FLORIDA GEOGRAPHIC DATA LIBRARY DOCUMENTATION (VERSION 1.0) DIGITAL LINE GRAPHS; 1:24,000 ROADS Geodataset Name: RDS24 Geodataset Type: Shape Geodataset Feature: Line GENERAL DESCRIPTION This coverage contains the digital line graphs (DLG) for the state of Florida as compiled by the Earth Science information center of the U.S. Geological Survey. The RDS24 coverage is a subset of all transportation data from the DLG data files derived from the 1:24,000-scale and other large-scale maps. DATA SOURCE(S): UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SCALE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE MAPS: 1:24,000 GEODATASET EXTENT: State of Florida FEATURE ATTRIBUTE TABLES Datafile Name: RDS24.DBF ITEM NAME WIDTH TYPE PRECISION FNODE_ 11 Decimal 0 TNODE_ 11 Decimal 0 LPOLY_ 11 Decimal 0 RPOLY_ 11 Decimal 0 LENGTH 12 Decimal 3 RDS24_ 11 Decimal 0 RDS24_ID 11 Decimal 0 MAJOR1 6 Decimal 0 MINOR1 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR2 6 Decimal 0 MINOR2 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR3 6 Decimal 0 MINOR3 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR4 6 Decimal 0 MINOR4 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR5 6 Decimal 0 MINOR5 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR6 6 Decimal 0 MINOR6 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR7 6 Decimal 0 MINOR7 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR8 6 Decimal 0 MINOR8 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR9 6 Decimal 0 MINOR9 6 Decimal 0 MAJOR10 6 Decimal 0 MINOR10 6 Decimal 0 DESCRIPT 100 Character FEATURE ATTRIBUTE TABLES CODES AND VALUES Item Item description MAJOR1 / MINOR1 VALUE DESCRIPTION l70 0001 Bridge abutment 0002 Tunnel portal 0004 Gate 0005 Cul-de-sac 0006 Dead end 0007 Drawbridge 170 0100 Void area 020l Primary route, class 1, symbol undivided 0202 Primary route, class 1, symbol divided by centerline 0203 Primary route, class 1, divided, lanes separated 0204 Primary route, class 1, one way, other than divided highway 0205 Secondary route, class 2, symbol undivided 0206 Secondary route, class 2, symbol divided by centerline 0207 Secondary route, class 2, symbol divided, lanes separated 0208 Secondary route, class 2, one way, 0209 Road or street, class 3 0210 Road or street, class 4 0211 Trail, class 5, other than four-wheel- drive vehicle 02l2 Trail, class 5, four-wheel-drive vehicle 0213 Footbridge 02l4 Road ferry crossing 02l5 Perimeter of parking area 02l6 Arbitrary extension of line (join or closure) 02l7 Road or street, class 3, symbol divided by centerline 0218 Road or street, class 3, divided lanes separated 0219 Road or street, class 4, one way 0220 Closure line 0221 Road or street, class 3, one way 0222 Road in transition 0299 Processing line l70 0401 Traffic circle 0402 Cloverleaf or interchange 0403 Toll gate, toll plaza or perimeter of toll plaza 0404 Weigh station 0405 Nonstandard section of road 170 0601 In tunnel 0602 Overpassing, on bridge 0603 Under construction, classification known 0604 Under construction, classification unknown 0605 Labeled "old railroad grade" 0606 Submerged or in ford 0607 Underpassing 0608 Limited access 0609 Toll road 0610 Privately operated or controlled public access 0611 Proposed 0612 Double-decked 0613 In service facility or rest area 0614 Elevated 0615 Bypass route 0616 Alternate route 0617 Business route 0618 On drawbridge 0619 Spur 0620 Loop 0621 Connector 0622 Truck route 0650 Road width 46-55 feet, 0.025 inches at 1:24,000 0651 Road width 56-65 feet, 0.030 inches at 1:24,000 0652 Road width 66-75 feet, 0.035 inches at 1:24,000 170 0653 Road width 76-85 feet, 0.040 inches at 1:24,000 0654 Road width 86-95 feet, 0.045 inches at 1:24,000 0655 Road width 96-105 feet, 0.050 inches at 1:24,000 0656 Road width 106-115 feet, 0.055 inches at 1:24,000 0657 Road width 116-125 feet, 0.060 inches at 1:24,000 0658 Road width 126-135 feet, 0.065 inches at 1:24,000 0659 Road width 136-145 feet, 0.070 inches at 1:24,000 170 0000 Photorevised feature MAJOR2 / MINOR2 VALUE DESCRIPTION 171 Number of lanes types 172 Interstate route number 173 U.S. route number 174 State route number 175 Reservation, park, or military route number 176 County route 177 XXYY Alphabetic portion of any route number. Substitute numeric equiva- lent of alphabetic for XX and for YY as follows: 00 = blank, 01 = A, 02 = B, 03 = C, 04 = D, 05 = E, 06 = F, 07 = G, 08 = H, 09 = I, 10 = J, 11 = K, 12 = L, 13 = M, 14 = N, 15 = O, 16 = P, 17 = Q, 18 = R, 19 = S, 20 = T, 21 = U, 22 = V, 23 = W, 24 = X, 25 = Y, 26 = Z. Description of the FEATURE items The RDS24 coverage is defined by use of major and minor pairs. Major1 = DLG data delineations, ie. transportation, hydrology, boundaries, etc. Minor1 = defines the type of road, ie. bridge, two lane, class, etc. Major2 = defines the type of road ie. state, us, county, interstate roads, etc. Minor2 = contains the state road #, ie. state Road #220, US 75, Cnty Rd 100 etc. *Major and Minor pairs 3-10 are utilized in other DLG covers, however are not utilized as identifiers in RDS24! USER NOTES: FGDL QUALITY ASSURANCE STATUS: - Changes to tolerance, precision: Single precision projected to double precision - Changes to nodes, labels, intersections: None - Changes to records: Descript item added to AAT - Changes to number of features (duplicate points, etc) None - Notes: Descript item was calculated on Major1, Minor1 pairs, which describe the type of line (transportation) and type of road. (ie.class 3 divided, footbridge, trail class 5, etc.) State Route names COULD be defined in a descript item by reselecting major2 = 174 and using the minor2 code as the descript item. US Route names COULD also be defined in a descript item by reselecting major2 = 173 and using the minor2 code as descript item. Interstate Route numbers COULD also be defined in a descript item by reselecting the major2 = 172 and using the minor2 code to define the item. Minor2 NUMBERS COULD NOT BE USED AS A RDS24 DESCRIPT ITEM BECAUSE OF CONFLICTS BETWEEN US, STATE, AND INTERSTATE ROAD NAMES!!! REFERENCES: DATA LINEAGE SUMMARY: MAP PROJECTION PARAMETERS Projection ALBERS Units METERS Datum NAD27 Spheroid CLARKE 1866 1st standard parallel 24 0 0.000 2nd standard parallel 31 30 0.000 central meridian -84 0 0.000 latitude of projection's origin 24 0 0.000 false easting (meters) 400000.00000 false northing (meters) 0.00000 DATA SOURCE CONTACT(S): Name: EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATION CENTER Abbr. Name: Address: Earth Science Information Center United States Geological Survey 507 National Center Reston, VA 22092 Phone: (703) 860-6045 Fax: (703) 860-4165 Web site: http://www.usgs.gov Ftp site: Email: MACWEBMASTER@USGS/GOV Contact Person: They will route your message to the person best qualified to respond. Phone: Email: FGDL CONTACT: Name: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GEOPLAN CENTER Abbr. Name: GeoPlan Center Address: University of Florida, GeoPlan Center 431 Architecture PO Box 115706 Gainesville, FL 32611-5706 Phone: (352) 846-3125 Fax: (352) 846-3124 Web site: http://www.geoplan.ufl.edu/projects/fgdl.htm Contact FGDL*: to request FGDL data: fgdl-request@geoplan.ufl.edu to report data problems: fgdl-data@geoplan.ufl.edu for Viewer problems: fgdl-apps@geoplan.ufl.edu for image problems: fgdl-image@geoplan.ufl.edu for FGDL Viewer Extensions: www.geoplan.ufl.edu/projects/fgdl.htm or ftp.geoplan.ufl.edu * Please use the email address as the primary method of contacting GeoPlan. The phone number can be used as a secondary form of contact. Thank you.