Solaris Freeware
Request A Program/To Do List

This is a list of programs that have been requested by Solaris users and may (I emphasize - may) be placed on The first column to the contains the program names that have been requested. The second column gives the version number of the most recent source I can find. The third column gives what is available on for SPARC/Solaris 8 and for most other the other levels of Solaris.

If you want to see what software has been added to in the recent months, go to Recent Additions. A complete list of all software on can be found at Currently Done.

If you need one of these programs not yet packaged, email me with the processor/Solaris version you need, and, if possible, where to obtain the most recent source. My strong preference is to work only on the most recent version of any program. If the program you need is not listed, let me know. Please check first to see if the program you need is really designed to run on Solaris/UNIX machine and not some other operating system. If you become aware of a newer release of one of the software packages or an error in the table, let me know.

Note - if you do not see a program for your level of Solaris and it exists for an earlier version, try the earlier version. Many programs that are compiled for an earlier version of Solaris will work for a later version.

I may not fill every slot in the table. My goal is to try and to keep the programs up-to-date. I also cannot respond to all emails as I get many each day. If you don't get a response quickly, it is not because I have not received the email.

I cannot say how fast I will do various compiles. If you are desperate to get a compile immediately, I can do this for a non-trivial fee. If you need a program that goes someplace other that /usr/local (which is the default for most programs), I may also be able to do this for a fee.

Send requests to

This page was last updated on March 16, 2009.

Solaris Software List              

Program        Latest Version      Sunfreeware       

a2ps           4.13b               4.13b                     
a52dec         0.7.4               
aalib          1.4rc5              1.4.rc5        
adns           1.4                 1.4           
afio           2.5                 2.5                      
afterstep      1.8.11              1.8.0  
aget           0.4                 0.4                  
aide           0.13.1              0.13.1  
alpine         2.00                2.00          
amanda         2.4.2p2             
analog         6.0                 6.0                
andirand       0.7                 
ansitape       2.0                 2.0            
antiroute      1.1                 1.1 
anitword       0.37                0.37           
aolserver      4.x-022002          3.0            
apache         1.3.27/2.0.59       1.3.27/2.0.59   
apache         2.2.11              2.2.11 
apachetop      0.12.5              0.12.5  
apg            2.2.3               2.2.3 
apr            1.2.2               1.2.2
apr-utils      1.2.2               1.2.2    
arc            5.21e               5.21e
argtable2      9                   9
arj            3.10b               
arpwatch       2.1a11              2.1a4   
asciidoc       8.3.5               8.3.5       
asclock        2.0.12              2.0.12         
aspell         0.60.6              0.60.6           
atk            1.18.0              1.18.0               
audiofile      0.2.6               0.2.6                   
august         0.63b               
autoconf       2.63                2.63            
autogen	       5.9.7               5.9.7         
automake       1.10.2              1.10.2           
autossh        1.4b                1.4b          
balance        3.11                3.11         
bash           4.0                 4.0        
bb             1.3.0               1.3.0          
bc             1.06                1.06  
bcrypt         1.1                 1.1   
bglibs         1.104               1.104      
bind           9.5.1p1/9.6.0p1     9.5.1p1/9.6.0p1        
bing           1.1.3               
binutils       2.17                2.17                     
bison          2.4.1               2.4.1           
blame          1.3.1               1.3.1
blt            2.4z                2.4z           
bluefish       1.0.7               1.0.7
bogofilter     1.1.7               1.1.7
bonnie++       1.03d               1.03d
bosh           0.5                 0.5
bvi            1.3.2               1.3.2 
bwm-ng         0.5                 0.5          
bxform         089                 
bzip2          1.0.5               1.0.5           
c3270          3.3.7p4             3.3.7p4 
cairo          1.4.10              1.4.10        
cap60          pl100    
catdoc         0.94.2              0.94.2  
cave           1.0b                1.0b         
cdrtools       2.01.01a35          2.01.01a35                 
cfengine       2.2.9               2.2.9 
check          0.9.5               0.9.5
cherokee       0.4.21              0.4.21  
chess          5.04     
chicken        3.4.0               3.4.0
chkrootkit     0.48                0.48           
chmlib         0.39                0.39                
ckermit        201
clex           3.18                3.18                 
clisp          2.30  
cmake          2.4.8               2.4.8              
cmatrix        1.2a                1.1b           
coloredit      1.1                 
compface       1.4
conflict       6.0                 6.0  
confuse        2.6                 2.6
conserver      8.1.1               8.1.1  
convmv         1.14                1.14             
cook           2.30                2.30                
cops           1.04 
coreutils      7.1		   7.1               
cpio           2.9                 2.9          
crack          5.0 
crm114         20040221            20040221   
cronolog       1.6.2               1.6.2             
cscope         15.7                15.7           
cssc           0.14alpha.p10       
ctags          5.7                 5.7                       
cups           1.1.15              
curl           7.19.4              7.19.4         
cvs            1.11.23             1.11.23          
cvs2svn        2.1.1               2.1.1          
cyrus-imapd    2.1.9               
daemontools    0.76                0.70           
db             4.7.25.NC           1.85/2.77/3.3.11/4.7.25.NC 
dbus           1.0.2               1.0.2 
dbus-glib      0.74                0.74            
ddd            3.3.12              3.3.12           
ddrescue       1.3rc1              1.3rc1          
dejagnu        1.4.4		   1.4.4               
dhcp           4.0.0               4.0.0             
dia            0.90 
dialog         1.0.20050306        1.0.20050306               
diction        1.02                0.7     
diffstat       1.45                1.45       
diffutils      2.8.7               2.8.7                     
dio            1.5                 1.4            
disktool       2.0c                2.0c
disktype       9                   9
distcc         2.13                2.13             
djbdns         1.05                1.03 
dnsmasq        2.41test8           2.41test8          
doc++          3.4.9               3.4.2          
dog            1.7                 1.7 
dovecot        1.1.10              1.1.10
doxygen        1.5.8               1.5.8           
droidbattles   1.0.5b              1.0.0          
dsniff         2.4b1               2.4b1 
dttools        1.0.4               1.0.4 
dwdiff         1.5.1               1.5.1          
efax           0.9                 
egcs           1.1.2               1.1.2          
egd            0.9                 0.8  
elinks         0.11.5              0.11.5          
elm            2.5.6               
elvis          2.1.4               
emacs          22.1                22.1                     
emacspeak      16.0                                          
enlightenment  0.16.5              0.16.4         
enscript       1.6.4               1.6.4                   
esound         0.2.38              0.2.38                  
eterm          0.9.1               0.8.10         
ethereal       0.10.7              0.10.7         
ettercap_ng    0.7.3               0.7.3
eventlog       0.2.7               0.2.7        
everybuddy     0.4.3               0.1.5          
exmh           2.5 
expat	       2.0.1               2.0.1                
expect         5.43.0              5.43.0                    
f2c            Mar012001           Mar012001      
fetchmail      6.3.9rc2            6.3.9rc2       
fftw 	       3.1.2               3.1.2
file           5.00                5.00                     
fileutils      4.1                 4.1             
filezilla      3.0.3               3.0.3           
findutils      4.4.0               4.4.0          
fish           1.22.1              1.22.1           
flex           2.5.35              2.5.35         
fltk           1.1.9               1.1.9  
fontconfig     2.4.2               2.4.2
foremost       1.5.3               1.5.3       
fnlib          0.5                 0.5                       
fping          2.4b2               2.4b2   
freeradius     1.1.7               1.1.7  
freetds        0.82                0.82     
freetype       2.3.1               2.3.1                   
ftptool        4.6     
ftsh           2.0.3               2.0.3            
fvwm2          2.4.11                              
ganglia	       3.0.7               3.0.7      
gateway        1.4.1               1.4.1   
gawk           3.1.6               3.1.6                   
gcal           3.01                                         
gcc            3.4.6               2.95.3/3.4.6           
gcl            2.4.3  
gconf          2.20.1              2.20.1             
gd             2.0.35              2.0.35          
gdb            6.8                 6.8                       
gdbm           1.8.3               1.8.3          
gdkpixbuf      0.19.0              0.19.0
gdmap          0.8.1               0.8.1  
geany          0.14                0.14 
gengetopt      2.22.1              2.22.1 
geoip          1.4.5               1.4.5     
gettext        0.14.1              0.14.1                
gfortune       1.0.0               1.0.0          
gftp           2.0.18rc1           2.0.18rc1         
ghostscript    8.64                8.64                      
ghostview      1.5                 1.5                       
gifmerge       1.33                
gifsicle       1.35                1.19           
giftrans       1.12.2              
gimp           2.4.2               2.4.2          
git            1.6.1               1.6.1          
glark          1.8.0               1.8.0        
glib           2.14.1              2.14.1                  
global         5.7.4               5.7.4          
glpk           4.11                4.11         
glut           3.7                 3.7 
gmp            4.2.1               4.2.1           
gnat           3.14p               
gnats          4.1.0               4.1.0            
gnome          2.0     
gnuit          4.9.4               4.9.4            
gnupg          1.4.8               1.4.8          
gnuplot        4.2.4               4.2.4          
gnutls         1.4.1               1.4.1 
gpa            0.7.6               0.7.6       
gpc            2.1   
gperf          3.0.3               3.0.3 
gpgme          1.1.4               1.1.4             
gpw            072497              
gphoto         2.1.0                              
gqlplus        1.12                1.12          
grep           2.5.4               2.5.4                    
groff          1.20.1              1.20.1         
grsync         0.6.1               0.6.1
gsoap          2.7.10              2.7.10 
gt5            1.4.0               1.4.0        
gtk+           2.12.0              2.12.0                 
gtkengines     0.12                               
gtkspell       2.0.11              2.0.11           
guile          1.8.5               1.8.5                   
gv             3.5.8               3.5.8                   
gzip           1.3.12              1.3.12         
hexedit        1.2.12              1.2.12           
hfsutils       3.2.6               3.2.6          
hping3         20051105            20051105  
htdig          3.2.0b5             3.2.0.b5 
httping        1.2.9               1.2.9 
httpry         0.1.4               0.1.4   
hugs98         Feb2001 
hydra          2.6                 2.6                           
hylafax        4.1.3               
hypermail      2.1.5               
icon           941                 
ident          2.2.8               
ifstatus       4.0                 4.0   
iftop          0.17                0.17         
imagemagick    6.3.0               6.3.0                    
imap           2006e               2006e                   
imlib          1.9.15              1.9.15                
indent         2.2.9               2.2.9 
inn            2.3.3               
intlfonts      1.2  
intltool       0.40.3              0.40.3 
iperf          2.0.4               2.0.4              
ipfilter       3.4.29 
iplog	       2.2.3		   2.2.3             
irc            2.10.3p3            2.10.3 
ircii          20060725            20060725
irssi          0.8.9               0.8.9        
ispell         3.3.02              3.3.02          
jade           3.2   
jdiskreport    1.3.1               1.3.1              
jed            B0.99.15            B0.99.14       
jikes          1.16                1.13           
joe            3.7                 3.7                                    
john           1.7.2               1.7.2            
jpeg           6b                  6b              
jpeg2ps        1.9                 1.9           
kde            3.0.3                               
keychain       2.6.8               2.6.8        
knews          1.0b.1              
koffice        1.2                                  
lame           3.97                3.97        
latex2html     2002.2 
lcms           1.17                1.17             
less           418                 418                    
lesstif        0.93.36                               
lftp           3.7.3               3.7.3     
lha            1.17 
libao          0.8.8               0.8.8 
libart_lgpl    2.3.19              2.3.19 
libcddb        1.3.0               1.3.0
libcroco       0.6.1               0.6.1             
libdvdcss      1.2.2               
libdvdread     0.9.3 
libedit        20070302_2.10       20070302_2.10
libemf         1.0.3               1.0.3
libevent       1.2a                1.2a
libexif        0.6.16              0.6.16
libgcrypt      1.2.4               1.2.4              
libghttp       1.0.9               1.0.6
libglade       2.6.2               2.6.2  
libgpg-error   1.5                 1.5 
libgsf         1.14.7              1.14.7
libgtkhtml     2.11.1              2.11.1       
libiconv       1.11                1.11
libidl         0.8.12              0.8.12
libidn         1.13                1.13 
libintl        3.4.0               3.4.0
libmikmod      3.2.0beta2          3.2.0beta2         
libnids        1.23                1.23
libogg         1.1.3               1.1.3  
libol	       0.3.18              0.3.18 
liboop         1.0                 1.0        
libpcap        1.0.0               1.0.0                    
libpng         1.2.35              1.2.35         
librsvg        2.22.3              2.22.3 
librsync       0.9.7               0.9.7 
libsigc++      2.0.17              2.0.17 
libsigsegv     2.6                 2.6
libstatgrab    0.13                0.13     
libtool        1.5.24              1.5.24           
libungif       4.1.4               4.1.4          
libuninum      2.7                 2.7
libvorbis      1.2.0               1.2.0
libxml	       1.8.17		   1.8.17         
libxml2        2.6.31              2.6.31        
libxslt        1.1.22              1.1.22            
lighttpd       1.4.21              1.4.21 
links          1.00pre23           1.00pre23 
links          2.1pre36            2.1pre36  
logrotate      3.7.6		   3.7.6 
logsurfer      1.7                 1.7   
lrzsz          0.12.20             0.12.20
lsh            2.0                 2.0        
lsof           4.80                4.80  
lua            5.1.4               5.1.4         
lynx           2.8.6               2.8.6                    
lyx            1.2.1  
lzip           1.4                 1.4 
lzma           4.32.7              4.32.7    
lzo            2.03                2.03        
m4             1.4.12              1.4.12                    
mad            0.14.2b  
mailx          12.2                12.2           
make           3.81                3.81                    
man2html       3.0.1               3.0.1        
mc             4.6.1               4.6.1        
md5            6142000             6142000 
memcached      1.2.6               1.2.6       
memconf        2.10                2.10
mercurial      1.1                 1.1
mesa           6.0                 6.0         
metamail       2.7                 
mgdiff         1.0                 1.0
mikmod         3.2.1               3.2.1
ming           0.4.2               0.4.2           
mirror         2.9  
mktemp	       1.6                 1.6  
mm             1.4.2               1.4.2             
mozilla        1.1   
mikmod         3.2.1               3.2.1            
mpack          1.6                 1.6           
mpage          2.5.6               2.5.6                   
mpeg3play      dist10              
mpeglib        1.3.1               1.3   
mpfr           2.4.0               2.4.0                   
mpg123         0.59r                                       
mrtg           2.16.2              2.16.2
mrxvt          0.5.4               0.5.4
msort          8.45                8.45              
mtools         3.9.8               
mtr            0.51                0.42           
mtx            1.3.12              1.3.12  
multitail      5.2.2               5.2.2            
mush           0.3.1pre12          
mutt           1.5.19              1.5.19                  
mysql          5.0.67              5.0.67           
nano           2.0.9               2.0.9          
nc             1.10                110 
ncdu           1.4                 1.4           
ncftp          3.2.1               3.2.1                    
ncurses        5.6                 5.6                       
nedit          5.5                 5.5 
nemesis        1.4                 1.4           
nenscript      1.13.3              1.13.3 
neon           0.28.3              0.28.3
nepim          0.39                0.39 
nessus	       2.0.12              2.0.12       
netatalk       1.5.5  
netcdf         3.6.1               3.6.1             
nethack        3.4.3		   3.4.3  
netio          1.26                1.26               
netpbm         10.27               10.27      
nettle         1.15                1.15        
ngrep          1.45                1.45  
nikto	       1.32                1.32  
nload          0.7.2               0.7.2    
nmap           4.76/3.93           4.76/3.93                
nmh            1.0.4                                 
nsar           1.52                1.52       
nttpcache      3.0.1               
ntop           3.3                 3.3          
ntp            4.2.4p6             4.2.4p6              
olvwm          4.4p4               4.4p4 
ocaml          3.10.2              3.10.2         
octave         2.1.73              2.1.73             
ogle           0.8.5               
oleo           1.99.16 
op             1.32                1.32            
openldap       2.4.11              2.4.11          
openssh        5.2p1               5.2p1         
openssl        0.9.6i/7g/8j        0.9.6i/7g/8j
orbit2         2.14.10             2.14.10
p7zip          4.61                4.61 
pango          1.18.2              1.18.2 
paramiko       1.7.1               1.7.1              
patch          2.5.9               2.5.9
patchutils     0.3.0               0.3.0 
pbzip2         1.0.5               1.0.5        
pbmplus        10dec1991 
pca            20090224.01         20090224.01 
pconsole       1.0                 1.0    
pcre           7.8                 7.8 
pdftk          1.12                1.12   
pen            0.18.0              0.18.0
perl           5.8.8               5.8.8                    
php            4.4.5/5.2.6         4.4.5/5.2.6               
pidentd        3.0.14              3.0.10 
pidgin         2.2.1               2.2.1        
pine           4.64                4.64            
pingtunnel     0.61                0.61
pkgconfig      0.23                0.23          
plotutils      2.5.1               2.5.1                
pngcrush       1.6.10              1.6.10
poppler        0.6.2               0.6.2         
popt           1.14                1.14          
postfix        1.1.10              19991231.2       
postgresql     8.3.3               8.3.3               
povray         3.6.1		   3.6.1                
ppp            2.4.1                                      
prngd          0.9.26              0.9.25         
procmail       3.22                3.22                     
proftpd        1.3.1               1.3.1           
proj           4.6.1               4.6.1         
pstree         2.32                2.32           
psutils        1.17                1.17
pv             1.1.4               1.1.4
pycairo        1.4.0               1.4.0           
pycrypto       2.0.1               2.0.1
pygobject      2.14.0              2.14.0
pygtk          2.10.6              2.10.6
pysqlite       2.4.0               2.4.0
python         2.5.1               2.5.1            
qdbm           1.8.0               1.8.0            
qmail          1.03                
qpopper        4.0.5               4.0.5          
qps            1.9.7                         
qt             3.3.4               3.3.4           
R              2.7.2               2.7.2         
rcs            5.7                 5.7  
rdesktop       1.5.0               1.5.0
rdiff-backup   1.2.1               1.2.1           
rdist          7.0.0a10 
re2c           0.13.5              0.13.5           
readline       5.2                 5.2                        
recode         3.6                 3.6
renameutils    0.10.0              0.10.0  
render         0.8                 0.8
renderproto    0.9.3               0.9.3          
replace        2.20                
rpm            4.1                 3.0.4                   
rotatelog      1.7                 
rpm2cpio       1.1.20020306 
rrdtool	       1.2.19              1.2.19  
rssh           2.3.2               2.3.2     
rsync          3.0.5               3.0.5           
ruby           1.8.7p72            1.8.7p72  
rush           1.6                 1.6               
rxvt           2.6.4               2.7.3                    
samba          3.2.4               3.2.4                    
sane           1.0.8  
sasl           2.1.21              2.1.21 
sbcl           1.0.7               1.0.7            
sc             7.15                7.15           
scanssh        1.6b                1.6b 
schur          6.05                6.05          
scotty         2.1.11              000221         
screen         4.0.2               4.0.2                  
scrollkeeper   0.3.11              
sdl            1.2.4                              
seccheck       0.7.6               0.7.6         
sed            4.1.5               4.1.5                   
sendmail       8.12.6                                       
sendpage       0.9.14 
setoolkit      3.4                 3.4             
sgrep          1.94a               1.984a         
sharitylight   1.3                 1.3         
sharutils      4.7                 4.7
shmux          1.0.2               1.0.2
shush          1.2.2               1.2.2         
shutils        2.0.15              2.0.15                  
slang          2.1.4               2.1.4          
smake          1.2a41              1.2a41   
snarf          7.0                 7.0      
snprintf       2.2                 2.2 
solview        0.45                0.45 
speex          1.0.5               1.0.5 
spell          1.0    
sqlite         3.5.7               3.5.7             
squid          2.7.STABLE4         2.7.STABLE4     
ssldump	       0.9b3		   0.9b3  
star           1.5a78              1.5a78 
strace         4.4.1  
subversion     1.5.4               1.5.4             
sudo           1.7.0               1.7.0             
sunclock       3.46                
surfraw        1.0.7               1.0.7          
swatch         3.0.4 
swig	       1.3.36              1.3.36 
switzerland    0.0.7               0.0.7
synergy        1.3.1               1.3.1 
sys_diag       7.04                7.04  
syslog-ng      3.0.1               3.0.1         
t1lib          5.1.0               5.1.0          
tar            1.21                1.21                     
tcl            8.5.3               8.5.3                   
tclx           8.3.0               8.2.0          
tcpdrop        20080516            20080516         
tcpdump        4.0.0               4.0.0                   
tcpflow        0.21                2.3.5           
tcpreplay      2.3.5               1.0 
tcptraceroute  1.5beta7            1.5abeta7           
tcp_wrappers   7.6                 7.6                       
tcsh           6.15.00             6.15.00                  
tetex          3.0                 3.0         
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tk800          023  
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© Copyright 2009 Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc.