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Scientific Data Documentation
National Survey Of Familty Growth, Cycle 4 (1988)



 The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), Cycle IV, was
 conducted in January through August of 1988 by Westat, Inc.,
 under contract to the National Center for Health Statistics
 (NCHS).  In-person interviews were conducted with 8450 women 15-
 44 years of age, of all marital statuses.

 The data from the NSFG are used by the National Center for Health
 Statistics as the basis for a series of reports on fertility,
 family formation, contraception, and related issues (see page 7).
 In addition, agencies that support the NSFG use the data for
 their own research programs.

 To make the data more widely available, a standardized micro-data
 tape has been prepared for distribution.  This tape documentation
 manual contains a detailed description of the data tape.

 The tape consists of the original data for the respondent and
 interval files, and a set of "recodes." The respondent file
 includes a wide range of background characteristics, cohabitation
 and marital histories, and measures of fertility, use of
 contraception, fecundity, birth expectations, and use of family
 planning services.  The interval file contains detailed pregnancy
 histories.  Recodes are new variables that combine the code
 categories of one or more original variables in ways that should
 simplify analysis.

 Suggestions for Users

 The following is a summary of the basic information required to
 use the NSFG Cycle IV Public Use Tape.  See specified sections
 for more details.

 Organization of data (see page 8).  The data have been divided
 into two files.  The Respondent file contains one record for each
 woman in the survey and the Interval file contains one record for
 each closed pregnancy interval (completed pregnancy).  That is,
 in the Respondent file the unit of analysis is the woman, and in
 the Interval file the unit of analysis is the pregnancy interval.

 The Respondent file contains the following questionnaire items:
 all of Section A; questions B1-B10 and B47-B58 in Section B;
 questions C1-C11, C26-C49, and the method calendar in Section C;
 all of Section D; all of Section E; all of Section F; the self-
 administered questionnaire.

 The Interval file contains the following questionnaire items:
 questions B11-B46 in Section B; questions C12-C25 in Section C.

 Combining Respondent and Interval files.  To combine data from
 the Respondent and Interval files, use a computer program that
 can process files with records of two or more types.  The record
 type is located in Tape Location 6-7 in both the Respondent and
 Interval files.  A code of 0 indicates a respondent record and
 codes of 1-13 indicate an interval record.

 Weights (see page 23).  Analysts should use the weights
 provided.  The final weight is located in Tape Location 2568-2574
 in the Respondent file, and in Tape Location 366-372 in the
 Interval file.

 Recodes (see pages 50 and 62, and Appendix 1).  Many items have
 been recoded to make them more useful for the analyst.  Before
 using the original data item, the analyst may wish to check
 whether a recode exists.  Missing data have been imputed for

 Dates (see page 14).  All dates reported in the survey have been
 converted to century months.

 Standard errors (see page 22 and Appendix 6).  Standard errors
 which take into account the complex sample design of the NSFG
 have been estimated for Cycle IV using the balanced repeated
 replication technique.  A short-cut method for estimating the
 standard errors of statistics is provided (see Appendix 6).  If
 the analyst prefers to make his or her own estimates, however,
 100 replicate weights appear on the public use tape in Tape
 Location 2754-3553 of both the Respondent and Interval files.

 User Services

 Questions and comments concerning the National Survey of Family
 Growth may be addressed to:

                     Family Growth Survey Branch
                     Division of Vital Statistics
                     National Center for Health Statistics
                     3700 East-West Highway
                     Hyattsville, MD 20782

 or call Kathryn London or Lindy Williams at: (301) 436-8731.

 The staff of the NSFG will assist users as much as possible
 within the constraints of time and staff availability.

 Publications from the National Survey of Family Growth, Cycle IV

 The National Center for Health Statistics has planned reports
 from the NSFG, Cycle IV, on the following topics:  contraceptive
 use; use of services for family planning and infertility; number,
 timing, and wantedness of births; fecundity impairments including
 infertility; cohabitation, marriage, and divorce; sexual activity
 and the risk of sexually transmitted diseases; and sample design,
 weighting, imputation, and variance estimation.

 Individuals and educational institutions may obtain single copies
 of publications free of charge by writing:

                     Scientific and Technical Information Branch
                     National Center for Health Statistics
                     3700 East-West Highway
                     Hyattsville, MD 20782

 A current listing of NSFG publications and copies of the Cycle IV
 questionnaire may be obtained by writing:

                     Family Growth Survey Branch
                     Division of Vital Statistics
                     National Center for Health Statistics
                     3700 East-West Highway
                     Hyattsville, MD 20782

Tape Characteristics

 Label:                Standard label

 Tracks:               9

 Density:              6250 BPI

 Record Length:        3,553

 Block Size:           31,977

 Number of Records:    8,450 Respondent records

                       15,760 Interval records

                       24,210 Total records


 Organization of the Data

 The data have been divided into two files.  The Respondent file
 contains one record for each woman in the survey and includes
 most of the information from the interview.  The Interval file
 contains one record for each closed pregnancy interval, and
 contains information about the characteristics of each pregnancy
 and any contraceptive methods used during that interval.  That
 is, in the Respondent file, the woman is the unit of analysis and
 in the Interval file, the pregnancy interval is the unit of

 The Respondent file contains the following questionnaire items:
 all of Section A; questions B1-B10 and B47-B58 in Section B;
 questions C1-C11, C26-C49, and the method calendar in Section C;
 all of Section D; all of Section E; all of Section F.

 The Interval file contains the following questionnaire items:
 questions B11-B46 in Section B; questions C12-C25 in Section C.

 Data Preparation

 Using specifications prepared by the NSFG staff, the data were
 edited manually in the field and in the home office of Westat,
 Inc., the fieldwork contractor.  Westat also conducted computer
 edits for acceptable codes and internal consistency of the data.

 Missing and inconsistent data items were resolved through data
 retrieval in the early stages of editing, and by examination of
 related items in the questionnaire in the later stages.  As far
 as possible, inconsistencies in the data were resolved on a case-
 by-case basis, based on related data.  If inconsistencies could
 not be resolved, the case was assigned as missing for original
 data items (see page 11).  Missing values were imputed and
 flagged for any recodes based on those original data items (see
 page 12).

 Because of the complex skip patterns in the questionnaire,
 sometimes one group of women would be asked a question in one
 part of the questionnaire and another group of women would be
 asked the identical question in a different part of the
 questionnaire.  When preparing the data tape, the answers to
 these questions were combined into a single data item.  The
 question number given in the tape documentation reflects both of
 the original question numbers (for instance, D25_32).  All
 combined questions have been noted in the tape documentation.

 During the course of coding the data, new code categories were
 sometimes added if a substantial number of respondents gave an
 answer that did not appear in the original questionnaire.  All
 added categories have been noted in the tape documentation.  An
 added category should be analyzed with caution because it is
 quite possible that other respondents would have chosen that
 answer had it been offered to them.  For example, question A26
 asks women who were not living with both parents at age 14
 whether that was "because one or both of them had `died, they were
 divorced, or for some other reason" (TL 142).  Some interviewers
 wrote a marginal note in the questionnaire that the respondent's
 parents were separated.  A new category, "they were separated,"
 has been added, but it is likely that some respondents whose
 parents were separated simply answered "some other reason."

 Inapplicable Questions

 Not all questions were applicable to all respondents.  If a
 question was not applicable, the interviewer skipped to the next
 applicable question.  With certain exceptions noted in the tape
 documentation, inapplicable questions are coded as blanks.  Some
 computer programs read a blank as a nonnumeric character, but
 others read it as a zero.  Analysts should take care to
 distinguish between blanks and zeroes in programs used with these

 The meaning of statistics based on responses to a question will
 depend, of course, on who was asked the question and who was not.
 Because of the rather complex skip patterns used in the
 interview, it is often not apparent who was asked a particular
 question.  In the documentation, however, the description of the
 inapplicable (blank) code category for a question includes a
 precise listing of women who were not asked the question.  In
 addition to consulting that list, it is recommended that the
 sequence of questionnaire items containing an item of interest be
 examined carefully to determine the implications of skip patterns
 for interpreting responses.

 The documentation for the recodes also provides brief
 descriptions of inapplicable categories.  However, we recommend
 that the analyst examine the more complete definitions of' the
 inapplicable categories contained in the specifications for the
 variable or variables on which the recode is based.

 Missing Data

 Data are sometimes missing for an item because the respondent
 would not or could not answer the question, or because the
 interviewer did not ask the question.  For basic data items, a
 refusal was coded "7" or "97," a "don't know" was coded "8" or
 "98", and a "not ascertained" (missing data because of
 interviewer error or for other reasons) was coded "9" or "99."


 For the majority of the recodes, values were imputed for cases
 with missing values.  All imputed variables were flagged.
 Recodes are listed in the Respondent and Interval file Indexes
 (see pages 50 and 62), along with the tape locations of the
 imputation flags.  The purpose of the imputation was to allow
 NCHS to produce internally consistent national estimates in its
 pre-planned Advance Data and Series 23 reports.  We recommend
 that tape users use the imputed variables for most analyses.
 Results using these variables should be identical to results in
 NCHS reports using final (not preliminary) data.

 The following summary briefly describes the imputation procedure
 used in the NSFG, Cycle IV.  The summary was taken from a
 forthcoming report from the National Center for Health
 Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth. Cycle IV: Sample
 design. weighting, imputation. and variance estimation.  More
 complete information on the imputation procedure used in Cycle IV
 can be found in that report.  The report will not be published
 before fall 1990.  See page 7 for information on how to obtain a

 The variables requiring imputation were grouped into 32 modules.
 Each module was imputed with a procedure known as hot-deck
 imputation.  Within a module, the hot-deck procedure sorted the
 file so that similar women were close to each other.  Each
 woman's answers to the questions in the module were then examined
 in turn.  Whenever a woman had missing values for one or more of
 the variables, she was given the values for the previous woman
 with complete values (i. e., the previous woman's answers were
 copied to her record).  Only the missing variables were changed;
 any complete (valid) values she had reported were left alone.
 The modules were imputed serially in separate computer runs so
 that each module was not imputed until the prior module was
 forced to be complete.  The file was sorted~ by different
 variables for each module.

 In general, the frequency of missing values in Cycle IV was quite
 low.  Missing values were imputed for 192 variables in Cycle IV.
 Of these, 133 had less than 1 percent missing data (fewer ban 85
 cases), 22 had I to 2 percent missing (85 to 169 cases), 16 had 2
 to 5 percent missing, and 5 had 10 to Il percent missing.  No
 imputed variable had more than II percent of cases imputed.

 The 16 variables with 5 to 10 percent missing data were all
 measures of use of family planning services, including age at
 first family planning visit, month of first visit, 5 measures of
 specific services received at the most recent visit, and 5
 measures of ways that the most recent visit was paid for.

 The five variables with 10 to II percent missing data were:
 education of the respondent's mother (EDUCMOM); month and year of
 first cohabitation or marriage (UNION1); type and outcome of
 first union (UNTYPE); duration of first union (UNIONINT); and the
 ratio of family income to the poverty level (POVERTY).

 All imputed data have been flagged on the public use tape so that
 researchers may do their own imputations if they wish.

 Date Codes

 During the interview, dates of events were asked either as the
 year alone, as month and year, or as day, month, and year.  For
 this tape, month and year were converted to "century months" by
 multiplying the year by 12 and adding the number of the month,
 where January = I, February = 2, and so on.  For instance, the
 century month code for February 1959 is (59 x 12) + 2 = 710.  The
 century month form is convenient for computing an interval
 between dates.  (Note: all century months codes occupy a five
 column field.)

 The century month codes from 301 through 1064 are shown in the
 array below with the years from 1925 through 1988 on the vertical
 axis and the months on the horizontal axis.  The code for a given
 month and year can be found by reading across the line for the
 appropriate year to the column headed by the appropriate month.

 Dates that were refused or not ascertained are coded 99999.  In a
 limited number of instances, 99595 or 99696 are used to indicate
 a response other than a date.  For example, in question C-26,
 concerning the dates of periods when the respondent was not
 having intercourse, respondents who did not have intercourse
 after the first time are coded 99595, and respondents who
 reported no periods during which they were not having intercourse
 are coded 99696.  All such cases are clearly indicated in the

 For cases in which the year was given but the month was not, the
 first digit of the code is a 9 to indicate that the date is an
 estimate.  The remaining four digits are equal to the century
 month corresponding to the month of June in the year given.
 Sometimes respondents were able to recall the season when an
 event occurred, but not the precise month.  If a year and a
 season were given, the month was imputed as follows:  spring was
 coded as April, summer was coded as July, fall was coded as
 October, and winter was usually coded as January.1 For cases
 in which dates were imputed from a season, the dates are not

 1  Winter was coded as December if coding it as January would
 have produced a date that was inconsistent with other data.  For
 instance, if a respondent gave the date of an event as "Winter
 1980," and other relevant information suggested that the event
 took place late in 1980 rather than early in 1980, the date was
 coded as December.

                               DATE CODES

        JAN   FEB   MAR   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT   NOV   DEC

 1925   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310   311   312
 1926   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321   322   323   324
 1927   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333   334   335   336
 1928   337   338   339   340   341   342   343   344   345   346   347   348
 1929   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360
 1930   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370   371   372
 1931   373   374   375   376   377   378   379   380   381   382   383   384
 1932   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396
 1933   397   398   399   400   401   402   403   404   405   406   407   408
 1934   409   410   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420
 1935   421   422   423   424   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432
 1936   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444
 1937   445   446   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456
 1938   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467   468
 1939   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480
 1940   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492
 1941   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504
 1942   505   506   507   508   509   510   511   512   513   514   515   516
 1943   517   518   519   520   521   522   523   524   525   526   527   528
 1944   529   530   531   532   533   534   535   536   537   538   539   540
 1945   541   542   543   544   545   546   547   548   549   550   551   552
 1946   553   554   555   556   557   558   559   560   561   562   563   564
 1947   565   566   567   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576
 1948   577   578   579   580   581   582   583   584   585   586   587   588
 1949   589   590   591   592   593   594   595   596   597   598   599   600
 1950   601   602   603   604   605   606   607   608   609   610   611   612
 1951   613   614   615   616   617   618   619   620   621   622   623   624
 1952   625   626   627   628   629   630   631   632   633   634   635   636
 1953   637   638   639   640   641   642   643   644   645   646   647   648
 1954   649   650   651   652   653   654   655   656   657   658   659   660
 1955   661   662   663   664   665   666   667   668   669   670   671   672
 1956   673   674   675   676   677   678   679   680   681   682   683   684
 1957   685   686   687   688   689   690   691   692   693   694   695   696
 1958   697   698   699   700   701   702   703   704   705   706   707   708
 1959   709   710   711   712   713   714   715   716   717   718   719   720
 1960   721   722   723   724   725   726   727   728   729   730   731   732
 1961   733   734   735   736   737   738   739   740   741   742   743   744
 1962   745   746   747   748   749   750   751   752   753   754   755   756
 1963   757   758   759   760   761   762   763   764   765   766   767   768
 1964   769   770   771   772   773   774   775   776   777   778   779   780
 1965   781   782   783   784   785   786   787   788   789   790   791   792
 1966   793   794   795   796   797   798   799   800   801   802   803   804
 1967   805   806   807   808   809   810   811   812   813   814   815   816
 1968   817   818   819   820   821   822   823   824   825   826   827   828
 1969   829   830   831   832   833   834   835   836   837   838   839   840
 1970   841   842   843   844   845   846   847   848   849   850   851   852
 1971   853   854   855   856   857   858   859   860   861   862   863   864
 1972   865   866   867   868   869   870   871   872   873   874   875   876
 1973   877   878   879   880   881   882   883   884   885   886   887   888
 1974   889   890   891   892   893   894   895   896   897   898   899   900
 1975   901   902   903   904   905   906   907   908   909   910   911   912
 1976   913   914   915   916   917   918   919   920   921   922   923   924
 1977   925   926   927   928   929   930   931   932   933   934   935   936
 1978   937   938   939   940   941   942   943   944   945   946   947   948
 1979   949   950   951   952   953   954   955   956   957   958   959   960
 1980   961   962   963   964   965   966   967   968   969   970   971   972
 1981   973   974   975   976   977   978   979   980   981   982   983   984
 1982   985   986   987   988   989   990   991   992   993   994   995   996
 1983   997   998   999  1000  1001  1002  1003  1004  1005  1006  1007  1008
 1984  1009  1010  1011  1012  1013  1014  1015  1016  1017  1018  1019  1020
 1985  1021  1022  1023  1024  1025  1026  1027  1028  1029  1030  1031  1032
 1986  1033  1034  1035  1036  1037  1038  1039  1040  1041  1042  1043  1044
 1987  1045  1046  1047  1048  1049  1050  1051  1052  1053  1054  1055  1056
 1988  1057  1058  1059  1060  1061  1062  1063  1064  1065  1066  1067  1068

                          99797 Refused
                          99898 Don't know, don't remember
                          99999 Not ascertained

 Occupational Classification

 All occupations are classified according to the 3-digit codes
 used in the 1980 U.S. Census.  See Appendix 3 for a copy of the
 occupational classification system.

 Data Quality

 Considerable effort has been directed toward cleaning the data,
 and producing a consistent data tape.  Inconsistencies may
 remain.  Evaluation of selected data items has identified a few
 items for which a specific problem has been identified or which
 are of questionable quality and should be analyzed with caution.
 These include, in the respondent file, the date the respondent
 last attended regular school, pregnancies ending in induced
 abortion, date of first sexual intercourse, and date and age when
 the respondent used any method of contraception for the first
 time, and in the interval file, the date the pregnancy ended, the
 duration of the pregnancy, and the date the pregnancy began.

 Date the respondent last attended regular school. TL 95-99.  If
 the respondent was still attending school at the time of the
 interview, the interviewer was supposed to code this item 99696.
 Some interviewers entered the date of the interview instead.
 Thus, the code 99696 will not identify all respondents who are
 still attending school.

 Pregnancies ending in induced abortion. TL 163-164.  As in the
 past in surveys of this kind, abortions were under-reported by
 NSFG respondents.  The number of induced abortions in 1981-85,
 (the most recent 5-year period for which comparable data are
 available), represents about 41 percent of the number reported
 for that period by the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), and about
 49 percent of the number reported for that period by the Centers
 for Disease Control (CDC).  Under-reporting is more severe among
 non-white women than white women.  The AGI and CDC data come from
 providers of abortions services, including public and private
 hospitals, clinics, and private physicians.

 The reporting of abortions may be less complete in Cycle IV than
 in Cycle III.  For Cycle III, the number of abortions reported in
 the NSFG for the five years before the survey was 47 percent of
 the number reported by AGI, compared with 41 percent for 1981-85
 for Cycle IV.

 With due allowance for sampling variability, estimates of numbers
 of live births, miscarriages, and stillbirths correspond fairly
 well to information from other data sources.  It appears that
 rather than misreporting pregnancy outcomes, the majority of the
 abortion under-reporting is the result of women not reporting at
 all pregnancies that ended in abortions.

 Date of first sexual intercourse, TL 338-342. and date of first
 sexual intercourse after first menstrual period. TL 383-387.
 Date of first sexual intercourse and date of first sexual
 intercourse after first menstrual period were determined by
 asking the respondent for the date (C-6 or C-9), for her age at
 the time (C-7 or C-l0), and whether it was before or after that
 birthday (C-8 or C-11) (to be sure that she wasn't rounding her
 age to her next birthday).  For a great many respondents, these
 three pieces of information were inconsistent.  The following
 decision rules were used to force the three items to be

      1. Check: (a) the date of first conception (either coded
 directly in C-18, or calculated as the date the first pregnancy
 ended (B-l4) minus the duration of pregnancy (B-15); and (b) the
 earlier of the date of first marriage or first cohabitation (F-
 15, F-17, F-19, F-21, F-28, F-31).

      2. If any of these are inconsistent with (i.e. earlier than)
 the reported date or age at first intercourse, but not both, keep
 the consistent entry and edit the inconsistent entry or entries
 to be consistent with it.  (In editing dates to agree with ages,
 keep month or season and change year.)

      3. If the earliest date (from 1 above) is inconsistent with
 (i.e. earlier than) both age and date, change C-6, C-7, and C-8
 (or C-9, C-10, and C-11) to missing (9) for later imputation.

      4. If C-6, C-7 and C-8 (or C-9, C-10, and C-11) are
 inconsistent with each other and it is not possible to tell which
 is correct and which is incorrect--for example, if the dates of
 marriage, cohabitation, and pregnancy are blank, or are after
 both the reported age and date of first intercourse:

           (a) if C-6 and C-7 (or C-9 and C-10) are in agreement,
 edit C-8 (C11) to agree.  For example, if the date in C-6
 suggests that R was 20, and the age in C-7 says that she was 20,
 but C-8 says that it was "before" her 20th birthday, change C-8
 to "after."

           (b) if C-6 (C-9) does not agree with either C-7 (C10)
 alone or C-7 as modified by C-8 (C-11), then adjust the date to
 agree with the age.  For example, if the age calculated from C-6
 is 20, and C-7 is 21, and C-8 is "after," then change the date in
 C-6 to agree with 21.

 The coders were told that if they thought that these rules would
 cause them to code C-6 to C-8 (C-9 to C11) incorrectly, they
 were to refer the case to NCHS.

 Date and age when the respondent used any method of contraception
 for the first time. TL 542-546 (date) and TL 547-548 (age).
 These two items have a great deal of missing data.  It appears
 that many respondents misunderstood these two questions.
 In many cases the respondent gave an answer that was inconsistent
 with other information she had given, so her answer was recoded
 to missing.

 Date the pregnancy ended. TL 21-25; duration of the pregnancy. TL
 28-29; and date the pregnancy began. TL 289-293.  Logically, the
 date a pregnancy began plus the duration of the pregnancy should
 equal the date the pregnancy ended.  For many respondents, this
 relationship does not hold among the the three variables.  These
 variables have not been forced to be consistent.  The date the
 pregnancy ended and the duration of pregnancy were assumed to be
 the more accurately reported items, and so these two variables
 were used to create related recodes.

 Omitted Items

 Reproductive health is one of the broad areas of inquiry
 addressed by the National Survey of Family Growth. In 1988, with
 the growing concern over the spread of HIV infection, the need
 for more detailed, population-based data on sexual behaviors
 affecting the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases and
 HIV infection became compelling.  The NSFG expanded its inquiry
 in these areas, recognizing also the benefits this expansion
 would bring to other critical areas of analysis of the NSFG data.

 This step also greatly increased the sensitivity of the survey
 with respect to any possible disclosures of the information
 relating to individual survey respondents.

 Keenly aware of its responsibilities to protect the
 confidentiality of the personal data which respondents have
 voluntarily entrusted to it, the National Center for Health
 Statistics has deemed it necessary and prudent to withhold
 certain items collected in Cycle IV of the NSFG from public use
 data tapes that are made generally available for research and
 training uses.

 The items withheld are noted on the tape documentation.  They
 include data on number of sexual partners, self-perceived risk of
 contracting an STD or HIV infection, having contracted or
 received treatment for such an infection, frequency of sexual
 intercourse, changes in sexual behavior to avoid infections, and
 use of illicit drugs during one's most recent pregnancy.  The
 inclusion of these highly personal data would create a heightened
 probability of mischievous or inadvertent disclosure.

 While these items will not be made generally available on micro-
 data tapes, the National Center for Health Statistics wishes to
 promote the scientific purposes for which the data were
 collected. To this end, the Center could make the data available
 to researchers for specified scientific analyses, under special
 arrangements that assure confidentiality and protection of the
 data commensurable with that provided by the Center itself.

 Sample Design, Estimation Procedures, and Variance Estimation

 The following summary briefly describes the sample design,
 weighting, and variance estimation for the NSFG, Cycle IV.  The
 summary was taken from a forthcoming report from the National
 Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth.
 Cycle IV: Sample design, weighting, imputation, and variance
 estimation.  More complete information on the imputation
 procedure used in Cycle IV can be found in that report.  The
 report will not be published before fall 1990.  See page 7 for
 information on how to obtain a copy.

 Sample design.  The 8450 women interviewed for the NSFG, Cycle
 IV, were drawn from households in which someone had been
 interviewed for another NCHS survey, the National Health
 Interview Survey, or NHIS, between October of 1985, and March of
 1987.  If the woman selected for the NSFG had moved since the
 NHIS interview, she was followed, or tracked, to her new address,
 and interviewed there.

 Different numbers of women were available in the NHIS in 1985,
 1986, and 1987, so the sampling procedure differed somewhat in
 each of these years.  The NSFG sampling plan was designed to (1)
 select more black women than would have fallen into the sample by
 chance, in order to increase the reliability of the data for
 black women; and (2) increase the reliability of the data for
 nonblack women by reducing the variations in the sampling rates
 for nonblack women.  The NSFG sampled only one woman per
 household, even if more than one eligible woman lived there.  The
 NSFG selected households in the following way:

      for the entire period (December 1985-March 1987), all NHIS
      sample households containing one or more eligible black
      women but no non-black women were selected; some other
      sample households were selected as described in the report.

 A simple random sample of women 15-44 in the U.S. would mean that
 every woman 15-44 would have the same chance of being selected
 for the sample--regardless of where she lived or what her
 characteristics were.  The NSFG sample is not a simple random
 sample for two reasons:  (1) only some areas were selected to be
 in the sample, while other areas were not; and (2) within areas
 included in the sample, women were sampled at different rates.
 For example, black women were sampled for the NSFG at a higher
 rate than other women, so that reliable statistics could be
 produced for black women.  As a result, interviews were completed
 with 2771 black women and 5679 women of other races.  Certain
 other women (described in the report) were also sampled at higher
 rates.  Therefore the NSFG data must be weighted, and estimates
 of sampling errors should be made using the techniques discussed

 The response rate to the NHIS, on which the NSFG was based, was
 96 percent.  Of the sampled women selected from responding NHIS
 households for the NSFG, the simple response rate to the NSFG was
 80 percent.  However this simple response rate does not take into
 account the subsampling for nonresponse (described in the report)
 which was a part of the intensive followup--the last stage of
 interviewing.  NCHS prefers to take this subsampling into account
 when calculating the response rates.  When this is taken into
 account, the response rate to the NSFG was 82 percent of the
 women in the NHIS.  Thus, the total response rate is 96 percent
 times 82 percent, or about 79 percent.

 Weighting.--The NSFG is intended to produce national estimates of
 the number, as well as the percentage, of women with certain
 characteristics--such as the number using the pill, the number
 infertile, or the number who used family planning services in the
 last year.  In order to produce these national estimates, each
 woman interviewed was given a sampling weight, which is the
 number of women in the population that she represents.  The
 weights were made in 4 main steps: the first is the baseweight,
 which is the reciprocal of the probability that the woman was
 selected for the sample.  For example, if the probability that a
 certain woman was selected was 1 out of 6000, her baseweight
 would be 6000.  The second stage of weighting was trimming; cases
 with very large weights were reduced to a maximum value.  The
 third stage of weighting was an adjustment for nonresponse.
 Certain categories of women were less likely than others to be
 found at home and interviewed, so adjustment for nonresponse
 attempts to correct for this.  The fourth stage is called post-
 stratification; this is adjusting the NSFG totals to a known
 number of women by age, race, marital status, and parity (the
 number of live births the woman has had) obtained from the U.S.
 Bureau of the Census.

 The preliminary weights as well as the final post-stratified
 weight appear on the Public Use Tape in TL 2540-2574 in the
 Respondent file and TL 338-372 in the Interval file.

 Variance estimation.--Variance is a measure of how much a
 statistic (such as a percent or an average) can vary in different
 samples.  In a simple random sample, the probability that a
 person will be selected for the sample is the same for all
 persons in the population.  However, the NSFC- (and the NHIS, on
 which the NSFG was based) was not based on a simple random
 sample; the probabilities of selection varied by area, by race
 and by other variables.  Therefore, variance estimates in many
 standard computer packages and many statistics textbooks will be
 too small when applied to the NSFG.  We recommend that
 researchers use the weights, variance formulas, and variance
 estimation techniques described here to estimate sampling errors
 for the NSFG.

 NSFG variances were estimated using a technique called Balanced
 Repeated Replication.  This procedure estimates the standard
 error for survey estimates (such as percentages or numbers) using
 parts of the whole sample.  In the NSFG, tables were designed
 using a number of dependent and independent variables.  Sampling
 errors were calculated for the weighted numbers in these tables.
 The ratios of the variance to the square of the weighted number
 were plotted against the inverse of the weighted number, and a
 weighted least-squares line was fit to those points.  The
 intercept and slope for these lines are given in Appendix 6; they
 can be used to estimate the standard errors of percentages and
 weighted numbers from the NSFG.

 If researchers wish to estimate variances for other statistics,
 such as averages or regression coefficients, they can use
 balanced repeated replication, as described in the detailed
 report from which this summary was taken.  The 100 replicate
 weights necessary for such estimates appear in TL 2754-3553 of
 both the Respondent and Interval files.

 The following sections document the contents of the Respondent
 and the Interval files.  The first part of each section consists
 of an index listing the questionnaire items and the recedes along
 with the tape location for each item.  The list of recodes also
 shows the tape location of the imputation flag for that recode,
 and a mnemonic variable label.  The second part of each section
 is the documentation of the tape contents.

 The documentation of the tape contents is adapted from the
 documentation of the original data file supplied by Westat, Inc.,
 the fieldwork contractor.  The data were originally keypunched in
 a record and column format, and the record and column numbers
 have been retained in the documentation; the original record
 number is shown in the upper right-hand corner of each page, and
 the original column numbers are shown in parentheses underneath
 the tape location.

 For each item, the documentation includes the question name or
 number, the text of the question, the numerical categories into
 which responses were coded, and detailed category descriptions.

 The documentation also shows the numbers of respondents in each
 response category, separately for black women, white women, other
 women, and women of all races combined.  These marginal
 distributions are raw unweighted counts of sample women or
 pregnancy intervals; they are not estimates of numbers or
 distributions for the population represented by the sample.  To
 make such estimates, sample cases must be weighted.  The
 unweighted marginal distributions are provided only as a guide to
 the analyst, who often wants to know in advance if the number of
 cases in a particular category is large enough to sustain a
 particular type of analysis.

 Respondent File Index - Questionnaire Items by Tape Location

 Tape Locations 1-23
  Respondent file index

 List of questionnaire items by tape location

 1-5                           Case ID number
 6-7                           Record type
 8-10                          Blank
 11                            Questionnaire Type
 12-16                         Date interview conducted
 17-23                         Blank

 Introduction, Reproductive Knowledge, Sex Education (Loc 24-156)

                               INTRODUCTION, REPRODUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE,
                               AND SEX EDUCATION


 24            Al            Current marital status
 25            A2            Formal marital status
 26-30         A3            Date of birth
 31-32                       Blank
 33-35         A4            State where R was born
 36-37         A5            Age
 38            A6            Respondent assessment of amount of
                             accurate reproductive information
                             provided to young people today
 39            A7A           Ever talked with parents about female
                             monthly cycle
 40            A7B           Ever talked with parents about how
                             pregnancy occurs
 41            A7C           Ever talked with parents about
                             venereal disease
 42            A7D           Ever talked with parents about
                             methods of birth control
 43            *A8           With which parent(s) did R discuss
 44            A9A           Before age 18, whether any formal
                             instruction on the female monthly
 45            *A10AA           Formal instruction in elementary
 46            *A10AB           Formal instruction in high school
 47            *A10AC           Formal instruction in church or
                                religious school
 48            *A10AD           Formal instruction at community
                                center or youth organization
 49            *A10AE           Formal instruction at family
                                planning clinic
 50            *A10AF           Formal instruction at some other

 51            A9B           Before age 18, whether any formal
                             instruction on how pregnancy occurs
 52            *A10BA           Formal instruction in elementary
 53            *A10BB           Formal instruction in high school
 54            *A10BC           Formal instruction in church or
                                religious school
 55            *A10BD           Formal instruction at community
                                center or youth organization
 56            *A10BE           Formal instruction at family
                                planning clinic
 57            *A10BF           Formal instruction at some other
 58            A9C           Before age 18, whether any formal
                             instruction on venereal disease
 59            *A10CA           Formal instruction in elementary
 60            *A10CB           Formal instruction in high school
 61            *A10CC           Formal instruction in church or
                                religious school
 62            *A10CD           Formal instruction at community
                                center or youth organization
 63            *A10CE           Formal instruction at family
                                planning clinic
 64            *A10CF           Formal instruction at some other
 65             A9D          Before age 18, whether any formal
                             instruction on methods of birth
 66            *A10DA           Formal instruction in elementary
 67            *A10DB           Formal instruction in high school
 68            *A10DC           Formal instruction in church or
                                religions school
 69            *A10DD           Formal instruction at community
                                center or youth organization
 70            *A10DE           Formal instruction at family
                                planning clinic
 71            *A10DF           Formal instruction from some other
 72-73          A11          Age when R first received formal
                             instruction on methods of birth
 74-75          A12          Highest grade of school R ever
 76             A13          Did R complete that grade or year
 77            *Al4          Ever dropped out of school and then
 78-79         *A15          Number of times R dropped out and
                             then returned
 80-84         *Al6          Date R first dropped out

 85-86         *A17          Grade in which R was enrolled at the
 87-91         *A18          Date R returned to class
 92                          Whether R has completed 12 or more
                             grades, or 11 or fewer grades
 93-94          A19,A20      Whether R has a high school diploma
                             or a GED
 95-99          A21          Date R last attended school
 100-102                     Blank
 103            A22          Ever attended a church-related school
 104-139        A23G1-       Grades during which R attended
                A23G18       church-related school
 140            A24          Church or religious group associated
                             with R's school
 141            A25          Living with own mother and father at
                             age 14
 142            A26          Reason not living with one or both
 143-144        A27          With whom did R live at age 14
 145            A28          Strictness of rules when R was 14
 146-147        A29          Mother's education
 148            A30          Did R's mother work when R was
                             growing up
 149-151        A31,A31A     R's mother's age at first birth
 152-154                     Blank
 155,156        A33,BOX3     Has R had period in last 30 days

 Births and Pregnancies (Tape Locations 157-257)


                             BIRTHS AND PREGNANCIES

 157            B1           Whether R currently pregnant
 158            B2           DK probe: Does R think pregnant or
 159-166        B3           Number of pregnancies ending in
                             miscarriage, still birth, abortion,
                             and live birth
 167-168         B4          Total number of pregnancies
 169                         Blank
 170            BOX4         Ever been pregnant
 171-184        *B5A-B5G     Labor force status at time of (first)
 185-206        *B6A-B6K     With whom living at time of (first)
 207            *BOX5        Whether R living with husband
 208-209        *B7          Time during pregnancy that R first
                             discussed fact of pregnancy with
                             baby's father
 210-211        *B8          Time during pregnancy that R first
                             discussed fact of pregnancy with her
 212            *BOX6        Whether R currently pregnant with
                             first pregnancy
 213            *B9BOX       Whether less than six months since
                             R's first pregnancy ended

 214-229        *B9A-B9H     Labor force status six months after
                             first pregnancy ended
 230-251        *B10A-B10K   With whom was R living six months
                             after pregnancy ended
 252-253                     Total number of pregnancies
 254-255                     Total number of live births
 256                         Respondent currently pregnant
 257             BOX15       Marital status (ever married or

 Stepchildren and Adoptions (Tape Locations 258-309)


                             STEPCHILDREN AND ADOPTIONS

 258            B47          Ever brought up any of
                             husband's/partner's children
 259-260        B48          Number of husband's/partner's
                             children R brought up
 261            B49          Whether any adopted children
 262-263        B50          Number of children adopted
                             First adopted child
 264            B51C1        Child's relationship to R before
 265            B52C1        Place of adopted child's birth
 266-270        B53C1        Child's date of birth
 271-275        B54C1        Date child began living with R
 276            B55C1        Adoption arranged through public or
                             private agency
                             Second adobted child
 277            B51C         Child's relationship to R before
 278            B52C         Place of adopted child's birth
 279-283        B53C2        Child's date of birth
 284-288        B54C2        Date child began living with R
 289            B55C2        Adoption arranged through public or
                             private agency
                             Third adopted child
 290            B51C3        Child's relationship to R before
 291            B52C3        Place of adopted child's birth
 292-296        B53C3        Child's date of birth
 297-301        B54C3        Date child began living with R
 302            B55C3        Adoption arranged through public or
                             private agency
 303            B56          Ever contacted an adoption agency or
                             lawyer about adopting a(nother) child
 304            B57A         Formally applied to adoption agency
 305            B57B         Engaged a lawyer to make arrangement's
                             for an adoption
 306            B57C         Had a home study completed
 307            B57D         Ever had a child come to live with R
                             in preparation for adoption
 308            B58          Still actively seeking to adopt
 309                         Blank

 Contraceptive Background (Tape Locations 310-558)


                             CONTRACEPTIVE BACKGROUND,

                             Whether R knows how to use:

 310            C1A          Condom
 311            C1B          Condom and Foam
 312            C1C          Diaphragm
 313            C1D          Douching after intercourse
 314            C1E          Foam
 315            C1F          IUD
 316            C1G          Jelly or cream
 317            C1H          Pill
 318            C1I          Rhythm
 319            CIJ          Natural family planning
 320            C1K          Female sterilization operation
 321            C1L          Suppository
 322            C1M          Today sponge
 323            C1N          Vasectomy
 324            C1P          Withdrawal
 325            C1Q1         Whether R knows any other method
 326-327        C1Q2         What other methods R knows
 328-329        C2A          Most effective contraceptive method
 330-331        C2B          Next most effective contraceptive
 332-333        C2C          Least effective contraceptive method
 334            C3           Which more effective: natural family
                             planning or rhythm by calendar
 335            C4           During menstrual cycle, when is
                             average, woman most likely to become
 336            BOX17        R ever pregnant or ever married
 337            C5           Ever had sexual intercourse
 338-342        C6           Date of first sexual intercourse
 343-344                     Blank
 345            C7A          Age at first intercourse - less than
                             18, or 18 or older
 346            C7B          Age at first intercourse - less than
                             15 or 15 or older
 347            C7C          Age at first intercourse - less than
                             20, or 20 or older
 348-382                     Blank
 383-387        C9           Date of first sexual intercourse
                             after first menstrual period
 388-389                     Blank

 390            C10A         Age at first intercourse after first
                             menstrual period - less than 18, or
                             18 or older
 391            C10B         Age at first intercourse after first
                             menstrual period - less than 15, or
                             15 or older
 392            C10C         Age at first intercourse after first
                             menstrual period - less than 20, or
                             20 or older
 393-396                     Blank
 397            BOX20        Date first pregnancy ended (before or
                             after January 1984)
 398-399                     Total number of pregnancy intervals
 400-404        C26&C28      Beginning date of first period of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
                             (century month)
 405-409        C26&C28      Ending date of first period of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
                             (century month)
 410-414        C26&C28      Beginning date of second period of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
                             (century month)
 415-419        C26&C28      Ending date of second period of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
                             (century month)
 420-424        C26&C28      Beginning date of third period of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
                             (century month)
 425-429        C26&C28      Ending date of third period of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
                             (century month)
 430            C27          Has R had any periods of
                             nonintercourse in open interval
 431            C29          Since first intercourse/last
                             pregnancy ever used method of birth
                             control for one month or more
 432            BOX26        Whether R currently in period of
 433-435        C30M1        First method used
 436-440        C31M1        Beginning date of first method
                             (century month)
 441            BOX27Ml      Is method: female sterilization, last
 442            C32M1        Respondent and partner still using
 443-447        C33M1        Ending date of first method (century
 448-450       C30M2         Second method used
 451-455       C31M2         Beginning date of second method
                             (century month)
 456           BOX27M2       Is method: female sterilization, last
 457           C32M2         Respondent and partner still using
 458-462       C33M2         Ending date of second method (century
 463-465       C30M3         Third method used
 466-470       C31M3         Beginning date of first method
                             (century month)
 471           BOX27M3       Is method: female sterilization, last
 472           C32M3         Respondent and partner still using
 473-477       C33M3         Ending date of third method (century
 478-480       C30M4         Last method used
 481-485       C31M4         Beginning date of last method
                             (century month)
 486           BOX27M4       Is method: female sterilization, last
 487           C32M4         Respondent and partner still using
 488-492       C33M4         Ending date of last method (century
 493           BOX28         Whether R is in a period of non-
 494           C34           Whether reason for current non-use is
                             wants pregnancy as soon as possible
 495           C35           Whether partner wants pregnancy as
                             soon as possible
 496           BOX29         Whether R is currently using the pill
 497-498       C37           Brand of pill R is currently using
 499           C38BOX        Whether R has used any method for a
                             month or more
 500           C38           In addition to methods mentioned has
                             Respondent used any other method to
                             delay or prevent pregnancy
 501           C39           Have R and partner ever used any
                             method at all even if only one time
 502-533       C40A-C40Q     Which methods:  first mention
 534           BOX30         Total number of methods R has ever
 535           *BOX3l        What is R's only method
 536-538       C41           First method ever used
 539-540       *C42          Source of first method ever used
 541           C43           Timing of use of first method (in
                             relation to first intercourse)
 542-546       C43A          Date of use of first method
 547-548       C43B          Age at use of first method
 549           BOX32         Is current method female

 550            C44          Whether R used contraception at last
 551-553        C45          Method used at last intercourse
 554                         Blank
 5-5            BOX33        Whether R's current method requires a
 556           *BOX3 4       Whether current method is same as
                             first method
 557-558        C47          First source of current method

 Method Calendar (Tape Locations 559-803)


                             METHOD CALENDAR

                             Ever used:

 559            CMETHA       Condom
 560            CMETHB       Condom and foam
 561            CMETHC       Diaphragm
 562            CMETHD       Douching after intercourse
 563            CMETHE       Foam
 564            CMETHF       IUD
 565            CMETHG       Jelly or cream
 566            CMETHH       Pill
 567            CMETHI       Rhythm by calendar
 568            CMETHJ       Natural family planning
 569            CMETHK       Female sterilization
 570            CMETHL       Suppository
 571            CMETHM       Today sponge
 572            CMETHN       Vasectomy
 573            CMETHP       Withdrawal
 574            CMETHQ       Other method
 575-622        CJAN84-      Method used for each month of  1984
 623-670        CJAN85-      Method used for each month of  1985
 671-718        CJAN86-      Method used for each month of  1986
 719-766        CJAN87-      Method used for each month of  1987
 767-798        CJAN88-      Method used for each month of  1988
 799-803        CMOIMO       Date of interview
 Sterility and Subfecundity (Tape Locations 804-1015)


                             STERILITY AND SUBFECUNDITY

 804            BOX35        R currently pregnant
 805            D1           Has R or husband/partner had
                             operation that would prevent
                             conceiving child
 806            BOX36        Whether R currently married or living
                             with partner
 807            B0X37A       Whether "other", operation affects
                             only one tube or ovary

  808            B0X37B       Whether R or husband/partner
                             completely sterile from "other"

 809            D2OP1        Type of operation  - both ovaries
 810-814        D3OP1MO      Date of operation
 815            D4OP1        Place where operation was performed
 816-821        D5AOP1-      Reasons for operation - record
                D5COP1       verbatim
 822-839        D6AOP1-      Reasons for operation - choose answer
                D6IOP1       from card

 840            D2OP2        Type of operation - both tubes tied,
                             cut, or removed
 841-845        D3OP2MO      Date of operation
 846            D4OP2        Place where operation was performed
 847-852        D5AOP2-      Reasons for operation - record
                D5COP2       verbatim
 853-870        D6AOP2-      Reasons for operation - choose answer
                D6IOP2       from card

 871            D2OP3        Type of operation - hysterectomy
 872-876        D3OP3MO      Date of operation
 877            D4OP3        Place where operation was performed
 878-883        D5AOP3-      Reasons for operation - record
                D5COP3       verbatim
 884-901        D6AOP3-      Reasons for operation - choose answer
                D6IOP3       from card

 902            D2OP4        Type of operation - vasectomy
 903-907        D3OP4MO      Date of operation
 908            D4OP4        Place where operation was performed
 909-914        D5AOP4-      Reasons for operation - record
                D5COP4       verbatim
 915-932        D6AOP4-      Reasons for operation - choose answer
                D6IOP4       from card

 933            D2OP5        Type of operation - other or unknown
 934-938        D3OP5MO      Date of operation
 939            D4OP5        Place where operation was performed
 940-945        D5AOP5-      Reasons for operation - record
                D5COP5       verbatim
 946-963        D6AOP5-      Reasons for operation - choose answer
                D6IOP5       from card

 964            D7           Fecundity status before the operation
 965            D8           Whether R would like to have a baby,
                             if it were possible (R or husband has
                             had sterilizing operation)

 966            B0X39        Whether R has had both tubes tied
                             only or husband/partner had vasectomy
 967            D9           Whether R would like to have
                             operation reversed
 968            B0X40        Whether R currently married or living
                             with a partner
 969            D10          Whether husband would like to have
                             operation reversed
 970            D11          Whether physically possible for R to
                             conceive ( R married or living with
 971            D12          Whether physically possible for R's
                             husband/partner to father a child
 972            B0X41        Whether impossible for R or partner
                             to have child
 973            D13          Whether physically possible for R to
                             conceive (R not married and not
                             living with partner)
 974-987        D14A-D14G    Reason physically impossible to have
                             a(nother) baby
 988            B0X42        Whether only reason for sterility is
                             that periods have not started
 989-993        D15MO        Date it became impossible to have
                             another baby
 994            D16          Whether R would like to have
                             a(nother) baby, if it were possible
                             (R or husband sterile from causes
                             other than operation)
 995            D17          Problem or difficulty for R or
                             husband to conceive or deliver
                             a(nother) baby
 996-1007       D18A-D18F    Reason it would be difficult to have
                             another baby
 1008           D19          Whether Doctor advised never to
                             become pregnant
 1009           D20          Pregnancy dangerous for R, and/or the
                             baby, or for some other reason
 1010           D21          Whether R will have operation to
                             avoid pregnancy
 1011           B0X43        Whether R currently married or living
                             with partner
 1012           D22          Whether husband will have operation
                             to avoid pregnancy
 1013           D23          Whether R will have any future
                             pregnancies terminated
 1014           D24          Whether R would like to have
                             a(nother) baby, if it were possible
                             (not sterile)
 1015                        Blank
 Births Intended and Expected (Tape Locations 1016-1055)


                           BIRTHS INTENDED AND EXPECTED

 1016           D25&D32      Intend to have another baby
 1017-1018      D26&D33      Number of additional babies intended
 1019           D27&D34      How sure of number intended
 1020-1021      D28&D35      Largest number of (additional) babies
 1022-1023      D29&D36      Smallest number of (additional)
                             babies expected
 1024                        Blank
 1025-1026      D30&D37      When R expects to have next baby
 1027-1028      D31&D38      Age at which R expects to have last
 1029-1030      D39          Number of children would like to have
                             if could choose now
 1031-1032      D40          DK probe: Number if R could choose
 1033-1034      D41          Which single number in range
 1035           BOX47        Whether R has ever had intercourse
 1036-1037      D26&D33A     First part of range in D26 or D33
 1038-1039      D26&D33B     Second part of range in D26 or D33
 1040-1041      D30&D37A     First part of range in D30 or D37
 1042-1043      D30&D37B     Second part of range in D30 or D37
 1044-1045      D31&D38A     First part of range in D31 or 38
 1046-1047      D31&D38B     Second part of range in D31 or 38
 1048-1049      D39A         First part of range in D39
 1050-1051      D39B         Second part of range in D39
 1052-1053      D40A         First part of range in D40
 1054-1055      D40B         Second part of range in D40
 Infertility Services (Tape Locations 1056-1095)


                             INFERTILITY SERVICES

 1056           E1           Whether R or husband ever visited
                             doctor or clinic to talk about ways
                             to help R become pregnant
 1057           E2           Whether R or husband ever visited
                             doctor or clinic to talk about ways
                             to help R prevent miscarriage
 1058           BOX48        Whether R and/or husband received
                             treatment or advice
 1059-1078      E3A-E3J      Kinds of medical treatment/advice
                             received by Respondent
 1079-1083      E4MO         Date of last visit for infertility
                             treatment or advice
 1084-1085      E5           Source of last infertility
 1086           E6           Whether R was able to have baby after
 1087           E7           Ever had sterilization reversal
 1088-1093      E8A-E8C      Kind of reversal
 1094           E9           Whether reversal was successful

 1095           0OX49        Whether R or Husband became sterile
                             or had a sterilizing operation before
                             January 1987

 Family Planning Services (Tape Locations 1096-1460)


                             FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES

                             In the past 12 months has R visited a
                             doctor or clinic:

 1096           E10A         To get a pregnancy test
 1097           E10B         To continue a method of birth control
 1098           E10C         To get a new method of birth control
 1099           E10D         To get a sterilizing operation

                             In the past 12 months has R had a
                             check-up or medical test for:

 1100           E11E         Correct use, fit, or position of a
                             birth control method
 1101           E11F         Health problems from using a birth
                             control method

                             In the past 12 months has R received
                             advice or counseling about:

 1102           E12G         Birth control
 1103           E12H         Any problems or worries about sexual
 1104           E12I         An unwanted pregnancy or one that
                             occurred at a bad time
 1105           E12J         Having a sterilizing operation
 1106           E12K         Whether or not to have an abortion

 1107           BOX50        Whether R reported any visits in past
                             12 months
 1108-1133      E13A-E13M    Source of family planning services in
                             the past 12 months
 1134           E14          Whether R received services from
                             listed Title 10 clinic
 1135-1137      E14A-E14C    Whether R received services from
                             other Title 10 clinic
 1138-1140                   Blank
 1141-1142      E16          Number of family planning visits in
                             last 12 months
 1143           B0X51        Whether only one kind of place
                             reported for visits
 1144-1145      E17          Number of visits to clinics in last
                             12 months
 1146-1147      E18          Number of visits to private medical
                             services in last 12 months
 1148           E19A         Had Pap smear at family planning
                             visit in past 12 months

 1149           E20A         Had Pap smear at other medical visit
                             in past 12 months
 1150           E19B         Had pelvic exam at family planning
                             visit in past 12 months
 1151           E20B         Had pelvic exam at other medical
                             visit in past 12 months
 1152           E19C         Had breast exam at family planning
                             visit in past 12 months
 1153           E20C         Had breast exam at other medical
                             visit in past 12 months
 1154           E19D         Had blood pressure test at family
                             planning visit in past 12 months
 1155           E20D         Had blood pressure test at other
                             medical visit in past 12 months
 1156           E19E         Had urinalysis at family planning
                             visit in past 12 months
 1157           E20E         Had urinalysis at other medical visit
                             in past 12 months
 1158-1161                   Blank
 1162           E21          Ever had a family planning visit
 1163-1167      E22MO        Date of most recent visit
 1168-1169      E22A         Age at most recent visit
 1170           E22B         Before birthday or after
 1171           BOX52        Number of visits in last 12 months
 1172-1193      E23A-E23K    Services received at last visit
 1194-1195      E24          Source of last family planning visit
 1196-1207      E25A-E25F    Way in which last family planning
                             visit bill paid
 1208-1212      E26MO        Date of first family planning visit
 1213-1214      E26A         DK probe: Age at first family
                             planning visit
 1215           E26B         Before birthday or after
 1216           E26C         Whether before or after first
 1217           E26D         How long after first intercourse
 1218           B0X53        Ever been pregnant
 1219           E26E         Whether before or after first
 1220-1241     *E27A-E27K    Services received at first visit
 1242-1243     *E28          Source of first family planning visit
 1244-1255     *E29A-E29F    Referral source for first family
                             planning visit
 1256-1267     *E30A-E30F    Way in which first family planning
                             visit bill paid
 1268           BOX54        Whether only service at first visit
                             was pregnancy test
 1269-1273     *E31MO        Date of first family planning visit
                             after visit for pregnancy test only
 1274-1276                   Blank
 1277-1298     *E32A-E32K    Services received at first family
                             planning visit after visit for
                             pregnancy test only
 1299-1300     *E33          Source of first family planning visit
 1301           E34          after visit for pregnancy test only
 1302           E35          Whether R douches regularly
                             When R douches
 1303           E36          How soon after intercourse R douches
 1304           E37          Freguency of douching
 1305           E38          Ever been treated for PID
 1306-1307      E39          Number of times treated for PID
 1308-1312      E40MO        Date first treated for PID
 1313-1317      E41MO        Date last treated for PID
 1318           E42          Number of times hospitalized for PID

                             Had doctor ever told R that she has:

 1319           E43A         Diabetes
 1320           E43B         Peritonitis
 1321           E43C         Sickle cell anemia
 1322           E43D         High blood pressure
 1323                        Blank
 1324           E43F         Endometriosis
 1325                        Blank
 1326           E43H         Vaginitis
 1327           E44          Ever heard of genital herpes
 1328-1339      E45A-E45F    Where R heard of genital herpes
 1340                        Blank
 1341           B0X55        Whether R currently married or living
                             with partner
 1342-1344                   Blank
 1345           E49          R's assessment of her chances of
                             getting genital herpes
 1346           E50          Ever heard of Chlamydia
 1347-1358      E51A-E51F    Where R heard of chlamydia
 1359-1360                   Blank
 1361           E54          R's assessment of her chances of
                             getting chlamydia
 1362           E55          Ever heard of AIDE
 1363-1380      E56AA-E56AI  Activities from which a person can
                             get the AIDS virus
 1381           E56B         Possible to get AIDS from someone who
                             has the virus but not the disease
 1382           E57          R's assessment of her chances of
                             getting AIDS
 1383           B0X57        Ever had sexual intercourse
                             Method R uses to keep from catching
 1384           E58A         Condom
 1385           E58B         Diaphragm
 1386           E58C         Spermicide jelly, foam, or cream
 1387           E58D         Sponge
 1388           E58E         No methods used for this purpose

 1389           B0X58        Whether R has ever heard of AIDS

                             Method R began to use for protection
                             since she first heard about AIDS:

 1390           E59A         Condom
 1391           E59B         Diaphragm
 1392           E59C         Spermicide jelly, foam, or cream
 1393           E59D         Sponge
 1394           E59E         No methods used for this purpose
 1395-1427                   Blank
 1428           B0X60        Whether R has had a family planning
                             visit in past 12 months
                             In past 12 months as part of general
                             check-up or other medical visit, has
                             R had:
 1429           E62A         Pap smear
 1430           E62B         Pelvic exam
 1431           E62C         Breast exam
 1432           E62D         Blood pressure test
 1433           E62E         Urinalysis
 1434-1435                   Blank
 1436           B0X61        Pregnancy status
 1437-1442      E63          R living at current address or
                             different address when last pregnancy
 1443-1445      E64          Length of residence there at time
                             pregnancy began
 1446           E65          Whether R smoked cigarettes during 12
                             months before end of last pregnancy
 1447-1448      E66          Number of cigarettes R smoked per day
                             before she found out she was pregnant
 1449-1450      E67          Number of cigarettes R smoked per day
                             after she found out she was pregnant
 1451-1452      E68          Frequency of drinking alcoholic
                             beverages during last pregnancy
                             Ever took any of the following drugs
                             or medications during last pregnancy
 1453           E69A         Tranquilizers
 1454           E69B         Stimulants
 1455           E69C         Sedatives
 1456-1460                   Blank
 Family Background and Education (Tape Location 1461-1467)


                             FAMILY BACKGROUND AND EDUCATION

 1461           F1           Race of respondent:  interviewer
 1462-1464      F2           Duration of residence at current
 1465-1467      F3           Duration of residence in current
                             state of residence

 Religion (Tape Locations 1468-1473)



 1468           F4           Respondent's religion
 1469-1470      F5           Denomination
 1471           F6           Frequency receives communion
 1472           F7           Frequency of attendance at religious
 1473           F8           Frequency of attendance at age 14

 Race and Ethnic Background (Tape Locations 1474-1515)


                             RACE AND ETHNIC BACKGROUND

 1474-1477      F9A-F9D      Self-reported race
 1478                        Blank
 1479           BOX62        Whether R mentioned more than one
 1480           F10          Race that best describes R
 1481-1512      F11A-F11P    National origin or ancestry
 1513           BOX63        Whether R mentioned more than one
                             national origin
 1514-1515      F12          National origin that best describes R

 Marital History (Tape Locations 1516-1678)


                             MARITAL HISTORY

 1516           BOX64        Current marital status
 1517-1518      F13          Number of times married (including
 1519           F14          Number of time formally married
 1520           BOX65        Current marital status
 1521-1525      F15MO        Date of current/only marriage
 1526-1527                   Blank
 1528           F16          Whether lived with current/only
                             husband before marriage
 1529-1533      F17MO        Date started living together
 1534-1536      F18          DK Probe: Duration of cohabitation
                             before marriage
 1537           BOX66        Whether R married more than once
 1538-1542      F19M1MO      Date of first marriaqe
 1543-1544                   Blank
 1545           F20M1        Whether lived with first husband
                             before marriage
 1546-1550      F21M1MO      Date started living together

 1551-1553      F21AM1       DK Probe: Duration of cohabitation
                             before marriage
 1554           F23M1        Type of dissolution
 1555-1559      F24M1MO      Date first husband died
 1560-1564      F25M1MO      Date R and first husband stopped
                             living together (divorced)
 1565-1569      F26M1MO      Date divorce/annulment
 1570-1574      F27M1MO      Date R and first husband stopped
                             living together (separated)
 1575-1579      F19M2MO      Date of second marriage
 1580-1581                   Blank
 1582           F23M2        Type of dissolution
 1583-1587      F24M2MO      Date second husband died
 1588-1592      F25M2MO      Date R and second husband stopped
                             living together (divorced)
 1593-1597      F26M2MO      Date of divorce/annulment
 1598-1602      F27M2MO      Date R and second husband stopped
                             living together (separated)
 1603-1607      F22M3MO      Date of most recent marriage
 1608-1609                   Blank
 1610           F23M3        Type of dissolution
 1611-1615      F24M3MO      Date most recent husband died
 1616-1620      F25M3MO      Date R and most recent husband
                             stopped living together (divorced)
 1621-1625      F26M3MO      Date of divorce/annulment
 1626-1630      F27M3MO      Date R and most recent husband
                             stopped living together (separated)
 1631           BOX69        Whether R currently living with a
 1632-1636      F28MO        Date started living together
 1637-1639      F29          DK Probe: How long lived together
 1640           F30          (Besides times previously mentioned)
                             whether R has ever lived with a
                             partner without being married to him
 1641-1645      F31MO        (Besides husband(s)) date started
                             living with first partner
 1646-1648      F32          Length of cohabitation
 1649-1675                   Blank
 1676           BOX72        Current marital status
 1677-1678      F35          Education at first marriage

 Background of First Husband (Tape Locations 1679-1690)


                             BACKGROUND OF FIRST HUSBAND

 1679           BOX73        Whether R married more than once
 1680-1684      F36MO        Date of birth of first husband
 1685-1686                   Blank
 1687-1688      F36A         First husband's age at marriage
 1689-1690      F37          Education of first husband at

 Background of Current Husband/Partner (Tape Locations 1691-1753)


                             BACKGROUND OF CURRENT (OR MOST
                             RECENT) HUSBAND
                             OR CURRENT PARTNER

 1691-1695      F38MO        Date of birth of current/most recent
                             husband or current partner
 1696-1697                   Blank
 1698-1699      F38A         Current/most recent husband's/
                             partner's age at marriage
 1700-1701      F39          Education of current/most recent
 1702-1703      F40          Education of current/most recent
                             husband/partner at marriage/beginning
                             of cohabitation
 1704           F41          Religion of current/most recent
 1705-1708      F42A-F42D    Race of current/most recent
 1709                        Blank
 1710           BOX74        Whether more than one race was
 1711           F43          Race that best describes current/most
                             recent husband/partner
 1712-1743      F44A-F44P    National origin of current/most
                             recent husband/partner
 1744           BOX75        Whether more than one national origin
                             was mentioned
 1745-1746      F45          National origin that best described
                             current/most recent husband/partner
 1747           BOX76        Whether R currently living with a
 1748           F46          Whether partner has ever been married
 1749           F47          Whether this is current husband's
                             first marriage
 1750           F48          Whether husband has children from
                             previous marriage
 1751           F49          Where children are living
 1752           F50          Whether contributes regularly to
                             their support
 1753           F51          Whether last former husband had been
                             married before

 Employment, Occupation (Tape Locations 1754-1825)


                              EMPLOYMENT, OCCUPATION

 1754           BOX77        Number of pregnancies ending in live
                             birth R has had
 1755           F52,F53,     Work for pay before first or only
                F54,F55      birth
 1756           F53,F54,F55  Work for pay between birth of first
                             and birth of  second child
 1757           F54,F55      Work for pay between birth of second
                             and birth of third child
 1758           F55          Work for pay between birth of third
                             and birth of last child
 1759           BOX78        Work before last birth
 1760-1761      F56          How long before birth of last child
                             did Respondent stop working
 1762           F57          Whether R quit, was fired, or took
 1763           F58          Employer paid maternity or sick leave
 1764-1766      F59          Weeks of leave employer paid for
 1767-1769      F60          Months worked for employer before
                             last birth
 1770           F61          Working full-time or part-time before
                             last birth
 1771           F62          Work for pay since birth of last
 1772-1776      F63MO        Date began work after last child was
 1777           F64          Full-time or part-time
 1778           F65          Ever worked for pay
 1779-1794      F66A-F66H    Employment status last week
 1795           BOX79        Ever worked
 1796-1797      F67HOUR      Time began work last week (hour)
 1798-1799      F67MIN       Time began work last week (minute)
 1800-1801      F68HOUR      Time ended work last week (hour)
 1802-1803      F68MIN       Time ended work last week (minute)
 1804           F69          Same shift or rotating shift
 1805-1807      F70          Current/last occupation
 1808-1810      F72          Current/last business or industry
 1811-1815      F73MO        Date started working at this job
 1816           B0X80        Current employment status
 1817-1821      F74M0        Date stopped working at this job
 1822-1823      F75          Number of hours worked per week
 1824-1825      F76          Earnings in past 12 months

 Child Care (Tape Locations 1826-2039)


                             CHILD CARE

 1826           BOX81        Whether R is currently employed or
                             going to school
 1827           BOX82        Whether R has own, step, or adopted
                             children aged 0-12 in household
 1828-1829                   Number of child care records

                             Child #1

 1830-1853      F77EX_1-     Type of child care
 1854           BOX83_1      Whether more than one type of care is
 1855-1856      F78_1        Main source of care
 1857           BOX84_1      Whether only or main source is day
                             care center, nursery school, R works
                             at home, or R cares for child at work
 1858           F79_1        Where child was cared for
 1859-1860      F80_1        Average number of hours of child care
                             per week
 1861-1863      F81_1        Average cost per week
 1864           F82_1        Whether any care provided through
                             non-money arrangement

                             Child #2

 1865-1888      F77EX_2-     Type of child care
 1889           BOX83_2      Whether more than one type of care is
 1890-1891      F78_2        Main source of care
 1892           BOX84_2      Whether only or main source is day
                             care center, nursery school, R works
                             at home, or R cares for child at work
 1893           F79_2        Where child was cared for
 1894-1895      F80_2        Average number of hours of child care
                             per week
 1896-1898      F81_2        Average cost per week
 1899           F82_2        Whether any care provided through
                             non-money arrangement

                             Child #3

 1900-1923      F77EX_3-     Type of child care
 1924           BOX83_3      Whether more than one type of care is
 1925-1926      F78_3        Main source of care
 1927           BOX84_3      Whether only or main source is day
                             care center, nursery school, R works
                             at home, or R cares for child at work
 1928           F79_3        Where child was cared for
 1929-1930      F80_3        Average number of hours of child care
                             per week
 1931-1933      F81_3        Average cost per week
 1934           F82_3        Whether any care provided through
                             non-money arrangement

                             Child #4

 1935-1958      F77EX_4      Type of child care
 1959           BOX83_4      Whether more than one type of care is
 1960-1961      F78_4        Main source of care
 1962           BOX84_4      Whether only or main source is day
                             care center, nursery school, R works
                             at home, or R cares for child at work
 1963           F79_4        Where child was cared for
 1964-1965      F80_4        Average number of hours of child care
                             per week
 1966-1968      F81_4        Average cost per week
 1969           F82_4        Whether any care provided through
                             non-money arrangement

                             Child #5

 1970-1993      F77EX_5      Type of child care
                F77K 5
 1994           BOX83_5      Whether more than one type of care is
 1995-1996      F78_5        Main source of care
 1997           BOX84_5      Whether only or main source is day
                             care center, nursery school, R works
                             at home, or R cares for child at work
 1998           F79_5        Where child was cared for
 1999-2000      F80_5        Average number of hours of child care
                             per week
 2001-2003      F81_5        Average cost per week
 2004           F82_5        Whether any care provided through
                             non-money arrangement

                             Child #6

 2005-2028      F77EX_6      Type of child care
 2029           BOX83_6      Whether more than one type of care is
 2030-2031      F78_6        Main source of care
 2032           BOX84_6      Whether only or main source is day
                             care center, nursery school, R works
                             at home, or R cares for child at work
 2033           F79_6        Where child was cared for
 2034-2035      F80_6        Average number of hours of child care
                             per week
 2036-2038      F81_6        Average cost per week
 2039           F82_6        Whether any care provided through
                             non-money arrangement

 Husband's/Partner's Employment (Tape Locations 2040-2072)

 TAPE              QUESTION

                                   HUSBAND'S/PARTNER'S EMPLOYMENT

 2040              BOX86           Current marital status
 2041-2054         F83A-F83G       Employment status of husband/partner
                                   last week
 2055-2056         F84HOUR         Time husband/partner began work last
                                   week (hour)
 2057-2058         F84MIN          Time husband/partner began work last
                                   week (minute)
 2059-2060         F85H0UR         Time husband/partner ended work last
                                   week (hour)
 2061-2062         F85MIN          Time husband/partner ended work last
                                   week (minute)
 2063              F86             Same shift or rotating shift
 2064              F87             Husband/partner ever worked for pay
 2065-2067         F88             Husband's/partner's current/last
 2068-2070         F90             Current/last business or industry
 2071-2072         F9l             Earnings in past 12 months

 Sources of Income (Tape Locations 2073-2087)

 TAPE              QUESTION

                                   SOURCES OF INCOME

                                   Whether R or member of family
                                   received income in past 12 months
 2073              F92A            Interest on checking or savings
 2074              F92B            Dividends, interest, property rental
 2075              F92C            Unemployment, Workmen's compensation
 2076              F92D            Social security or retirement
 2077              F92E            Aid to families with dependent
 2078              F92F            Aid to the blind, aid to the totally
                                   disabled, or old age assistance
 2079              F92G            Food stamps
 2080              F92H            General assistance or other aid
 2081              F92I            Child support from a former husband
 2082              F92J            Contributions from other persons not
                                   in the household
 2083-2084         F93             Total family income during past 12
 2085-2087         FTIME           Time it took to administer interview

 Self-Administered Questionnaire (Tape Locations 2088-2159)

 TAPE              QUESTION

                                   SELF-ADMINISTERED QUESTIONNAIRE

 2088              BOX88           Whether self-administered
                                   questionnaire was  completed
 2089              SAQ1            How easy to talk about experiences
 2090-2091         SAQ2            Number of abortions in last 12 months
 2092-2115         SAQ2JAN-        Months(s) abortion(s) took place
 2116-2117         SAQ4            Number of abortions R has ever had
 2118-2119         SAQ5            Age at first abortion
 2120-2148                         Blank
 2149-2153         R7MO            Date interview completed
 2154-2156                         Blank
 2157              TELINT          Whether interview conducted by
 2158-2159                         Blank

Respondent File Index - Recodes by Tape Location

 Tape Locations 2160-2376
 Tape         Flag           Variable                                 Variable
 Location     Location        Number           Description              Name

 2160           --           VAR915       Marital status              RMARITAL
 2161-2162      --           VAR905       Age at interview            AGE
 2163-2166      --           VAR904       Age as of March 15,1988     AGE315
 2167           --           VAR906       Age in 5-year groups        AGE5
 2168         2730           VAR926       Geographic region of birth  BRTHPLCE
 2169-2170    2731           VAR930       Education (completed years  EDUCAT
                                            of schooling
 2171         2732           VAR931       Completed high-sshool or    DIPLGED
 2172-2173    2733           VAR932       Number of times left school DROPOUTN
 2174-2177    2734           VAR933       Duration of first absence   TIMEOUT
                                            from school
 2178-2179    2735           VAR934       Age last enrolled in school AGELSTED
 2180-2181    2737           VAR936       Total number of years spent RELIGSCH
                                            in a church-sponsored
 2182         2750           VAR937       Number of years spent in    RELIPRIM
                                            a church-related primary
                                            or junior-high school
 2183         2751           VAR938       Number of years spent in    RELIGHS
                                            a church-related high
 2184         2752           VAR939       Number of years spent in    RELICOLL
                                            a church-related college
                                            or graduate school
 2185           --           VAR945       Living arrangements at      LIVING14
                                            age 14
 2186-2187    2740           VAR962       Mother's education          EDUCMOM
 2188-2189    2741           VAR963       Age of Mother at first      AGEMOMB1
 2190-2191    2742           VAR964       Age at first menstrual      MENARCHE
 2192-2193    2657           VAR331       Number of completed         COMPREG
 2194-2195    2658           VAR332       Number of completed         SPONPREG
                                            pregnancies excluding
                                            induced abortions
 2196-2197    2659           VAR335       Number of completed preg-   LOSSNUM
                                            nancies ending in spon-
                                            taneous pregnancy loss
 2198-2199      --           VAR326       Number of pregnancies       MISCARR
                                            ending in miscarriage
 2200-2201      --           VAR327       Number of pregnancies       STLLBRTH
                                            ending in stillbirth
 2202-2203    2655           VAR328       Number of pregnancies end-  ABORTION
                                            ing in induced abortion
 2204-2205    2656           VAR329       Number of pregnancies end-  LBPREGS
                                            ing in live birth
 2206-2207      --           VAR330       Number of pregnancies       PREGNUM
 2208           --           VAR340       Pregnancies ending in       C-SECNUM
                                            delivery by C-section
 2209-2213    2666           VAR410       Date of first live birth    BABY1MO
 2216-2218    2665           VAR406       Interval between first      FMARBBY1
                                            formal marriage and first
                                            birth or date of interview
 2219-2221    2667           VAR415       Interval beteeon first live BABY12
                                            birth and second live
                                            birth or interview date
 2222-2224    2696           VAR603       Interval between first      FMAR1CON
                                            marriage and first con-
                                            ception or interview date
 2225-2227    2697           VAR604       Interval between first con- CON1FMAR
                                            ception and first formal
                                            marriage or interview date
 2228-2231    2698           VAR605       Age at first conception     AGECON1
 2232-2236    2699           VAR606       Date of first conception    DATE1CON
 2237-2240    2700           VAR609       Age at first birth          AGEBABY1
 2241           --           VAR611       Outcome of first pregnancy  PREGOUT1
 2242-2246    2701           VAR612       Date first pregnancy ended  PREG1MO
 2249         2702           VAR613       Living arrangements of     LIV1CHILD
                                            first live birth
 2252-2253      --           VAR630       Number of biological        BIOKIDS
                                            children under age 18
                                            in household
 2254-2255      --           VAR980       Total number of live births PARITY
 2256         2576           VAR100       Has R ever had intercourse  SEXEVER
 2257-2259    2577           VAR110       Method used at first        SEX1MTHD
                                            intercourse, if any
 2260-2262    2578           VAR12        Method used at last         LASTBC
                                            intercourse, if any
 2263-2265    2579           VAR115       First method ever used      METHOD1
 2266-2270    2580           VAR118       Date R used first method    DATEUSE1
                                            for the first time
 2271         2581           VAR120       Ever used pill              PILL
 2272         2582           VAR121       Ever used condcm            CONDOM3
 2273         2583           VAR22        Ever used condom without    CONDOM4
 2274         2584           VAR123       Ever used condom and        CONFOAM
                                            foam together
 2275         2585           VAR124       Ever used foam              FOAM
 2276         2586           VAR126       Ever used jelly or cream    JELCREAM
 2277         2587           VAR128       Ever used suppository or    SUPPOSIT
 2278         2588           VAR130       Ever used diaphragm with    DIAPHRAM
                                            or without jelly or cream
 2279         2589           VAR132       Ever used douching after    DOUCHE
 2280         2590           VAR134       Ever used IUD               IUD
 2281         2591           VAR136       Ever used female steriliza- FEMSTER
 2282         2592           VAR138       Ever used male sterilizationMALESTER
 2283         2593           VAR140       Ever used natural family    NFPTEMP
                                            planning or temperature
 2284         2594           VAR142       Ever used calendar rhythm   RHYTHM
 2285         2595           VAR144       Ever used withdrawal        WITHDRAW
 2286         2596           VAR146       Ever used Today sponge      SPONGE
 2287         2597           VAR148       Ever used other method      OTHER
 2288         2598           VAR149       Ever used any nonsurgicai   NONSURG
 2289         2599           VAR150       Ever used any method        ANYMTHD
 2290-2293    2601           VAR158       Method calendar entry for   METHCAL
                                            the months of interview
 2294-2295    2602           VAR160       Current contraqceptive      CONSTAT
                                            status 1988
 2296         2669           VAR438       Wantedness of first birth   WTBIRTH1
 2297         2670           VAR439       Wantedness of last          WTLASTP
 2298         2671           VAR440       Wantedness of last live     WTLASTB
 2299         2672           VAR44l       Number of births in the     BIRTHS5
                                            last 5 years
 2300         2673           VAR442       Number of wanted preg-      WANTP5
                                            nancies in the last
                                            5 years
 2302-2306    2685           VAR540       Century month of first      DATESEX1
                                            intercourse after first
                                            menstrual period
 2307-2308    2743           VAR965       Age at first intercourse    SEX1AGE
                                            after first menstrual
 2309         2647           VAR304       Want or intend another birthWANTKID1
 2310         2648           VAR305       Collapsed WANTKID           WANTKID2
 2311-2313    2649           VAR309       Number of months infertile  NINFERT
 2314         2650           VAR3l0       Infertility status          INFERT
 2316         2652           VAR320       Type of sterilization       STRLOPER
 2322         2660           VAR360       Fecundity status            FECUND
 2324-2325    2662           VAR380       Nonintercourse in the last  NOSEX12
                                            12 months
 2326-2327    2663           VAR382       Nonintercourse in the last  NOSEX36
                                            36 months
 2328-2330    2664           VAR385       Duration of the current     NOSEXDUR
                                            period of nonintercourse
 2331-2333    2668           VAR420       Central number of addi-     ADDEXP
                                            tional births expected
 2334         2748           VAR985       Intentions for additional   INTENT
 2335         2604           VAR205       Services used at the first  FP1MTHD
                                            family planning visit:
                                            got a new method
 2336         2605           VAR2l0       Services used at the first  FP10MED
                                            family planning visit:
                                            other medical
 2337         2606           VAR2l5       Services used at the first  FP1FPADV
                                            family planning visit:
                                            advice on birth control
 2338         2607           VAR220       Services used at the first  FP10ADV
                                            family planning visit:
                                            other advice
 2339-2340    2608           VAR225       Age at first family         FP1AGE
                                            planning visit
 2346         2610           VAR227       Timing of first visit and   TIMVIS1
                                            first intercourse
 2347         2611           VAR228       Timing of first visit and   TIMVIS2
                                            first pregnancy
 2348         2612           VAR230       First source of family      FP1SRC
                                            planning services
 2349         2613           VAR240       Services used at the moot   FPLSTMTH
                                            recent family planning
                                            visit: got a method
 2350         2614           VAR242       Services used at the most   FPLSTCON
                                            recent family planning
                                            visit: continued a method
 2351         2615           VAR245       Services used at the most   FPLSTMED
                                            recent family planning
                                            visit: other medical
 2352         2616           VAR250       Services used at the most   FPLSTADV
                                            recent family planning
                                            visit: advice on birth
 2353         2617           VAR255       Services used at the most   FPLSTOTH
                                            recent family planning
                                            visit: other advice
 2354         2618           VAR260       Source of payment for the   FPPAYSLF
                                            most recent family
                                            planning visit: self,
                                            partner, family or
 2356         2619           VAR26l       Source of payment for the   FPPAYINS
                                            most recent family
                                            planning visit: insurance
 2357-2358    2620           VAR262       Source of payment for the   FPPAYMED
                                            most recent family
                                            planning visit: Medicaid
 2359-2360    2621           VAR263       Source of payment for the   FPPAYGOV
                                            most recent family
                                            planning visit: other
 2361-2362    2622           VAR264       Source of payment for the   FPPAYOTH
                                            most recent family
                                            planning visit: other
 2363         2623           VAR266       Most recent source of       RSOURCE
                                            family planning services
 2364-2365    2624           VAR270       Family planning visits in   FPYRMD
                                            the last 12 months:
 2366-2367    2625           VAR272       Family planning visits in   FPYRCLIN
                                            the last 12 months:
 2368-2369    2626           VAR274       Family planning visits in   FPYRCOUN
                                            the last 12 months:
 2370-2371    2627           VAR276       Family planning visits in   FPYRTOT
                                            the last 12 months
 2372         2628           VAR280       Pap smear in the last 12    PAPSMEAR
 2373         2629           VAR28l       Pelvic exam in past 12      PELVICEX
 2374         2630           VAR282       Breast exam in past 12      BREASTEX
 2375         2631           VAR283       Blood pressure test in      BPRESSEX
                                            past 12 months
 2376         2632           VAR284       Urinalysis in past 12       URINALYS

 Infertility Service (Tape Locations 2379-2411)

 Tape         Flag           Variable                                 Variable
 Location     Location        Number           Description              Name

                             Infertility service:

 2379-2380    2635           VAR288       Drugs to make R ovulate     OVULATE
 2381-2382    2636           VAR289       Surgery or treatment on     TUBES
                                            blocked tubes
 2383-2384    2637           VAR290       Infertility tests on        INFERTR
 2385-2386    2638           VAR291       Advice on how to time       TIMESEX
 2387-2388    2639           VAR292       Advice to start or stop     TIMEBC
 2389-2390    2640           VAR293       Tests on husband/partner    INFERTH
 2391-2392    2641           VAR294       In vitro fertilization      INVITRO
 2393-2394    2642           VAR295       Artificial insemination     INSEM
 2395-2396    2643           VAR296       Bed rest                    BEDREST
 2397-2398    2644           VAR297       Other                       INFERTOTH
 2399-2400    2645           VAR298       Source of most recent       INFSRC
                                            infertility services
 2401         2703           VAR705       Ever been treated for PID   PIDTREAT
 2404         2706           VAR7l4       Ever heard of genital herpesKNOWHERP
 2407         2709           VAR720       Chances of getting genital  GETHERP
 2408         2710           VAR722       Ever heard of chlamydia     KNOWCLMY
 2410         2712           VAR726       Chances of getting          GETCLMYD
                                            chlamydia (again)
 2411         2713           VAR728       Ever heard of AIDS or       KNOWAIDS
                                           AIDS virus

Activities From Which a Person Can Get AIDS (Tape Loc. 2412-2753

 Tape         Flag           Variable                                 Variable
 Location     Location        Number           Description              Name

                   Activities from which a person can get AIDS:

 2412-2413    2714           VAR730       Shaking hands or hugging    HUG
 2414-2415    2715           VAR73l       Sharing hypodermic needles  HYPO
 2416-2417    2716           VAR732       Sharing an apartment,       APT
                                            classroom, or office
 2418-2419    2717           VAR733       Receiving a blood trans-    TRANSF
 2420-2421    2718           VAR734       Intercourse between men     HOMO
 2422-2423    2719           VAR735       Intercourse between a man   HETERO
                                            and a woman
 2424-2425    2720           VAR736       Giving a blood donation     DONATE
 2426-2427    2721           VAR737       Being bitten by an insect   BUGBITE
                                            that has bitten someone
                                            with the AIDS virus
 2428-2429    2722           VAR738       Sharing personal items like DISHES
                                            dishes, toilets, etc.
 2430         2723           VAR740       Whether it is possible to   VIRUS
                                            get AIDS from someone who
                                            has the AIDS virus but who
                                            does not have the disease
 2431         2724           VAR745       Chances of getting AIDS     GETAIDS
 2432         2725           VAR750       Contraceptives used to      STDMETH
                                            avoid STDs
 2433         2726           VAR755       Contraceptives used to      AIDSMETH
                                            avoid AIDS
 2434-2436    2675           VAR511       Interval between first      SEX1FOR
                                            intercourse (after first
                                            menstrual period) and
                                            first formal marriage (or
 2437-2440    2676           VAR514       Age at first formal marriageFMAR1AGE
 2441-2442    2677           VAR518       Number of formal marriages  FMARNO
 2443-2447    2679           VAR524       Date of dissolution of      DISFIRST
                                            first formal marriage
 2448-2450    2680           VAR525       Interval between first      MAR1DISS
                                            formal marriage and dis-
                                            solution of marriage (or
 2451-2454    2681           VAR526       Age at dissolution of first AGEDISS
                                            formal marriage
 2455-2459    2682           VAR529       Date of second formal       MAR2MO
 2462-2464    2683           VAR530       Interval between divorce    DIS1MAR
                                            or death (first formal
                                            marriage) and remarriage
                                            (or interview)
 2465-2468    2684           VAR535       Age at divorce or death:    AGEDD1
                                            1st formal marriage
 2469-2473    2686           VRR550       Date of first cohabitation  COHAB1
 2474-2476    2687           VRR551       Length of first cohabita-   COHABINT
                                            tion interval
 2477         2688           VAR552       Cohabitational status       COHSTAT
 2478         2689           VAR553       Outcome of first cohabita-  COHOUT
 2479-2483    2690           VAR554       Date of first union         UNION1
 2484         2691           VAR555       Type and outcome of first   UNTYPE
 2485-2487    2692           VAR556       Duration of first union     UNIONINT
 2488         2728           VAR9l6       Formal marital status       FMARITAL
 2489         2729           VAR922       Hispanic origin             HISPANIC
 2490         2736           VAR935       Religious affiliation       RELIGION
 2491-2493    2738           VAR940       Poverty level income        POVERTY
 2494-2495    2739           VAR950       Labor force status          LABORFOR
 2496           --           VAR955       Place of residence (metro-  METRO
 2497           --           VAR956       Urban-rural residence       RURAL
 2498           --           VAR956       Source of rural value       RURALFLG
 2499-2500    2746           VAR970       Years since first marriage  MAR1NOW
 2501-2505    2747           VAR976       Date of first formal        FMAR1MO
 2508           --           VAR9l1       Race                        RACE
 2509-2510      --             --         Count the number of abor-   COUNT08
                                            tion records
 2511-2514    2693           VAR557       Age at the beginning of     COHAGEB
                                            first cohabitation
 2515-2518    2694           VAR558       Age at the end of first     COHAGEE
 2519-2522    2727           VAR907       Age at interview in 100ths  AGE100
                                            of year
 2523-2526    2745           VAR967       Age at first intercourse    SEX1HUND
                                            (after first menstrual
                                            period) in 100ths of year
 2530         2656           VAR329       Currently Pregnant          RCURPREG
 253 1-2534   2674           VAR460       Age at most recent live     NEWKID
 2535-2536    2600           VAR156       Ever used a method requir-  MEDMTHD
                                            ing medical intervention
 2537         2695           VAR559       Ever cohabited              COHEVER
 2539         2646           VAR299       Ever had infertility        INFEVER
 2575           --           VAR925       Geographic region           REGION
 2753                        VAR519       Intercourse in the last 3   SEXL3MO
 Respondent File Index - Weights

 2540-2546    W1             Trimmed weight, stage 1
 2547-2553    W2             Trimmed adjusted weight
 2554-2560    W3             Trimmed weight, stage 2
 2561-2567    W4             Nonresponse adjusted weight
 2568-2574    W5             Final weight, post-stratified
 2754-3553    --             Replicate weights

 Interval File Index - Questionnaire Items by Tape Location

 Tape Locations 001-031


 001-005                     CaseID
 006-007                     Record Type
 008-010                     Blank
 011-012      BP Record      Pregnancy number
 013-014      BP Record      Pregnancy type
 015          BP Record      Number of live births
 016          BP Record      First outcome of this pregnancy
 017          BP Record      Second outcome of this pregnancy
 018          BP Record      Third outcome of this pregnancy
 019          B11            Type of delivery (live birth)
 020                         Whether pregnancy conceived by artificial
                             insemination, in-vitro fertilization, or after a
                             sterilizing operation
 021-025      B14            Century month of pregnancy outcome
 026-027                     Blank
 028-029      B15            Number of weeks R had been pregnant when that
                             pregnancy ended
 030          B16            DK probe: less than 3 months, 3-6 months, or more
                             than 6 months
 031          BOX7           Pregnancy ended before or after January 1984

 Pregnancies Ending January 1984 or Later (Tape Locations 032-079


                             PREGNANCIES ENDING JANUARY 1984 OR LATER

 032          B17            Whether R had pregnancy test at doctor's office
                             or clinic
 033-034      B18            Number of weeks Pat when R had pregnancy test
 035-036      B19            Number of weeks after pregnancy test R went for
                             prenatal care
 037          B20            Over visit doctor/clinic for prenatal care during
                             this pregnancy
 038-039      B21            Number of months pregnant at first prenatal care
 040-041      B22            Number of prenatal care visits
 042-043      B23            Source of most prenatal care visits
 044-045      B24            Number of places R went for prenatal care
 046-057      B25A-B25F      Ways prenatal care bills were paid
 058          B26            Whether caregiver made arrangements for R's
                             delivery at hospital or birthing center
 059          B27            Whether caregiver asked if R had made arrange-
                             ments for baby's medical care after birth
 060          B28            Whether doctor ever advised R to remain in bed
                             for one or more weeks because of some problem
                             related to this pregnancy
 061-074      B29A-B296      Reason doctor advised R to remain in bed
 075-076      B30            Number of days R remained in bed
 077          BOX8           Pregnancy outcome
 078          BP Record      Whether this pregnancy ended in last live birth
 079          BP Record      Whether this pregnancy is last pregnancy

 First Live Birth in Pregnancy (Tape Locations 080-120)


                             First live birth in pregnancy

 080          B12_1          Sex of child
 081-082      B31_1          Weight in pounds
 083-084      B31_1          Weight in ounces
 085          B32_1          Weight more or less than 5 1/2 pounds
 086        BOX10_1          Child born before or after January 1984
 087-098    B33A 1-          Way(s) in which medical bills for pregnancy paid
 099          B34_1          Whether child went home from hospital at same
                             time as Respondent or stayed later for medical
 100-101      B35_1          Number of night's child spent in hospital after
 102          B36_1          Whether child stayed in hospital where born, or
                             transferred to another hospital
 103-104      B37_1          Number of times child stayed in hospital for at
                             least one night during first year
 105-106      B38_1          Age of child at first well-baby or routine
 107        BOX1l_1          Whether child listed in household enumeration
 108          B39_1          Whether child is still live (if not listed in
                             household enumeration)
 109          B40_1          Where is child living now
 110-114      B41_1          Date of child's death
 115        BOX12_1          Whether child died before two months old
 116          B42_1          Whether child was breast fed
 117-118      B43_1          Age of child in weeks when first took milk or
                             formula from bottle or cup
 119-120      B44_1          Age of child in weeks when breast feeding stopped

 Second Live Birth in Pregnancy (Tape Locations 121-161)


                             Second live birth in pregnancy

 121          B12_2          Sex of child
 122-123      B31_2          Weight in pounds
 124-125      B31_2          Weight in ounces
 126          B32_2          Weight more or less than 5 1/2 pounds
 127          BOX10_2        Child born before or after January 1984
 128-139      B33A_2-        Way(s) in which medical bills for pregnancy paid
 140          B34_2          Whether child went home from hospital at same
                             time as Respondent or stayed later for medical
 141-142      B35_2          Number of nights child spent in hospital after
 143          B36_2          Whether child stayed in hospital where born, or
                             transferred to another hospital
 144-145      B37_2          Number of times child stayed in hospital for at
                             least one night during first year
 146-147      B38_2          Age of child at first well-baby or routine
 148          BOX11_2        Whether child listed in household enumeration
 149          B39_2          Whether child is still living (if not listed in
                             household enumeration)
 150          B40_2          Where is child living now
 151-155      B41_2          Date of child's death
 156          B12_2          Whether child died before two months old
 157          B42_2          Whether child was breast fed
 158-159      B43_2          Age of child in weeks when first took milk or
                             formula from bottle or cup
 160-161      B44_2          Age of child in weeks when breast feeding stopped

 Third Live Birth in Pregnancy (Tape Locations 162-202)


                             Third live birth in pregnancy

 162          B12_3          Sex of child
 163-164      B31_3          Weight in pounds
 165-166      B31_3          Weight in ounces
 167          B32_3          Weight more or less than 5 1/2 pounds
 168          BOX10_3        Child born before or after January 1984
 169-180      B33A_3-        Way(s) in which medical bills for pregnancy paid
 181          B34_3          Whether child went home from hospital at same
                             time as Respondent or stayed later for medical
 182-183      B35_3          Number of nights child spent in hospital after
 184          B36_3          Whether child stayed in hospital where born, or
                             transferred to another hospital
 185-186      B37_3          Number of times child stayed in hospital for at
                             least one night during first year
 187-188      B38_3          Age of child at first well-baby or routine
 189          BOX11_3        Whether child listed in household enumeration
 190          B39_3          Whether child is still living (if not listed in
                             household enumeration)
 191          B40_3          Where is child living now
 192-196      B41_3          Date of child's death
 197          BOX12_3        Whether child died before two months old
 198          B42_3          Whether child was breast fed
 199-200      B43_3          Age of child in weeks when first took milk or
                             formula from bottle or cup
 201-202      B44_3          Age of child in weeks when breast feeding stopped

 Abortion (Tape Locations 203-204)



 203          B45            Type of facility in which pregnancy was ended
 204          B46            Geographic location of facility

 Periods of Non-Intercourse (Tape Locations 205-300)


                             PERIODS OF NON-INTERCOURSE

 205          C12A           Whether R had any one-month or longer periods of
                             non-intercourse in this pregnancy interval
 206-210      C13F1          Beginning date of first period of non-intercourse
 211-215      C13T1          Ending date of first period of non-intercourse
 216-220      C13F2          Beginning date of second period of non-inter-
 221-225      C13T2          Ending date of second period of non-intercourse
 226-230      C13F3          Beginning date of third period of non-intercourse
 231-235      C13T3          Ending date of third period of non-intercourse
 236          C14            Whether any method of birth control used (between
                             A & B)
 237-239      C15M1          First method
 240-244      C16M1          Century month method use began
 245-249      C17M1          Century month method use ended
 250-252      C15M2          Second method
 253-257      C16M2          Century month method use began
 258-262      C17M2          Century month method use ended
 263-265      C15M3          Third method
 266-270      C16M3          Century month method use began
 271-275      C17M3          Century month method use ended
 276-278      C15M4          Last method
 279-283      C16M4          Century month method use began
 284-288      C17M4          Century month method use ended
 289-293      C18            Century month R became pregnant with (B)
 294          C19            Whether R had stopped all method before she
                             became pregnant
 295          C20            Whether R had stopped/was not using because she
                             wanted to become pregnant
 296          C21            Did R want a(nother) baby at some time
 297          022            DK probe: probability R wanted a(nother) baby at
                             some time
 298          023            Timing of pregnancy for respondent
 299          024            Whether partner wanted a(nother) baby at some
 300          025            Timing of pregnancy for partner

 Interval File Index - Recodes by Tape Location

 Tape         Flag           Variable                               Variable
 Location     Location       Number         Description               Name

 301-303      373            VAR34l       Duration of pregnancy     PRGLNGTH
                                            in months
 304-307      383            VAR991       Age at pregnancy outcome  AGEPREG
 308          370            VAR426       Wantedness of pregnancy-- WANTWIFE
 309          380            VAR427       Wantedness of pregnancy-- WANTMAN
 310           --            VAR994       Pregnancy outcome         OUTCOME
 311-312      384            VAR992       Year pregnancy ended      YRPREG
 313          382            VAR62l       Formal marital status at  FMAROUT
                                           pregnancy outcome
 314          381            VAR6l4       Living arrangements of    LIVBABY1
                                            first or only baby
 315           --            VAR6l5       Living arrangements of    LIVBABY2
                                            second baby
 316           --            VAR6l6       Living arrangements of    LIVBABY3
                                            third baby
 317          377            VAR375       Low birthweight of first  LOW1
                                            baby from this pregnancy
 318          378            VAR376       Low birthweight of second LOW2
                                            baby from this pregnancy
 319           --            VAR377       Low birthweight of third  LOW3
                                            baby from this pregnancy
 320-321      374            VAR372       Number of weeks pregnant  PREGTEST
                                            at pregnancy test
 322-323      375            VAR373       Number of weeks pregnant  PNCAREWK
                                            at first prenatal care

 324-325      376            VAR374       Number of visits for      PNCARENO
                                            prenatal care
 326           --            VAR911       Race                      RACE
 327           --             --          Pregnancy ended before or CEND84
                                            after January 1984
 328-329       --             --          Live birth number (first  BIRTH071
                                            or only live birth from
                                            this pregnancy
 330-331       --             --          Live birth number (second BIRTH072
                                            live birth from this
 332-333       --             --          Live birth number (third  BIRTH073
                                            live birth from this
 334-335       --             --          Pregnancy number for this PREGNUM7
                                          Pregnancy number for this PREGNUM8
 336-337       --             --            abortion

 Interval File Index - Weights

 338-344      W1             Trimmed weight, stage 1
 345-351      W2             Trimmed adjusted weight
 352-358      W3             Trimmed weight, stage 2
 359-365      W4             Noresponse adjusted weight
 366-372      W5             Final weight, post-stratified
 2754-3553    --             Replicate weights


 Appendix 1

  Specifications for Recodes

 This apppendix contains the detailed specifications used to create
 the recoded variables.  Each specification describes how the
 original data items were combined to create the recodes.  The
 original data items are usually referred to by the original
 record/column location (e.g 2/17-18), rather than by their tape
 location on the Public Use Tape.  During data processing, the
 data were keypunched on 33 records with a maximum of 120 columns
 per record.  The original record number appears in this Tape
 Documentation in the upper right-hand corner of each page and the
 original column number(s) appear in parent underneath the
 tape location.

 Unless otherwise specified, age variables are calculated as the
 century month of the event minus the century month of birth,
 divided by 12.  Four column age variables have an implied demical
 after the second column.  If an analyst prefers to use age in
 completed years, the first two columns of the variable should be
 used.  The four column age variable should be used for computing
 mean ages.  Two-column age variables refer to age in completed

 Sometimes a number of related variables (such as ever-use of
 specific contraceptive methods) are created in exactly the same
 way, so their specifications differ only in the tape location
 from which the original data were taken.  To avoid repetition,
 the specifications for one variable in the group is included,
 followed by a list of the other variables in the group.

 Recode specifications appear in the same order the variables
 appear on the Public Use Tape.

 Respondent File Recode Specifications
 VAR 915 "Marital Status" (RMARITAL)

 VAR915  "Marital status"   (RMARITAL)

 No recode needed.  (03/36)

      Currently married = 1
      Informally married = 2
      Widowed = 3
      Divorced = 4
      Separated = 5
      Never Married = 6
 VAR905 "Age at Interview" (AGE)

 VAR905  "Age at interview"    (AGE)

 No recode needed.  AGe at interview = age at last birthday,
 VAR904 "Age as of March 15, 1988" (AGE315)

 VAR904  "Age as of march 15, 1988"   (AGE315)

 Calculate as the difference between century month for March 15,
 1988 and date of birth (03/38-43) divided by 12 and keep 2
 demical places.
 VAR905 "Age in 5-Year Groups" (AGE5)

 VAR905   "Age in 5-year groups"   (AGE5)

 Group values of AGE315 and code as follows:

           AGE            AGE5
           15-19=         1
           20-24=         2
           25-29=         3
           30-34=         4
           35-39=         5
           40-44=         6
 VAR927 "Geographic Region of Birth" (BIRTHPLACE)

 VAR926 "Geographic region of birth"  (BIRTHPLACE)

 If the respondent was born in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
 Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
 or Pennsylvania (03/44-46 coded 023,033,050,025,044,009,036,034,
 042), then she was born in the Northeast, code 1.

 If the respondent was born in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan,
 Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota,
 Nebraska, or Kansas (03/44-46 coded 039,018,017,026,055,027,019,
 029,038,046,031,020), then she was born in the Midwest, code 2.

 If the respondent was born in Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia,
 West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
 Kentucy, Tennessee, Iowa, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana
 Oklahoma, or Texas (03/44-46 coded 010,024,011,051,054,037,045,
 013,012,021,047,001,028,005,022,040,048), then she was born in
 the South, code 3.

 If the respondent was born in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado,
 New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon,
 California, Alaska, or Hawaii (03/44-46 coded 030,016,056,008,
 035,004,049,032,053,04l,006,002,0l5), then she was born in the
 West, code 4.

 If the respondent was born in Puerto Rico, (03/44-46 coded 072),
 then code 5.

 If the respondent was born elsewhere outside of the 50 United
 States (03/44-46 coded 060-995, excluding 072), then code 6.
 VAR930 "Education (Completed Years of Schooling)" (EDUCAT)

 VAR930 "Educaticn (completed years of schooling)" (EDUCAT)

 If the respondent completed the highest grade she attended
 (03/87 coded 1), then her education is the highest grade she
 attended (03/85-86).

 If the respondent did not complete the highest grade she
 attended (03/87 coded 2), her education is the grade below the
 highest grade she attended 03/85-86 minus 1).

 If the respondent had no formal schooling (03/85-86 coded 00),
 then she completed no years of schooling, code 00.

 If the respondent reported the highest grade she attended
 (03/85-86 coded 1 to 18), but did not report whether or not she
 had completed that grade (03/87 coded 7,8, or 9), then her
 education is the highest grade she attended (03/85-86).
 VAR931 "Completed High-School or Equivalent" (DIPLGED)

 VAR931  "Completed high-school or equivalent"  (DIPLGED)

 If the respondent has a regular high school diploma, (03/102)
 coded 1), code = 1.

 If the respondent has a high school equivalency certificate, or
 GED (03/102 coded 2 or 03/102 coded 1), code = 2.

 If the respondent has earned neither a regular high school diploma
 nor a GED (03/102 coded inapplicable and 03/103 coded 2),
 code = 3.

 If 03/102 coded 7,8, or 9, or if 03/103 coded 7,9, code DIPLGED =
 9 and impute.
 VAR932 "Number of Times Left School" (DROPOUTN)

 VAR932  "Number of times left school"   (DROPOUTN)

 If the respondent had no formal schooling (03/85-86 coded 00), or
 if she was 25 or older as of March 15, 1988 (03/24 coded 2), or
 if 03/88 = BLANK, DROPOUTN should be coded BLANK.

 If the respondent ever discontinued schooling (03/88 coded 1),
 then the number of times she left school = 03/89-90.  If 03/88
 coded 2, then code the number of times she left school 00.
 VAR933 "Duration of First Absence From School" (TIMEOUT)

 VAR933  "Duration of first absence from school"   (TIMEOUT)

 If the respondent never discontinued school (03/88 is coded 2) or
 if 03/88 is coded BLANK, this variable will not apply to her and
 should be coded as BLANK.  If 03/88 is coded 1, then calculate the
 amount of time she spent out of school as follows:  03/97-100
 minus 03/91-94.
 VAR934 "Age Last Enrolled in School" (AGELASTED)

 VAR934  "Age last enrolled in school"   (AGELASTED)

 If 04/18-21 coded 9696, code this variable=03/47-48.

 If 04/18-21 coded blank, this means not applicable, code AGELISTED
 =  blank.

 If 04/18-21 coded, 9797, 9898, or 9999, and 04/2lb = 2,7,8, or 9,
 and 04/22-23 not coded 97,98,99, then AGELISTED = 04/22-23.

 If 04/18-21 coded 9797, 9898, or 9999, and 04/2lb = 1, and 04/22-
 23 not coded 97,98,99, then AGELISTED = 04/22-23 minus 1.

 If 04/18-21 coded 9797, 9898, or 9999, and 04/22-23 coded 97,98,
 or 99, then code AGELISTED = 99 and impute.

 Otherwise calculate this variable as follows:  century month last
 enrolled (04/18-21) minus century month of birth (03/38-43).
 Divide by 12 and truncate to an integer.
 VAR936 "Total # Yrs Spent in Church-Sponsored School" (RELIGSCH)

 VAR936 "Total nurber of years spent in a church-sponsored
 school" (RELIGSCH)

 Calculate this and the following variables using the following

      If 04/26-27=01, Church1=1
      If 04/28-29=02, Church2=1
      If 04/30-31=03, Church3=1
      If 04/32-33=04, Church4=1
      If 04/34-35=05, Church5=1
      If 04/36-37=06, Church6=1
      If 04/38-39=07, Church7=1
      If 04/40-41=08, Church8=1
      If 04/42-43=09, Church9=1
      If 04/44-45=10, Church10=1
      If 04/46-47=11, Church11=1
      If 04/48-49=12, Church12=1
      If 04/50-51=13, Church13=1
      If 04/52-53=14, Church14=1
      If 04/54-55=15, Church15=1
      If 04/56-57=16, Church16=1
      If 04/58-59=17, Church17=1
      If 04/60-61=18, Church18=1

      Church1 + church2 + church3 + ... church18
 VAR937 "Yrs Spent in Church-Rel Prim/Jr. High School" (RELIPRIM)

 VAR937  "Number of years spent in a church-related primary or
 junior-high school"   (RELIPRIM)

 Using the above formulation RELIPRIM = church1 + church2 + ...
 VAR938 "# Years Spent in Church-Related High School" (RELIGHS)

 VAR938  "Number of years spent in a church-related high school"

 Using the above formulation RELIGHS = church9 + church10 +
 church11 + church12.
 VAR939 "Yrs Spent in Church-Rel College/Grad School" (RELICOLL)

 VAR939  "Number of years spent in a church-related college or
 graduate school"  (RELICOLL)

 Using the above formulation RELICOLL - church13 + church14 +
 church15 + church16 + church17 + church18.
 VAR945 "Living Arrangements at Age 14" (LIVING 14)

 VAR945  "Living arrangements at age 14"   (LIVING 14)

 No recode needed. 04/63.
 VAR962 "Mother's Education" (EDUCMOM)

 VAR962  "Mother's education"   (EDUCMOM)

 The educational attainment of the respondent/s mother is in
 04/68-69, codes 00-18.
 VAR963 "Age of Mother at First Birth" (AGEMOMB1)

 VAR963  "Age of mother at first birth"  (AGEMOMB1)

 If 04/71-72 is 09-45, code=age in years from 9 to 45.

 If 04/71-72 is 97-99, and 04/73 is 1, code=50:  "not sure, but
 probably under age 20."

 If 04/71-72 is 97-99, and 04/73 is 2, code=51:  "not sure, but
 probably age 20 or older."

 If 04/71-72 is 97-99 and 04/73 is 7-9, code AGEMOMB1 = 99 and
 VAR964 "Age at First Menstrual Period" (MENARCHE)

 VAR964 "Age at first menstrual period"    (MENARCHE)

 If 04/76 = 1, and 04/74-75 = 08-20, MENARCHE = 04/74-75 minus 1.

 If 04/76 = 2, 7, 8, or 9, and 04/74-75 = 08-20, MENARCHE = 04/74-

 If 04/74-75 = 96, MENARCHE = 96.

 If 04/74-75 = 97-99, code MENARCHE = 99 and impute.
 VAR331 "Number of Completed Pregnancies" (COMPREG)

 VAR331 "Number of completed pregnancies"     (COMPREG)

 This is the total number of completed pregnancies the respondent
 has had at the time of the interview (04/89-90).  No recode
 VAR332 "# Comp Preg Excluding Induced Abortions" (SPONPREG)

 VAR332 "Number of completed pregnancies excluding induced
 abortions" (SPONPREG)

 SPONPREG is the total nunber of completed pregnancies a woman has
 had that ended in anything other than abortion - i.e., (04/89-
 90) minus the number of pregnancies that ended in abortion
 VAR335 "# Comp Preg Ending in Spontaneous Preg Loss" (LOSSNUM)

 VAR335 "No. of completed pregnancies ending in spontaneous
 pregnancy loss" (LOSSNUM)

 This is the number of pregnancies a woman has had that ended in 1
 or more spontaneous pregnancy losses regardless of any other
 outcomes of those pregnancies.  (04/89-90, minus (06/16-17 coded
 01) minus (06/16-17 coded 02) minus (06/16-17 coded 05 (if 06/19
 ne 3 or ne 4, and 06/20 ne 3 or ne 4)) minus (06/16-17 coded 07
 (if 06/19 ne 3 or ne 4, and 06/20 ne 3 or ne 4 and 06/21 ne 3 or
 ne 4)).
 VAR326 "Number of Pregnancies Ending in Miscarriage" (MISCARR)

 VAR326 "Number of pregnancies ending in miscarriage" (MISCARR)

 No recode needed.  THis is the total number of pregnancies that
 respondent ever had that ended in a miscarriage (04/81-82 coded
 VAR327 "Number of Pregnancies Ending in Stillbirth" (STILLBRTH)

 VAR327 "Number of pregnancies ending in stillbirth"  (STILLBRTH)

 No recode needed.  This is the total number of pregnancies that
 respondent ever had that ended in a stillbirth (04/83-84 coded 00-
 VAR328 "Number of Pregnancies Ending in Abortion" (ABORTION)

 VAR328 "Number of pregnancies ending in abortion"  (ABORTION)

 No recode needed.  This is the total number of pregnancies that
 respondent ever had that ended in an abortion (04/85-86 coded 00-
 VAR329 "Number of Pregnancies Ending in Live Birth" (LBPREGS)

 VAR329 "Number of pregnancies ending in live birth"  (LBPREGS)

 No recode needed.  This is the total number of pregnancies that
 respondent ever had that ended in a live birth (04/87-88 coded 00-
 VAR330 "Number of Pregnancies" (PREGNUM)

 VAR330 "Number of pregnancies" (PREGNUM)

 No recode needed.  This is the total number of pregnancies that
 respondent ever had (05/85-86 coded 00-30).
 VAR 340 "Pregnancies Ending in Delivery by C-Section" (C-SECNUM)

 VAR340 "Pregnancies ending in delivery by C-section"  (C-SECNUM)

 This is the count of the number of live birhts be Cesarean Section
 each respondent has had (06/22 coded 4).  It is applicable for
 every respondent, ie, respondents with no live birhts will have a
 value of zero.
 VAR410 "Date of First Live Birth" (BABY1MO)

 VAR410 "Date of first live birth" (BABY1MO)

 If the respondent has not had a live birth (o4/87-88 coded 00),
 then there is no date of forst live birth, so BABY1MO=BLANK.

 If the respondent has had one or more live births (04/87-88 coded
 01-20), then the date of first live birth is the date (06/23-28)
 for the first pregnancy that ended on a live birth (i.e., birth #
 VAR406 "Int Btwn 1st Formal Marriage & 1st Birth/Date Interview"

 VAR406 "Interval between first formal marriage and first birth
 or date of interview" (FMARBBY1)

 Note: In variables 406, 603, 604, and 621, compare dates using
 the month, year, and day of first birth or pregnancy and first

 If the respondent has not had a live birth (04/87-88 coded zero),
 and has not been formally married (FMARITAL=6), FMARBABY1 is
 coded  BLANK.

 If the respondent has been formally married, but has not had a
 live birth (04/87-88 coded 00), this interval = the date of
 interview (03/25-30) minus the date of the respondent's first
 formal marriage (VAR976).

 If the respondent has had a live birth (04/87-88 coded 01-20) and
 has been formally married (VAR976, FMAR1MO ne blank), and the
 date of the first live birth (BABY1MO, recode 410), and the first
 formal marriage (VAR976) are known, then:

      if the date (century month) of first live birth is equal to
      or later than the date of first marriage (BABY1MO GE
      FMAR1MO), FMARBABY1 is the number of completed months in the
      interval between BABY1MO and FMAR1MO:

         If the interval from
         FMAR1MO to BABY1MO is:       then FMARBABY1 is:
           000  months                      000
           001  months                      001
           002  months                      002
                ...                         ...
           360  months                      360

 If the data of +irst live birth is earlier than the date of first
 formal marriage (BABY1MO LT FMAR1MO), then the first birth
 occurred before the first formal marriage, so FMARBABY1=888.

 If FMAR1MO or BABY1MO=9999, then code FMARBABY1 = 999 and impute.

 If the respondent has had a live birth and has never been
 formally married (VAR976 coded blank), the birth occurred before
 marriage, so FMARBABY = 888.
 VAR415 "Int Btwn 1st Live Birth & 2nd Live Birth/Interview Date"

 VAR415 "Interval between first live birth and second live birth or
 interview date"  (BABY12)

 If the respondent has never had a live birth (o4/87-88 coded 00),
 then there is no interval from first ot second live birth, so

 If the respondent had at least two pregnancies ending in live birth
 (04/87-88 coded 02-20), then the interval between the first and
 second live birth is the century month of the second pregnancy
 ending in live birth (BABY2MO, defined similarly as BABY1MO) minus
 the century month of the first pregnancy ending in live birth
 (BABY1MO, see recode 410).

 If the respondent has had only one pregnancy ending in live birth
 (04/87-88 coded 01), then the interval is the century month of
 interview (03/25-30) minus the century month of the first pregnancy
 ending in live birth (BABY1MO).

 Codes:  00,01,02,03....360 = Actual number of monthsVAR603 "Interval in
 months between first marriage and first conception or interview date"

 If R has never heen pregnant (05/85-86 coded 0), and has never
 been formally married (VAR976 eq blank), then FMAR1CON is coded

 If R has had one or more pregnancies (05/85-86 coded 01 to 25),
 and is never formally married (VAR976 eq blank), then FMAR1CON=996.

 If R has had 1 or nore pregnancies (05/85-86 coded 01 to 25), and
 is ever formally married (VAR976 ne blank), then calculate
 FMAR1CON as the date of conception of first pregnancy (which must
 be calculated as described below), minus the date of first formal
 narriage (VAR976). To calculate the date of first conception,
 use interval file data for the first pregnancy (06/13-l4 = 01):

 If there is a date of conception in 10/89-92 (i.e. the date of
 conception is not missing or estimated), use it. If not:

      date of conception=date pregnancy ended (06/23-28) minus
      duration of pregnancy in months  (PRGLNGHT).

 If the interval is a negative number, the first conception
 occurred before marriage and FMAR1CON is coded 995.

 If the respondent is ever-married (VAR76 ne blank), but has
 never haen pregnant (05/85-86 eq 00), then FMAR1CON eq the
 interview date (03/25-30) minus the date of her first marriage

 Code categories:
      BLANK = never pregnant and never formally married.
      000-360 = months between 1st formal marriage and 1st
                conception or interview date.
      995 = 1st conception occurred before formal marriage.
      996 = has had first conception, but has never been formally
      999 = missing, impute.
4VAR604 "Int Btwn 1st Conception & First Marriage/Interview Date"

 VAR604 "Interval between first conception and first formal
 marriage or interview date (CON1FMAR)

 If the respondent has never been pregnant (05/85-86=00),  and has
 never been married (VAR76 eq blank), then CON1FMAR is coded BLANK.

 If the respondent has had 1 or more pregnancies (05/85-86 01 to
 25), and is ever formally married (VAR976 ne blank), then
 calculate CON1FMAR as the date of first marriage (FMAR1MO,
 VAR76) minus the date of first conception, which is calculated
 as VAR603, FMAR1CON.

 If the interval is a zero of a negative number, the first
 conception occurred after of in the same month as first formal
 marriage, and CON1FMAR is coded 995.

 If the respondent has had one or more pregnancies (05/85-06=01 to
 25) , and is never formally married (VAR976 eq blank), then
 CON1FMAR = date of interview (03/25-30) minis date of first

 If the respondent has ever been married (VAR976 ne blank), but
 has never been pregnant (05/85-86=00), code=996.

 Code categories:
      BLANK = never pregnant and never formally married.
      000 to 360 = months between 1st conception and 1st marriage
                or interview (000 is valid for never formally
                married only)
      995 = 1st conception after or in same month as 1st
                marriage (995 valid for ever formally married
      996 = has been married, but has not been pregnant.
      999 = missing, impute.
 VAR605 "Age at First Conception" (AGECON1)

 VAR605 "Age at first conception" (AGECON1)

 If R has never been pregnant (05/85-86=00), then AGECON1 is coded

 If R has ever been pregnant (05/85-86 = 01 to 25), then calculate
 AGECON1 as the difference between date of first conception
 (calculated as in VAR603, FMAR1CON) and the date of birth (03/38-
 43) divided by 12. Keep 2 demical places.

 Code categories:
     BLANK = never been pregnant
     1000-4499 = age at first conception
     9999 = missing, impute.
 VAR606 "Date of First Conception" (DATE1CON)
 VAR606 "Date of first conception" (DATE1CON)

 NOTE:  Assign first digit=9 if date was estinated.

 If R has never been pregnant (05/85-86 eq 0), DATE1CON is

 If R has ever been pregnant (05/85-86 eg 1-25), DATE1CON is
 the date of first conception in 10/89-92 (C-18) if c-18 is
 reported (not blank or missing).  If 10/89-92 is blank or
 missing, then DATE1CON = date pregnancy ended (06/23-28) minus
 duration of pregnancy in months (PRLNGTH).  If C-18 and B-14 or
 B-15 are missing, code DATE1CON = 9999 and impute.
 VAR609 "Age at First Birth" (AGEBABY1)

 VAR609  "Age at first birth"  (AGEBABY1)

 If R has never had a live birth (04/87-88=0) then AGEBABY1 is
 coded BLANK.

 If R has ever had a live birth (04/87-88 = 1-20), then calculate
 AGEBABY1 as the difference between the century month of first
 birth (BABY1MO,, VAR410) and the century month of respondent's
 birth (03/38-43), divided by 12.    Keep two demical places.

 Code categories:
      BLANK = never had a live birth
      1000-4499 = age at first live birth
      9999 = missing, impute.
 VAR611 "Outcome of First Pregnancy" (PREGOUT1)

 VAR611  "Outcome of first pregnancy"  (PREGOUT1)

 If R has never been pregnant (05/85-86 = 00), then PREGOUT1 =

 If R has ever been pregnant (05/85-86 = 01 to 25), then PREGOUT1
 is computed using the outcome of the first pregnancy (06/13-
 14=01), as indicated in 06/16-17 and 06/19, and following the
 same prosedure used for VAR94 (OUTCOME).
 VAR612 "Date First Pregnancy Ended" (PREG1MO)

 VAR612 "Date first pregnancy ended"  (PREG1MO)

 If R has never Had a completed pregnancy (04/89-90=00), then
 PREG1MO is coded BLANK.

 If R has ever had a completed pregnancy (04/89-90 = 01-25), then
 PREG1MO is the century month given in 06/23-28 of the
 respondent's first interval file record (06/13-14=01).
 VAR613 "Living Arrangements of First Live Birth" (LIV1CHILD)

 VAR613 "Living arrangements of first live birth" (LIV1CHILD)

 If R has never had a live birth (04/87-88=00), code BLANK.

 If R has ever had a live birth (04/87-88 =01-20), code LIV1CHILD
 as follows, from 07/37, 45-47 on first interval record that
 includes a live birth (06/16-17=01,05 or 07).  If more than one
 live birth in pregnancy, use tape locations for first child.

 If the child is no longer living (07/37=5 or 07/46=2), code 1.

 If the child is still living with mother (07/45=1) and the mother
 is never formally married (VAR976 eq blank), code 2.

 If the child is still living with mother (07,/45=1) and the mother
 is ever formally married (VAR976 ne blank), code 3.

 If the child is living with father or other relatives
 (07/47=03,04), code 4.

 If the child is living with adoptive parents (07/37=03) or
 (07/47=05), code 5.

 If the child has other living arrangementsits (07/47=01,02,06),
 code 6.

 If 07/45,46, or 47 is missing code 9 and impute.
 VAR630 "# Biological Children Under Age 18 in Houshld" (BI0KIDS)

 VAR630 "Number of biological children under age 18 in household"

 Count the number of live births still living in the mother's
 household and under 18 years o+ age at interview.  (Interval file
 07/45 equals 1 and date of interview (R file 03/25-30) minus date
 of child's birth (interval file 06/23-26) divided by 12 is less
 than 18.0).  Include in count second and third live births from
 VAR980 "Total Number of Live Births" (PARITY)

 VAR980 "Total number of live births" (PARITY)

 This is the total number of live births the respondent has ever
 had.  No recode is needed.  Take information directly from
 COUNT07 (05/87-88).
 VAR100 "Has R Ever had Intercourse" (SEXEVER)
 VAR100  "Has R ever had intercourse"  (SEXEVER)

 If 17/56 is coded 1, then R has had intercourse, so SEXEVER=1.
 If 17/56 is coded 2, then R has never had intercourse, or has
 never had intercourse since first menstrual period, so SEXEVER=2.
 VAR110 "Method Used at First Intercourse, If Any" (SEX1MTHD)

 VAR110 "Method used at first intercourse, if any" (SEX1MTHD)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse  (17/56 coded 2), then

 If the timing of first use is unknown (12/57=7,8, or 9) then code
 SEX1MTHD=999 and impute.

 If R has never used a method (11/129 coded 2), (SEX1MTHD)=995.

 If the respondent did not use a method at first intercourse
 (12/57=2-6), then SEX1MTDH=996.

 If the respondent used a method at first intercourse (12/57 coded
 1 then the only mehtod ever used (see 12/74-89 or 12/18-49) is
 the method used at first intercourse.  (There should be a method
 reported in either 12/18-49 OR 12/74-89, but not necessarily in
 both -- for example, if R has had sex only once.)

 If the respondent used a method at first intercourse (12/57 coded
 1) and had ever used more than 1 method (12/50 coded 2), then the
 first method she ever used (12/52-54) was the method she used at
 her first intercourse.

 Convert combination methods to single method codes as follows:

   Code      Method                      Source codes

   001       Pill                        = 008, 046-058, 846-858
   002       Condom                      = 001, 092-100  892-900
   003       Condom and Foam together    = 002, 082-091, 882-891
   004       Foam                        = 005, 109-115, 909-915
   005       Jelly or cream              = 007, 116-121, 916-921
   006       Suppository or insert       = 012, 122-126, 922-926
   007       Diaphragm                   = 003, 071-081, 871-881
   008       Douche                      = 004, 136, 936
   009       IUD                         = 006, 059-070, 859-870
   010       Female sterilization        = 011, 017-031, 817-831
   011       Male sterilization          = 014, 032-045, 832-845
   012       Temperature rhythm (NFP)    = 010, 127-130, 927-930
   013       Calendar rhythm             = 009, 131-133, 931-933
   014       Wothdrawal                  = 015, 134-135, 934-935
   015       Today Sponge                = 013, 101-108, 901-908
   016       Other methods               = 016

    995      Never used a method (11/129 coded 2)
    996      Did not use a method at 1st intercourse
    999      Refused, Don't Know, or Not Ascertained; impute

 VAR112 "Method Used at Last Intercourse, If Any" (LASTBC)

 VAR112 "Method Used at Last Intercourse, if any" (LASTBC)

 If R has never had intercourse since first period (17/56 coded
 2), then LASTBC-BLANK.

 If R has never used a method (11/129 coded 2), then LASTBC=995.

 If R did not use a method at last intercourse (12/65 coded 2),
 then  LASTBC=996.

 If 12/64=3 (no intercourse after first time), then the code for
 LASTBC = code for SEX1MTHD.

 If R did use a method at last intercourse (12/64 coded 1 or12/65
 coded 1), then:

      if R's method was female sterilization (12/64 coded 1) then

      if R's method was reported in C-45 (12/66-68), use the code
      in 12/66-68.  Convert combination codes to single method
      codes in the same way as shown in VAR110.
 VAR115 "First Method Ever Used" (METHOD1)

 VAR115     "First method ever used"  (METHOD1)

 If R has never used a method(11/129 coded 2), or never had
 intercourse since first period (17/56=2), then mathod1 is
 inapplicable, or BLANK.

 If R has used 2 or more methods(12/50 coded 2), then her first
 method ever used is the method in C-41 (12/52-54).

 If R has used only 1 method (12/50 coded 1), then the only method
 ever used is the first method ever used (either in 12/18-49 or in
 12/74-89; OR take the only code "1" in VAR120 to VAR148).

 Convert combination methods to single method codes as in VAR110
 VAR118 "Month & Yr R Used 1st Method for 1st Time" (DATEUSE1)

 VAR118 "Month and Year R used first method for the first time"

 NOTE: This will be a 5-column field.  The first column is "9" if
 the month is estimated from 12/57, the age, or age range, and
 zero otherwise. Convert seasons to months.

 If R has never had intercourse since first period (17/56 coded
 2), or has never used a method (11/129 coded 2), then

 If R has used a method, and if she used her first method at her
 first intercourse (12/57=1), then use the date in DATEUSE1 =

 If used her first mehtod within a month of her first
 intercourse (12/57=2), use the data 12/58-61; if no date is
 given in 12/58-61, use the date in DATESEX1.

 If she used her first method one or more months after first
 intercourse (12/57=3-6), and her month and year of first use are
 not missing (12/58-61 NE 9797, 9898, or 9999), then use the date
 in 12/58-61.

 If R did not report a month and year in 12/58-61, but did report
 an interval after first intercourse, (12/57=3-6), then:

    DATESEX1 (VAR540) plus the midpoint of the interval
    is the estimated date of first use.

    The midpoints of the intervals are estimated by:
       1-3 months after intercourse = 2 months
       4-6 months after intercourse = 5 months
       7-12 months after intercourse = 10 months
       More than 12 months after intercourse = 18 months

 If R has used a method (11/129=1 or 11/127=2), and she gave a
 time interval after first intercourse when she used her first
 method (12,57=2-6) but the month and year of first method use is
 before the date of first intercourse (DATEUSE1 Less than
 DATESEX1), then DATEUSE1 is estimated using the midpoint of the
 time interval in 12/57.

 If R has used a method (ANTMTHD=1) and C-43=3-6 (TL541), but the
 month and year of first method use is before or the same as the
 date of first intercourse (DATEUSE1 LE DATESEX1), then change
 DATEUSE1 to DATESEX1 plus the midpoint of the interval reported
 in C-43, TL541 (For example, if C-43=3, then DATEUSET1 =
 DATESEX1 + 2 months, if C-43=4, then DATEUSE1= DATESEX1 + 5
 months, etc.)

 If data are missing, code DATEUSE1 = 9999 and impute.
 VAR120 "Ever Used Pill" (PILL)

 VAR120 "Ever used pill" (PILL)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse or never had
 intercourse since first period (17/56=2), then ever-use is
 inapplicable, so PILL=blank.

 If the respondent has ever used the pill for a month or
 more(12/81 coded 1) or at all(12/32-33=08) or if it was her first
 method ever (12/52-54=008, or 046-058, or 846-858) she has ever
 used the pill, so PILL=1.

 If the respondent has never used the pill(12/81 coded 2 AND
 12/32-33 coded 00 or blank AND 12/52-54 NOT coded 008 or 046-058
 or 846-858) then PILL=2.

 If R never had intercourse after the first time (12/64 coded 3),
 or either never used a method (11/129 coded 2), or did not use
 the pill (12/32-33 coded blank or 00), then PILL = 2.

 NOTE: In Variables 120-148 (PILL to OTHER), if use for a
       month or more (12/74-89), use at all (12/18-49), and
       first use (12/52-54) are all missing (refused, DK, or
       not ascertained) or one or more are missing and none
       indicate ever-use, then code PILL = 9 and impute.
 VAR121 "Ever Used Condom" (CONDOM3)

 VAR121 "Ever used condom" (CONDOM3)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse or never had
 intercourse since first period, (17/56=2), then ever-use is
 inapplicable, so CONDOM3=blank.

 If R has used the condom alone for a month or more (12/74=1), or
 at all (12/18-19=01), or the condom and foam (12/75=1 or
 12/20-21=02), or if either condom alone or condom and foam was
 her first method ever (12/52-54=001, 002, 082-1OO, 882-900),then
 she has ever used the condom, so CONDOM3=1.

 If the R has never used the condom (12/74=2 AND 12/18-19=00 or
 blank AND 12/75=2 AND 12/20-21=00 AND 12/52-54 NE 001, 002,
 082-100, or 882-900) then CONDOM3=2.

 If R never had intercourse after the first time (12/64 coded 3)
 or never used a method (11/129 coded 2), or did not use condom
 (12/18-19=00 or blank and 12/20-21=00 or blank, then CONDOM3=2.

 VAR122 "Ever Used Condom Without Foam" (CONDOM4)

 VAR122 "Ever used condom without foam" (CONDOM4)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse or never had
 intercourse since first period, (17/56=2), then ever-use is
 inapplicable, so CONDCOM4=blank.

 If R has used the condom (without foam) for a month or more
 (12/74=1), or at all (12/18-19=01), or if condom alone was her
 first method ever (12/52-54=001, 092-100, 892-900), then she has
 ever used the condom, so CONDOM4=1.

 If the R has never used the condom (12/74=2 AND 12/18-19=00 or
 blank AND 12/52-54 NE 001, 092-100, or 892-900) then CONDOM4=2.

 If R never had intercourse after the first time (12/64 coded 3)
 or never used a method (11/129 coded 2), or did not use condom
 (12/18-19=00 or blank), then CONDOM4=2.
 VAR123 "Ever Used Condom and Foam Together" (CONFOAM)

 VAR123 "Ever used condom and foam together" (CONFOAM)

 If R has never had intercourse or never had intercourse since
 first period (17/56=2), then ever-use is inapplicable, so CONFOAM
 = blank.

 If R has used condom and foam together (12/75=1 or 12/20-21=02),
 or if condom and foam was her first method ever (12/52-54=002,
 082-091, 882-891), then she has ever used condom and foam
 together, so CONFOAM=1.

 If R has never used the condom and foam together (12/20-21=00 or
 blank AND 12/52-54 NE 002 AND 12/75=2 AND 12/52-54 NE 082-091 AND
 12/52-54 NE 882-891), then CONFOAM=2.

 If R never had intercourse after the first time (12/64 coded 3)
 or never used a method (11/129 coded 2), or did not use condom
 and foam together (12/20-21= 00 or blank), then CONFCAM=2.

 NOTE:  Variables 124 through 148, ever-use of foam through ever-
 use of "other," are created the same way.
 VAR149 "Ever Used Any Nonsurgical Method" (NONSURG)

 VAR149  "Ever used any nonsurgical method"  (NONSURG)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse or never had
 intercoorse since first period (17/56 coded 2), then ever-use is
 inapplicable, so NONSURG=blank.

 If the respondent has ever used any method other than FEMSTER or
 MALESTER (PILL or CONDOM or ...OTHER coded 1), then NONSURG=1.

 If the respondent has never used any method other than
 sterilization (PILL AND CONDOM AND ....OTHER all coded 2), then
 VAR150 "Ever Used Any Method" (ANYMTHD)

 VAR150  "Ever used any method"  (ANYMTHD)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse or never had
 intercourse since first period (17/56 coded 2), then ever-use is
 inapplicable, so ANYMTHD=blank.

 If the respondent has ever used any method including FEMSTER or
 MALESTER (PILL or CONDOM or ...OTHER coded  1), then ANYMTHD=1.

 If the respondent has never used a method (PILL AND CONDOM AND
  ..OTHER coded 2), then ANYMTHD=2.
 VAR158 "Method Calendar Entry for Month of Interview" (METHCAL)

 VAR158     "Method Calendar entry for the month of interview"

 This is the method calendar entry for the month of interview.
 Find the month of interview in 14/122-125 or 28/47-52 (it will
 be Jannary 1988 August 1988); go to the method calendar for that
 month, and print the code in METHCAL.

 The entry is blank if R has never had intercourse or never had
 intercourse since first nenstrual period, or only had intercourse
 once (09/103=2 Or 09117-120=9595 or 11/18-21=9595 or 12/70=4;
 i.e., C-5=2 or C-9=9595 or C-26=9595 or BOX33=4).
 VAR160 "Current Contraceptive Status 1988" (CONSTAT)

 VAR160 "Current contraceptive status 1988"  (CONSTAT)

 Using Contraception
 01    Sterilization--female
 02    Sterilization--Male
 03    Pill
 04    IUD
 05    Diaphragm with or without Jelly or cream
 06    Condom and foam
 07    Condom without foam
 08    Foam
 09    Periodic abstinence: calendar rhythm
 10    Withdrawal
 11    Douche
 12    Periodic abstinence: Natural family planning,
            temperature rhythm
 13    Today Sponge
 14    Suppository or insert
 15    Jelly or Cream alone
 16    Other--method known
 17    Other--Method unknown

 Not using contraception
 20    Pregnant
 21    Seeking Pregnancy
 22    Postpartum
 23    Sterile--noncontraceptive--female--nonsurgical
 24    Sterile--noncontraceptive--male--nonsurgical
 25    Sterile--noncontraceptive--female--surgical
 26    Sterile--noncontraceptive--male--surgical
 29    Sterile--unknown reasons
 30    Other nonuser: never had intercourse, or never had
       intercourse since first period
 31    Other nonuser: has had intercourse not in last 3 months
 32    Other nonuser: had intercourse in last 3 months
 33    Other nonuser: had intercourse only once

 99    User status not ascertained

     NOTE:  "Periodic abstinence"= codes 9 PLUS 12;
            (calendar rhythm plus natural family planning);

            "Other"=codes 13,14,15,16,17

 Recode procedure:  Cases will be coded into the above categories
 using the following priority rules:

 If R is pregnant (05/91=1), then CONSTAT = 20.

 If R or husband partner has had a sterilizing operation
 (15/19=1), and:
      If there is one sterilizing operation coded in D-2 and that
      operation is:

           Noncontraceptive female surgical (D-6=08 only; or first
           mention in D-5=80-89 or 96 and D-6=96; or D-6=08 and
           01-07 and first mention in D-5 = 80-89) AND D-2 =
           1-3,5,9, then CONSTAT = 25

           Noncontraceptive male surgical D-2=4 AND (D-6 EQ 08
           only; or first mention in D-5=80-89 or 96 AND D-6=96;
           or 06=08 and 01-07 and first mention in D-5=80-89),
           then CONSTAT = 26

           Contraceptive female surgical D-2 = 1,2,3,5,9 AND D-6 =
           01-07 or first mention in D-5 NE 80-89 AND D-6=96; D-6
           = 01-07 and 08, and first mention in D-5 NE 80-89),
           then C0NSTAT = 01

           Contraceptive male surgical D-2 = 4 AND D-6=01-O7 and
           D-6 NE 08; or first mention in D-5 NE 80-89 AND 6=96;
           or D-6 = 01-07 and 08, and first mention in D-5 NE
           80-89), then CONSTAT = 02

           If 15/19 = 1 AND D-6 = 97 or 98 or 99 ONLY:

                if 15/53=2, (tubal ligation), then CONSTAT=01

                if 15/23=1 or 15/83=3 or 16/48=5, then CONSTAT =

                if 16/18=4, (vasectomy), then CONSTAT=02

      If the woman or couple has had more than one sterilizing
      operation (2 or more operations coded in n-2) then:

           if one is a female operation and the other is a male
           operation, then classify using the FEMALE operation if
           the reasons (D-5 and D-6) for both operations are

           if the reasons for one are known and the reasons for
           the other are missing, use the operation for which the
           reasons are known.

           if both are female or both are male, then use the
           EARLIER operation if both dates are known; if one date
           is not missing, use the operation for which the date is

 If R is never married or formerly married, check for use
 of male sterilization: if A-1=3-6 AND the entry in the method
 calendar for the month of interview (VAR158 = 0140 or 0320-0450,
 then C0NSTAT=02.

 If R is nonsurgically sterile (D-14 = 01-04), then CONSTAT = 23.

 If R's husband/partner is nonsurgically sterile (16/96-97=05 or
 16/98-99=06), then CONSTAT = 24.

 If R is using a method, check the four methods in the open
 interval.  If more than one method is being used, code the method
 with the highest priority (female sterilization, male
 sterilization, pill, IUD, diaphragm, condom and foam, condom,
 Today Sponge, foam, jelly or cream, suppository or insert,
 temperature rhythm, calendar rhythm, withdrawal, douche, other,
 in that order, as implied by the codes below', under "CONVERT").

      Take the code in 11/69-71 if 11/76=1 or 11/77=1 or

      Take the code in 11/82-84 if 11/89=1 or 11/90=1 or

      Take the code in 11/95-97 if 11/102=1 or 11/103=1 or

      Take the code in 11/108-110 if 11/113-1 or 11/116=1 or


     Code in C-30                                               Code

 008,046-058, or 846-858          to PILL                       03
 001,092-100,892-900              to CONDOM                     07
 002,082-091, or 882-891          to CONDOM AND FOAM            06
 005,109-115, or 909-915          to FOAM                       08
 007,116-121, or 916-921          to JELLY OR CREAM ALONE       15
 012,122-126, or 922-926          to SUPPOSITORY OR INSERT      14
 003,071-081, or 871-881          to DIAPHRAGM with or
                                    without jelly or            05
 004,136, or 936                  to DOUCHE                     11
 006,059-070, or 859-870          to IUD                        04
 010,127-130, or 927-930          to TEMPERATURE RHYTHM(NFP)    12
 009,131-133, or 931-933          to CALENDAR RHYTHM            09
 015,134-135, or 934-935          to WITHDRAWAL                 10
 013,101-108, or 901-908          to TODAY SPONGE               13
 016                              to OTHER METHODS              16
 999                              to METHOD UNKNOWN             17
 011, 017-031, or 817-831            FEMALE STERILIZATION       01
 014, 032-045, or 832-845            MALE STERILIZATION         02
 16/88-89=01                      to Sterile female,
                                   nonsurgical                  23
 16/100-101=07; or
   16/88-101 all missing data
   (97,98,or 99)                  to Sterile, unknown reasons    29
 11/122=1 OR 11/123=1             to Seeking pregnancy           21

 If D-5=20 and D-6=96, and if 014 is reported in C-30,
 then CONSTAT=02; if C-30=011, then CONSTAT=01.

 If R is postpartum:

      If interview date is before the 15th day of month, and
      difference between interview month (R-7) and month of last
      pregnancy termination (R-7 minus Interval file TL22-25 IF
      Interval file TL79=1 and Interval file TL22-25 NE 0000) is
      less than or equal to 2, then CONSTAT = 22.

      If interview date is on or after 15th day of month and
      difference between interview month and month of last
      pregnancy termination is less than or equal to 1, then
      CONSTAT = 22.

 If R never had intercourse, or never had intercourse since first
 menstrual period (17/56=2), then CONSTAT = 30.

 If R had intercourse only once (11/18-21=9595), then CONSTAT =

 Other Nonuser (Not using-codes 31 and 32):

      If 11/122 = 2 and 11/123=2; or 11/67=2, or 11/67=1 and
      11/116 = 2 or blank and 11/103=2 or blank 11/90=2 or
      blank and 11/77=2 or blank; and:

           no intercourse in last 3 months (VAR519=2), then
           CONSTAT = 31.

           intercourse in last 3 months (VAR19=1), then CONSTAT =

 Not Ascertained (CONSTAT = 99) - All cases not classified above

 If CONSTAT is = 99, the case will be looked at individually by
 NCHS staff and assigned a value, using the following guidelines:

      If the method calendar code for the month of interview NE
      9999 or Blank, then use the code in the method calendar for
      the month of interview.  (Use method codes as given above,

          0000,  5000  = code 32
          3000         = code 20
          4000         = code 29

 If there is no useful information on the questionnaire, then code
 CONSTAT = 99 and impute.
 VAR438 "Wantedness of First Birth" (WTBIRTH1)

 VAR438 "Wantedness of first birth" (WTBIRTH1)

 WTBIRTH1=WANTWIFE for the respondent's first pregnancy ending in
 live birth (07/13-14=01).

      Blank = never had a birth
      1  = Overdue
      2  = On tine
      3  = Mistimed
      4  = Indifferent
      5  = Unwanted
      6  = Undetermined
 VAR439 "Wantedness of Last Pregnancy"

 VAR439 "Wantedness of last pregnancy"

 WTLASTP=WANTWIFE for the respondent's last completed pregnacny

      Blank = never pregnant
      1  = Overdue
      2  = On time
      3  = Mistimed
      4  = Indifferent
      5  = Unwanted
      6  = Undetermined
 VAR440 "Wantedness of Last Live Birth" (WTLASTB)

 VAR440 "Wantedness of last live birth" (WTLASTB)

 WTLASTB=WANTWIFE for the respondent's last pregnancy
 ending in live birth (06/79=1).

      Blank = never had a birth
      1  = Overdue
      2  = On time
      3  = Mistimed
      4  = Indifferent
      5  = Unwanted
      6  = Undetermined
4VAR441 "Number of Births in the Last 5 Years" (BIRTHS5)

 VAR441 "Number of births in the last 5 years" (BIRTHS5)

 BIRTHS5 is the count of the number of pregnancies in live
 birth that the respondent has had (06/16-17=01,05,07) that ended
 in the 60 months before the interview (28/47-52) MINUS (06/23-28)
 LE 60).
 VAR442 "Number of Wanted Pregnancies in Last 5 Years" (WANTP5)

 VAR442 "Number of wanted pregnancies in the last 5 years"

 WANTP5 is the count of the number of pregnancies a respondent has
 had that she wanted (codes 1-4 in WANTWIFE, VAR426) and that
 ended in the 60 months before the date of interview
 ((28/47-52) minus (06/23-28) 60).
 VAR540 "Century Mo of 1st Intercourse After 1st Menstrual Period

 VAR540 "Century month of first intercourse after first
 menstrual period" (DATESEX1)

 NOTE: VAR540 is a 5-digit field.  If the first column=9, this
       indicates that the date is estimated from the age or age
       range.  For purposes of analysis, use the last 4 digits.
       Seasons are converted to months.

 If R never had intercourse (17/56=2) or never had intercourse
 after first menstrual period (09/117-120= 9595), then DATSEX1 =

 If R never had a period but R has had intecourse (04/74-75=96
 AND 09/103=1), then, DATESEX1=99595

 (1) If 09/117-120=9797,9898, or 9999, or 09/117-120 is blank
 and 104-107=9797,9898, or 9999, go to step 4.

 (2) Use the date in C-9 (09/117-120) if it is reported.  If
 09/117-120=9595, then R had no sex first period, so
 DATESEX = 99595.

 (3) If 09/117-120 is coded blank, and if a date is given in
 C-6 (09/104-107) that was after her first menstrual period
 (09/115=1 or 3), use the date in 09/104-107 (C-6).

 (4) If C-9 = 9797,9898, or 9999, or C-9 is blank and C-6 =
 9797,9898, or 9999, estimate the date from the age. (These specs
 assume that C-6 is used.  Use the analogous locations for C-9 if

         (a)If 09/108-109 is missing (97,98, or 99), go
            to step 5.

         (b)If 09/113 is coded 2 or 8 or 9, and 09/108-109 is not
            missing (97,98,99), convert R's age at first
            intercourse (09/108-109) to century months,
            and add 6 nonths. (Age *12) + 6).

         (c)If 09/1113 is coded 1, and 09/108-109 is not
            missing (97,98,99), convert R's age at first
            intercourse (09/108-109) to century months,
            and subtract 6 months.  (Age *12) - 6).

         (d)Add result of (b) or (c) to her date of
            birth in century months (03/38-43) to obtain
            an estimated date of first sex.

         (e)Add a "9" to the first column of VAR540 to
            show that it is estimated.

 (5)  If R's date of first intercourse and age at first intercourse
 are both missing,

         (a)and if R was between 15 and 18 (09/110=1 AND
            (9/111=2), then R's estimated age was the midpoint of
            that range, or 16.5 years.  Convert this age to
            century months (16.5 *12) and go to step 4(d).

         (b)and if R was between 18 and 20 (09/110=2 AND
            09/112=1), then R's estimated age at first sex
            was 19.0.  Convert this age to (19.0 *12) months and
            go to step 4(d).

         (c)and if R's age range was anything else
            09/110-112), code 99999.  The case will be look at
            individually and imputed if necessary.

 (6) If DATESEX1 is after the date of first conception (TL2232-
 2236), or after the date of first marriage (DATESEX1 GT 1521-1525
 if 1521-25 is NOT blank or missing), or DATESEX1 GT 1538-1542, if
 1538-42 is NOT blank or missing), then change DATESEX1 to equal
 the date of first conception or marriage, whichever is earlier.
 VAR965 "Age 1st Intercrse Since 1st Menstrual Period" (SEX1AGE)

 VAR965 "Age at first intercourse since first menstrual period"

 (1) If R never had intercourse (09/103=2) or never had
 intercourse since first period (09/117-120=9595), then age at
 first intercourse is not applicable, so SEX1AGE=blank.

 (2)  If R has ever had intercourse (SEXEVER=1):

         (a)and if C-10 (09/121-122) is not blank or missing,
            use the age in 09/121-122, and go to step 3.

         (b)and if C-10 (09/121-122) is blank, and if C-7
            (09/108-109) is not blank or missing, use the
            age in 09/108-109, and go to step 3.

 (3) If 09/113=2 (or 09/126=2), use the age as shown.
     If 09/113=1 (or 09/126=1), subtract 1 year from the age.

 (4) If R's age is missing (09/121-122=97,98,or 99, or 09/121-122=
 blank and 09/108-109=97,98, or 99), and if R reports an age range
 in 09/123-125 or 09/110-112, use the procedure in step 5 of
 VAR304 "Want or Intend Another Birth" (WANTKID1)

 VAR304 "Want or intend another birth" (WANTKID1)

 Categories should be tested in the order listed here.

 If the respondent (or husband) is surgica1ly sterile (15/19=1),
 use 16/79;

 If the respondent's periods have not started yet (16/102=1), use

 If the respondent is nonsurgically sterile for other reasons
 (D-14=01=03 or 05-07), use 16/107;

 If the respondent intends to have a sterilization operation or
 abortion for health reasons (17/18=1 or 17/20=1 or 17/21=1), use

 Otherwise use 17/37 if R is currently pregnant, and 17/24 if R is
 not currently pregnant.

 If A would NOT like to have another child even thongh it is
 unlikely or impossible that she can (16/79 or 16/107 or 17/22=2),

 If R does NOT intend to have another child or disagrees with
 husband about it (17/24 or 17/37=2 or 3), then WANTKID1=2.

 If R would like to have a child or another child even though it
 is unlikely or impossible that she can (16/79 or 16/107 or
 17/22=1), then WANTKID1=3.

 If R intends to have a baby or another baby (17/24 or 17/37=1),
 then WANTKID1=4.

 If R says she doesn't know if she wants to have a child or that
 it is up to God (16/79 or 16/107 or 17/22=8 or 17/24 or 17/37=8),
 then WANTKID1=5.

 If 16/79 or 16/107 or 17/22 or 17/24 or 17/37=7 or 9, then code
 WANTKID1 = 9 and inpute.

 If any item = 7 or 9, then code WANTKID1 = 9 and impute.

 Code categories:
      1  = No, would not like
      2  = No, does not intend
      3  = Yes, would like
      4  = Yes, intends
      5  = Yes (DK, up to God)

 The percent wanting nore = 3-5/1-5.
 VAR305 "Collapsed WANTKID" (WANTKID2)

 VAR305 "Collapsed WANTKID" (WANTKID2)

 If WANTKID1=1 or 2, the R does NOT want a
 baby or another baby, so WANTKID2=1.

 If WANTKID1=3, 4, or 5, the R DOES want a baby
 or another baby, so WANTKID2=2.

 Missing data: if WANTKID1=9, then code WANTKID2 = 9 and impute.
4VAR309 "Number of Months Infertile" (INFERT)

 VAR309 "Number of months infertile" (INFERT)

 NOTE:   This value is used to create variable 310.

 If the respodent is not currently married or not infertile
 (INFERT not equal to 2 or 9), then NINFERT=blank.

 If the respondent is currently married or cohabiting and
 infertile (INFERT coded 2), then NINFERT is the number of months
 that the couple has been infertile--that is, the number of months
 they have been continuously married, have not used any
 contraception, and did not become pregnant.

 Thus, NINFERT is calculated, for infertile respondents only, by
 taking the difference, in months, between:

      current marriage or cohabitation and interview,
      last method use and interview, and
      last pregnancy termination and interview.

 The smallest of these values will be the number of months
 infertile.  The range will be 12 to 360.

 If 16/84=1 or 16/85=1, subtract date of sterility in D-15
 (16/103-106) from the date of interview (R-7) to obtain the
 number of months infertile.

 Note:  Do not count periods of cohabitation before formal
 marriage, if R cohabited and then married.
 VAR310 "Infertility Status" (INFERT)

 VAR310 "Infertility status" (INFERT)

 (1) If the respondent is never married or formerly
     married, (03/36=3-6) then infertility is not
     applicable, so INFERT=BLANK.

 (2) If the respondent or her husband/partner is surgically
     sterile (15/19 coded 1), then the couple is surgically
     sterile, so INFERT=1.

 (3) If R reports that she and/or her husband/partner are sterile
     for nonsurgical reasons (16/84 or 16/85 or 16/87 coded 2),
     or she has never had a menstrual period (16/94-95=04), then
     the couple is infertile, so INFERT=2.

 (4) If R is currently pregnant (05/91=1), then she is fecund,
     so INFERT=3.

 (5) If the respondent has used a method in the open interval
     (11/67 coded 1), and if she is still using it (11/77 or 11/90
     or 11/103 or 11/116=1 or 11/78-81=9696 or 11/91-94=9696 or
     11/104-107=9696), then R is fecund, so INFERT=3.

 (6) If, during the 12 months or more of continuous marriage
     the couple did not have a pregnancy and used no
     contraception, they are classified as infertile.
     (Respondents classified as infertile will have a number of
     months infertile, from 12 months to 360.  The number of
     months will be stored in VAR309, NINFERT). That is,

           (a)If R has been in her current marriage or union for
              12 months or more (R-7 minus F-15 or F-28 GE 12 or
              F-29 GT 11), continue with step 6b.

           (b)If the case has not yet been classified (R is not
              pregnant, surgically sterile, or currently using,
              and has been married or cohabiting, at least 12
              months), determine which of the following 4 groups R
              is in:

                  (1)If R is never pregnant (05/85-86=00), and
                     never used a method (since first intercourse;
                     11/67=2), then R is infertile, so INFERT=2.

                  (2)If R is never pregnant (05/85-86=00) and ever
                     used a method since first intercourse

                If R's date of interview MINUS the date of her
                last contraceptive use is 12 months or more (R-7
                MINUS the last stop use date in 11/117-120,
                11/104-107, 11/91-94, or 11/78-81 GE 12 months),
                then R is infertile, so INFERT=2.

                 (3) If R is ever pregnant (05/85-86=01-30) and
                     ever used a method since last pregnancy

                If R's date of interview MINUS the ending date of
                her last pregnancy is 12 months or more (06/80=1
                AND (R-7 MINUS B-14 GE 12)), then R is infertile,
                so INFERT=2.

                 (4) If R is ever pregnant (05/85-86=01-30) and
                     ever used a method since last pregnancy

                        (aa) If R~s date of interview MINUS the
                             ending date of her last pregnancy is
                             12 months or more ((06/80=1 AND (R-7
                             MINUS B-14 GE 12)), then continue
                             with step 4bb.

                        (bb) If R's date of interview MINUS the
                             date of her last contraceptive use is
                             12 months or more (R-7 MINUS the last
                             stop use date in 11/117-120,
                             11/104-107, 11/91-94, or 11/78-81 is
                             GE 12 months), then R is infertile,

 (7)  If missing data made a case bypass these tests, then:

     (a)   If R is currently married (03/36 coded 1 or 2) and is
           not surgically sterile (15/19=2 or blank), and is
           currently using a nonsurgica1 method (CONSTAT = 03-16
           or the method calendar for the month of interview shows
           a method use code other than sterilization (001-010,
           012, 013, 015, 016, 046-136, 846-936), or a current
           pregnancy (300), then R is fecund, INFERT=3.

     (b)   If R is living with a partner (03/36=2) and the date
           she began living together is missing (23/96-99=9999)
           and the length of living together is missing
           (23/100-102=997, 998, or 999) and her ability to have
           children is unknown (16/84 or 16/85= 8 or 9) and her
           method calendar does not show contraceptive use
           (METHCAL=0000,9999, or 5000), then code R as fecund,

           If there is too much missing data to classify the
           respondent, code INFERT = 9. The case will be examined
           by NCHS staff and imputed if necessary.

 (8) All other cases are fecund, INFERT=3

 NOTE:   These specs include informally married, or cohabiting,
 women (03/36=2) as married.  To maintain comparability with cycle

 VAR320 "Type of Sterilization Operation" (STRLOPER)

 VAR320 "Type of sterilization operation" (STRLOPER)

 If the respondent or her current husband/partner has not been
 surgically sterilized (15/19 coded 2 or blank, then STRLOPER=5,
 not surgically sterilized.

 If there is only one operation coded (15/23 coded 1 or 15/53
 coded 2 or 15/83 coded 3 or 16/18 coded 4 or 16/48 coded 5 only),

  If Tubal ligation (15/53 coded 2), STRLOPER=1.
  If Hysterectomy (15/83 coded 3), STRLOPER=2.
  If Vasectomy (16/18 coded 4), STRLOPER=3
  If Other or unknown type (15/23 coded 1 or 16/48 coded 5)
      or (15/19 coded 1 and 15/23 or 15/53 or 15/83 or 16/18 or
      16/48 coded 7,8, or 9), then STRLOPER=4.

 If there are two or more operations coded in D-2 then:

 If there is a male operation (16/18 coded 4) AND a female
 operation (15/23=1 or 15/53=2 or 15/83=3 or 16/48=5) coded,
 then use the female operation if the reasons (D-5 and D-6) are
 known; if the reasons for one operation are known and the
 reasons for the other operation are missing, use the operation
 for which the reasons are known.

 If there are 2 female operations or 2 male operations, then
 classify the respondent according to the earlier operation
 (compare the dates in D-3) if both dates are known.  If the date
 of one operation is missing and the date of the other operation
 is known, classify R using the operation for which the date is
 VAR360 "Fecundity Status"

 VAR360 "Fecundity status"

 If it is impossible for the respondent or her current husband or
 partner to have a (nother) baby because of a sterilizing operation
 that was done for contraceptive reasons:

      If the number of operations coded in D-2 is one, AND If
      15/19 is coded 1 AND one of the following: (first mention in
      D-5 NE 80-89 and NE 96,97,98, or 99 AND D-6=96) or D-6=01-07
      and D-6 NE 08; or D-6=01-07 and D-6=08 and first mention in
      D-5 NE 80-89) then she is contraceptively sterile, so

      If the woman or couple have had more than one sterilizing
      operation (coded in D-2):

           if one is a female and the other is a male operation,
           classify using the female operation if the reasons (D-5)
           and D-6) for both operations are known; if the reasons
           for one are known, and the reasons for the other are
           missing, use the operation for which the reasons are

           if both are female, or both are male, classify using
           the earlier operation if both dates are known; if one
           date is missing and the other date is not missing, use
           the operation for which the date is known.

 If it is impossible for the respondent or her current husband to
 have a (nother) baby because of a sterilizing operation that was
 done for noncontraceptive reasons (15/19 is coded 1 AND first
 mention in D-5=80-89 or 96 AND D-6=96; or D-6=08 or 96 ONLY, or
 D-6=08 and 01-07, and first mention in D-5=80=89), then she is
 surgical1y sterile for noncontraceptive reasons, so FECUND=2.

 If 15/19=1 AND D-6=97,98, or 99 for the only operation, or for
 the operation which should be used to classify the case:

      and if D-2=2 or 4, then FECUND=1

      and if D-2=1,3, or 5, then FECUND=2.

 If it is impossible for the respondent to have a(nother) baby for
 reasons other than surgical sterilization (16/84=2 or 16/85=2 or
 16/87=2), then she is nonsurgically sterile, so FECUND=3.

 If she reports that it is difficult for her, and/or her current
 husband, to conceive or deliver a(nother) baby (16/108 coded 1),
 or a medical doctor advised her never to become pregnant (again)
 and said it would be dangerous for her and/or the baby and she
 will have an operation to be sure she won't become pregnant
 (17/18 coded 1), or her husband or partner will have an operation
 (17/20 coded 1), or if she becomes pregnant (again) she will have
 the pregnancy ended (17/21 coded 1), then she is subfecund, so
 FECUND = 4.

 If the respondent has used a method in the open interval (11/67
 coded 1), and she is still using it (11/77 or 11/90 or 11/103 or
 11/116 coded 1 or 11/78-81=9696 or 11/91-94=9696 or
 11/98-101=9696), then R is fecund, so FECUND = 6.

 If, during the 36 months or more of continuous marriage or
 cohabitation the couple did not have a pregnancy and used no
 contraception, she is classified as having a long interval.
 That is:

      (a) If the interval between the date of interview and the
      date of the current marriage or cohabitation is 36 months or
      more** (R-7 minus F-15 or F-28 GE 36), continue with step

      (b) If the case has not yet been classified, determine which
      of the following 4 groups R is in:

           (1)  Never pregnant (05/85-86=00), and never used a
           method since first intercourse (11/67=2), then R has a
           long interval (FECUND=5).

           (2)  Never pregnant (05/85-86=00) and ever used a method
           since first intercourse (11/67=1):

                If R's date of interview MINUS the date of her
                last contraceptive use is 36 months or more (R-7
                MINUS the last stop use date in 11/117-120,
                11/104-107, 11/91-94, or 11/78-81 GE 36 months--
                choose the location by finding 11/76, 11/89,
                11/102, or 11/115=2), then R has a long interval,
                so FECUND=5.

           (3)  Ever pregnant (05/85-86=01-30) and never used a
           method since last pregnancy (11/67=2):

        **(R-7 minus F-15) GE 36; or (R-7 minus F-28) GE 36

                 If R's date of interview MINUS the ending date of
                 her last pregnancy is 36 months or more (06/80=1
                 AND (R-7 MINUS B-14 GE 36)), then R is infertile,
                 so FECUND=5.

                 Otherwise, R is fecund (FECUND=6).

           (4)  Ever pregnant (05/85-86=01-30) and ever used a
           method since last pregnancy (11/67=1):

                 (aa) If R's date of interview MINUS the
                 date of her last pregnancy is 36 months or more
                 ((06/80=1 AND (28/47-52 MINUS 06/23-28 IF
                 06/80=1)), then continue with step 7b4bb.

                 (bb) If R's date of interview MINUS the date of
                 her last contraceptive use is 36 months or more
                 (R-7 MINUS the last stop use date in 11/117-120,
                 11/104-107, 1l/91-94 or 11/78-81 is GE 36
                 months), then R has a long interval, so FECUND=5.

 If R is not surgically sterile (15/19 coded 2 or blank), and is
 currently using a nonsurgical method of contraception (CONSTAT =
 03-17 OR the method calendar for the month of interview shows a
 method use code other than sterilization, or a current pregnancy
 or nonitercourse ((0010-0100, 0120, 0130, 0150, 0160, 0460-1360,
 3000, 5000, 8460=9360)), then R is fecund, so FECUND=6.

 If D-1=2, D-11 NE 2, D-13 NE 2, AND D-17 NE 1, then R
 is Fecund (code 6), even if there is missing data on D-19,21,22,
 or 23.

 If R has never been pregnant, never been married, and D-13-8 or 9
 or D-17=8 or 9, and Method Calendar=9's, then R is fecund (code

 If R is not married (03/36=3-6) and not havimg intercourse or
 never had intercourse (CONSTAT=31 or 30), AND 16/84 or 16/85 or
 16/87, or 16/108=8, then FECUND=6.

 3 cases:

      If ability to have children is not ascertained and R is
      married or cohabiting (D-11 and D-12=9), and CONSTAT=31
      (nonuser, no sex in last 3 months), code FECUND=6 (fecund).

 If R still has not been assigned a code, then the case is
 assigned a value after looking at a printout of the entire case.
 If there was no useful information, then code FECUND = 9 and
 VAR380 "Nonintercourse in the Last 12 Months" (NOSEX12)

 VAR380 "Nonintercourse in the last 12 months" (NOSEX12)

 If R never had intercourse, or never had intercourse since first
 menstrual period (17/56 coded 2), then NOSEX12=96.

 If R had intercourse only once (11/18-21=9595), then the number
 of months of nonintercourse is the date of interview (28/47-52)
 MINUS DATESEX1 (range=0-12)

 If R has had no periods of nonintercourse (11/18-21=9696) then

 If R is never pregnant, use 11/18-41.  If R is ever pregnant, use
 11/43-66 for the open interval and 10/20-43 for each of the
 closed intervals ending in the last 12 months.

 If any of the months of nonintercourse (10/20-43 OR 11/18-41 OR
 11/43-66) fall within the last 12 months -- that is, the date of
 the interview (28/47-52) MINUS the ending date of the period of
 nonintercourse, is less than or equal to 12 months, then NOSEX12
 is the NUMBER OF MONTHS within the last 12 months, that the
 respondent did not have intercourse at all.

 Code categories:

      96 = Never had intercourse
      0-12 = Number of months of nonintercourse
 VAR382 "Nonintercourse in the Last 36 Months" (NOSEX36)

 VAR382 "Nonintercourse in the last 36 months" (NOSEX36)

 Repeat specifications for VAR80, but use the last 36 months,
 rather than the last 12 months.

 Code categories:

      96 = Never had intercourse
      00-36 = Nusber of months of nonintercourse
4VAR385 "Duration of Current Period of Nonintercourse" (NOSEXDUR)

 VAR385 "Duration of the current period of nonintercourse

 If R has never had intercourse or never had intercourse since
 first period (17/56 coded 2), then NOSEXDUR = blank.

 If R had no intercourse after the first time (11/18-21 coded
 9595), then NOSEXDUR = the date of interview (14/122-125) minus
 the date of first intercourse (VAR540).

 If R is currently having intercourse (11/68 coded 2; or 10/19 and
 11/42 coded 2 or blank and 11/18-19 coded 96, or the ending date
 of the last period of nonintercourse in 10/20-43, 11/18-41, or
 11/43-66 is less than the date of interview), then NOSEXDUR=996.

 For all other R's (11/68 coded 1), the beginning and ending dates
 of the current period of nonintercourse are in the last non-blank
 entry 11/18-41, 11/43-66, or 10/20-43.  NOSEXDUR = the date of
 interview (14/22-25) minus the start date for the last non-blank
 entry 11/18-41, 11/43-66, or 10/20-43.
 VAR420 "Central Number of Additional Births Expected" (ADDEXP)

 VAR420 "Central number of additional births expected" (ADDEXP)

 If R is not currently pregnant (05/91 coded 2):

      If R does not intend to have more children (17/24 coded 2),
      or the questions are inapplicable (17/24 coded blank), then
      R's additional number expected is zero, so ADDEXP=000.

      If 17/24=3 or 8 and 17/28-29=00 and 17/30-31=blank, then

      If R intends more (17/24 coded 1), and she gives an intended
      numher in D-26, then ADDEXP = 10 times the number in

      If R did not give an intended number (17/24 coded 3 or 8 or
      17/25-26 coded 98), but did give a largest and smallest
      number (17/28-29 and 17/30-31 NE 97,98, or 99),
      then ADDEXP is the average of the largest and smallest
      number expected; i.e., 10 times ((17/28-29) + (17/30-31)

      If 17/28-29 or 17/30-31 = 97,93, or 99, then code ADDEXP =
      999 and impute.

 If R is currently pregnant (05/91 coded 1), add 1 child (times
 10)  to her additional number expected, and use 17/37-44 to find

      If R does not intend to have more children after her current
      pregnancy (17/37 coded 2), then  ADDEXP = 010.

      If 17/37=3 or 8, and 17/41-42=00, and 17/42-43=blank, then

      If R intends more after her current pregnancy (17/37 coded
      1), then ADDEXP = (10) times ((17/38-39) + (1)).

      If R did not give an intended number (17/37 coded 3 or 8 or
      17/38-39 coded 98) but did give a largest and smallest, then
      ADDEXP = the average of the largest and smallest number
      expected, plus one for the current pregnancy, so ADDEXP = 10
      times ((17/41-42)+(17/43-44) / 2) +1).

      If the largest or smallest number expected is not known
      (17/41-42 or 17/43-44 coded 97,98,99), then code ADDEXP =
      999 and impute.

      If R gave a range in D-33 (17/38-39 coded 96), then ADDEXP
      is the average of the range, plus 1 for the current
      pregnancy, times 10: ADDEXP = 10 times ((17/69-70) +
      (17/71-72) / 2) + 1.

 If D-28 (largest) is a number, but D-29 (smallest) is 97, 98, or
 99, use (largest) minus (1 child) = smallest, to compute ADDEXP:

    ((17/28-29)  - 1) * 10 = ADDEXP.

 If R reported a range in D-26 (17/25-26 coded 96), then ADDEXP is
 the average of the range: ADDEXP = 10 tines (17/57-58 + 17/59-60
 / 2).
 VAR985 "Intentions for Additional Births" (INTENT)

 VAR985 "Intentions for additional births" (INTENT)

 NOTE:  For currently pregnant women INTEN refers to intentions
 after the current pregnancy.

 If 17/24 or 17/37 is coded 7 or 9, then code INTENT = 9 and

 If the respondent is sterile, or subfecund and intends an
 operation or abortion if she does become pregnant again (17/24
 coded blank AND 17/23 coded 2 or blank)*, OR if R says that she
 does not intend to have a(nother) baby (17/24 ooded 2 or 17/37
 coded 2), then she does not intend to have a(nother) baby, so

 If R says she intends to have a(nother) baby (17/24 or 17/37
 coded 1), then she does intend (more) children, so INTENT=1.

 If R said that she didn't know, it was to God, etc. (17/24
 coded 8 or 17/37 coded 8), then her intent is unclear, so

 If she and her husband disagree (17/24 or 17/37 coded 3), then
 they disagree, so INTENT=4.

 * (This test may also be written: 15/19 coded 1 or 16/84 coded 2
 or 17/18 coded 1 or 17/20=1 or 17/21=1).
 VAR205 "Serv Used at 1st Family Plan Visit: New Method" (FP1MTHD

 VAR205 "Services used at the first family planning visit: got a
 new method" (FP1MTHD)

 If the respondent was 25 years of age or older at interview, or
 never had a family planning visit, or she never had intercourse
 (19/88-89 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if the respondent
 received a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44 coded 1),
 and reported no second visit for family planning services (20/45-
 48 coded 9696), then services used at first visit is not
 applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and reported "getting a new method of birth
 control" at the first visit (19/92-93 coded 03), or if the
 respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44
 coded 1), and reported a second visit for family planning
 services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and not blank), and reported "getting
 a new method of birth control" at the next visit (20/56-57 coded
 03), then she got a new method of birth control at her first
 visit, code 1.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and if the respondent did not report
 "getting a new method of birth control" at the first visit
 (19/92-93 coded 00), or if the respondent received a pregnancy
 test only at first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported a second
 visit for family planning services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and not
 blank) and did not report "getting a new method of birth control"
 at the next visit (20/56- 57 coded 00), then she did not get a
 new method of birth control at her first visit, code 2.
 VAR210 "Serv Used at 1st Family Plan Visit: Other Med" (FP1OMED)

 VAR210 "Services used at the first family planning visit: other
 medical" (FP1OMED)

 If the respondent was 25 years of age or older at interview, or
 never had a family planning visit, or she never had intercourse
 (19/88-89 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if the respondent
 received a pregnancy test only at first visit (70/44 coded 1),
 and reported no second visit for family planning services (20/45-
 48 coded 9696), then services used at first visit is not
 applicab1e, code blank.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and reported getting a medical service other
 than getting a new method of birth control at the first visit
 (19/88-89 coded 01, 19/90-91 coded 02, 19/94-95 coded 04, 19/96-
 97 coded 05, or 19/98-99 coded 06), or if the respondent received
 a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44 coded 1), and
 reported a second visit for family planning services (20/45-48 ne
 9696 and not blank), and reported getting a medical service other
 than getting a new method of birth control at the next visit
 (20/52-53 coded 01, 20/54-55 coded 02, 20/58-59 coded 04, 20/60-
 61 coded 05, or 20/62-63 coded 06), then code 1.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and if the respondent did not report getting
 a medical service other than getting a new method of birth
 control at the first visit (19/88-89 coded 00, and 19/90-91 coded
 00, and 19/94-95 coded 00, and 19/96-97 coded 00, and 19/98-99
 coded 00), or if the respondent received a pregnancy test only at
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported a second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and not blank) and did
 not report getting a medical service other than getting a new
 method of birth control at the next visit (20/52-53 coded 00, and
 20/54-55 coded 00, and 20/58-59 coded 00, and 20/60-61 coded 00,
 and 20/62-63 coded 00), then she did not get a new method of
 birth control at her first visit, code 2.
 VAR215 "Serv Used at 1st Fam Plan Visit: Advice on Birth Control

 VAR215 "Services used at the first family planning visit: advice
 on birth control" (FP1FPADV)

 If the respondent was 25 years of age or older at interview, or
 never had a family planning visit, or she never had intercourse
 (19/88-89 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if the respondent
 received a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44 coded 1),
 and reported no second visit for family planning services (20/45-
 48 coded 9696), then services used at first visit is not
 applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and reported getting advice or counseling on
 birth control at the first visit (19/100-101 coded 07), or if the
 respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44
 coded 1), and reported a second visit for family planning
 services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and not blank), and reported getting
 advice or counseling on birth control at the next visit (20/64-65
 coded 07), then code 1.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and if the respondent did not report getting
 advice or cooling on birth control at the first visit (19/100-
 101 coded 00), or if the respondent received a pregnancy test
 only at first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported a second visit
 for family planning services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and not blank) and
 did not report getting advice or counseling on birth control at
 the next visit (20/64-65 coded 00), then code 2.
 VAR220 "Serv Used at 1st Fam Plan Visit: Other Advice" (FP10ADV)

 VAR220 "Services used at the first family planning visit: other
 advice" (FP10ADV)

 If the respondent was 25 years of age or older at interview, or
 never had a family planning visit, or she never had intercourse
 (19/88-89 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if the respondent
 received a pregnant test only at first visit (20/44 coded 1),
 and reported no second visit for family planning services (20/45-
 48 coded 9696), then services used at first visit is not
 applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and reported getting advice or counseling
 other than advice or counseling on birth contro at the first
 visit (19/102-103 coded 08, 19/104-105 coded 09, 19/106-107 coded
 10, 19/108-109 coded 11), or if the respondent received a
 pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported
 a second visit for family planning services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and
 not blank), and reported getting advice or counseling other than
 advice or counseling on birth control at the first visit (20/66-
 67 coded 08, 20/68-69 coded 09, 20/70-71 coded 10, 20/72-73 coded
 11), then code 1.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnant test
 only (20/44 coded 2) and if the respondent did not report getting
 advice or counseling other than advice or counseling on birth
 control (19/102-103 coded 00, and 19/104-105 coded 00, and
 19/106-107 coded 00, and 19/108-109 coded 00), or if the
 respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44
 coded 1), and reported a second visit for family planning
 services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and not blank) and did not report
 getting advice or counseling other than advice or counseling on
 birth control at the next visit (20/66-67 coded 00, and 20/68-69
 coded 00, and 20/70-71 coded 00, and 20/72-73 coded 00), then she
 did not get a method of birth control at her first visit, code 2.
 VAR225 "Age at First Use of Family Planning Services"

 VAR225 "Age at first use of family planning services"

 If the respondent has never had a family planning visit or never
 had intercourse (19/77-80 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if
 the respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit
 (19/88-89=01 AND 19/90-19/109=00), and reported no second visit
 for family planning services (the date of the first visit, TL
 1209-1212, equals the date of the last visit, 1164-1167), or
 if the respondent received a pregnancy test only at both her
 first and second visit (19/88-89=01 and 19/90-109=00 and 20/52-
 53=01 and 20/54-73=00), and she had only those two visits (19/33-
 36=19/77-80=20/45-48) ,* then her age at first visit is not
 applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only at her first visit (19/90-91=02 or 19/92-93=03 or 19/94-
 95=04...19/108-109=11) or is 25 and older, then age at first use
 of family planning services is in locations 19/77-83.  If the
 respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit (19/88-
 89=01 AND 19/90-19/109=all zeroes), and reported a second visit
 for family planning services (a date is reported in 20/45-48 or
 an age in 20/49-50), then age at first use of family planning
 services should be taken from locations 20/45-51.

 If the respondent gave the month and year of her first family
 planning visit, then her age at first visit is the century month
 of first visit (19/77-80 or 20/45-48) minus the century month of
 her birth (03/38-43), divided by 12 and truncated to an integer.

 If the respondent gave her age at first visit (19/81-82 or 20/49-
 50 coded 13 through 45) and her first visit was after her
 birthday (19/83 or 20/51 coded 2), then that (19/81-82 or 20/49-
 50) is her age at first visit.

 If the respondent gave her age at first visit (19/81-82 or 20/49-
 50 coded 10 through 44) and her first visit was before her
 birthday (19/83 or 20/51 coded 1), then age at first visit is her
 reported age at first visit (19/81-82 or 20/49-50) minus 1.

 *NOTE: When 20/44=1 and 20/45-48=9696, the dates of the first and
 last visit are sometimes different indicating that the woman had
 more than 1 visit, and 20/25-48=9696 is coded incorrectly.  So
 the code 20/45-48=9696 is not used in this recode.  Instead, the
 dates of the first visit (TL 1209-1212) and the last visit (TL
 1170-1173) are compared.

 If the case meets none of the conditions to be BLANK, and there
 is too much nissing data to classify the age as 05-44, then code
 FP1AGE = 99 and impute.
 VAR227 "Timing of First Visit and First Intercourse" (TIMVIS1)

 VAR227 "Timing of first visit and first intercourse" (TIMVIS1)

 If the respondent has never had a family planning visit or never
 had intercourse (19/77-80 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if
 the respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit
 (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for family planning
 services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then timing of first visit and
 first intercourse is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only at first visit (20/44 coded 2) or is 25 and older, and did
 not report a date of first family planning visit (19/79-82 code
 9797, 9898 or 9999), and:

           if 19/84 coded 1 or blank, or 19/85=blank, then code 1.

           if 19/84 coded 2 and 19/85 coded 1, then code 2.

           if 19/84 coded 2 and 19/85 coded 2, then code 3.

           if 19/84 coded 2 and 19/85 coded 3, then code 4.

           if 19/84 coded 2 and 19/85 coded 4, then code 5.

           if 19/84 coded 2 and 19/85 coded 5, then code 6.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only at first visit (20/44 coded 2) or is 25 and older, and
 reported a date of first family planning visit (19/79-82 NE 979,
 9898, 9999) or if the respondent received a pregnancy test only
 at first visit (20/44 coded 1):

           if MONVIS1 is less than DATESEX1, then code 1.

           if MONVIS1 equals DATESEX1, then code 2.

           if MONVIS1 minus DATESEX1 equals 1-3,  then code  3.

           if MONVIS1 minus DATESEX1 equals 4-6,  then code  4.

           if MONVIS1 minus DATESEX1 equals 7-12, then code 5.

           if MONVIS1 minus DATESEX1 is greater than 12, then code

 Code Categories:
      1 = Before First Intercourse
      2 = Same Month
      3 = 1-3 Months After First Intercourse
      4 = 4-6 Months After First Intercourse
      5 = 7-12 Months After First Intercourse
      6 = More than 12 Months After First Intercourse
 VAR228 "Timing of First Visit and First Pregnancy" (TIMVIS2)

 VAR228 "Timing of first visit and first pregnancy" (TIMVIS2)

 If the respondent has never had a family planning visit or never
 had intercourse (19/77-80 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2), or if
 the respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit
 (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for family planning
 services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then timing of first visit and
 first pregnancy is not applicable, code blank.

 If R has ever had intercourse (17/56 coded 1) but has never been
 pregnant (5/85-86 coded 00), code 1, never pregnant.

 If the Respondent has ever been pregnant (5/85-86 GE 01) and
 date of first family planning visit (Var226, MONVIS1) is less
 than DATE1CON, then code 2, first visit before first pregnancy.

 If the respondent has ever been pregnant (5/85-86 GE 01) and date
 of first family planning visit (Var226, MONVIS1) is greater than
 or equal to DATE1CON, but less than or equal to PREG1MON, then
 code 3, first visit during first pregnancy.

 If the respondent has ever been pregnant (5/85-86 CF 01) and
 date of first family planning visit (Var226, MONVIS1) is greater
 than PREG1MO, then code 4, first visit after first pregnancy.

 If R has ever been pregnant (05/85-86 GE 01) and DATE1CON
 (VAR606)=9999, then if the date of the first family planning
 visit (MONVIS1, VAR226) is greater (later) than the date of the
 first pregnancy (PREG1MO) then code 4.

 Otherwise, if the date of the first family planning visit
 (MONVIS1) is less than (before), or equal to the date of the
 first pregnancy, and the date of the first visit (MONVIS1,
 VAR226) is greater than or equal to (PREG1MO=9), then code 3.

 If FP1AGE is non-blank and TIMVIS2 is blank, then change TIMVIS2
 to 9 and impute.
4VAR230 "First Source of Family Planning Services" (FP1SRC)

 VAR230  "First source of family planning services"  (FP1SRC)

 If the respondent was 25 years of age or older at interview
 (03/38-43 coded le 031563), then source of first visit is not
 applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent was under 25 (03/38-43 coded ge 031563), and
 had not had a family planning visit or if she had never had
 intercourse (20/18-19 coded blank or 17/56 coded 2); or if the
 respondent received a pregnancy test only at first visit (20/44
 coded 1), and reported no second visit for family planning
 services (20/45-48 coded 9696); then she has not had a visit
 while sexually active, code 6.

 If the respondent received services other than a pregnancy test
 only (20/44 coded 2), then source of first visit for family
 planning services is in locations 20/18-19.  If the respondent
 received a pregnancy test only (20/44 coded 1) and reported a
 second visit for family planning services (20/45-48 ne 9696 and
 not blank), then first source of family planning services is in
 locations 20/74-75.

 If the respondent's first family planning visit was to a private
 doctor, private group practice, co-op or private clinic (20/18-19
 or 20/74-75 ceded 07 or 08 or 93), then the first source of
 services was private medical services, code 1.

 If the respondent's first family planning visit was to a hospital
 clinic, family planning clinic, community health center clinic,
 abortion clinic, public health department clinic, military health
 clinic, student health clinic, or other clinic (20/18-19 or
 20/74-75 coded 01-06,94,95, or 96), then the first source was
 clinic, code 2.

 If the first family planning visit was to a minister, priest,
 religious counselor, school counselor, family and social services
 agency, youth center, or other counselor (20/18-19 or 20/74-75
 coded 09, 10, 11, 12 or 13), then the first source was
 counselors, code 3.
 VAR240 "Services Used at Most Recent Fam Plan Visit: Got Method"

 VAR240 "Services used at the most recent family planning visit:
 got a method" (FPLSTMTH)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has had one family planning visit in the last
 12 months (19/40 coded 2), then the most recent services are
 locations 18/57-67; if 18/57-67 are all blank, then use 19/41-62.

 If the respondent has had 2 or more family planning visits in the
 last 12 months (19/40 coded 3), or she ever had a visit but no
 visits in the last 12 months (19/40 coded 1), then the most
 recent services are in locations 19/41-62.

 If the respondent reported "getting a method of birth control" at
 her last visit (18/59 coded 1 or 19/45-46 coded 03), then she got
 a method of birth control at her most recent visit, code 1.

 If she reported getting a service at latest visit, but did not
 mention getting a method of birth control (18/59 coded 2 or blank
 or 19/45-46 coded 00), then code 2.

 NOTE:  Over 600 cases not ascertained.  If BOX52=1 or 3, check E-
 23.  If E-23C=9's, then check E-10C.  If E-10C=2, ccde VAR240=2.
 If 10C=1, code 1.  If BOX52=9, check E-23 first, then check E-

 NOTE:   See VAR266 for causes of missing data
 VAR242 "Serv Used at Most Recent Fam Plan Visit: Cont Method"

 VAR242  "Services used at the most recent family planning visit:
 continued a method" (FPLSTCON)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 code 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the
 recent services used is not applicab1e, code blank.

 If the respodent has had one family planning visit the last
 12 months (19/40 coded 2), then the most services are in
 locations 18/57-67; if 18/57-67 are all blank, then use 19/41-62.

 If the respondent has had 2 or more family planning visits in the
 last 12 months (19/40 coded 3), or she ever had a visit but
 visits in the last 12 months (19/40 coded 1), then the most
 recent services are in locations 19/41-62.

 If the respondent reported "renewing a method of birth control"
 at her latest visit (18/58 coded 1 or 19/43-44 coded 02), then
 she renewed a method of birth control at her latest visit, code

 If she reported getting a service at latest visit, but did not
 mention renewing a method of birth control (18/58 coded 2 or
 blank or 19/43-44 coded 00), the code 2.
 VAR245 "Serv Used at Most Recent Fam Plan Visit: Other Medical"

 VAR245 "Services used at the most recent family planning visit:
 other medical"  (FPLSTMED)

 If the rsspondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 ooded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 ooded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has had one family planning visit in the last
 12 months (19/40 coded 2), then the most recent services are
 locations 18/57-67; if 18/57-67 are all blank, then use 19/41-62.

 If the respondent has had 2 or more family planning visits in the
 last 12 months (19/40 coded 3), or she ever had a visit but no
 visits in the last 12 months (19/40 coded 1), then the most
 recent services are in locations 19/41-62.

 If the respondent reported getting a medical service other than
 getting a method of birth control (18/57, 18/58, 18/60, 18/61, or
 18/62 coded 1; or 19/41-42 coded 01, 19/43-44 coded 02, 19/47-48
 coded 04, 19/49-50 coded 05, or 19/51-52 coded 06), then code 1.

 If the respondent did not mention getting another medical service
 (18/57, 18/58, 18/60, 18/61, and 18/62 all coded 2 or blank; or
 19/41-42, 19/43-44, 19/47-48, 19/49-50, and 19/51-52 all coded
 00), then code 2.

 NOTE: "Other medical" includes RENEWING a method, a pregnancy
 test, getting a sterilizing operation, health problems from using
 a method, and correct use or fit of a method. It does NOT include
 GETTING a method for the first time.
 VAR250 "Serv Used at Recent Fam Plan Visit: Advice Birth Control

 VAR250  "Services used at the most recent family planning visit:
 advice on birth control" (FPSTADV)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has had one family planning visit in the last
 12 months (19/40 coded 2), then the most recent services are in
 locations 18/57-67; if 18/56-67 are all blank, then use 19/41-62.

 If the respondent has had 2 or more family planning visits in the
 last 12 months (19/40 coded 3), or she ever had a visit but no
 visits in the last 12 months (19/40 coded 1), then the most
 recent services are in locations 19/41-62.

 If the respondent reported getting advice or counseling on birth
 control (18/63 coded 1; or 19/53-54 coded 07), then R received
 advice on birth control, code 1.

 If the respondent did not mention getting advice or counseling on
 birth control (18/63 coded 2 or blank; or 19/53-54 coded 00) then
 code 2.
 VAR255 "Serv Used at Most Recent Fam Plan Visit: Other Advice"

 VAR255 "Services used at the most recent family planning visit:
 other advice"

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicab1e, code blank.

 If the respondent has had one family planning visit in the last
 12 months (19/40 coded 2), then the most recent services are in
 locations 18/57-67; if 18/57-67 are all blank, then use 19/41-62.

 If the respondent has had 2 or more family planning visits in the
 last 12 months (19/40 coded 3), or she ever had a visit but no
 visits in the last 12 months (19/40 coded 1), then the most
 recent services are in locations 19/41-62.

 If the respondent reported getting other advice or counseling
 (18/64, 18/65, 18/66 or 18/67 coded 1; or 19/55-56 coded 08,
 19/57- 58 coded 09, 19/59-60 coded 10, or 19/61-62 coded 11),
 then R got other advice, code 1.
 If the respondent did not mention getting other advice or
 counseling, (18/64, 18/65, 18/66 and 18/67 all coded 2 or blank;
 or 19/55-56, 19/57-58, 19/59-60, and 19/61-62 all coded 00), then
 R did not get other advice, code 2.
 VAR260 "Source of Payment Fam Plan Visit:Self,Partner,Fam,Friend

 VAR26O "Source of payment for the most recent family planning
 visit: self, partner, family or friends" (FPPAYSLF)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent reported as a source of payment for her latest
 family planning visit her own income, her boyfriend, parents, or
 other relatives (19/65-66 coded 01, or 19/67-68 coded 02), code

 If the respondent did not mention either of those sources (19/65-
 66 coded 00 and 19/67-68 coded 00,) code 0.
 VAR261 "Source Payment for Recent Fam Planning Visit: Insurance"

 VAR261 "Source of payment for the most recent family planning
 visit: insurance" (FPPAYINS)

 No recode needed (19/69-70).

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If R mentioned insurance (19/69-70 coded 03), then she used
 insurance, so VAR261=1.

 If R did not use insurance (19/69-70 coded 00), then VAR261=0.

 If 19/69-70 is blank, 97,98, or 99, then code FFPAYINS = 99 and
 VAR262 "Source Payment for Recent Fam Planning Visit: Medicaid"

 VAR262 "Source of payment for the most recent family planning
 visit: Medicaid" (FPPAYMED)

 No recode needed (19/71-72)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If 19/71-72 = blank, 97,98, or 99, then code FPPAYMED = 99 and
 VAR263 "Source of Payment for Recent Fam Plan Visit: Other Govt"

 VAR263 "Source of payment for the most recent family planning
 visit: other government" (FPPAYGOV)

 No recode needed (19/73-74)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If 19/73-74 = blank, 97,98, or 99, then code FPPAYGOV = 99 and
 VAR264 "Source of Payment for Recent Family Plan Visit: Other"

 VAR264 "Source of payment for the most recent family planning
 visit: other" (FPPAYOTH)

 No recode needed (19/75-76)

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent services used is not applicable, code blank.

 If 19/75-76 = blank, 97,98, or 99, then code FPPAYOTH = 99 and
 VAR266 "Most Recent Source of Family Planning Services"

 VAR266  "Most recent source of family planning services"

 If the respondent has never had intercourse (since first period)
 (17/56 coded 2), or she has never had a family planning visit
 (19/32 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at her
 first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), then the most
 recent used is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has had one family planning visit in the last
 12 months (19/40 coded 2), then the most recent source of
 services in locations 18/69-94.

 If the respondent has had 2 or more family planning visits in the
 last 12 nonths (19/40 coded 3), or she ever had a visit but no
 visits in the last 12 months (19/40 coded 1), or the number of
 visits is missing (19/40 coded 7,8, or 9), then the most recent
 source of services is in locations 19/63- 64; if 19/63-64=97,98,
 or 99, then use 18/69-94 (E-13).

 If R's last visit was to a clinic (18/69-70 coded 01, 18/71-72
 coded 02, 18/73-74 coded 03, 18/75-76 coded 04, 18/77-78 coded
 05, 18/79-80 coded 06 or coded 94,95, or 96; or 19/63-64 coded
 01-06, or 95 or 96), then code 1 (clinic).

 If R's last visit was to a private doctor or private group
 practice (18/81-82 coded 07 or 18/83-84 coded 08; or 19/63-64
 coded 07 or 08 or 93), then code 2 (private medical service).

 If R's last visit was to a counselor (18/85-86 coded 09, 18/87-88
 coded 10, 18/89-90 coded 11, 18/91-92 coded 12, or 18/93-94 coded
 13; or 19/63-64 coded 09-13), then code 3 (counselor).

 600+ cases not ascertained.  So use E-24 unless E-24 has missing
 data; if E-24 is missing, then use E-13 (if there is an entry in
 Causes of missing data.

 1.  Interviewer Mistake in BOX52 (erroneously skipped E-24)

 2.  E-21=2 (Never had a visit), but R has used a method --
 usually IUD or Female Sterilization.
 VAR270 "Family Planning Visits in the Last 12 Months: Private"

 VAR270 "Family planning visits in the last 12 months: private"

 If the respondent or her husband was sterile before January 1987
 (18/56 coded 1), or she has never had intercourse (since first
 period) (17/56 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at
 her first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), visits in the
 last 12 months is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has not had a family planning visit in the last
 12 months (18/68 coded 1), then the number of visits in the last
 12 months is none, code 00.

 If the respondent visited only private medical services in the
 last 12 months (18/81-82 coded 07 or 93 or 18/83-84 coded 08; and
 18/69-80 and 18/85-94 all coded 00), then the number of visits to
 private medical services is the number of visits reported in

 If the respondents did not visit private medical services
 only in the last 12 months (18/69-80 and 18/85-94 not all coded
 00), then the number of visits to private medical services is the
 number of visits reported in 18/107-108.

 If 18/81-82 is NOT = 07 or 93, and 18/83-84 is NOT = 08 and
 (18/69-80 AND 18/85-94) = 01-06, 09-13, or 94-96, then R did not
 use a private doctor for family planning, so code 00.
 VAR272 "Family Planning Visits in the Last 12 Months: Clinics"

 VAR272 "Family planning visits in the last 12 months: clinics"

 If the respondent or her husband was sterile before January 1987
 (18/56 coded 1), or she has never had intercourse (since first
 period) (17/56 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at
 her first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), visits in the
 last 12 months is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has not had a family planning visit in the last
 12 months (18/68 coded 1), then the number of visits in the last
 12 months is none, code 00.

 If R did not use any clinics in the last 12 months (18/69-80
 equal to 01-06, 94,95, or 96), but did use a private source or a
 counselor (18/81-94 not all coded 00), then R had no visits to
 clinics, code 00.

 If the respondent visited only clinics in the last 12 months
 (18/69-70 coded 01, 18/71-72 coded 02, 18/73-74 coded 03, 18/75-
 76 coded 04, 18/77-78 coded 05, or 18/79-80 coded 06, 94,95 or
 96; and 18/81-94 all coded 00), then the number of visits to
 clinics is the number of visits reported in 18/102-103.

 If the respondent did not visit clinics only the last 12 months,
 (18/81-94 not all coded 00), then the number of visits to clinics
 is the number of visits reported in 18/105-106.
 VAR274 "Family Planning Visits in Last 12 Months: Counselors"

 VAR274 "Family planning visits in the last 12 months:

 If the respondent or her husband was sterile before Jane 1987
 (18/56 coded 1), or she has never had intercourse (since first
 period) (17/56 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at
 her first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), visits in the
 last 12 months is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has not had a family planning visit in the last
 12 months (18/68 coded 1), then the number of visits in the last
 12 months is none, code 00.

 If R did not use any counselors in the last 12 months (18/85-94
 not equal to 09-13), but did use a private doctor or clinic
 (18/69-84 not all coded 00), then she had no visits to
 counselors, code 00.

 If the respondent visited only counselors in the last 12 months
 (18/85-86 coded 09, 18/87-88 coded 10, 18/89-90 coded 11, 18/91-
 92 coded 12, or 18/93-94 coded 13; and 18/69-84 all coded 00),
 then the number of visits to couselors is the number reported in

 If the respondent did not visit counselors only in the last 12
 months (18/69-84 not all coded 00), then the number of visits to
 counselors is the total number of visits (18/102-103) minus the
 sum of the number of visits to clinics (18/105-106) and the
 number of visits to private doctors (18/107-108).
 VAR276 "Family Planning Visits in Last 12 Months" (FPYRTOT)

 VAR276 "Family planning visits in the last 12 months"  (FPYRTOT)

 If the respondent or her husband was sterile before January 1987
 (18/56 coded 1), or she has never had intercourse (since first
 period) (17/56 coded 2), or she received a pregnancy test only at
 her first visit (20/44 coded 1), and reported no second visit for
 family planning services (20/45-48 coded 9696), visits in the
 last 12 months is not applicable, code blank.

 If the respondent has not had a family planning visit in the last
 12 months (18/68 coded 1), then the number of visits in the last
 12 months is none, code 00.

 If the respondent has had one or more visits in the last year
 (18/68 coded 2) then the number of visits is in location 18/102-
 VAR280 "Pap Smear in the Last 12 Months" (PAPSMEAR)

 VAR280  "Pap smear in the last 12 months"  (PAPSMEAR)

 If the respondent or her husband was sterile before January 1987
 (18/56 coded 1), or she has never had intercourse (since first
 period) (17/56 coded 2), or she has not had a family planning
 visit in the last 12 months (18/68 coded 1), then the data on
 auxiliary medical services are in locations 21/100-106.

 If the repsondent had a family planning visit in the last 12
 months (18/68 coded 2), then the data on auxiliary medical
 services are in locations 19/18-31.

 If the respondent had a pap smear during a visit for family
 planning services (19/18 coded 1), then code 1.

 If the respondent had a pap smear During a general check-up or
 other medical visit (19/19 coded 1 and 19/18 coded 2,7,8, or 9;
 or 21/100 coded 1), then code 2.

 If the respondent did not have a pap smear during a family
 planning visit, a check-up or other medical visit (19/19 or
 21/100 coded 2), then code 3.

 Code categories:

      1 = Had a pap smear during a family planning visit in the
           last 12 months
      2 = Had a pap smear during a general check-up or other
           medical visit in the last 12 months
      3 =  Did not have a pap smear during the last 12 months.

 Note:  Variables 281 through 286, regarding other medical exams
 and tests, were created in the same way.
 VAR288 "Infertility Services: Drugs to Make R Ovulate" (OVULATE)

 VAR288  "Infertility services: drugs to make R ovulate"

 No reoode needed.  Transfer from 18/21-22.

 Note: Variables 289 through 297, regarding other infertility
 services, were created in the same way.  That is, no recode was
 needed and the item was directly transferred.
 VAR298 "Source of Most Recent Infertility Services" (INFSRC)

 VAR298 "Source of most recent infertility services"  (INFSRC)

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 18/45-46.
 VAR705 "Ever Been Treated for PID" (PIDTREAT)

 VAR705 "Ever been treated for PID" (PIDTREAT)

 No recede needed.  Transfer from 20/80.
 VAR714 "Ever Heard of Genital Herpes" (KNOWHERP)

 VAR714 "Ever heard of genital herpes"  (KNOWHERP)

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 20/100.
 VAR720 "Chances of Getting Genital Herpes" (GETHERP)

 VAR72O "Chances of getting genital herpes" (GETHERP)

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 20/118.
 VAR722 "Ever Heard of Chlamydia" (KNOWCLMY)

 VAR722 "Ever heard of chlamydia" (KNOWCLMY)

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 20/119.
 VAR726 "Chances of Getting Chlamydia (Again)" (GETCLMY)

 VAR726  "Chances of getting chlamydia (again)"  (GETCLMY)

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 21/32.
 VAR728 "Ever Heard of AIDS or AIDS Virus" (KNOWAIDS)

 VAR728 "Ever heard of AIDS or AIDS virus" (KNOWAIDS)

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 21/33.
 VAR730 "Activ Which Person Can Get AIDS:Shaking Hands/Hugging"

 VAR730 "Activities from which person can get AIDS:  shaking
 hands or hugging" (HUG)

 No recede needed.  Transfer from 21/34-35.

 Note:  Variables 731 through 738, regarding other activities in
 which a person can or cannot get AIDS, were created in the same
 way.  That is, no recode was needed and the item was family
 VAR740 "Getting AIDS From Someone With Virus But Not Disease"

 VAR740 "Whether it is possible to get AIDS from someone who has
 the AIDS virus but who does not have the disease"  (VIRUS)

 No recede needed.  Transfer from 21/52.

 Note:  For this variable, "don't know" responses are retained.
 Only "not ascertained" is imputed.
 VAR745 "Chances of Getting AIDS" (GETAIDS)

 VAR745  "Chances of getting AIDS" (GETAIDS)

 No recede needed.  Transfer from 21/53.
 VAR750 "Contraceptives Used to Avoid STDs" (STDMETH)

 VAR750 "Contraceptives used to avoid STDs" (STDMETH)

 If R has never had sexual intercourse (since first period) (21/54
 coded 2), then use of contraceptives to avoid sexually
 transmitted diseases is inapplicable, code blank.

 If R has used a condom to avoid getting sexually transmitted
 diseases (21-55 coded 1), code 1.

 If R has used contraceptive methods other than the condom to
 avoid getting sexually transmitted disease (21/55 coded 0 and
 21/56 coded 2 or 21/57=3 or 21/58=4), code 2.

 If R has not used any methods for this purpose, (21/59 coded 5),
 code 3.

 Code categories:
      1  = Used a condom to avoid getting sexually transmitted
      2  = Used a diaphragm, spermicide jelly, foam or cream or
           sponge to avoid getting sexually transmitted disease
      3  = Did not use any methods to avoid getting sexually
           transmitted diseases
 VAR755 "Contraceptives Used to Avoid AIDS" (AIDSMETH)

 VAR755 "Contraceptives used to avoid AIDS" (AIDSMETH)

 If R has never had sexual interocurse (since first period), or R
 has used no method for protection against disease (21/54=2 or
 21/59=2) or R has never heard of AIDS (21/60 coded 2), then use
 of contraceptives to avoid AIDS is inapplicable, code blank.

 If R has used a condom to avoid getting AIDS (21/61 coded 1),
 code 1.

 If R has used contraceptive methods other than the condom to
 avoid getting AIDS (21/61 coded 0 and (21/62=3 or 21/64 coded 4),
 code 2.

 If R has not used any methods for this purpose, (21/65 coded 5),
 code 3.

 Code categories:
      1  = Used a condom to avoid getting AIDS
      2  = Used a diaphragm, spermicide jelly, foam, cream, or
           sponge to avoid getting AIDS
      3  = Did not use any methods to avoid getting AIDS
 VAR511 "Interval Btwn 1st Intercourse & First Marriage" (SEX1FOR

 VAR511 "Interval between first intercourse (after first
 menstrual period) and first formal marriage (or interview)"

 If the respondent never had intercourse (09/103 coded 2) or never
 had intercourse after her first sexual period (09/117-120
 coded 9595), then SFX1FOR does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has had intercourse (09/102 coded 2 or 09/103
 coded 1), then SEX1FOR is the century month of the end of the
 interval minus the century month of first intercourse (VAR540,
 DATESEX1).  The end of the interval is defined as follows:

      If the respondent has never been formaly married (VAR916,
           FMARITAL coded 6), then the end of the interval is the
           century month of interview (03/25-30).

      If the respondent has ever been formally married (VAR916,
           FMARITAL coded 1, 3, 4, or 5), then the end of the
           interval is the century month of first formal marriage
           (VAR976, FMAR1MO).

 If century month of first intercourse was after century month of
 first marriage (negative interval), code 996.
 VAR514 "Age at First Formal Marriage" (FMAR1AGE)

 VAR514 "Age at first formal marriage"  (FMAR1AGE)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6), then FMAR1AGE does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1, 3,
 4, or 5), then age at first marriage is the century month of the
 first; marriage (VAR976, FMAR1MO) minus the century month of birth
 (03/38-43), divided by 12.  Keep two decimal places.
 VAR518 "Number of Formal Marriages" (FMARNO)

 VAR518 "Number of formal marriages" (FMARNO)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6) then FMARNO=0.

 If the respondent has been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1, 3,
 4, or 5) and:

      If she is not currently cohabiting (VAR915, MARITAL coded 1
           3, 4, or 5) number of formal marriages is 22/74-75
           (codes 01-06).

      If she is currently cohabiting (VAR915, MARITAL coded 2),
           number of formal marriages is 22/76 (codes 1-6).  Use 2
           columns, i.e., 01-06.
 VAR524 "Century Mo of Dissolution of 1st Marriage" (DISFIRST)

 VAR524 "Century month of dissolution of first formal marriage"

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6) then DISFIRST does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married only once (VAR518, FMARNO
 coded 1) and if that marriage is intact (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 1), then DISFIRST does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married only once (VAR518, FMARNO
 coded 1) and if that marriage is not intact (VAR916, FMARITAL
 coded 3-5), or if the respondent has been married more than once
 (VAR518, FMARNO coded 2-6) then DISFIRST is:

      23/33-36, date of death, if 23/32 is coded 1, death of

      23/37-40, date of separation, if 23/32 is coded 2, divorce
           or annulment,

      23/45-48, date of separation, if 23/32 is coded 3,
 If dates are not reported, code DISFIRST = 9999 and impute.
 VAR525 "Interval Between 1st Marriage & Dissolution of Marriage"

 VAR525 "Interval between first formal marriage and dissolution
 of marriage (or interview)" (MAR1DISS)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6) then MAR1DISS does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married at least once (VAR518, FMARNO
 coded 1-6) and the first marriage has been dissolved (23/32 coded
 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, or 9), then MAR1DISS is the century month of
 dissolution (VAR524, DISFIRST) minus the century month of
 marriage (VAR976, FMAR1MO).

 If the respondent's first marriage is intact (VAR518, FMARNO
 coded 1 and VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1), then MAR1DISS is the
 century month of interview (03/25-30) minus the month of
 marriage (VAR976, FMAR1MO).
 VAR526 "Age at Dissolution of First Formal Marriage" (AGEDISS)

 VAR526 "Age at dissolution of first formal marriage" (AGEDISS)

 If the respondent has never been formally married (FMARITAL coded
 6) or if the respondent's first marriage is intact (VAR518,
 FMARNO coded 1 and VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1), then AGEDISS does
 not apply, code blank.

 AGEDISS is the century month of dissolution of first marriage
 (VAR524, DISFIRST), minus the century month of the respondent's
 date of birth (03/38-43), divided by 12.  Keep two deciaal
 VAR529 "Century Month of Second Formal Marriage" (MAR2MO)

 VAR529 "Century month of second formal marriage"  (MAR2MO)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6) or has been married only once (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1) then
 date of second marriage does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married twice (VAR518, FMARNO coded 2)
 and her second marriage is intact (VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1) then
 date of second marriage is 22/78-83.

 If the respondent has been married twice (VAR518, FMARNO coded 2)
 and her second marriage is not intact (VAR916, FMARITAL coded 3-
 5), or if the respondent has been married more than twice
 (VAR518, FMARNO coded 3-6), then date of second marriage is
 If date of second marriage is missing, code MAR2MO = 9999 and
 VAR530 "Interval Btwn Divorce or Death & Remarriage" (DIS1MAR)

 VAR530 "Interval between divorce or death (first formal
 marriage) and remarriage (or interview)" (DIS1MAR)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6), or if her first marriage is intact (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1
 and VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1), or if her first marriage ended in
 separation only (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1 and VAR916, FMARITAL
 coded 5) then DIS1MAR does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent's first marriage ended in widowhood or divorce
 (or annulment) (23/32 coded 1 or 2) and the respondent remarried
 (VAR518, FMARNO coded 2-6), then DIS1MAR is the century month of
 the second marriage (VAR529, MAR2MO) minus:

      the century month that the first marriage ended in widowhood
           (23/33-36, date of death), if 23/32 is coded 1, death
           of husband

      the century month that the first marriage ended in divorce
           (23/41-44, date of divorce), if 23/32 is coded 2,
           divorce or annulment

 If the respondent's first marriage ended in widowhood or divorce
 (or annulment) (23/32 coded 1 or 2) and the respondent did not
 remarry (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1) then DIS1MAR is date of
 interview (03/25-30) minus:

      the century month that the first marriage ended in widowhood
           (23/33-36, date of death), if 23/32 is coded 1, death
           of husband

      the century month that the first marriage ended in divorce
           (23/41-44, date of divorce), if 23/32 is coded 2,
           divorce or annulment
 VAR535 "Age at Divorce or Death: 1st Formal Marriage" (AGEDD1)

 VAR535 "Age at divorce or death: 1st formal marriage" (AGEDD1)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6), or if her first formal marriage is intact (VAR518, FMARNO
 coded 1 and VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1), or her first marriage was
 dissolved by separation only (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1 and VAR916,
 FMARITAL coded 5), then AGEDD1 does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent's first marriage ended in widowhood or divorce
 (or annulment) (23/32 coded 1 or 2), AGEDD1 is computed as the
 century month that the first marriage ended in widowhood (23/33-
 36, date of death, if 23/32 is coded 1, death of husband) or
 divorce (23/41-44, date of divorce, if 23/32 is coded 2, divorce
 or annulment) minus the century month of the respondent's date of
 birth (03/38-43), divided by 12. Keep two decimal places.
 VAR550 "Century Month of First Cohabitation" (COHAB1)

 VAR550 "Century month of first cohabitation" (COHAB1)

 If the respondent has never cohabited (VAR915, MARITAL not coded
 2, and 22/84, 23/24, and 23/103 coded blank or 2) then COHAB1
 does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has cohabited (VAR915, MARITAL coded 2, or
 22/84 coded 1, or 23/24 coded 1, or 23/103 coded 1), then COHAB1
 is the earliest of 22/85-88, 23/25-28, 23/96-99 and 23/104-107.

 If dates of cohabitation are missing in 22/85-88, 23/25-28, or
 23/96-99, estimate century month of cohabitation using length of
 cohabitation before marriage (22/78-83 minus 22/89-91, 23/18-23
 minus 23/29-31), or length of cohabitation before interview
 (03/25-30 minus 23/1OO-102).  Then check for earliest
 cohabitation substituting estates for missing dates.
 VAR551 "Length of First Cohabitation Interval" (COHABINT)

 VAR551 "Length of first cohabitation interval" (COHABINT)

 If the respondent has never cohabited (VAR552, COHSTAT coded 1)
 then COHABINT does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has cohabited (VAR552, COHSTAT coded 2 or 3),

      if the earliest cohabitation date is in 22/85-88, then the
           length of first cohabitation is century month of
           marriage (22/78-83) minus century month of first
           cohabitation (VAR550, COHAB1)

      if the earliest cohabitation date is in 23/25-28, then the
           length of first cohabitation is century month of
           marriage (23/18-23) minus century month of first
           cohabitation (VAR550, COHAB1)

      if the earliest cohabitation date is in 23/104-107, then the
           length of first cohabitation is 23/108-110

      if the earliest cohabitation date is in 23/96-99, then the
           length of first cohabitation interval is century month
           of interview (03/25-30) minus century month of first
           cohabitation (VAR550, COHAB1)
 VAR552 "Cohabitational Status" (COHSTAT)

 VAR552 "Cohabitational status" (COHSTAT)

 If the respondent has never cohabited (22/84, 23/24, and 23/103
 coded blank or 2; and VAR915, MARITAL not coded 2), then code 1.

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6) and has cohabited (VAR915, MARITAL coded 2 or 23/103 coded 1),
 then code 2.

 If the respondent has been married (VAR916,  FMARITAL coded 1, 3,
 4, or 5), and has cohabited (VAR915, MARITAL coded 2, or 22/84
 coded 1, or 23/24 coded 1, or 23/103 coded 1) and:

      if century month of first cohabitation (VAR550, COHAB1) is
           the same as or earlier than century month of first
           marriage (VAR976, FMAR1MO), then code 2.

      if century month of first cohabitation (VAR550, COHAB1) is
           later than century month of first marriage (VAR976,
           FMAR1MO), then code 3.
 VAR553 "Outcome of First Cohabitation" (COHOUT)

 VAR553 "Outcome of first cohabitation"  (COHOUT)

 If the respondent has never cohabited, (22/84, 23/24, and 23/103
 coded blank or 2; and VAR915, MARITAL not coded 2), then COHOUT
 does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent's first cohabitation is intact (VAR550, COHAB1
 comes from 23/96-102), code 1.

 If the outcome of the respondent's first cohabitation is an
 intact marriage (VAR550, COHAB1 comes from 22/85-91), code 2.

 If the outcome of the respondent's first cohabitation is a
 marriage that dissolved (VAR550, COHAB1 comes from 23/25-31),
 code 3.

 If the outcome of the respondent's first cohabitation is
 dissolution without marriage (VAR550, COHAB1 comes from 23/104-
 110), code 4.
 VAR554 "Century Month of First Union" (UNION1)

 VAR554 "Century month of first union" (UNION1)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6) and never cohabited (VAR552, COHSTAT coded 1), then UNION1
 does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1, 3,
 4, or 5), and/or has cohabited (VAR552, COHSTAT coded 2 or 3),
 then UNION1 is the earlier date of var550, COHAB1 or VAR976,
 VAR555 "Type and Outcome of First Union" (UNTYPE)

 VAR555 "Type and outcome of first union" (UNTYPE)

 If the respondent has never been married and never cohabited
 (UNION1 coded blank), then UNTYPE does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent's first union was a cohabitation that is still
 intact (VAR554, UNION1 comes from 23/96-102), code 1.

 If the respondent's first union was a cohabitation that rssulted
 in an intact marriage (VAR554, UNION1 comes from 22/85-91), code

 If the respondent's first union was a cohabitation that ended in
 a marriage that was dissolved (VAR554, UNION1 comes from 23/25-
 31), code 3.

 If the respondent's first union was a cohabitation that was
 dissolved (VAR554, UNION1 comes from 23/104-110), code 4.

 If the respondent's first union was a marriage that is still
 intact (VAR554, UNION1 comes from 22/78-83), code 5.

 If the respondent's first union was a marriage that was dissolved
 (VAR554, UNION1 comes from 23/18-23), code 6.
 VAR556 "Duration of First Union" (UNIONINT)

 VAR556 "Duration of first union"  (UNIONINT)

 If the respondent has never been married and never cohabited
 (UNION1 coded blank), then UNTYPE does not apply, code blank.

 If VAR555, UNTYPE eaquals 1, 2, or 5, duration of first union is
 calculated as the interview date (03/25-30) minus VAR554, UNION1.

 If VAR555, UNTYPE equals 3 or 6, duration of first union is
 calculated as VAR524, DISFIRST minus VAR554, UNION1.

 If VAR555, UNTYPEl equals 4, duration of first union equals
 VAR916 "Formal Marital Status" (FMARITAL)

 VAR916 "Formal marital status" (FMARITAL)

 If the respondent is currently married, widowed, divorced,
 separated, or never married (MARITAL coded 1, 3, 4, 5, or 6),

 If the repondsent is not married but living with a partner or
 boyfriend (MARITAL=2), then FMARITAL = 03/37.
 VAR922 "Hispanic Origin" (HISPANIC)

 VAR922 "Hispanic origin" (HISPANIC)

 If the respondent's only reported national origin is Puerto
 Rican, Cuban, Mexican American, Central or South American, or
 other Spanish (22/70 coded 2; and 22/54-55 coded 9, 22/56-57
 coded 10, 22/58-59 coded 11, 22/60-61 coded 12, or 22/62-63 coded
 13), or if the national origin which she says best describes her
 ancestry is Puerto Rican, Cuban, Mexican American, Central or
 South American, or other Spanish (22/71-72 coded 9, 10, 11, 12,
 or 13) then she is Hispanic, code 1.

 If the respondent gives a non-Hispanic origin as her only origin
 (22/70 coded 2; and 22/38-39 coded 1 or 22/40-41 coded 2 or
 22/42-43 coded 3 or 22/44-45 coded 4 or 22/46-47 coded 5 or
 22/48-49 coded 6 or 22/50-51 coded 7 or 22/52-53 coded 8 or
 22/64-65 coded 14 or 22/66-67 coded 15 or 22/68-69 coded 16, 17,
 or 18) or that which best describes her ancestry (22/71-72 coded
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18), then she is
 non-Hispanic, code 2.

 If the respondent mentioned only one origin or ancestry
 (22/70=2), and that origin is in the range 19-44 (22/68-69=19-
 44), then she is non-Hispanic, code 2.

 If the respondent mentioned more than one origin (22/70 NE 2 and
 22/71-72 NE blank), and 22/71-72=19-44, then she is non-Hispanic,
 code 2.
 VAR935 "Religious Affiliation" (RELIGION)

 VAR935 "Religious affiliation" (RELIGION)

 No recode needed.  Transferred from (22/25).
 VAR940 "Poverty Level Income" (POVERTY)

 VAR940 "Poverty level income" (POVERTY)

 Poverty level income is the respondent's family income divided by
 the official poverty threshold for a family the size of her
 family, expressed as a percent.  If the value is 998 or greater,
 set = 998.

 For this recode an exact family income is estimated by the
 midpoint of the reported range of family income (27/59-60) as
 follows: 01=2000, 02=3750, 03=5500, 04=6500, 05=7500, 06=8500,
 07=9500, 08=10500, 09=11500, 10=12500, 11=14000, 12=16000,
 13=18500, 14=22500, 15=30000, 16=42500, 17=55000.

 If the respondent is either person 01 or is related to Person 01
 (02/56 coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6), then her family size is the
 number of people living in the household (01/71-72), minus the
 number who are unrelated to Person 01 (i.e., the number coded 7
 or 8 in 02/56).

 If the respondent is not related to Person 01 (02/56 coded 7 or
 8), or if her relationship to person 01 was not ascertained
 (02/56 coded 9), then her family size is the count of the
 following persons:  herself; her husband, if she is married
 (VAR915, MARITAL coded 1); and each of her children living in the
 household (07/45 coded 1).  In addition, if the respondent is
 under age 25 (VAR905, AGE coded 15-24), add 1 for known adult
 relatives in her household (i.e., add 1 if 01/79 coded 2, 3, or
 7; add 2 if 01/79 coded 1, 5, 6, 8).

 The poverty  thresholds for each family size are:
          Family  Size                   Threshold
            1                               5,778
            2                               7,397
            3                               9,056
            4                              11,611
            5                              13,737
            6                              15,509
            7                              17,649
            8                              19,515
            9  or nore                     23,105

 The thresholds were published in: U.S. Bureau of the Census,
 Current Population Reports, Series P-60, No. 163, Poverty in the
 United States, 1987, Washington, D.C., 1989.
 VAR950 "Labor Force Status" (LABORFOR)

 VAR950 "Labor force status" (LABORFOR)

 Code VAR950 as the lowest code (excluding 00) in 25/19-20 through
 VAR955 "Place of Residence (Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan)"(METRO
 VAR955 "Place of residence (metropolitan-nonmetropolitan)"

 As of the 1980 Census.

      1=SMSA, central city
      2=SMSA, other
      3=Not SMSA
 VAR956 "Urban-Rural Residence" (RURAL)

 VAR956 "Urban-rural residence"  (RURAL)

 As of the 1980 Census.


 Note:  For this variable, the majoriry of cases were coded by a
 subcontractor, Polk, but Polk was unable to match some
 respondents' addresses to 1980 Census data.  For the problem
 cases, urban/rural codes were taken frsm the National Health
 Interview Survey (NHIS); this means that if the respondent moved
 between the NHIS and the NSFG, VAR956 refers to her former
 address rather than her current address.  A variable, RURALFLG
 has been created showing the source of the urban/rural code: Polk
 or NHIS.  This variable appears in tape location 2498.
 VAR970 "Years Since First Marriage" (MARR1/NOW)

 VAR970 "Years since first marriage" (MARR1/NOW)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6), then MAR1/NOW does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been marrried (VAR916, FMARITAL coded 1, 3,
 4, or 5), then MAR1NOW is the century month of interview (03/25-
 30) minus century month of first marriage (VAR976, FMAR1MO),
 divided by 12 and truncated to an integer.
 VAR976 "Century Month of First Formal Marriage" (FMAR1MO)

 VAR976 "Century month of first formal marriage"  (FMAR1MO)

 If the respondent has never been married (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 6), then FMAR1MO does not apply, code blank.

 If the respondent has been married once (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1)
 and if that marriage is currently intact (VAR916, FMARITAL coded
 1), then FMAR1MO is 22/78-83.

 If the respondent has been married once and that marriage is not
 intact (VAR518, FMARNO coded 1 and VAR916, FMARITAL coded 3, 4,
 or 5) or if she has been married more than once (VAR518, FMARNO
 coded 2-6), then FMAR1MO is 23/18-23.
 VAR911 "Race" (RACE)

 VAR911 "Race" (RACE)

 If the respondent reports only one race (22/36 coded 2) and
 reports that:

      she is black (22/33=3), then RACE=1.
      she is white (22/34=4), then RACE=2.
      she is some other race (22/31=1 or 22/32=2 or 22/35=5), then

 If the respondent reports more than one race (22/36 coded 1), and
 in 22/37 reports that the race that best describes her is:

      black (22/37=3), then RACE=1.
      white (22/37=4), then RACE=2.
      some other race (22/37=1, 2, or 5), then RACE=3.

 If the respondent does not report her race, 22/31-35=7, 8, or 9,
 then use race by interviewer observation (22/18).
 VAR557 "Age at Beginning of First Cohabitation" (COHAGEB)

 VAR557 "Age at the beginning of first cohabitation" (COHAGEB)

 If COHAB1 = 9999, then COHAGEB = 9999.

 If COHAB1 = blank, then COHAGEB = blank.

 Otherwise, COHAGEB = (COHAB1 minus the respondent's date of birth
 (03/38-43)) divided by 12.  Keep 2 decimal places.
 VAR558 "Age at the End of First Cohabitation" (COHAGEE)

 VAR558 "Age at the end of first cohabitation" (COHAGEE)

 If COHAB1 = 99999 or COHABINT = 999, then COHAGEE = 9999.

 If COHAB1 = blank, then COHAGEE = blank.

 Otherwise, COHAGEE = (COHAB1 plus COHABINT minus the respondent's
 date of birth (03/38-43)) divided by 12.  Keep 2 decimal places.
4VAR907 "Age at First Interview in 100ths of Year" (AGE100)

 VAR907 "Age at first interview in 100ths of year" (AGE100)

 AGE100 = (date of interview (03/25-30) minus respondent's date of
 birth (03/38-43)) divided by 12.  Keep 2 demical places.
 VAR967 "Age at 1st Intercourse in 100ths of Year" (SEX1HUND)

 VAR967 "Age at first intercourse (after first menstrual period)
 in 100ths of year" (SEX1HUND)

 If DATESEX1 = 9999, then SEX1HUND = 9999.

 If DATESEX1 is not blank not 9595, then SEXHUND = (DATESEX1
 minus respondent's date of birth (03/38-43)) divided by 12.  Keep
 2 decinal places.
 VAR329 "Currently Pregnant"

 VAR329 "Currently pregnant"

 No recode needed.  Transfer from 05/91.
 VAR460 "Age at Most Recent Live Birth in 100ths of Year" (NEWKID

 VAR460 "Age at most recent live birth in 100ths of year"

 Find the most recent live birth by identifying and counting up
 each live birth (06/16-17 = 01, 05, 07).  Most recent live birth
 is when the count of live births equals COUNT07 (05/87-88).

 NEWKID = (date of that birth (06/23-28) minus the respondent's
 date of birth (03/38-43)) divided by 12.  Keep 2 decimal places.
 VAR156 "Ever Used Method Requiring Medical Intervention"(MEDMTHD

 VAR156 "Ever used a method requiring medical intervention"

 Check the following:

  (VAR120)   (VAR134)  (VAR130)   (VAR136)
      2         2         2         2          00
      2         2         2         1          01
      2         2         1         2          02
      2         2         1         1          03
      2         1         2         2          04
      2         1         2         1          05
      2         1         1         2          06
      2         1         1         1          07
      1         2         2         2          08
      1         2         2         1          09
      1         2         1         2          10
      1         2         1         1          11
      1         1         2         2          12
      1         1         2         1          13
      1         1         1         2          14
      1         1         1         1          15
 VAR559 "Ever Cohabited" (COHEVER)

 VAR559 "Ever cohabited" (COHEVER)

 If COHAB1 = blank, COHEVER = 2.

 If COHAB1 = 99999 AND ((FMARITAL = 7, 8, or 9) OR (F16 = 7, 8, or
 9) OR (F20M1 = 7, 8, or 9) OR (F30 = 7, 8, or 9)) COHEVER = 9.

 Otherwise, COHEVER = 1.
 VAR299 "Ever Had Infertility Services" (INFEVER)

 VAR299 "Ever had infertility services" (INFEVER)

 If IFFSRC = 99 AND ((17/56 = 7, 8, or 9) OR (18/18 = 2 AND 18/19
 = 7, 8, or 9) OR (18/18 = 7, 8, or 9 AND 18/19 = 7, 8, or 9)),
 then  INFEVER = 9.

 Else if INFSRC is not equal to blank, INFEVER = 1.

 Otherwise, INFEVER = 2.
 VAR925 "Geographic Region" (REGION)

 VAR925 "Geographic region" (REGION)

 If the respondent lives in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
 Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
 or Pennsylvania, then she lives in the Northeast, code 1.

 If the respondent lives in Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia,
 West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
 Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana,
 Oklahoma, or Texas, then she lives in the South, code 2.

 If the respondent lives in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan,
 Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota,
 Nebraska, or Kansas, then she lives in the Midwest, code 3.

 If the respondent lives, in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New
 Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California,
 Alaska, or Hawaii, then, she lives in the West, code 4.
 VAR519 "Intercourse in the Last 3 Months" (SEXLMO)

 VAR519 "Intercourse in the last 3 months" (SEXLMO)

 If R has never had intercourse (17/56=2), then SEXL3MO = Blank.

 If R has never been pregnant and has not had intercourse for the
 second time (11/18-21=9595), then

           if interview date (R-7) minus date of first intercourse
           (VAR540) LE 3, then she has had intercourse in the last
           3 months, so SEXL3MO=1.

           if interview date (R-7) minus date of first intercourse
           (VAR540) GT 3, then she has not had intercourse in the
           last 3 months, so SEXL3MO=2.

 If R is currently pregnant (05/91=1), and R had periods of
 nonintercourse during the interval for the last pregnancy
 (10/19=1 AND 06/80=1), then the dates of nonintercourse are in

 If R is not currently pregnant (05/91=2):

           if R has never been pregnant (05/92=2), and R has had
           periods of nonintercourse (11/18-21 NE 9595 or 9696),
           then dates of nonintercourse are in 11/19-41.

           if R has been pregnant (05/92=1), and R has had periods
           of nonintercourse since the last pregnancy (11/42=1),
           then dates of nonintercourse are in 11/43-66.

 If R has had no periods of nonintercourse (10/19=2 if currently
 pregnant; 11/18-21=9696 if never pregnant; or 11/42=2 if ever
 pregnant), then she has had intercourse in the last 3 months, so

 If the ending date of the period of nonintercourse (10/24-27 or
 32-35 or 40-43; OR 11/22-25 or 30-33 or 38-41; or 11/47-50 or 55-
 58 or 63-66) equals the date of interview (R-7), then:

           if the ending date minus the beginning date = 0 to 3
           months, then R has had intercourse in the last 3
           months, so SEXL3MO=1.

           if the ending date minus the beginning date is greater
           than 3 months, then R has not had intercourse in the
           last 3 months, so SEL3MO=2.

 If the ending date of the last period of nonintercourse (see
 locations in step 6) is NOT equal to the date of interview (R-7,
 TL 2149-2153), then R has had intercourse in the last 3 months,
 and SEXL3MO=1.

 Interval file recode specifications

  Interval File Recode Specification

 VAR341 "Duration of Pregnancy in Months" (PRGLNGTH)

 VAR341 "Duration of pregnancy in months"  (PRGLNGTH)

 If 06/29-30 is coded 01-43, divide by 4.3 and keep one decimal
 place.  If 06/29-30 is coded 97,98, or 99, and:

      If 06/31 eq 1, code=2.0
      If 06/31 eq 2, code=4.0
      If 06/31 eq 3, and 06/16-17  eq 03,  code=7.0
      If 06/31 eq 3, and 06/16-17  eq 04,  code=8.0
      If 06/31 eq 3, and 06/16-17  eq 01,  code=9.0
      If 06/31 eq 3, and 06/16-17  eq 05,  code=7.0
      If 06/31 eq 3, and 06/16-17  eq 07,  code=7.0

 If respondent was currently pregnant at the time of the interview
 (06/29-30 ne 01-43, 97,98, or 99; ie., 06/29-30 coded blank),
 PRGLNGTH interview date (03/25-30) minus date of conception
 VAR991 "Age at Pregnancy Outcome" (AGEPREG)

 VAR991 "Age at pregnancy outcome" (AGEPREG)

 AGEPREG is computed as the date the pregnancy ended (06/23-28),
 minus the respondent's date of birth (03/38-43), divided by 12.
 Keep 2 decimal places.

 NOTE: If an analyst wants to use age in completed years as an
 independent variable, he/she can use the first two columns of
 this variable to do so.  The 2 places after the decimal point can
 be used for computing mean ages.

 If the date is 9797,9898, or 9999, AGEPREG is not ascertained,
 VAR426 "Wantedness of Pregnancy - Respondent" (WANTWIFE)

 VAR426 "Wantedness of pregnancy - Respondent"  (WANTWIFE)

 Note: this recode is based on questions C-21, 22, and 23.

 If the respondent became pregnant later than she wanted to get
 pregnant (10/97=2), then the pregnancy was overdue, so

 If the respondent became pregnant at about the right time (10/97
 3), then the pregnancy occurred at the right time, so

 If the respondent wanted the pregnancy eventually, but became
 pregnant sooner than she wanted to become pregnant (10/97=1),
 then the pregnancy was mistimed, so WANTWIFE=3.

 If the respondent wanted the pregnancy and didn't care when it
 occurred (10/97=4), then the respondent was indifferent, so

 If the respondent did not want to have that pregnancy ever
 (10/95=2 or 10/96=2), then the pregnancy was unwanted, so

 If the respondent didn't know or didn't remember and probably
 didn't care about whether she wanted the pregnancy (10/96=3 or
 8), then wantedness is undetermined, so WANTWIFE=6.

 Missing data, code WANTWIFE = 9 and impute.

 NOTE: Variables 428-452 are respondent file recodes that
       are based on VAR426.
 4VAR427 "Wantedness of Pregnancy - Partner" (WANTMAN)

 VAR427 "Wantedness of pregnancy--partner" (WANTMAN)

 If R became pregnant later than her partner wanted her to become
 pregnant (10/99=2), then he thought that the pregnancy was
 overdeu, so WANTMAN=1

 If R became pregnant at about the time her partner wanted her to
 become pregnant (10/99=3), then he thought that the pregnancy was
 on time, so WANTMAN=2.

 If R became pregnant sooner than her partner wanted her to become
 pregnant (10/99=1), then he thought the pregnant was mistimed,

 If her partner wanted the pregnancy and didn't care about its
 timing (10/99=4), then he was indifferent, so WANTMAN=4.

 If her partner did not want the pregnancy (10/98=2), then it was
 unwanted, so WANTMAN=5

 If she didn't know or didn't remember whether her partner wanted
 the pregnancy (10/98=8), then its wantedness was undetermined, so

 Missing data, code WANTMAN and impute.
 VAR994 "Pregnancy Outcome" (OUTCOME)

 VAR994 "Pregnancy outcome" (OUTCOME)

 This recode assigns a single outcome code to each pregnancy, even
 if the pregnancy had multiple outcomes.

 If the pregnancy outcomes included a live birth (06/16-17 coded
 01,05,07), it is a live birth, so OUTCOME=1.

 If the pregnancy outcomes included an induced abortion but no
 live births (06/16-17 coded 02 or 06/19 coded 2),it is an induced
 abortion, so OUTCOME=2.

 If the pregnancy outcomes included a miscarriage but no live
 births or induced abortions (06/16-17 coded 03 or 10 or 06/19
 coded 3), then the pregnancy was a miscarriage, so OUTCOME=3.

 If the pregnancy outcome included only stillbirths (06/16-17
 coded 04 or 06/19 coded 4), then the pregnancy was a stillbirth,
 so OUTCOME=4.

 If the pregnancy is a current pregnancy, OUTCOME=5.

 Missing data: 06/16-17 coded 97,98,or 99, impute.
 VAR992 "Year Pregnancy Ended" (YRPREG)

 VAR992 "Year pregnancy ended"  (YRPREG)

 Current pregnancies should be coded blank.

 This will be a 2 digit code.  Assign century month codes to years
 in the following way:

 Century Month Codes             Year             Code Value

 9810,9822,983           Before 1970                =60
 0841-0852,9846                 1970                =70
 0853-0864,9858                 1971                =71
 0865-0876,9870                 1972                =72
 0877-0888,9882                 1973                =73
 0889-0900,9894                 1974                =74
 0901-0912,9906                 1975                =75
 0913-0924,9918                 1976                =76
 0925-0936,9930                 1977                =77
 0937-0948,9942                 1978                =78
 0949-0960,9954                 1979                =79
 0961-0972,9966                 1980                =80
 0973-0984,9978                 1981                =81
 0985-0996,9990                 1982                =82
 0997-1008,9002                 1983                =83
 1009-1020,9014                 1984                =84
 1021-1032,9026                 1985                =85
 1033-1044,9038                 1986                =86
 1045-1056,9050                 1987                =87
 1057-1068,9062                 1988                =88
 9797,9898,9999          Year not ascertained       =99, impute
 VAR621 "Formal Marital Status at Pregnancy Outcome" (FMAROUT)

 VAR621 "Formal marital status at pregnancy outcome" (FMAROUT)

 If R has never formally died (VAR976 blank), then she was
 never formally married at this pregnancy outcome, code 1.

 If R has ever formally married (VAR976 blank), if the
      date the pregnancy ended (06/23-28) is the date
      of first formal marriage (VAR976), she was never
      married at this pregnancy, code 1.

      if the date the pregnancy ended (06/23-28) is GE the
      date of first formal marriage (VAR976), she was ever
      married at this pregnancy outcome, code 2.

 If the pregnancy is a current pregnancy, code blank.
 VAR614 "Living Arrangements of First or Only Baby" (LIVBABY1)

 VAR614 "Living arrangements of first or only baby" (LIVBABY1)

 For each pregnancy not ending in a live birth (06/16-17 NE
 01,05,07), code inapplicable=BLANK.

 For each pregnancy ending in a live birth (06/16-17 EQ 01,05,07),
 code LIVBABY1 for the first or only baby in the pregnancy using
 the specifications for VAR613 (LIVCHILD).
 VAR615 "Living Arrangements of Second Baby" (LIVBABY2)

 VAR615 "Living arrangements of second baby" (LIVBABY2)

 Repeat procedures for VAR614 to code living arrangements of the
 second baby in pregnancy.  If no second baby, code blank.
 VAR616 "Living Arrangements of Third Baby" (LIVBABY3)

 VAR616 "Living arrangements of third baby" (LIVBABY3)

 Repeat procedures for VAR614 to code living arrangements of
 the third baby in pregnancy.  If no third baby, code blank.
 VAR375, VAR376, VAR377 "Low Birthweight" (LOW1, LOW2, LOW3)

 VAR375, VAR376, VAR377 "Low birthweight" (LOW1, LOW2, LOW3)

 If this pregnancy is not a live birth (04/87-88 00), code

 If baby's weight at birth was less than 5 lbs., 9 ozs., (from
 07/19-20 and 07/21-22) low birthweight (LOWEIGHT)=1.  If baby's
 weight at birth was 5 lbs., 9 ozs., or more, LOWEIGHT=0.

 If 07/19-20=97,98, or 99, and if 07/23 eq 1, code=0 (baby weighed
 more than 5 1/2 pounds).

 If 07/19-20=97, 98, or 99, and if 07/23 eq 2, code=1 (baby weighed
 less than 5 1/2 pounds).
 VAR372 "Number of Weeks Pregnant at Pregnant Test" (PREGTEST)

 VAR372 "Number of weeks pregnant at pregnant test" (PREGTEST)

 If the respondent's pregnancy did not end January 1984 or later,
 or did not end in a live birth (ie., if 06/32 ne 2), code=blank.
 If a pregnancy test was not obtained (ie., 06/33 coded 2),
 code=95.  Otherwise, use 06/34-35 codes 01-30.
 VAR373 "Number of Weeks Pregnant at 1st Prenatal Care" (PNCAREWK

 VAR373 "Number of weeks pregnant at first prenatal care"

 If the respondent's pregnancy did not end January 1984 or later,
 or did not end in a live birth (ie., if 06/32 ne 2), code=blank.
 If respondent reported no prenatal care in 06/38 (code 2), or if
 06/36-37 eq 96, code 95, no prenatal care.

 If 06/36-37 eq 00-30, compute by adding PREGTEST plus (06/36-37).

 Otherwise, use 06/39-40, codes 01-43.
 VAR374 "Number of Visits for Prenatal Care" (PNCARENO)

 VAR374 "Number of visits for prenatal care" (PNCARENO)

 If the respondent's pregnancy did not end January 1984 or later,
 or did not end in a live birth (ie., if 06/32 ne 2), code=blank.
 If respondent reported no prenatal care in 06/38 (code 2), or if
 06/36-37 eq 96, code=00, no prenatal care.

 Otherwise, use 06/41-42, coded 01-40.
 VAR911 "Race" (RACE)

 VAR911 "Race" (RACE)

 If the respondent reports only one race (22/36 coded 2) and
 reports that:

      she is black (22/33=3), then RACE=1.
      she is white (22/34=4), then RACE=2.
      she is some other race (22/31=1 or 22/32=2 or 22/35=5), then

 If the respondent reports more than one race (22/36 coded 1), and
 in 22/37 reports that the race that best describes her is:

      black (22/37=3), then RACE=1.
      white (22/37=4), then RACE=2.
      sane other race (22/37=1, 2, or 5), then RACE=3.

 If the respondent does not report her race, 22/31-35=7, 8, or 9,
 then use race by interviewer observation (22/18).

 Appendix 2 - Country Codes

                         COUNTRY CODES

 110  =    Afganistan                  487 =       Jamaica
 120  =    Albania                     490 =       Japan
 125  =    Algeria                     500 =       Jordan
 150  =    Argentina                   505 =       Kenya
 165  =    Austria                     515 =       Korea
 160  =    Australia                   540 =       Lebanon
 180  =    Bahamas                     545 =       Liberia
 182  =    Eangladesh                  550 =       Libya
 184  =    Barbados                    570 =       Luxembourg
 190  =    Belgium                     585 =       Mali
 195  =    Bermuda                     590 =       Malta
 205  =    Bolivia                     595 =       Mexico
 220  =    Brazil                      608 =       Mongolia
 245  =    Bulgaria                    580 =       Malaysia
 250  =    Burma                       607 =       Monaco
 255  =    Cambodia                    610 =       Morocco
 260  =    Canada                      630 =       Netherlands
 275  =    Chile                       665 =       Nicaragua
 230  =    China                       670 =       Nigeria
 281  =    Taiwan                      685 =       Norway
 285  =    Colombia                    660 =       New Zealand
 290  =    Congo                       700 =       Pakistan
 295  =    Costa Rica                  710 =       Panama
 300  =    Cuba                        715 =       Paraguay
 310  =    Czechoslovakia              720 =       Peru
 315  =    Denmark                     725 =       Philippines
 320  =    Dominican Republic          730 =       Poland
 325  =    Ecuador                     735 =       Portugal
 922  =    Egypt                       755 =       Rumania
 330  =    El Salvador                 825 =       Russia
 335  =    Ethiopia                    830 =       Spain
 340  =    Finland                     272 =       Sri Lanka
 350  =    France                      835 =       Sudan
 388  =    Gabon                       850 =       Sweden
 394  =    Germany                     855 =       Switzerland
 396  =    Ghana                       858 =       Syria
 400  =    Greece                      801 =       South Africa
 415  =    Guatemala                   785 =       Saudi Arabia
 417  =    Guinea                      865 =       Tanzania
 418  =    Guyana                      875 =       Thailand
 430  =    Honduras                    887 =       Trinidad/Tobago
 435  =    Hong Kong                   890 =       Tunisia
 420  =    Haiti                       905 =       Turkey
 445  =    Hungary                     926 =       U.S.A.
 450  =    Iceland                     930 =       Uruguay
 455  =    India                       940 =       Venezuela
 458  =    Indonesia                   945 =       Viet Nam
 470  =    Ireland                     970 =       Yugoslavia
 460  =    Iran                        291 =       Zaire
 465  =    Iraq                        990 =       Zambia
 475  =    Israel                      925 =       United Kingdom
 485  =    Ivory Coast                 995 =       Other
 480  =    Italy

 Appendix 3 - Occupation Codes

 General Information

 Equivalent numeric codes follow the alphabetic code. Either code may be used,
 depending on the processing method. Numbers in parenthesis following the
 occupation categories are the 1977 Standard Occupational Classification code
 equivalents. The abbreviation "pt"  means "part" and "n.e.c." means "not
 elsewhere classified."

 Managerial and Professional Specialty Occupations

 pation     Occupation category


            Executive, Administrative, add Managerial

  003       Legislators (112)
  004       Chief executives and general administrators, public
             administration (111)
  005       Administrators and officials, public administration
             (pt 113 and 119, except 1136)
  006       Administrators, protective services (pt 113)
  007       Financial managers (122)
  008       Personnel and labor relations managers (123)
  009       Purchasing managers (124)
  013       Managers, marketing, advertising, and public relations
  014       Administrators, education and related fields (128)
  015       Managers, medicine and health (131)
  016       Managers, properties and real estate (1353)
  017       Postmasters and mail superintendents (1344)
  018       Funeral directors (pt 1359)
  019       Managers and administrators, n.e.c, (1136, 121, 126,
             127, 132-135, except 1344, 1353, pt 1359)
            Management related occupations
  023         Accountants and auditors (1412)
  024         Underwriters (pt 1419)
  025         Other financial officers (pt 1419)
  026         Management analysts (142)
  027         Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists
  028         Purchasing agents and buyers, farm products (pt 144)
  029         Buyers, wholesale arid retail trade, except farm
              products (432)
  033         Purchasing agents and buyers, n.e.c. (pt 144)
  034         Business and promotion agents (145)
  035         Construction inspectors (1171,618)
  036         Inspectors and compliance officers, exc. construc-
               tion (1172, 147)
  037         Management related occupations, n.e.c. (149)

            Professional Specialty Occupations

  043       Architects (15)
            Engineers, surveyors and mapping scientists
  044         Aerospace engineers (1622)
  045         Metallurgical and materials engineers (1623)
  046         Mining engineers (1624)
  047         Petroleum engineers (1625)
  048         Chemical engineers (1626)
  049         Nuclear engineers (1627)
  053         Civil engineers (1628)
  054         Agricultural engineers (1632)
  055         Electrical and electronic engineers (1633, 1636)
  056         Industrial engineers (1634)
  057         Mechanical engineers (1635)
  058         Marine engineers and naval architects (1637)
  059         Engineers, n.e.c. (1639)
  063         Surveyors and mapping scientists (1642)
            Mathematical and computer scientists
  064         Computer systems analysts and scientists (171)
  065         Operations and systems researchers and analysts
  066         Actuaries (1732)
  067         Statisticians (1733)
  068         Mathematical scientists, n.e.c. (1739)
            Natural scientists
  069         Physicists and astronomers (1842,1843)
  073         Chemists, except bicchemists (1845)
  074         Atmospheric and space scientists (1846)
  075         Geologists and geodesists (1847)
  076         Physical scientists, n.e.c. (1849)
  077         Agricultural and food scientists (1853)
  078         Biological and life scientists (1854, 1859)
  079         Forestry and conservation scientists (1852)
  083         Medical scientists (1855)
            Health diagnosing occupations
  084         Physicians (261)
  085         Dentists (26,)
  086         Veterinarians (27)
  087         Optometrists (281)
  088         Podiatrists (283)
  089         Health diagnosing practitioners, n.e.c., (289)
            Health assessment and treating occupations
  095         Registered nurses (29)
  096         Pharmacists (301)
  097         Dietitians (302)
  098           Inhalation therapists (pt 303)
  099           Occupational therapists (pt 303)
  103           Physical therapists (pt 303)
  104           Speech therapists (pt 303)
  105           Therapists, n.e.c. (pt 303)
  106         Physicians' assistants (304)
            Teachers, postsecondary
  113         Earth, environmental, and marine science teachers (2212)
  114         Biological science teachers (2213)
  115         Chemistry teachers (2214)
  116         Physics teachers (2215)
  117         Natural science teachers, n.e.c. (2216)
  118         Psychology teachers (2217)
  119         Economics teachers (2218)
  123         History teachers (2222)
  124         Politica1 science teachers (2223)
  125         Sociology teachers (2~24)
  126         Social science teachers n.e.c. (2225)
  127         Engineering teachers (2226)
  128         Mathematical science teachers (2227)
  129         Computer science teachers (2228)
  133         Medical science teachers (pt 2232)
  134         Health specialties teachers (pt 2232)
  135         Business, commerce, and marketing teachers (2233)
  136         Agriculture and forestry teachers (2234)
  137         Art, drama, and music teachers (2235)
  138         Physical education teachers (2236)
  139         Education teachers (2237)
  143         English teachers (2238)
  144         Foreign language teachers (2242)
  145         Law teachers (2243)
  146         Social work teachers (2244)
  147         Theology teachers (2245)
  148         Trade and industrial teachers (2240)
  149         Home economics teachers (pt 2249)
  153         Teachers, postsecondary, n.e.c. (pt 2249)
  154         Postsecondary teachers, subject not specified

            Teachers, except postsecondary
  155         Teachers, prekindergarten and kindergarten (231)
  N(156)      Teachers, elementary school (232)
  P(157)      Teachers, secondary schcol (233)
  158         Teachers, special education (235)
  159         Teachers, n.e.c. (234, 239)
  163       Counselors, education and vocational (24)

            Librarians, archivists, and curators
  164         Librarians (251)
  165         Archivists and curators (252)

            Social scientists and urban planners
  166         Economists (1912)
  167         Psycologists (1915)
  168         Sociologists (1916)
  169         Social scientists, n.e.c. (1913, 1914, 1919)
  173         Urban planners (192)

           Social, recreation, and religious workers
 174         Social workers (2032)
 175         Recreation workers (2033)
 176         Clergy (2042)
 177         Religious workers, n.e.c (2049)
           Lawyers and judges
 178         Lawyers (211)
 179         Judges (212)
           Writers, artists, entertainers, and athletes
 183         Authors (pt 321)
 184         Technical writers (pt 321)
 185         Designers (322)
 186         Musicians and composers (323)
 187         Actors and directors (324)
 188         Painters, sculptors, craft-artists, and artist
              printmakers (325, pt 7263)
 189         Photographers (326)
 193         Dancers (327)
 194         Artists, performers, and related workers, n.e.c. (328,
 195         Editors and reporters (331)
 197         Public relations specialists (332)
 198         Announcers (333)
 199         Athletes (34)

 Technical, Sales, and Administrative Support Occupations

 pation     Occupation category

           Technicians and Related Support Occupations
           Health technologists and technicians

 203         Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians
 204         Dental hygienists (363)
 205         Health record technologists and technicians (364)
 206         Radiologic technicians (365)
 207         Licensed practical nurses (366)
 208         Health technologists and technicians, n.e.c. (369)
           Technologists and technicians, except health
             Engineering and related technologists and
 213          Electrical and electronic technicians (3711)
 214          Industrial engineering technicians (3712)
 215          Mechanical enginteering technicians (3713)
 216          Engineering technicians, n.e.c. (3719)
 217          Drafting occupations (3721)
 218          Surveying and mapping technicians (3722)
             Science technicians
 223           Biological technicians (382)
 224           Chemical technicians (3831)
 225           Science technicians, n.e.c. (3832,3833, 384, 389)

           Technicians, except health, engineering, and science
 226           Airplane pilot, and navigators (645)
 227           Air traffic controllers (391)
 228           Broadcast equipment operators (392)
 229           Computer programmers (3931,3932)
 233           Tool programmers, numerical control (3934)
 234           Legal assistant (396)
 235           Technicians, n.e.c. (399)

           Sales Occupations
 243       Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations (40, pt 4518)
           Sales occupations, business goods and services
 253         Insurance sales occupations (4222)
 254         Real estate sales occupations (4223)
 255         Securities and financial services sales occupations
 256         Advertising and related sales occupations (4253)
 257         Sales occupations, other business services (4252)
 258       Sales engineers (pt 16)
 259       Sales representatives, mining, manufacturing, and
            wholesale (412, 413)
           Sales occupations, personal goods and services
 263         Sales workers, motor vehicles and boats (4142,4144)
 264         Sales workers, apparel (pt 4146)
 265         Sales workers, shoes (pt 4146)
 266         Sales workers, furniture and home furnishings (4148)
 267         Sales workers; radio, television, hi-fi, and
             appliances (4143,4152)
 268         Sales workers, hardware and building supplies (4153)
 269         Sales workers, parts (4167)
 274         Sale workers, other commodities (4145, 4147,
             4154, 41511, 4159,pt 4162, 4169, 4259, 4665)
 275         Sales counter clerks (pt 4162)
 Q(276)      Cashiers (4663)
 277         Street and door to door sales workers (4163)
 278         News vendors (4165)
           Sales related occupations
 283         Demonstrators, promoters and models, sales (435)
 284         Auctioneers (pt 435)
 285         Sales support occupations, n.e.c. (434, 436, pt 439)

           Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical

           Supervisors, administrative support occupations
 303         Supervisors, general office (4511-4514,4516, pt
 304         Supervisors, computer equipment operators (4535)
 305         Supervisors, financial records processing (4521,
 306         Chief communications operators (4515)
 307         Supervisors,- distribution, scheduling, and adjusting
              clerks (45224528)

             Computer equipment operators
 308           Computer operators (48521
 309           Peripheral equipment operators (4853)
             Secretaries, stenographers, and typists
 R (313)       Secretaries (4612)
 314           Stenographers (4613)
 315           Typists (4622)
             Information clerks
 316           Interviewers (4642)
 317           Hotel clerks (4643)
 318           Transportation ticket and reservation agents (4644)
 319           Receptionists (4645)
 323           Information clerks, n.e.c. (4649)
             Records processing occupations, except financial
 325           Classified-ad clerks (4662)
 326           Correspondence clerks (4663)
 327           Order clerks (4664)
 328           Personnel clerks, except payroll and timekeeping
 329           Library clerks (4694)
 335           File clerks (4696)
 336           Records clerks (4693,4699)
             Financial records processing occupations
 5(337)        Bookkeepers, accounting, and auditing clerks (4712)
 338           Payroll and timekeeping cierks (4713)
 339           Billing clerks (4715)
 343           Cost and rate clerks (4716)
 344           Billing, posting, and calculating machine operators
             Duplicating, mail and other office machine operators
 345           Duplicating machine operators (4872)
 346           Mail preparing and paper handling machine operators
 347           Office machine operators, n.e.c. (4879)
             Communications equipment operators
 348           Telephone operators (4652)
 349           Telegraphers (4623)
 353           Communications equipment operators, n.e.c. (4659)
             Mail and message distributing occupations
 354           Postal clerks, exc. mail carriers (4723)
 355           Mail carriers, postal service (4733)
 356           Mail clerks, exc. postal service (4722)
 357           Messengers (4732)
             Material recording, scheduling, and distributing
             clerks, n.e.c.
 359           Dispatchers (4741)
 363           Production coordinators (4742)
 364         Traffic, shipping, and receiving clerks (4743)
 365         Stock and inventory clerks (4744)
 366         Meter readers (4745)
 368         Weighers, measurers, and checkers (4746)
 369         Samplers (4747)
 373         Expediters (4748)
 374         Material recording, scheduling, and distributing
              clerks, n.e.c. (4749)
           Adjusters and investigators
 375         Insurance adjusters, examiners, and investigators
 376         Investigators and adjusters, except insurance (4783)
 377         Eligibility clerks, social welfare (4784)
 378         Bill and account collectors (4786)
           Miscellaneous administrative support occupations
 379         General office clerks (4632)
 383         Bank tellers (4882)
 384         Proofreaders (4792)
 385         Data-entry keyers (4624)
 386         Statistical clerks (4717)
 387         Teachers' aids (4695)
 389         Administrative support occupations, n.e.c. (4787,

 Service Occupations

 pation    Occupation category

           Private Household Occupations

 403       Launderers and ironers (533)
 404       Cooks, private household (534)
 405       Housekeepers and butlers (535)
 406       Child care workers, private household (536)
 T(407)    Private household cleaners and servants (532,537,539)

           Protective Service Occupations

           Supervisors, protective service occupations
 413         Supervisors, firefighting and fire prevention occupa-
              tons (5011)
 414         Supervisors, police and detectives (5012)
 415         Supervisors, guards (5013)
           Firefighting and fire prevention occupations
 416         Fire inspection and fire prevention occupations
 417         Firefighting occupations (5113)
           Police and detectives
 418         Police and detectives, public service (5122)
 423         Sheriffs, bailiffs, and other law enforcement officers
 424         Correctional institution officers (5133)

 425         Crossing guards (5132)
 428         Guards and police, exc. public service (5134)
 427         Protective service occupations, n.e.c. (5139)

           Service Occupations, Except Protective and Private

           Food preparation and service occupations
 433         Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations
 434         Bartenders (5212)
 U(435)      Waiters and waitresses (5213)
 436         Cooks, exept short order (5214)
 437         Short-order cooks (5215)
 438         Food counter, fountain and related occupations
 439         Kitchen workers, food preparation (5217)
 443         Waiters'/waitresses' assistants (5218)
 444         Miscellaneous food preparation occupations (5219)
           Health service occupation
 445         Dental assistants (5232)
 448         Health aides, except nursing (5233)
 447         Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants (5236)
           Cleaning and building service occupations, except
           private household
 448         Supervisors, cleaning and building service workers
 449         Maids and housemen (5242,5249)
 V(453)      Janitors and cleaners (5244)
 454         Elevator operators (5245)
 455         Pest control occupations (5246)
           Personal service occupations
 456        Supervisors, personal service occupations (5025)
 457        Barbers (5251)
 458        Hairdressers and co'smetol~isIs (5252)
 459        Attendants, amusement and recreation facilities
 463        Guides (5254)
 464        Ushers (5255)
 465        Public transportation attendants (5258)
 468        Baggage porters and bellhops (5258)
 467        Welfare service aides (5262)
 468        Child care workers, except private household (5263)
 469        Personal service occupations, n.e.c. (5257,5269)

 Farming, Forestry, and Fishing Occupations

 pation     Occupation category

           Farm operators and managers

 W(473)      Farmers, except horticultural (5512-5514)
 474         Horticultural specialty farmers (5515)
 475         Managers, farms, except horticultural (5522-5524)
 476         Managers, horticultural specialty farms (5525)

           Other agricultural and related occupations
             Farm occupations, except managerial

 477           Supervisors, farm workers (5611)
 479           Farm workers (5612-5617)
 483           Marine life cultivation workers (5618)
 484           Nursery workers (5619)
             Related agricultural occupations
 485           Supervisors, related agricultural occupations
 486           Groundskeepers and gardeners, except farm (5622)
 487           Animal caretakers, except farm (5624)
 488           Graders and sorters, agricultural products (5625)
 489           Inspectors, agricultural products (5627)
           Forestry and longing occupations
 494         Supervisors, forestry and logging workers (571)
 495         Forestry workers, except logging (572)
 496         Timber cutting and logging occupations (573,579)
           Fishers, hunters, and trappers
 497         Captains and other officers, fishing vessels (582)
 498         Fishers (583)
 499         Hunters and trappers (584)

 Precision Production, Craft, and Repair Occupations

 pation     Occupation category


           Mechanics and repairers

 503         Supervisors, mechanics and repairers (66)
             Mechanics and repairers, except supervisors
               Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics and
 X(505)          Automobile mechanics (6711)
 506               Automobile mechanic apprentices (pt 6711)
 507             Bus, truck, and stationary engine mechanics
 508            Aircraft engine mechanics (6713)
 509            Small engine repairers (6714)
 514            Automobile body and related repairers  (6715)
 515            Aircraft mechanics, exc. engine (6716)
 516            Heavy equipment mechanics (6717)
 517            Farm equipment mechanics (6718)
 518          Industrial machinery repairers (673)
 519          Machinery maintenance occupations (674)
              Electrical and electronic equipment repairers
 523            Electronic repairers, communications and
                 industrial equipment (6751,6753,6755)
 525            Data processing equipment repairers (6754)
 526            Household appliance and power tool repairers
 527            Telephone line installers and repairers (8757)
 529            Telephone installers and repairers (6758)
 533            Miscellaneous electrical and electronic equip-
                 ment repairers (6752,6759)
 534          Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration
               mechanics (676)
               Miscellaneous mechanics and repairers
 535             Camera, watch, and musical instrument repairers
 536             Locksmiths and safe repairers (6773)
 538             Office machine repairers (6774)
 539             Mechanical controls and valve repairers (6775)
 543             Elevator installers and repairers (6776)
 547             Specified mechanics and repairers, n.e.c. (6777,
 549             Not specified mechanics and repairers
           Construction trades
             Supervisors, construction occupations
 553           Supervisors; brickmasons, stonemasons, and tile
                setters (5012)
 554           Supervisors, carpenters and related workers (6013)
 555           Supervisors, electricians and power transmission
                installers (6014)
 556           Supervisors; painters, paperhangers, and plasterers
 557           Supervisors; plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters
 558           Supervisors, n.e.c. (6011,6018)
             Construction trades, except supervisors
 563           Brickmasons and stonemasons (6112,6113)
 564             Brickmason and stonemason apprentices (pt
 565             Tile setters, hard and soft (6114, pt 6162)
 566             Carpet installers (pt 6162)
 Y(567)          Carpenters (6122)
 569               Carpenter apprentices (pt 6122)
 573             Drywall installers (6124)
 575             Electricians (6132)
 576               Electrician apprentices (pt 6132)
 577             Electrical power installers and repairers (6133)
 579             Painters, construction and maintenance (6142)
 583             Paperhangers (6143)
 584             Plasterers (6144)
 585             Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters (6150)
 587               Plumber, pipefitter, and steamfitter apprentices
                    (pt 6150)
 588             Concrete and terrazzo finishers (6163)
 589             Glaziers (6164)
 593             Insulation workers (6165)
 594             Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment
                  operators (6166)
 595             Roofers (6168)
 596             Sheetmetal duct installers (6172)
 597             Structural metal workers (6173)
 598             Drillers, earth (6174)
 599         Construction trades, n.e.c. (6167,6175,6176,
             Extractive occupations
 613         Supervisors, extractive occupations (602)
 614         Drillers, oil well (622)
 615         Explosives workers (623)
 616         Mining machine operators (624)
 617         Mining occupations, n.e.c. (626)
           Precision production occupations
 633         Supervisors, production occupations (pt 711,712)
             Precision metal working occupations
 634           Tool and die makers (7211)
 635             Tool and die maker apprentices (pt 7211)
 636           Precision assemblers, metal (7212)
 637           Machinists (7213)
 639             Machinist apprentices (pt 7213)
 643           Boilermakers (7214)
 644           Precision grinders, fitters, and tool snarpeners
 645           Patternmakers and model makers, metal (7217)
 646           Lay-out workers (7221)
 647           Precious stones and metals, workers (jewelers)
 649           Engravers metal (7223)
 653           Sheet metal workers (7224)
 654             Sheet metal worker apprentices (pt 7224)
 655           Miscellaneous precision metal workers (7229)
             Precision, woodworking occupations
 656           Patternmakers and model makers, wood (7231)
 657           Cabinet makers and bench carpenters (7232)
 658           Furniture and wood finishers (pt 7214, pt 7756)
 659           Miscellaneous precision wookworkers (pt 7234,
             Precision textile, apparel, and furnishings machine
 666           Dressmakers (7251, pt 7752)
 667           Tailors (7252)
 668           Upholsterers (7253)
 669           Shoe repairers (7254)
 673           Apparel and fabric patternmakers (pt 7259)
 674           Miscellaneous precision apparel and fabric
                (pt 7259, pt 7752)
             Precision workers, assorted materials
 675           Hand molders and shapers, except jewelers (7261)
 676           Patternmakers, lay-out workers, and cutters (7262)
 677           Optical goods workers (7264, pt 7677)
 678           Dental laboratory and medical appliance tech-
 679           Bookbinders (pt 7249, pt 7449)
 683           Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
 654            Miscellaneous precision workers, n.e.c. (7269)
              Precision food production occupations
 686            Butchers and meat cutters (7271)
 687            Bakers (7272)
 588            Food batchmakers (7273,7279)
              Precision inspectors, testers, and related workers
  689           Inspectors, testers, and graders (7281)
  693           Adjusters and calibrators (7282)
              Plant and system operators
  694           Water and sewage treatment plant operators (791)
  695           Power plant operators (pt 793)
  696           Stationary engineers (pt 793,7668)
  689           Miscellaneous plant and system operators (792,
 Operators, Fabricators, and Laborers

 pation     Occupation category


           Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors

           Machine operators and tenders, exoept precision
           Metalworking and plastic working machine operators

 703           Lathe and turning machine set-up operators
 704           Lathe and turning machine operators (7512)
 705           Milling and planing machine operators (7313,
 706           Punching and stamping press machine operators
 707           Rolling machine operators (7316,7516)
 708           Drilling and boring machine operators (7318,7518)
 709           Grinding, abrading, buffing, and polishing machine
                operators (7322,7324,7522)
 713           Forging machine operators (7319,7519)
 714           Numerical control machine operators (7326)
 715           Miscellaneous metal, plastic, stone, and glass
                working machine operators (7329,7529)
 717         Fabricating machine, operators, n.e.c. (7339, 7539)
             Metal and plastic processing machine operators
 719           Molding and casting machine operators (7315,
 723           Metal plating machine operators (7343,7543)
 724           Heat treating equipment operators (7344,7544)
 725           Miscellaneous metal and plastic processing machine
                operators (7349,7549)
             Woodworking machine operators
 726           Wood lathe, routing, and planing machine opera-
                tors (7431,7432,7631,7632)
 727           Sawing machine operators (7433,7633)
 728           Shaping and joining machine operators (7435,
 729           Nailing and tacking machine operators (7636)
 733           Miscellaneous woodworking machine operators
             Printing machine operators
 734           Printing machine operators (7443,7643)
 735           Photoengravers and lithographers (7242,7444,
 736           Typesetters and compositors (7241,7442,7642)
 737           Miscellaneous printing machine operators (pt
                7249, pt 7449,7649)
             Textile, apparel, and furnishings machine operators
 738           Winding and twisting machine operators (7451,
 739           Knitting, looping, taping, and weaving machine
                operators (7452,7652)
 743           Textile cutting machine operators (7654)
 744           Textile sewing machine operators (7655, pt 7656)
 745           Shoe machine operators (pt 7656, pt 7659)
 747           Pressing machine operators (7657)
 748           Laundering and dry cleaning machine operators
 749           Miscellaneous textile machine operators (7453,
                7653, pt 7659)
             Machine operators, assorted materials
 753           Cementing and gluing machine operators (7661)
 754           Packaging and filling machine operators (7462,
 755           Extruding and forming machine operators (7463,
 756           Mixing and blending machine operators (7664)
 757           Separating, filtering, and clarifying machine
                operators (7476,7666,7676)
 758           Compressing and compacting machine operators
 759           Painting and paint spraying machine operators
 763           Roasting and baking machine operators, food
 764           Washing, cleaning, and picking machine operators
 765           Folding machine operators (7474,7674)
 766           Furnace, kiln, and oven operators, exc. food
 768           Crushing and grinding machine operators (7477,
                 pt 7677)
 769           Slicing and cutting machine operators (7478,
 773           Motion picture projectionist, (pt 7679)
 774           Photographic process machine operators (pt
                7263, pt 7679)
 777           Miscellaneous machine operators, n.e.c. (7479,
                7665, pt 7679)
 779           Machine operators, not specified
           Fabricators, assemblers, and hand working occupa-
 783         Welders and cutters (7332,7532,7714)
 784         Solderers and brazers (7333,7533,7717)
 785         Assemblers (772,774)
 786         Hand cutting and trimming occupations (7753)
 787         Hand molding, casting, and forming occupations
 789         Hand painting, coating, and decorating occupations
              (pt 7756)
 793         Hand engraving and printing occupations (7757)
 794         Hand grinding and polishing occupations (7758)
 795         Miscellaneous hand working occupations (7759)
           Production inspectors, testers, samplers, and weighers
 796         Production inspectors, checkers, and examiners 1782,
 797         Production testers (783)
 798         Production samplers and weighers (784)
 799         Graders and sorter, except agricultural (785)

           Transportation and Material Moving Occupations

           Motor vehicle operators
 803         Supervisors, motor vehicle operators (6311)
 Z(804)      Truck drivers, heavy (6412,6413)
 805         Truck drivers, light (6414)
 806         Driver-sales workers (433)
 808         Bus drivers (6415)
 809         Taxi cab drivers and chauffeurs (6416)
 813         Parking lot attendants (6417)
 814         Motor transportation occupations, n.e.c. (6419)
           Transportation occupations, except motor vehicles
             Rail transportation occupations
 823           Railroad conductors and yardmasters (6313)
 824           Locomotive operating occupations 16432)
 825           Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators (6433)
 826           Rail vehicle operators, n.e.c. (6439)
             Water transportation occupations
 828           Ship captains and mates, except fishing boats
 829           Sailors and deckhands (6443)
 833           Marine engineers (6444)
 834           Bridge, lock, and lighthouse tenders (6445)
           Material moving equipment operators
 843         Supervisors, material moving equipment operators
 844         Operating engineers (6512)
 845         Longshore equipment operators (6513)
 848         Hoist and winch operators (6514)
 849         Crane and tower operators (6515)
 853         Excavating and loading machine operators (6516)
 855         Grader, dozer, and scraper operators (6517)
 856         Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators
 866         Miscellaneous material moving equipment operators
              (6519, pt 659)

           Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and Laborers

 863       Supervisors;handlers, equipment cleaners, and laborers
            n.e.c. (pt 711)
 864       Helpers, mechanics and repairers (679)
           Helpers, construction and extractive occupations
 865         Helpers, construction trades (6191-6195,6198)
 866         Helpers, surveyor (6196)
 867         Helpers, extractive occupations (629)
 869       Construction laborers (81)
 873       Production helpers (769, 779)
           Freight, stock, and material movers, hand
 875         Garbage collectors (822)
 876         Stevedores (823)
 877         Stock handlers and baggers (824)
 878         Machine feeders and offbearers (825)
 883         Freight, stock, and material movers, hand, n.e.c.
 885       Garage and service station related occupations (672)
 887       Vehicle washers and equipment cleaners (83)
 888       Hand packers and packagers (841)
 889       Laborers, except construction (842,846, pt 659)


  1Code used when not-reported cases are not allocated.
 Variance estimation

Appendix 6 - Variance Estimation

 Short-Cut Method for Numbers and Percents

 For users who wish to obtain variance estimates for total numbers
 or percentages of women or their pregnancies, there is an easier
 method than replicating estimates.  Formulas are provided in this
 section that will provide suitable estimates for many

 These estimates were derived by designing tables using a number
 of important dependent and independent variables.  Sampling
 errors were calculated for the estimated numbers in these tables.
 The ratios of the variance to the square of the estimated number
 were plotted against the inverse of the estimated number, and a
 weighted least-squares line was fit to those points.  The
 intercept and slope for these lines are given in this report;
 they can be used to estimate the standard errors of percentages
 and weighted numbers from the NSFC.

 To produce approximate standard errors for NSFC estimates, first
 determine the type of characteristic to be estimated, that is,
 the parameter set in table K to be used.  The reader must then
 determine the type of estimate that is needed.  The type of
 estimate corresponds to 3 rules.

 Rule 1.  Estimated number of women or pregnancies - For the
 estimated number of women published in this report, there are two
 cases to consider.  For the first case, if the estimated number
 is any combination of the poststratification cells in table G
 then its value has been adjusted to official U.S.  Bureau of the
 Census figures and its standard error is assumed to be 0.0.  This
 corresponds to parameter set V in table K.  As an example, this
 would be the case for the number of women 15-44 the number of
 black women 15-44, or the number of never married or ever married
 women, the number of women 15-17, 18-19, 20-24, or in any other
 5-year ago group.  Although the race class "white" is not
 specifically adjusted to U.S Bureau of the Census figures, it
 dominates the poststratification "non-black" race class;
 consequently, subgroups of "white" women can be treated as the
 corresponding subgroup of non-black women in table C for the
 purpose of approximating standard errors.

 For the second case, the standard errors for all other estimates
 of numbers of women or pregnancies such as the number of women
 using the pill, are approximated by using the parameters provided
 in table K and formula 1 below.

 If the estimated number x for a characteristic has associated
 parameters a and b, then the approximate standard error for x,
 SE(x), can be computed by the formula

                    2      1/2
         SE(x)=  (ax  + bx)                                      (1)

 See also tables L1-L4, which evaluates this formula at many
 common levels.

 Example of rule 1.  The estimated number of women using the pill
 is 10,734,000.  From table K, parameter set III, the a and b
 parameters for the numbers of women are -0.00018 and 10,738.
 Using formula 1, the estimated standard error is

                                  2                        1/2
         ( (-0. 00018)(10,734,000) + (10,738) (10,734,000))

           = 307,000

 An approximate 95-porcent confidence interval for the number of
 women using the pill is from 10,734 000 +- (1.96) times (307,449)

 Rule 2.  For rates, proportions, and percents when the donomina-
 tor is generated by the poststratification classes (table G) - In
 this case, the denominator has no sampling error.  For example,
 rule 2 would apply to the estimated percent of women using the
 pill in a combination of the poststratification cells.  Approxi-
 mate standard errors for such estimates can be computed using the
 a and b parameters in table K along with formula 2 below.

 If the estimate of a rate, proportion, or percent p is the ratio
 of two estimated numbers p = x/Y (where p may be inflated by 100
 for percents or 1,000 for rates per 1,000 women) , with y having
 no sampling error, then the approximate standard error for p is
 given by the formula

              SE(p) = p (a + b/x)                                (2)

 See also table M1-M2, which evaluates this formula for many
 common values.

 Example of rule 2.  The estimated proportion of all women 15-44
 using the pill in 1988 was 15.6 percent.  From table K, parameter
 set III, the parameters a and b for number of women are -0.00018
 and 10,738, respectively.  Using formula 2, the estimated
 standard error for the percent is

                15.6 ((10.00018) + 10,738/10,734,000))     = 0.4

 An approximate 95-percent confidence interval for the percent of
 women using the pill is 15.6 +- (1.96) (0.4), or 14.8 to 16.4

 Rule 3.  Proportions and percents when the denominator is not
 generated by the poststratification classes - If p represents an
 estimated percent, b is the parameter from table K associated
 with the numerator characteristics, and y is the number of
 persons in the denominator upon which p is based, then the
 standard error of p may be approximated by

         SE(p) =  (bp(100-p)/y)                                  (3)

 (If p is a proportion, then the above formula can be used but
 with 100 replaced by 1.0) - see table P1-P4, which evaluates this
 formula at many common levels.

 Example of rule 3.  An estimated 30.7 percent of contraceptors
 were using the pill in 1988.  This percent is based on the
 denominator estimated of 34,912,000 women using contraception.
 From table K, parameter set X, parameter b associated with health
 status is 3,640.  Using formula (3), the standard error for the
 percent is

        ((10,738)(30.7)(100-30.7)/34,912,000)    = 0.8 percent

 An approximate 95 - percent confidence interval for the percent of
 contraceptors using the pill is 30.7 +- (1.96) (0.8), or 29.1 to
 32.3 percent.

 Hypothesis Tests

   An estimate of the standard error of the difference, X-Y, between
   any two aggregates or percents is given by

                                  2     2 1/2
           5(X-Y)     =        (SX  + SY )
                                 2    2        2    2     1/2
                      =        ((X )RSE (X) + (Y )RSE (Y))

   This expression provides a good estimate of the standard error
   for uncorrelated statistics, but it can be considered only a
   rough approximation otherwise.

   Because estimates from Cycle IV of the National Survey of Family
   Growth are based on a large sample of women and because the
   variance estimates were based upon such a large number of
   replicates (100), the test statistics

                         X - Y
           t   =        ________

   will be approximately normally distributed.  (See Wolter, 1985,
   Appendix B.) Therefore, individual two-tailed significance tests
   of differences between statistics from Cycle IV data can be
   performed with an approximate significance level of alpha by
   computing t and comparing it to the two-tailed 1-alpha critical value
   for the normal distribution.

   Example:  In 1988, 33.92 percent of the pregnancies to black women
   ended before age 20, while for other women the corresponding
   percentage was 18.51.  To test whether this racial difference
   significant at the 0.05 level of significance, compute

                           33.92 - 18.51
           t =   -------------------------------------------------------
                          2         2               2      2        1/2
                  ((33.92)  .  RSE (33.92) + (18.51)  . RSE (18.51))

          Relative standard errors are computed using the
          appropriate values for B from Table K:

          RSE(18.51) =  (13216)(100 - 18.51)/(18.51)(80,842,470)

                     =  0.027

          RSE(33.92) =  ((4407)(100 - 33.92)/(33.92)(14,481,078))

                     =  0.024

                                   33.92 - 18.51
          t =        -------------------------------------------------
                             2        2          2        2  1/2
                     ((33.92)  (0.027)  + (18.51)  (0.044)  )

            = 12.5

 The two-tailed .95 critical value (1 - alpha) for a normal statistic is
 1.96.  Therefore, the difference is significant at the .05 level.


Table K-Estimated Standard Error Parameters for Cycle IV

 Table K.  Estimated standard error parameters for the National
 Survey of Family Growth Cycle IV

 Parameter                                            Estimated parameters
 set                        Characteristic               a              b

 I              Number of pregnancies for           - 0.000047          13216
                total or non-black women

 II             Number of pregnancies for             0.000961           4407
                black women

 III            Number of total or non-             - 0.00018           10738
                black women

 IV             Number of Black women               - 0.000626           5181

 V              Number of women in any                     0               0
                combination of the post-
                stratification cells in
                table C.
Table L1-Approx. Standard Errors for Total or Nonblack Women

 Table L1.      Approximate relative standard errors and standard
                errors for estimated number of total or nonblack
                women:  1988 National Survey of Family Growth

                                  Relative standard              Standard
 Size of estimate                 error (in percent)                error

 100,000                                 32.0                        32,000
 250,000                                 20.4                        51,000
 500,000                                 14.4                        72,000
 1,000,000                               10.2                       102,000
 5,000,000                                4.4                       221,000
 10,000,000                               3.0                       298,000
 20,000,000                               1.9                       377,000
 30,000,000                               1.3                       400,000
 50,000,000                               0.6                       294,000
 58,000,000                               0.2                       131,000
Table L2-Approx. Standard Errors for Number of Black Women

 Table L2.      Approximate relative standard errors standard errors
                and standard errors for estimated number of black
                women:  1988 National Survey of Family Growth

                                  Relative standard              Standard
 Size of estimate                 error (in percent)                error

 100,000                                 22.0                        22,000
 250,000                                 14.0                        35,000
 500,000                                  9.8                        49,000
 1,000,000                                6.7                        67,000
 5,000,000                                2.0                       101,000
 7,500,000                                0.8                        60,000
Table L3-Approx. Standard Errors for Estimated # of Pregnancies

 Table L3.      Approximate relative standard errors and standard
                errors for estimated number of pregnancies to all or
                nonblack women:  1988 National Survey of Family Growth

                                  Relative standard              Standard
 Size of estimate                 error (in percent)                error

 100,000                                 36.0                        36,000
 250,000                                 22.8                        57,000
 500,000                                 16.2                        81,000
 1,000,000                               11.4                       114,000
 5,000,000                                5.1                       254,000
 10,000,000                               3.6                       357,000
 20,000,000                               2.5                       495,000
 30,000,000                               2.0                       595,000
 50,000,000                               1.5                       737,000
 75,000,000                               1.1                       852,000
 100,000,000                              0.9                       922,000
Table L4-Approx. Standard Error for Pregnancies of Black Women

 Table L4.      Approximate relative standard errors and standard
                errors for estimated number of pregnancies to black
                women:  1988 National Survey of Family Growth

                                  Relative standard              Standard
 Size of estimate                 error (in percent)                error

 100,000                                 21.0                        21,000
 250,000                                 14.0                        35,000
 500,000                                  9.8                        49,000
 1,000,000                                7.3                        73,000
 5,000,000                                4.3                       214,000
 10,000,000                               3.7                       374,000
 15,000,000                               3.5                       531,000
Table M1-Approx. Errors of Percents for Total or Nonblack Women

 Table M1.   Approximate standard errors for estimated percents expressed in
             percentage points for numbers of total or non-black women: 1988
             National Survey of Family Growth (numerator but not denominator
             estimated from survey)

                                       Estimated Percent
 of Percent    5      10     20    30     40     50    60     70    90     95

    100,000   1.6     3 3    8.5   9.8   13.1   16.4  19.6  22.9   29.5   31.1
    250,000   1.0     2.1    4.1   6.2    8.3   10.3  12.4  14.5   18.6   19.6
    500,000   0.7     1.5    2.9   4.4    5.8    7.3   8.8  10.2   13.1   13.9
  1,000,000   0.5     1.0    2.1   3.1    4.1    5.1   6.2   7.2    9.2    9.8
  5,000,000   0.2     0.4    0.9   1.3    1.8    2.2   2.7   3.1    4.0    4.2
 10,000,000   0.1     0.3    0.6   0.9    1.2    1.5   1.8   2.1    2.8    2.8
 50,000,000   0.0     0.1    0.1   0.2    0.2    0.3   0.4   0.4    0.6    0.6

Table M2-Approx. Standard Errors for Percents for Black Women

 Table M2.   Approximate standard errors for estimated percents expressed in
             percentage points for numbers of black women: 1988 National
             Survey of Family Growth (numerator but not denominator estimated
             from survey)

                                     Estimated Percent
 of Percent    5    10    20     30     40     50     60     70     90     95

    100,000   1.1   2.3   4.5    6.8    9.0   11.3   13.6   15.8   20.4   21.5
    250,000   0.7   1.4   2.8    4.3    5.7    7.1    8.5    9.9   12.8   13.5
    500,000   0.5   1.0   2.0    3.0    3.9    4.9    5.9    6.9    8.9    9.4
  1,000,000   0.3   0.7   1.3    2.0    2.7    3.4    4.0    4.7    6.4    6.4
  5,000,000   0.1   0.2   0.4    0.6    0.8    1.0    1.2    1.4    1.8    1.9
  7,000,000   0.1   0.1   0.2    0.3    0.4    0.5    0.6    0.7    1.0    1.0

Table P1

 Table P1.   Approximate standard errors for estimated percents expressed in
             percentage points for numbers of total or nonblack women: 1988
             National Survey of Family Growth (Numerater and denominator both
             estimated from survey)

                                        Estimated percent

                    2 or    5 or    10 or    20 or    30 or     40 or
 Base of percent    98      95         90       80       70        60      50
                                 Standard error in percentage points

 100,000             4.6     7.1      9.8     13.1     15.0      16.1     16.4
 250,000             2.9     4.5      6.2      8.3      9.5      10.2     10.4
 500,000             2.1     3.2      4.4      5.9      6.7       7.2      7.3
 1,000,000           1.5     2.3      3.1      4.1      4.7       5.1      5.2
 5,000,000           0.6     1.0      1.4      1.9      2.1       2.3      2.3
 10,000,000          0.5     0.7      1.0      1.3      1.5       1.6      1.6
 20,000,000          0.3     0.5      0.7      0.9      1.1       1.1      1.2
 30,000,000          0.3     0.4      0.6      0.8      0.9       0.9      0.9
 50,000,000          0.2     0.3      0.4      0.6      0.7       0.7      0.7
 58,000,000          0.2     0.3      0.4      0.5      0.6       0.7      0.7

   Example of use of Table P1: If 30 percent of women in a specific
   category were using the pill and the base of that percent was
   10,000,000, then the 30-percent column and the 10,000,000 row
   indicate that 1 standard error is 1.5 percentage points and 2
   standard errors are twice that, or 3.0 percentage points.
   Therefore, a 95 percent confidence interval on the percentage
   would extend from 27.0 to 33.0 percent (30.0 percent plus or
   minus 3.0 percent).  In addition, the relative standard error of
   that 30-percent estimate is 5.0 percent (1.5 percent divided by
   30 percent).

Table P2

 Table P2.   Approximate standard errors for estimated percents expressed in
             percentage points for numbers of black women: 1988 National
             Survey of Family Growth

                                         Estimated percent
                      2 or    5 or    10 or    20 or    30 or    40 or
   Base of percent    98      95         90       80       70       60     50
                                 Standard error in percentage points

 100,000              3.2     5.0      6.8      9.1      10.4     11.2    11.4
 250,000              2.0     3.1      4.3      5.8       6.6      7.1     7.2
 500,000              1.4     2.2      3.1      4.1       4.7      5.0     5.1
 1 , 000,000          1.0     1.6      2.2      2.9       3.3      3.5     3.6
 5 , 000,000          0.5     0.7      1.0      1.3       1.5      1.6     1.6
 7 , 500,000          0.4     0.6      0.8      1.1       1.2      1.3     1.3

Table P3-Approx Standard Errors for Percent of Pregnancies

 Table P3.   Approximate standard errors for estimated percents expressed in
             percentage points for pregnancies to all or nonblack women: 1988
             National Survey of Family Growth

                                       Estimated percent
                     2 or   5 or   10 or    20 or    30 or     40 or
   Base of percent   98     95        90       80       70        60      50
                              Standard error in percentage points

 100,000             5.1    7.9     10.9     14.5      16.7     17.8     18.2
 250,000             3.2    5.0      6.9      9.2      10.5     11.3     11.5
 500,000             2.3    3.5      4.9      6.5       7.5      8.0      8.1
 1,000,000           1.6    2.5      3.4      4.6       5.3      5.6      5.1
 5,000,000           0.7    1.1      1.5      2.1       2.4      2.5      2.6
 10,000,000          0.5    0.8      1.1      1.5       1.7      1.8      1.8
 20,000,000          0.4    0.6      0.8      1.0       1.2      1.3      1.3
 30,000,000          0.3    0.5      0.6      0.8       1.0      1.0      1.0
 50,000,000          0.2    0.4      0.5      0.7       0.7      0.8      0.8
 75,000,000          0.2    0.3      0.4      0.5       0.6      0.7      0.7
 100,000,000         0.2    0.3      0.3      0.5       0.5      0.6      0.6

Approx. Errors for Percent of Pregnancies of Black Women

 Table P4.   Approximate standard errors for estimated percents expressed in
             percentage points for pregnancies to black women: 1988 National
             Survey of Family Growth

                                         Estimated percent
                      2 or    5 or    10 or    20 or    30 or    40 or
   Base of percent    98      95         90       80       70       60    50
                                 Standard error in percentage points

 100,000              2.9     4.6      6.3      8.4      9.6     10.3    10.5
 250,000              1.9     2.9      4.0      5.3      6.1      6.5     6.6
 500,000              1.3     2.0      2.8      3.8      4.3      4.6     4.7
 1,000,000            0.9     1.4      2.0      2.7      3.0      3.3     3.3
 5,000,000            0.4     0.6      0.9      1.2      1.4      1.5     1.5
 10,000,000           0.3     0.5      0.6      0.8      1.0      1.0     1.0
 25,000,000           0.2     0.4      0.5      0.7      0.8      0.8     0.9

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007