
Samples are enumerated for total coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the field by use of the MI method.  See Total coliforms and Escherichia coli using the MI method.   For each well, two 1-L (or two 500-mL) bottles are collected and 100-mL samples are plated from each bottle—a regular and a replicate.  Use the GW sample and replicate report form to record analytical results from these samples.  For coliphage analysis, a 3-L bottle is filled with ground water by study unit personnel and sent to the Ohio District Microbiology Laboratory (ODML) for analysis using the two-step, enrichment method.  This method determines the presence or absence of somatic and F-specific coliphage.  A list of recommended and required quality-control samples for bacteria and coliphage are described in Quality-control samples for NAWQA microbiology.


Refer to the USGS National Field Manual, Biological Indicators for detailed instructions on sample collection and analysis, parts of which are included below. 


Preparations for the field

Equipment and supplies.  Refer to the list of Equipment and Supplies.  For rinsing the filtration equipment, bring one 250-mL bottle of sterile, buffered water, PO4/MgCl2 (made by Ocala, order number Q453BACT) per site.  The 47-mm, 0.45-mm sterile membrane filters (Ocala, order number Q353BACT) are used for filtration.  MI agar medium is purchased as dehydrated agar from Becton-Dickinson (BD) (Cockeysville, MD), catalog number 214882. 


Clean and sterilize equipment.  Wash and gently scrub equipment (filter funnels, graduated cylinders, 1-L and 3-L sample bottles) with 0.1 percent liquinox.  Thoroughly rinse the scrubbed items with warm tap water until there is no sign of any detergent. Then, thoroughly rinse all equipment with deionized water (DIW). After cleaning, cover the open ends with aluminum foil or kraft paper and autoclave for 15 minutes at 121o C and 15 lb/in2. Use heat-sterilizing tape to ensure proper performance of the autoclave.


Prepare a separate set of sterile equipment (filter funnels, graduated cylinders, and sample bottles) for microbiological sampling at each site. 


Heat incubators. Heat incubator to 35°C.  It takes about 2 hours for the incubator to reach desired temperature.


Prepare media.  Prepare mixture according directions on dehydrated agar bottle (36.5 grams agar to l liter deionized water).  Heat to boiling with a stirring rod on a hot plate.  Add exactly 100-mL of agar into each dilution bottle.  Autoclave for 15 minutes.  Store dilution bottles at 4°C for up to six months.


Prepare cefsulodin solution.  Add 0.001-g (1mg) of cefsulodin to 1-mL reagent water (this can be done in a test tube).  Sterilize the solution into a labeled sterile test tube using a 0.22-mm filter and a 5- or 10-cc syringe.  Use immediately or store at 4°C for a short period of time (less than 2 hours).  Do not save the unused portion.


Prepare agar plates.  Label the bottom of the plates with the medium type and date prepared.  The agar can be melted in two ways.  Place the 100-mL bottle of MI agar, with the cap loosened, in an autoclave for 5 minutes or in a beaker with boiling water on a hot plate until melted.  Let the agar cool until it is warm (50-60°C).  Add 0.5-mL of the freshly-prepared cefsulodin solution to the 100-mL bottle of agar.  Gently mix the agar and pour plates.

Store plates upside down in a plastic bag at 1-4°C.  Plates are good for two weeks in the refrigerator.  You must keep the plates chilled at all times.


Sample collection

Well purging. All the wells are existing systems with dedicated pumps.  Purge the well as required for NAWQA sampling.


Collect bacteria sample. Spray the spigot inside and out with a small amount of ethanol or isopropyl alcohol.  Air dry the spigot and rinse with STERILE deionized water.  Let the tap run for about 10 seconds.  For bacteria, fill two 1-L (or two 500-mL) sterile sample bottles with water directly from the tap leaving at least 2 inches of headspace in each bottle.


After collection, immediately chill samples in a cooler with ice or in a refrigerator at 1 to 4ºC. SAMPLES NEED TO BE PLATED FOR BACTERIA WITHIN 6 HOURS OF COLLEC­TION.


Collect coliphage sample.  For coliphage, fill a 3-L sample bottle with water directly from the tap leaving at least 2 inches of headspace.  Place the sample immediately on ice.  Please see Sample Submission for information on how to submit a sample to the ODML.  BE SURE TO PROVIDE THE LABORATORY WITH AT LEAST 2-DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE THAT YOU ARE SENDING A sample for COLIPHAGE analysis.  For detailed information on the coliphage method, see Somatic and F-specific coliphage using a two-step, enrichment method.


Plating samples for bacteria [Refer to the USGS National Field Manual, Biological Indicators for detailed membrane-filtration procedures.]


Label your plates. On the lid of the plate, record the site, date, sample-collection time, and the volume (or FB for filter blank).  Use the GW sample and replicate report form for the regular and replicate samples, and the GW positive and negative control report form for the positive and negative control samples (See Quality control section below). 


Assemble membrane filtration apparatus and gather supplies. Place the filter funnel in a manifold attached to a peristaltic pump. Use a different sterile filter funnel for each ground-water site.


Filter the filter blank.  First, a filter blank (FB), which tests the sterility of buffered water and filtration equipment, is filtered. This is done by filtering a 50-100 mL aliquot of sterile, buffered water, PO4/MgCl2 before filtering the sample.  Use the gradations on the side of the filter funnel to measure a 50-100 mL aliquot of buffered water.  If contamination from a FB is found, results are suspect and may be qualified or not reported.  For criteria, see Quality-control samples for NAWQA microbiology.


Filter the sample. BE SURE TO THOROUGHLY SHAKE THE SAMPLE BEFORE MEASURING THE VOLUME.  Measure the 100-mL sample volume using a graduated cylinder.  After filtering the sample and before removing the membrane, rinse the fun­nel with approximately 100 mL of buffered water. This removes any bacteria stuck to the side of the funnel.  


Do not change filter funnels. Filter a procedure blank (PB), which tests the efficiency of the rinsing procedure, by filtering a 50-100 mL aliquot of sterile buffered water, PO4/MgCl2 before filtering the second sample.  Then, filter the100-mL sample volume (replicate sample) from the second sample bottle.   


Incubate plates. Invert the plates and incubate for 24 + 2 hours at 35°C.  Fill out the report form. 


Count E. coli.  All colonies that are blue under natural light are counted as E. coli.  Using a dissecting microscope or portable illuminated magnifier to count colonies is highly recommended.


Count total coliforms.  All colonies that fluoresce under long wave UV light are counted as total coliforms including:


·        All colonies that were counted as E. coli.  These colonies do not fluoresce completely but rather fluorescent halos may be observed around the edges.  Some E. coli colonies are non-fluorescent and are to be counted also.

·        Blue/white colonies – total coliforms other than E. coli.


Do not count

·        Tiny, flat, or pinpoint blue colonies

·        Weakly fluorescent, green colonies

·        Bright green fluorescent colonies (these are Pseudomonas species and may indicate the breakdown of the antibiotic in the MI agar)


Disposal.  After counting, place all plates in an autoclave bag and autoclave for 30 minutes at 121oC. Dispose of the bag in the trash.


Calculate concentrations and report results

Because only 100-mL sample volumes are plated, the number of colonies counted on the plate from the 1st sample bottle is reported as colonies per 100 mL (col/100 mL).   The next 100-mL volume (taken from the 2nd sample bottle) is treated as a sequential replicate sample and reported in the same manner.


The results from the membrane-filtration tests are entered into NWIS using the following parameter codes:

90900, Total coliforms, MI method

90901, E. coli, MI method


If counts are not within the ideal range of 20-80 colonies, enter a remark code of “E” and a value qualifier of “k”.


If the filter has a colony count greater than 80, but the colonies are distinct enough to count, report the number and enter a remark code of “E” and a value qualifier of “k”. If the plate is too numerous to count (TNTC) and the colonies are not discernable, report a minimum estimated value. Assume a count of the maximum range of colonies (80 for E. coli and total coliforms on MI agar) for the smallest sample volume filtered and report the result as greater than the calculated value per 100 mL. For example, assume 80 colonies on the 100 mL volume filtered for total coliforms in GW to get a result of >80 colonies per 100 mL, with a value qualifier of “k”.


Enter the first sample in QWDATA with the following codes:

·        Sample medium is “6” for ground water

·        Sample type is “7” for replicate sample (All environmental samples will be replicates because replicates are done for every well).

·        Parameter code 99111 (QC sample associated with this environmental sample) is “30” for replicate sample, or “100” if more than 1 type of field QC sample is collected.

·        Parameter code 99105 (replicate type) is “20” for sequential


Enter the 2nd sample in QADATA with the following codes:

·        Sample medium is “S” for ground water

·        Sample type is “7” for replicate

·        Parameter code 99105 (replicate type) is “20” for sequential


Coliphage results, provided by the ODML, are entered into NWIS by the study unit using the following parameter codes:

99332, Coliphage, somatic, E. coli CN-13 host, 2-step enrichment, record as (1) presence or (2) absence per 1 L. 

99335, Coliphage, F-specific, E. coli F-amp host, 2-step enrichment, record as (1) presence or (2) absence per 1 L.


Quality assurance

·         Check the incubators daily to ensure they are operating at the proper temperature. Use an external digital thermometer that enables you to take a temperature reading with the incubator closed (see equipment list).  Record the results in a QA/QC logbook.  Criteria for acceptance is 35 + 0.5°C.

·         The gray incubators purchased from Millipore sometimes respond to a power surge by shutting off.  A good practice is to periodically monitor the incubator temperature with a HOBO temperature recorder for 48 hours throughout field and laboratory use. 

·         Use heat-indicating tape with each autoclave run to ensure it is operating properly.

·         Test the autoclave with biological indicators quarterly or more often during heavy use (you can order these from a scientific supplier—Barnstead No. AY759X7).

·         Before processing samples in the field vehicle, wipe down the area with dilute (50/50) isopropyl alcohol.

·         After counting, turn the plate 180° and ensure the second count is within 5 percent of the first count. 

·         Have a second analyst check calculations for errors.


Quality control

Collect and analyze quality-control samples at the required frequency.  See Quality-control samples for NAWQA microbiology. 


For total coliforms and E. coli, the following QC is required (in addition to the replicate done for every sample and described above):

·         Filter blanks—a 50-100 mL aliquot of sterile buffered water filtered before the first bottle.  Filter blanks are used to qualify associated environmental sample.  Filter blank data are not stored in NWIS.


·         Procedure blanks—a 50-100 mL aliquot of sterile buffered water filtered after the first bottle and before the replicate bottle.  Procedure blanks are used to qualify associated environmental sample.  Procedure blank data are not stored in NWIS.


·         Positive and negative controls can be ordered from the ODML.  The controls come in 100-mL aliquots so that the whole bottle is plated in the same manner as a regular ground-water sample.  Use separate filter funnels for the positive and negative controls.  Use the GW positive and negative control report form to record results.  Instructions for analyzing the positive and negative controls are in GW control instructions.  Control data are not stored in NWIS at this time.


Positive controls are used to ensure that field personnel are able to correctly identify target colonies.  In most GW studies, results are positive in a small percentage of samples so positive controls are also needed to maintain proficiency in the method.  Two cultures are included in the positive control:

o       E. coli—positive for total coliforms and E. coli.  The colonies fluoresce under long wave UV light and are blue under natural light.   

o       Serratia marcescensPositive control for total coliforms, but negative for E. coli.  The colonies fluoresce under long wave UV light but are not blue.    


Negative controls are used to test the selectivity of the medium (the ability of the medium to inhibit nontarget growth) or to ensure field personnel are able to correctly distinguish between target and nontarget growth. Two cultures are included in the negative control:

o       Pseudomonas sp.—Negative for total coliforms and E. coli and does not grow on MI.  Growth of this green-fluorescent culture on MI agar suggests that the antibiotic added to the medium to inhibit nontarget growth may have degraded. 


o       Providencia alcalifaciens Negative for total coliforms and E. coli and is able to grow on MI.  This culture is used to familiarize the technician with nontarget growth that may appear on regular-sample plates.


Analyzing positive and negative controls at regular intervals throughout the sampling period is very important.  Analyze controls at the beginning and end of the two-week holding time for a batch of plates.


Send the results from controls to the Ohio District (


·         Field blanks—A field blank is a 250 mL aliquot of sterile buffered water poured into a clean and sterile sample bottle and processed like a regular sample.  Do not analyze a replicate field blank.


Field blank results are stored in QADATA with the following codes:

o       Sample-medium code is “Q” for quality-control sample

o       Sample-type code is “2” for blank

o       Parameter code 99100 (blank-solution type), is “70” for sterile buffered water PO4/MgCl2 (lot number is not required)

o       Parameter code 99101 (source of blank water) is “80” for Ocala

o       Parameter code 99102 (blank-sample type) is “100” for field


For coliphage analysis, the following QC is required:

·         Field blanks—Generally not required for GW studies because contamination potential is very low and coliphage are infrequently detected in ground water.  However, if greater than 15 percent of the samples are positive for coliphage, consider analyzing a field blank.  A field blank for coliphage is collected by pouring about 3-L of sterile water into a clean and sterile 3-L sample bottle.  If needed, contact the Ohio District (Rebecca Bushon or Donna Francy) for more information on field blanks for coliphage. Coliphage field blank data are not stored in NWIS.


·         Laboratory matrix spikes—Collect two 3-L bottles of ground water from the same well—one for each E. coli host.  Send both bottles to the ODML for laboratory spiking.  (Be sure to also include the regular 3-L environmental sample.) BE SURE TO PROVIDE THE LABORATORY WITH AT LEAST 2-DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE THAT YOU ARE SENDING A MATRIX SPIKE FOR COLIPHAGE. Coliphage matrix spike data are not stored in NWIS.


Laboratory matrix spikes are used to assess the effect of matrix interferences (from a GW type) on coliphage analysis.  Known concentrations of coliphage are added to 3 L of GW for each host.  The 3-L of GW are then aliquoted into three replicate bottles and each bottle is tested for the presence or absence of coliphage.  For the test to be acceptable, at least one out of three bottles must be positive for coliphage. 


Updated February 2004