will have to add some code to subroutine iterout in your
    geom.f file; see the geom.f file that came with the release.
  - For overset grids, now use INTOUT file instead of bcozn.dat file; no
    longer use bcpzn.dat file.
  - Checks for existence of XINTOUT as well as INTOUT to read in overset
    grid boundary conditions.
  - 2nd-order accurate time-integration in both turbulence models
    for unsteady flows.
  - Various bug fixes, mostly for Spalart-Almaras turbulence model.
  - Addition of GMRES implicit solver, impsch=5.  This is faster per
    iteration, faster convergence, more robust, but requires a lot more
  - Changed inflow boundary conditions for pressure: replace characteristic
    relation with extrapolation.  Found that the characteristic relation had
    a fairly strong dependence on beta.
  - Add impsch=6: GMRES version which solves only 1 zone at a time, as
    opposed to impsch=5 which solves entire domain simultaneously.
    This will converge as well as impsch=5 for some cases, and for others
    it converge quite a bit slower.  It is still better than impsch=1.
    With this option only is it feasible to run with an out-of-core option.
  - out-of-core run-time option with impsch=6 (gmres):
    incore=0 causes code to buffer zones out
    of memory, resulting in possibly significantly less memory usage with
    about a 20-40% CPU increase.  incore=0 should produce exact same results
    and convergence as incore=1.  To upgrade to this version from previous
    versions, you will have to add some code to subroutine iterout in your
    geom.f file; see the geom.f file that came with the release.
  - Added periodic O-grid averaging boundary condition

Summary of Input files:
  The following files are used to uniquely define the flow problem:

         Standard Input:
                      File read by code via standard input which contains
                      namelists of input variables which control the code.
                      See below for description of the namelists and their
                      variables.  Required file.
                      Defines surfaces using computational indices and
                      specifies type of boundary conditions to be implemented
                      on this surface.  Required file.
         grid file:   
                      Grid file (plot3d format) containing computational
                      grid.  Required file.  The first occurance of a file
		      named x.fmt, x.dat, xy.fmt, xy.dat, xyz.fmt, xyz.dat,
		      grid.fmt, grid.dat, g.fmt, g.dat, or is auto-
                      matically read by flow code.  This can be any type of
		      whole, 3D plot3d type grid file, either formatted or
		      unformatted, single or multiple zone, with or without
		      iblank array.

         INTOUT or XINTOUT:
		      Boundary conditions file used to define overlap
                      chimera type zonal interfaces.  Optional file.
			Many geometries can be run without modifying
			any source code.  The subroutines which are most
			commonly modified are all located in the source
			file geom.f.  This includes user coded boundary
			conditions, user coded initial conditions, and
			output routines.

File Output: The following fortran units are used for output:
      Standard Output: Writes input variable namelists and convergence history
      20:   Restart file output
      21:   Restart file input
      30:   Plot3d grid file output
      31:   Plot3d solution file output

   The plot3d solution file contains fields of density, 3 components of
   momentum, and the internal energy per unit volume.  The density field is set
   to unity, thus the momentum components are equal to the velocity components.
   The last field is computed using the formula:
	qp3d(5) = pressure/0.4 + 0.5*(u*u + v*v + w*w)
   This means that when you use function 110 (pressure) in plot3d, you get the
   pressure field as computed by ins3d. Beware, however, that several plot3d 
   functions which use definitions based on a compressible equation of state
   and/or isentropic relation do not work: Cp, Mach number, etc.

     Note on file input/output for double-precision version on workstation:
     no change is made to reading/writing of unformatted data, so this is
     done using 64-bit words, with the exception of the plot3d output routines.
     In the double precision version, these write out 32 bit words to be
     compatable with 32-bit versions of post processing programs.

Memory Usage:
      For incore, steady problems, the memory usage in the code is
      approximately 40*imaxtot words for impsch=1, or 220*imaxtot words
      for impsch=5 or 6, where imaxtot = total number of grid points.
      For incore=0, replace imaxtot with imaxnz, where imaxnz = number of
      grid points in the largest zone. For unsteady problems, add
      12*imaxtot (incore=1) or 12*imaxnz (incore=0).

      More precisely, the total memory used by the program (in words) is:

	with impsch=1, incore=1:

               34*imaxtot		dynamically allocated
	     + 12*imaxtot*iuns		dynamically allocated
             + imaxtot*nturb		dynamically allocated
	     + 10*ioptot		dynamically allocated
             + (200 + 52*lenvec)*jklmax	hardcoded
             + 47*nzne:         	hardcoded
             + 22*ibcmax:       	hardcoded
             + 210,000:            	overhead

	with impsch=1, incore=0:

               34*imaxnz		dynamically allocated
	     + 10*imaxnz*iuns		dynamically allocated
             + imaxnz*nturb		dynamically allocated
	     + 10*ioptot		dynamically allocated
             + (200 + 52*lenvec)*jklmax	hardcoded
             + 47*nzne:         	hardcoded
             + 22*ibcmax:       	hardcoded
             + 210,000:            	overhead
	with impsch=5 or 6, incore=1:

               162*imaxtot		dynamically allocated
	     + 4*(ngmrres+4)*imaxtot	dynamically allocated
	     + 12*imaxtot*iuns		dynamically allocated
             + imaxtot*nturb		dynamically allocated
	     + 10*ioptot		dynamically allocated
             + (200 + 52*lenvec)*jklmax	hardcoded
             + 47*nzne:         	hardcoded
             + 22*ibcmax:       	hardcoded
             + 210,000:            	overhead

	with impsch=6, incore=0:

               162*imaxnz		dynamically allocated
	     + 4*(ngmrres+4)*imaxnz	dynamically allocated
	     + 12*imaxnz*iuns		dynamically allocated
             + imaxnz*nturb		dynamically allocated
	     + 10*ioptot		dynamically allocated
             + (200 + 52*lenvec)*jklmax	hardcoded
             + 47*nzne:         	hardcoded
             + 22*ibcmax:       	hardcoded
             + 210,000:            	overhead

    where imaxtot = total number of grid points
	   imaxnz = number of grid points in largest zone
	     iuns = 0 for steady-state calculations
	          = 1 for unsteady calculations
	    nturb = 4 for Baldwin-Barth turbulence model
	          = 1 for Spalart-Almaras turbulence model
           ioptot = total number of chimera overlap (INTOUT) points
           jklmax = parameter >= max(jmax(nz),kmax(nz),lmax(nz)),nz=1,nzone
             nzne = parameter >= number of zones
           ibcmax = parameter >= no. of bc surfaces in bcmain.dat
	   lenvec = parameter: max. length of vector used during vectorized
                               block-tridiagonal solution process

Description of arrays:

  Array indices:
      j is the index in the xi-direction.
      k is the index in the eta-direction.
      l is the index in the zeta-direction.

      q(j,k,l,1)      pressure
      q(j,k,l,2)      u-component of velocity
      q(j,k,l,3)      v-component of velocity
      q(j,k,l,4)      w-component of velocity
      s(j,k,l,n)      storage of right-hand-side of the equations, n=1,4
      dq(j,k,l,n)     storage of delta-q terms
      x(j,k,l)        x-coordinate of grid point
      y(j,k,l)        y-coordinate of grid point
      qn(j,k,l,n)     solution at previous time step, n=1,4
      qnn(j,k,l,n)    solution at second previous time step, n=1,4
      rtxyz(j,k,l,m,n)metric terms at each point, m=1,3; n=1,4
                      rtxyz = d(xi_m)/d(x_n) / jacobian, where
                         xi_m = xi, eta, zeta for m=1,2,3
                         x_n  = t, x, y, z, for n=1,4
      dj(j,k,l)       jacobian of the metric transformation
      vnut(j,k,l)     turbulent eddy viscosity
      turvar(j,k,l)   field variables used for various turbulence models
      bm,bd,bp,ff:    These arrays hold the 4x4 blocks
                      for the implicit side of the equations at each point
                      in a line.

Variables in namelist DATAIN:
This namelist must occur once in standard input file.

   ngmrmax   Maximum number of iterations used in gmres solver. Default = 10.
   ngmrres   Maximum number of iterations used in gmres solver before
             performing a restart.  Controls the amount of memory needed
             by the gmres solver.  Default = 10.
   ntmax     The maximum number of physical time steps or iterations to be
	     performed.  Setting ntmax=0 causes the code to stop after
             reading in grid, setting initial conditions or reading the
             restart, and writing out plotting files.  Setting ntmax=-1
             causes the code to read in the grid and compute and save the
             distance function used by the turbulence model.
   np3d      The frequency with which plot3d files will be
             written by p3dout. Default = 100.
   nqfile    The frequency with which a restart file will be
             written by diskio. Default = 100.
   niter     The frequency with which the convergence history will
             be written by iterout.  Default = 1.
   nsub      The maximum number of sub-iterations that can be used during
             one physical time step.  This should be set to 1 for steady-state
	     computations, and should be larger than 1 for time-dependent
	     calculations.  Default = 1. 
   igrid     Switch which controls if the grid is regenerated at each
             time step(igrid = 1) or if only at begining of run(=0).
	     Default = 0.
   impsch    Switch for implicit scheme:
                1: line relaxation
                3: ilu factorization
		4: lusgs factorization
		5: gmres solver: generalized minimum residual solving the
			entire solution at once.
		6: gmres solver: generalized minimum residual solving one zone
			at a time.  The only reason to run this instead of
			impsch=5 is when you need to run with incore=0.
	     Default = 1.
   incore    Out-of-core option for multiple zone grids: setting incore=0
             causes the code to keep only 1 zone in core memory at a time;
             the other zones are written to disk.  Otherwise, all zones are
	     kept in core memory at all times.  Can signficantly reduce memory
	     requirements while increasing CPU and turnaround time
	     due to time spent doing disk I/O.  Using incore=0 requires about
             60*imaxtot words in temporary disk space, where imaxtot is the
             total number of grid points.  This option is not available
	     with impsch=5.  Default = 1.
   iorphan   Non-zero values of iorphan cause the code look for orphan points
	     which have been designated in the input grid file with an
             iblank value of 101.  This iblank value is the default behavior
             for orphan points in the PEGSUS program, as written to the file
             IBPLOT, and processed by the utility program mergepeg, which
             creates the composite grid file.
	     The orphan points are updated in the flow code by
             averaging all surrounding points.  Default = 1.
   iover     Controls input of overlap boundary condition info.  If 0,
             no overlap (Chimera) boundaries.  If non-zero, code will
             attempt to read in file named either XINTOUT or INTOUT, containing
             overlap interpolation info.  Default = 0.
   iprec     Selects preconditioner for the gmres implicit solver.
		0: no preconditioning
                3: ilu factorization
		4: lusgs factorization
	     Default = 3.
   iss       Switch used to control steady-state runs (iss=1) or for
             time-accurate calculations (iss=0).  Default = 1.
   istart    Switch which determines if initial conditions are to be
             used (istart=0), or if a restart file is to be read in by
             diskio (istart=1 or 2).  If istart=2, time and nt are reset
             to zero.  Default = 0.
   isubio    Switch which controls the output of convergence history
             during the subiterations.  If isubio=0, output is written
             only at end of subiterations.  Else it is written for
             every subiteration.  Default = 1.
   iturb     Switch to choose the turbulence model used:
             2 = Baldwin-Barth one-equation model
             3 = Spalart-Allmaras one-equation model
   ivis      Determines what assumptions are to be used in calculating the
             viscous fluxes.
                ivis = 1: Constant viscosity and orthogonal grid.
                       2: Constant viscosity and non-orthogonal grid.
                       3: Variable viscosity and non-orthogonal grid.
	     ivis needs to be set to 3 for turbulent calculations.
   beta      The artificial compressibility parameter.  See discussion
	     near end of document on choosing this parameter.
   dtau      The time step in pseudo-time.
   dt        The time step in real-time, used only in time-accurate
   eigeps    The epsilon used in forming the plus/minus eigenvalues.
	     This value should not be changed.  Default = 0.1
   epscon    Used as a convergence critera.  For time-dependent cases (iss=0)
             this is the maximum allowable value of the maximum divergence of
             velocity during the sub-iterations; when this is reached, the
 	     subiterations are terminated and the next time-step is begun.
	     For steady-state cases (iss=1) this determines the maximum
             divergence of velocity allowed for a converged steady-state
	     solution; when the maximum divergence of velocity is less than
	     epscon, the calculations are stopped.  Default = 1.e-4.
   gmrtol    Tolerance for residual ||A*dq - b|| when solving the
             system of equations using gmres.  Default = 1.e-2
   omegax    The non-dimensional rate of rotation about the x-axis for
	     steady-rotating reference frame geometries. For omegax .ne. 0.,
             the code includes source terms which account for the centrifugal
             and coliolis forces.  In this case, the velocity component
             variables in the code are the relative velocity components in
             the rotating reference frame;  the velocities are transformed
	     into the absolute frame of reference before being used by the
	     turbulence models.  The non-dimensional value of omega is obtained
	     from the dimensional value (in radians/[sec,min,etc]) and 
	     multiplying by the characteristic length and dividing by the
	     characteristic velocity.  Example: rotation = 10,000 RPM = 
	     1047 rad/sec; U_infinity = 150 ft/sec = 1800 in/sec; length=1 in;
	     omegax = (1047 rad/sec)*(1 in)/(1800 in/sec) = 0.582
	     Default = 0.
   omegay    The non-dimensional rate of rotation about the y-axis for
	     steady-rotating reference frame geometries.  Default = 0.
   omegaz    The non-dimensional rate of rotation about the z-axis for
	     steady-rotating reference frame geometries.  Default = 0.
   pin       Total pressure used at inflow boundaries.  Default = 1.5
   pout      Static pressure used at outflow boundaries.  Default = 1.0
   reynum    The Reynolds number based on the units of length and velocity
	     input to the code:  If you run the code with the inflow/farfield
             velocity scaled to unity, give the Reynolds number based on your
             inflow/farfield velocity.  If you set the inflow velocity in the
             code in some dimensional units (i.e. m/sec), give the Reynolds
             number based on that unit (i.e. 1 m/sec.)   If you non-
             dimensionalize the coordinates of the grid such that the
             characteristic length is unity, give the Reynolds number based
             on that length.  If the grid coordinates are given in dimensional
             units (i.e. cm), give the Reynolds number based on that unit
             (i.e. Reynolds number per cm).

Variables in namelist ZONEIN:
  This namelist must occur once for every zone.
   kpr       Logical variable which determines if the grid is
             periodic in the k-direction for this zone.  The k=1
             and k=kmax line should be neighbors and not be coincident.

   njswp     Number of times the line-relaxation algorithm sweeps
             the entire domain solving the equations along a line
             of constant k and l.

   nkswp     Number of times the line-relaxation algorithm sweeps
             the entire domain solving the equations along a line
             of constant j and l.

   nlswp     Number of times the line-relaxation algorithm sweeps
             the entire domain solving the equations along a line
             of constant j and k.

   ntjswp, ntkswp, ntlswp
             Number of line-relaxation sweeps used by the turbulence

   iaxsym    Specifies that a singular axis boundary lies in a symmetry
             plane.  A non-zero value of iaxsym causes the boundary
	     conditions for the singular axis in this zone to zero out
             one or more velocity components, to enforce the symmetry
	     condition.  The value of iaxsym should be a 3 digit binary
             number, where the left digit corresponds to the u-component,
             the middle digit to the v-velocity component, and the right
	     to the w-component.  If the digit is zero, that velocity
             component is zeroed out, otherwise it retains the value
             computed with the axial singularity routines.  The axial
             boundary condition must be specified for this parameter
             to work: see ibcval=70,71,72.  Default=111.

   iflxodr   Selects third-order (iflxodr=3) or fifth-order (iflxodr=5)
             stencil for flux-differencing splitting of convective terms.
             Default = 3.

   cdiss     Coeffient of dissipation used to multiply the dissipative terms
             in the flux-difference splitting scheme.  Default = 1.0
	     It is strongly recommended that this is never changed.

Grid file
  The code accepts PLOT3D 3D whole files.  These can be single- or multi-zone,
  formatted or unformatted, with or without iblank arrays.  The flow solver
  will automatically determine which type of file you have.  The following
  are the appropriate read statments for the different types of files, for
  a Fortran unformatted file.  The Fortran formatted file type uses identical
  records except with a wildcard format specification.

    Single zone, no iblank array:

      read(unit) jmax,kmax,lmax
      read(unit) (((x(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax),
     &           (((y(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax),
     &           (((z(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax)

    Single zone, with iblank array:

      read(unit) jmax,kmax,lmax
      read(unit) (((x(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax),
     &           (((y(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax),
     &           (((z(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax),
     &          (((ib(j,k,l),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),l=1,lmax)

    Multiple zone, no iblank array:

      read(unit) nzone
      read(unit) (jmax(nz),kmax(nz),lmax(nz),nz=1,nzone)
      do 10 nz=1,nzone
         read(unit) (((x(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz)),
     &              (((y(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz)),
     &              (((z(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz))
10    continue

    Multiple zone, with iblank array:

      read(unit) nzone
      read(unit) (jmax(nz),kmax(nz),lmax(nz),nz=1,nzone)
      do 10 nz=1,nzone
         read(unit) (((x(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz)),
     &              (((y(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz)),
     &              (((z(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz)),
     &             (((ib(j,k,l),j=1,jmax(nz)),k=1,kmax(nz)),l=1,lmax(nz))
10    continue

bcmain.dat: boundary condition input file
Each line of input in this file should include values for ibcval,
izone, beg,jend, kbeg,kend, lbeg,lend.  The value of ibcval specifies
which boundary condition will be applied, the remaining indices
describe the zone number and j,k,l range which describes a
computational surface where the boundary condition will be applied.
Any surfaces on the computational boundaries not specified here will
by default remain at their initial condition values.  Negative values
of jbeg, jend, kbeg, or kend are interpreted as: jbeg = jmax + 1 -
abs(jbeg).  Thus jbeg=-1 is equivalent to jbeg=jmax; jbeg=-2 is equivalent
to jbeg=jmax-1.  Comments are allowed anywhere in the file using a "c"
in the first column.  Tab characters are allowed in the input records.

  NOTE: The no-slip wall, slip wall, inflow, and outflow boundary conditions
        can be applied at any computational surface,interior or boundary.
        If a wall boundary condition is to be specified in an interior plane,
	it is important that the wall be at least 3 grid-planes thick.  Two
	of these planes would be needed to specify the wall faces, and a third
	plane sandwiched inbetween the walls which must be blanked out
	with a negative value for ibcval.  This is necessary to prevent the
	differencing stencil from performing a differencing "through" the wall.

     ibcval         Description
     ------         -----------
       0            No-slip wall with wall normal vector
                       pointing in the positive computational direction
       1            No-slip wall with wall normal vector
                       pointing in the negative computational direction
       4	    Moving no-slip wall, with wall normal vector
		       pointing in the positive computational direction.
		       The initial condition velocity is maintained.
       5	    Moving no-slip wall, with wall normal vector
		       pointing in the negative computational direction.
		       The initial condition velocity is maintained.
      10            Slip wall with the wall normal pointing in the positive
                       computational direction
      11            Slip wall with the wall normal pointing in the negative
                       computational direction
      20            Inflow boundary with constant velocity and 
                       extrapolation of the pressure
      21            Inflow boundary with constant total pressure (pin)
                       and flow normal to the surface, and
                       extrapolation of the pressure
      22            Inflow boundary with constant total pressure (initial
                       conditions) and flow normal to the surface,
                       extrapolation of the pressure
      30            Outflow boundary using characteristic relations for 
                       velocity and uniform constant static pressure=pout.
      31            Outflow boundary using extrapolated velocity
                       and uniform constant static pressure=pout.
      32            Outflow boundary using characteristic relations for 
                       velocity and constant static pressure as set by
                       the initial conditions.
      33            Outflow boundary using extrapolated velocity
                       and constant static pressure as set by the
                       initial conditions.
      40            Symmetry boundary conditions for x-constant symmetry plane.
		       Cannot be applied at interior planes.
      41            Symmetry boundary conditions for y-constant symmetry plane
		       Cannot be applied at interior planes.
      42            Symmetry boundary conditions for z-constant symmetry plane
		       Cannot be applied at interior planes.
      50            Far-field boundaries which will have inflow in one
                       area and outflow in another, such as in an o-grid.
                       For points with inflow, this uses ibcval = 20
                       For points with outflow, this uses ibcval = 31
      60-63        C-grid flow-through conditions: for a boundary grid
		        plane with a c-topology in which the two halves of the
                        c collapse onto the same plane.  These boundary points
                        are updated by averaging values above and below the
                        plane.  Only one half of the c-grid plane needs to be
                        given as a boundary condition,  both sides will be
                        updated.  ibcval=60,61 are used when the vector normal
                        to the plane points in the positive computational
                        direction (ie, j=1 plane).  Use ibcval=62 or 63 when
                        this vector points in the negative computational
                        direction (ie, j=jmax plane).  Using indicinal notation
		        to represent j,k,l: when the boundary plane is in the
			i-plane and the c-direction is in the i+1 computational
			direction, use ibcval=60 or 62; when the c-direction
                        is in the i-1 computational direction, use
			ibcval=61 or 63.  To summarize:

			Boundary	c-direction	ibcval

			j=1		k		60
			j=1     	l		61
			j=jmax  	k		62
			j=jmax  	l		63
			k=1		l		60
			k=1		j		61
			k=kmax		l		62
			k=kmax		j		63
			l=1		j		60
			l=1		k		61
			l=lmax		j		62
			l=lmax		k		63

      70,71,72      Singular axis boundary condition: where a computational
                       boundary plane collapses on to a singular line.  The
		       value of ibcval identifies which computational direction
                       wraps circumferentially around the singular line:
		       70=j-index, 71=k-index, 72=l-index.  If the axis lies
                       in a symmetry plane, must change the input value of
                       iaxsym in namelist ZONEIN for this zone.
     80		    Periodic O-grid averaging (nonconservative).  
                       With an o-grid periodicity in the j-direction,
		       the j=1 and j=jmax planes should be pointwise
		       coincident.  Specifiy on one of the two boundary planes.
		       Updates both planes by averaging the values on either
		       side of the periodic plane.  This boundary condition
			will lead to inaccuracies in the solution, and should
			only be used as a last resort.
     81-89	    Reserved for spatially periodic BC (defered implementation)
     90		    Extrapolate all four variables from the neighboring
                       surface in positive computational direciton.
     91		    Extrapolate all four variables from the neighboring
                       surface in negative computational direciton.
     100            User coded boundary condition: code calls subroutine
                       bcuser during implicit solution.  In
                       this routine code can be written to specify values
                       in the dq array.  Useful for implicitly specifying
                       analytic or known conditions.
     < 0	     Any value less than zero indicates that this region
                       is to be blanked out, such that the code will never
                       use any values at those points.  This region does
                       not have to be a surface, it can be a volume.

INTOUT and XINTOUT: Overlaid grid interface input file

  The INTOUT and XINTOUT files are used by INS3D to update grid interface
  boundaries on overlaid grids, also known as chimera grids.  This file
  contains interpolation weights and grid indices.  It is the standard
  interpolation file output from both the PEGSUS and DCF software packages.
  The interpolation is used to update points on either
  an outer boundary or a fringe boundary.  The following shows the
  contents of the INTOUT file.  This set of 4 records are repeated
  once for each zone in the grid:

	read(2) ibpnts(nz),iipnts(nz),iieptr(nz),iisptr(nz)
	read(2) (ji(i),ki(i),li(i),dj(i),dk(i),dl(i),i=1,iipnts(nz))
	read(2) (jb(i),kb(i),lb(i),ibc(i),i=1,ibpnts(nz))
	read(2) (iblank(i),i=1,jmax(nz)*kmax(nz)*lmax(nz)

  The XINTOUT file is a variation of the INTOUT file but with a
  different ordering of the data which results in significantly faster
  I/O.  The code first checks for the existence of XINTOUT; if it exists,
  it will not use an INTOUT file.  For each zone, the XINTOUT file should
  have the following four records:

      read(2) ibpnts(nz),iipnts(nz),iieptr(nz),iisptr(nz)
      read(2) (ji(i),i=1,iipnts),
     &        (ki(i),i=1,iipnts),
     &        (li(i),i=1,iipnts),
     &        (dj(i),i=1,iipnts),
     &        (dk(i),i=1,iipnts),
     &        (dl(i),i=1,iipnts)
      read(2) (jb(i),i=1,ibpnts),
     &        (kb(i),i=1,ibpnts),
     &        (lb(i),i=1,ibpnts),
     &        (ibc(i),i=1,ibpnts),
      read(2) (iblank(i),i=1,jmax(nz)*kmax(nz)*lmax(nz)

  where ji,ki,li are the indices of the interpolation cell which will
  be used to supply information to the boundary points; dj,dk,dl
  are the interpolation weights; jb,kb,lb are the indices of the boundary
  points which receive the new information, and iblank is an integer array
  which has a value of 1 at active field points, and a value of zero at
  hole and boundary points.  iisptr and iieptr are start and end pointers
  for interpolated data from this grid into a global array chimera-boundary
  storage array, known as QBC.  These can be computed as:

	iisptr(1) = 1
	iisptr(nz) = iieptr(nz-1) + 1                   for nz=2,nzone
	iieptr(nz) = iisptr(nz) - 1 - iipnts(nz)        for nz=1,nzone

  The ibc array contains an index into the QBC array for each point in 
  the ibpnts arrays.  The interpolation and updating of chimera boundary
  points is done in the following manner:

      do i=1,iipnts(nz)
         s1 = q(ji(i)  ,ki(i)  ,li(i)  ,n)
         s2 = q(ji(i)+1,ki(i)  ,li(i)  ,n)
         s3 = q(ji(i)+1,ki(i)+1,li(i)  ,n)
         s4 = q(ji(i)  ,ki(i)+1,li(i)  ,n)
         s5 = q(ji(i)  ,ki(i)  ,li(i)+1,n)
         s6 = q(ji(i)+1,ki(i)  ,li(i)+1,n)
         s7 = q(ji(i)+1,ki(i)+1,li(i)+1,n)
         s8 = q(ji(i)  ,ki(i)+1,li(i)+1,n)
         a1 =  s1
         a2 = -s1 +s2
         a3 = -s1 +s4
         a4 = -s1 +s5
         a5 =  s1 -s2 +s3 -s4
         a6 =  s1 -s2 -s5 +s6
         a7 =  s1 -s4 -s5 +s8
         a8 = -s1 +s2 -s3 +s4 +s5 -s6 +s7 -s8
         qbc(iisptr-1+i) = a1
     &                   + a2*dj(i)
     &                   + a3*dk(i)
     &                   + a4*dl(i)
     &                   + a5*dj(i)*dk(i)
     &                   + a6*dj(i)*dl(i)
     &                   + a7*dk(i)*dl(i)
     &                   + a8*dj(i)*dk(i)*dl(i)

      do i=1,ibpnts(nz)
         q(jb(i),kb(i),lb(i)) = qbc(ibc(i))

Multiblock Patched grids

The multiblock, patched grid interface capability in INS3D requires
that two neighboring grids overlap such that they share at least two
coincident planes.  The interzonal boundary condition information
is passed into INS3D using the overset type of boundary condition file

Additional Notes:

Steady-state convergence:
   The most important input parameters when trying to make the
   code converge are beta, dtau, and the line-relaxation sweeps
   parameters njswp, nkswp, and nlswp.  Finding the best choice
   for these inputs is best done through numerical experiment.

   Typically, one should choose line-relaxation sweeps depending on
   which family of grid lines is aligned normal to the no-slip walls.
   For example, if the grid has a wall at an l=1 surface, it is ususally
   best to set njswp=nkswp=0, and set nlswp to a value between 2 and 10.
   Use a lower value for easier cases (ie laminar flow with larger
   spacings at the wall), and try a higher value for cases with finer
   grid spacings at the walls.  For internal flows with multiple walls,
   it might be best to use sweeps on all directions, ie. njswp=nkswp=nlswp=2.

   If stability is
   not a problem, keep dtau very large.  Otherwise, reduce dtau to a value
   on the order of 1.0.  This assumes that the velocity and coordintes have
   been scaled by the characteristic velocity and lengths, and they are
   unity.  Thus, dtau=1.0 will convect along a characteristic length in
   one time-step.  If dtau is reduced a lot less than this, it will really
   slow down the convergence, as it will take many time-steps to propagate
   the disturbances away from the body or out of the flow domain.  So
   keep dtau near 1.0, and try to stablize by selecting beta:
   Typical values for beta are 1 to 100 depending on geometry, grid, and
   reynolds number (assuming you non-dimensionalize your grid with
   characteristic length).  Internal flows tend to do better in the lower
   range, but turbulent and fine-grid cases tend to require larger beta.
   Try running a couple of short runs with beta=1,10,100, to see what order
   of magnitude it likes for your case.

The metric subroutine which was added under version 1.80-37 can produce
negative jacobians on grids which previously had only positive jacobians.
This happens on meshes which have extreme stretching.  The best thing to
do is correct the mesh by adding more points or changing the spacing
to reduce the stretching ratio.  Alternatively, the older version of subroutine
metric is included in the source file metric.f, and has been renamed metric2.
This could be utilized in such cases.

[Home] [NASA] Updated: Wednesday, 18-Oct-2000 06:53:32 PDT
WebWork: Stuart E. Rogers <>
NASA Responsible Official: Stuart Rogers