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Atomic Reference Data
for Electronic Structure Calculations

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66   Dy   [Xe] 4f10 6s2

Energy   LDA     LSD     RLDA     ScRLDA

Etot = -11637.869664 -11637.977781 -12139.257851 -12128.478118
Ekin = 11633.033352 11633.149447 13272.514677 13043.057325
Ecoul = 4637.607532 4638.134758 4747.510671 4735.651061
Eenuc = -27663.021946 -27663.646414 -29924.229269 -29672.866007
Exc = -245.488603 -245.615571 -235.053929 -234.320497

1s -1843.229585 -1843.219930
-1956.961155 -1959.332269
2s -295.342856 -295.334270
-326.139603 -326.689487
2p -281.558531 -281.549366
3s -65.299442 -65.323920
-72.611166 -72.734443
3p -59.091931 -59.113442
3d -47.486700 -47.499696
4s -12.551251 -12.604100
-14.334942 -14.359219
4p -10.094091 -10.146590
4d -5.686352 -5.738099
4f -0.265302 -0.311560
5s -1.547977 -1.570946
-1.791804 -1.795032
5p -0.903490 -0.921551
6s -0.132769 -0.134379
-0.142773 -0.142758

66   Dy+   [Xe] 4f10 6s1

Energy   LDA     LSD     RLDA     ScRLDA

Etot = -11637.649202 -11637.766379 -12139.021472 -12128.241814
Ekin = 11632.827471 11632.955398 13272.252442 13042.814990
Ecoul = 4622.577412 4623.251758 4731.910398 4720.033258
Eenuc = -27647.713000 -27648.494957 -29908.280813 -29656.920173
Exc = -245.341085 -245.478579 -234.903500 -234.169889

1s -1843.460613 -1843.448783
-1957.201385 -1959.572590
2s -295.573193 -295.562446
-326.378437 -326.928556
2p -281.788971 -281.777627
3s -65.529058 -65.551408
-72.848579 -72.972145
3p -59.321580 -59.340963
3d -47.716434 -47.727303
4s -12.781258 -12.831956
-14.572908 -14.597486
4p -10.324136 -10.374494
4d -5.916476 -5.966112
4f -0.495373 -0.539820
5s -1.778451 -1.800069
-2.033135 -2.036614
5p -1.132824 -1.150298
6s -0.311865 -0.323731
-0.334018 -0.334094

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